Modern carols for children in Russian. Russian folk carols for Christmas are short, for children. Texts of poems and songs with notes of Christmas carols, video

Kolyada, Kolyada!
And sometimes there is a carol
On Christmas Eve
Kolyada has arrived
Christmas brought.

The owner and the hostess
Get off the stove
Light the candles!
Open the chests
Get your heels out!
For your amusement,
We're screwed!

Kolyada, merry carol!
Get everyone here!
We will shower you with happiness,
You will treat us for that!

Kolyada, Kolyada!
Give us some pie
Or a loaf of bread,
Or half a buck,
Or a chicken with a crest,
Cockerel with a comb!

We are hitting your gates!
We have come to give you happiness,
Let's carol here!
Come to us quickly
Bring treats!
We are waiting for cookies, we are waiting for sweets,
We wish you happiness for a hundred years!

We'll call you by phone
With wishes and bow.
We came to carol
Merry Christmas to you!

Who will give us some pie?
Some fresh cottage cheese
He will have happiness
And the bad weather will dissipate!
We're going caroling
Let's wish you well!

Kolyada, Kolyada
Open the gates
Get out the chests
Serve the snouts.
Even a ruble
Even a nickel
Let's not leave home like that!
Give us some candy
Or maybe a coin
Don't regret anything
It's Christmas Eve!

We are ditties for carols
Let's sing cheerfully,
Treat us sweeter,
Otherwise we’ll be offended and leave!

Kolyada, Kolyada!
Open the gate!
Give me some pie
A piece of bread
A pot of sour cream!
Won't you serve any pies?
We let in bedbugs,
Mustached cockroaches
And striped animals!

Kolyada, Kolyada,
Come from far away
Once a year
Let's admire it for an hour.
We're crackling with the frost,
With a prickly cold,
With white snows,
With a blizzard, with blizzards.
Scooters - sleighs
We drove ourselves -
From village to village,
Kolyada is fun.

Who lives in this house
God give him joy!
Whole bins of happiness,
Let them enjoy winter!
We want just a little,
Pies only for the road!

The Holy Spirit descended from heaven
And said Christ was born
We came to glorify Christ
Congratulations on your holiday

Well, good hostess,
Hurry up and give us some candy!
We bring happiness and joy to the house,
We're still waiting for the pies!
There will be day and there will be food,
Kolyada will not forget you!

Open the gates
A carol is coming to the house!
Kolyada is coming into the house
Brings happiness with you!
We are waiting for sweets from you,
Hello pies!
There will be peace in that house
Who are we singing songs to?


Kolya-kolya-kolyada -
For troubles – “No!”, but for happiness – “Yes!”
Happy New Year, Merry Christmas:
We wish you peace in your home,
And health and goodness,
And heartfelt warmth!
Kolya-kolya-kolyada -
For troubles - “No!”, but for happiness “Yes!!!”
(N. Samonii)

A carol came
Christmas Eve
Who will give me some pie?
So the barn is full of cattle,
Ovin with oats,
A stallion with a tail!
Who won't give you the pie?
That's why a chicken leg
Pestle and shovel
The cow is hunchbacked.

Good evening to good people!
May the holiday be merry.
Merry Christmas to you.
We wish you happiness and joy!
Generous evening, good evening!
Good health to good people!

Good auntie,
Give me some sweet cakes.
On the eve of Christmas,
Give it, don't break it,
Give everything whole.
If you drop a little one,
You can’t even pray to God.
Won't you serve me some flatbread?
Let's break the windows.
Won't you serve me the pie?
Let's lead the cow by the horns.

Carols go on holy evenings,
The carol comes to Pavly-Selo.
Get ready, villagers,
Let's have carols!
Open the chest
Get out the piglet!
Open up, peddlers,
Get your pennies!
Come, don't be shy,
Now we'll amuse the people.
Who will be the devil and who will be the devil!
And who doesn't want anyone
Let him laugh for a nickel!

Kolyada, Kolyada,
We open all the houses,
All the windows, chests,
We give sweets and pies,
So that it would be good for you,
Say thank you to heaven
God will give us all health,
After all, he is good at this!

Kolyada, Kolyada,
It's Christmas Eve!
Good auntie,
The pie is delicious
Don't cut, don't break,
Serve it quickly
Two, three,
We've been standing for a long time
Let us not stand!
The stove is heating up
I want some pie!

Ding-ding-ding, the bells are ringing,
Sons and daughters have come to you,
You meet carolers,
Greet us with a smile!

Kolyada arrived on the eve of Christmas.
God bless whoever is in this house.
We wish good things to all people:
Gold, silver,
Lush pies,
Soft pancakes
Good health,
Cow butter.

A star is shining in the sky,
At the hour of Holy Christmas...
Kolyada came,
I went around all the houses,
I knocked on doors and windows,
She walked and laughed and played...
And behind the noisy Kolyada,
Carolers in a crowd...
Everyone rejoices and laughs,
They sing a loud song:
“Kolyada was born,
On the eve of Christmas..."

We ask for your health,
And we carry candles for happiness!
Let it be in your yard.
There will be a mountain of gold!
Well, you will treat us,
Don't drive away the carol!
Otherwise a year will pass
It won't bring anything!

Kolyada, Kolyada,
Who won't give you the pie?
We take the cow by the horns
Who won't give donuts,
We hit him in the face,
Who won't give a penny?
That's a neck on the side.

Immediately after the celebration of the New Year holidays, a bright, cozy and family holiday comes to us - this is the Nativity of Christ. In the Christian tradition, it symbolizes the birth of Jesus Christ, who was destined to give his life to atone for human sins. Christmas brings hope for the best and faith in goodness. The Nativity of Christ is celebrated on January 7, and this holiday has been rich in customs since ancient times. This includes strict fasting until the first star on Christmas Eve on January 6, and lighting a candle on the windowsill on the night of January 7, which was a sign that the Blessed Virgin Mary and Righteous Joseph could find refuge in this house, and, of course, carols.

Let's remember what carols and caroling are. We caroled on the eve of Christmas, from January 6 to 7. After the Holy Supper on January 6, children and adults dressed up in bright costumes, put on various masks and went from house to house with mischievous jokes and sang special congratulations - Christmas carols. And on the morning of January 7, they sang Christmas songs and wished everyone a Merry Christmas.

Caroling was like a kind of Slavic carnival. Many smeared their faces with beets or soot and dressed up as “gypsies” or “goats” and “bears.” Carolers were allowed to misbehave a little, but in a kind way. And no one was allowed to stop them, just as it was impossible not to open the door for them if they knocked on the gate. Some of them glorified their owners, others blasphemed them. Kicking out the carolers was shameful and even dangerous. But the owners had to generously treat the carolers, then in return they received wishes for success and wealth. Young people used not only simple and short Russian carols, but also sarcastic poems with scares and witticisms. Masked carolers were invited into the house, treated to food, and thanked for their performances with sweets and money.

