Summary of GCD in the preparatory group on the topic: Kindergarten. Abstract of the educational activity “We are researchers” (preparatory group) Preparatory group of kindergarten

Lesson summary for the preparatory school group “Getting to know school”

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Description: The material will be of interest to educators and teachers additional education. For children of senior preschool age.

Target: development of cognitive abilities.
- expand vocabulary children on the topic “school”;
- develop cognitive processes(elements logical thinking, memory, auditory and visual attention), coherent speech;
- educate preschoolers to be positive emotional attitude to yourself, to others and to school;
- develop independence, the ability to work in a team, and the ability to negotiate.
Preliminary work.
- Memorizing poems, proverbs, asking riddles at school and school supplies.
- Reading fiction, conversations, looking at illustrations on the topic, learning outdoor games.
Pictures about school, pictures of schoolchildren, a disk with music about school.
Prizes: chocolate medals.

Progress of the lesson:
Educator: Guys, you are already children of the preparatory group. What does this mean?
Educator: That's right, soon you will go to school and will be schoolchildren.
Listen to a poem about school.
What is school

School is a bright house,
We will study in it.
There we will learn to write,
Add and multiply.
We learn a lot at school:
About your beloved land,
About mountains and oceans,
About continents and countries;
And where do the rivers flow?
And what were the Greeks like?
And what kind of seas are there?
And how the Earth rotates.
The school has workshops...
There are countless interesting things to do!
And the call is fun.
That's what "school" means!
Educator: But in order to go to school, you need to find out what you know you can do. Do you think school is different from kindergarten?
Educator: What should you do when you enter the classroom?
Educator: That's right, and our guys prepared poems.

Child: These wonderful words
Everyone is very happy to hear.
Adults and children grow kinder,
And they rush to smile at everyone.
Child: I'll meet you new conversation,
We'll start with "Hello."
A friend suddenly came for lunch -
Let's say "Hello" to him.
Child:“Good evening”, “Good afternoon”,
We are all not too lazy to talk!
“Good morning” we will say
Waking up in the morning, mom.
Educator: Do you think school rules are different from kindergarten rules?
Educator: Tell me your address, the address of your kindergarten?

Educator: How should you behave at school?
Educator: Tell us what you know about the school? How do you know when class starts?
Educator: And after the lesson, what do the children do?
Educator: That's right, they rest during recess. So I suggest you rest a little.

You can run and make noise (children run in place)
Recess, recess (children stand in a circle, clap their hands)
Take a good rest (kids jumping up and down)
Dance and sing songs (children dance)
You can sit down and be silent (they squat and become quiet)
Just - mind you! You can't be bored! (jump up)
Educator: Who works at the school?
Educator: What does the teacher do?
Educator: Well, let's go to school and start studying?
Educator: Your first task, you have cubes with letters on your tables. Try to put words out of them that are familiar to you.
The children are posting.

Educator: Now tell me the letters that make up the word SCHOOL.
Educator: Let's assemble this word from cubes. Each child collects one specific letter (we distribute the letters before work).

Educator: Look, there are pictures on the board, you need to find objects that start with the same letter.
Game: “Find words starting with the letter...”.

Educator: And now everyone stood up together, pricked up their ears and repeated the physical exercise (we repeat the movements according to the text).
We will all stand together now,
Let's all rest at the rest stop.
Turn right, turn left,
Bend over, rise up,
Paws up and paws to the side,
And jump and jump on the spot!
And now we’re skipping.
Well done, my bunnies!
Slow down the bunnies' pace,
And stand still! Like this!
And now we will sit down together:
We still need to work!
Educator: And now I’m reading riddles,
And I’ll count the answers.

- Multi-colored noses
They follow the paper themselves.
Their drawings are good.
What is this? (Pencils)
- He teaches me to read
From the letter A to the letter Z,
It is not an atlas, not a dictionary,
What's his name? (primer)
- It has become a home for little hands.
It's called... (pencil case)
- We sat down at our desks together,
Mouths shut:
During recess we made noise,
And now we have... (lesson)
- Notebooks and pens, textbook, sharpener -
In the evening, collect everything and check it.
After all, you are going to school, not fishing,
Therefore, it must be collected... (briefcase)
- We will open a wonderland,
And we will meet the heroes.
In the lines
On the leaves,
Where are the stations at the points. (book)
Educator: Since you are already future schoolchildren, I want to listen to your short stories on the topic: “From the window, from the window - our school is visible.”
Children write short stories.
Educator: There are houses on the easel, and in each house there is a window, we need to place a figure in this window. You also have houses on your tables with certain figures and windows.
Game: "Find your house."

