Perm preparations. Perm for short, medium and long hair Names of preparations for perm hair

Manufactured hair perm preparations must meet the following requirements:

1. hair retains its curl for at least 3 months, even if cut;

2. hair does not change its original color;

3. the drug is easily washed off from the hair with warm water;

4. the product contains surfactants (surfactants) that provide good wetting and impregnation of the hair;

5. the drug has neither an allergic nor an irritating effect on the skin, and its vapors have no effect on the mucous membrane;

6. The drug has a perfume smell (not strong).

The basis of almost all currently produced hair perm preparations are organothio compounds and their derivatives. Most recipes for foreign perm preparations contain thioglycolic acid, which has restorative properties. Compounds belonging to the organothio group make it possible to influence the shape of the hair even at normal human body temperature. This, obviously, can explain the fact that organothio compounds are included in almost all preparations for perm. Significant disadvantages of these compounds include:

1) sharp bad smell due to the release of hydrogen sulfide and mercaptan in air;

2) toxicity, causing painful phenomena - headaches, general malaise, decrease in the content of white blood cells, etc.

When studying the effect of a solution of thioglycolic acid on the human body when used in hairdressing, cases of diseases were noted in persons preparing solutions of thioglycolic acid: a decrease in the content of white blood cells and the number of platelets, headaches, general weakness and malaise, gastrointestinal disorders, kidney function. In addition, when working with solutions of thioglycolic acid, skin diseases were also observed: redness, itching, eczema, urticaria and nail damage. Such diseases can occur both in hairdressers and in people who independently use such compositions.

As protective agents for hairdressers, various bactericidal ointments, biological protective preparations, coating of nails with varnish, reducing the time of contact with harmful solutions and using gauze masks at work. It is not recommended to neglect protective equipment. Their skillful and correct use largely protects the hairdresser from direct contact with harmful compounds and their vapors. So, when winding hair onto bobbins, you should use rubber gloves. Having acquired the skill of working with gloves, you can perform this operation at the same speed as without them.

For chemical hair perming, hairdressing salons use the following preparations: “Londa” and “Mintox”, “Lokon” and “Zavitol”.

In terms of the chemical composition and degree of effect on hair, “Londa” is close to “Lokon”, and “Zavitol” is close to “Mintox”. The similarity between the preparations “Londa” and “Lokon” is explained by the fact that they are prepared on the same basis. The percentage of the main component - thioglycolic acid - in the preparations "Londa" and "Lokon" is about 6.5%.

Currently, the Vella company has released a new preparation for chemical perming, which is very popular, since the process of winding onto bobbins does not require gloves to protect hands from the chemical composition. In this case, the time for winding on bobbins is reduced. The composition of the drug "Vella" includes:

Perm liquid - 100 ml (1);

Liquid for fixation - 100 ml (2);

Plastic cap:


Depending on the length of the hair, the contents of the bottle are enough for 1-2 applications.

Washing and curling hair

1. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo without massaging the scalp.

2. Use a towel to squeeze out excess water.

3. Curl your hair. The hair should not be treated with a perm solution before wrapping it with bobbins.

4. Select the bobbin winding system according to the haircut style.

5. Wear gloves to apply the solution.

6. Lubricate the forehead, temples and neck with cream along the hairline.

7. Roll the gauze into a rope and tie it around your head to protect the skin from the flowing solution.

8. After winding the hair onto the bobbins, thoroughly moisten each bobbin with the solution, starting from the neck. The solution should be applied with a sponge in small doses to avoid getting excess on the skin. If the solution gets on your skin, rinse it immediately with a cotton swab and water.

Technological data on the use of drugs for perming hair of various structures

Hair structure

Ratio parts

Exposure time on hair, min


No extra heat

Under the PA-1 apparatus

Regular fine hair

Dry thin hair

Hair soaked in water

Oily fine hair

Regular medium hard strips

Medium hard ear strips

Hair soaked in water

Oily hair of medium coarseness

Regular coarse hair

Dry, coarse hair

Hair, moistened with water

Oily coarse hair

Lightly bleached and primarily colored hair

Hair, moistened with water, milk or “Londestral”

Lightly bleached and multi-dyed hair

Do not exceed the specified action time, otherwise you can significantly damage the hair structure.

