What is energy? Online lesson on literary reading “S. Lagerlöf “Nils’s Journey with Wild Geese” Natural history types of energy

Problem lesson on the world around us Educational system:"School 2 100"

Textbook: A. A. Vakhrushev, O. V. Bursky, A. S. Rautian, the world around us, “Inhabitants of the Earth”, 3rd grade (1-4), part 1

Teacher: Dymchenko Galina Vasilievna

Subject:"What is energy?"

Class: 3 "A"

Date: September 19, 2008

Lesson type: lesson of studying and primary consolidation of new knowledge

Lesson location: The lesson is the third in the section “Matter and Energy” and precedes the study of the topic “Transformation of Energy”, which ends this section.

Lesson objectives:


Reveal the content of the concept of “energy”, while simultaneously recalling the history of human exploration different forms energy;

Teach how to correctly find energy sources and apply the concept of “energy”;

Draw students' attention to the difference in energy pure form and energy stored in matter;

News preparatory work to study new things on the topic “Transformation of Energy”.


Develop the ability to correctly apply the concept of “energy”,

The ability to accurately determine the source of energy,

The ability to distinguish between energy in a free state and energy stored in a substance;

Develop speech, cognitive activity, mental operations.


Show students that the concept of “energy” and the very existence of energy plays an important role in people’s lives;

Foster a careful attitude towards energy; careful handling of household appliances that operate on energy sources;

Arouse the desire of students not only to learn, but also to protect the environment.

Equipment: alcohol burner, water flask to demonstrate the experiment; multimedia presentation on the topic “What is energy?” (Appendix No. 2); each child has cards for motivation to learn new things (Card No. 1), for reflection on the lesson (Card No. 2); individual task for the game “Find a source of energy”; digital fans; a piece of plasticine; cubes with multi-colored edges.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment. Positive attitude to class. (The “Piece of Plasticine” technique.) Teacher: - Leave and entrust all your anxieties, fears, doubts to this small piece of plasticine. Fashion “your fear” that interferes with you in class.

Now break it and throw it in my box.

Physical education minute. So we spread our hands, As if we were surprised. And they bowed to each other to the ground! Bent over, straightened up, Bent over, straightened up. Below, children, don’t be lazy, bow, smile.

II. Statement of a problem situation and updating of knowledge. Slide No. 1(Front page) Slide number 2(Image of devices powered by electricity or gasoline and using muscle power.)

Guys, look at the pictures on the slide. What do they show?

Drills, meat grinders, bicycles and motorcycles.

Why do you think they are arranged in pairs this way?

By name general concepts: drills, meat grinders, vehicles.

Remember our piece of plasticine, why were we able to sculpt something out of it, what did we apply to it?

Look carefully at which two groups the pictures are divided into. Why are they so divided? On what basis?


Some mechanisms work with the help of a person, that is, he must apply force. An electric drill and a meat grinder run on electricity, while a motorcycle runs on gasoline.


What is needed to set these mechanisms in motion? How to say it in one word?


Strength. Energy.

What do a car filling up with gas have in common with a person eating lunch?

Both the car and the person receive (store) energy for movement.

In your further answers, you can use a term such as “ potential energy" Potential energy is a latent (stored) form of energy.

III. Motivation and student goal setting.

Formulate the topic of our lesson. Express its name in an interrogative sentence.


What is energy?

Slide number 3(The title of the topic is “What is energy?”.)

Complete the sentences in your own way. What do you expect from this lesson, what knowledge do you want to acquire? (Card No. 1)

At the end of the lesson we will know if you got what you expected from the lesson.

But, undoubtedly, we will learn a lot, important and interesting things on the topic of the lesson. To do this, we will have to look beyond the pages of the textbook.

Slide number 4(Epigraph)

As an epigraph to our lesson, I would like to take the following lines from a Czech teacher:

<p align=right>Consider that day and hour unhappy
In which you haven't learned anything new
And he added nothing to his education.
Y. A. Komensky

IV. Collaborative discovery of knowledge. Explanation of new material.

1. Work according to the textbook(task 1, p.7).

Guys, read in the textbook about the problem that your friend Lena had. Help her.

Students read the dialogue in the textbook on p. 7

What is energy?

Can you explain this to Lena? Try to formulate what energy is.

Students offer their answers.

Energy is what makes movement and work happen.

Students write the definition in their textbook.

The teacher returns to the pictures on the slide.

Slide number 5(Drawings of a hand and electric drill.)

You have determined that mechanisms are driven by energy.

Slide number 6(The word “energy” appears on the slide.)

But a hand drill is driven by human energy, and an electric drill is driven by electricity. This means they have different energy sources. (The phrase “source of energy” appears on the same slide.)

Energy source ↓ energy

2. Work according to the textbook(task 2, p. 7).

Open the textbook to page 7. Find task 2. Can you imagine what is happening now!? Now, when we leaf through the pages of our textbook, the chemical energy of the food we eat is converted into the energy of hand movement.

Guys, what needs to be done in task No. 2?

You need to connect with arrows what is necessary for the life of creatures and the operation of mechanisms.

Use the concept “energy source” in your answer.

1st student:

For a car, the source of energy is gasoline.

2nd student:

For a cow, the source of energy is hay.

3rd student:

For a boy, the source of energy is food.

4th student:

For a TV, the energy source is electricity.

Check if you made the right conclusions. Read the text on p.8.

The students are reading. The teacher asks questions about the text.

Have you correctly formulated the definition of what energy is?


What could be the source of energy?

The energy source can be: food, gasoline, electricity, etc.

Slide number 7(“Energy sources.”)


Can a piece of wood, like this (shows) dry alcohol tablet, serve as a source of energy?

Demonstration of experience.

The teacher lights a tablet of dry alcohol and heats the water (does the work).

The thermal energy stored in the dry alcohol tablet was released during combustion and heated the water in the flask.

How does energy exist in nature? Read about it on page 8.

Energy can exist in a free state. For example, in the form of sunlight and heat.


Or energy can be stored in matter. Thus, the thermal energy stored in firewood is released during combustion and heats the water in the kettle.

Work in a group (using the interactive “Snowball” method).

The composition of the groups is heterogeneous. Group – 3. Group – 7 people.

Stages of work.

1. Everyone works independently (1-2 minutes).

2. Work in pairs (2-3 min.).

3. Work in fours (2-3 min.).

4. Discussion with the whole group (7 people)

Assignment for carrying out the “Snowball” technique.


Guys, let's think about what happens every time you use energy? Does it change from one type to another or disappear altogether? Use the term “potential energy” in your answer. Let me remind you that this is hidden (stored) energy.

Slide number 8(Task for groups.)

1. Do you think energy disappears without a trace?

2. To answer this question, consider the situation of a building explosion.

Group 1 – before the explosion

Group 2 – during the explosion

Group 3 – after the explosion

At the end of the group work, their representatives propose a solution for their group. The initiative group (of three people) knows the answer to the question posed and does not participate in the discussion.

Suggested answers.

Slide number 9(Building before explosion)

before the explosion

Potential energy is a latent (stored) form of energy. Before the explosion, it was concentrated in explosives and high-rise building panels - heavy structures raised high above the ground. When it explodes, it is converted into other energy. So it doesn't disappear.

