Why do you need a list of active actions? An effective system for organizing your life using lists. Action planning and prioritization

So, you have clearly formulated your goals. Now the most important thing begins - the implementation of actions aimed at achieving them. Otherwise, these are no longer goals, but only intentions. In order for you to really change yourself and achieve your goals, develop a list of active actions in which you identify all the necessary tasks to achieve the goal (see also “List of active actions” in the section “How to properly organize your time?”).

Why do you need a list of active actions?

· You can get an idea of ​​the tasks assigned to you at any time. In addition, you can better track and control your activity using this tool.

· Your planning becomes a reality and must overcome all the adversities that come to you from the outside.

· Each employee has his own daily tasks. Therefore, in case of changes, you must reserve additional time in your daily workflow. This way you will be sure that you will actually achieve your goals.

· Your actions

Action planning and prioritization

You note all the necessary actions that are related to your goal, checking each of them for a logical connection with each other, and arrange them in the sequence in which they will then be performed.

Your weak point may be the time you have at your disposal. This is due to the fact that in addition to your self-improvement, there is also ordinary daily work that also requires completion. Therefore, you can implement your goals only occasionally. Another weak point for achieving a certain goal is external conditions beyond your control. They are designed for outside help. To prevent external circumstances from significantly hindering the implementation of your goal, plan the necessary task, having previously provided time for its completion.




Description of the situation

The HR manager is halfway to achieving the ultimate goal of her career. The organization where he works is undergoing structural changes that may lead to previously unforeseen additional changes.

Statement of the problem

The manager needs to assess the current situation in the organization and weigh his opportunities and prospects for promotion. To do this, you need to draw up (if you don’t have one) or clarify your personal life career plan (Fig. 6.1).



Assessment of life situation

1.1. Job

Do I have a clear picture of my work and its goals? Does my job help me achieve other life goals?

What are my development and advancement goals in relation to work? What job would I like to be doing in five years? Am I inspired and motivated? What is my motivator now? In five years? What are the strengths and weaknesses of my motivation? What steps can I take to ensure that my work will meet my personal needs in the coming years?

1.2. Economic condition

What is my economic situation?

Do I have a personal budget - what is it, and am I sticking to it?

What measures can I take, if necessary, to improve my economic situation?

1.3. Physical Condition What is my general fitness?

What is my assessment based on (self-perception, tests, etc.)? Do I go to the doctor regularly for check-ups?

1.4. Social condition - human relations

Am I genuinely interested in the opinions and points of view of others?

How do I take them into account?

Am I interested in other people's worries and problems?

Am I interested in another opinion?

Parameter name Meaning
Article topic: Active actions
Rubric (thematic category) Psychology

Rice. 26.1 shows that the main styles of behavior in a conflict situation are associated with the main source of any conflict - orthogonal dependence of the interests of the parties. The style of behavior of a manager in a conflict depends on how much he wants to satisfy his own interests, being either active or passive, and the interests of the other party, acting together with her or acting independently, individually. A passive reaction means a desire to escape from the conflict, an active reaction means attempts to resolve it. The same applies to the nature of actions: the desire for joint efforts indicates that the conflict will be resolved, and, conversely, individual aspirations lead to avoidance or resolution of the problem in the interests of one side.

The typology of behavior in conflict is not given once and for all. Everyone can use the entire arsenal of styles depending on the situation. In addition, some styles can be used for very specific types of conflicts. Let's consider the behavioral styles of managers (avoidance, adaptation, competition, compromise and cooperation according to the following scheme˸

♦ cases when it is advisable to use a style;

♦ use of style in conflict prevention;

♦ use of style when resolving a conflict.

Avoidance. A manager implements this style when he, simply avoiding resolving a conflict situation, does not defend his leadership position and does not cooperate with anyone to solve the problem. However, there may certainly be grounds for avoiding attempts to defend both one’s own interests and the interests of another person.

Cases of appropriate use of style˸

♦ the manager feels high tension in the relationship and feels the need to reduce the intensity;

♦ the manager himself has a lot of worries, and he believes that involvement in this situation will bring additional worries and unproductive loss of time;

♦ the manager believes that the outcome is insignificant and time and effort should not be spent on resolving the conflict;

♦ the manager needs to gain time (to gain support, obtain additional information, etc.);

♦ the manager does not find the strength and resources to solve this problem;

♦ the manager sees that this issue cannot be resolved with ᴇᴦο authority, that this can be done better by another authority;

♦ The manager believes that immediately discussing the problem can lead to an escalation of the situation.