The strength of a perm depends on:

The selected perm preparation;

The size of the bobbins (large bobbins - a light curl, small bobbins - a steep curl);

Hair conditions;

Duration of action of the composition for perm on hair.


After the action time has expired, rinse the hair wound onto the bobbins thoroughly with warm water for 2 minutes (without removing the bobbins and gloves).


1. Use a towel to dry your hair.

2. Pour 100 ml of foam fixative into a bowl, foam the composition with a clean sponge and apply the fixative evenly to all bobbins.

3. Leave the fixer for 7-10 minutes.

4. Carefully remove all the bobbins, starting from the lower occipital area, apply the remaining fixative to the hair and leave it on the hair for another 5 minutes.

5. Rinse hair thoroughly with running water.

Previously, perm could negatively affect the condition of the hairstyle. But modern manufacturers are constantly working to improve what they offer. cosmetic preparations, focusing on safety. Now the offered products do not provide severe harm hair They are easy to use. A striking example is the curling product Lockon, which allows you to turn even the straightest tow into charming curls.


Magic Curl from Galant-Cosmetic

Convenient to use, reliable means Suitable for salon and self-use. The composition includes a unique healing complex, including natural keratin.

The magic curl transforms the appearance of your hair, making your hair healthy and manageable. Thanks to biologically active components, a thin protective film appears on the strands after the procedure, reliably protecting after chemical procedure. Want shiny, silky curls? Choose Magic Curl.

A package costs 100 rubles.

Curl from the Svoboda company

The Svoboda company has developed a product called Lock, which today breaks all records in popularity. The modern product allows you to get both elastic curls and light, slightly noticeable curls.

By following the instructions, you can create a slight effect of naturally curling strands. The manufacturer guarantees that the effect will last for six months after the procedure. Suitable for fine, bleached, coarse, normal hair.

The composition, in addition to chemical reagents, includes protective components. After the procedure, the strands will become shiny and healthy. Suitable for self-use. Used by salon specialists. Curl price 135 rubles.

Curl from Aromax

Aromax offers curling product Curl, which contains a strong reagent that guarantees a long-lasting effect after the procedure. Suitable for self-application. Used by beauty salon professionals.

Can be used for all hair types. The average cost is 45 rubles.

Curl from the Kalina concern

Concern Kalina presents a product for cold curling, Curl.

The concern is known high quality manufactured products. The Lokon product was no exception. It can be used at home and is suitable for all types of hair.

A bottle costs 70 rubles.

What you need for home use

To work you will need the following tools:

  • comb with sparse teeth, pointed opposite edge;
  • bobbins of the required diameter or curlers with a lock. It is enough to have from 50 to 80 pieces on hand;
  • plastic containers;
  • gloves, a cap and several towels.

Prepare Curl, vinegar 9 or 6%, conditioner and Vaseline.

Attention! All items purchased for the procedure must match the type and length.

Perm procedure

  1. We do a sensitivity test. All drugs can trigger an allergic reaction. Before the procedure, apply a few drops to the back of your hand. If after 15 minutes there is no redness on the hand, the product is suitable for further use.
  2. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo. Dry your head with a towel.
  3. Put on rubber gloves and start preparing the working solution. To do this, pour a small part of the contents of the tube with the working solution into a plastic container.
  4. Carefully separate a small strand. Using a foam sponge, whisk the product and apply it.
  5. The width of the strand must be selected in accordance with the length of the bobbin. The upper part of the head is wound first, and the frontal and temporal parts last.
  6. When all the curls are wound into bobbins, you need to wet them again with a sponge, avoiding getting the product on your scalp and face.
  7. Cover with a plastic cap.
  8. Leave the product on for 15–30 minutes. The duration of the procedure depends on the length and condition of the hair, as well as on the desired elasticity of the future curl.
  9. To determine the required time, spin several bobbins on different parts of the head and see the result. If the curl turns out to be weak, increase the effect of the drug.
  10. Remove the bobbins and rinse the strands with warm running water without disturbing the integrity.
  11. Take the fixative and pour it into glassware. Lather with a foam sponge. Carefully treat each strand with a fixative.
  12. The fixative lasts for 5–10 minutes.
  13. Rinse your hair with warm running water and apply a leave-in conditioner.