Kolyadka(from the Latin “calends” - the name of the first day of the month among the ancient Romans) or carol song is a ritual song with wishes for wealth, good health, and a good harvest, which is performed during the Christmas holidays (mainly on the night before Christmas). These songs were invented by the people, they do not have a specific author, and they vividly convey the spirit of the holiday. As a rule, a carol is a small Christmas story about the greatest event and the glorification of the main persons of that night, which brought the most joyful, most important news - the Savior of the world was born! Carolers always bring a special atmosphere of festive fun to the house along with carols. Very often, carolers go from house to house with a homemade star attached to a pole. It symbolizes the Star of Bethlehem, which led the Three Magi, wise men from the East, to the cave where Christ was born.

The caroling ended with general fun, rolling down the hills, and a common feast. Nowadays, children and young people most often go to caroling. In Christmas carols, it is customary to glorify Christ, congratulate the owner and mistress of the house, and ask them for treats.

Today you can support the good tradition of caroling with your children. They can make a cardboard star, take a bell and a gift bag, learn a few carols and sing them to relatives and neighbors. Remind them that they must first ask the hosts for permission and wish them well.

Short Christmas carols for children

short and naughty carols

Kolyada- a traditional pagan holiday among Slavic peoples associated with the winter solstice. In ancient times this holiday was called the holiday of Kolyada or Korotun. It fell on December 21st. People believed that it was on this day that the Sun was eaten by the Korotun snake. The all-powerful goddess Kolyada in the Dnieper waters gave birth to a new sun - little Bozhich. The pagans tried to protect the newborn. They drove away Korotun, who tried to eat the new Sun, and then went from house to house to inform people about the birth of the new Sun, and they carried an image of this sun with them.

This tradition has been preserved to this day. With the rising of the first star in the sky, mummered carolers entered the yard, woke up the owner and sang majestic songs to his family about the sun, moon, and stars. Later, the majestic songs that the mummers sang began to be called carols or carols.

With the advent of Christianity in Rus', a church Christian holiday is celebrated on the holiday of Kolyada and now it is dedicated to Christmas and Christmastide (cf. kolo - circle). During the carol, mummers (dressed in costumes using skins, masks and horns) went from house to house and sang majestic ritual songs of the winter cycle - carols in which they congratulated the birth of Christ, glorified the owners of the house, and wished health and a rich harvest to the family in the new year.

The little boy sat down on the sofa,
The sofa is fragile - drive away the ruble!

Merry Christmas to you, people!
May you have peace and harmony,
So that you don't know grief
And they were rich!

We sow, we blow, we flutter,
Merry Christmas!
You glorify Christ,
Give us some treats!

An angel came down from heaven to you
And he said: “Christ was born!”
We came to glorify Christ,

We're going caroling
Let's congratulate everyone!
Read short poems
And receive candy!

I help my mother.
I carol until the morning.
Have pity baby
Give me some candy!

We carol, we carol,
We alternate songs and dances!
And squatted, and around,
Treat yourself to some pie!

Kolyada, you are my Kolyada!
Open the gates quickly!
Today I bring happiness to your home,
Give me sweets, friends!

Give us some coins
Candy for the children
We don't bring harm to people.
We cannot be denied!

Kolyada, you are my Kolyada!
Happy holiday to everyone!
The pies on the tables are glowing with heat,
Everyone hears congratulations from me!

Kolyada comes to visit,
Throw away all your affairs!
There will be joy, there will be a feast
There will be peace in every home!

I'm called Mekhonoshey,
And I'm not afraid of frost!
I'm coming to see you,
And I'm carrying a big bag!

Ding-ding-ding, the bells are ringing!
Sons and daughters have come to you!
You meet carolers,
Greet us with a smile!

And sometimes Kolyada
On the eve of Christmas.
Kolyada has arrived
Christmas brought.

Christmas Eve
Even a ruble, even a nickel -
We won't just leave!

Today an Angel came down to us
And he sang: “Christ is born!”
We came to glorify Christ
And congratulate you on the holiday!

Here we go, shepherds,
All our sins are forgiven,
We bring you good news,
We won’t leave without gifts!

Carols, carols, carols,
Pancakes are good with honey,
And without honey it’s not the same,
Give me some pies, Auntie!

Here comes mother - winter has come,
Open the gate!
Christmas time has arrived!
The carols have arrived!

A carol is knocking on your door,
On the eve of Christmas,
Open the gates
We will not harm you.

Our bell is ringing,
He says to good people,
We came to carol
Merry Christmas to you.

The Holy Spirit has already descended from heaven,
And he told us all - Christ was born,
We came to glorify him
Happy holiday to all of you.

The text of the carol has been learned,
And we went to visit the guests,
We will say “No” to troubles together,
Let's sing "Yes" happily.

Kolyada, merry carol!
Get everyone here!
We will shower you with happiness,
You will treat us for that!

Kolyada, Kolyada, Kolyada,
Comes to us year after year!
We wish you happiness forever!
Rejoice, rejoice people!

We are ditties for carols
Let's sing cheerfully,
Treat us sweeter,
Otherwise we’ll be offended and leave!

We sow, we blow, we fly
And we wish you prosperity,
Don't skimp on pancakes
May we sing beautifully.

Don't skimp on carols,
Serve the chocolates
Then next year
It will bring you good luck!

Carols, carols, carols -
Pancakes are good with honey!
But without honey it’s not the same,
Give me some pies, auntie!

Merry Christmas to you, people,
May you have peace and harmony!
So that you don't know grief,
May we remain in abundance!

So that your home is cheerful,
Beauty bloomed all around
So that you give good things,
They thanked you the same way.

Won't you give me cheesecakes -
You'll get it on top of your head!
Won't you give me the pie?
I'll lead the cow by the horns.

We sow, we sow, we sow!
Merry Christmas!
We sincerely congratulate everyone,
We wish them success!

We sow, we sow, we sow,
Merry Christmas!
May you be healthy
May they live for many years!

I'm alone with my dad.
Knee-deep casing -
Give me some pie, uncle!

They brought you pancakes and pancakes
In a painted cart,
On the raven tip.

We'll call you by phone
With wishes and bow.
We came to carol
Merry Christmas to you!

May you live well
Everything you want is given,
So that thoughts inspire,
And dreams always came true.

An angel has come down to us today
And he sang: “Christ is born.”
We came to glorify Christ,
And congratulate you on the holiday.

From cruelty and troubles
Christ saves us all,
Teaches us mercy
The Savior calls for peace!

Adults and children know:
We live in the world for good!
Today is Holy Christmas,
There is celebration on the planet!

Rejoice, all people
On a big planet
God is with us! Love and Truth
Praise Christ, children!

And sometimes there is a carol
On Christmas Eve
Kolyada has arrived
Christmas brought.

Christmas carol songs

The evening on Christmas Eve is the most magical and unusual of the year. Outside the window covered with frost, dusk gradually thickens, a dense sheet of snow warms the earth and plunges it into a deep sleep. There is unreal silence all around. But as soon as the shine of the first star appears in the gloomy sky, everyone is happy to realize that the holiday has begun!

The closest and dearest people gather around one table, in the center of which is traditional kutia. Before the meal, unmarried girls run out into the frosty courtyard to tell fortunes, and hospitable housewives drive away evil spirits from the house and attract prosperity with ancient rituals. But the most interesting thing begins after the feast. A wonderful Christmas night is coming. Not a trace remains of the former silence: cheerful laughter, poems and songs of carolers in costumes can be heard from everywhere.