Slide number 10(Building during explosion)

during the explosion

In an explosion, the potential energy of explosives is converted into heat, movement and sound, which is created when tons of concrete and iron crash to the ground. Then it turns into another energy. It doesn't disappear.

Slide number 11(Building after explosion)

after the explosion

When the dust from the explosion finally settles, we can say that the potential energy of the explosives and the building itself has passed into another form - mostly useless. The energy is still conserved, just in a different form.

So does energy disappear without a trace?

Let's listen to the initiative group. She will confirm or refute your assumptions, summarize the answers, and draw conclusions.

1st student:

Conversion of energy

No matter what changes happen to energy, it does not disappear without a trace. True, some of it goes into a form that can no longer be used. Thus, the potential energy of gasoline is mainly converted into the energy of movement of the car, but some of it turns into noise and heat, dissipated in the air.

2nd student:

Wasted Energy

Some of the jackhammer's energy is converted into noise and heat; this energy can no longer be used.

3rd student:

Destructive force

To destroy a building, you can dismantle it brick by brick. But you can blow it up - the explosion will release a lot of energy, and the building will be destroyed almost instantly. On three slides we saw how some forms of energy transform into others and what catastrophic consequences this can lead to. As an example of a terrible tragedy in the United States, we can cite the explosion of twin buildings by terrorists.

2nd student:

Energy is the basis of everything. Without it, the Universe would be cold, empty and motionless. There are many types of energy known - thermal, light, sound, electrical.

Therefore, our initiative group urges you to remember a correct and careful attitude towards energy that benefits people, since it cannot arise from nothing and is lost in the form of heat during transformations. Remember also about the rules for using household appliances that operate on energy sources and can be life-threatening.

Task No. 9 is being completed, p. 11 (Write the rules for using household appliances.)

Physical education lesson “Energy from the sound “Aaaaaa”.

I want to help you fill yourself with fresh strength. Stand up and take a very deep breath. Then take a full lungful of air and exhale again. But this time exhale with a sound. Sing a long “Aaaaah” while exhaling. Imagine that at the same time, feelings of tiredness, fatigue and boredom flow out of you. And as you inhale, imagine that you are inhaling cheerful and joyful thoughts along with the air. With each exhalation, chant the sound “Aaaaaa” louder and louder until all your fatigue and discomfort leave you completely.

V. Primary consolidation.

Training in ways to independently apply knowledge.

1. Game “Find the source of energy.”

Description. Children are invited to find sources of energy for living beings and mechanisms by connecting them with lines.


Apply what you have learned to complete the task. Connect the names of animals and mechanisms with their corresponding energy sources using lines.

Let's compete in groups. The group that doesn't make a single mistake will win. When calculating points for a group, it is taken into account individual work everyone.

Individual task. (On everyone’s desk.)

The same task is duplicated on the slide.

Slide number 12(Task for the game “Find a source of energy”).

horse kerosene chicken coal monkey oats airplane gas steam locomotive millet gas stove electricity vacuum cleaner bananas

Students go to the slide, connect the necessary objects with a pointer and pronounce what is the source of energy.

Summing up the game.


The guys from the initiative group have prepared questions for you.

1st student:

Tell me, please, from what object do plants receive the necessary energy?


Plants get the energy they need from the sun.

2nd student:

What about animals?

They get the energy they need from the plants or animals they eat.

3rd student:


Let's see how bacteria and algae, which take the energy of the Earth, intricately color the water and shore of a national park in the USA.

Slide number 13(Bacteria and algae living in the mineral-rich hot springs of Yellowstone National Park in the United States create intricate colors for the water and shore.)

And I also prepared for you interesting questions in test form, which, one way or another, are related to our topic. We discuss the issue in a group and raise the corresponding digital fan. Let's summarize.


Steamboats propelled by water wheels appeared in the 19th century. They carried passengers and cargo. Nowadays they are used as an attraction for tourists. What river are they walking on?

1. Nile 2. Ganges 3. Mississippi

The power of a car engine is measured in units named after the animal. What kind of animal is this?

1. Ant 2. Horse 3. Elephant

Who invented the light bulb in 1879?

1. Lumiere Brothers 2. John Lampe 3. Thomas Edison


When was color television invented?

1. In 1910 2. In 1940 3. In 1970

The battery produces electrical energy. How does this energy arise?

1. Due to the temperature difference 2. Due to chemical reaction 3. By mixing various liquids


What is the name of a material that does not conduct electricity?

1. Ion 2. Electrolyte 3. Insulator


What are the main raw materials used in the operation of nuclear power plants?

1. Uranium 2. Coal 3. Natural gas


What is the name of a modern alarm clock on which the time is shown not using a dial and arrows, but only in numbers?

1. Electronic alarm clock 2. Analogue alarm clock 3. Digital alarm clock

Currently, Japan uses the Maglev high-speed train. It reaches speeds of up to 552 km/h, making it the highest speed train in the world. What energy sets it in motion?

1. Nuclear 2. Magnetic field energy 3. Electrical energy


Guys, what is a magnet? We can show everything, but we can explain it!?


Magnet (Greek - magnetic iron ore - stone from Magnesia - an ancient city in Asia Minor) is a body that has its own magnetic field.

Physical education lesson “Magnet”.

I set the rules of the game: the floor (earth) turns into a “magnet” that attracts your feet. Moving along the “magnet”, you are forced to tear your legs off it with tension. The closer your feet are to the “magnet”, the stronger the attraction to it.

2. Work according to the textbook(task 3.p. 8)

Since ancient times, man has learned to use different types energy. Humanity is constantly in search of new sources of energy.

Try to reconstruct the course of history, the sequence in which man learned to use different types of energy. Look at the pictures in task 3. Number the illustrations, let’s summarize the correctness of this task in groups.

1st student:

First, man learned to use the energy of the movement of an arrow fired from a bow - this is the first thing.

2nd student:

Then man learned to use the heat energy from a burning fire - this is the second.

3rd student:

Third, man began to use the horse’s energy to plow.

4th student:

Fourth, man began to use the energy stored in coal.

5th student:

Heat energy began to be used to move trains (steam locomotives, diesel locomotives, steamships) - this is the fifth.

6th student:

Man has learned to extract oil, make kerosene and gasoline from it, and use the energy stored in them - this is the sixth thing.

7th student:

Man has learned to use the energy of electricity - this is the seventh thing.

Answers: 1 – arrow, 2 – fire, 3 – horse, 4 – coal, 5 – train (steam locomotive, diesel locomotive, steamship), 6 – oil, 7 – electrical energy.

What is electricity? Your classmate Anna became interested in this question. She prepared an entire project called “Batteries Around Us.” ( Appendix No. 1)

The student briefly talks about how and why she decided to research what electricity is, where it “lives” and how it gets into our household appliances, accompanying her story with a slide presentation. Anya will also assemble a battery that generates electric current from the simplest and most affordable materials. (Using lemons, potatoes.)


Guys, I think that this project will deserve attention not only at our school conference, but also at the city one. Let's support Anya with applause and wish her good luck.

Do you know where and how electricity is generated for our city?

At the Volzhskaya hydroelectric power station. It converts the energy of water flow into electricity.