For several days, try not to touch your hair or use shampoos.

Photos before and after

How long does the effect last?

The procedure, performed by professionals, will last for six months. The result depends on compliance with the technological process and the type of hairstyle. Coarse, unruly hair is straightened faster. Thin, colored strands retain the curl effect for a long time. Natural predisposition influences.

If the procedure was carried out at home, the duration can be significantly reduced.

Remember that the procedure cannot be repeated until the curls take on a natural look and shape.

Trim overgrown ends. They won't return to form. The appearance of the ends will ruin the hairstyle.

Consequences and hair care

Manufacturers are constantly improving their formulations. After the procedure, curls can not only acquire the desired shape, but also improve their appearance. But we cannot ignore individual characteristics hair.

Follow all instructions and requirements of manufacturers, listen to the advice of specialists. Simple actions will help you avoid negative consequences: What should you do after curling:

  1. Do not use shampoos for 48 hours. This time is enough to consolidate the result.
  2. It is advisable to comb with a wooden comb with long, rather sparse teeth. If the perm was performed on long hair, such a comb should be used constantly, and not for the first few days.
  3. After each wash, use masks, conditioners and balms. You can rinse your hair with an infusion of chamomile or mint. This is a very important point! During the procedure, the strands change their natural structure and become rough. Protective products will help make strands healthy and smooth, which will have a beneficial effect on appearance hairstyles
  4. Remember to trim your ends at least once a month. A haircut will help revitalize your hair.
  5. Chemicals destroy the structure. After the procedure, they cannot be painted for several weeks. Ideally, you should not do coloring even a month before curling.
  6. Perm should be carried out in rooms with an air temperature of no more than 22 degrees Celsius.

By following these simple, but very important rules, you can keep your hair in excellent condition even after exposure to chemical reagents.

Find out more about the rules of hair care after perm on our website.

Pros and cons

Benefits of Curling:

  • the effect lasts six months;
  • the product is easy to use independently;
  • the presence of protective components in the composition of the drug;
  • affordable price.


  • Failure to follow the rules specified in the instructions will spoil the final result. Hair will become brittle, lifeless, and split;
  • chemical components cause an allergic reaction.

Follow safety rules. Choose your products carefully. Self-administration of drugs is permissible if you have experience. Professionals know the nuances that allow them to achieve excellent results.

Useful videos

How to get natural curls.

How to Perm Hair.

Perm gained popularity in our country many years ago and remains in demand to this day. But only relatively recently did this procedure reach its perfection - it became possible to create hairstyles that are completely different from each other, in contrast to the Soviet period. These changes were influenced by innovative developments in the field of hair beauty and the latest preparations for perm.

The “chemistry” of the Soviet era greatly harmed the hair structure and looked very unnatural, and also required titanic efforts to care and restore the hair. But that didn’t make her any less popular.

Modern preparations for perm

A few years ago, a significant leap forward took place in the field of hair beauty - safe and effective preparations for perms were created. But the sequence and essence of the procedure remained the same - modification of the structure and shape of the hair.

The latest generation of specialized preparations not only does not harm hair health, but also has positive effects on restoring the natural structure. With minimal trauma to the hair structure, you can now achieve a spectacular result.

The latest generation of preparations contains active chemical elements responsible for the formation and consolidation of curls, as well as caring “smart” substances that can self-distribute to the areas of hair most in need of strengthening.

Classification of perms

Most curling preparations basically contain organothio compounds and their derivatives, which can affect the structure and shape of the hair, modifying it regardless of temperature conditions.

No less important indicator chemical composition is the pH indicator of hydrogen. The higher it is, the more actively the drug affects the hair, thereby increasing the likelihood of keratin dissolution and destruction of bonds.

