Gray clay masks. Choose clay and make a clay face mask

1098 03/08/2019 8 min.

Dry skin is prone to redness and flaking, and in some cases, improper care can cause the first expression lines to appear. That is why it is so important to choose delicate cosmetics that will restore the water-lipid balance of the skin. In this case, facial clay has become one of the most effective ways to maintain the beauty and youth of the skin.

Regular use of clay masks helps to intensively saturate the dermis with beneficial microelements, thereby improving the appearance of dehydrated epithelium. Which types are best suited for the dry type, and what you should pay attention to when choosing clay - we will answer these and other questions for readers in this article.

Which one is suitable for dry skin

When giving preference to one type or another, do not forget to take into account two important factors:

  1. Clay deposit. The area where the rock was mined must comply with environmental standards. Only clay that does not contain harmful toxic substances and heavy metals will be useful.
  2. Product composition. Some manufacturers sin by producing low-quality clay, giving the powder the desired shade through various chemical dyes. Such products not only cause harm, but also stain the skin, after which it is necessary to cleanse the face in other additional ways.

Pay special attention to the composition of the clay from which you make cosmetics.


A successful combination of two powders is used as a delicate scrub. Clay peeling cleanses clogged pores, thereby eliminating problematic skin from comedones, blackheads, and various skin rashes.

Masks based on pink clay tone the skin well and affect blood flow in the upper layers.


It affects very deep layers of the dermis, resulting in thorough cleansing of the skin. Green clay is very popular in cosmetology. You can learn more about the properties and uses of green clay.

Green clay masks demonstrate several effects at once:

  • tighten aging mature skin;
  • intensively nourish dehydrated epidermal cells;
  • have a tonic effect.

The healing properties of green clay allow you to restore the natural hydrolipid balance of the skin, nourish cells with useful substances and smooth out fine wrinkles.

Cosmetic clay should not be diluted in metal containers. During the mixing process, the metal reacts with the powder, which negatively affects the subsequent effect of the cosmetic procedure.


Based on gray clay, various masks and creams are produced that have a pronounced lifting effect. Systematic use of such products promotes skin rejuvenation, relieves puffiness and improves complexion. The delicate consistency of gray clay absolutely painlessly cleanses the skin of impurities, and the potassium and zinc contained in it help actively remove harmful toxins.

Despite this, gray clay has managed to gain popularity in the cosmetology industry due to its concentrated composition and effective anti-aging effect.

Gray clay is considered the rarest type, since the rock is mined at the bottom of the sea.


It got its name due to the yellow tint of the rock, which was formed due to the presence of potassium and iron in the composition. These microelements have pronounced antioxidant properties and also remove toxic substances from epidermal cells.

Yellow clay is suitable not only for dry sensitive skin, but also for oily skin due to its bactericidal, antiseptic and wound-healing effects on the dermis. This product perfectly moisturizes dehydrated epithelial cells, and its pronounced regenerating properties help fight microcracks, peeling and redness of the skin. Find out about the properties and uses of yellow clay at.

Yellow clay has a tonic effect.

Rules of application

Despite the fact that natural cosmetic clay has virtually no contraindications, to achieve maximum results, cosmetologists recommend following certain rules when applying the mask. Only proper use of the product will achieve a pronounced effect of rejuvenation, moisturizing and toning the skin.

  1. The effect of the home procedure is noticeably increased if you add additional components such as essential and base oils to the mask. Esters of lavender, jasmine, rose, and chamomile have a calming effect. Such oils relieve flaking, dryness and restore the integrity of the epithelium.

Esters have a highly concentrated composition, so improper use of the product can lead to serious burns. To avoid skin damage, add no more than five drops of essential oil to the mask.

Homemade mask recipes

Intense nourishing mask

In a non-metallic deep bowl, mix white clay (2 tbsp) and fat sour cream (1 tbsp), add a couple of drops of rose oil to the mixture. Dilute the components with purified water until the finished mask acquires a thick, uniform consistency. Apply the resulting mixture to cleansed skin, and after 15 minutes, remove the remaining clay with warm water.

Relieving fatigue and inflammation

Dilute red clay (1 tbsp) with a small amount of chamomile decoction, then add 1 tsp to the resulting creamy mixture. honey Mix all components thoroughly. Leave the finished mask on your face for 10 minutes, and after the specified time, wash off the residue with warm water.

