Diet anorexic nymph 5 7. Effective diet “Anorexic nymph”. Strict for three days

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

There are two versions, and each of them gives fantastic results. During the seven-day restrictions, you can say goodbye to five or even ten extra pounds.

Since this is a very strict diet, you need to prepare for it a week or two in advance, gradually reducing the volume and calorie content of food consumed daily.

The first version of the Anorexic Nymph diet

First day does not involve any food. The only drinks allowed are tea or coffee (unsweetened) and water.

Second day menu: for breakfast - water, for lunch - 1 piece of cheese and 1 medium-sized grapefruit, for dinner - a glass of low-fat kefir.

Third day menu: for breakfast - unsweetened coffee, for lunch - up to two medium-sized apples, for dinner - a glass of low-fat kefir.

Fourth day menu: for breakfast - unsweetened coffee with three glasses of dark chocolate, for lunch - up to 200 g of pineapple, for dinner - a glass of low-fat kefir.

Fifth day menu: for breakfast - plain water, for lunch - one apple or banana, for dinner - one apple and a glass of low-fat kefir.

Sixth day menu: for breakfast - water and one apple, for lunch - one medium-sized grapefruit, for dinner - a glass of plain water.

Me on the seventh day: for breakfast - unsweetened coffee, a glass of water, for lunch - a slice of whole grain bread with one piece of cheese, for dinner - a glass of low-fat kefir.

The second version of the Anorexic Nymph diet

This option can be found under the name "five bite diet" . Only three meals are allowed during the day. The diet rules do not regulate the list of products - it all depends on the desire to lose weight.

“The main thing is to take no more than five bites during the meal.”

You can drink any low-calorie drinks - unsweetened coffee or tea, freshly squeezed juices, water.

To avoid fainting from hunger, take vitamin-mineral complexes during your diet and a protein shake as one of your meals. You can have lunch with a protein bar that excludes fat.

Features of the diet Anorexic Nymph

As a rule, women who do not have obvious problems with excess weight, but want to lose another size or two, turn to strict and fast diets. However, the lower the weight before the diet, the more modest the result of the weight loss course will be.

Let’s say, if now your weight does not exceed 55-56 kg, then the result of the Anorexic Nymph diet will be minus 5 kg and no more. But even with minimal results from the diet, your new figure will be visible to the naked eye. You can repeat the diet, but only after 6 months.

You need to be aware in advance side effects of diet . Dizziness and digestive problems may occur, as well as frequent outbursts of unjustified aggression. Therefore, it is better to plan a diet for one of the weeks of vacation.

The diet is not compatible with work that involves heavy physical or mental stress. Fitness should also be postponed until the end of the diet. But leisurely walks in the fresh air are welcome, they will help take your mind off “hungry” thoughts. Breathe deeply - feed on the air, like yogis.

You should not expect quick, proportional weight loss from the diet. As you know, a person loses weight “from the face.” Sunken cheeks, protruding collarbones, emaciated wrists, a flat stomach, but still far from perfect volumes of the hips and legs are a typical image of a woman who is dramatically losing weight.

To maintain and improve the results of your diet, you should not only eat a balanced diet every day, but also do fitness training. These days it is possible to choose fitness programs aimed at specific problem areas.

When starting the Anorexic Nymph diet, you must have one hundred percent confidence in your ability to maintain your weight loss results. Otherwise, you will not have time to notice how you have gained weight again, and new attempts at extreme weight loss are fraught with worsening health.

“Remember, the diet is prohibited for teenagers, pregnant and lactating women, as well as those suffering from chronic diseases. If you doubt your health, choose a diet under the guidance of a doctor.”

Anastasia Bochina

The anorexic nymph diet is a rather risky way to lose weight. However, reviews and results about the menu for the week promise amazing results - minus 5-7 kg in 1 week. Today we will talk about possible consequences and common myths. Let's go!

Hello friends! There are a huge number of different methods, diets, and medications for weight loss. But what if you just stop eating? After all, it is the number of calories consumed that affects the size of the waist, hips and abdomen. How effective is the anorexic nymph diet? What happens to the body if you just stop eating?

Anorexic nymph diet - general rules

In addition to giving up your usual diet, there are a number of recommendations that will help prevent possible deterioration in health due to human negligence. Basic recommendations:

  1. Eat low-calorie foods. Vegetables and fruits, raw and in small quantities, are suitable for nutrition.
  1. Drink more water. Throughout the course you will experience outbreaks of severe hunger. At such moments, you can fill your stomach with clean water. The second reason is the accumulation of acetone in the body due to hunger strike. Therefore, it is recommended to consume at least 3-4 liters per day.
  1. Junk food - away! Flour products, smoked products, semi-finished products, baked goods and sweets, fried foods are your main enemies.
  1. A smooth exit from the diet. Over the course of a week, the stomach quickly adapts to non-solid food. He may not be able to withstand the sudden load after finishing the diet of an anorexic nymph. Therefore, we slowly return the former foods to our diet over the course of a week.
  1. No sports. The calorie content of the foods consumed will be greatly reduced. This means that your body simply does not have enough energy for physical exercise. Any training can end in fainting or other unpleasant incident.