Caroling is not just an ancient folk custom, it is a tradition that has come down to the present day from our ancestors.

Today the rules of caroling look like this:

  • January 6 (Holy Evening) - caroling
  • January 7 (Christmas) - Christmas
  • January 13 (Venerable Melania) - generous
  • January 14 (Old New Year) - sowing

Mother winter has come.
Open the gates!
Christmas time has arrived!
The carols have arrived!

Kalidim, Kalidim I am alone with my dad,
My dad sent me
So that I can get bread.
I don’t want bread, give me some sausage,
If you don't give me the sausage, I'll destroy the whole house.

The pig ran away from Maksimka,
Yes, I ruined the carol,
And you, boy,
Don't walk, don't walk
And collect the carols, collect them...

Christmas carols have arrived
On a linden sleigh.
The sleigh is broken
The shirts got dirty
And the carols are lost...

Kolyada, Kolyada!
And sometimes Kolyada
On the eve of Christmas.
Kolyada has arrived
Christmas brought.

Vasilyeva's mother
I went to be generous
Scatter wheat across the field.
Germinate, God, wheat,
Barley, buckwheat.

So that your home is cheerful,
Beauty bloomed all around
So that you give good things,
They thanked you the same way.

Damn, give me a loaf,
pork leg,
A little bit of everything!
Carry it - don't shake it,
Come on - don't break it!

Kolyada comes - it's a fairy tale
Happiness, snow, skates, sleds!
Lights on the Christmas tree and children's laughter!
And general joy for everyone!
And now for our congratulations,
Rely on candy and cookies!

Good evening to good people!
May the holiday be merry.
Merry Christmas to you.
We wish you happiness and joy!
Generous evening, good evening!
Good health to good people!

The sparrow flies
Twirls his tail,
And you people know
Cover the tables
Receive guests
Happy Christmas!

Congratulations people!
The day of general fun has arrived!
Short, medium, long,
Young, young, old!
We bring congratulations to everyone,
Looking forward to a treat for this!

Joy without boundaries has come,
Let's celebrate in the morning!
God bless you
We wish you a year!
We sow, we sow in your house,
We are waiting for a cup of treats!

I'll go into any house
And there I will sing carols!
There will be day and there will be night,
All sorrows will go away!
Happiness to everyone, health to you,
We are waiting for a hundred grams of candy!

Well, good hostess,
Hurry up and give us some candy!
We bring happiness and joy to the house,
We're still waiting for the pies!
There will be day and there will be food,
Kolyada will not forget you!

Let us congratulate you in verse, friends,
I came to you to sing carols!
Baba cook the pies,
Hot, hot, out of the oven!
And some candy to boot,
For good luck, for good luck!

Open the doors wider
And hand out candy!
There is a carol on the threshold,
Come running here everyone!
We wish you good health,
And we take the candy!

A star is shining in the sky,
Kolyada comes to the house!
Children go home
Prepare a hundred grams of sweets!
If you don't pamper the children,
You'll definitely feel sad today!

To be in the bins,
So that happiness can be found in homes
Get your treats out
May good luck be with you!
We are the messengers of the holy day,
We wish you peace lovingly!

So that the rye is thick,
To prevent the butter from melting,
So that there would be money,
So that the guys are full!
We need to treat you to us,
We came to carol!

Kolyada, Kolyada!
Give us some pie
Or a loaf of bread,
Or half a buck,
Or a chicken with a crest,
Cockerel with a comb!

Everything was sown, scattered everywhere,
And they showered you with well-fed grain!
They came to you to sing carols.
Happiness. A joy to offer!
And in return we want sweets,
May we have a lot of joy!

Mister, gentlemen,
The master's wife
Open the doors
And give us a gift!
Pie, roll
Or anything else!

Kolyada came from a fairy tale,
We took skates, sleds,
We took a big bag
Children's laughter and walking.
Accept congratulations,
Get the treat.

I wish all my friends
I am very happy today!
I'm going to carol with them,
To invite good luck into your home!
I'm waiting for a bag of sweets from you,
Then I will give you a hundred years of happiness!

God, please let him soon
Who lives in a house like this?
Lots of joy and happiness
Power over your desire!
In return he will give us candy,
And he will be happy for two hundred years!

There's an angel on your doorstep,
So there is no more beautiful house!
So that there is happiness in him,
So that joy settles
We all need to be treated
We came to carol!

Happiness, joy comes to you,
Christmas and New Year!
We are in a hurry to sing carols,
Help everyone at home!
May good luck come to you
Prepare a treat - cake!

Who will give us some pie?
Some fresh cottage cheese
He will have happiness
And the bad weather will dissipate!
We're going caroling
Let's wish you well!

Short poems for you
Made it today!
You can replace one hundred grams of sweets,
Give us more nobility!
We bring happiness to your home!
There will be wealth in it!

We carol, we carol,
Let's go home today!
Let the blizzard inflate happiness,
After New Year's Eve!
Because Christmas is coming to the house,
Joy will be in him today!

On the eve of Christmas,
Kolyada has appeared!
Open the doors wider
There will be joy in the world today!
We are waiting for some treats from you,
We are waiting for sweets and waiting for cookies!

We will be happy
On this day at this hour!
After all, they came to carol,
Wishing you joy in your home!
Get your sweets,
Give it to everyone who sings carols!

You will give us -
We will praise
And you won’t give -
We will reproach!
Kolyada, Kolyada!
Serve the pie!

A carol came
On the eve of Christmas.
Who will give me some pie?
So the barn is full of cattle,
Ovin with oats,
A stallion with a tail.

You will give us -
we will praise
and you won’t give -
we will reproach!
Kolyada, Kolyada!
Serve the pie!

Shchedrik is a generous man!
Give me a dumpling,
A cup of porridge
A circle of sausage.
And it’s still not enough -
Give me some bacon!

Look how bright the stars are
They shine for the world there, in the distance.
The holy gifts shine in them:
For people - goodwill,
Peace and truth - for the Earth!

We dressed up cool
They sat in the white sleigh.
We drove to you, we drove,
For gingerbread with nuts.
For honey, and with my darling,
For some sweet liqueur!

Give you, Lord,
In the field of nature,
Threshed on the threshing floor,
Kvashni thickening,
There is sporin on the table,
Thicker sour cream
The cows are milked!

Kolyada, Kolyada,
Who won't give you the pie?
We take the cow by the horns
Who won't give donuts,
We hit him in the face,
Who won't give a penny?
That's a neck on the side.

Kolyadin, Kolyadin,
I'm alone with my mother,
Knee-deep casing,
Give me some pie, uncle!
Open the chest
Give me a penny!
What is in the oven - swords in the bag!

On the eve of Christmas there is caroling.
Who won't give you the pie?
That's a chicken leg.
Who will give me the pie?
That's a ton of grain.
stallion with a tail,
And KamAZ with coal.

Shchedrovochka was generous,
I spent the night under the window,
Chi ram, chi sheep,
Serve the pancake,
Don't bite, don't break,
Let's talk about it in general.
Generous evening, oh good evening.