Educator: Let's play a game "One is many."
I name one object, and you name many objects. For example: pencil - pencils.
Pen - …,
Ruler - …,
Eraser - ...,
Desk -…,
Student - …,
Deuce -...,
Letter -...etc.
Educator: You seem to know the letters and remember your school supplies, but can you count? I offer you some puzzles for your mind.
There is 1 boy sitting at the desk, and 1 girl is sitting next to him. How many children are sitting at a desk?
Educator: There were 3 apples, they were divided in half. How many people can apples feed?
Educator: We need a red pencil blue and green. How many pencils did we take?
Educator: Physical exercise “Soon to school”
We'll be going to school soon (walking)
And we’ll take the briefcase with us (rhythmic clapping)
At school we will read (turn heads to the right, left)
At school we will write (fingers say hello)
And study all the best! (show 5 fingers)
Educator: Let's consolidate the material covered. I ask questions and you answer “Yes” or “No.”

- Do we go to school to play?
- Or get straight A's?
- Shall we sleep during class?
- Or play with dolls?
- Will we offend our friends?
- Will we respect teachers?
- Shall we give the diary to the teacher?
- Will we read every day?
- Shall we rest during the break?
- And we will start studying again?
Educator: I liked the way you worked today. Listen to the poem.
Child: Everyone will say goodbye
When leaving, “Goodbye” to everyone.
It's time for a friend to leave -
We'll say "Bye" to him.
Educator: So we say “Goodbye” to our lesson today, I thank you for the lesson and give everyone medals, although only chocolate ones for now.
Independent activities of children on the topic “School”.

Target: formation of the foundations of respectful attitude towards employees kindergarten.


— enrich children’s ideas about the purpose of kindergarten and the functions of different rooms;

- create a desire to talk about life in your kindergarten;

- promote independent application of acquired knowledge in gaming and speech activities.

Equipment: a voice recorder, cards-symbols, pre-drawn by children, to indicate rooms, offices, activities, a magazine cover, sheets of paper of the same size, but different colors, photo of a kindergarten, printed board game “What We Like to Play,” colored pencils, black and white outline pictures depicting what is taught in kindergarten.

GCD move

Educator. Guys, a young artist has turned to you for help. He needs to draw illustrations for a book about kindergarten. But here's the problem: he never went to kindergarten, so he's not sure that he can do it correctly. IN general outline he imagines what a kindergarten is: it is a house where preschool children are raised, and a lot of interesting things happen here. But he doesn’t know what games they play in kindergarten, what children like to do. It was no coincidence that the young artist turned to you for help: he heard that your kindergarten is very interesting, you really like to play different games Enjoy your classes. He thinks that you will definitely help him. Guys, are you ready to help the artist?

Children. Yes.

Educator. Well done guys, I'm very glad that you are ready to help him. If the artist does not know what children do in kindergarten, he will not be able to draw pictures so that, looking at them, everyone will immediately understand: this is a book about kindergarten. Guys, how can you help an artist?

Children. You can pick up pictures, books, write down our stories about what we do in kindergarten.

Educator. Guys, how can you tell us about what we do in kindergarten?

Children. You can write a letter, send our drawings about the kindergarten, photographs about our group, make a newspaper, a magazine about the kindergarten.

Educator. Well done, how well you came up with everything! I propose to make a magazine with photographs and drawings, which we will give to the artist. Today we will begin to design it. The cover for our future magazine is already ready. (Shows the children a colorfully designed cover.) But these pages (shows the children sheets of paper of the same size, but different colors) are still empty and we will start filling them out today in class. What do you think can be placed on the first page?

Children. Photos of our kindergarten, our group.

The teacher invites the children to choose a photo of the kindergarten and place it on the first page of the magazine. Helps children glue it.