Conflict prevention. The manager uses retreat tactics to give others the impression that he is not taking enough interest in the matter, but this may be a misconception about explicit and implicit behavior. Being in the shadows, you can always observe unnoticed and get involved in solving the problem in time. By bringing orders to the attention of employees, the manager saves himself from the need to deeply analyze them, being essentially just a transmission link˸ ʼʼ I I gave it to them, but they...ʼʼ or ʼʼThey didn’t fulfill it, but I have nothing to do with itʼʼ. Thus, the manager avoids responsibility and inclusion

Active actions - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Active Actions" 2015, 2017-2018.

N A true fly lady loves order in everything. Even fleeting plans are born in her head in a disciplined manner. And when you need to keep records of the economy, analyze all its areas, control inventories, expenses, and the execution of tasks, you cannot do without a clear organization.

For those who do not want to miss a single detail, but at the same time do not delve into complex programs and simplify the process of managing their household as much as possible, a universal list system comes to the rescue.

You should start making lists from the level that is most clear to you now. If you are a person who looks boldly forward, then these will be far-reaching prospects.

List of global plans

Write everything you want to accomplish in life. You can use the brainstorming method: write down everything that comes to mind, and then organize it by importance, necessity, and complexity of execution. Thus, you get a list of things to do for life - the starting point in the structure of life management. For creative people, the version of the wish map, which we wrote about in one of the previous articles, is suitable.

Subsections of this list could be:

A list of actions in relation to family members (teach your daughter to cook dinner, introduce your husband to sports, etc.);

Qualities that I would like to develop in myself;

Errors that I would like to correct.

Advice: do not set yourself rigid tasks in the form of “should” or “need”, life is often an unpredictable thing, be prepared to change in accordance with the current situation.

Having placed a list of things to do for life into a coherent system, you can begin planning and structuring more mundane and tangible levels.

Required information

First of all, we surround ourselves with useful, important and not so important information - we write lists of everything that we may need to play the role of a good wife, a caring mother, a zealous housewife, in a word, a real fly-lady.

1. List of necessary information about each family member

Data of important documents (passports, birth certificates, insurance numbers), which may be needed to fill out various forms in government agencies and other organizations;

Basic information about health (presence of special diseases, conditions, names of medications and time of taking them) - information for nannies and caregivers;

Additional information (hobbies and preferences, favorite colors) - will be useful for choosing gifts and will protect you from the temptation to buy something to suit your taste.

2. List of all things in the house

This will be the most voluminous manuscript, so it is better to divide it into sections (for example, by room). In essence, this is an inventory of property, a home inventory. This difficult work can be done only once, dividing it into several stages. Separate columns in this list will highlight cabinets, shelves and their contents, a list of documents and, if you get really carried away, an inventory of books and magazines.

What is the result?

      • every thing in the house finds its place, which will make cleaning much easier;
      • the apartment is being decluttered, you get rid of almost half of the “hot spots” where annoying trash likes to accumulate;
      • there is an understanding of what your home still lacks for optimal ergonomics of space and the full appearance of a cozy nest.
      • a list of important telephone numbers (household services used by your family, telephone numbers of teachers, educators, nannies, contacts of relatives, etc.)
      • a list of medications that your family needs (universal and individual).

If necessary and at will, you can make lists of the wardrobe of each family member by season. I do this with pleasure, making pleasant adjustments when the seasons change, my husband is also very happy, because he doesn’t have to rack his brains about this.

Nutrition and everything connected with it.

This may include various subsections:

List of favorite dishes of each family member;

Menu list for the week;

List of required products.

The list of products should be highlighted as a separate article in planning. We divide it into two sublists: products for every day and other products. The first contains what is important for our family to have available every day (milk, eggs, butter, apples - this will be a different list for each family). The second list includes shelf-stable products, which are purchased, as a rule, 1-2 times a month from the Internet hypermarket with delivery. Both lists are stored on my smartphone, in a special program with checklist functions.

Other purchases (everything needed for everyday life - cleaning products, consumables, household items, hygiene products), in my case this list is called “non-products”

Active actions

Another large-scale list is the list of necessary things.