Good evening, generous evening,
Good health to good people.
What have you made, auntie?
What did you bake, auntie?
Carry it quickly to the window.
Don't pinch, don't break,
But in general, come on.

Carol songs for children and adults

Since ancient times, pagan motifs and Christian overtones have been closely intertwined in Christmas carols. Each stanza glorified the birth of Jesus, thanked the Lord and invited goodness, peace, love, respect, a rich harvest, and prosperity into the home of the owners. Well, if the carolers were greeted poorly or rudely, then such gentlemen were ridiculed. After all, those who wanted to carol had to know a lot of beautiful poems and songs in order to honor each home and hospitable hosts. Carolers are an integral part of the winter holidays, and refusing them, according to popular beliefs, is tantamount to sin.

And in order not to offend your hospitable hosts, you need to know how to properly carol for children on January 6 and 7 for Christmas and the Old New Year. According to all customs, a man or a boy is the first to enter the yard and house. Before starting caroling, guests must certainly ask permission from the hosts, and then bow and thank them for the gifts. Sweets, gingerbread and other gifts cannot be passed from hand to hand. Generous donors are obliged to put them straight into the carolers' bag!

A group of carolers must consist of at least three people:

  • The first is the Zvezdar, carrying an eight-pointed star - a symbol of the birth of Jesus;
  • The second is the Bell Ringer, who notifies with a ringing bell the approach of a cheerful company of carolers;
  • The third is Mekhonosha, carrying a bright bag with caroled wealth, embroidered with stars and other elements;
  • The fourth and subsequent ones are everyone who wants to carol and sing songs in traditional costumes, the number of which will only make the company louder, more active and more fun;

Koleda - moleda,
White beard
The nose is flat,
The head is like a basket,

Hands like sabers,
Legs like rakes,
Come New Year's Eve
Celebrate honest people!

Joy and happiness come to the house,
After New Year's Eve
Christmas is coming
The kids are going caroling!

Reads short poems
Congratulations to everyone from the bottom of my heart!
Waiting for cookies and sweets,
Greetings from your family!

This is how it happened in this world
For many years in a row
On such a magical, good evening
Angels fly to us from heaven

They bring goodness, hope,
Blessing to every home
Happy New Year everyone
And Merry Christmas!

Hurry up and give me a carol!
Feet are chilly
I'll run home.

Who will give
He is the prince
Who won't give -
Togo in the dirt!

Kolyada arrived on the eve of Christmas.
God bless whoever is in this house.
We wish good things to all people:
Gold, silver,

Lush pies,
Soft pancakes
Good health,
Cow butter.

Good evening, generous evening,
Good health to good people.
The falcon has arrived
Sat at the window

I cut the cloth.

And the scraps and for the belts,
Hello, happy holiday!

I carol, I carol,
That's what I smell.
Don't forget to pour me a drink
And then give me a snack!

Congratulations on the carol
And I wish the owners
So that there is prosperity in the house
And everything was smooth in the family!

Caroling, caroling
From family to family we wander
We will tell you poems,
Give us some pies

Well, it would be better if there were coins
We'll buy the candy ourselves
And also a handful of nuts,
And let's take a thimble of wine!

Open up stranger
And give me a piece of gold.
I'm singing carols
I sing without looking back

I can't sleep at night
And scream songs.
Think how sweet it is
Sleep without carols!

We carol, we carol,
We pamper people in their homes,
To whom we prophesy happiness.
Who needs quiet nights with a child!

And to whom we give health,
Reward us with love!
We love to eat delicious food
Who has candy?

We go, we go home,
We spread happiness to you all!
Who has good news?
Give me two hundred grams of sweets!

To whom we wish health,
Give us gifts with love!
And to whom we wish wealth,
Get some delicious food!

Kolyada is fun!
Give us some pie
Give me a pot of sour cream.
A piece of white bread.

Kolyada is cheerful,
Won't you serve me the pie?
I'll be offended, my friend,
I'll take it as an enemy.

Kolyada has come to your house,
Happiness and joy will be in him!
Do you want money and health?
Surround us with love.

Put some candy in a bag
Live in joy for 100 years.
Give me some pies on the way,
Under the loud ringing of bells.

Adults and children
Open the doors
Turn off the networks
You are not on the Internet.

Open your wallets
Give out rubles
Open the kitchen cabinet
We are waiting for bagels from you.

Merry Christmas
We came here with goodness
Give us some,
Pie for the path,

So that happiness comes to you,
May you be lucky in everything,
May the Lord give you health,
We sing carols out of sadness!

Heaven gave to Christ
Christmas star.
Earth with love and faith
Gave the Baby a cave.

The angels praised with singing.
Preserving purity, beauty,
Chastity and humility
Mother Mary breathed into Christ.

Kolyada has arrived
On the eve of Christmas.
God bless whoever is in this house
We wish all people well.

Gold, silver,
Lush pies,
Soft pancakes.
Good health,
Cow butter.

Kolyada, Kolyada!
Open the gate!
Give me some pie
A piece of bread

A pot of sour cream!
Won't you serve any pies?
We let in bedbugs,
Mustached cockroaches
And striped animals!

Kolyada, Kolyada,
Give me some pie
Or a loaf of bread,
Or half a buck,

Or a chicken with a crest,
Cockerel with a comb!
Open the chests, owners,
Take out your heels!

Give a penny to the Carolers!

Good evening, generous evening,
Good health to good people.
The falcon has arrived

Sat at the window
I cut the cloth.
And the leftovers are for the owners’ hats,
And the scraps and for the belts,
Hello, happy holiday!

The best children's carols for Christmas

Children especially love caroling and willingly take part in caroling. After all, caroling is a whole action, a performance where there is a place for everyone. This is not just a collection of beautiful Christmas poems and songs. This cheerful action is intended, first of all, to correctly set the festive mood and call on higher powers for help in all endeavors in the coming year. Therefore, in order for it to look like an action, the carolers had to dress up festively. Many people wear masks or symbolic outfits, and this tradition comes from time immemorial.

But not only costumes are used for caroling; we must not forget about important attributes. And the main one is an octagonal star on a long pole. More bells, an elegant bag and a nativity scene. As a rule, a star is made with your own hands from cardboard and foil, and then placed on a long stick.

Christ the Savior
Born at midnight.
In a poor den
He settled.

Here above the nativity scene
The star is shining.
Christ the Master,
On your birthday

Give it to all the people
World of enlightenment!

And God forbid that
Who's in this house?
The rye is thick for him,
Dinner rye!

He's like an ear of octopus,
From the grain he has a carpet,
Half-grain pie.
The Lord would grant you

And living and being,
And wealth!

I'm caroling, I'm caroling
I will go into any hut.
I'll ask the hostess:
- Come on, some goodies!

And cookies and sweets,
And sherbet with nuts,
Pastille and marmalade -
I will be glad to receive any gifts.

I will treat everyone
And praise the hostess!

Auntie the hostess
Give us a nice little cake.
There's a carol going on
On the eve of Christmas.

Auntie the hostess
Pack without haste
And add more to the bag
delicious nuts.

