A magical five-minute recipe that has been passed down in our family from generation to generation! Session at home What is a facial roll

If you are going to remove dead particles from your skin, then you will like the peeling roll. . The product was used back in the days when chemical exfoliation was not common, and held its position after the emergence of numerous alternatives. What is the specificity of the method?

Action and features of peeling ray

Unlike scrubs with hard granules, the product works thanks to fruit acids and viscous components. If cosmetic products with coffee or apricot kernels clean off dead cells, like sandpaper, then the rolls turn into pellets when massaged. At the same time, they remove the layer of dead skin cells from the epidermis, which makes the skin glowing and healthy.

Pros and cons of peeling rolls

Peeling roller at home has a number of advantages:

  • it is suitable for all skin types;
  • gentle action allows the product to be used even with sensitive skin;
  • if there are areas on the face with flaky epidermis, you will still do exfoliation without causing an exacerbation;
  • the product has a slight rejuvenating and toning effect.

There are few downsides to this option, because complaints usually arise from clients who were waiting for an immediate transformation. Since the gel has a gentle effect, a one-time use will only partially solve the problem with blackheads and pimples. Also, girls who do not remove the fuzz on their faces may experience discomfort: discomfort can be avoided if you buy a Korean product, but the price will hit your pocket. Otherwise, the product does not cause any complaints, if your expectations are not too high.

The effectiveness of peeling rolls

How effective is the procedure? Dermatologist Melanie Palm claims that the effect is comparable to the result of exposure to chemical exfoliators: for example, with the help of hyaluronic acid you will achieve no worse results. But women are satisfied when they see the pellets of dead tissue with their own eyes. Since the option is suitable for all skin types, the demand for it is not decreasing.

Thanks to such means, you combine chemical and mechanical effects. After all, the roll is rubbed into the skin with light massage movements, which removes some of the cells. But mainly the cleansing occurs due to the enzymes included in the formula: they dissolve the dead layer of the epidermis. The composition also contains bromelain, which provides light rejuvenation. 1 application is enough for you to notice improvements.

Indications and contraindications

  • dull skin;
  • age-related changes;
  • the presence of blackheads and peeling;
  • excessive activity of the sebaceous glands.

There are some contraindications, because using the product is not recommended for very thin and sensitive skin. If the capillary network is located close to the surface, also look for alternatives: when massaging the integument, there is a high risk of microhemorrhages. And those who suffer from inflamed acne should first undergo the main course of treatment.

Peeling gel cannot be used together with other exfoliators, especially AHA acids.

Types of rollers and features of their use

The advantage will be the variety of funds, which will allow you to find the option that suits you. You have both home remedies and store products.

With calcium chloride

The main criterion is cheapness? Choose a roll with calcium chloride, since you can make it yourself:

  1. Apply the product to a cotton pad and spread over your face. Wait until it dries completely and treat the skin several times until the liquid in the ampoule runs out.
  2. Lather your hands with cheap baby soap and massage your face until pellets appear.

Success depends on the chosen soap, because the more gentle it is, the worse the result. If you take a cheap variety, the effect will not cause any complaints.

When you do everything correctly, when massaging it appears large number pellets. There is no need to be alarmed: these are not only dead layers of skin, but also flakes formed from the reaction of soap with calcium chloride.

This option is suitable for owners of dense skin with enlarged pores; with increased sensitivity, it causes irritation and redness. You should not use the recipe if you have dry skin, because aggressive action worsens the problem.

The product lightens the skin, so do not use it on a tanned face: the border between the areas will be obvious.

With a creamy consistency

Products with a creamy consistency are used for the face and body. You will find them among products from foreign and Russian companies, and Korean rolls have received praise. Such peeling for aging facial skin does not cause complaints of irritation or redness. Unlike the homemade calcium chloride product, it contains moisturizing and soothing agents. The action turns out to be gentle, without causing any complaints.

Bubble Cleaning Rolls

A special feature of bubble cleansing rollers is the ability to use them on sensitive surfaces. They are not as effective as the previous options, but they do not cause irritation. Since the composition is enriched with oxygen, the product begins to bubble after application. All you have to do is lightly massage the skin and rinse off the product with water.

How to choose a peeling roller

If you are going to buy a product for pore cleansing and exfoliation, the main criterion will be your skin characteristics:

  1. Home peelings are suitable for those with thick skin. They differ in depth of penetration, so they clean pores as much as possible. True, it will not be possible to completely get rid of sebaceous plugs, and beauties combine peeling with mechanical cleaning, which is carried out after a few days.
  2. Among the ready-made rolls, you will choose the option suitable for your skin type. If you are not hypersensitive, purchase products with a creamy consistency. Among them there are products for problem skin that contain antiseptic components. For those who suffer from frequent redness or irritation, bubble products are suitable.

In addition to the main function, rolling gels and foams also perform additional tasks. In this case, pay attention to the formula:

  • soothing agents include aloe vera extract;
  • moisturizing effects on the skin thanks to hyaluronic acid, which also has a rejuvenating effect;
  • nutritious contain proteins;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs prevent acne because they contain salicylic acid;
  • whitening products contain lemon extract.

The main function remains the removal of dead cells, and additional effects will have to be enhanced with the help of auxiliary means. But the cleansing of pores, smoothness and elasticity of the skin after using peelings will not cause any complaints!

How to use it correctly

To use the rollers correctly, use the following instructions:

  1. Remove from your face decorative cosmetics. Apply the product with a brush or fingers, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips.
  2. Wait 5-10 minutes, then start rubbing your face in circular motions. You should not be overzealous, otherwise you will injure the skin.
  3. Remove any residue with a soft towel or rinse with water.