You already know that the city of Togliatti is a city of unusual fate. It was as if he was born three times.

1st student:

The first birth was back in 1737, when the wooden fortress of Stavropol raised its low walls above the deserted banks of the Volga floodplain.

But the second birth is associated with the construction of the Volzhskaya hydroelectric station.

Slide number 14(Volzhskaya HPP)

2nd student:

The second birth - more than two centuries later, in 1950, when the silence of the Zhiguli valleys was broken by the first explosions - prospectors came to the site of the future hydroelectric complex.

3rd student:

The Zhiguli's Volga is so strong and powerful that it seemed impossible to cope with it. And yet, people who mastered technology defeated the elements.

4th student:

In August 1955, over 19 thousand cubic meters of concrete were laid in the construction of the hydroelectric complex in one day, which became a world record.

5th student:

At the end of October of the same year, the Volga was blocked in 19 hours 35 minutes instead of 47 hours as envisaged by the plan. And in December, the first unit of the hydroelectric station started operating.

6th student:

The station is part of the Unified Energy System of our country. Energy from Zhiguli is transferred to cities and villages Central Russia, Urals, Samara, Ulyanovsk, Saratov and other regions.

7th student:

Volzhskaya HPP named after V.I. Lenin is the first brainchild of Kuibyshevgidrostroy. The homeland highly appreciated this feat. Kuibyshevgidrostroy was awarded the Order of Lenin in August 1958.

Guys, do you know what we call the “electric heart of the city”? Then listen.

Slide number 15(CHP VAZ) Has a capacity equal to half the power of the Volzhskaya HPP.

8th student:

Three gray reinforced concrete candles rose to a height of one hundred and fifty meters in the pipes of the Togliatti Thermal Power Plant (CHP), rightfully considered the electrical heart of the city. Miniature “Guests in Tolyatti”.

Listen to what visiting Togliatti residents often ask. 1st visitor: - Why was another power plant needed? 2nd visitor: - Isn’t the Volzhskaya hydroelectric station enough? 1st Togliatti resident: - Firstly, electricity is never superfluous. 2nd Togliatti resident: - Secondly, this power plant is thermal. It provides steam for large chemical factories and heats residential areas of the city.


What other power plants do you know? How do they generate electricity?


Slide number 16(Wind power plants.)

Wind power plants. The principle of operation of wind power plants is simple: the wind turns the blades of the windmill, driving the shaft of the electric generator. Wind energy is converted into electric current.


Nuclear power plant. On it, nuclear (atomic) energy is converted into electrical energy.


Nuclear power plants form the basis of nuclear energy, which is becoming increasingly important due to the growing rate of electricity consumption, on the one hand, and the world’s limited reserves of coal and oil, on the other hand.

Guys, what is associated with the third birth of our city?

Construction of the Volga auto giant.

Right. Our plant has an entire energy production facility.

Slide No. 17,18(VAZ energy production.)

The Volzhsky Automobile Plant has created its own energy service. Over a vast territory, through many thousands of kilometers of pipelines, cable and overhead power lines, busbars and air ducts, heat, light, water and other energy are transmitted to people.


Never in more than 40 years have there been any extreme situations caused by power engineers that would have resulted in the shutdown of the plant. 162 employees have been awarded government awards, 7 have the honorary title “Honored Energy Engineer of the Russian Federation.”

Slide number 19(Water samples)


Particular attention was paid to environmental protection. The power engineers of our plant have achieved that the wastewater discharged into the Volga after treatment, including ultraviolet light, is cleaner than the water in the river itself, and drinking water, supplied to the plant and the city, not only meets tough sanitary standards Russia, but also the requirements World Organization healthcare.


Guys, maybe one of you will choose this one in the future people need profession. VAZ energy workers have been engaged in career guidance for a long time and seriously. Did you know that energy drinks are our bosses?


For example, already in 1985, power engineer, candidate of technical sciences Vladimir Stepanovich Tretyakov equipped a computer class in the sponsored school No. 51 (our school). Now this won’t surprise anyone, but then he was the first and for a long time the only one. Today, many graduates of our school have become excellent specialists and work in energy production.

VI. Lesson summary. Reflection.

What new concepts did you learn about in class today?

With the concepts of energy and energy sources.

What is energy?

Energy is a source of movement, the ability to do work.

What have you learned about energy sources?

We learned that every living creature and mechanism has its own source of energy.

It's time to find out what you learned in the lesson, what was new, interesting, and maybe unusual for you.

Select one or more sentences that you would like to continue.

Card No. 2Bold style

The best thing today... - I found out... - It turns out... - I felt... - I liked it... - I was surprised... - It was interesting... Another answer.

Student assessment.

The teacher gives verbal assessment to students, encourages the most active students, and gives grades.

Pyramid of knowledge.


Let's express our attitude to the lesson by creating a “Pyramid of Knowledge.”

Children make a pyramid of cubes with faces of a certain color.

Express your attitude to the lesson!

Green – great mood, I liked everything, it was easy to work with, I wanted to learn a lot.

Yellow - good mood, it was interesting, but there were a few difficulties.

Red – it was boring, uninteresting, a lot of difficulties.

VII. Homework: p.10, tasks 5,6 (game); read p.7-8.

Contents of attachments Appendix No. Contents Pages Appendix No. 1 Project “Batteries around us” on the subject “ The world around us", section "Natural Science". Lesson topic: “What is energy?” 21-30 Appendix No. 2 Slide presentation on the topic of the lesson. 31-35 Note: The student’s project took 2nd place in the V city scientific and practical conference “First Steps into Science”, in the “Natural Science” section.

Class: 2

Form: lesson-research.

Lesson type: combined


  • to develop knowledge about the ways in which various living organisms obtain energy;
  • develop in students active position in acquiring knowledge and the ability to use additional sources of information to obtain new knowledge;
  • cultivate a caring attitude towards various representatives of living nature.

Equipment: Textbook “The world around us. 2nd grade" Samkova V.A., Romanova N.I., workbook“The world around us. 2nd grade" Zeleeva S.G., Grineva E.A., Samkova V.A., presentation for the lesson, applique drawing.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment. Psychological mood.

Guys, today in class you are not just students, but researchers of a scientific laboratory. Therefore, be observant, attentive, and friendly to each other. I wish you successful work.

II. Communicate the topic, purpose, and lesson plan.

Imagine that there is a power outage. What will happen next?

Children's answers. (The lights will go out and electrical appliances will not work). This means that electrical appliances are powered by electrical energy.

Does a person need energy?

Is it only humans who need energy?

Teacher's summary: Energy is needed by all living beings. We will prove the correctness of this statement in this lesson.

So, the topic of the lesson: “Energy and living beings.” (Slide 2)

Research staff are working according to plan. I suggest that you and I draw up a lesson plan. Do you agree? Where do we start?

Children's answers.

Helpful questions for the class. On slide 2 there is a record of the plan:

  • Why does a person need energy?
  • What do plants eat?
  • How do animals get energy?

The topic is determined, the plan is written down. Let's get to work.

III. Learning new material.

1 . What is the first point of the plan?

Why does a person need energy? ( Children read )

Identify the main (key) word in this sentence. Learn the answers.