Won't you serve us the cake?
There will be shame, there will be disgrace.

Kolyada, Kolyada
Christmas Eve
Damn and flatbread
Owner Alyoshka

Give me a nickel, auntie
I won't leave home like this!!
Little boy
Sat down on a glass

And the glass is fragile
Give me a rub, mistress!!!

Tausen, tausen,
We go to everyone!
Who won't give jelly -
I'll spray it at the gate.

Who won't give you a donut -
I'm a sheep's armpit.
Tausen, tausen!
Cook, grandma, jelly -

On the hill,
In the skull.

Hey, beautiful hawthorns!
Hey, naughty girls!
Open the doors wider,
Let the guests in!

Your neighbors are close to you:
Not high, not low,
Not wide, not narrow,
All boyars are purely Russian!

We did not come to you with a hindrance,
And with fun and amusement.

Kolyada, Kolyada
Open the gates
Get out the chests
Serve the snouts.

Even a ruble
Even a nickel
Let's not leave home like that!
Give us some candy

Or maybe a coin
Don't regret anything
It's Christmas Eve!

Kolyada - molyada
I entered a new gate!
And behind it comes the frost
It has grown over the tyn!

He brought cold
So, grandfather Arkhip
Became young!
The frost is small

Yes, he doesn’t tell me to stand!
The frost does not tell me to stand,
It's time for us to carol.

Hello, treats
Please accept congratulations!

Happy New Year!
May the Lord grant you
And we live and be,

And wealth in everything,
And God grant you, gentlemen,
Good health for many years to come!

Oh, carol
I went to the farrier.
- Farrier,
Forge me an axe.

What's the ax for?
-Chop a pine tree.
-What's the use of pine?
-Paving the bridge.

What's the bridge for?
- Frost to walk, -
Dress up the New Year!

Good evening to you,
Affectionate owner,
Rejoice, rejoice, earth,
The Son of God was born into the world.

We are coming to you, master,
With good news.
Rejoice, rejoice, earth,
The Son of God was born into the world.

With good news
From the holy city.
Rejoice, rejoice, earth,
The Son of God was born into the world.

How many aspens,
So many pigs for you;
How many Christmas trees
So many cows;

How many candles
So many sheep.
Good luck to you,
The owner and the hostess

Great health,
Happy New Year,
With all the family!
Kolyada, Kolyada!

A carol came
On the eve of Christmas.
Who will give me some pie?
So the barn is full of cattle,

Ovin with oats,
A stallion with a tail.
You will give us -
We will praise

And you won’t give -
We will reproach!
Kolyada, Kolyada!
Serve the pie!

A star is shining in the sky,
At the hour of Holy Christmas
Kolyada came,
I went around all the houses,

I knocked on doors and windows,
She walked and laughed and played...
And behind the noisy Kolyada,
carolers in a crowd...

Everyone rejoices and laughs,
they sing a loud song:
“Kolyada was born,
on the eve of Christmas..."

I'm doing carols so that
Who will give me a ruble in total,
And it’s not difficult for me to dance,
For a tenner in your hand.

If there is a son in the house,
Give me some cheese, hostess/owner,
Since you have a daughter in the house,
I'll ask for a barrel of honey.

If there are any other goodies,
I'll keep it in my pocket.
Well, mistress/host, don’t be shy!
Treat me quickly!

Kolyada, Kolyada,
Come from far away
Once a year
Let's admire it for an hour.

We're crackling with the frost,
With a prickly cold,
With white snows,
With a blizzard, with blizzards.

Scooters - sleighs
We drove ourselves -
From village to village,
Kolyada is fun.

We sow, we blow snow
On a silk bed.
The snow is falling,
The blizzard will break out!

Give it to you, master,
On New Year's Day:
There is offspring on the field,
On the threshing floor - threshed,

You will give us -
We will praise
And you won't give -
We will scold.

On a holy night on a fat field,
Without knowing rest and dreams,
Herds roaming free
A family of shepherds was grazing.

At this moment from the heights of heaven
In shining, wonderful clothes
An angel came down and said:
“Don’t be afraid, God sent me!”

In the holy city of Bethlehem
Born now, at this time,
Savior of the world and people!
Happy holiday to you! Merry Christmas!

She arrived young.
We found a carol
In Ivan's yard!

Hey, Uncle Ivan,
Take the good stuff out into the yard!
How cold it is outside
Freezes nose

Doesn't tell me to stand for long
He orders it to be served soon,
Or a warm pie
Or money with a spear,

Or a silver ruble!

Good evening to you,
Affectionate owner,
Rejoice, rejoice, earth,

The Son of God was born into the world.
We are coming to you, master,
With good news.
Rejoice, rejoice, earth,

The Son of God was born into the world.
With good news
From the holy city.
Rejoice, rejoice, earth,

The Son of God was born into the world.

Good auntie,
Give me some sweet cakes.

On the eve of Christmas,
Give it, don't break it,
Give everything whole.
If you drop a little one,

You can’t even pray to God.
Won't you serve me some flatbread?
Let's break the windows.
Won't you serve me the pie?

Let's lead the cow by the horns.

You, master, don’t be tormented,
Give it quickly!
What about the current frost?
Doesn't tell me to stand for long

Orders to serve soon:
Either pies come out of the oven,
Or a penny of money,
Or a pot of cabbage soup!

God bless you
A yard full of bellies!
And to the stables of horses,
Into the calf barn,

To the guys' hut
And take care of the kittens!

I'm caroling, I'm caroling
I will go into any hut.
I'll ask the hostess
Let's have some sweets.

And cookies and sweets,
And sherbet with nuts,
And halva and chocolate,
Pastille and marmalade,

Delicious cake,
Sweet ice cream
We'll eat it ourselves
And treat each other

And the hostess, and the hostess
Remember with a kind word!

She arrived young!
We found a carol
In Mironov's yard.

Hey, Uncle Miron,
Take the good stuff out into the yard.
How cold it is outside
Freezes nose.

Doesn't tell me to stand for long
He tells me to serve it soon
Or a warm pie
Or butter, cottage cheese,

Or money with a spear,
Or a silver ruble!

We wish everyone good health,
So that with brotherly love
I came to you every day,
I believe that I gave you happiness.

And now let the world rejoice,
Rejoices, triumphs,
Jesus Christ was born
The world is saved! The world has lit up!

And we, the faithful people,
We magnify Christ
Angel songs
We dedicate it to him!

Merry Christmas!

Kolyada, Kolyada,
Open the gate!
Kolyada came
On the eve of Christmas.

Kolyada, Kolyada,
Give us some pie
Who will give me some pie?

That's cattle, belly!

Who won't give you the pie?
Let's take the cow by the horns!

Kolyada, Kolyada,
Open the gate!

The carol has arrived
On the eve of Christmas,
Give me the cow
Oil head.

And God forbid that
Who is in this house?
The rye is thick for him,
Rye is tough.

He's like an ear of octopus,
From the grain he has a carpet,
Half-grain pie.
The Lord would grant you

And living and being,
And wealth.
And create for you, Lord, even better than that!

