How to choose cat litter - rating the best in terms of composition, ease of use and prices. Good wood cat litter. Which litter is best for small kittens? What you need to know when choosing a filler How to do it

Cunning marketers have long found out that people sometimes spend absolutely crazy amounts of money on their pets.

Haircuts and clothing, veterinarians and even cosmetologists (!) will not miss their chance to lighten the wallet of a cat or dog owner. And this is not to mention the breeders of purebred animals, who even more so spend huge sums on their charges.

However, most of the townspeople do not go so far as to provide their pets with only what is truly necessary. For example, the production of cat litter never experiences a shortage of orders from retail chains. In a word, if you intend to organize your own business, but do not know what to do for this, remember the needs of our little brothers.

What types of fillers are there?

Here are the types of fillers for cat litter: Organic, gel and clumping varieties. The last two will probably be of no interest to an ordinary entrepreneur in our country, since the raw materials and equipment for their production are expensive, and therefore the cost of the final product is such that there will be demand for it only in large cities.

Characteristics of organic species

Therefore, we would recommend establishing the production of cat litter from the simplest organic fillers, which contain only environmentally friendly raw materials. The latter circumstance, by the way, automatically exempts you from mandatory certification of fillers.

They can be produced from sawdust, shavings or nut shells, as well as waste from corn processing. This raw material has an excellent ability to absorb moisture and odors, costs literally pennies, and is also completely safe for animal health.

The best raw materials

If you are just starting to expand your production, then it is best to use ready-made wood pellets. Their diameter is approximately 6-8 mm. They are usually produced in large quantities at wood processing enterprises, and pine and spruce wood is most often used as raw material.

The fact is that this particular material not only actively absorbs biological fluids, but also has a bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect. Among all the wood fillers for cat litter, spruce is the most practical solution. Since the raw materials are cheap, sales of such fillers are growing every year.

Costs and profitability

Oddly enough, but it is the production of cat litter that has excellent profitability indicators, and also does not require a huge starting capital. Most often, the products are packaged in bags of five to ten kilograms, and the cost of one is about 120-200 rubles.

As we have already said, pellets are used for its production. You can buy them for about four rubles per kilogram. Thus, the initial profit will be at least 35 rubles per kilogram of finished product. That is why the production of wood litter for cat litter in recent years has become so popular among even experienced entrepreneurs.

In principle, by organizing the purchase of raw materials directly from their manufacturer, it is quite possible to achieve a profitability of 100-150%. If you produce pellets, purchasing only sawdust or shavings at bargain prices, the profitability of the enterprise will become even greater.

Production technology

The production of cat litter itself includes the following technological steps:

  • Preliminary drying of raw materials, which is then sent for crushing.
  • Additional drying. At the exit, the raw material should have a moisture content of no more than 8-12%.
  • Subsequent crushing of chips using a hammer crusher.
  • Moistening the resulting raw material with steam (for its subsequent better gluing).
  • Pressing into molds and cooling of granules.
  • Sifting and packaging of finished products. By the way, bags for fillers can also be produced independently, since the cost of this process is low.

Equipment, its cost

Of course, you will need the appropriate equipment to do this. We recommend using a ready-made OGM 1/5 line at first. Sawdust, shavings and dry peat can be used as raw materials. The latter, by the way, makes the production of cat litter even cheaper.

The cost of this type of line is about two million rubles. The most important element of the entire production is the granulator, but it will still not be possible to do without other equipment.

Let's consider all the components of the line separately:

  • Chip grinder - costs about 180 thousand rubles.
  • A dryer for raw materials (depending on power and volume) can cost between 400 thousand and 2.5 million rubles.
  • The simplest granulator costs about 50 thousand, but the most reliable and functional models are sold for around 1.5 million. In the OGM-1/5 we reviewed, this structural part costs about one million.
  • The pellet cooler will cost 400 thousand.

Note that it is still worth paying special attention to the granulator. The fact is that this line uses a fairly large and cumbersome model. In principle, you can purchase a more compact and lighter version, which can be installed directly in the workshop of a wood processing plant. In addition, such equipment can be installed in a furniture workshop, simultaneously producing another type of product.

As for packaging, it is best to take bags of 5, 10, 15 and 30 liters. We have already mentioned that you can produce them yourself.