Energy.(The teacher underlines the word in the sentence).

What is energy? Children's answers.

Question to the class: What words do you associate (link) with the word “energy”?

(Energetic person). What kind of person are they talking about as “energetic”? Children's answers.

I found these words (Slide 3): nimble, nimble, strong, fast, agile. Do you agree with all the words? What word might be superfluous here?

And in explanatory dictionary it says so ( Slide 4).

2 Conversation:

  • What does a person need to be energetic? Children's answers. A person needs to eat.
  • “I ate little porridge.” Are you familiar with this expression? In what cases do they say this?
  • How do you feel when you can’t eat or eat for a long time? Children's answers.

Thus, after eating, strength is restored - the body receives the necessary energy.

  • Where is it spent? Children's answers.

We draw conclusions: why does a person need energy? (With a hint from the teacher).

Let's make sure our reasoning is correct. Read the text in the textbook on page 47 (in the box). They read it themselves.

Tell me, are our reasoning correct?

So, can we give an answer to the first point of the plan?

What is he like? Children's answers.

3. Let's move on to work on the second point of the plan. Let's read it.

What plants do you know? Children's answers.

I'll tell you a riddle about one of them: ( Slide 5)

A golden sun grew from a seed.

What is this? Sunflower.

How did you guess?

Using this plant as an example, we have to find out what plants eat.

4 . Explanation of the material with drawing up an application on the board.

During the explanation, pictures of a sunflower and a sun appear on the board.

Green plants can capture energy sun rays. Plants need nutrients (such as sugar and starch) to grow.

Using solar energy, plants create these substances from air and carbon dioxide. Plants absorb carbon dioxide in the air and release oxygen, which is necessary for all living things to breathe.

5. Conversation on new material.

So, look at our drawing and answer the questions:

  • What is necessary for plant growth?
  • How do plants create nutrients?
  • What do plants absorb from the air?
  • What is the benefit of the oxygen that plants produce?

6. Experience.

Now we will conduct a scientific experiment.

What's in my hand? (Closed empty jar).

What can you say about this bank? Children's answers.

I open the jar and put in what, guess what? Yes, a green twig. I close the jar with a lid.

Another jar. What can you say about this bank? (It is without a lid, filled with clean water). We also place a green twig in it.

Which jar will the plant do well in?

Children's answers.

What if you and I, like this plant, are placed in a closed room? Children's answers.

The thing is that in the process of life, living organisms emit carbon dioxide. Therefore, we feel bad in a stuffy room; we want to quickly get out into the fresh air.

What conclusion can be drawn from this experience?

So now can we answer the second point of the plan?

7. Physical education minute

We are sunflowers.
We turned to the sun. (Left-right)
They bent over and straightened up.
We swayed
And they smiled at each other

8. We have one last point left in our plan. Let's read it.

Do any of you know the answer to this question?

First, let's find out what animals you know?

Working with a drawing. We turned the page of the textbook (page 48).

Look carefully at the drawing.

  • What animals do you see?
  • Think about why the artist uses arrows in the drawing?
  • The artist highlighted groups of animals. Let's consider each group of animals separately.

Find the group in the upper left corner of the picture - gr. No. 1. What do you see?

Find the group in the lower corner of the picture - gr. No. 2.

What did the artist depict in the upper right corner of the drawing? Gr. No. 3.

What is shown in the lower right corner of the picture? Gr. No. 4.

What do you see in the center of the picture?

And now – work in groups. Let's distribute the groups.

Listen carefully to the task:

  • Match the pictures with each other using the arrows (what follows what).
  • Think about what you would complete if you were the artist?

2 minutes for this task. Time has passed. (Hourglass).

Time is up. Let's summarize.

So, can we answer the question, what do animals eat?

Children's answers.

IV. Consolidation of the studied material.

Now let’s consolidate what we’ve learned. We opened the notebooks on page 32. First task. Let's read it. Take pencils and write down the missing words.

Peer review: check each other's work. Correct answers should be marked with a plus, incorrect answers with a minus.

We check together: children read the sentences and evaluate them.

V . Lesson summary.

The work of our laboratory is being completed:

What topic questions did we look for answers to during the lesson? Let's turn to the plan (slide 2). (Children read).

  • Why does a person need energy? Answers.

What does a person need to stay energetic? (A person must eat, for example..)

  • What do plants eat? Answers.
  • How do animals get energy? Answers.

VI. Homework.

select examples that support the conclusion that the Sun is a source of energy for living beings.

VII. Reflection.

Let's evaluate our work in class. Finish the sentence (slide 6):

  • Today in class I learned...
  • I liked it...
  • It was interesting...
  • The knowledge gained in the lesson will be useful to me...
  • I am ... (satisfied or not - why) with my work in class

Thank you for your work in class ( Slide 7).

About 14 years ago, one of my friends, for whom everyone predicted a boy, and from the first days of pregnancy she said that she would have a girl, she not only programmed the gender of her unborn child, but also the hair and eye color that she wanted, this is what it is at her child. During pregnancy, she listened to music; if before she did not like classical music, she suddenly realized that among classical music there are beautiful works. She became interested in aromatherapy and color therapy.

And every day before going to bed or while taking a bath and turning on music, she imagined the baby who was about to be born and talked to him, talked about how she imagined him, and talked about how she loved him and was waiting for his birth with love. Her husband at first treated this as the whims of a pregnant woman, but in order not to worry or upset her, he seemed to play along with her. But over time, I realized that these were not whims, but a completely serious and wise attitude towards the little man who would soon be born. The connection between mother and child is great, inextricable, and the presence of the mother is very important for the child, so that the mother is always nearby, especially in the first years of life. The mother should be nearby, and not the grandmother, or a stranger - the nanny, when the child says the first word, takes the first step.

And the presence of the mother plays an important role in how the child will speak, and how he will go through life, with a firm step and stand firmly on his feet, or whether he will be an insecure person. Constantly afraid of something, and feeling unnecessary and suffering from an inferiority complex. First of all, the “weather in the house” depends on the woman (the wife and the mother). A woman must find time for everything. And most importantly, she must find time for the children, for herself, for her husband. Only then can we say that this is a wonderful, happy family. It is not for nothing that among all nations a woman has always been considered the Guardian of the Hearth. A woman gives life and this is her holy role.

Before going to bed, you can turn on quiet, calm music. This is very relaxing and prepares you for sleep. And this is useful not only for you, but also for your future child. Music therapy - this method was used in ancient times by our ancestors, with its help they healed diseases, reduced labor pains, now scientists have confirmed the effectiveness of this method in treating diseases and in restoring the body and strengthening the immune system. Music therapy improves a person's emotional, physiological and psychological state. Music stimulates the human body, increases vital energy, relieves pain, helps in healing the body. Musical vibrations bring a person’s feelings to a state of harmony, mental balance and tranquility. They connect a person to the rhythms of the Universe, strengthening a person’s connection with the Origins, with the Forces that created this World and man.

