The largest foot size in the world for women. Large foot size: is it a reason to have complexes?

Not everyone wants to understand and accept that man is a naturally harmonious being. Of course, appearance matters a lot, but not so much that you get hung up on something if something is not the same as others. The main thing is to have all the qualities real woman, namely, to be gentle, kind and sympathetic. As a rule, a person is harmoniously built, and if you have a big leg, then you are probably tall.

Unfortunately, getting rid of the stereotypes that are stuck in our heads is not as easy as it might seem in reality. And if any cosmetic procedures can be done on the nose and ears, then with large size legs, alas, nothing can be done. That's why wonderful representatives The fairer sex, who are embarrassed about this, have no choice but to live with the “big foot” complex and learn to disguise it with shoes.

Walk through life with confidence, without getting hung up on complexes, because if you good man, it doesn’t matter what size your feet are. For those who still doubt this, here are some tips.

Of course, pick up beautiful shoes It’s not at all easy on such a leg. As a rule, shoe manufacturers produce cute models in most cases up to size 39. After visiting one store, do not despair. If you don't find shoes you like, go to another store. If you didn’t choose there, go to the next one. Surely you will find something you like. There is a huge selection of shoes in stores now; you just need to find your pair.

Remember that your complexes will not reduce your leg size to 37 on its own. Remembering and thinking about it every time, you only ruin your mood. Therefore, try to relate to this fact more simply. Life is beautiful, live for your pleasure and don’t create problems for yourself. The more simply you treat your small shortcomings, the easier your life will be. It's better to be proud of them - perhaps you are one of the many women whom nature has awarded size 40.

Don’t listen to those who claim that the stronger half of humanity likes small women’s legs - this is nothing more than a myth invented by Cinderellas. In fact, men love us not for our foot size. By the way, the famous American actress Uma Thurman has a 42 foot size and is certainly not shy about it.

Remember, the main thing is that your legs are well-groomed and sexy. Get a pedicure on time so that your heels are pink and your feet are free of calluses.

If you can't get rid of the problem in your head, try masking your large foot size with shoes. To make your feet appear smaller, choose wedge or high-heeled shoes in calm shades. It is also better to buy shoes with a rounded toe rather than a pointed one.

Get rid of complexes, instead of worrying about minor trifles, do not be discouraged, look forward and enjoy life.

The material was prepared on the basis of open sources.

Mandy Sellars suffers from Proteus syndrome, which swelled her legs and made her the owner of the largest legs. The upper half of Mandy's body weighs only 38 kg, while the lower half weighs 95 kg. It turned out that removing these monstrous legs was very difficult. Therefore, they did not perform the operation. Mandy's compatriot Carl Griffiths also can't get shoes in a regular store, as he wears an incredible size 63.

Do you find it difficult to choose ready-made shoes in the store because your size is too big? Sometimes you have to make to order? Don't despair, there are people who are even less fortunate with their legs.

The woman with the most big feet Mandy Sellars from the UK has legs that are constantly growing, in all directions. The disproportion of the legs was noted at her birth in 1975; it is a symptom of a serious congenital disease, and doctors did not even imagine that the baby would live long. However, the girl survived and grew up, although her legs grew too much.

The discrepancy in proportions constantly increased, and by the age of 35, Mandy’s foot length reached 40 centimeters, and her calf circumference reached 90 centimeters. At the same time, her huge legs are very irregularly shaped: one is shorter than the other, her feet are unnaturally turned out. The legs seem even larger given the fact that Mandy herself is otherwise quite thin.

The ratio of the weight of the legs to the weight of the entire Mandy is approximately three to one, while the weight of the legs of an ordinary person is no more than a quarter of the total weight.

The disease that the woman suffers from is called “Proteus syndrome”, or “elephant disease”. Proteus is one of the gods of the ancient Greek pantheon, who was in charge of the sea. According to legend, he could arbitrarily change the shape of his body. In humans, the disease manifests itself in atypical growth of bones, organs, skin, proliferation of tissue tumors and even blood vessels. It is quite rare, all over the world there are hardly more than a hundred patients with an officially confirmed diagnosis, and it is not always easy to identify it: the manifestations can be too different, and at birth not everyone has such obvious symptoms as Mandy Sellars.

Cases have been described in which enlarging body parts killed patients by breaking the spine with their weight. Since Mandy’s legs continue to grow even at the age of forty, she constantly risks her life too - they wear out and her heart cannot cope, she suffers internal organs, the nervous system is overloaded. Medicine can only offer her amputation of both limbs. The woman has not yet decided, but the possibilities of modern prosthetics inspire hope and optimism. The Briton even jokes that without her “bad” legs, new opportunities may open up for her.