The cost of equipment for this is about 150-200 thousand rubles. If you order packaging from third-party manufacturers, and even with the requirement to print your company’s logo on it, it will ultimately cost much more.

In principle, a small production of wood fillers can successfully use simple Zip Lock bags (within a couple of rubles apiece). In this case, it is much cheaper to order labels with the company logo from a third-party printing company.

Sales, certification issues, etc.

The main advantage of the production of fillers is the fact that there is no need to rent a large premises. In principle, all equipment for the production of cat litter can easily be placed on 50 square meters. There is also no need for any special conditions storage

As we already noted at the very beginning of the article, products of this type are not subject to mandatory certification. It can be sold both in specialized pet stores and in retail outlets selling everyday goods. If we talk about wholesale prices, then on average they are 15 rubles per kg.

Additional production options

But that's not all the benefits! The fact is that wood pellets for fillers can be used in a completely different capacity. So, if you use larger presses to mold them, they can be packaged and sold as fuel for barbecues and fireplaces.

On the contrary, if you crush sawdust (necessarily hardwood) to the finest possible consistency, then the granules are widely accepted among gardeners as an excellent means for improving the mechanical properties of the soil.

Generally speaking, in large cities these issues need to be thought through in advance, since competition can be quite intense, and therefore other types of products will help maintain profits.

What do children love most? Of course, cartoons. It is in this section that we have collected a variety of foreign and domestic cartoons. Among the huge selection, there is sure to be one that your child will especially love. If you have a lot to do or just want to relax, and the child asks for constant attention, and if there is none, then he begins to “mess up”, then cartoons will come to the rescue. By turning on a cartoon for a child, you can distract him for at least half an hour, or even two or three.

An art form such as animation has been around for quite a long time. During this time, the quality has improved, which is good news. Children of any generation absolutely love cartoons; everyone, as a child, loved cartoons. Many adults at one time had to wait on TV and had to watch what was shown. Some people were lucky at one time if their parents bought cassettes or discs. And the new generation can already watch what they want without spending money from their parents’ wallet, because almost every home already has a computer and the Internet, with the help of which a huge card index of cartoons can be opened for every taste and color.

For the little ones, the Soviet classics, which are famous for their simplicity, kindness and pleasant pictures, are perfect. For example, “Crocodile Gena”, “Prostokvashino”, “Well, wait a minute!”, “Musicians of Bremen”, “ flying ship", "Winnie the Pooh", "Baby and Carlson" and many others. You can even sit down with your child and reminisce about childhood. Also for young children there are many modern educational cartoons, which differ not only in brighter pictures, but also in content.

For children who are already finishing kindergarten or studying in elementary school, cartoons of an entertaining nature are suitable, where heroes save someone or even the whole world. These include foreign cartoons about superheroes from comic books, about sorceresses or fairies, as well as domestic ones about heroes.

Those kids who are already slowly and surely moving towards adolescence, may already begin to be interested in cartoons that are especially different in plot. In such cartoons, in a relaxed manner, children are forced to think about serious things and experience a lot of emotions. They are suitable for viewing by the whole family, because due to the well-thought-out plot, they will be no less interesting for adults. Such cartoons can be safely placed on the same shelf as family films.

Teenagers, despite the fact that they consider themselves adults, still love to watch cartoons. For teenagers, they are already more daring and not as harmless as children. They are dominated by entertainment, adult jokes, teenage problems. These are mainly foreign multi-part cartoons, such as “The Simpsons”, “Family Guy”, “Futurama”, etc.

Don't forget about adults. Yes, they also draw for adults, only they are somewhat similar to teenagers, but more rude, there may be curse words, intimate overtones and adult problems are touched upon ( family life, work, loans, midlife crisis, etc.).

Cartoons are an art form in which the author’s hands are completely free, because you can depict absolutely anything and at the same time add a charming story. We invite you to watch them right now and have great fun.

Cat litter is an important hygiene product that allows a busy owner not to rush to the litter box every time the cat relieves itself. But there are a lot of types of filler, so right choice difficult to do. First of all, you need to find out from the nursery where the kitten was brought from, whether he is accustomed to the litter box, and what kind of litter was used there before. You can choose a litter convenient for your cat yourself by trying different brands.

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    What to consider before choosing a filler

    Cat litter neutralizes the unpleasant odor of urine in the litter box. However, not every animal is ready to go to a tray with any filler. You need to choose the one that suits your particular pet.