Diet anorexic nymph - menu for the week

The planned result is minus 5-7 kg in 1 week. Unquestioningly follow the established diet, otherwise you will not soon achieve a slim figure. The menu for seven days looks like this:

  1. Immediately after sleep, drink warm water with lemon. Throughout the day we drink only this drink, coffee or skim milk. It is very important to pre-prepare your body for changes in diet.
  1. For breakfast, prepare low-fat cottage cheese, make green tea without sugar in the largest mug. For lunch, half a chicken egg and a small orange will be enough for you. For dinner, drink as much kefir as you can fit.
  1. Breakfast – a glass of water. One apple for lunch, and a grapefruit for dinner.
  1. 40 g of low-fat cheese and a cup of coffee without sugar immediately after sleep. For lunch we eat a little salad of grated beets. Before going to bed, drink a glass of warm skim milk.
  1. We drink one liquid all day, but you can eat one banana. Try to stretch out this pleasure.
  1. For breakfast we eat kiwi with delicious coffee. Half an egg for lunch, and unlimited drinking water the rest of the day.
  1. A glass of milk for breakfast, cheese and bread for lunch, kefir for your dinner.

You will be haunted by feelings of weakness and eternal dizziness. No buckwheat or any solid food. Therefore, ensure yourself protection from stress, good sleep and rest. Otherwise, you risk losing all your strength.

Diet anorexic nymph strict version

The basic rules do not change, and water can be drunk in any quantity. The main difference is the lack of breakfast. The first half of the day passes without food. Dinner consists of a glass only. Lunch for 7 days will look like this:

  1. a cup of tea without sugar;
  1. half an orange;
  1. one grapefruit;
  1. 2 pieces of cheese and a slice of pineapple;
  1. banana day without restrictions;
  1. apple;
  1. half an egg and a piece of cheese.

The diet does not differ in obvious variety and is harmful if used for a long time.

5 bites

This variation is widely popular among many stars who want to get their body in order in extreme ways. The rules are very simple:

  1. drink plenty of fluids throughout the day;
  1. You can eat any food, but you are only allowed to take five bites.

It is highly not recommended to sit on such a diet for more than a week. This will help lead to serious health complications.

On baby food

Modern baby food is a complex of essential foods that nourish a young body. Although such nutrition is not entirely intended for an adult, it is actively practiced by foreign stars. The weekly regimen for two doses per day is as follows:

  • drink water;
  • twice a day, instead of the usual food, we eat one jar of baby food.

If constipation does not happen to you, then you are amazingly lucky. It’s better not to get carried away in this way for too long.

Strict for three days

It’s quite difficult to call this method a diet, since the authors of this “invention” suggest giving up foods altogether for three days. Instead of the usual breakfast, lunch and dinner, you will imitate the main meals. You need to sit down at the table, sit for five minutes, watching your food, and wash down your hunger with water for three days in a row.

How does this work?

When the body stops receiving food, it begins to look for auxiliary sources of energy. First, it is consumed that is in and then the body takes on fat deposits, processing them into clean energy.
Moreover, the size of the stomach and the size of food portions decrease. Weight loss is achieved after just 6 days.


Before deciding on such a diet, you should consult your doctor and undergo a short examination. This will help avoid many problems in the future. There are the following contraindications:

  • the presence of chronic, congenital diseases;
  • high blood pressure;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • problems with
  • any acute illness.


To give up this idea, just look at a few photos of patients suffering from anorexia. Prolonged refusal to eat leads to inevitable consequences when weight loss is almost impossible to stop. What happens to the body instead of the desired weight loss?

  • the surface of the nails and hair becomes brittle;
  • there is an unpleasant odor from the mouth;
  • insomnia and increased irritability begin;
  • constant dizziness, weakness in the limbs, nausea;
  • metabolism slows down due to such stress, the body begins to save reserves;
  • the menstrual cycle is disrupted;
  • I constantly want to eat, fainting is possible.

As a result, the lost kilograms will quickly return, but your health will no longer be there. How to lose weight healthy and safe? There is no need to starve and refuse food when there are things proven by experience.

Bottom line

Diets and strict restrictions are not the way out of the situation. My "Active Weight Loss Course" will help you better understand your body, lose weight to the desired limit quickly and safely. Your health comes first! The manual is available to you anywhere in the world, just follow the link. Download my course, stop starving, change your appearance according to your own wishes.

That's all for today.

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This article is based on scientific evidence, written and reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and present both sides of the argument.