How to make a to-do list so you don't forget anything? The easiest way to do this is in the areas of the household and life in general. We divide all tasks into permanent (routines) and operational (one-time tasks for a day, week or month). Each of these large sections will contain the following lists:

  • household to-do lists (monthly, weekly, daily);
  • urgent matters (related to a specific date or period) - it is better to immediately enter them into the calendar or phone with reminders;
  • activities outside the home (everything that involves traveling and walking around the city, shopping, events).

From case to case

A special section is situational lists that we will need at certain moments in life.

  • lists of things for the sea (trips to the country, to relatives), as well as actions related to this;
  • lists of things and things to do for moving;
  • list of places and landmark places to visit during a cultural holiday;
  • list of things to do and purchases for a family celebration.

Event-specific lists can be created for your child to help him be more organized, attentive, and responsible.

You can make lists on paper, on a computer, or on a smartphone using a regular notepad or special applications.

Everything is under control

H What else can you fit into the list? Almost anything!

These could be lists of the required minimum cosmetics, wish lists, gardening work and a list of plantings - existing and desired, films that you want to watch, books that are worth reading, lists of pros and cons when choosing between two or more alternatives.

But the most important thing on the list is that it works. If you don’t look at one of the plans for more than six months, you can safely change the approach or system of organization in this area.

In general, lists greatly simplify and facilitate control and planning, help in current activities, and serve as an effective tool in any area of ​​management.

Good day, dear readers!

In this article I want to talk about the implementation of the functionality of active lists, or as it is called in English - “active lists”, in OSSIM/USM systems. First, a few words about what I mean when I say “active lists.”

For example, we have application A, which is used by users. This application logs user logins and logouts in its event log. Let's assume that we need to record which users are logged into application A at this particular moment (that is, logged in) and correlate this information with other data. For example, we want to know whether the user logging into server B has logged into application A.

“Active lists” will help solve this problem. At the moment a certain event occurs (in our case, this is the user login event in A), a certain field from this event (user name) is placed in the active list. Another event (in our case, the user logout event from Application A) removes the field (username) from the active list. In addition, at the moment a certain rule is triggered (in our case, the rule is triggered when a user logs on to server B), a check is made to see if the username logged on to B is in the active list. The entire procedure is depicted in the figure below.

Fig.1– List Work

Below I will describe the implementation of the functionality of active lists (hereinafter referred to as Lists) in OSSIM/USM using a python script, three correlation directives and policies, and a specially developed plugin.
In this article, I use the Lists functionality to track user connections to systems. However, any information can be placed in Lists: file names, IP addresses, port numbers and everything, everything, everything.

  1. Work progress

On my demo stand, Lists work as follows (Figure 3):

  • The user “root” connects via ssh to server;
  • The “Add to logged users list on BCKP” policy using the “User logon on BCKP” correlation directive runs the active_list_manager.py script as follows:
# ./active_list_manager_py add logins_list $USERNAME

as a result of the script, the “logins_list” file is created and the username passed in the $USERNAME variable is added to it;

  • The user (any) connects via SSH to server;
  • The “Check logged users list on MAIL” policy using the “User logon on MAIL” correlation directive runs the active_list_manager.py script as follows:
# ./active_list_manager_py check logins_list $USERNAME

If the username was found in logins_list, the script creates a syslog message like this:

Sep 6 15:40:25 siem active_list_log: Match |List:logins_list |Value:root

  • The file in which the message ends up is read by the “active_list_monitor” plugin created in OSSIM, as a result of which an event like this appears in the OSSIM/USM graphical interface:

Rice. 2 – Matches with the List

You can configure an alert for this type of message;

  • The user who logged in to (in step 1) closes the session from;
  • The “Remove user from logged users list on BCKP” policy using the “User logout from BCKP” directive runs the active_list_manager.py script as follows:
# ./active_list_manager_py del logins_list $USERNAME

As a result of the script, $USERNAME is removed from the “logins_list”.