    To begin with, you should take a closer look at the cat’s habits and habits. If the kitten in the nursery is accustomed to silica gel litter, and the tray contains wood, then you can expect capricious behavior from the animal. The pet will go to the toilet in the place that it considers more convenient for this.

    It is recommended to consider the safety of raw materials. A curious kitten will want to taste a particularly aromatic litter. If a cat digs into litter with its paws, pollen from the litter can settle in the lungs, and strong-smelling litters can cause allergies. Therefore, you should give preference to a product whose packaging indicates that the product is environmentally friendly, does not contain additives and has not been subjected to chemical treatment.

    One of the important parameters for selecting a filler is its price. Before choosing one option or another, you need to look at how often the filler in the tray is replaced and how often new packaging is purchased. Knowing this, you can easily calculate how profitable the purchase of a particular product will be.

    Types of fillers

    If your pet is susceptible to allergies or skin diseases, you should try to choose the most environmentally friendly option. If your pet has an obstinate character, you should not experiment too much: you need to choose the option that is most similar to the previous filler. The owner of several cats should pay attention to a product that will be used sparingly, and the owner of a kitten should pay attention to a lighter and safer litter.


    This type of filler consists of chips and shavings of coniferous trees pressed into granules. There are large and small granules: the first are intended for adults, the second - for kittens.

    A big plus is the low cost. The product has a pine aroma and effectively fights odor. The filler can be purchased at any pet store. But the granules can quickly disintegrate, turning into sand, which the cat will carry around the house on its paws, adding trouble to the owner during the cleaning process. Also, sometimes you can find large chips that can injure the animal, but they are easy to notice and remove.

    Based on paper and grain waste

    The cheapest and most environmentally friendly option. If the base is paper, the filler has low absorbent and water-retaining properties. If the filler is based on grain processing products (especially corn), then the filler acquires a completely different level of quality. The product is made from corn cobs. Thanks to their porous structure, they absorb moisture well, eliminate excess odors and have a long service life. The disadvantage is the low weight of the granules - the particles are easily carried around the house by the cat and scattered on the floor.

    "Grain" fillers have not yet received sufficient distribution in Russia. Today they are used widely only for rodents.

    The most popular and affordable among fillers. The material used for it is bentonite clay. various types or opalcristobalites. Bentonite perfectly absorbs liquid and swells, forming lumps (hence the name), which are easy to remove when cleaning the tray. This type of litter retains odors quite poorly, which causes significant inconvenience to cat owners. When burying feces, your cat may inhale the dust released by the bentonite or spread it across the clean floor.

    Some cat owners have to deal with the fact that the litter does not clump. However, the issue here is not the quality of the product, but how to use it. According to the instructions, you need to pour at least 8-10 cm of filler into the tray - then clumping will occur correctly. If there are several cats in the house, the lumps may also not have time to form, so the owner of two or more animals should pay attention to other options.

    Absorbent mineral

    They are small stones that darken upon contact with liquid. This filler is made from the environmentally friendly volcanic mineral zeolite. Thanks to the abundance of microscopic pores, zeolite evenly absorbs moisture and retains unpleasant odors. The principle of operation of the filler is the complete absorption of urine by the granule - this way moisture is not retained in the upper layers of the zeolite.

    If liquid accumulates at the bottom of the tray and causes unpleasant odor, you need to mix the filler. This is necessary so that it is completely saturated. The disadvantages of this option include the fact that it will not be possible to change the granules in portions. Cats are accustomed to burying their excrement, which makes it much more difficult to replace the stones piece by piece. But this option is suitable for the owner of several animals.

    Silica gel

    It is considered the highest quality. These are small white crystals made from dried polysilicic acid gel with high absorbency. Despite the high cost, the filler is consumed very economically due to its long service life. Usually, special substances are added to the crystals to help them better retain moisture and odors. So, you can completely change the composition of the tray once every 3-4 weeks. One of the disadvantages of silica gel is that it produces a crunchy sound when digging, which can be stressful for some cats and make it difficult for them to get used to it. Before use, crystals should be stored in sealed packaging to avoid loss of absorbent properties - silica gel can begin to absorb moisture in the air.

    Advantages and disadvantages of each type of filler

    To decide which filler is best to choose for your pet, you need to summarize all known information about each option and take into account individual characteristics cats.