In their studies, scientists have confirmed the fact that the fetus hears sounds and music reacts to them, thanks to the brain’s ability to perceive and remember sounds, feel music, rhythm, sound strength, high and low notes, and this affects its development. Quiet, calm music has a calming effect on the baby, while loud, rhythmic music, on the contrary, causes an increase in heart rate and causes active movements of the fetus. Regular listening to calm music helps the child to develop a strong nervous system even before birth, to have healthy heart, live in harmony with the World and the Universe, be confident in your abilities and feel protected. A lullaby has a very good calming effect on an unborn baby. Whereas loud, rhythmic music increases his nervous excitability, aggressiveness, emotional imbalance, and this, in the end, can lead him to confrontation with this world and rejection of all that is good and beautiful.

Even in ancient times, it was noticed that sounds of a certain frequency can destroy pathogenic microbes, relieve pain, remove a person from a state of aggression and depression, normalize sleep, and relieve insomnia. In their treatises, ancient philosophers such as Aristotle and Plato confirmed that the rhythms of the Universe and music are consonant, and music restores harmony not only in a person’s soul, but also the body can heal, because restores a person’s state of mind.

And in our time, scientists have confirmed the fact that melodies that evoke a state of joy and positive emotions in a person help normalize blood pressure, help cure nervous diseases, and tone the central nervous system. Music also helps with disturbances in a person’s psycho-emotional state, relieves insomnia, and improves mood. And not only the nature of the music, but even each instrument affects a certain part of the human body and his state of mind.


“Barcarolle” by Tchaikovsky, “Reverie” by Schumann, “Moonlight Sonata” (1st movement) by Beethoven, “Autumn Song”, “Sentimental Waltz”, “Sad Waltz” by Sibelius, “Ave Maria”, “Serenade” by Schubert, “Swan” » Saint-Saens.


Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, Bach's Cantata No. 2.


Haydn's symphonies, Bach's Italian Concerto.

Worry and anxiety

Beethoven's Sixth Symphony (3rd movement), Strauss waltzes, Mazurkas and Chopin preludes,

“Ave Maria” by Schubert, “Lullaby” by Brahms, “Light of the Moon” by Debussy.


“An American in Paris” by Gershwin, “Masquerade” suite by Khachaturian, Liszt’s Hungarian Rhapsody No. 1, “Fidelio” by Beethoven.

Chopin's Nocturne in D minor, Bach's Violin Concerto in D minor.

I glow with love and happiness.
I give light, goodness and joy.
I trust the power of the Universe of which I am a part.

Do not neglect such wonderful procedures for healing and maintaining the body in excellent physical and emotional shape, such as massage and foot baths. All this will help you quickly restore your body and nervous system after childbirth. Having excellent health and a good mood will set you and your baby up for harmony, and he will grow up calm and this will help him develop faster and explore the world, which will shine for him with all the colors of the rainbow, because he will grow up in an environment of love, kindness and joy.

I will not describe here how massage affects the human body and what oils are recommended to use; this is beautifully written in my book “Health Codes”. I will briefly describe what a pregnant woman needs to know in order to maintain firmness and elasticity of the skin, avoid so-called “stretch marks” that arise due to weight gain and which then cannot be removed, prepare the body for childbirth in order to feel great and maintain excellent health after childbirth.

It is useful for a pregnant woman to have massage sessions 1-2 times a week to maintain skin elasticity using rose, lavender, geranium, sage, and chamomile oils. It is also useful to lubricate the skin with these oils; for this oil you can add to body cream, or take vegetable oil as a base and add aromatic oils to it. For skin elasticity, as well as to improve well-being and maintain a good mood, massage is done using oils of rose, geranium, orange, bergamot, lavender, neroli, sandalwood.

To strengthen your teeth, you can brush your teeth and rinse your mouth with chamomile and clove oils. This procedure will protect you from tooth decay.

Daily foot baths and foot massages are also helpful. It is a well-known truth that diseases of the body begin from the feet. During this procedure, add cypress and lavender oils to the water. And for massage, use lavender, lemon, geranium, rose, patchouli, orange, and sage oil.

You can also take creams to the maternity hospital with the addition of sage, clove, lavender, bergamot, and rose oils.

I have already written in one of the books about the wonderful properties of water, you too can feel these wonderful properties for yourself. You pour water into a 3-liter jar, and stick any text you like on the jar with wishes of health, love, happiness. Just write it all in the present moment.

“I have good health. Every day I become younger, slimmer, more beautiful. I have excellent vision and hearing, and I feel great. I am a cheerful, energetic person. I am always in a good mood, I am always calm and unperturbed. I create for myself a territory of success, love and happiness. I attract good luck to myself, and I live in such a way that every day, hour, every moment is filled with happiness and love for my family and friends, for the world around me, for myself, for the Universe and the Great Creator. I'm happy and loved! I look at this world with a smile. I enjoy everything that surrounds me. I love this world, I love ours common house- beautiful planet Earth. I love myself. I wish myself happiness, good luck, good health and long, long life. I thank you, Light Forces of the Universe! I thank my Guardian Angels!”

Those. you write what you want for yourself, your beloved, the one and only person on Earth. You can also pronounce verbal codes over the water; by doing this, you also charge the water with the beneficial energies of creation and grace.

It is useful to take a warm shower or bath with the addition of aromatic oils before bed; they have a relaxing effect, help to quickly relieve the effects of stress, calm down, restore harmony in the body, improve well-being and mood. “Orange and tangerine baths” with the addition of honey give an excellent effect. They cleanse your energetic body and fill you with pure energy, giving you a feeling of renewal and health.

And after giving birth, you can take baths with a decoction of wormwood, juniper, pine, and cedar, which will help strengthen the energy field and health. After the bath, it is advisable to light incense, roses, lavender, lemon, and if possible, lie down, or just sit comfortably in a chair and sit for 5-10 minutes with your eyes closed, this will allow you to feel great and always be in a great mood.

You can flavor shampoos, salt, bath foam, and gel with oils. Or while taking a bath, add 5-7 drops of lavender, rose, bergamot oil to the bath; 4-5 drops of chamomile, geranium, cypress oil; 4-5 drops of sage, orange, rose oil. You can also add flower petals of chamomile, rose, lily of the valley, marigold, violet... bathing with petals of certain flowers strengthens the immune system, health, improves well-being and mood, and even attracts well-being and prosperity.

You already know that plants have a strong connection with the Cosmos and act as a kind of antenna for receiving cosmic energy.

Taking this into account, you can conduct a ritual during which you charge any flower in a pot that you like, and this flower will protect your home, office, business from destructive negative energy. Take care of it, let it grow and blossom to the joy of you and your loved ones. And if the flower begins to hurt, wither, or wither, this is a warning that strong negative energy potential is accumulating around you. This is a sign that perhaps you, with your thoughts, words, and actions, are beginning to gather around you negative energies, which will spill out on you in the form of troubles and problems.

If the flower died, it means that it took on a strong energy attack, protecting you from big troubles and collapse. Analyze your actions, pay attention to what and how you say, what you think about and why? You need to take the necessary protective measures, be sure to contact a psychic, a specialist who works with energies; it is quite possible that someone is conducting intrigues against you. And it is possible that magical and energy attacks are being carried out. And by visiting a specialist, astrologer, psychic, psychologist, you can prevent trouble and eliminate evil.