For skin tone

Dilute 1 tbsp. pink clay with filtered water until a homogeneous plastic mass is formed. Add 1 tsp to the mixture. peach seed oil and a couple of drops of patchouli essential oil. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply the mask for 10-15 minutes.

For inflammation

Combine 1 tbsp in a bowl. blue clay and 1 tbsp sour cream, add as much purified water as needed to obtain the required thickness. Add neroli essential oil (3 drops) to the prepared mixture, then apply the mask to cleansed facial skin. After 15 minutes, wash thoroughly with warm water and apply a cream with a bactericidal effect against acne.


1 tbsp. Pour kaolin with purified water, mix the components thoroughly. Add egg white and 1 tsp to the resulting mixture. freshly squeezed lemon juice. Leave the clay mask on the face for 10-15 minutes, after which we remove the remaining mixture with warm water and lubricate the skin with moisturizer. Find out about other protein masks at.


We dilute red clay with yogurt and tomato juice in proportions 1:1:1. Apply the finished mixture in a thick layer to cleansed skin of the face and neck. The exposure time of the mask is 15 minutes.


Mix kaolin (1 tbsp) with warm water, add 1 tsp to the mixture. lemon juice and 1 tsp. honey Stir the mask thoroughly until smooth and apply it to the face. After 15 minutes, wash off the paste with warm water, then apply a cold compress to the cleansed skin.

Softening and soothing

Combine 2 tbsp. clay with 1 tsp. peach seed oil and ½ tsp. honey We dilute the ingredients with as much water as we need to obtain a thick, uniform texture without lumps. Leave the finished mask on your face for 5 minutes, and then remove the residue with water and apply intense nourishing or.

For skin elasticity

Pour dry chamomile inflorescences with hot water. Let the mixture brew for a while, after which we dilute the clay in the resulting broth in a 1:1 ratio. Add 1 tbsp. grape seed oil and mix the ingredients. The duration of the mask is 10 minutes.

Milk mask for dry skin

We dilute blue clay with regular milk or cream, apply the mixture to the skin of the face and neck, avoiding the eye area. As soon as the mask dries, wash with warm water and moisturize the skin with cream.

With aroma oil

To maximize the effect of any of the above recipes, it is recommended to add a few drops of essential oil to the finished mask. Patchouli, lavender, and chamomile oils have moisturizing and soothing properties, and essential oils of ylang-ylang and rosemary will help prevent the first signs of aging.


This video talks about the benefits of clay masks.


  1. Pink, red and gray clays, which, due to their soft consistency, very delicately affect the surface layer of the epidermis, will be an indispensable assistant.
  2. Clay with a drying effect should never be used in its pure form. It is necessary to dilute the powder with additional components, nutritional oils or dairy products.
  3. You should not use metal utensils to prepare the mask. By reacting with metal, clay loses all its beneficial properties and nutrients.
  4. Don't forget to periodically spray the mask with thermal or mineral water to prevent skin dehydration. After the procedure, be sure to use an intense moisturizer to prevent dryness and flaking.

Clay face masks, which have cleansing and drying properties, have recently become widespread in cosmetology.

Clay as a cosmetic product in clay face masks affects the skin of the face in two directions:

  • dries out: absorbs secretions of sweat glands and excess sebum;
  • cleanses: eliminates dead cells, helps get rid of flaking, various kinds of redness and spots.

There are several types of clays, each of which has its own unique properties that are beneficial for different skin types.

The miraculous properties of clay have been known for a very long time. This product contains beneficial minerals that have a beneficial effect on the skin and prevent many problems.

But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to find time for clay masks in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, and the skin requires constant care, especially in the cold seasons. You have to resort to detergents and cosmetics. When choosing cosmetics, you should be very careful and analyze the composition in detail. If the label is full of Sodium lauryl/Laureth Sulfate, Coco Sulfate or DEA, MEA, TEA - this cosmetics is not suitable for you. It is extremely dangerous for the skin and can only create more problems and even harm your health.

Choose only natural cosmetics, created on a natural basis and safe for regular use. One of the highest quality brands in natural cosmetology is Mulsan Cosmetic ( Most professionals recommend Mulsan Cosmetics for daily use and speak of its high quality and natural ingredients. Facial gels of this brand are rich in vitamins and beneficial extracts that will take care of your skin and give it a healthy, well-groomed appearance.