Alkaline permanent for chemical styling

Characterized by classic line-up, the main active ingredient is thioglycolic acid. Used for styling and curling natural, healthy hair, resulting in bouncy curls. Its pH level, depending on the percentage of ammonia, ranges from 8.5 to 9.5.

The main disadvantage of alkaline permanent is the release of harmful hydrogen sulfide vapors, which can cause side effects such as general malaise, headache, contact and other dermatitis.

Modern alkaline preparations are less aggressive to hair due to the presence of “smart” healing substances that restore damaged areas of hair and soften the effect of the chemical composition.

Acid-balanced permanent

Acid-balanced and neutral perm compositions do not contain aggressively strong alkalis, so they are not so harmful to the hair. Their main component is glyceryl monothioglycolate.

This product requires a special activator. When they are mixed, it happens chemical reaction, as a result of which heat is released and the mixture heats up to 40 degrees. This helps speed up the curling process.

The effect of this composition is softer than alkaline, but the curls are not as elastic, and the styling process takes longer. This method is used on tired, weak and colored hair.

The main disadvantage of this product is that the curling power is short; the styling done with it will not last very long. But the hair will look more natural and not be afraid of the influences of nature and moisture.

Soft alkaline perm

This solution is more gentle than an alkaline solution; it does not harm the structure and health of the hair. It contains amino acids, so this perm can be called medicinal.

During the curling procedure, the hair receives a protein complex that restores and improves its structure. This installation is long-term.

The chemical solution is practically odorless and does not harm the skin or respiratory system. However, there is a high risk of an allergic reaction.

Gel-like product for long-term styling

This preparation is easily squeezed out of the package and is not particularly difficult to apply. It is convenient for styling in certain parts of the head. It is usually used for styling the regrown root layer of hair, adding volume to the roots of short hair, and also for curling hair. temporal region at short haircuts. The product is applied to the desired areas of the hair with a comb, giving it the required shape and volume.

Foaming product for permanent

This drug is the most harmless of all existing ones. Its gentle effect on the hair allows you to create volume without frizz.

Whatever perm preparation you are inclined to use, before using it you need to make sure that there are no allergic or side effects, and also consult with a specialist who will tell you which product is suitable for your hair type.

Perm hair is perfect way radically change your appearance and give your hair unimaginable volume.

Preparation for the procedure

To make curling your hair safe, prepare your strands for the upcoming procedure. Preparation consists of six important steps.

Stage 1. Assessment of hair structure (elasticity, strength, type, density). It is carried out in order to choose the type of perm.

  • For thick hair you will need the strongest fixation product, since it is very difficult to curl them;
  • Thin sparse strands curl easily - for them you need to choose a weaker preparation;
  • Hair with low elasticity can stretch greatly and will not be able to return to its original form. Chemistry is contraindicated for them;
  • Hair that is too dry should also not be twisted - it will tear and break.

Stage 2. Scalp analysis. For wounds, injuries and diseases associated with the scalp, it is better to forget about perming.

Stage 3. Sensitivity test. To do this, saturate a cotton sponge with curling compound and lubricate the area behind your ear with it. Wait 10 minutes. If there is no redness, rashes, or irritation, proceed to curling. If problems arise, quickly wipe the skin with hydrogen peroxide. Chemistry is contraindicated for you.

Stage 4. Checking the hair for the fixative. This is necessary in order to determine the dose and concentration of the drug. Take a small strand, moisten it with the preparation and leave for 5 minutes. Check the hair for breakage. If it remains strong, the strands can be curled. If it looks like tow and breaks easily, make the solution weaker.

Stage 5. Washing your hair. The shampoo will loosen the scales and improve the result.

Stage 6. Hair cutting. It can be done before or after curling to refresh the ends and give your hair shape.

Important! Before the procedure, do not forget to remove gold jewelry and glasses, and also protect your skin from chemicals.

Types of hair chemistry

Modern perm can be divided into types according to chemical agent applied to the strands.


This gentle perm is considered universal, as it is suitable for everyone. The curl is strong and elastic, the result lasts from 3 to 6 months and directly depends on the structure of the hair.