You turn on the music and before starting the ritual you fumigate the room with incense, if you have a bell, stand in the middle of the room in which you will perform the ritual and ring the bell, by doing this you will attract favorable energies, and thanks to this will enhance the effect of the ritual.

For the ritual you need:

Matter green, you lay it on the table, draw a circle with chalk, draw a triangle in the circle, 3 candles, you place them in a triangle, incense - basil, lavender, apple.

In the middle of the triangle you place your favorite flower in a pot, light the candles, then take the salt and sprinkle it along the line of the circle. The plant will absorb the energy of the ritual. Moreover, plants have a strong connection with the Cosmos, and a flower standing on your kind of Altar during the ritual will act as an antenna through which the pure energy of the Universe will flow. This energy will nourish your flower and strengthen the power of realizing what you have planned. And after the ritual, place the flower in the place where it has always stood, and it will radiate beneficial vibes of well-being and joy. Take care of the flower, it is your talisman, charged during the ritual with radiation of the energy of realization, for the success of your conceived desires and plans. It will purposefully contribute to the fulfillment of your desires and will be your amulet from troubles and the influence of others.

You turned on the music, made yourself comfortable in an armchair or on a chair, you cannot go outside the circle until the end of the ritual, so prepare everything at once. You conduct a relaxation session in order to consolidate the result of the ritual.

Music sounds, you relax and engage in visualization, thereby attracting the beneficial Energies of the Universe to yourself. You sit comfortably and close your eyes. Take a calm, slow deep breath, smoothly turning into an exhalation, breathe freely, deeply, with each inhalation you calm down more and more, with each exhalation you relax more and more. You are resting, you feel good. Focus your attention on your toes, each toe, and relax them. Watch the relaxation spread through your feet, up your ankles, and into your knees.

Feel how relaxation rises through your thighs, it covers your stomach, chest, your breathing is calm and deep. The palms and fingers relax. You feel your palms and fingers relax. A wave of relaxation rises through your arms and shoulders, your neck relaxes, your face, cheeks, chin, eyes, eyebrows, and forehead are completely relaxed. A feeling of pleasant relaxation spreads to the head and down the back of the head to the neck. And over the shoulders it spreads down to the chest, stomach, hips, knees, calves, ankles. Spreads to the soles of the feet. You relax more and more with each exhalation. You are resting, you are calm. A feeling of harmony and peace fills you.

Imagine that you are walking along a park alley. Powerful, beautiful trees grow on it. Poplars and aspens grow here, you go up to the trees, ask them to remove dirt from your energy field, to cleanse your soul of filth. Thank them and continue your walk. You go out onto another alley, where branchy giant oaks, white-trunked birches, and beautiful linden trees grow. You approach these trees and ask them to nourish you with pure energy, increase and strengthen your vitality, so that you can go through life energetically and cheerfully, can be a cheerful and prosperous person, building your life according to the Laws of Happiness and Success. You feel a sense of joy and a surge of new strength. You thank the trees for their help. Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, smiling, open your eyes.

Then you go to the table and continue the ritual. You read the plot, at this time you can hold your hands over the flower, and with smooth movements from top to bottom, saturate it with energy, by doing this you strengthen the connection between you and the flower.

“Flower in my house, you are a creation of nature
Be my protection, remove the barriers.
With you I will be happy, I will forget my troubles.
Let the lights come on with love and success.
Let there be only luck in my house
And money will flow like a river into my house
Prosperity to me. I just cry with happiness
Fulfillment of desires everywhere and in everything.
With you the Forces of the Universe will enter my house
My home is surrounded by the energy of happiness.
You will become my shield, imperishable protection
The house will be protected from troubles and adversity.
Grow up quickly Miracle of the Universe
I clean water I'll get you drunk
I will cherish, cherish, love you
I believe in you, I believe in your Strength.”

After the ritual, you put the flower in place and take care of it, communicate with it. Flowers have a memory, and they always give, attract from the Cosmic heights the energy of love and well-being to those who treat them with love.

My needs are sacred. Miracles happen to me every day.

My consciousness is a magnet that attracts to me everything that I consider mine.

I physically feel my involvement in life and everything that exists.

I have enough time to do everything planned for today.

In order for any organism to begin to function, it must be fed. In order for the mechanism to start working, it must be supplied with fuel or connected to electricity. What does all this have in common? Food, gasoline, electricity - energy sources.

Energy- a source of motion that helps to do work.

Energy can exist in a free state, for example in the form of sunlight or heat. But energy can be contained in matter. So, thermal energy, stored in firewood, is released during combustion and does work - it warms the room.

Remember how the wood burns in the stove and how the kettle heats up. This is work thermal energy.

A person uses different types of energy. Previously, ancient people used the energy accumulated in the bodies of themselves and their domestic animals to perform work. Over time, they mastered the ability to receive heat, that is, to use the thermal energy contained in the firewood.

When wood supplies began to decline, people learned to use the energy contained in coal mined from underground storehouses. A steam engine was invented, in which steam energy drove the wheels of a steam locomotive and steamship.

Time passed. People have discovered others energy sources. From oil they began to obtain kerosene and gasoline, which serve fuel for modern engines. Today, this fuel powers cars, diesel locomotives, ships and airplanes. Material from the site

Thanks to scientific discoveries, people have learned to use electrical energy. We can no longer imagine our life without her. The energy of electricity lit light bulbs in houses, made vacuum cleaners, mixers, radios and televisions work. It powered the engines of electric locomotives and electric trains.

Even from atoms - the smallest particles of matter - people have learned to extract energy. She was named atomic energy.

On this page there is material on the following topics:

  • Natural history types of energy

  • Energy in human life short abstract

  • Energy Sources Brief History

  • Types and sources of energy in brief

  • What do these phenomena have in common? A car is filled with fuel. A person eats food.

Questions about this material:

Do you often hear the word “energy”?….. Of course! “Energy, electricity, what an energetic child...”And what is energy? Where did she come from? Where does he live? This is what we have to find out in our research...

Energy- an amazing phenomenon. Our world is saturated with it. Energy can be found in people and animals, in rocks and plants, in fossil fuels, trees and air, in rivers and lakes. Energy lifts rockets into space, propels cars, ships and planes, and lights up millions of lights in big cities. Energy gives us light, warmth, connection.

The word “energy” itself comes from the Greek language and means “action”.

Everything that moves is a source of energy: a flying ball, a goalkeeper jumping after the ball, spectators hugging with joy.

And, imagine, man made energy work for us. How? Let's figure it out...

Scientists have noticed that the use of energy always leads to some kind of action, movement, change. This observation allowed us to discover law of conservation of energy .

Our modern life It’s almost impossible to imagine without electricity... Right? Tell me, how can you manage without lighting and heat in the house, without a refrigerator in the kitchen, without a vacuum cleaner, without a computer and a TV?
How can you get by in a big city without streetlights, beautiful shop windows, trams, and trolleybuses?

Electricity has penetrated so deeply into our lives that we sometimes don’t even think about what kind of wizard is helping us?


What is electricity and where does it come from?

Count how many outlets there are in your apartment... A lot of interesting things happen in the wires... Each of them has wires through which electric current flows day and night.

Current is the movement of charged particles ( electrons ).

How does current get into wires?

The current appears in special places called power plants .