The good thing about this option is that massage movements stimulate blood supply to tissues, improve metabolism and enhance the protective functions of the skin. Some compositions also affect the water balance of the integument and normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Rating of the best professional peeling rollers

On the Internet you will find more than one review of peeling products, but the richness of the assortment can be confusing. To find a suitable roller, pay attention to the top cosmetic products:

  1. Librederm offers an affordable option, as the product will cost $8. The peeling has a gel-like consistency, so it does not spread after application to the face. There is no discomfort during use, and the result appears after several uses. Separately, the brand’s clients note the rejuvenating effect: thanks to getting rid of dead cells, creases and wrinkles become less noticeable.
  2. Propeller has released a product with salicylic acid that reduces breakouts. The option is pleasingly cheap, since the cost is $1.5. This ensured the popularity of the skating rink, but the quality often causes criticism. Clients of the brand note that the texture of the gel is too liquid, which is why it spreads over the skin and does not form pellets well. According to reviews, you will have to forget about deep cleansing with Propeller.
  3. The Korean brand Tony Moly, which has gained positions due to its quality, offers an apple peeling roller. Appletox Smooth Massage Peeling is rich in fruit acids, which removes dead cells from the surface and cleanses pores. The purchase will cost $10.
  4. Ciel has released a product that allows you to combine exfoliation with stimulation of collagen production. Pro-Beauty Bio can be purchased for $6, and the product contains salicylic and glycolic acids, papaya extract and taurine. Thanks to the complex effect, you will narrow pores and improve appearance covers. The advantages include easy rolling, because, unlike many products, the roll does not cling to the fluff on the face.
  5. Secret Key will appeal to those who want to combine exfoliation with lightening. The product, called Lemon Sparkling Peeling Gel, contains lemon extract, which helps reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands. Also in the formula are hyaluronic acid and marine collagen, promoting deep cleansing. You can buy the product for $10.5.

The rating of peelings shows that it is not necessary to go to significant expense to get results. Just explore the budget options and you will find the right product. And if you want to learn more about one of the popular remedies, watch the video:

Homemade rolls: simple recipes for you

In addition to purchased options, you also have a homemade product at your disposal. You can use a recipe for calcium chloride:

  1. Grate a small amount of baby soap (3-4 g) and add water. Leave for 45 minutes to obtain a homogeneous mass.
  2. Beat the mixture until it resembles a white.
  3. Pour in 1 ampoule of calcium chloride. The mix will turn into a curdled mass, which you will use to treat your face.
  4. Massage your skin to create pellets. After 3 minutes, rinse off the residue with water.

It is also permissible to combine the impact with a mechanical one, adding ground coffee or chopped apricot kernels. But friction in this case will leave microtraumas on the skin, and exfoliation will not be gentle.

The recipe is suitable for those with thick, oily skin, not prone to drying out. If your skin is sensitive, choose store-bought products that contain moisturizing ingredients.

Rules of use and life hacks

If you want to achieve results, then finding out what a facial peeling roll is and spending money on an expensive product will not be enough. Cosmetologists say that improper use can negate progress. What to consider when using rollers?

How to use the product correctly

The advantages of this option include its harmlessness: if chemical peels are fraught with burns, then roll up when correct use don't call side effects. Just do not do the procedure if you will be exposed to the sun or cold for a long time. Do not forget to subsequently use a cream with ultraviolet protection, as the skin becomes more sensitive.

How often to peel off?

When it comes to exfoliation, it's important to stick to the right schedule. Irregular use will affect the result, and excessive frequency will weaken the protective function of the skin, causing peeling and redness. How often can you use a peeling roll for your face? When choosing frequency, do not forget to adjust for the type of cover:

  • for normal people, 1-2 applications per week are enough;
  • for extreme dryness - once a week;
  • for oily skin - 3 times a week.

Duration of use remains an important aspect. Although you will notice improvements after the 1st treatment, it will take several months for dramatic changes to occur. Don't expect to be transformed as if by magic, and you will like the result.

Possible complications

Since the impact on the integument will be mild, complaints of complications remain rare. The following may cause customer dissatisfaction:

  • lack of the expected effect;
  • allergic reaction;
  • the appearance of pigment spots.

Most of the unpleasant phenomena are associated with violation of the rules of use. If you do a test for the presence of individual intolerance, and subsequently apply a cream with SPF +25 or more, the result will not cause any complaints. Please note that products with UV protection should be used even on cloudy days, as enough rays penetrate through the clouds to cause hyperpigmentation.

As for effectiveness, it depends on the initial state of the integument. If the pores are dirty and there is an abundance of dead cells, do not expect an immediate and dramatic transformation. Regular use of the product will smooth out the skin, get rid of superficial wrinkles and blackheads, so be patient.

Complaints of peeling and redness of the skin often occur after using home remedies based on calcium chloride.


Owners sensitive skin Those who are contraindicated from aggressive influences will undergo exfoliation using rollers. The products will not give immediate results, but they will provide a gentle cleansing. With regular use, you will notice improvements within a couple of months.

The skin needs careful care and good cleansing. A peeling roller can help with this - a product that is suitable for all skin types and improves the appearance of the face. This cosmetic product is easy to use and effective. You can prepare a face roll even at home; there is nothing complicated about it. Find out what the benefits of such a product are, how to use it, and what store-bought products are the most popular.