Educator. Guys, what poems do you know about our kindergarten?

At the suggestion of the teacher, the children recite a poem.

There is a special garden in the world,

Not the trees in it, but the children,

It's for little kids

And it's called a kindergarten.

It's just a good home

Where we live happily.

Teachers and nannies

All day, of course, with us.

It's beautiful and light here,

And cozy and warm,

And around are friends, girlfriends,

There are books and toys.

We play and draw

We listen to fairy tales, dance,

And from clay on a tablet

We sculpt different people.

And, of course, day after day

We are growing little by little,

The day will come - and for the first time

We're going to our first class!

L. Kuzmina

Guys, why is this poem comparing a kindergarten to a good home?

Children. Here we play with friends, walk, listen interesting stories and fairy tales, it’s good and fun here.

Educator. Yes, guys, to feel at home means good, free, joyful. Home is a place where we are expected, where we are welcome and always ready to help difficult moment. A kindergarten is a home where preschool children are raised. In kindergarten, a person becomes educated and cultured; a lot of interesting things happen in it that allows you to learn the world around us. Let's all sing a song about our beloved kindergarten together.

Children perform the song “Kindergarten” (music and lyrics by S. Solodova).

Game “What We Like to Play”

Each child receives a sheet of A4 paper on which 9 pictures are drawn in black and white depicting the following types of games: sports, role-playing games, board games, games with building materials, Lego, theatrical games, games with paper, verbal games With natural material, mobile. A version of such a game task can be taken from the book by E.V. Kolesnikova “Portfolio of a preschooler 5-7 years old” (M., 2009). You need to color pictures of a game that children love to play in kindergarten.

After completing the task, the teacher talks with the children about the content of the pictures and summarizes: “The children in the group play different games. In some games they learn to distinguish colors and shapes; in others - to assemble a mosaic; thirdly, compare objects by size. Children love to play house, school, hospital, border guards because they want to be like adults.”

Educator. Guys, do you think the pictures you colored with stories about your favorite games will help the artist design a book about kindergarten?

Children. Yes.

Educator. Do you want to play your favorite game?

Children. Yes.

A low-mobility game is played at the request of the children.

Educator. Guys, how can we talk about the premises and classrooms of a kindergarten in our book?

Children. We can draw them, post our stories, take photographs.

Educator. I propose to photograph the most interesting places in our kindergarten, and then arrange them together with your stories in a magazine. Tell me, what are we going to photograph?

Children list the rooms and classrooms available in the kindergarten, and the teacher displays symbol cards that they previously drew.

Look carefully at the cards, have we forgotten anything?

The teacher shows the cards one by one, and the children name what it is: the gym and music halls, the group, the bedroom, the offices of the head, the methodologist, the speech therapist, the Russian Izba museum, the kitchen, the laundry room, the group area on the street, the sports ground, the vegetable garden.

We agreed that we will take photographs, but we still need to tell you about these rooms and offices. Who wants to do this? I will write down your stories.

Children choose symbol cards and talk about the premises of the kindergarten.

Well done guys, you came up with interesting stories about kindergarten! Now we'll play a game.

Game "Guess Where I Am"

One child uses his movements to “tell” about the room of the kindergarten where he likes to be the most, but does not name it. The rest must guess what room we are talking about.

Educator. Guys, let's think about how we can interestingly tell in a book about the classes that are held in our group every day, and about what children are taught in class.

Children. We can come up with stories about our favorite activities, make drawings, and select photographs.

Educator. I suggest coloring pictures that depict what is taught in kindergarten.

Game "Activities in kindergarten"

Each child has a sheet of paper with black and white outline pictures depicting what is taught in kindergarten classes: playing with children; care for plants and animals; do physical exercise; sing and dance; draw, sculpt, make appliqués; retell fairy tales, read poetry; make up stories based on pictures; count, read; dress, undress, put things away. A version of such a game task can be taken from the book by E.V. Kolesnikova “Portfolio of a preschooler 5-7 years old” (M., 2009). Children color a picture that depicts their favorite activity.

After completing the task, he talks with the children about the content of the pictures.

Educator. Guys, look what wonderful pages we made for our book!

Reviews them with children.