Rice. 3 – Laboratory bench diagram

  1. Required Resources

To solve this problem, the following objects were created:

  • Correlation directives:
    • “User log on BCKP”;
    • “User log on MAIL”;
    • “User logout from BCKP”;
  • Policies:
    • “Add to logged users list on BCKP”;
    • “Check logged users list on MAIL”;
    • “Remove user from logged users list on BCKP”;
  • Script “active_list_manager.py”;
  • plugin “active_list_monitor”.
  1. Correlation Directives

The created directives are shown in the figure below.
User logon on BCKP”:

EVENT TYPE – 5501 (indicating a successful login event)
I placed the “backup” object in the “TO” field. The IP address of this object is
Thus, this directive is triggered when the user successfully logs in to
Basic parameters of the directive “ User logout from BCKP”:
DATA SOURCE – AlienVault HIDS-syslog
EVENT TYPE – 5502 (session closing)
For this directive, I placed the “backup” object in the “FROM” field.
The directive is triggered when the user closes the session from
Basic parameters of the directive “ User logon on MAIL”:
DATA SOURCE – AlienVault HIDS-authentication_success
EVENT TYPE – 5501 (successful login to the server)
I placed the “mail” object in the “TO” field. Its IP address is
This directive is triggered when the user logs into server

Rice. 4 – Correlation Directives

  1. Politicians

Policies are designed to run the “active_list_manager.py” script with various parameters at the moment the corresponding directive is triggered.
When a directive included in a DS group used in a policy is triggered, the action specified in the policy (“policy action”) is executed. This action runs the script and passes it parameters from the event.
Settings made for each of the three policies include:

  • creating a new source group (DS group) based on the corresponding directive;
  • creating an action performed by a policy – ​​“policy action”.

The “Add to logged users list on BCKP” policy uses the “User logon on BCKP” directive included in the “DS group” of the same name and the “Add user to active list” action. This means that if the directive is triggered (the user has logged in to BCKP), the policy triggers the corresponding action - “Add user to active list”.
The “Remove user from logged users list on BCKP” policy uses the “User logout from BCKP” directive included in the “DS group” of the same name and the “Remove user from active list” action. When the directive is triggered (the user closes the session with BCKP), the action “Remove user from active list” is executed.
The “Check logged users list on MAIL” policy uses the “User logon on MAIL” directive through the DS group of the same name and the “Check user in active list” action. When the directive is triggered (the user has logged in to MAIL), the action “Check user in active list” is executed.
An example of setting up a policy is shown in the figure below (for the “Add to logged users list on BCKP” policy). Other policies are configured in a similar way, only they use different DS groups and “policy actions”.

Rice.5 – Example Policy

4.1 GroupsDS Groups

To create a DS (data source) Group, go to the menu “Configuration” – “Threat intelligence” – “Policy” – “Data source”. Click on the “Add new group” button in the upper left corner of the window. Enter the group name in the appropriate field (in this example it is the same as the directive name). Click the “ADD BY EVENT TYPE” button and enter the keyword (part of the name) of the directive (I entered “BCKP”). Click “Search”. In the table that appears, check the box next to the desired source and click “Add Selected”. After that, click “Update”. More details in the picture below.

Rice.6 –DS Group

4.2 Actions performed by policies

To create an action that will be performed by the policy, go to the menu “Configuration” – “Threat intelligence” – “Policy” – “Actions”. Click the “New” button and fill in the fields as shown in the figure below. The figure shows the creation of the “Add user to active list” action. The remaining actions are created in the same way using the parameters listed below.
Parameters common to all actions: for “Add user to active list”, “Remove user from active list” and “Check user in active list” use TYPE – “execute action”. Each action has its own unique NAME and COMMAND fields. You can write anything in the COMMENT field.
For the “Add user to active list” action, the COMMAND field value is “python /usr/share/ossim/scripts/active_list_manager.py add logins_list USERNAME”
The purpose of this command is to launch a script with parameters that will add the value of the USERNAME field from the event to the “login_list” List.
For the “Remove user from active list” action, the COMMAND field value is “python /usr/share/ossim/scripts/active_list_manager.py del logins_list USERNAME”
The task is to run a script with parameters that remove USERNAME from the “login_list” List.
For the “Check user in active list” action, the COMMAND field value is “python /usr/share/ossim/scripts/active_list_manager.py check logins_list USERNAME”
The task is to run a script with parameters that check the presence of the USERNAME field value from the event in the “login_list” List. If successful, the script will create a syslog message.