Kolyada, Kolyada!
Open the gate!
Give me some pie
A piece of bread

A pot of sour cream!
Won't you serve any pies?
We let in bedbugs,
Mustached cockroaches

And striped animals!
Kolyada, Kolyada!
Give us some pie
Or a loaf of bread,

Or half a buck,
Or a chicken with a crest,
Cockerel with a comb!

Christmas carol
Carol comes to us
On the eve of Christmas.
The carol asks, asks

At least a piece of the pie.
Who will give the carol a pie?
He will be there in every possible way!
The cattle will be healthy

The barn will be full of cows
Who will squeeze his piece,
It will be a lonely year.
Will not find luck, happiness,

The year will be spent in bad weather.
Don't feel sorry for the pie
Otherwise you'll create a debt!

New Year has come
The old one stole
Showed yourself!
Get up people

Come out of the gate -
To meet the sun,
Drive away the frost!
Koleda - moleda,

White beard
The nose is flat,
The head is like a basket,
Hands like sabers,

Legs like rakes,
Come New Year's Eve
Celebrate honest people!

I'm caroling, I'm caroling
I will go into any hut.
I'll ask the hostess

Let's have some sweets.
And cookies and sweets,
And sherbet with nuts,
And halva and chocolate,

Pastille and marmalade,
Delicious cake,
Sweet ice cream
We'll eat it ourselves

And treat each other
And the hostess, and the hostess
Remember with a kind word!

We wish everyone good health,
So that with brotherly love
I came to you every day,

I believe that I gave you happiness.
And now let the world rejoice,
Rejoices, triumphs,
Jesus Christ was born

The world is saved! The world has lit up!
And we, the faithful people,
We magnify Christ
Angel songs

We dedicate it to him!
Merry Christmas!

The carol has arrived
On the eve of Christmas,
Give me the cow
Oil head.

And God forbid that
Who is in this house?
The rye is thick for him,
Rye is tough.

He's like an ear of octopus,
From the grain he has a carpet,
Half-grain pie.
The Lord would grant you

And living and being,
And wealth.
And create for you, Lord,
Even better than that!

The magical night is coming
The night is holy
Brings bright joy
Illuminating souls.

Open the gate
Kolyada walking,
Christmas Eve
Bringing happiness to you.

So that your house is full
And good and good,
It's good to live in it
Without worries and burdens.

Caroling carol
From centuries today,
May a star shine for you
Grace of the Lord.

Kolyada, they say poison,
The carol was born!
Who will serve the pie?
That's the yard of the belly,

More small cattle -
You wouldn't know the numbers!
And who won't give a penny -
Let's close up the loopholes

Who won't give you some flatbread?
Let's block up the windows
Who won't give you the pie?
Let's take the cow by the horns,

Who will not give bread -
Let's take grandfather away
Who won't give ham -
Then we will split the cast iron!

Kolyada you, Kolyada,
A carol came by,
I recorded a carol,
Sovereign's courtyard,

The Sovereign's courtyard in the middle of Moscow,
Middle of stone.
Gossip darling,
Donate splinters

On holy evenings,
To games, to gatherings.
Thank you, godfather, my white swan,
You didn’t celebrate, you didn’t play pranks,

I went for a walk to the market, bought some silk for myself,
I embroidered a fly and gave it to my dear friend.
Give you, Lord, forty cows, fifty piglets,
yes forty chickens.

The road of the wise men and shepherds
We are moving behind a wonderful star.
When you can't find her with your eyes,
A young heart will see her.

When she goes beyond the clouds
Or the passions of the world will cloud your eyes.
Then make your heart sighted,
It will not disappoint your hopes.

And you will outshine her cool light,
Without daring to use a household lamp
Follow the wise men and shepherds,
The night doors are boldly opening.

Look how in the mother of pearl of the clouds
We are moving over the abyss of heaven,
Along the shimmering and narrow road,
The road of the wise men and shepherds.

Kolyada! Kolyada!
There was a carol
Around the sir's yard,
Sudarev's yard
Our savior and creator,
Miracle of light blacksmith,
We glorify you
Always be with us.

Let us wish at this hour,
So that you have everything,
And patience and peace,
So that everyone values ​​life.

The magical night is coming
The night is holy
Brings bright joy
Illuminating souls.

Open the gate
Kolyada walking,
Christmas Eve
Bringing happiness to you.

So that your house is full
And good and good,
It's good to live in it
Without worries and burdens.

Caroling carol
From centuries today,
May a star shine for you
Grace of the Lord.

The carol has arrived
On the eve of Christmas.
Give me the cow
I'm oiling the head!

And God forbid that
Who's in this house?
The rye is thick for him,
Dinner rye!

I give him an octopus braid,
And grains of carpet for him,
Half-grain pie.
The Lord would grant you

And living and being,
And wealth!
And God grant you
Even better than goodness!

The moon has shone in the sky,
showed us the way
Top-bottom -
closest to the house.

Come out, master, onto the porch,
pour wine into a glass.
We won't drink wine -
let's apply it to your lips,

Let's apply it to your lips -
We'll tell you about your house.
In your house -
four corners,

In every corner -
three well done:
Goodness, Comfort, Peace live.

A girl walks from corner to corner -
The braid spreads across the floor -
The girl's name is Love,
Your roof rests on it!

If you reward us generously, -
You will keep happiness in your home!
Let's leave the yard with gifts -
The bins will be full!

Even a piece of candy, even a nickel -
We won't just leave!!!

With regards to you,
From house to house
With an open soul,
We will knock on doors,
Treat us to some food.

Take the treat,
Don't say unnecessary words
Talk about love
About the savior of the soul.
Have fun and walk,
Sing songs together

Kolyada did not come in vain,
The skies opened.
Amazing night
All worries are driven away,
Kolyada - Kolyada,
She's amazing!

The fact that the cold is not a problem
Kolyada is knocking on the door.
Christmas is coming to our house,
Brings a lot of joy.

For many years the stars have been burning
Announces birth.
And the Universe for a reason
Glorifies our Christ.

Behold, the Lord is a star in the sky
Lights up in a fast run.
He hurries to congratulate you
With triumph at this good hour.

On this day he became a Father
He gave the world a Son with a crown.
So that the spirit of earthly people
He became richer and kinder.

You'd better open the door
Let the spirit come home from heaven.
So that the fire of love burns,
Merry Christmas, peace be yours!

Cold night
The born will feel cold

King of Kings of the entire Universe.

Praises Dubrova

living God
The accession of Christ.

The king reigned
God was born
He appeared to us to save us.

I will help you in life,
Our way to heaven,
We will sing: “Glory to God!”

The sun is shining in the manger in the hay
The Son of God was born for the salvation of the world.
Cold night

The born will feel cold
King of Kings of the entire Universe.
Angelic choirs praise God in heaven,
Glorifies the whole earth, forests and mountains,

Praises Dubrova
living God
The accession of Christ.
Evil spirits cry piteously in the desert,

People are enjoying Christmas now:
The king reigned
God was born
He appeared to us to save us.

You, Mother Mary, are the reason for joy,
Ask the Lord, beg your son
I will help you in life,
Our way to heaven,

We will sing: “Glory to God!”