Ancient recipes for the beauty of your face

Before you test the magical effect of clay masks on yourself, study the properties of clay of different colors, because each of them will have its own effect on the skin of the face.

  • 1. White clay

Drying masks made from white clay are recommended for those with oily and problem skin, as this type of clay perfectly tightens pores, absorbs excess oil, and has a whitening and anti-inflammatory effect. It improves complexion, makes its oval clearer, and gives the skin a feeling of freshness.

  • 2. Blue clay

Anti-inflammatory blue clay mask contains a lot of the most beneficial microelements and mineral salts. It treats acne, heals small wounds, cleanses the skin of impurities, tones, and improves complexion. It also has a rejuvenating effect: these are the masks that smooth out facial wrinkles. Using blue clay, freckles and other pigmented rashes are lightened. Masks, which contain blue clay, activate subcutaneous blood circulation and normalize the metabolism occurring in skin cells.

  • 3. Green clay

Green clay cleansing mask is very widely used in cosmetology. It contains skin-beneficial microelements that restore the skin's hydrobalance, so it is recommended that those with dry skin try these masks. It is no stranger to a rejuvenating effect: green clay in such masks smoothes and tightens the skin, making it elastic.

  • 4. Red clay

Rejuvenating red clay + face masks made from it give a simply amazing effect: wrinkles are smoothed out, facial contours become clearer. A mask made from red clay is ideal for sensitive skin, as it will soothe irritated skin and relieve any inflammation.

  • 5. Pink clay

If pink clay is available to you, face masks made from it are suitable for normal skin types that need to be nourished and moisturized from time to time.

  • 6. Yellow clay
  • 7. Black clay

An anti-toxic black clay mask removes harmful substances from the skin, deeply cleanses pores, removes dead cells and various types of impurities. Microelements contained in black clay (magnesium, strontium, iron, calcium, quartz) act on the skin better than any scrub.

  • 8. Gray clay

Masks made from gray clay, which is mined from the seabed, moisturize dry skin, enrich and nourish it.

So carefully study the properties of each of the described types of clay, choose the color that will be most optimal for your skin type and decide which one will become the basis of your cosmetic mask.

In what cases can clay masks be used?

For any facial skin problem, and even if you just want to provide your skin with additional nutrition and cleansing, be sure to try making clay masks at home, the effects of which are truly universal. They will help:

  • for acne: masks made of white, blue, yellow clay;
  • with pigmentation: blue clay mask whitens skin;
  • for oily skin: use white and blue clay;
  • for dry skin: hydrobalance will be restored by green, gray and red clay;
  • for sensitive skin: red clay relieves irritation;
  • for aging skin: white, blue, green, red clay have a rejuvenating effect.

To ensure that clay face masks have the most beneficial effect on your skin and please you with the results, take into account these indications and carefully study the information on the correct use of cosmetic clay.

Contraindications to the use of clay masks

There are no medical contraindications for the use of clay face masks, since they are based on clay - a natural material that does not cause allergic reactions. To ensure maximum results after applying the mask, consider some nuances regarding its use:

  • First, pay attention to the other ingredients included in the mask: do you have any individual intolerance to these components?
  • Secondly, keep in mind that clay face masks must be applied only to clean skin, previously cleansed of all contaminants.
  • Thirdly, it is not recommended to apply such a cosmetic mask to the skin around the eyes - this is the only serious contraindication to the use of a clay mask.

Now you are fully armed and know almost everything about clay. All that’s left to do is buy it at a pharmacy or cosmetics store, get all the necessary ingredients and start preparing a miracle mask.

The best clay mask recipes

Of the variety of masks, we offer several of the most popular, effective, for different skin types and from different clays.


  • 1. Herbal white clay mask

Brew herbs (calendula, celandine, chamomile) in equal parts, cool, strain. Mix with white clay to a creamy consistency. This clay mask for acne will get rid of acne, relieve inflammation and soothe irritated skin.


  • 2. Blue clay tomato mask

Blue clay is famous for its excellent whitening effect: mask + for face + for hands = lightens freckles all over the body. Mix blue clay with tomato juice and sour milk (all ingredients in equal quantities) until mushy.


  • 3. Sea buckthorn mask made of yellow clay

Mix a tablespoon of yellow clay with beaten egg yolk and a teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil.