    The table below summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of each type of filler:

  • 4. Paper/grain - the most environmentally friendly.
  • 5. Absorbent mineral - the most suitable for the owner of kittens or several cats.
  • Filler type Pros Cons
    WoodyEco-friendly, pleasant smell, inexpensive, can be used for kittens, absorbs wellIt can be carried around the apartment by a cat; rarely, a cat may come across large chips that can cause injury
    Paper/grainEco-friendly, absorbs well, pleasant smell, inexpensivePaper does not absorb moisture well, is not very common in Russia, cannot be used for several animals, is not suitable for all cats
    Clumping mineral and clayEconomical, absorbs well, easy to clean in parts, environmentally friendly, as close as possible to a cat’s natural ideas about the toiletCannot be used for several animals, may create dust and stick to paws, does not hold odors very well, too large lumps can harm the animal, difficult to clean if you deviate from the instructions
    Absorbent mineralSuitable for use by multiple cats and kittens, inexpensive, effectively combats odorsCan smell strong when cleaning, not suitable for cats that cannot tolerate even partially dirty trays, uneconomical due to frequent replacement
    Silica gelAbsorbs moisture well, effectively fights odors, economical, suitable for use by several cats, easy to clean in partsExpensive, not suitable for kittens, some cats may not tolerate the crunchy sounds of silica gel

When a cat appears in the house, the question immediately arises of purchasing a comfortable, and most importantly, economical toilet. A tray with a mesh meets these requirements. Due to its versatility, you can use both silicone filler and regular wood filler. Many pet owners consider it the most practical and convenient option.

Design of a cat litter box with grate

This tray consists of two elements: a tray and a grid that is placed on top of it. A grate is needed in the cat's litter box so that the cat does not get dirty in his feces. Like the vast majority of cat litter boxes, mesh litter boxes are made from plastic materials. This is because other materials, such as metal, react with the animal's feces and oxidize. This is dangerous due to harmful fumes that the pet and its owner will have to breathe.

Pros and cons of using

This tray, like any other thing, has its advantages and disadvantages. Main advantages:

  1. This toilet model is inexpensive, and in addition, the owner will be able to save on filler.
  2. Since the filler is completely hidden in the tray, the cat will not be able to reach it and taste it.
  3. Compared to conventional plastic toilets, this tray option is more hygienic. After all, thanks to the grate, the pet does not come into contact with dirty litter and does not spread it throughout the house on its paws.
  4. Manifold color range. A person can choose just such a cat litter box with a lattice that would fit into the interior of the apartment.

Main disadvantages:

  1. Daily washing. The grate of the litter box will have to be washed every time your pet uses the restroom. Otherwise, it will get dirty with the products of its vital activity, and an unpleasant smell will hang in the apartment.
  2. A cat litter box with a grid is suitable only for those owners who spend their time mainly in the house. If you do not wash the mesh in time, the animal may refuse to relieve itself again in a dirty tray, and this is fraught with “surprises” in the most unexpected places.
  3. Smell. If you do not use fillers, then such an open tray will invariably emit not the most pleasant odors.

The last disadvantage can be easily avoided. You just need to add wood filler to the tray; it absorbs moisture and retains odors.

How to use a cat litter box with bars

The mesh toilet is very easy to use. It can be used with or without filler. To use a litter box with a cat grid, follow these steps:

  • the container is installed in a secluded place, but so that the animal has round-the-clock access to it (for example, under the bathroom);
  • filler or simple sawdust is poured into the tray tray so that it covers the bottom (if liquid gets on them, the granules swell greatly, so you should not overdo it with the quantity);
  • A mesh is placed on top of the tray and the toilet is ready for use.

In order for the animal to regularly go to the same place when needed, you need to use the cat litter box correctly and take care of choosing the appropriate litter.

How to choose a filler?

If there is no opportunity for regular washing, then to avoid odors it is worth using cat litter. At the pet store they present themselves as wide range from a variety of materials:

  1. Silica gel absorbs liquid better than other granules and absorbs odors. It is made from dry silicate gel, so it is toxic. It is not recommended to use it in apartments where small kittens live. They can taste it, and in addition, the silica gel granules begin to fizz when they get wet. This may frighten your pet.
  2. Wood filler is also effective in controlling odors. Absorbing liquid, its granules increase in size by 2-3 times. Therefore, you need to pour it in small quantities, which allows you to save a lot.
  3. Mixed clay and sawdust filler. Despite the fact that it copes well with the task, it also has disadvantages. It is also not suitable for kittens, as they may swallow it. And when they react with liquid, the granules become wet and can stick to the pet’s fur.
  4. Regular sawdust. Sawdust blocks odor quite well, but is significantly inferior to wood filler in this matter.
  5. Sand. river sand It only absorbs moisture, but does not eliminate the odor at all, so you have to change the filler often.