A special fixative based on thioglycolic acid penetrates into the hair, but does not spoil its structure, as it is considered gentle. As a result, we get a fairly hard curl - it lasts for one month. This method is not suitable for thin and soft strands - they will lose their shape and stretch at the roots. The same applies to girls with sensitive skin types and dry hair.


With the alkaline type of curling, the fixative penetrates inside and opens the scales. The result is more lasting - it will last on the hair for about 90 days. Gives bouncy curls, looks natural, and is much softer than the previous option. But on heavy, hard strands the result will not be lasting - after about a month the curl will lose its shape. Cheaper in cost than acid perm.

Amino acid

The fixative contains amino acids and proteins that heal and nourish the hair. Amino acid “chemistry” does not harm the health of the strands. The curls look natural, but, alas, are short-lived. This “chemistry” is not suitable for coarse and long strands - under such heavy weight, curls will quickly develop.


You will not find any aggressive components in the composition. They are replaced with another product similar to the hair molecule. Biowave gives a beautiful natural shine and a very lasting result.


This is an ideal way to give your hair fullness by fixing the volume for several weeks or even months at once (it all depends on the fixative). Also, root chemistry is suitable for those whose hair has previously been permed, but has managed to grow back.


This drug contains silk proteins. They care for hair and improve its structure. Even damaged hair becomes healthier. The curl comes out very soft and lasts up to six months. The price is much more expensive than other options.


It is in great demand among modern fashionistas. Allows you to get an elastic and large curl. With this type of curling, curlers are especially necessary large sizes- this is Olivia Garden. They are attached to each other using sharp teeth. Curlers of this type do not leave creases and give lush curls.

Small or African

Recommended for women with thin and sparse hair. It is often performed on hair medium length. But we advise especially brave ladies to take risks - African chemistry will definitely help you with this short hair. The silhouette will be spherical, and the volume will be incredible! The only drawback is that it will be very difficult to take care of your hair, and it will be almost impossible to do a new style. For “chemistry” in the Afro style, you need either curlers or small spirals. This process will take about 5 hours and can only be done in the salon.


It is also called lipid-protein (LC2). Compared to the previous one, the Japanese one lasts longer and provides greater benefits. It is completely safe due to its neutral pH and normalizes the moisture content of hair that is too dry. With this perm you can get elastic and voluminous curls that will last from 2 to 6 months.


Perm for medium, short (no more than 20 cm) and sparse strands. Makes hair more voluminous and curls soft and natural. Visually lifts hair at the roots and also refreshes the image. Carving works only on the surface of the hair, without causing harm to it, as with the classic type. If your hair is thick, take large bobbins - large curls will help you create a great image.


Spiral or vertical “chemistry” is best option for a long and thick braid that cannot be twisted horizontally. In this case, the bobbins are placed vertically (from the root to the ends), and the strand is twisted in a spiral. A few words about curlers! For the procedure, you need long cone-shaped bobbins with holes through which the strands are pulled. Ideally, they should be made of plastic or wood. This shape allows the curl to curl evenly.

The effect of wet hair looks great on a vertical curl. It is also convenient because the growing roots can be easily curled. The composition can be anything - it depends on how long you want to wear your new hairstyle. In addition, the health of the strands depends on the drug. After the procedure, they will either be weak and dull, or shiny and vibrant.

Electric curling

It can only be used on healthy hair and only in trusted salons. First, the strands are moistened, then twisted onto bobbins and connected to the device (exposure time and temperature are regulated). The result of the procedure will be beautiful lungs curls

Who should not have chemistry?

Perm is prohibited in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Breastfeeding;
  • Very dry, thin and damaged hair;
  • Tendency to allergies (first you need to do an allergy test);
  • Pre-staining with basma or henna;
  • Acute illness;
  • Taking medications.

Hair care after chemotherapy

After perm, hair needs care. To do this, follow a few simple rules.