What is a peeling roller

This cosmetic product, which is used to cleanse the face of dead epidermal cells and impurities. It acts due to the acids included in the composition: fruit, salicylic. It acts on the layers of the epidermis carefully, gently, and does not injure. During the rolling process, the product “collects” dirt and dead particles from the skin. This peeling has many advantages. The advantages of skates are as follows:

  • peelings are suitable for dry, sensitive, oily skin;
  • sold in the public domain;
  • easy to use;
  • do not contain abrasive substances, so they do not injure the skin;
  • effective and safe;
  • the cleaning procedure is carried out quickly;
  • there is no recovery period after application.

What is it used for?

The main task of a peeling roller is to gently and carefully remove dead particles and impurities. By regularly performing this procedure, you can significantly improve the appearance of your face. Metabolic processes are activated in the epidermis, it begins to breathe, and rejuvenates. Peeling roll helps in the fight against skin rashes and their consequences. It evens out the complexion, tightens pores, and removes blackheads. Peeling roller will help get rid of:

  • the first signs of aging;
  • acne, pimples;
  • facial wrinkles;
  • peeling;
  • flabbiness;
  • greasy shine on the face;
  • small scars;
  • sebaceous discharge;
  • acne marks, pimples.

Efficiency of the procedure

The result of the peeling action is approximately the same as from a conventional peeling (chemical), but less pronounced. Using the product gives the following effect:

  • the skin is lightened, bleached age spots;
  • pores are cleaned and become narrower;
  • comedones are removed;
  • the color and relief of the epidermis are evened out;
  • dead particles peel off;
  • the procedure rejuvenates and refreshes;
  • the skin is renewed, looks healthy, radiant, becomes softer, more tender;
  • metabolic processes and blood microcirculation are activated.

Types of peelings and mechanism of action

There are store-bought cosmetics and homemade recipe for cooking yourself. The second option will be discussed in great detail below. Store-bought peeling roller can be produced in the form of a cream or gel. The first has a medium degree of aggressiveness of the impact, and the second has a low degree. Choose suitable remedy should be based on the characteristics of your skin.

Calcium chloride and baby soap

These simple components have an amazing effect on the skin. In combination, they have an aggressive effect, so it is often not recommended to make a peeling roll from them. Calcium chloride and soap react to form flakes. They roll down the face, taking with them dead particles of the epidermis and impurities. This peeling is suitable for almost everyone, but before doing it, it is better to conduct a skin test. The optimal interval between procedures is 10-15 days.

Traditional cream peeling

These products contain moisturizing and caring components, so they act moderately aggressively. Cream peeling is recommended to be carried out once a week, but to determine the exact frequency it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics skin. It will help keep your face beautiful and well-groomed, although it will not solve any global problems.


This product has the mildest effect, but is not inferior to others in effectiveness. When applied, the face gel roller begins to foam, which indicates the beginning of a reaction. It contains cleansing, antibacterial, moisturizing ingredients. By regularly doing this peeling roll, you will prolong the youth of your skin. It can be used as needed, but it is better not to use it in portions.

Facial roll at home

It is not necessary to buy peelings, because the procedure can be done yourself and it will cost much less. A rolling sheet for home use is made using two ingredients - calcium chloride and baby soap. Even celebrities do not neglect this recipe, because it provides simply amazing results. It is recommended to repeat the procedure no more than once every 10-15 days.

DIY peeling roll

All you need is a few ampoules of calcium chloride 5% and a bar of baby soap. You will need to grate it, add water, and leave for at least 12 hours. It is better to take high-quality soap, without dyes or fragrances. After 12 hours, it is whipped into a homogeneous paste. You will also need cotton pads, warm water and moisturizer, which is applied to the face after rolling.

How does the cleaning procedure work?

A homemade peeling roller is applied according to a different pattern, not like a store-bought product. Instructions:

  1. Rub baby soap grated, pour a small amount water, leave for 12 hours.
  2. Beat the resulting pulp into a homogeneous mass.
  3. Cleanse your face and dry.
  4. Apply a thin layer of 5% calcium chloride solution to your face. Let dry for 2-3 minutes.
  5. Using the same principle, apply calcium chloride in layers until the ampoule runs out.
  6. When the latter dries, begin to rub the soap in with massaging movements. Upon contact with calcium chloride, a chemical reaction will occur. Pellets will begin to form.
  7. The soap solution must be applied until it stops rolling off.
  8. At the end of the procedure, you need to wash your face with warm water and apply a moisturizing cream.

Restorative skin care

After the procedure, you need to follow some rules to maintain the effect and not cause harm to health. How to care for your face:

  • Do not apply moisturizing cosmetics for several hours after the procedure;
  • if any complications or strange unpleasant sensations appear, consult a specialist;
  • For the first 5-6 hours after rolling, try not to be exposed to ultraviolet rays.

Professional face mask

If you are afraid to use peeling made at home, you can use a store-bought product. Modern cosmetics manufacturers offer a huge range of cream, gel and liquid rollers in different price categories. They can be bought or ordered in an online store with delivery. Such products contain not only cleansing ingredients, but also caring and moisturizing ingredients. Check out the features of the most popular skates.

Propeller salicylic 2in1

An inexpensive product that is very popular. Contains willow extract salicylate and salicylic acid. It won't solve serious problems, but it will help keep your face in order. The peeling roll is gentle and does not cause irritation. It copes well with peeling, impurities, and makes the skin matte. The roller acts gently and does not injure; it normalizes the process of sebum secretion. Contains lactulose, which enhances protective properties epidermis. The consistency of the product is liquid, but this does not interfere with the application process. Price 100 ml – 70-80 rubles.