How does a power plant work? This is where nature comes to the rescue. When minerals such as coal are burned in furnaces, or water flows are passed through turbines, or gas coming from underground is used, it appears large number electrons. They are so energetic that they are immediately sent on a journey through the wires.

They spread through electrical networks throughout the country, to plants, factories, and illuminate the streets and rooms in our homes. This occurs at a huge voltage of 110–1150 kilovolts. Such high voltage is necessary so that electric current can travel long distances. But in apartments such high voltage is extremely dangerous, so before the electric current enters our house, the voltage is reduced using transformers.

In fact, electricity travels this long path so quickly that its movement is completely invisible to us.

There are special devices where electrons can live for a very long time, and a person releases them from there whenever he wants. This electron device is called batteries. They accumulate there and remain until an electrical device is connected to the battery.

How does a power plant work?

The heart of any power plant is a machine called generator . It is driven by a special engine - a turbine. There are several types of power plants.

Power station in London

If the turbine is made to rotate by water (water flow), then this hydroelectric power station (HPP). If the generator uses steam, which is formed when water is heated, then this thermal power plant . There are also combined heat and power plants , which produce both thermal and electrical energy. The most powerful existing power plants are atomic (NPP). Electricity is produced from them from the energy of radioactive decay of atomic nuclei. This is a very productive, but at the same time, source of energy fraught with considerable danger.

Humanity continues to tame nature, developing new energy sources that are more economical and safe. We have already learned to use the energy of wind and sun, the energy of ocean tides and the heat of the earth's interior for our needs.

Marine thermal power engineering

Once Captain Nemo (the hero of the novel “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea” by Jules Verne) said: “I owe everything to the ocean. The ocean supplies me with electricity, and electricity gives the Nautilus warmth, light, the ability to move, in a word, life! Today, scientists have realized the idea of ​​a marine power plant that operates due to temperature differences in sea water. To operate such a power plant, a significant temperature difference is required: + 25 degrees on the surface, and + 5 degrees at a depth of 1000 meters.

The operating principle is simple: cold sea ​​water from the depths it is supplied through a pipe to the surface, where it is used to convert a suitable gas, for example, ammonia, into a liquid state. Then, using warm water from the surface of the sea, this liquefied gas is heated and brought to a boil, and the resulting steam drives the turbine of an electric generator.

The creators of the new power plant say that it is universal: wind generators and solar panels work only when the wind blows or the sun shines, and the station, which converts thermal energy from the ocean, will generate energy continuously.

Energy of underground resources

Have you heard that you can use the heat of the earth to heat houses? It turns out that this is not such a rarity. It turns out that at a depth of 4-6 kilometers underground there are massifs heated to 100-200°C. By drilling a well, you can get a fountain of steam and hot water and use this gift of nature to heat buildings or power turbines of power plants. To heat houses using the heat of the earth, special equipment is used - heat pumps. Technically, a heat pump is similar to a refrigerator that works in reverse. It takes energy from the environment and concentrates it in the coolant. In the cold season, the heating mode is turned on, and in the hot season, the air conditioning mode is turned on. There are more than half a million of these heat pumps in operation today in Sweden, and more than 3 million in Japan.

Wind energy

Wind energy is developing even more actively today. Winds blow on earth constantly and everywhere: the reserves of wind energy on the planet are more than a hundred times greater than the reserves of hydroelectric energy of all the rivers on the planet. To produce energy from air currents, special mechanisms are used - windmills, tall pillars with giant three-blade wind turbines. They work like a fan, but in reverse: instead of using electricity to produce wind, they use wind to produce electricity.

By the way, when talking about wind energy, we must not forget about the seas and oceans: this is where the winds blow constantly and with enormous force. The first floating wind farm recently appeared off the coast of England. And in the future, wind power plants in the oceans may appear everywhere, because on open water the wind does not encounter any obstacles - neither mountains nor hills.

Solar energy

In countries with hot climates, solar heat has long been used to generate energy. On the roofs of houses in warm countries you can often see tanks of water, which is heated by the sun's rays and provides hot water supply.

Solar power plant in Nevada

Solar panels, or photocells, are installed on the roofs and facades of houses, fully providing their inhabitants with electricity.

In Germany there is a real solar city - Freiburg, where entire areas exist solely on the alternative energy of the sun.

By the way, photocells today are installed not only on residential buildings. Miniature solar panels are used to equip street lamps that accumulate energy during the day and illuminate at night, and even cars. Today, a car that will move using energy obtained from a solar panel is being developed at Toyota.

How does a solar battery or photocell work?

Sunlight, like any other light, carries a charge of energy. When a beam of light hits an object, this energy is transformed into heat. The same warmth as the one we feel when sitting in the sun. This means that our body does not convert the sun's rays into electricity. But some materials have the properties of transforming light into electricity. These include crystalline polysilicon (silicon), a semiconductor used in the production of solar cells. To equip solar cells, large polysilicon crystals are specially grown. In these crystals, electrons “warmed up” by the sun begin to move in a certain direction. This is electricity. And the whole process is called photoelectric conversion.

How does a thermal power plant (TPP) work?

Thermal power plants use energy from natural fuels. It is released when coal, natural gas, fuel oil, etc. are burned. A boiler with water is installed in the machine room. When fuel burns, the water in the boiler heats up to several hundred degrees and turns into steam. Pressurized steam rotates the blades of a rotating steam turbine. The turbine, in turn, rotates a generator, which produces electric current.

How does a combined heat and power plant (CHP) work?

CHP plants simultaneously produce both electricity and thermal energy (in the form of steam and hot water). The operating principle of a combined heat and power plant is similar to the operation of a thermal power plant. But they have one important difference. Part of the steam, after electric current has been generated from it, is used to heat water, which is sent through heat pipelines to boiler houses and heating points for heating and hot water supply to apartments, hospitals, schools and kindergartens and industrial enterprises.

How does a hydroelectric power station (HPP) work?

Hydroelectric power plants are usually built on rivers by constructing dams and reservoirs. If a river is blocked with a dam, the water level in the river up to the dam will rise. And if you open several gate-windows in the dam, water will rush into them with force and flow downstream in a powerful stream. Under high pressure The water flows onto the turbine blades, which begin to rotate, generating mechanical energy. The mechanical energy is then transferred to a hydrogenerator, which generates electricity.

How does a nuclear power plant (NPP) work?

The operating principle of a nuclear power plant is similar to that of a thermal power plant, but a nuclear power plant uses the energy from the radioactive decay of uranium atom nuclei to generate electricity. The fission reaction of a uranium nucleus occurs in the main unit of a nuclear power plant, which is called a nuclear reactor. The energy released in the reactor goes to a steam generator, which produces steam that goes to a steam turbine. The turbine rotates an electric generator that produces electrical energy. At the outlet of the turbine, the steam enters the condenser, where it is cooled by water coming from the reservoir or using special devices called “cooling towers”.

Power plant in space

Where to look for new energy sources? Yes, at least in space! Generating electricity in geostationary orbit, located at an altitude of 35,700 kilometers, according to scientists, can provide humanity with environmentally friendly and cheap energy. For example, Japan plans to open an orbital solar power plant by 2040.