Today, after a nap, we will photograph the most interesting places in the kindergarten and continue designing our magazine, and then send it by mail to the artist. I think that with his help he will be able to draw interesting pictures for a book about kindergarten. I would like to end today’s lesson with a wonderful song about kindergarten - our second home.

The children all sing a song about kindergarten together.

Continuation: “What groups are there in kindergarten?”

This article will talk about the last group of kindergarten - preparatory. Examples of classes and work are given.

Part Five: Preparatory Group

● Kindergarten groups. Preparatory group.


Kindergarten preparatory group

The preparatory group is attended by children aged 6 to 7 years. The group is open every day, except Saturday and Sunday, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

This is the last year of kindergarten. Last year before school.

Children are actively preparing to enter first grade. They do reading, literature, mathematics, drawing, and physical education. Teachers introduce children to the basics traffic and behavior on the street.

An effective remedy To further develop children's abilities, comprehensive classes are provided.

Their distinctive feature is a combination various types activities in one lesson, which eliminates the conflict between the mobile nature of the preschooler and the process of acquiring new information.

Full-fledged theatrical performances are organized, with music and dancing.
Graduation party in preparatory group marks the end of the period in kindergarten.

What do children do in the preparatory group of kindergarten?

The daily routine, as in other groups, is scheduled hourly. Children take this routine for granted and try to stick to their routine at home.

Daily routine:

  • - Children are brought to kindergarten and changed.
  • - independent activity until the group is fully assembled
  • - conducting morning exercises;
  • - breakfast;
  • - independent games
  • - classes on previously prepared topics, according to the methodological plan
  • - walk in the fresh air
  • - dinner;
  • - afternoon nap;
  • - lifting, water procedures;
  • - afternoon snack;
  • - independent games
  • - a walk in the fresh air;
  • - dinner;
  • - returning home.

* As you can see, staying in the last, most senior group does not violate the previously established order. Children study and go out as usual, but unlike previous groups, here the main emphasis is on intensive training in subjects such as mathematics, literature, and the world around us.

Children are taught how to be on the street, what a traffic light is, learn the basics of traffic rules, etc.

Information for parents

  • Many parents think about the question at what age is it optimal to send their child to school - from 6 or from 7 years old?

As for child psychologists, most agree that the child should be prepared for school, both physically and mentally.

If you think that he is not ready enough, do not rush to give up your child at 6 years old. It is better to extend the period of study in kindergarten in the preparatory group and send them to school at the age of 7. This will allow you to avoid psycho-emotional stress when starting your studies prematurely.

* In the photo: mathematics classes in the preparatory group of a kindergarten.

Age characteristics of children from 6 to 7 years old

At this age, a child has a desire to learn something useful and interesting.

The classes that take place during this period are perceived as an exciting game in which the child strives to show his parents and educators how capable he is. He strives to distinguish himself and achieve recognition of his qualities.

During this period, parents and educators do not need to skimp on invitations in order to show the child that they value his successes.

Based on these praises, the child’s self-esteem grows.

The possibilities of intellectual activity increase noticeably. The child’s ideas about the world become broader, more diverse and more generalized.

Continued on next page.





MBDOU "General developmental kindergarten No. 115"

Pedagogical project in the preparatory group

"We are Russians"

The teachers completed:

Tkacheva T.Yu.

Belyaeva T.A.

Voronezh 2018

MBDOU "General developmental kindergarten No. 115"

Pedagogical project

"We are Russians"

In the preparatory group


Nurturing the moral and patriotic qualities of children of senior preschool age, developing interest in the history and culture of Russia.


Expand and deepen children’s knowledge about their country, hometown, and cities of Russia. Develop interest in Russian traditions and crafts. To cultivate in children love and affection for family, home, kindergarten, native land, Homeland; cultivate pride and respect for the defenders of the Fatherland. Develop memory, attention, thinking, creativity, communication skills.

Timing and stages of implementation.