  • 4. Lemon juice and black clay mask

Black clay will cleanse the skin better than any scrub: a face mask is prepared from lemon juice (a teaspoon), calendula tincture (a teaspoon) and black clay (the amount that will bring the mask to a thick state).


  • 5. Pink clay milk mask

Mix pink clay (a tablespoon) with warm milk until a creamy mass is formed.


  • 6. Oatmeal mask with green clay

Mix green clay (2 tablespoons) with oatmeal (1 tablespoon), dilute with water (3 tablespoons).


  • 7. Cucumber white clay mask

Mix white clay (2 tablespoons) with finely grated cucumber pulp (2 tablespoons).

  • 8. White clay honey mask

Mix white clay (3 teaspoons) with milk (3 tablespoons) and heated liquid honey (teaspoon).


  • 9. Hazelnut and green clay mask

Green clay is useful for oily skin: a face mask prepared on its basis normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Mix green clay (3 tablespoons) with hazelnut oil (3 teaspoons) and mineral water (teaspoon).

  • 10. Talc and white clay mask

The following face masks will eliminate oily shine: white clay (2 tablespoons) mixed with talcum powder in the same amount and warm milk.

We wish you easy preparation of any of the proposed recipes and the most effective use of the mask.

There are varieties of cosmetic clay: the most popular are white, blue, wishing, black, red. Each type has unique medicinal properties, so one or another variety is suitable for different skin problems. Which clay is best for the face, how to choose it, what clay to use for the face for various problems. Let's consider these questions at Medvyan.

How to find and choose clay

Clay is everywhere: in quarries, in areas with cracked soil, next to brick factories. You can find a good one in the garden by digging the ground a meter deep.

To choose the right clay for your face, you need to understand that the most important selection criterion is the environmental friendliness of the product. Therefore it should be:

  1. Free from impurities, pebbles, grains, and various inclusions.
  2. If you collect it yourself, then only in areas remote from industry.

Ideally, you need to buy a certified product that is approved for medicinal use and oral administration. The one you buy from cosmetics stores can only be used for cosmetic purposes.

Determining quality

If you purchased or found this product, please check the quality before using. The best clay for the face is clean, so test it: moisten it with water, rub it with your hands. If there are no grains of sand or pebbles, then it is good. Also, the mass should have a uniform consistency.

If you have collected clay and want to determine its quality, there is a simple method: moisten a clay lump and fashion a donut-shaped figurine out of it. When sculpting, good clay should be plastic, wrinkle well, and take any shape.

In general, good quality clay, suitable not only for cosmetic use, but also for treatment, should be viscous and oily to the touch.

Which clay is best for the face if it is sold in powder form? In this case, you can also check its quality and suitability. Take a pinch and dissolve in a glass of water. Shake the water until it becomes cloudy and the particles move. Watch how they settle.

If the product is oily, that is, good, it will settle slowly, in flakes. If it’s bad, it will immediately sink and there will be two layers in the glass: a layer of water and a layer of clay. Obviously, this is not the best clay for the face; it is advisable to look for another one of better quality.

Which type of clay is better

Since now you can easily buy clay of any color, the question arises - which is better? White or blue, red or black, green or yellow?

Each has certain properties depending on its composition. To understand which clay is best for your skin type, try all its types. In general, each variety has its own specific effect:

A universal product that best cleans and whitens. In its pure form it is suitable for oily, problem skin. Which clay is best for a face with enlarged, contaminated pores and excessive oiliness? Definitely white. Has a peeling effect. Effectively cleanses when used in masks with protein and lemon. For additional cleansing, you can add tomato pulp, and cucumber pulp for moisturizing. Known for its calming effect and ability to smooth out scars.

Its main effect is toning tired, aging skin. It is recommended for use on thin, aging skin. Which facial clay is best for gentle cleansing? This is the yellow one. It is also recommended for tired skin with a grayish tint.

It is best used to tighten the skin, clear acne, and add elasticity. If you don’t know which clay is best to choose for anti-cellulite wrap, then feel free to use blue: it is known for its anti-cellulite effect.

The best of all types for treating the scalp from dandruff and flaking. It is chosen for oily and pimply skin, it cleans perfectly and tightens pores. Which clay is best for faces with problem skin? Exactly she. Green is considered the most healing of all types.

It is chosen as an astringent, it relieves irritation and smoothes. This gentle product is suitable for sensitive skin. Good for hair growth.