Rice.7 – Actions performed by policies

  1. Script“active_list_manager.py”

This script is designed to add, delete and check the presence of a username in the List. Of course, it applies not only to usernames, but also to any data you might include in the List (IP addresses, file and host names, etc.).
The syntax used by the script is as follows:

# active_list_manager.py

You can use it, for example, like this:

Thus, we added “mario” to the “logins_list” List.
If you run the script with the “check” key, the passed value is checked for presence in the List. If a match is found, the script creates a syslog message at LOCAL5 level. The message has the following format:

Timestamp hostname active_list_log: Match |List:list_name |Value:Value

Sep 7 15:57:00 siem active_list_log: Match |List:user_list |Value:alex

The file in which this message ends up is read and parsed by the OSSIM agent plugin, described in the next section.
The script listing “active_list_manager.py” is below:

#!/usr/bin/python import sys import os import syslog listfile="/usr/share/ossim/scripts/"+sys.argv if len(sys.argv)<>4: print "Quit due to incorrect syntax.\nPlease check syntax:\nactive_list_manager.py (add|del|check) " sys.exit() if sys.argv == "add": open(listfile, "a").close() file = open(listfile, "r+") lines = file.readlines() file.seek(0 ) file.truncate() for line in lines: if not line.startswith(sys.argv.split(",")): file.write((line)) for key_value in sys.argv.split(",") : file.write((key_value+" ")) file.write(("\n")) file.close() elif sys.argv == "del": if "," in sys.argv: print "Quit due to incorrect syntax.\nOnly one variable allowed for delete action.\nPlease check syntax:\nactive_list_manager.py (add|del|check) " sys.exit() file = open(listfile, "r+") lines = file.readlines() file.seek(0) for line in lines: if not sys.argv in line.split(): file.write( line) file.truncate() file.close() elif sys.argv == "check": if "," in sys.argv: print "Quit due to incorrect syntax.\nOnly one variable allowed for delete action.\nPlease check syntax:\nactive_list_manager.py (add|del|check) " sys.exit() file = open(listfile, "r") lines = file.readlines() file.close() for line in lines: if sys.argv in line.split(): print "found a match in :", line syslog.openlog("active_list_log", 0, syslog.LOG_LOCAL5) syslog.syslog(("Match |List:" + sys.argv + " |Value:" + sys.argv)) else: print "Quit due to incorrect syntax.\nPlease check syntax:\nactive_list_manager.py (add|del|check) " sys.exit()

The script should be placed in /usr/share/ossim/scripts
You can place it in another folder, but then you will need to edit it a little. The script can be tested from the console, for example, like this:

# active_list_manager.py add logins_list mario

This will create a “logins_list” file in the script’s working folder (/usr/share/ossim/scripts) and add “mario” to this file.

  1. Plugin“active_list_monitor”

This plugin reads the log file into which the script writes messages. When a match is found in the list, the script sends a rsyslog message to the daemon labeled LOCAL5. The rsyslog daemon is configured to write all messages labeled LOCAL5 to a file. In this article it is /var/log/active_list_alerts.log
To configure the described configuration, let's create a new file (let's call it active_list_alerts.conf) in the /etc/rsyslog.d/ folder. File Contents:

Local5.* -/var/log/active_list_alerts.log ~

Then restart rsyslog with the command /etc/init.d/rsyslog restart
Below is a listing of the .cfg file of the created plugin:

Plugin_id=9005 type=detector enable=yes source=log location=/var/log/active_list_alerts.log create_file=false process=rsyslogd start=no stop=no startup=/etc/init.d/rsyslog start shutdown=/etc/ init.d/rsyslog stop Match=1 event_type=event regexp=(?P \w+\s+\d+\s+\d+\:\d+\:\d+)\s+(?P \S+)\s+\S+\s+(?P \S+)\s+\S+\:(?P \S+)\s+\S+\:(?P \S+) date=(normalize_date($date)) device=(resolv($sensor)) plugin_sid=(translate($sid)) username=($username) userdata1=($list_name)

The file should be placed in /etc/ossim/agent/plugins and named, for example, active_list_monitor.cfg. The file extension must be “cfg”, this is important!
Below is a listing of the .sql file that adds information about the new plugin to the ossim database:

# active_list_monitor.sql DELETE FROM plugin WHERE id = "9005"; DELETE FROM plugin_sid where plugin_id = "9005"; INSERT IGNORE INTO plugin (id, type, name, description) VALUES (9005, 1, "Active list monitor", "Monitoring plugin for active lists functonality"); INSERT IGNORE INTO plugin_sid (plugin_id, sid, category_id, class_id, name) VALUES (9005, 1, NULL, NULL, "Active list Match detected");

It can be created anywhere in the file system, but it is recommended to place the .sql files in /usr/share/doc/ossim-mysql/contrib/plugins/
Let's add information about the plugin to the ossim database with the following command:

# ossim-db< active_list_monitor.sql

And finally, enable the plugin through the OSSIM GUI or console interface. After connecting via ssh to the OSSIM server, go to the “Configure sensor” – “Configure Data Source Plugins” menu. Mark the new plugin in the list. Click “OK” – “Back” – “Apply all changes”.