Kolyada, Kolyada
Open the gates
Get out the chests
Serve the snouts.

Even if you chop
Even a nickel
Let's not leave home like that!
Give us some candy

Or maybe a coin
Don't regret anything
It's Christmas Eve!
The sparrow flies

Twirls his tail,
And you people know
Cover the tables
Receive guests

Happy Christmas!
Hello, treats
Please accept congratulations!
You will live together for up to two hundred years!

I wish you happiness and good health!
Merry Christmas,
Happy New Year!

Merry carol

Kolyada, Kolyada...
And the woman has a beard.
And my grandfather grew a tail.
The scoundrel is running around in the garden.

Kolyada, Kolyada...
It doesn't matter to us.
God will give you full health.
The bins will be full.

Kolyada, Kolyada...
We dance all the years.
And also on all fours
We boldly climb the steps.

Kolyada, Kolyada...
It's okay that it's cold.
I'm healthy, I'll go into the cold,
I take a swim in the pond.

Kolyada, Kolyada...
Have fun, people, always!
After all, it’s not fitting for us to be sad,
Enjoying the little things in life.

Kolyada, Kolyada...
There is a candle and food on the table.
The cute Christmas tree is shining.
The Lord blesses everyone.

Celebrate, have fun
People are kind to me
And be clothed with delight
In the robe of holy joy.

Now God has appeared in the world -
God of gods and King of kings.
Not in a crown, not in purple
This Heavenly Priest.

He was not born in the wards
And not in cleaned houses.
There was no gold to be seen there,
Where He lay in swaddling clothes.

Inconceivable He fit
In a cramped manger, like a poor man.
Why was He born?
Why is it so poor?

In order to save us
From the devil's snares
Exalt and glorify
Us with your love

Let us praise God forever
For such a day of celebration!
Let me congratulate you
Happy Christmas Day!

We wish you many summers,
Many, many, many years.

Wait for Christmas
Kolyada has arrived!
Kolyada is holy!
Kolyada is holy!

How did the carol go?
Walk along the street!
Walk along the street

Beat with a pusher!

How did the carol go?
Under Stepan's window,

And Stepanova’s wife
Served a piece of meat!

How did the carol go?

Under Ivan's window,
And Ivan's wife
Served the pie!

How did the carol go?
To Vasily under the window,
And Vasilyeva’s wife
She gave us some sweets!

How did the carol go?
Under Peter's window,
And Petrova's wife

She gave me a lot of gingerbread!

How did the carol go?
To Mishka under the window,

And Mishka's wife
I drove it away with a poker!

Kolyada is a symbol of the newborn sun, which opens the new year. The evil witch Winter tries to capture him and turn him into a wolf cub, but people save the baby and burn the animal’s skin in a burning fire (a symbol of spring warmth).

Beautiful congratulations on Merry Christmas! Short congratulations in verse and prose on the holiday of Christmas!

Carols are majestic ritual songs. It is customary to carol on the evening of January 6, Christmas Eve. Children and teenagers go around houses with congratulations. For this they are presented with gifts. Carols glorify Jesus Christ, the owners of the house. They contain wishes for health, happiness, prosperity, and a good harvest. The page presents carols in Russian.

This is how it happened in this world:
For many years in a row
On such a wonderful, good evening
Angels are flying from heaven to us.
They bring goodness, hope,
Blessings to every home.
Happy New Year to everyone
And Merry Christmas!

Let the night sparkle with magic
A flock of snowflakes rushes upward.
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you smiles and joy.
Flow of divine love
Let it flow with wonderful light,
And the Lord will bless you
Health, happiness and success!

Good evening to you,
Affectionate owner,
Rejoice, rejoice, earth,
The Son of God was born into the world.

We are coming to you, master,
With good news.
Rejoice, rejoice, earth,
The Son of God was born into the world.

With good news
From the holy city.
Rejoice, rejoice, earth,
The Son of God was born into the world.

An angel has come down to us today
And he sang: “Christ is born.”
We came to glorify Christ,
And congratulate you on the holiday.

May you live well
Everything you want is given
So that thoughts inspire,
And dreams always came true.

Mister, gentlemen,
The master's wife
Open the doors
And give us a gift!
Pie, roll
Or anything else!

Kolyada arrived on the eve of Christmas.
God bless whoever is in this house.
We wish good things to all people:
Gold, silver,
Lush pies,
Soft pancakes
Good health,
Cow butter.

A carol came to us,
On the eve of Christmas,
Give us goodness in our hand,
And in return, get
Wealth, happiness and warmth,
The Lord will send it to you,
So be generous
Don't be offended by us for anything!

Christ the Savior
Born at midnight.
In a poor den
He settled.
Here above the nativity scene
The star is shining.
Christ the Master,
On your birthday
Give it to all the people
World of enlightenment!

10. There is silence in Bethlehem

1. There is silence in Bethlehem,
The meadows sleep and the herds sleep.
The night is brighter than ever -
There's a bright star in the sky
Lights up everything around:
Rivers, mountains, forest and meadow.

Peace and joy, peace and joy,
Peace and joy to all now.
Peace and joy in every heart,
Bethlehem is in every heart.

2. “For a star to burn like that,
We haven't seen it anywhere."
The shepherds spoke
Relaxing by the river.
Suddenly their fire went out -
The angel spread his wings.

3. “Oh, fear not, shepherds,
God came down to forgive sins.
He was born in a den today" -
And the Angel said the Name.
And everything around began to sing
Sky, mountains, forest and meadow.

4. The shepherds entered the den,
They found God in the manger.
The Virgin Mother sat nearby,
She looked at Her Child.
And everything around was shining:
Sky, mountains, forest and meadow.

Dear friends, a bright holiday is coming soon - Christmas. According to the old Russian custom, on this evening adults and children (most often children) dress up in national costumes and go caroling - to wish their family, friends and acquaintances a Merry Christmas. They usually sing carols.

Carols are traditional ritual songs, which are often of a religious nature, glorifying the birth of Jesus Christ. With the words of carols they began to thank God for all the good things that happened in the old year, and they praised the generosity and hospitality of the hosts.

And today Khokhma made a selection of carols for children for Christmas, short and in verse. We present them to your attention.

Christmas carols for children

Kolyad-kolyad-kolyada -
Trouble - “No!”
And to happiness - “Yes!”
Happy New Year, Merry Christmas:
We wish you peace in your home,
And health and goodness,
And heartfelt warmth!
Kolyad-kolyad-kolyada -
For troubles – “No!”, but for happiness – “Yes!!!”

Give me the dumpling!
a spoonful of porridge,
Top sausages.
This is not enough
Give me a piece of bacon.
Take it out quickly
Don't freeze the children!

Kolyada, Kolyada,
We open all the houses,
All the windows, chests,
We give sweets and pies,
So that it would be good for you,
Say thank you to heaven
God will give us all health,
After all, he is good at this.

Christmas carols

Kolyada, Kolyada!
Give us some pie
Or some bread and salkom,
Or a chicken with a tuft,
Cockerel with a comb.
Happiness and joy to your home!