Alternative energy sources

The further humanity moves in its development, the more relevant the use of alternative, renewable energy sources becomes. Why is humanity in search of new new sources of energy? The reasons for this are exhausted natural resources and the threat of environmental disaster.

By taming the energy of the earth, water, wind and sun, we will stop polluting the environment and save valuable fossil resources. Instead of traditional energy, using oil, gas or coal as a source, today scientists are developing and power engineers are introducing alternative energy systems. Humanity is constantly discovering new sources of energy and inventing new ways to produce it. People have learned to produce energy using ocean waves and currents, warm underground sources, sunlight, and gusts of wind. Energy is produced from rice husks, chicken droppings, and banana peels. There is no doubt that in the future our descendants will completely switch to alternative energy sources and energy will become environmentally friendly and absolutely safe for nature and people.

Let's check that... Energy is movement, light and heat. A living being moves and emits heat. For living beings this is life. Where do they get their energy from?

1. The energy of the sun gives us heat and light. Thanks to solar energy, life arose on our planet Earth.

Study 1

In sunny weather, place a wooden block under the glass. The block has heated up. This means that the sun's heat heats the object.

2. Energy of fire. Man learned to melt metal and make glass using fire. Fire helped man make steamships and other machines move. Fire was worshiped as a deity.

Study 2

(Creative homework)

Heat a pan of water over the fire. When the water boils, look - the surrounding air has also heated up. This is heat energy, it moved from a pan of water into the air.

Cut out a snake from a sheet of paper. Light a candle and hold your snake over it.

You will see how the snake begins to spin and rise up. This means that thermal energy helps objects move.

3. Wind energy has been used for a very long time. With the help of the wind, ships sailed and mills worked. Wind farms now generate electricity.

Study 3.

In windy weather, you should take the turntable outside. The spinner will begin to rotate. This means that the force of the wind can drive the turntable.

In the room above the radiators, attach thin strips of paper and open the window. The warm air from the battery rushes upward, and the cold air from the window will begin to fall down, and the strips of paper will begin to move. This is it wind energy !

4. Nowadays hydroelectric power stations are being built on large rivers, which generate energy, water energy.

Study 4.

Place an animal wheel (water mill) in a basin and pour water from a watering can onto the wheel blades.

The wheel blades will begin to rotate. This means that water can set objects in motion.

5. Electrical energy is generated by turbines. Nowadays there is electricity in every home.

Study 5.

Consider the light bulb in table lamp, you will see a thread. If you turn on the light bulb, the filament instantly glows and the light fills the entire room.

ATTENTION! It is dangerous to touch the light bulb, it has become hot - the filament has heated it.

The lamp carries thermal energy, but it also produces light. So there is light energy .

There are electrical wires in your apartment; electric current runs through them and makes electrical appliances work. Electric current is somewhat similar to a river, only water flows in the river, and small, very small electron particles flow through the wires.

We have many assistant devices, but they need to be used correctly! Electricity, with which electrical appliances operate, is dangerous for humans!!! Therefore, WE WILL NOT conduct any research with electricity!

But there is electricity that is harmless, quiet, and unnoticeable. It lives everywhere, on its own, and if you “catch” it, you can play with it in a very interesting way.

Take the ball, rub it on your hair and place it against the wall with the side you rubbed. So the ball hung.

This happened due to the fact that electricity lives in your hair, and we “caught” it when we began to rub the ball on our hair. He became electrified, which is why he was drawn to the wall. This means that electricity lives not only in wires, but also in hair. This electrical energy .

Take an ordinary small plastic comb and rub it vigorously against your hair, and then bring it to small pieces of paper and the paper will be attracted to the comb. This means that electricity lives in the comb.

6. Power supply.

Roma always doesn’t eat porridge in the morning. He eats soup poorly and does not like to drink milk. During physical education, Roma runs slowly and often gets tired. This means that by eating vegetables, fruits, bread, milk, we gain energy. It helps us move: run, walk, breathe, live.

7. Energy also lives in non-living objects.

Study 7.

Take two balls, one light, the other heavy, and throw them along an inclined board. Place a wooden brick at the end of the board...

... The ball that was lighter could not move it, but the ball that was heavier did it easily. The heavy ball rolled faster than the light one. So the balls have motion energy . The heavier the object, the faster it moves. When we move, we have movement energy that we can transfer to other objects.


“Energy is a force capable of doing some work. Energy powers both machines and our bodies.”

“Energy does not disappear anywhere and does not arise from nothing, it constantly moves from one type to another.”

An interesting quest - a game with friends "Riddles of Almighty Energy" -.

Memo for parents and children

1. Do not insert foreign objects, especially metal ones, into the electrical outlet! Why? - Because the current, like a bridge, will cross them to you and can kill you.

2. Do not touch bare wires with your hands! Why? — An electric current flows through a bare wire not protected by a winding, the shock of which can be fatal.

3. Do not touch switched on electrical appliances with wet hands! Why? — You can get an electric shock, since water is a conductor of electric current.

4. Do not leave switched on electrical appliances unattended! Why? — Because switched on electrical appliances can cause a fire. When leaving home, always check if the lights are off, if the TV, tape recorder, electric heater, iron, etc. are turned off.

5. Do not overload electrical appliances with work! Why? – A short circuit may occur, leading to a fire.

6. Do not use faulty sockets or electrical appliances! Why? - This will lead to a fire.

The main rule for using electrical appliances for preschoolers is that you cannot turn on electrical appliances without the permission of adults and in their absence.

If you follow all these rules, then electricity will always be your friend.

How does the battery work?

A battery has two electrodes - positive (anode) and negative (cathode). Between them is a liquid electrolyte: a solution that conducts electric current well and participates in a chemical reaction. When metals begin to interact through this solution, a movement of charged particles occurs from the anode (+) to the cathode (-) - and electrical energy is generated.

In this case, the starting materials are consumed. The fewer of them left, the harder it is for the battery to maintain the required voltage between the plates. The battery is running low. This word is used to show that the battery is using up its energy. So, when a person begins to get tired, he tends to sit down somewhere.

Some batteries are single use, others can be recharged.

History of the invention of the battery

A regular, “disposable” battery has another name - "galvanic cell". It is given in honor of the Italian scientist Luigi Galvani from Bologna. Back in 1791, he accidentally invented the first source of electric current. The phenomenon of the generation and flow of current was discovered by attaching strips of two different metals to the frog's leg muscle.

Galvani's experiments, but with greater accuracy were repeated by another Italian scientist - Alessandro Volta .

200 years ago he formulated main idea inventions: the appearance of electricity is explained by the interaction of two different metals, between which a chemical reaction is formed with the help of a conductor.

How to create a “delicious” battery

To create the battery we needed the following materials:

  • zinc plates (metal nails are possible),
  • copper wire,
  • fruits and vegetables,
  • multimeter -a device for measuring current and voltage.

In a homemade galvanic cell, the zinc plate (nail) acts as the negative electrode and the copper wire acts as the positive electrode. The electrolyte (conducting liquid) is the juice of fruits and vegetables.

Try making a vegetable or fruit battery... from lemon, apple, orange, kiwi, potatoes, onions, beets.

You will be surprised, but fruits and vegetables provide electricity!

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