  • Rule 1. To wash your hair, you will need a special shampoo for curled hair.
  • Rule 2. Moisturize your hair with special masks. They should contain panthenol, collagen, silk proteins or keratins.
  • Rule 3. As a home remedy, you can safely use an infusion of rye bread crusts (pour 1 liter of boiling water over 300 grams of bread and leave in a thermos for 5 hours), nettle or hops. A variety of oils (almond, peach, burdock) may also be useful. They need to be slightly warmed up.
  • Rule 4. Take fish oil.
  • Rule 5. Trim your ends regularly and lubricate them with a special cream.
  • Rule 6. Comb with a wide-toothed comb - it will not injure the strands.
  • Rule 7. For several days after curling, do not wash your hair and heat-treat the strands.
  • Rule 8. Protect your hair from hot sun rays.
  • Rule 9. Do not twist washed hair, but lightly blot it.
  • Rule 10. Don't sleep with wet hair.

Medicines for perm Every year they become more diverse and perfect. Nowadays there are practically no contraindications for “chemistry”; even blond hair can be curled. As for perm at home, it is still better for those with healthy hair to do it themselves, provided that the hair is either not dyed or is dyed dark colors.

1. Perm is done on clean, damp hair. It’s good if you have a spray bottle of water on hand, from which you can spray your drying hair.

2. Curl the hair in neat rows, separating thin strands with the tip of a plastic comb. For more thorough winding, the tip of each strand is placed between a piece of paper folded in half. perm, and then wind it onto a bobbin. For good chemistry, it is very important to curl your hair correctly. The wrap should be tight and smooth, without “cocks”. Each curled strand is combed and pulled at a right angle to the head.

3. It is very difficult to curl yourself, especially for those with long hair. If you have decided to get a perm at home, you need someone to help you do it. If you don’t have the skill of winding bobbins at all, it’s worth practicing before deciding to experiment.

4. Under the fastening rubber bands of the bobbins you need to insert plastic sticks, which protect the hair from creases. When the hair curling is completed, before applying the curling composition, it is worth moistening the hair with a spray bottle.

5. So that the remedy for perm do not get it on your face or eyes, use a cotton bundle, but it is more reliable to take a piece of thin natural fabric or gauze, fill it with cotton wool and roll it into a bundle that can be wrapped around your head; decide on its size in advance. The tourniquet must either be tied at the back, or, which is more convenient and secure, its ends must be twisted on each side. To prevent the tourniquet from slipping onto your forehead, hook it to the first bobbin located above your forehead using a crab clamp. In salons, before the procedure of applying the curling preparation, a special protective cup is put on the neck (it is sold in specialized stores).

6. Now you should apply the curling preparation. The procedure is carried out wearing protective gloves. The drug is applied either with a separate sponge or with a sponge applicator, which is located at the tip of the bottle. The product should be applied evenly, moistening each curled strand. This procedure must be done carefully, but quite quickly.

7. Then the hair is covered with plastic wrap. For added warmth, you can additionally cover them with a warm scarf or towel. In this form, the composition is kept on the hair strictly according to the time specified in the instructions. After the time has passed, the hair is unrolled, two or three bobbins are untwisted and they are seen to see whether a curl has appeared or whether the preparation needs to be held a little longer (the bobbins are twisted back). This is usually determined by the experienced eye of the master. At home chemicals It’s better not to overexpose the curling agent, but to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.

8. The hair is thoroughly washed to remove the curling compound with warm running water without removing the bobbins.

9. Then gently blot them with a towel.

10. Protect the face again with a tourniquet and apply a fixing agent to the twisted strands. Withstand right time and, without rinsing, untwist the hair, then apply the fixing agent again to the untwisted strands, hold it according to the time specified in the instructions and rinse with warm water. In some formulations for perm There are two fixing compounds, not one, and they are applied three times, so you need to read the instructions very carefully.

11. ready, you can simply dry it naturally, or you can, as in the photo, use a hairdryer with a diffuser. Working with a diffuser requires skill; for good styling, you need to strongly tilt your head in different directions so that your hair hangs and dry it in sections.

It should be remembered that perm, like no other hairdressing procedure, requires skill and intuition based on experience!

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