Tausen, tausen,
We go to everyone!
Who won't give jelly -
I'll spray it at the gate.
Who won't give you a donut -
I'm a sheep's armpit.
Tausen, tausen!
Cook, grandma, jelly -
On the hill,
In the skull

Kolyada comes - it's a fairy tale
Happiness, snow, skates, sleds!
Lights on the Christmas tree and children's laughter!
And general joy for everyone!
And now for our congratulations,
Rely on candy and cookies!

Christmas carols for children, short, in verse

Kolyada, Kolyada,
It's Christmas Eve!
Good auntie,
The pie is delicious
Don't cut, don't break,
Serve it quickly
Two, three,
We've been standing for a long time
Let us not stand!
The stove is heating up
I want some pie!

And God forbid that
Who's in this house?
The rye is thick for him,
Dinner rye!
He's like an ear of octopus,
From the grain he has a carpet,
Half-grain pie.
The Lord would grant you
And living and being,
And wealth!

Today an Angel came down to us
And he sang: “Christ is born!”
We came to glorify Christ,
Happy holiday to you!

A carol came
Christmas Eve
Who will give me some pie?
So the barn is full of cattle,
Ovin with oats,
A stallion with a tail!
Who won't give you the pie?
That's why a chicken leg
Pestle and shovel
The cow is hunchbacked.

Mister, gentlemen,
The master's wife
Open the doors
And give us a gift!
Pie, roll
Or anything else!

I carol, I carol,
That's what I smell.
Don't forget to pour me a drink
And then give me a snack!
Congratulations on the carol
And I wish the owners
So that there is prosperity in the house
And everything was smooth in the family!

Kolyada, Kolyada,
It's Christmas Eve!
Good auntie,
The pie is delicious
Don't cut, don't break,
Serve it quickly
Two, three,
We've been standing for a long time
Let us not stand!
The stove is heating up
I want some pie!

Good evening to good people!
May the holiday be merry.
Merry Christmas to you.
We wish you happiness and joy!
Generous evening, good evening!
Good health to good people!

Carols sing about the Great Miracle
We have known his face since birth.

About the fact that he was born and lived among us,
We remember everything at Christmas time.

The Teacher was sent into our world with teaching,
For sinners there is a kind and wise Savior.

He was born and lived in the name of the people,
He was the eternal guardian of our family!

Let's raise our glasses to the glory of Christ,
Praise be to his courage and kind words!

May the Son of God protect us forever!
Be valiant, faithful to him, man!

We sow, we sow, we sow!
Merry Christmas!
We sincerely congratulate everyone,
We wish them success!

I'm caroling, I'm caroling
I will go into any hut.
I'll ask the hostess
Let's have some sweets.
And cookies and sweets,
And sherbet with nuts,
And halva and chocolate,
Pastille and marmalade,
Delicious cake,
Sweet ice cream
We'll eat it ourselves
And treat each other
And the hostess, and the hostess
Remember with a kind word!

I sow, I sow, I sow,
I wish you happiness and joy.
To make it ugly in the field,
So that it doubles in the stable,
So that the children grow up,
So that the girls can be married!

Carol comes to us
On the eve of Christmas.
The carol asks, asks
At least a piece of the pie.

Who will give the carol a pie?
He will be there in every possible way!
The cattle will be healthy
The barn will be full of cows

Who will squeeze his piece,
It will be a lonely year.
Will not find luck, happiness,
The year will be spent in bad weather.

Don't feel sorry for the pie
Otherwise you’ll create a debt!

We sow, we sow, we sow,
Merry Christmas!
May you be healthy
May they live for many years!

Kolyada, Kolyada!
Give us some pie
Or a loaf of bread,
Or half a buck,
Or a chicken with a crest,
Cockerel with a comb!

Kolyada, Kolyada,
We open all the houses,
All the windows, chests,
We give sweets and pies,
So that it would be good for you,
Say thank you to heaven
God will give us all health,
After all, he is good at this!

Shchedrik is a generous man!
Give me a dumpling,
A cup of porridge
A circle of sausage.
It's still not enough -
Give me some bacon!

Caroling, caroling
From family to family we wander
We will tell you poems,
Give us some pies

Well, it would be better if there were coins
We'll buy the candy ourselves
And also a handful of nuts,
And let's take a thimble of wine!

I'm alone with my dad.
Knee-deep casing -
Give me some pie, uncle!

You, master, don’t be tormented,
Give it quickly!
What about the current frost?
Doesn't tell me to stand for long
Orders to serve soon:
Either pies come out of the oven,
Or a penny of money,
Or a pot of cabbage soup!
God bless you
A yard full of bellies!
And to the stables of horses,
Into the calf barn,
To the guys' hut
And take care of the kittens!

Carols, carols, carols -
Pancakes are good with honey!
And without honey - it’s not the same,
Give me some pies, auntie!

The carol has arrived
On the eve of Christmas,
Give me the cow
Oil head.
And God forbid that
Who is in this house?
The rye is thick for him,
Rye is tough.
He's like an ear of octopus,
From the grain he has a carpet,
Half grain? pie.
The Lord would grant you
And living and being,
And wealth.
And create for you, Lord,
Even better than that!

We'll call you by phone
With wishes and bow.
We came to carol
Merry Christmas to you!

I'm doing carols so that
Who will give me a ruble in total,
And it’s not difficult for me to dance,
For a tenner in your hand.

If there is a son in the house,
Give me some cheese, hostess/owner,
Since you have a daughter in the house,
I'll ask for a barrel of honey.

If there are any other goodies,
I'll keep it in my pocket.
Well, mistress/host, don’t be shy!
Treat me quickly!

May you live well
Everything you want is given
So that thoughts inspire,
And dreams always came true.

Merry Christmas to you, people,
May you have peace and harmony!
So that you don't know grief,
May we remain in abundance!

Mister, gentlemen,
The master's wife
Open the doors
And give us a gift!
Pie, roll
Or anything else!

Rejoice, all people
On a big planet
God is with us! Love and Truth
Praise Christ, children!

I sow, I winnow, I sow,
Happy New Year!
For the New Year, for new happiness
Be born wheat,
Peas, lentils!
On the field - in heaps,
There are pies on the table!
Happy New Year,
With new happiness, master, hostess!

The magical night is coming
The night is holy
Brings bright joy
Illuminating souls.

Open the gate
Kolyada walking,
Christmas Eve
Bringing happiness to you.

So that your house is full
And good and good,
It's good to live in it
Without worries and burdens.

Caroling carol
From centuries today,
May a star shine for you
Grace of the Lord.

Ding-ding-ding, the bells are ringing,
Sons and daughters have come to you,
You meet carolers,
Greet us with a smile!

A carol came to us,
On the eve of Christmas,
Give us goodness in our hand,
And in return, get
Wealth, happiness and warmth,
The Lord will send it to you,
So be generous
Don't be offended by us for anything!

A carol came
Christmas Eve
Who will give me some pie?
So the barn is full of cattle,
Ovin with oats,
A stallion with a tail!
Who won't give you the pie?
That's why a chicken leg
Pestle and shovel
The cow is hunchbacked.

So that your home is cheerful,
Beauty bloomed all around
So that you give good things,
They thanked you the same way.

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