I Preparatory stage

1 Setting goals and objectives.

2 Project planning.

3 Studying methodological literature.

II Project development

1 Selection of methodological literature.

2 Choosing a form of work with children and parents.

3 Selection of main activities.

4 Determining the scope and content of work for project implementation.

5 Definition and formulation of expected results.

I II Project implementation

1 Creation of a card index: “Poems about Russia”, “Poems about Voronezh”, “Poems about folk applied art”, “Russian folk games”, “Proverbs and sayings”; Photo albums: “My city”, “The Kremlin”, “Military equipment of Russia”, “Oh, how good life is in the kindergarten”, “Migratory birds of Russia”, “Count reserve”, “Russian” folk costume", "Costumes of the peoples of Russia".

2 Exhibitions of children's works: “My City”, “Russian Flag”, “Matryoshka”, “Gorodets”, “Gzhel”, “Dymkovo Toy”.

3 Creation of a subject-developing environment: “My Russia”, “My City”, “My Family”, “Folk Applied Arts”, “Folk Musical Instruments”, “Visiting a Fairy Tale”.

4 Consultations for parents

5 Participation in competitions

6 Help in preparing holidays and entertainment

Presentation of the project “We are Russians”

Project participants:




Project implementation period:

Project type:




Long term

Expected result

For children:

Children feel proud of their country and are interested in the history of their homeland.

They know the traditions of their native people, the symbols of Russia, the history of their small homeland.

Children have a deeper knowledge of Voronezh.

For parents:

Parents began to understand the importance of instilling patriotic qualities in preschool age.

For teachers:

Increasing the level of teaching skills.

Relevance of the project

Patriotic education is an urgent problem in educating the younger generation.

A child is not born a patriot, he becomes one. Patriotism is love for one’s family, one’s native land, one’s country, a sense of pride and responsibility for one’s native country, the desire to be part of a great country.

A.N. Tolstoy said: “Patriotism does not mean only love for one’s homeland. This is much more... This is the consciousness of one’s inalienability from one’s homeland and an integral experience with it of its happy and unhappy days.”

Raising patriotism is not a simple and continuous process; much depends on the child’s environment, on what is ingrained in the child’s consciousness from childhood. Not every parent considers it necessary to tell their child about their native country, their ancestors, naively thinking that small child doesn't understand anything about it. Therefore, the role of preschool education in instilling patriotism in children is very important, since it is at preschool age that a person’s moral qualities are formed.

Long-term work plan for project implementation


Block I – Family. Kindergarten.


"My Family Traditions"

“The child’s rights to a name”

"My mommy"

"My favorite kindergarten"

Looking at photo albums and illustrations: Photo albums with family photographs, “Oh, how good life is in kindergarten.”

Y. Akim “My Relatives”, V. Dragunsky “My Sister Ksenia”, Z. Alexandrova “Let’s Sit in Silence”, Nenets folk tale “Cuckoo”, “Ayoga”, memorization of poems, proverbs, sayings about family.

Artistic creativity:

Drawing "The House I Live In", "My Family"

Application “Vegetables for the winter”

Entertainment: “Our dearest grandparents”

D/games “Who is older?”, “Whose birthday is it today?”, exercises “Who are you to your parents?”, “Who are you to your grandmother?”

Role-playing games“Family”, “Mothers and Daughters”.

Finger gymnastics:“Friendly family”, “Our apartment”, “Many mothers in this world”

Tabletop theater:"The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats"

Descriptive story:"My mom"

Outdoor games:

RNI "Pie"

RNI "Burners"

RNI "Carousel"

Working with parents:


“Family traditions in raising preschool children”

Parent meeting:"Getting ready for school"


II Block Small Motherland


"Older People's Day"

"My city"

« Voronezh region»

"Voronezh poets"

Looking at illustrations and photo albums: Books by A.V. Koltsova, I. S. Nikitina, examination of the symbols of the city of Voronezh, photo album “Migratory Birds of Russia”, “Voronezh”, “Pets of the Count’s Reserve”

Artistic creativity:

Application "Coat of arms of Voronezh"

Drawing based on poems by A.V. Koltsova

Modeling "Harvest in my garden"

Reading fiction:A.V. Koltsov “The Plowman’s Song”, I.S. Nikitin "Poems"

Finger gymnastics:“Our apartment”, “Building a house”

D/games: “House, street, city”, “Fence”, “House”

Outdoor games:

RNI "Sovushka"

RNI "Golden Gate"

RNI “I walk with the vine”

Descriptive story:"The House Where I Live"

Working with parents:


“The role of the family in instilling patriotic feelings in preschoolers.”