Which facial clay should I choose to treat inflammation and acne? Try the red one. It is soft and therefore recommended for combination and sensitive skin. Tightens pores, smoothes wrinkles, soothes. Does not disturb pH. It is recommended for anemic skin.

  • Black

Mainly used as wraps, it has a powerful tightening and anti-cellulite effect. Does not have the same cleansing effect as kaolin. Smoothes out unevenness on the thighs.

Which type is healthier?

Now a few words about which clay is healthier for the face. We have already written that each type has its own chemical composition, so it has different properties and effects.

Thus, we cannot say that one or the other is healthier - all varieties are beneficial, but some type may suit your skin type more than another. For example, if green has the main property of cleansing oily skin, then pink, black or blue are more suitable for dry and sensitive skin, since they are softer and less tight.

In turn, black is ideal for wrapping thighs, as it has a powerful anti-cellulite effect, unlike others. Therefore, which clay is more useful for solving your problems can only be determined experimentally.

In conclusion, we note that many are afraid to make clay masks because they believe that they are very drying. To avoid this, you need to choose the right cosmetic clay for your skin type, and also follow some rules:

  • Do not let it dry on your face, since there is no benefit from a dry mask, and it no longer provides anything useful.
  • Add moisturizing ingredients to your masks: oils, cream, honey, rose water, aloe juice.

Which facial clay is right for you? Tell us about it in your reviews.

Facial skin can be brought into ideal condition only through proper care. Various cosmetics are used at home, but nothing can compare with clay in terms of effectiveness. This article helps to understand which clay is best for the face, as it examines this cosmetic product depending on the characteristics of the skin.

Application of cosmetic clay

Effective masks for oily skin

Simple and affordable cleansing masks containing white clay are ideal for oily skin. It has been noticed that the white type of clay works well on combination skin. It should be noted a pronounced drying effect, moderate tightening effect, removal of fat particles, rapid narrowing of pores. In addition, pay attention to the safe whitening potential of white clay and its ability to even out skin tone. The anti-inflammatory effect is achieved due to the fact that clay works as an antiseptic.

Caring for problem skin

Women are often concerned about facial wrinkles, pigmentation, acne and other defects. Blue clay helps to cope with these troubles. Masks with the addition of blue clay heal damage, eliminate inflammation, smooth out wrinkles, remove impurities and make the complexion healthy. There is a brightening effect aimed at whitening freckles and visible facial rejuvenation. This is achieved by increasing the elasticity and firmness of the skin. Blue clay can be successfully used for oily skin; the product is often combined in masks with white clay.

Care for aging skin

Once you try green clay, you will realize that it is similar to kaolin. Sometimes its effect is compared to the blue variety. If the skin is in a state of wilting and nutritional deficiency, homemade masks or natural scrubs containing green clay are indicated. Nourishing care helps tighten pores, remove oily shine, and moderately dry the skin. It is known that green clay prolongs the youth of the face by normalizing water balance.

Sensitive skin care

Best product for combination skin

The rich composition of yellow clay includes the iron required by the skin and the beneficial element potassium, so it is compatible with combination skin types. Masks are recommended for aging, dull skin. It has been noticed that yellow clay is able to remove toxins from inflamed areas, so it is used for the problem of acne. Yellow clay masks are designed to tone the skin and enrich it with oxygen.

Clay for all skin types

Black clay contains elements that can effectively cleanse skin of any type. With proper care it becomes smooth. Masks are designed to eliminate impurities, they perfectly tighten pores.

Cosmetic clay of a pleasant pink shade is a mix of white and red varieties. It is known that pink masks are appropriate for caring for any skin. Conveniently, they are relevant for all ages. Constant use of masks allows you to safely smooth out early wrinkles, somewhat rejuvenate your face, and quickly soften your skin. Use pink clay to cleanse and nourish your skin and you will not be disappointed.

Cosmetic clay for face: Which variety to choose should be decided depending on your skin type

Instructions for using cosmetic clay

To understand which clay is best for the face, you need to know about the characteristics and problems of your skin, have an idea about the basic properties and proper use of different types of this product.

Preparing face masks

Be creative when mixing clay. If you are prone to dryness, you can use fatty dairy products as a diluent liquid. If you are concerned about increased fat content, then raw egg whites, natural apple cider vinegar or fresh yogurt are better. Preparing clay for problem skin can be done with the addition of herbal decoctions based on the string plant, chamomile flowers or mint leaves. You can add your favorite essential oils to clay masks. Through experimentation, find the optimal composition for your skin type.