Despite the difficulties that the girl had to face, she managed to obtain a bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of Central Lancashire. Mandy moves around the house in a wheelchair.

Mandy's compatriot Carl Griffiths also can't get shoes in a regular store, as he wears an incredible size 63.

Since the young man plays sports, he often has to order expensive, custom-made sneakers. There are no such problems with clothes, although Karl is very tall.

Judging by the cheerful interviews, Karl is not ashamed of his peculiarity, and apart from the increased costs of shoes, it does not cause him any inconvenience. In addition, in the Guinness Book of Records he is listed as the owner of the largest foot among those living in our time.

In second place is Moroccan Brahim Takiullah, who lives in France. He wears a size 58 and faces the same problems as Griffiths. These men do not have elephantiasis; they suffer from another syndrome called “acromegaly,” literally translated from Greek as “enlargement of the limbs.”

Acromegaly is detected in adults: when ordinary people stop growing, those suffering from this disease continue to partially grow for many years. In addition to the limbs, the face also changes: over time, a person begins to resemble Pithecanthropus due to the growth of the facial bones of the skull. This phenomenon is associated with a malfunction of the pituitary gland, that is, simply put, it is a hormonal disease.

In children, this disorder causes gigantism, in adolescents – tall stature, and in adults – acromegaly. Mild degrees can be treated with hormonal therapy; in more serious cases, surgery on the pituitary gland is required.

Largest foot size in the world

Brahim's companion in misfortune and his neighbor in the Guinness Book of Records already left this world in 1940. This is Robert Wadlow - the absolute record holder for leg size and also the tallest man in history. His height was 2 meters 72 centimeters, and his foot length corresponded to size 76.

Once again Great Britain excelled. In 2009, the Daily Mail published an interview with a tall, nineteen-year-old schoolgirl named Emma Cahill, who at the time wore size 50 shoes, and, of course, also regularly overpaid for customized slippers. At school she was teased about both her legs and her height, but she did not despair and joked: “I am literally above all this.” Meanwhile, people with large feet are not always tall.

“My swallow, put away your flippers!” Just kidding, some people really don’t need either fins or skis - they have everything of their own, natural. Whether they were lucky or not is a big question. Read on to learn about the biggest-legged men and women in the world. Do you find it difficult to choose ready-made shoes in the store because your size is too big? Sometimes you have to make to order? Don't despair, there are people who are even less fortunate with their legs.

The woman with the biggest feet

Mandy Sellars from the UK has legs that are constantly growing, in all directions. The disproportion of the legs was noted at her birth in 1975; it is a symptom of a serious congenital disease, and doctors did not even imagine that the baby would live long. However, the girl survived and grew up, although her legs grew too much. The discrepancy in proportions constantly increased, and by the age of 35, Mandy’s foot length reached 40 centimeters, and her calf circumference reached 90 centimeters. At the same time, her huge legs are very irregularly shaped: one is shorter than the other, her feet are unnaturally turned out. The legs seem even larger given the fact that Mandy herself is otherwise quite thin. The ratio of the weight of the legs to the weight of the entire Mandy is approximately three to one, while the weight of the legs of an ordinary person is no more than a quarter of the total weight.

Mandy Sellars - the woman with the biggest feet

The disease that the woman suffers from is called “Proteus syndrome”, or “elephant disease”. Proteus is one of the gods of the ancient Greek pantheon, who was in charge of the sea. According to legend, he could arbitrarily change the shape of his body - most likely, this is an allusion to the fluidity of water. In humans, the disease manifests itself in atypical growth of bones, organs, skin, proliferation of tissue tumors and even blood vessels. It is quite rare, all over the world there are hardly more than a hundred patients with an officially confirmed diagnosis, and it is not always easy to identify it: the manifestations can be too different, and at birth not everyone has such obvious symptoms as Mandy Sellars. The discoverer of the diagnosis, Michael Cohen, described about two hundred cases of Proteus syndrome in the seventies of the twentieth century, but more modern studies cut off almost half of his assumptions.

Cases have been described in which enlarging body parts killed patients by breaking the spine with their weight. Since Mandy’s legs continue to grow even at the age of forty, she constantly risks her life - her heart wears out and cannot cope, her internal organs suffer, her nervous system is overloaded. Medicine can only offer her amputation of both limbs. The woman has not yet decided, but the possibilities of modern prosthetics inspire hope and optimism. The British woman even jokes that without her “bad” legs, new opportunities may open up for her.