Everyone who has at least once tried the “Anaresic Nymapha” diet on themselves was satisfied with the results achieved. “The weight is disappearing before our eyes,” they say, but they prefer to remain silent about their health status.

As is already clear from the name, this diet excludes from the diet almost all food products containing proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, which are so necessary for our body to function normally. Liquid remains the priority. It can be consumed in any quantity and in any form. Only carbonated water is excluded. Teas and coffee are also allowed for consumption, only, of course, without sugar. Calculated.

The Anorexic Nymph Diet completely eliminates breakfast. Instead, you will have to (if you still decide to lose weight this way) drink a glass of hot water, to which you need to add ginger or the juice of half a fresh lemon.

Regarding lunch, then there is a slight variation here:

  • 1st day- only green tea;
  • 2nd day- a piece of cheese and half a grapefruit;
  • 3rd day- one green apple;
  • 4th day- pineapple and 3 slices of dark chocolate;
  • 5th day- bananas in unlimited quantities;
  • 6th day- whole grapefruit;
  • 7th day- 1 piece of wholemeal bread and 1 small piece of cheese.

Dinner consists of kefir, and you can drink it in unlimited quantities. You can’t consume anything else, well, of course, except drinking.

Pros and cons of the “Anorectic Nymph” diet, reviews

The Anorexic Nymph diet has very few advantages, or rather, only one - rapid weight loss. But it has plenty of disadvantages. Firstly, during the entire period of being on a diet, you feel a strong feeling of hunger. Secondly, gastrointestinal disorders occur. Thirdly, women's menstrual cycle is disrupted. And fourthly, this diet causes dizziness and hungry fainting.

This diet should in no case be used by persons under 16 years of age, pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding, persons over 45 years of age, persons with chronic diseases and gastrointestinal disorders, as well as with impaired functioning of the kidneys and cardiovascular system.

You cannot adhere to this nutrition program for more than 7 days, the break between them must be at least 6 months. Otherwise, it is fraught with the onset of anorexia.

You can find out what it is and why it is so dangerous from the following video:

The “Anorexic Nymph” diet is another way of torturing yourself for the sake of the desired numbers on the scales. This is a rather tough method of combating excess weight, which not everyone can do.

Of course, the results are impressive, but is it worth driving yourself to exhaustion in order to lose excess weight? Let’s take a look at the basic principles and menu of the anorexic diet below. We’ll also find out why you should use this method for effective weight loss.

Rules of the “Anorexic Nymph” Diet

The “anorexic nymph” completely limits the consumption of foods rich in proteins, fats and carbohydrates. This harsh method of losing weight can significantly worsen your health. Therefore, you should immediately start taking a complex of all the necessary vitamins and nutrients for the human body.

When dieting, you should consume an unlimited amount of liquid. It is advisable to drink 1.5 to 2 liters of fresh purified water per day. Weak coffee and green tea are also acceptable. It is useful to drink a glass of warm water with lemon juice on an empty stomach.

It is important to remember that you should not suddenly give up food. You should start with proper nutrition, gradually limiting yourself in the amount of servings you consume.

When choosing such a quick way to lose weight for yourself, try to spend as little time as possible at home, in order to avoid breakdowns in the form of emptying the refrigerator.


  • How to lose weight on an acting diet in 4 days?

“Anorexic nymph” for weight loss is a real test for the psyche. In addition to the lack of control near the refrigerator, you may lash out at someone close to you. Therefore, try to avoid meeting them while on a diet, or warn your family about the likelihood of such incidents.

Pros and cons

If you decide on such extreme weight loss, you should clearly know all the pros and cons of the “Anorexic Nymph” diet. The advantages of this method of losing weight are the quick results - losing from 5 to 7 kg per week. The downside to extreme weight loss is that it takes a toll on your health. The almost complete absence of vitamins weakens the immune system.

The results of losing kilograms using the “Anorexic Nymph” diet will provide your body with lightness and harmony. But don't forget about side effects, which you will encounter upon completion of this restrictive feeding:

  • increased irritability;
  • weakness;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • hungry fainting.

“Anorexic nymph” for weight loss is strictly contraindicated:

  • in the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • for kidney and liver diseases;
  • in case of disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • with iron deficiency;
  • for diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • nursing mothers and pregnant women.

Menu for the week

“Anorexic nymph” for losing extra pounds means excluding a full breakfast and dinner. Consequently, the menu will consist of lunch only. In the morning you can afford a cup of coffee, and in the evening - a glass of kefir.

Diet “Anorexic nymph” - menu for the week

  • First day unloading. Throughout the day it is recommended to drink only tea, coffee and water;
  • Co second day you can start introducing food. Eat a piece of cheese and half a grapefruit;
  • On the third day you can eat two green apples;
  • N and on the fourth day treat yourself a couple of pieces of dark chocolate and 200 g of pineapple;
  • On the fifth day Diet: bananas and apples only;
  • On the sixth day eat one whole grapefruit;
  • On the final seventh day Make yourself a sandwich with a slice of whole grain bread and a slice of cheese.