Clay and skin type

It is necessary to determine your skin type by purchasing and using any cosmetics, guided by individual requirements. Incorrect selection of external products leads to negative consequences, such as significant deterioration of the skin and the appearance of various defects.

Preparing the skin for masks

It is better not to apply masks to uncleansed skin. Before using clay masks, you need to steam your facial skin and immediately apply the paste while the skin is hot. That is why the most noticeable positive results are obtained from masks used after bath procedures. If you don't want to take a bath or shower, take a steam bath exclusively for your face.

Applying clay masks

When applying clay masks, perform a gentle facial massage, this is required for the deepest penetration of the ingredients. You should not make any effort; on the contrary, you should make gentle movements for a short time.

Grabbing the skin of the neck and arms

To prolong youth, you will have to take extra care of your facial skin, but also do not forget that the skin of your hands and neck area is also vulnerable and needs support. When making face masks, pay enough attention to your hands and neck, this will definitely be useful.

A smart approach to using masks

We urge you not to overdo it, that is, stick to the recommended limits. If the description of any mask indicates an exposure time of 15 minutes, then you should not leave it longer. In order not to injure the skin, there is no need to increase the time.

Time to keep clay on face

Take advantage of the time allotted for wearing the mask to relax the muscles of your neck and face. Be silent and do not use facial expressions for about a quarter of an hour. Provided you maintain complete rest, the mask will be most useful, as it will be absorbed in the best way, smooth out fine wrinkles and supply more useful microelements.

Washing off clay masks

Proper removal of clay masks has a good effect on the condition of the skin. Use water at a comfortable temperature, gradually moving from warm to cool. In this way, you can completely remove mask particles and safely tighten pores.

It is impossible to clearly identify which clay is better. For the face, you can use a single type of this cosmetic product or combine several varieties together. Try to make clay masks a mandatory part of your appearance care, and you will definitely conclude that each clay is good in its own way.

Hello dear readers. All women take care of their skin. In adolescence, they struggle with acne and oily skin. Then they look for nutritional and moisturizing products. And in adulthood, the fight against the first wrinkles becomes important. And how wonderful it would be to have a single universal remedy for all stages. So that it is inexpensive, time-tested and natural. And such an option exists - this is clay. Clay is a fine-grained rock. It is formed during the destruction of rock and, when mixed with water, forms a dough-like mass. It is precisely because of its rich mineral composition that clay has earned popularity in cosmetology. And the predominance of certain components is the main difference between different varieties. The most common types of clay are white and blue.

Cosmetic clay for the face - which is better, types, which one to choose

Let's consider all types of clay that are used in cosmetology.

Clay black

Extremely rich in Sr, K, Mg, and Fe. An excellent choice for cleansing and reducing pores. It also helps to debug the normal functioning of epidermal cells.

Black clay is used not only as a face mask, but also to combat fat deposits, and, of course, the main problem - cellulite, as it triggers fat burning processes and improves lymph circulation. So this is a great way to overcome excess volume.

White clay

It has a powdery consistency, a composition that feels greasy to the touch. The color is not pure white, but with gray or yellowish tints.

Perfect for treating oily or combination skin types. Clay absorbs excess amounts of protective sebum, reduces and cleanses pores.

It not only has a drying effect, but also effectively tightens the skin. But it is important to know that this type of clay is not recommended for use if you have rosacea.

When choosing, focus your attention on the color of the clay; it is believed that the darker it is, the better it will cleanse your skin of excess oil. And also, it can cure dandruff and make your hair thicker and stronger.

Blue clay

Not only cleans, but also serves as a disinfectant for the epidermis. Clay is rich in K, Mg, Ra, phosphates, Fe and N. Using clay in a separate area improves metabolic processes and also improves blood circulation.

The elasticity of the skin and its color depend precisely on the quality of blood circulation. It has a healing effect, and also helps relieve inflammation of the epidermis. With the help of white clay, you can prevent the appearance of pimples, partially eliminate unwanted pigmentation and prevent the appearance of “expression wrinkles”.

And it is also used to activate hair follicles, which leads to hair growth. And it will be good for treating various fungal diseases.