Of the listed options, the most versatile will be wood filler. It can be used for kittens and adults, for healthy animals and animals prone to allergies. But if several individuals live in the house, then the best way to deal with the smell is silica gel.

Cats rarely do anything out of spite, so if the owner finds a puddle in the wrong place, he should not scold the cat. You just need to change the filler and monitor your pet’s reaction.

How to change the filler correctly?

The frequency of changing the filler depends on its type. For example, wood pellets that have been exposed to urine will scatter at the bottom of the tray. They are separated with a spatula from the surviving granules and thrown away. If there are no whole ones left, then remove all sawdust from the tray and wash it well under running water.

This type of litter can be changed once a week, provided that only one pet uses the toilet.

You can use cat litter, such as silica gel, for two weeks and only then change it completely. But it is better to remove already used lumps immediately. And the contents of the tray need to be stirred periodically for quick drying.

The mixed filler is also changed once a week. To do this, you need to use a special spatula with holes through which the used filler will be sifted from the clean one. After this procedure, fresh granules are added to the container.

Sand is the weakest among its competitors; it should be changed completely, preferably every day.

In addition, wet cleaning will be required around the tray, as grains of sand may spill outside of it. Each owner can decide for himself how much filler to add by observing the animal.

Required amount of filler per cat:

  • wood filler - 1 layer;
  • silica gel - 2 cm in height;
  • mixed - 3 cm;
  • sand - 1 cm.

All types of fillers have different granule sizes. This is convenient because you can buy small stones for kittens, in which they will rummage with interest, and this will help them quickly get used to the toilet.

How to train a cat to use a litter box?

When a tray and filler have been chosen, the main question arises - how to train the cat to do its business in exactly the right place. You can teach this to a cat of any age, but it is easier to do this when there is a kitten in the house.

To do this, the tray is installed in a dark, secluded place where no one will disturb the animal or disturb it.

After this, the kitten can be periodically brought into the tray and made digging movements with its paws. If during the day the owner notices that the pet has begun to rush about and behave restlessly, he should also take the animal to the tray. When a cat successfully goes to the toilet in the litter box, he must be encouraged.

Cat's house

and everything that comes with it

In other words, let's look, evaluate, make an interior cat litter box, a dry treat for your pet, and... one more thing

Let's start with crunchy food. Here they suggest using natural tuna, for example, from a can (canned food). They are salt-free and packed in liquid. There is no need to pour out the liquid, it may come in handy. Add a cup of oatmeal to the contents of the jar (for convenience, transferred to a bowl) (flour can be easily made in a coffee grinder from oatmeal), big egg, a tablespoon of olive (sunflower) oil and a heaping tablespoon of crushed dry food for kittens. And... where this kitten treat was invented, they add a little more catnip.It’s better to mix everything in a mixer, but if you don’t have one, you’ll have to mix thoroughly with a spoon and fork. We form small balls and press them down with something to make them look flat. Place on a sheet of baking paper. Heat the oven, place the sheet for 10-15 minutes. Crisps should not be thick and sticky inside. Cool and you can treat the pussies. If the picky pussy doesn’t like it, the dog will be happy to eat the food for her.

Yes, these delicacies are stored in a glass jar in the refrigerator for 7 days

Found on

But this is an interior house. How do you like it? Made from a bedside table, it serves as a toilet. Don't be alarmed, the tray is inside

Found on

Another view inside.

Found on

Well, an adapted version - from a plastic container

Found on

As you know, cat litter requires litter. We'll do it.According to the author of the idea, most cats will accept this new product quite quickly.

And we take gloves for work. And yes, you need to change the filler every week. And about everything else, you know.

We tear newspapers into some container

Soak the paper in warm water mixed with a small amount dishwashing liquid. We wet the paper to the consistency of oatmeal.

Drain the water and soak again, without soap.

Sprinkle soda on wet paper and mix.

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