After the server restarts everything should work.

  1. Resume

The result of the work done is the following message in the OSSIM interface whenever a user connected via ssh to BCKP connects via ssh to MAIL.

Fig.8– Example notification

For this event, you can set up an Alert to trigger and, for example, send a notification letter or something more severe. For example, performing a forced logout of a user.

Hello friends! The most common question MyLifeOrganized users ask me is: I don’t understand what to do next with the list of active actions. And then comes the addition that this list:

  • big
  • not clear
  • everything is mixed up

I will not try to fit all the answers into one article - I will consider in turn the main problems of using types of active actions.

Please note that the reason, for the most part, does not lie in active actions. ToDo lists are a consequence.

Have you heard about the law of cause and effect?

So the reason is that you planned and assigned all kinds of properties. And what the program showed in the list is a display of the course of your thoughts and plans.

Lack of understanding of what needs to be done is the first reason for doing nothing

The main reason for procrastination is that from our list of tasks it is not clear what needs to be done. There seem to be tasks. They even put down some properties. And it even feels like the list of tasks is “on our topic.” But what we need to do about it is not clear.

What tasks will not be performed

Those that require from us not only action, but also additional thought streams.

Take a look at these tasks taken from the standard template:

In the standard template, these are stated as expected causes followed by a specific action. In practice, it happens that users try to complete their tasks in this form.

How is your brain working at this moment?

Right! Starts asking smart questions:

  • so what do I need to do?
  • what result should I get?
  • where can I get the necessary tool?
  • in what place can I do this task?
  • and so on…

What your tasks should look like in a list of next specific actions

The main requirement for the following specific actions

They should only require specific actions! All thoughts ended during the weekly review or inbox analysis.

It should be clearly clear whether the task has been completed or not.

My favorite example is “It’s almost impossible to not be pregnant!” There are only two options - either yes or no.

If this is followed, it is very easy to tick off tasks.

Let's look at some more tasks from the standard MLO template:

What distinguishes these tasks from the first example?

The task is written in such a way that it is clearly clear whether it has been done or not:

  • the mirror is either wiped or not wiped
  • the rugs were either shaken out or not shaken out

But you can also wipe a mirror badly. Is it done or not? - there will be smart people who will ask such a question.

And this is your own business! And responsibility for it also lies entirely with you. Personally, when I wipe mirrors, I do it right away so as to mark the task as completed.

With such basic actions you can put half your life on autopilot!

How do I solve this issue in my trainings?

Determining the next specific actions is one of the main issues in parsing incoming information. It will determine how well the lists of active actions are created and whether it will be clear what needs to be done.

What I pay attention to:

  1. I teach you how to formulate tasks correctly so that it is clear what to do and what result you need to get.
  2. We learn to determine which properties affect the display and construction of lists of specific actions, and how to correctly assign these properties.
  3. We introduce this as a habit, so that it happens on autopilot and happens as if by itself.
  4. This principle is considered, starting with one-time tasks (specific actions), with continued application in projects and goals.
  1. If you determine that you don't understand what to do with this task in your active action list, move it to your inbox and re-work until you fully clarify it.
  2. When processing, you can use the security questions described at the beginning of the post. They will really help you. If you answer them at the planning stage, you won’t have to answer them at the execution stage.

That's all for today. Get rid of procrastination and be productive!

If you have any questions, write in the comments! I will definitely answer them.

Thanks for reading this article - I spent a lot of time creating it for you. I would be grateful if you give your feedback. This blog cannot be complete without information from you. So let's stay connected!

  • Don't forget to leave a comment- your conclusions, thoughts and comments are worth their weight in gold. I read them all, make sure to respond and create new articles based on them.
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  • Join me on Instagram — there you will find situations, thoughts, impressions from my daily life, my own ups and downs in the struggle for harmony, as well as many photographs that depict how I try to follow my passions and principles of life.
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