Peeling roll Libriderm with chamomile

This product is made in Russia and contains fruit acids. The peeling roll has a gel structure, but is not too dense. It contains no dyes, parabens, or fragrances; it emits a natural, subtle aroma of chamomile. The product is not very strong, but it is suitable even for sensitive skin with rosacea. The peeling rolls off well, and the face looks completely renewed after it. It evens out, eliminates flaking and moisturizes. Approximate cost of 75 ml – 290-380 rubles.

Rollup Tony Molly

Tony Moly has several peelings. The skating rink, which will be discussed below, comes in an apple-shaped package. Contains natural malic acid, papaya extract, hyaluronic acid, vitamins. The structure is creamy. The price of an 80 g package is approximately 900 rubles. After using the peeling roller, the following effect is observed:

  • skin is moisturized and softened;
  • pores are cleaned and closed;
  • complexion becomes better, more even;
  • inflammation goes away, acne spots lighten.

Korean peeling MISSHA

The product contains fruit acids, hyaluronic acid and tropical plant extracts. Peeling has a moisturizing and regenerating effect, provides micromassage, and deeply cleanses the skin. It improves complexion and stimulates blood microcirculation. With regular use it will help get rid of post-acne. The product is convenient to use and economical in consumption. The peeling is sold in large volume packaging. It smells nice and has a smooth consistency. The roller leaves the skin smooth and polished, but doesn't exfoliate very well. Price 100 ml – 1660 rub.

Urban Dollkiss

This company offers a peeling roll based on fruit acids. The product exfoliates dead skin particles, helps narrow and cleanse pores, and remove impurities and toxins. The composition includes cellulose, peach extract, fruit acids and lycoprine. The peeling roll comes in a beautiful jar with a plastic membrane that protects from drying out, and a measuring spoon for hygienic application. Cost 100 ml – 840 rub.

Mesopeeling roller for face Vitex

Cosmetic product for skin exfoliation. Gently removes dead cells and excess fat. Peeling stimulates cell renewal, moisturizes, smoothes, refreshes and improves complexion. The skating rink stimulates the synthesis of hyaluronic acid and restores its balance. It makes the skin firmer, denser and more elastic, and removes imperfections. The peeling ray contains lactic acid and betaine. Price 100 ml - approximately 185 rubles.

Hyaluronic facial scrub Novosvit

The product is free of alcohol, dyes and parabens. Contains collagen and hyaluronic acid. Cleanses pores, exfoliates the skin and evens out its texture, providing long-lasting hydration. The product is gentle and does not contain abrasive particles. The skating rink restores the water-lipid balance, prevents the feeling of tightness, smoothes out fine wrinkles and improves complexion. The price of 100 ml is approximately 100-110 rubles.

Sugar based Holika holika

This is a liquid peeling roller, available in a bottle with a spray. Contains lemon extract, has a gentle effect on the skin. The roller is very easy to use, it perfectly removes peeling, inflammation, and refreshes. The product lightens blackheads, smoothes and moisturizes. Rolling ray from Holika Holika vitaminizes the skin and enriches it with oxygen. The product stimulates collagen production and fights the first signs of aging.

It can be used even by people prone to allergic reactions. It is advisable to use peeling on steamed skin, so the effect will be more noticeable. Due to the fact that the roll is liquid and the composition is applied with a spray, it lies on the face in a perfectly even layer. After a couple of minutes, you just need to start massaging the skin. It will become covered with pellets, which will collect dead particles, fat, and dirt. The cost of a 150 ml bottle is 700-750 rubles.

How to use a peeling roller

Each tool has detailed instructions, so it is better to do the procedure in accordance with the recommendations given in it. As a rule, a peeling roll is done like this:

  1. The face is cleansed of dirt and makeup residues.
  2. A roll is applied to dry skin. The areas around the eyes and lips should be avoided.
  3. The mass is left on the face for some time (indicated in the instructions).
  4. Begin to gently massage the skin with your fingertips. The mixture will roll into balls, collecting dirt and dead cells.
  5. After the pellets stop forming, the product should be washed off with warm water. It is recommended to pat your face dry with a paper towel, do not rub.
  6. A standard care product (cream) is applied to the skin, unless prohibited by the instructions.

Side effects and contraindications

There are a number of situations in which peeling is not recommended. Contraindications for the procedure are:

  • acute form of herpes;
  • individual intolerance to the components included in the product;
  • any diseases of the skin, especially in acute stages;
  • open wounds, burns, inflammatory processes at the sites of exposure;
  • thin skin with increased sensitivity and capillaries located close to the surface;
  • blood diseases.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the peeling sheet should be treated with caution and carefully monitor your body’s reactions. You still need to be careful in case of serious illnesses internal organs, chronic illnesses. Before using the product, make sure you are not allergic to any of the components. Peeling rolls have a number of side effects, but they are usually caused by an individual reaction of the body or non-compliance with the rules of the procedure. Possible complications:

  • no effect;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • allergic reactions;
  • redness, swelling;
  • herpetic rash.


Asian women are famous throughout the world for their porcelain, baby-like skin and the mysteries of beauty passed down from generation to generation. One of these secrets is the peeling roller. The stars adore it, and there is at least one tube in everyone's boudoir modern girl. By what rules are these “miracle remedies” chosen?

The boom of skates came in the 1970s. Since then, homemade recipes for Asian peelings have spread all over the world. They were also loved in the former USSR, especially since Korean and Japanese facial peels could be done right in the kitchen: that is, about 8 times more profitable than in the salon.

Oriental exfoliants not only exfoliate and cleanse from dead cells, but also saturate the tissues with moisture, even out the complexion, neutralize inflammation and redness, and tighten the oval of the face. It would seem that other exfoliating products “can do” all this. What then is a peeling roll?

