The water breaks 20 30 as long as it lasts. Is a long period without water dangerous for a child? How much amniotic fluid leaves before birth?

The second pregnancy of 20-year-old Englishwoman Laura Hills was in great danger: at 16 weeks of pregnancy, her water broke... Doctors categorically insisted on an abortion. After all, according to medical statistics, Laura’s child had only a 1 in 100 chance of survival. At the same time, the health of the unborn baby would still be in danger.
But Laura refused an abortion, despite all the persuasion of the doctors - after all, she felt her son moving.

“I was told that, most likely, I would give birth to this child in the next two weeks, that there was only one chance in a hundred that he would be born alive, that he would need to rule out brain damage and deformation of the lungs. And I replied that although this is only one percent, it is there, and I am not going to give up my child. I will protect him to the last,” she said.

Over the next weeks, Laura underwent ultrasounds and blood tests twice a week. She was ready for the irreparable... But a miracle happened: at the 21st week, at the next ultrasound, the doctors were convinced that the gap around the child had completely closed. At 24 weeks, the amniotic sac was already sufficiently filled with fluid.

"The baby, whom his parents named Charlie, was born in March 2011, completely healthy, weighing 3200 g.

« He screamed so weakly that I immediately began to panic, but the midwife calmed me down. She said that I have an absolutely healthy boy!"says Laura. Charlie's birthday coincided with his mother's birthday.

“When I first saw him, I thought - finally our boy is with us, and now he is safe,” says Laura’s husband, who was present at the birth.

Obstetrician-gynecologist who observed expectant mother, considers this case amazing: despite a very harsh forecast, nature itself, without any help, completely corrected the situation.

Photo from

Similar wonderful story happened a few years later, in 2016, to 24-year-old Sheila Baty.

Sheila's water broke gradually over several days, and the woman thought she had become incontinent or leaking. However, doctors reported a disappointing diagnosis - prenatal rupture of membranes. Sheila's pregnancy at that time was also 16 weeks.

“Sheila had so little amniotic fluid left that it was impossible to determine the sex of the child using an ultrasound. Using an ultrasound, the fetal heartbeat could be heard, but doctors could not see it on the screen.

The woman was put in “conservation”; doctors checked her blood pressure every three hours, and also checked her blood weekly for infections. Sheila was given steroid injections to help the baby's lungs develop.


“At the 28th week, when the baby was already quite viable, Sheila was discharged home, and after another week and a half she began having contractions.

During premature birth new complications arose - the cervix did not dilate, so I had to C-section. Little Ryan spent several weeks in the incubator, and only a week later his mother was allowed to take the boy in her arms. He had to have blood transfusions several times, and at 4 months his hernia was removed, but now Ryan is completely healthy!

Photo from the site

I read everything, it gives me chills! My husband and I went through this. The first pregnancy - the baby froze at 12 weeks, no symptoms: no bleeding, no pain. They said the heart was not beating and that’s all. After that, my husband and I went to the doctors, tightened up everything maybe not so (besides, I have severe diabetes mellitus, and you can’t cure it!). After 2 years we decided to try again, I got pregnant right away. I registered with the antenatal clinic, took tests, there was a problem with the hormone (I forgot the name), all I took Duphaston during pregnancy. Everything was more or less until the 11th week. I came out of the toilet, red water started pouring out, and realized that my water had broken. They called an ambulance and took me to the hospital. There they injected me with a noshpa, increased the amount of Duphaston, and I bled until the 15th week .ran around hospitals, drank hemostatic. At week 17 they did an ultrasound, they said there was no water at all, but there were no leaks. And then it began: - We need to have an abortion!!! ;- Who gave you permission to give birth?!!!- Your baby will die anyway!!! They do an ultrasound, but my heart is beating! For 3 weeks they pressured me to have an abortion, they did an ultrasound every 3 days, every time they said - HE’S probably already dead ;- Why are you torturing a child, they can’t live without water!!! They do an ultrasound, AND THE HEART IS BEATING!!! They did all sorts of things express tests to water with an incomprehensible result. In general, they tortured me as they wanted, I didn’t give up, I said, as long as my heart beats, I won’t do anything! I wrote a waiver from the hospital, there was a lot more at home (it would take a long time to describe), in general I struggled until 29 weeks (although I didn’t know the exact date, each ultrasound showed a different one), my waters started flowing from 20 weeks. , I sat on the forums and read how bad everything would be, but I didn’t give up! At 29 weeks. women's cons. I still got sick of it, they forced me to take tests, then the hospital, intensive care unit, caesarean section, a boy was born, 33 cm. I was even afraid to go to kindergarten for a while. intensive care! He’s in intensive care, I’m in intensive care, MY POOR HUSBAND!!! A bunch of diagnoses, a bunch of prognoses and everything is understandably terrible: he won’t survive; will not eat himself; disabled for life; he wouldn’t gain weight. But a month passed and he started breathing on his own (a hellish month!!!), the weight was 1,300, I was admitted to the hospital with him, where again, according to the doctors, he was one of the heaviest. One day when they told me about another “NO”, I said that I had already heard a bunch that did not come true, to which they told me, “Well, what do you want, medicine is not an exact science!! I understood this is my motto, and for all diagnoses about I repeated it to myself. Another 2 months, we give up food, we go home!!! (The story is very much abbreviated) My son is 10 months old, weight 7,800, we are at the clinic almost every day, being the mother of a premature baby is hard work, but it’s worth it. Of course, he does not develop like full-term children, but I hope by the age of 2 - 3 we will catch up with our peers, I believe in this. My story is long, but I wanted there to be at least one review with a positive outcome. Not everyone succeeds, like in the lottery , but I got the jackpot. Condolences to those who didn’t succeed, good luck to those who still hope! Even 500 grams born at 26 weeks survive, I’ve seen such people. Only mom and dad can decide whether to give their child a chance or not, the choice is very difficult and you have to be prepared for the consequences. I took a risk and don’t regret it!!!