Largest foot size for men

Mandy's compatriot Carl Griffiths also can't get shoes in a regular store, as he wears an incredible size 63. Since the young man plays sports, he often has to order expensive, custom-made sneakers. There are no such problems with clothes, although Karl is very tall. Judging by the cheerful interviews, Karl is not ashamed of his peculiarity, and apart from the increased costs of shoes, it does not cause him any inconvenience.

Incredible guy with size 56 feet

In addition, in the Guinness Book of Records he is listed as the owner of the largest foot among those living in our time.

In second place is Moroccan Brahim Takiullah, who lives in France. He wears a size 58 and faces the same problems as Griffiths. These men do not have elephantiasis; they suffer from another syndrome called “acromegaly,” literally translated from Greek as “enlargement of the limbs.” Acromegaly is detected in adults: when ordinary people stop growing, those suffering from this disease continue to partially grow for many years.

In addition to the limbs, the face also changes: over time, a person begins to resemble Pithecanthropus due to the growth of the facial bones of the skull. This phenomenon is associated with a malfunction of the pituitary gland, that is, simply put, it is a hormonal disease. In children, this disorder causes gigantism, in adolescents – tall stature, and in adults – acromegaly. Mild degrees can be treated with hormonal therapy; in more serious cases, surgery on the pituitary gland is required.

Largest foot size in the world

Brahim's companion in misfortune and his neighbor in the Guinness Book of Records already left this world in 1940. This is Robert Wadlow - the absolute record holder for leg size and also the tallest man in history. His height was 2 meters 72 centimeters, and his foot length corresponded to size 76.

The man with the largest foot size in the world

What is the largest foot size for women? Once again Great Britain excelled. In 2009, the Daily Mail published an interview with a tall, nineteen-year-old schoolgirl named Emma Cahill, who at the time wore size 50 shoes, and, of course, also regularly overpaid for customized shoes. At school she was teased about both her legs and her height, but she did not despair and joked: “I am, literally, above all this.”

Meanwhile, people with large feet are not always tall.


Do beautiful shape breasts can be improved with the help of a plastic surgeon, your waist can be reduced and your abs can be pumped up with regular training. But what to do with large feet - wide, and even long? Since childhood, we have been told that a girl’s foot should be small and neat. But it’s not us who decide, but Mother Nature, and there’s nothing we can do about it. Sadistic bandaging, common in ancient Japan, is fortunately a thing of history, and no other ways to shrink the foot have yet been invented. And no need: the stars prove that large foot size is not a reason to have complexes and refuse beautiful shoes. Let's look at what shoes are chosen by famous owners of long feet and adopt their techniques.

Data shows that women's foot size has increased by several centimeters over the past 10 years. And if previously the 39th was considered large, today it is one of the most common and no longer shocks anyone. What can we say, boxes with the number 40 do not linger on store shelves, and the notorious “Louboutins” are presented in sizes up to 42.

We can imagine how difficult it was for Audrey Hepburn and Jacqueline Kennedy to choose shoes 60 years ago. You didn't know? These two famous women's shoe sizes were 41.5 and 41 respectively. There was only one way out of the situation - to sew shoes to order. However, this pleasure is not cheap, and few of us can afford such gifts.

By the way, if you are interested, then according to a study conducted in 2016, the most common among Russian women is... not the 38, which is popularly called the most popular!

But let’s return to those whom nature has endowed with far from “Cinderella” size. There are many such people among celebrities. Everyone knows about Uma Thurman and her 42nd or Paris Hilton and her (!) 43rd. But did you know, for example, that the beautiful Monica Bellucci orders shoes in size 44? One of the most sexy women modern cinema so skillfully selects shoes that this feature does not strike the eye at all. What is the secret of the Italian diva? High, very high heels! It would seem much higher, since the actress’s height is already a serious 178 centimeters. However, it is thanks to the 9-centimeter heels (and sometimes in combination with a high platform) that Monica’s image looks organic. This is explained quite simply - a significant difference in the location of the toe and heel visually reduces the size of the foot.

She, like another owner of an impressive foot length - Heidi Klum (size 42), prefers shoes with a rounded toe. This is exactly what most women think is the safest: it visually reduces the length of the foot, looks feminine and elegant. All this is true, but! Shoes with a pointed toe should also not be discounted.

Angelina Jolie, Meg Ryan, Pamela Anderson, Heidi Klum (and they all have size 42) regularly go out in such shoes. If you want to take an example from them, it will be important to consider only one thing - choose colored models. Red, black, green, white... Anything, as long as it contrasts with your skin tone. But nude ones, which are visually a continuation of the foot (read - lengthening it) should be avoided.

Even correctly chosen pointed ballet shoes will not look like “skis”. It's not for nothing that Melania Trump loves them so much. And the first lady of the United States, by the way, has shoe size 41!

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