The exfoliant works according to this principle:

  1. Dissolves the dead stratum corneum with acids and viscous components.
  2. Absorbs dead cells through cellulose particles, forming balls.
  3. Unnecessary particles of the stratum corneum roll off along with the lumps.

That is, the product simultaneously resembles both chemical peels and mechanical peels.

What is the difference here?

From mechanical (scrubs)

A rolling exfoliant is similar to the application method: in both cases, to exfoliate the face, you need to massage it in a circular motion. However, the rolls do not contain any abrasives that scratch the skin (crystals, seeds, etc.), that is, they have a more delicate effect.

For this reason, Asian preparations are preferred by boys and girls with very thin and sensitive skin. Problematic, as well as too problematic, is also not an obstacle to such peeling.

From chemical peels

According to American dermatologist Melanie Palm, the effect of the ray is similar to acidic compounds. However, in the case of Korean peeling, you can personally observe how old skin rolls off along with lumps of exfoliant, while “chemistry”, as a rule, dissolves the epidermal scales imperceptibly to the eye.

Another difference is the harmlessness of the rolls: after them there is no .

Contraindications for peeling roll

However, Korean facial peelings also have a number of limitations. Like classic types of exfoliants, they should not be used for:

  1. Individual intolerance;
  2. Herpetic infection;
  3. Damage to tissue integrity;
  4. Capillaries located close to the surface of the skin.

Unlike purely acidic procedures, Asian preparations can be used for rosacea (pink pimples).

To eliminate the possibility of allergies, You must first do a test on the tolerance of the drug components on the skin of your hand. If abnormal itching occurs, wash off the composition immediately clean water and refrain from further experimentation.

Pros and cons of rolling

The first most obvious advantage is how the peeling roller works. The principle of action explains all the main advantages of the exfoliant:

  1. Suitable for any skin type.
  2. Does not require special skills.
  3. Easily available in stores.
  4. There are few contraindications.

Associated with the gentle effect is the disadvantage of a less pronounced result.

The disadvantages are most often complained about by ill-informed patients with inflated expectations, who were counting on the effect of a course of use after the first procedure.

Also, some people experience discomfort during treatment if there is fluff on the face to which everything sticks.


Facial peeling rolls differ in several parameters:

  1. Skin type;
  2. Active ingredient;
  3. Additional components;
  4. Packaging form;
  5. Consistency.

For different skin types

Although most of these types of products are universal, if you wish, you can find samples specifically designed for problematic and sensitive skin. They contain additional wound-healing and softening components.

According to active ingredients

Most often, beauty products are based on: fruit acids; and salicylic, and also famous for their natural origin (enzymes from pineapple, papaya and chicken egg white).

By additional tasks (Table)

Japanese and Korean exfoliators also have “bonus” highly specialized functions. For example, supplemented preparations moisturize well, protein preparations nourish, prevent inflammation, brighten, and those containing aloe vera extract soothe and soften (see Table):

According to the packaging shape

Korean drugs are most often produced in tubes, but original packaging is also found: for example, in bottles with a spray. These unusual liquid exfoliants can be sprayed directly onto the skin.

By consistency

Consistency varies cream, gel, liquid and (in rare cases) grainy, but the particles dissolve without a trace during massage, so there is no need to be afraid of damaging the sensitive epidermis.

The most traditional texture is considered creamy: it is good because it already implies nutrition and hydration, although this does not negate the use of cream after the procedure.

Cosmetologists call gel cosmetic products of this class even softer, but no less effective. During the massage they turn into foam and do not require additional moisturizers.

And finally, a separate category is a calcium chloride peeling gel with a soapy consistency from Boni, the star of the TV project DOMA-2 and the ex-girlfriend of Irish billionaire Alex Smerfit.


Wherever Japanese peeling is performed - on the body or on the face - the algorithm of actions will be identical.

How to use the peeling roller:

  1. We remove makeup, cleanse and degrease the skin with cleansing foam, blot with a towel so that it is completely dry.
  2. Apply the peeling agent in an even layer using a brush or fingers, except for the eyes and lips.
  3. Leave on the skin according to the instructions (for a couple of minutes). Then we perform a light massage in circular movements for 1-2 minutes, focusing on the T-zone. When cellulose lumps begin to form, this means that the product is working.
  4. Wash off excess with purified warm water or a soft towel. Do not rub the skin so as not to damage or stretch it.
  5. Moisturize with cream if necessary.

The algorithm may vary slightly depending on the tool (for example,).

Care and possible complications

If you follow the instructions for use, side effects are unlikely. For example, if you ignore an allergy test, you may develop an allergic reaction.

Also, after peeling, there is a risk of occurrence, so post-peeling care in this case must necessarily include creams with sun filters SPF 30+. In case of unforeseen complications, you should not self-medicate.

How often can you exfoliate?

Although positive changes will be noticeable after the first use, lasting results (for example, smoothing the relief) can only be achieved as a result of course therapy.

When it comes to how often you can use a facial peeling roll, it is important to follow the intended schedule. An insufficient number of procedures will give a weak effect, and too intense a procedure will weaken the barrier functions of the epidermis and can cause redness and peeling.

Depends on skin type: owners can exfoliate every 3-7 days; for normal and combination skin, 1 session weekly is enough, and treatment every 10 days.


The modern choice of cosmetic products is so great that you can get confused. In this situation, it is reasonable to prefer proven drugs with positive reviews from our rating.

Korean oxygen Super Aqua from MISSHA

The oxygen-enriched product is designed for deep cleansing and includes extracts of exotic flowers and seeds, as well as fruit acids from papaya and grapefruit. Actively moisturizes and awakens the skin's inner radiance. Many people like the subtle aroma of the product and the economical 100 ml packaging (although some had difficulties with the not very convenient dispenser and the low exfoliating properties of the product).