Crafts exhibition“What autumn gave us”


III Block Russia


"The history of the emergence of Russia"

"State symbols of Russia"

"President of Russia"

"Wealth of Russia"

Photo album “Russia is my country”, Map of Russia, illustrations “Animals of Russia”, “Russian Air Force”, “Symbols of the Russian Federation”, “Rulers of Russia”.

Artistic creativity:

Application peas + drawing “Russian Flag”

Drawing "Kremlin"

Drawing based on fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin

Reading fiction:Russian folk tales “Little Little One”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”. A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, reading and learning poems about Russia

Finger gymnastics: “Hello, my Motherland”, “Building a house”

D/games: “What are we doing?”, “Russian flag”, “Pick a sign”

Outdoor games:

RNI “Burners with a handkerchief”

RNI "Grandfather - Horn"

Round dance game “Flight of Birds”

Working with parents:


“The role of parents in instilling patriotic feelings in preschool children”



“Moscow is the capital of Russia”

"Kremlin Towers"

"History of the holiday New Year»

"Holidays are fun"

Viewing illustrations and photo albums:Red Book of Russia, postcards on the theme “New Year”, “Russian folk costume”, “Wintering birds of Russia”, work with a globe.

Artistic creativity:

Drawing "New Year"

Origami “Christmas tree”

Scratch – "Winter in the Village"

GCD: “Russia is my Motherland”

Reading fiction:Reading Russians folk tales, reading and learning poems about New Year's holiday, winter.

Finger gymnastics:“Dressing up the Christmas tree”, “Winter has finally come”»

D/games: “What are we doing”, “Pick a sign”

Outdoor games:

RNI "Pie"

RNI "Geese - Swans"

RNI "Two Frosts"

Holiday: "New Year at the Gate"

Working with parents:


“The role of parents in the formation of patriotic feelings”

New Year's exhibition " Christmas tree toy »


III Block Folk Art


"Folk Crafts"

"Oral folk art"

"Russian nesting doll"

"Round dance games in Rus'"

Viewing illustrations and photo albums:Illustrations “Folk crafts” (Khokhloma, Gzhel, Dymkovo toy, Gorodets painting), “Russian nesting doll”, “Russian folk costume”, “Costumes of the peoples of Russia”.

Artistic creativity:

Drawing “Jug painted with Gzhel”, “Gorodets board”,

Application “Dymkovo young lady”,

GCD: “Let’s decorate a sundress for the nesting doll”

Reading fiction:RNS “Sivka Burka”, “Vasilisa the Beautiful”, N. Teleshova “Krupenichka”

Finger gymnastics:"Matryoshka"

D/games: “What is what?”, “Find the extra one,” “What kind of curl is this?”

Outdoor games:

RNI "Burn, Burn Clear"

RNI "Golden Gate"

RNI "Rucheyok"

Working with parents:



IV Block Defenders of the Fatherland. Carnival.


"Defender of the Fatherland Day"


"Our native army"

"Oil Week"

Viewing illustrations and photo albums:"Military equipment", " Armed forces Russian Federation", "Russian Air Force", "Orders and Medals of Russia", "Maslenitsa Holiday"

GCD: “Travel to Russia”

Artistic creativity:

Drawing : “Portrait of the Defender of the Fatherland.”

Application "Postcard for Dad"

Cut-off applique:"Sun"

Reading fiction:Learning poems and songs about the army and military. Reading chapters from Alekseev’s book “One Hundred Stories about War”, Y. Koval’s story “On the Border”, Y. Dlugolensky “What Soldiers Can Do”, reading and learning poems, proverbs and sayings about Maslenitsa.


Finger gymnastics:"Stand by", "Captain"

D/games: “Who needs what”, “Name the troops.”

S/r games: " Border Guards”, “Tankmen”, “Pilots”, “Military Parade”, “We Are Sailors”.