Yellow clay

Yellow clay is your assistant for killing blackheads. After using masks made from this type of clay, the epidermis is cleared of slagging and the body removes accumulated toxins.

Masks help enrich the epidermal cells with oxygen. The skin color acquires a healthy shade. Also effective against orange peel. It is especially recommended for unhealthy complexions, as well as for those with oily skin, and at the first signs of aging.

Green clay

It has a very rich mineral composition. This also includes silver. This is a very effective solution for the problem of oily skin, especially when combined with white and blue clay.

Green clay has bactericidal properties and also helps eliminate greasy shine, reduce pores, restores the water balance in epidermal cells and improves blood circulation. It also has a tightening effect and dries problem areas.

Red clay

Its composition is distinguished by the richness of iron and copper oxides. Perfect for people who are iron deficient. This is a suitable remedy to soothe problem skin, relieve itching and flaking. Suitable for dry skin types.

It will help improve blood circulation and saturate the epidermal cells with oxygen. And also, this is a good remedy for combating oily seborrhea.

Pink clay

Pink clay is a universal remedy. After its use, the skin becomes more toned, cleansed, and receives additional nutrition. This is a highly effective remedy for defeating fine wrinkles. Also suitable for those who want to tighten their facial skin.

Blue clay

A universal product for all skin types. Stimulates metabolism in epidermal cells. It whitens the skin, rejuvenates and reduces pore size.

Which clay is better for acne on the face and more effective?

Acne treatment, what type of clay to choose?

The best helpers for getting rid of acne are a combination of white and blue clay. Black clay will also help a lot. The skin gets cleansed, and this is the main prevention.

These types of clay dry out oily skin, which will help relieve inflammation from the pimple. And of course, it normalizes the metabolic processes of the skin.

After removing pimples, a small spot may remain, and the whitening effect of clay will come to the rescue here too. These types are also suitable for older skin, as they nourish the skin with microelements and eliminate fine wrinkles.

When choosing between two options, considering which facial clay is best for acne, pay attention to the type of acne. If they are too large, then you should give preference to blue clay.

But any mask should be prepared and applied correctly. Important: sift the clay as thoroughly as possible.

The face must be cleaned before applying the mask. It is advisable to use a soft scrub. Apply the mask for 20 minutes, and during this time avoid facial movements. It is better to wash off the mask without resorting to soap. Use wet wipes.

Basic mask recipes

1. Mix 15 grams of blue clay and 5 grams of bodyagi. Stir together with 15 milliliters of water. The consistency should be uniform.

2. Here you will need to squeeze the juice from one cucumber. Mix a spoonful of water and a spoonful of cucumber juice. Add 30 grams of blue clay and a couple of drops of lemon juice. Mix thoroughly.

3. Mix white clay with grape juice and add a little honey.

4. Mix 15 grams of white and 15 grams of blue clay. And instead of water, use a decoction of chamomile, calendula, nettle, or St. John's wort.

5. Mix the beaten white of one egg with 30 grams of black clay and add clean water to form a paste.

6. Dissolve rock salt in clean water. A few crystals are enough. Add white, blue, or green clay to form a paste.

7. To eliminate spots after pimples. Mix blue clay with water to a cream consistency. Add a pinch of cinnamon.

Such masks should be made no more than 2 times every 6-7 days for oily skin types. And no more than once every 7 days, for combination and dry skin.

If after using the mask you have a negative reaction in the form of redness, peeling, itching, or a general feeling of dry skin, then you should add a little natural oil to the mask, and complete the entire procedure by applying a nourishing cream.

Clay for the face against wrinkles - which one is better?

1. Remove toxins and waste.

2. Provide normal nutrition of the skin with microelements.

3. Ensure good blood circulation.

4. Provide cells with oxygen.

5. Normalize metabolic processes in cells.

All of the above problems are solved by clay masks. Also, more than half of the clay consists of silicon oxide, which stimulates the production of collagen, which improves skin tone.

Most species contain magnesium, which is essential to prevent wilting. And the copper contained in clay is needed for the production of keratin, which is responsible for the formation of the collagen layer.

Due to the rich chemical composition, the following are best suited for relics: white, blue, green and red clay. All types have a rich mineral composition. To improve the effect, you can combine several types.