Price: approx. 20€.

Korean apple roll MIZON

The duet of malic and hyaluronic acids is suitable even for particularly thin and sensitive skin. Excellent nutrition due to fruit and sugar cane extract. The thick gel consistency is good for application and prevents the product from spreading. Among the disadvantages: the exfoliant is powerless against blackheads (it only lightens them slightly).

Volume - 120 ml, price - approx. 15€.

Italian roll LIMONI

And this product, although also based on malic acid, is memorable for its lemon aroma, befitting its name. The gel consistency forms an airy foam when applied. As a result of course use, post-acne disappears and the oval of the face is tightened.

A 150 ml peeling costs approx. 10€.

Original Korean peeling TONY MOLY

This exfoliant has gained popularity due to its original “apple” shape and creamy consistency. It softens and nourishes with moisture, evens out the complexion, prevents acne and tightens pores. According to some reviews, some buyers are dissatisfied with the fact that the product, according to them, is difficult to wash off.

With a volume of 80 ml average price 10€ seems too high to some.

Korean peeling with eggs HOLIKA HOLIKA

The brand has previously proven itself to be innovative hypoallergenic rolls in the consistency of tonic, which were sprayed with a dispenser onto steamed, damp skin. And this time, HOLIKA HOLIKA technologists have created a peeling with egg white extract against blackheads, refreshing and exfoliating. Among the advantages is “squeaky clean” freshness.

A volume of 140 ml will cost 12 €.

Korean exfoliation with stem cells THE SAEM

And this product is unique in its permissible frequency of use: according to reviews, even 4 times use within 1 week does not entail negative consequences. Stem cells and pine bark extract also have a rejuvenating, toning and brightening effect.

Available in volumes of 40 and 160 ml, costs 6€ and 20€ respectively.

Russian skating ray with chamomile LIBREDERM

Not very effective, but suitable even for skin with spider veins. Without artificial colors and flavors, cloudy color, with a weak aroma. It has good rolling properties, refreshes the complexion, and moisturizes.

A 75 ml tube costs only about 4€.

Japanese matting roller SHISEIDO

A vitamin-rich gel with green tea antioxidants divides users into two camps: some consider the quality to be commensurate with the price (2.5 € per 100 ml), admire the exfoliating effect on the feet and good mattification of the face, others complain about too sticky lumps that injure delicate skin.

Belarusian milk roll BELITA

Budget acid-based gel mesopeeling has a granular structure. During massage, non-abrasive particles dissolve without a trace, without damaging the tissue. It polishes and mattifies well, and since upon application it stings slightly and causes blood flow to the face, this allows some to feel that the product “works,” but for others, on the contrary, it causes aversion.

A 100 ml tube costs only 2.5 €.

Russian salicylic ray PROPELLER

Perhaps the most cost-effective option in the category (1.5 € per 100 ml), which has also received many positive reviews. Not very effective, but it will be sufficient for maintenance procedures for those with problem skin, if the poor “pilling” and liquefied texture do not bother you.

Do you have a favorite Korean skate?

Facial skin requires regular and high-quality cleaning, since the dead layer of cells cannot be washed off only with water and cleansing gel.

At the same time, improper cleansing causes skin aging, the appearance of blackheads and other not very pleasant defects.


A peeling roller can help you cope with high-quality cleansing. The procedure helps to even out and renew the surface of the skin due to its regeneration.

After such a mask or scrub, the skin will be smooth, homogeneous and velvety. There are many types of peeling, but not all of them are suitable for home use.

You can make such types of rolling yourself as chemical, physical and mechanical.

Depending on the degree of purification, it is divided into superficial, medium and deep.

At home, you can only do the first type, but it will also be a serious help to your skin.

You need to understand that the rolling sheet and the standard one are different. Known as "Hollywood Purge", the ramp has the following features:

  1. It is not applied to for a long time– you need to keep it on your face for about 3-4 minutes.
  2. There are no side effects.
  3. Can be used from 15 years of age.

The procedure is safe: it does not cause severe redness, irritation or other defects. There may be a slight tingling sensation, but this normal phenomenon.

The procedure helps fight sebaceous plugs and flaking, eliminates fine wrinkles and quality prevention all these defects.

Important tip from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, you should pay special attention to the creams you use. A frightening figure - 97% of creams from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalance. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

What is required for the procedure?

You can easily do this procedure at home.

The ingredients are available so no major costs are expected.

There is also no need to spend a lot of time - the procedure will take no more than twenty minutes.

Modern manufacturers offer and already ready-made solutions for rolling for those who don't want to experiment on their own. Products from leading brands have a similar effect.

For the procedure you will need these ingredients:

  • calcium chloride solution, which you can buy at the pharmacy (or another product intended for home peeling);
  • baby soap without fragrances and dyes;
  • cotton pads or balls;
  • warm water to wash your face with;
  • instructions for rolling at home.

How to do it?

How to do a face roll at home? You can buy a ready-made product or prepare it yourself. Homemade peeling roll it's quite easy to do.

You need to grate the soap on a coarse grater, add water and leave for 12 hours, then beat it into a paste with a mixer.

You can add to the solution chamomile juice. This product perfectly cleanses the skin, tones it and gives it a beautiful, uniform shade.

Take care to keep your skin clean and dry.

Using a cotton pad, apply to the surface of the face. calcium chloride solution 10% or the rolling solution you purchased, avoiding the lip area and the area around the eyes.

To the solution has dried out, hold it for about three minutes. Then you need to apply the solution again. It is recommended to repeat the procedure several times.