If a woman becomes pregnant, then she should definitely learn about what amniotic fluid is and what it looks like, when it is released and in what volume. If you don’t know this, then you can in some cases (for example, contractions very weak, but at the same time the waters gradually broke) you won’t even notice the beginning of the labor process. This can end very sadly for both the mother and her child.

What is amniotic fluid?

Amniotic fluid is a special liquid that is found in a woman’s uterus and surrounds the baby throughout pregnancy. They protect the baby from infection that can penetrate the mother’s genital tract, as well as from numerous mechanical influences from the outside. The water helps the baby feel as comfortable as possible in the uterus and not experience possible shocks or other impacts. Amniotic fluid also plays another, no less important role. They hold back the walls of the uterus and thus create space in the woman’s abdomen for the growth and development of the child. If there were no water, then the walls of the uterus would put pressure on the child and he would have no opportunity to fully develop.

The process of discharge of amniotic fluid

As a rule, the water breaks before childbirth at the end of pregnancy. If no pathologies or complications arise during pregnancy, then the water breaks just before childbirth, and this is the period (in most cases) from the 38th week of pregnancy. When your water breaks but contractions haven't started yet, don't panic. Get ready to go to the maternity hospital, and contractions will either begin on the way or will be induced artificially already in the maternity hospital.

What if the amniotic fluid broke before the 37th week of pregnancy?

Doctors do not consider it normal for amniotic fluid to break earlier than 37 weeks of pregnancy. This situation requires immediate medical intervention. It is worth noting that if the water breaks before the 37th week of pregnancy, then there are two options for the development of events. In the first case, the child is immediately born and is placed in a pressure chamber for babies who are born ahead of schedule. The second option is when a woman goes to the hospital and for another two weeks she will not even be able to move normally, and all this time she is given special antibiotics to avoid the baby getting an infection. The earlier the water breaks during pregnancy, the more difficult it will be to save the baby. Of course, there are many practical cases when a child was born six months old and completely healthy. Although the risk of developing pathologies in such premature babies is too great.

What if the amniotic fluid broke before the 20th week of pregnancy?

If your water begins to break at 20 weeks of pregnancy or a little later, then most likely it will not be possible to save the baby and there will be a miscarriage. In this case, you need to immediately call an ambulance, because negative consequences can also affect the woman’s condition.

How much amniotic fluid breaks before birth?

If pregnancy proceeds normally, then on average a woman’s body will contain approximately 1.5-2 liters of fluid. Although there may be some deviations from the norm and this depends directly on individual characteristics woman's body.

It is worth noting that water can also drain in different ways. The ideal option for a normal pregnancy without pathologies is the simultaneous discharge of the entire amount of fluid, so it is very difficult not to notice this.

If the pregnancy had complications or there are some peculiarities of the woman’s body, then the water may break in parts over several days. In this case, it will be somewhat more difficult to notice them and it will be possible to understand that they are leaving only by the nature of the discharge.

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