If your health worsens already in the first days of following the diet, you should immediately stop losing kilos with the help of the “Anorexic Nymph” in favor of healthy sleep, a strong stable psyche and good health.

Permitted and prohibited products

You can create your own menu based on the products recommended below.

Authorized Products for weight loss look like this:

  • fruits - apple, banana, pineapple, grapefruit, plum, apricot, watermelon, orange;
  • low-fat cheese;
  • dark chocolate;
  • wholemeal bread;
  • weak tea and coffee.

The following are prohibited on the Anorexic Nymph diet:

  • any types of meat;
  • fatty foods;
  • alcohol;
  • bakery products;
  • sugar;
  • flavorings and spices.

The right way out

This diet is difficult to follow, but it’s no less difficult to get out of it correctly. Under no circumstances should you start eating prohibited foods immediately after losing a large number of kilograms.

For those interested in the question of how to get out of the “Anorexic Nymph” diet for weight loss, we answer that in the first days after the end of the seven-day food restriction, it is recommended to consume only low-fat soups and chicken broth.

If you violate the above rule and eat unhealthy high-calorie foods immediately after finishing the diet, you risk gaining twice as much as you lost.

The correct way out of the “Anorexic Nymph” should ensure that the resulting weight is maintained over a long period of time. Habitual foods should be introduced into the diet gradually, increasing calorie content to normal levels every day.

“Anorexic Nymph” is a great way to test your endurance and willpower. The results of weight loss amaze and drive many women crazy. Check for yourself how effective this weight loss technique is and, most importantly, what its consequences will be for your health.

The name of this weight loss technique brings to mind the unrealistically slender creatures parading along the catwalk. The Anorexic Nymph Diet will allow you to quickly lose a lot of excess weight, but you should warn us right away - this extreme nutrition plan will not leave its mark on your health.

General information

The diet called Anorexic Nymph is designed for 7 days and ensures a loss of at least 5-7 kg (if you are overweight, you can lose 10 kg). Since the menu actually forces you to starve, your stomach, as they say, “shrinks” - after completing the diet, you will be able to get by with much smaller portions than before. As already mentioned, the diet is very meager - the only thing that is not subject to restrictions is liquid (unsweetened, of course). You can drink not only water or tea, but also coffee. Disturbing the diet by adding foods or rearranging them is contraindicated. Such a diet does not evoke warm feelings among nutritionists - they warn that an extreme menu contradicts all the rules of rational nutrition.

Diet plan

Every morning you will have to drink water with lemon juice - this drink is designed to awaken metabolic processes and speed them up. This, according to the authors of the diet, will speed up the rate of fat burning. You can eat no earlier than 30 minutes after drinking. Remember that an acidic environment does not have the best effect on the condition of tooth enamel - drink water with lemon juice through a straw and be sure to rinse your mouth after that.


On this day you will have to limit yourself to only a liquid diet - you can drink coffee, tea, water. Drinks should be warm enough, but not scalding. You can add skim milk to tea and coffee.


Have breakfast with low-fat cottage cheese (200 g), drink coffee. For lunch, eat a grapefruit and a thin slice of cheese (no more than 20 g). Dinner will consist of 250 ml of low-fat kefir. You can only supplement your diet with water.


In the morning, invigorate your body by drinking a couple of cups of coffee. For lunch you are supposed to eat a couple of apples. For dinner it is recommended to drink 1-2 tbsp. low-fat kefir. You need to drink water between meals.


In addition to coffee, you can allow yourself 15 g of dark chocolate for breakfast. Lunch of this day consists of pineapple pulp (200 g). For dinner, limit yourself to kefir (1 tbsp.)


Breakfast – a cup of invigorating coffee. The lunch menu includes fruits (banana and apple). Dinner, as always, is meager - 1 tbsp. kefir (you can add an apple to the menu).


Saturday's breakfast includes only an apple, lunch - only grapefruit, and dinner will consist only of water.


This day's breakfast is not very original - you will again have to cheer yourself up with coffee. For lunch, you can treat yourself to a diet sandwich consisting of whole grain bread and a slice of low-calorie cheese. Dinner, as always, does not please with abundance - limit yourself to kefir (1 tbsp.).


It is worth remembering that this diet does not cover the needs of an adult, both in calories and nutrients. This has the most negative impact on health. During the diet, you will experience weakness and increased irritability. After dieting, you may experience exacerbation of chronic diseases. This technique is not suitable for people with pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, cardiovascular system, or thyroid gland. It should not be used at a young age, or if you are prone to iron deficiency anemia. This diet can be the first step that will lead you to anorexia - not everyone manages to get out of this state.

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