The next step is generous application. thick soap suds. As a result chemical reaction will appear soap flakes. Foam is also used several times.

When the soap balls stop rolling and the skin begins to creak, wash thoroughly with warm water.

There are also another way use. It involves first applying thick soap suds. After your hands, you need to moisten the calcium chloride solution and apply it to your face.

If necessary, moisturize your hands. But don't overdo it. It is necessary to wash off the pellets that appear with warm water.

Contraindications and precautions

Despite the effectiveness and simplicity of the procedure, it still has certain contraindications. Perhaps for some it is doesn't fit at all. Before the procedure, please read these important points:

Skin care after

After you finish the procedure, the skin will tighten and be dehydrated. You can't just leave her. Better make a moisturizer calming or nourishing mask . You can buy ready-made or make it yourself.

You can use the same chamomile, as well as mint, sage, and calendula. Well calms down tea tree oil. Then you can use your regular face cream. As we have already said, it is better to carry out the procedure before bed.

If you had to do it during the day, do not go outside after the procedure and do not direct sunlight contact with skin.

If this cannot be avoided, use sunscreen with a high protection factor.

If you have no contraindications, be sure to try this procedure.

Perhaps it will become your personal magic wand which will help you always look perfect.

Many girls are familiar with such a product as peeling ray - such mixtures well cleanse the skin of various impurities and dead cells. They fell in love with this method of chemical exfoliation because of its simplicity and safety. The product can be used at home, and the result is comparable to the effect of a procedure performed in a beauty salon. The rolls cleanse the skin of dead cells and impurities that cannot be removed by regular face washing. This article will help you understand the pros and cons of such compositions and tell you about the best of them.

We invite you to find out what peeling is. This cosmetic product, which dissolves dead skin cells, removing them, giving the face a fresh, healthy look. Such mixtures do not injure, but only gently clean the surface. They are highly effective and famous for their rejuvenating effect. These exfoliants are applied to both the face and other parts of the body.

Interesting! This cosmetic product was presented to the world by Asian countries.

Roll peelings only affect the stratum corneum of the skin. They are classified as superficial, non-traumatic cleaning products. Unlike scrubs, which scrape away dead cells from the face, these safe exfoliants do not stretch or damage the skin. The principle of operation of peeling rays is as follows:

  1. Dissolution of non-living cells using cosmetic acids (lactic, salicylic, fruit, etc.);
  2. Capture of softened cells by cellulose particles: keratinized skin with impurities rolls into small balls that are easily removed from the surface.

Important! Some ready-made formulations contain nutrients that additionally moisturize and tone the treated area.

You can start using a peeling roll (for both the face and the whole body) from a very young age. Such mixtures help maintain a clean, healthy skin. The effect you can expect from regular application of exfoliants:

  • Elimination of stagnation;
  • Narrowing, cleansing pores, removing comedones;
  • Minor lightening, surface leveling;
  • Acceleration of recovery processes, renewal;
  • Stimulation of cellular metabolism;
  • Strengthening microcirculation;
  • Rejuvenation, freshness.

Cosmetologists recommend rolling peelings even to those with sensitive and acne-prone skin: when the application of scrubs is prohibited due to their traumatic nature, dead cells along with impurities are easily removed by these exfoliants.

The sequence of actions and rules for applying the composition are the same, regardless of the area where the procedure is carried out. We'll tell you how to use a peeling roll for the face:

  • To begin with, the skin is cleansed and dried with a towel;
  • The product is applied in an even layer to the selected areas; the exposure time is indicated in the instructions for the exfoliant;
  • Then massage the area with your fingertips for 1-2 minutes until cellulose balls form;
  • Balls and remaining mixture are removed with warm water or a soft towel;
  • After this, you can move on to the next stages of your usual skin care routine.

To understand how to properly use a peeling roll for the face, you can go to a beauty salon for the first time for the procedure. Experts will tell and show all the nuances and select the appropriate remedy.

Did you know? Exfoliants have a cumulative effect. That is, with each procedure performed, the result becomes more and more noticeable, and it is best seen after 2 months of regular use of the product.

A slight tingling sensation after applying the composition is normal. However, if it becomes unbearable, the mixture must be immediately removed from the face, otherwise you risk injuring the skin. And after the procedure, be sure to use creams with SPF, since prolonged exposure to the sun may cause burns and pigmentation.

Whatever products a woman uses, the exfoliant will harmoniously fit into her usual facial care routine; How often can you use a peeling roll? It depends on the condition and needs of the skin, on the selected area. There are products suitable even for daily use.

Attention! Facial exfoliants are suitable for other areas, but body compositions should not be used on the face. There are also universal mixtures applicable to any part of the body.

When caring for the body, they mainly use facial peeling rolls from Korean manufacturers.

What type of peeling sheet should you choose if you want to try this method of cleansing and renewing the skin? You can find several varieties of such funds. Let's tell you more about each of them:

  1. Calcium chloride and baby soap. This method is aggressive, so it is recommended for owners of tight skin with enlarged pores. The result will be noticeable immediately after the first application;
  2. A traditional exfoliant is a creamy substance. After applying to the face and massaging, white balls form. Compared with the first method, this method is safer due to the presence of moisturizing and caring components in the composition;
  3. Gel (or bubble) cleansing mixtures. When applied to the skin, they begin to actively foam. By massaging your face and rinsing off the composition with water, you will see the result. Such peeling rolls have a good effect on sensitive and problem skin, since they are the mildest in effect, although their effect is less noticeable.