Outdoor games: “Who will deliver the report to headquarters faster”, “The most accurate”, “The bravest”, “Scouts”

RNI "Golden Gate"

RNI "Boyare"

Holidays : “Defender of the Fatherland Day”, “Maslenitsa”

Working with parents:


"The Child and His Homeland"

Project presentation:"We are Russians"

Project results:

During the course of the project, the guys became interested in the history of their country and are proud of Russia. We studied the history of our hometown more deeply. The children got acquainted with the history of Russia, the formation of the state, they know the first tsar and presidents, the children’s knowledge of the peoples living on the territory of Russia expanded, and they consolidated their knowledge of symbolism Russian Federation, its meaning. The children's knowledge about the capital of Russia, cultural monuments expanded, they studied the Kremlin and its towers in more detail - from which they got their name. The children enjoyed studying the map of Russia, looking for various cities, studying animals living on the territory of the Russian Federation, with the help of the Red Book of Russia. The children got acquainted with endangered species of animals. We enjoyed studying Gzhel painting, Khokhloma painting, Dymkovo painting, and expanding our knowledge about the matryoshka doll. We continued our acquaintance with oral folk art, Russian folk instruments, Consolidated knowledge about Russian folk holidays and about public holidays Russia. Together with parents, I expanded the subject-development environment. Parents took an active part in the implementation of the project.

Literature used:

1. N.V. Aleshina “Introducing preschoolers to their hometown and country.”

2. Erokhina E.L., Kruglova T.A. “State symbols of Russia. Flag; coat of arms, anthem."

3. Knyazeva O.L., Makhaneva M.D. Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture: Program. Educational and methodological manual. – 2nd ed., revised. and additional – St. Petersburg: childhood-Press, 2000.

4.Aleshina N.V. Familiarization of preschoolers with the environment and social reality. Preparatory group.

5. Gerbova V.V. Speech development in kindergarten. Preparatory group for school. - M.: MOSAIKA - SYNTHESIS, 2014.

6. Dybina O.V. Familiarization with the subject and social environment. Preparatory group. - M.: MOSAIC - SYNTHESIS, 2015.

7.Kondrykinskaya L.A. Classes on patriotic education in preschool educational institution. - M.: Sphere shopping center, 2013. (Series “Together with children.”)

8. Komarova T.S. Visual arts classes in a preparatory kindergarten group. – M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2011.

Elena Yurievna Alexandrova
Preparatory group in kindergarten

Preparatory group in kindergarten

I would like to tell you my story of teaching activity...

It all started when, while still a schoolgirl, I began to be interested in natural sciences. And at the end of school, my fate was already predetermined... And the choice fell on the Pedagogical University, the Institute of Ecology and Geography.

...As fate would have it, after working at school for a relatively short time, I decided to change my specialty. And this time fate connected me with preschool education.

Having started working in an area unknown to me, I had to deal with caution, mistrust and misunderstandings from my parents.

And this was expressed in the fact that the parents did not know what it actually meant kindergarten. Many thought that children's the garden will play a minor role in the formation of a future personality, and therefore did not pay special attention. And they didn’t even mean that in kindergarten is conducted intensive and huge work with children.

But it is here, among children's group, the child learns to perceive the world around him as his own with children's eyes, and not through the prism of parents. IN kindergarten children take the first steps of independence and self-discipline, learn to adapt to the routine, and get used to a certain rhythm of life. And this is a definite plus. After all, such systematicity accustoms even the most eccentric child to neatness, precision and order.

And in the event of a violation of the daily routine, that is, delays in eating, sleeping, walking... All this can negatively affect the nervous system of children. And they, in turn, become lethargic or, conversely, excited, begin to be capricious, lose their appetite, have trouble falling asleep and sleep restlessly.

Therefore, let's take a closer look at what awaits your baby in preparatory group.

As already mentioned, children get used to a certain daily routine, which is carried out every day strictly according to graphics:

reception of children, independent activities;

morning exercises;

walk in the fresh air;

returning from a walk, independent activity;

daytime nap;

gradual rise, hardening procedures;

games, independent activities;


returning from a walk;

going home.

Let's take a closer look at the daily routine in preparatory group.