Here are excellent masks, the main component of which is clay

1. Dilute 30 grams of red clay with warm milk to form a paste. Also, you need to add 5 milliliters of aloe juice and one beaten chicken yolk to the composition. Mix everything thoroughly. Apply for 20 minutes. Afterwards, rinse and rinse your face with cool water. And it’s best to combine it with other anti-aging masks and creams.

2. Take sauerkraut and chop it. Drain the resulting juice into a separate bowl. Mix white clay with the yolk of a chicken egg and add 15 milliliters of juice.

3. Grate half the apple on a fine grater. Add pink clay mixed with yolk. If you have oily skin type, then these ingredients are quite enough. But, if your skin is dry, you should add a couple of drops of olive oil.

4. Mix warm milk and pink clay until it becomes sour cream. You can also use mask number 4 from the previous section for rejuvenation.

Dry facial skin, what type of clay to use

For dry and sensitive skin, focus on masks made from red and pink clay, as well as green.

1.Softening mask. Stir 30 grams of white or pink clay with cream until creamy. Apply a thin layer to your face and wait 10 minutes. In order to improve nutrition, you can add 5 milliliters of olive oil to the mask. Honey will also work.

2.For hydration. Mix one egg yolk with 30 grams of pink clay, add a couple of drops of sandalwood or ylang-ylang essential oil.

3. Mix 5 milliliters of honey with 35 drops of lemon juice and 15 grams of white clay. A white porridge should form; if there is not enough moisture, you can add water. Apply the mask for half an hour. Afterwards, rinse with cool water and wipe the skin with a slice of lemon. The perfect end to the session is a cold compress. The mask should be done no more than a couple of times every 7 days.

4. Skin nutrition. Mix 30 grams of green clay with 15 grams of oatmeal. Add 45 milliliters of water.

5. Grind the cucumber on a fine grater. Mix 30 grams of the resulting cucumber mass with 30 grams of white clay. have a positive effect by moisturizing and refreshing the skin.

Which clay is best for oily skin, problem skin and enlarged pores?

Clay for eliminating comedones and caring for oily skin types.

When caring for oily skin, it is important to cleanse it regularly. Before applying the mask, try to expand your pores. And don't overdo it with masks that dry out your skin. This will simply turn one problem into another.

Therefore, wisely and moderately combine cleansing, drying and nourishing face masks. White, blue and yellow clay are perfect for treating acne.

1.Cleansing and freshness. Mix 30 grams of white or green clay with mineral water without gas. A mushy mass should form. Add 5 milliliters of lemon juice and a couple of drops of tea tree oil. Apply for 15 minutes.

2. Mix 15 grams of white clay, 5 grams of starch, 2 pinches of zinc oxide, 10 grams of magnesia, 10 grams of talc, a pinch of alum powder. Apply for 10-15 minutes.

3. Mix 15 grams of talc, 20 grams of rice starch, 20 grams of white clay, a pinch of boric acid in powder form, two pinches of alum. Add peroxide solution to 10 grams of this mixture. The consistency of the mask should be as thick as sour cream. Apply the mask and leave for 15 minutes. Then remove, first with a dry cotton pad and then with a damp one.

4. Deep cleansing. Mix 5 milliliters with 5 milliliters of calendula infusion. Add black clay until the mixture has a slurry consistency.

5. To normalize sebum secretion. Mix 45 grams of green clay with 15 milliliters of hazelnut oil and 5 milliliters of water. Mix thoroughly.

Clay is very beneficial for the skin. If your facial skin is not hypersensitive, then you can use almost any type to nourish the skin. For cleansing, choose green, blue and white clay.

If your facial skin is very delicate and sensitive, then use pink or red clay. Red clay is especially good for pale skin.

When using any product, a regular approach is important. Therefore, make masks at least once every seven days.

When taking care of any skin type, you should not limit yourself to just applying a mask; also, use the right creams.

Also reconsider your diet, perhaps your body lacks vitamins. Do not overuse whitening masks and products that dry out the skin.

Precautions and contraindications

If you use them more than twice every seven days, you risk harming your skin. And, of course, there are a number of contraindications.

1. Do not use the mask if you are allergic to any of the components.

2. Do not apply the mask to the area around the eyes and lips.

3. When removing the mask, there should be no pain. Therefore, do not try to simply remove it if it is dry.

4. During the procedure, it is best to lie down.

You can add other components to masks, depending on their properties. An excellent opportunity to create your own unique mask using a herbal decoction instead of water. Therefore, study the beneficial properties of plants and experiment.

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