When purchasing, please note the additional effects of the product:

  • Whitening exfoliants contain lemon extract;
  • Nutrients include proteins;
  • Added to sedatives aloe vera extract;
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs act due to salicylic acid;
  • An important component of moisturizers is hyaluronic acid(due to this acid, the peeling roll has a rejuvenating effect, which is one of the advantages of such mixtures).

For all its advantages, chemical exfoliation is not always acceptable. Check out this list:

  • First of all, the contraindication is individual intolerance to the components of the mixture, an allergic reaction. Apply the peeling roll to the crook of your elbow before using the product and observe the reaction;
  • Do not use the product if there are scratches, open wounds, or inflammation. It should not be used for almost all skin diseases;
  • If you have very thin, sensitive skin or capillaries located close to the surface, look for an alternative cleaning method: there is a high probability of injuring the skin and causing microhemorrhages during massage.

Attention! Exfoliation is not performed on the skin around the eyes and on the lines of the mouth.

How often can I use it?

The peeling roll can be used for both the face and body once a month. It all depends on the type and condition of your skin, and the cosmetics you plan to use. Carefully study the instructions for the formulations; as a rule, manufacturers indicate the necessary information.

We asked cosmetologists how often you can use a peeling roll for the face and body. Experts do not recommend applying it more than once a month to dry skin, and more than twice a month to oily skin. In other areas, exfoliation is done once every 10-15 days. Although there are specially developed formulations suitable for daily use, they are intended for those who suffer from excessive oily skin.

Some girls have a question: “If I periodically use a scrub, how often can I use the peeling roll?” Everything here is individual. If you want to combine these products, take a break between their application of at least 2-3 days for oily skin, 4-5 for normal and 6-8 for dry skin. The main thing is not to overdo it with cleansing, otherwise there is a high risk of drying out and injuring the skin.

Recipes for peeling sheets at home

According to many women, the best peeling roll is calcium chloride and baby soap. Exfoliation with calcium chloride is also carried out in beauty salons.

The sequence of actions during the procedure is as follows:

  1. Apply a 5% calcium chloride solution to dry, cleansed skin. Let it absorb for 3-5 minutes;
  2. Repeat application 3 to 8 times (the more layers, the more aggressive the effect will be);
  3. We soap the areas treated with the solution using our fingers or a cotton pad;
  4. Massage for 3 minutes. When the resulting white pellets turn gray, wash your face;
  5. Apply a moisturizing mask or cream.

Attention! After the procedure, the face is not dried with a towel, since the skin is very sensitive. If you don’t have time to wait for natural drying, you can lightly blot the surface paper napkin. This way you will protect the disturbed epidermis from unnecessary mechanical damage.

To do peeling at home, you need to know how often you can use the roll. Since the composition has a strong effect, it is not recommended to apply it more than once every 10-15 days.

Another frequently asked question: “I use ready-made products, since calcium chloride is very irritating to the skin; How to use this peeling roll correctly?”

When deep exfoliation is not necessary, you can limit yourself to applying only 2-3 layers of calcium chloride. However, there is an alternative way to use this home product, which has a milder effect: first you lather your face, and then apply calcium chloride. Otherwise the steps are the same as in the first option.

Top 10 best peeling gels in the mass market

The Korean facial peeling roll is considered one of the best. Cosmetics produced in Korea are famous for their high efficiency and natural ingredients included in their composition. However, high-quality, worthy products are also produced in other countries. Here is the list the best means for chemical exfoliation:

Missha (Korea). Containing fruit acids, exotic fruit extracts, the product moisturizes and restores the skin. Mild exfoliating effect;

Apple exfoliant Mizon. Contains hyaluronic and malic acids, suitable for thin sensitive skin. Eliminates excess oiliness and flaking, preventing overdrying; blackheads become less noticeable;

The saem. The result is toning, strengthening, moisturizing, and rejuvenating the face. The skin is lighter and smoother, the product exfoliates dead skin particles well, although it acts very gently;

Shiseido. Excellent results when used on the legs; makes the skin matte and soothes it. However, the resulting pellets are quite sticky and can irritate sensitive skin;

Limoni. Cleanses well, removes comedones, lightens acne, exfoliates, evens out skin texture. Does not cause irritation and is quickly washed off. According to many reviews, this is the best Korean peeling sheet;

Librederm - produced in Russia. The product is suitable even for those with sensitive skin with rosacea. Result: renewed, moisturized, smoother skin, elimination of flaking;

Tony Moly. This brand produces several similar products, but the top best peeling face roll (10 items) includes only the product in an apple-shaped package. The composition helps cleanse, close pores, smooth out skin texture, improve complexion, eliminate post-acne and inflammation. The skin is softened, moisturized;

Tiande. The product is made in China and comes in different scents, but the effect of all mixtures is the same. The exfoliant is contraindicated for rosacea and rosacea. It is difficult to achieve tangible results with its help, but the product is quite worthy.

Pro-Beauty Bio from Ciel. Thanks to salicylic and glycolic acids tightens pores, improves appearance and stimulates collagen production. Among the advantages - easy rolling;

Lemon Sparkling Peeling Gel from Secret Key. Exfoliation plus lightening – this is the result this product provides. Lemon extract reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands. The acids included in the composition deeply cleanse the skin. This product closes our peeling roll rating.


We figured out what peeling is, how this procedure is carried out, and what are the contraindications to its implementation. Each girl decides for herself which product is best for her. After all, the most expensive product does not always turn out to be effective, and budget formulations sometimes surprise with excellent quality and results. After reading reviews of different mixtures, you will find your favorite. The effect of regular use of properly selected cosmetics will not leave you indifferent.

Incredible! Find out who's the best beautiful woman planets 2019!

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