1. Reception of children, independent activities.

During the morning reception we try to create good mood, both the child and his parents. Please note: appearance and to greet children. The teacher is obliged to make sure that everyone finds interesting activities and does not interfere with other children. If the child could not choose an activity on his own, the teacher should help to him: connect to children playing, help in choosing toys, or give the child some specific assignment.

organization of washing small groups of children. You need to ensure that children wash their hands carefully without splashing water. And most importantly, you need to ensure that children use only their own towel and carefully hang it in its place after washing.

3. Breakfast

What can we say about nutrition... Any nutritionist will confirm that

Proper eating at the same time promotes the growth of a healthy body.

During the meal, the teacher must control the children’s posture and try to ensure that the children eat all the food offered. Thus, developing cultural and hygienic eating habits.

4. Games, preparation for class

Conducted individual work with children, talking about their family.

Before the lesson, it makes sense to conduct an average game with the children.

mobility - for dexterity or coordination.

5. Lesson

Classes with children of senior preschool age are primarily aimed at developing the abilities that they will need when entering school. As a rule, children are raised and educated through games.

One of the main tasks is to educate children native language, literacy, as well as speech development and verbal communication. In classes, preschoolers are taught to delve into and understand the teacher’s speech, reflect their acquired knowledge in speech, highlight the characteristics of objects, and group items based on general characteristics. In addition, children learn reading, writing, counting, and also train memory, logic and attention.

An important role in preschool development child plays physical education leisure time. In the process of physical preparation Children's motor experience is accumulated and enriched, physical qualities such as strength, speed, flexibility, endurance, dexterity, and coordination of movements develop.

In older preschool age, special attention is paid to group work. Children are engaged in artistic and productive activities, musical activity, work with paper, salt dough or other natural material. All this and much more contributes to the development of creative abilities.

Of course, children will not only enjoy activities, but also fun walks and entertainment.

6. Walk in the fresh air

During preparation For the walk, children are given detailed instructions on

upcoming activities - group must be put in order before leaving; Remind children of the rules for the dressing room. The teacher must control the dressing sequence before going for a walk. It is also worth drawing children's attention to their appearance. During preparation Before the walk, the teacher eliminates the children’s obvious mistakes in the process of dressing.

During the walk, the teacher observes the content of the games and the relationships between the children in these games. During the walk, outdoor games are played, and children are also involved in cleaning the area.

It is worth organizing observations of living and inanimate nature. Before leaving the walk, children are given instructions for the upcoming activity - from putting the area in order to entering group.

7. Return from a walk and lunch

See paragraph "Breakfast"

8. Daytime nap

In progress preparation the teacher watches the bedtime discipline:

Children should not be distracted by unnecessary games, conversations, or make noise.

The bedroom environment should be calm and relaxing. Are brought up - careful attitude to things, neatness, positive attitude to daytime sleep.

9. Gradual rise, hardening procedures

Everyone knows that hardening is beneficial for all ages. But hardening has a special effect on preschool children. Tempered children's the body adapts more easily to unfavorable conditions, immunity increases, resistance to oxygen deficiency increases, and it also normalizes the state of the nervous system and strengthens it.

Hardening children consists of a system of activities that include elements of hardening in everyday life. life: air baths, sunbathing, water treatments, properly organized walks are part of physical education.

We carry out hardening through the complex influence of natural factors (sun, air, water).

In our work after a nap we use a combination

hardening the feet with cool water and walking on tactile paths to prevent flat feet.

After hardening, the teacher monitors the discipline and order of dressing of children in the bedroom. Independence and accuracy are fostered.

10. Afternoon snack

See paragraph "Breakfast"

11. Games, independent activities

See paragraph "Games and preparation for classes»

12. Walk and return from a walk

See paragraph "Walk and return from a walk"

See paragraph "Breakfast"

14. Going home

Parents should be informed about the child's progress in

group, it is necessary to demonstrate the children's work. The teacher also informs parents about problems and ways to solve them. It is necessary to remind the child about the rules of good manners; the child must say goodbye to the children and the teacher.

Having considered the daily routine, it is worth adding that one of the many factors in the development of children is, of course, preschool education. However, we should not forget that the process of a child acquiring new knowledge cannot do without the active participation of parents, because the teacher will not be able to correct the child’s behavior without knowing his specific behavior in the family.

Therefore, working with parents in older preschool age is an important factor in the effective upbringing of a child.

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