Celtic ornament: history and symbolism. The meaning of the Celtic dragon tattoo The meaning of a tattoo depicting dogs in the Celtic style

Although dragons are usually associated with Asia, these mythical creatures are found in the tales and folklore of peoples around the world, including Celtic Ireland.
In the world of Celtic kings and warriors, dragons are a symbol of power. Suffice it to recall the Celtic term for the title of the king - Pendragon.
But in the secret world of Celtic spirituality, dragons represent something much more...
What magical powers did these mysterious creatures hide within themselves, and why were they so important that researchers still discover legends that speak of rituals of sacrifice to the powerful Celtic dragons?
Of course they had to be more than just fire-breathing animals to command such respect from the Celts, who, as we know, were one of the most violent and turbulent ethnic groups of ancient times.
Dragons were an important part of Celtic Lore. The Celts had a very keen sense of the Earth, and dragons were believed to influence it.... The Celts believed that areas frequented by dragons had special powers."
Dragons have always been associated with the Forces of the Earth. Even today, in many esoteric rituals, people believe that the invocation of the "Eyes of the Dragon" will increase their personal power.
The ancient Druids believed that the earth itself was like the body of a dragon, and they built their sacred stone circles on the "Nodes of Power" of this body. They believed that dragons united us with the Earth's magnetism and healing waters.
Many of us have heard about the mysterious "ley lines", especially their connection with the location of places of power such as Stonehenge or crop circles. You may not know this, but another name for “ley lines” is “Dragon lines”.
In ancient Celtic Ireland, "land leys" did not refer to the geographical, physical nature of the landscape. They had a much more serious meaning. For the ancient Celts, "land lei" was a term describing how Space Force flowed and influenced this or that place, just as the area itself influenced the Cosmic Forces. Dragons were believed to have great influence on the "lines of the earth", hence the term "Dragon lines".

The Anglo-Saxon word "dragon" comes from a Greek word meaning "to see clearly." The Celts believed that dragons had the gift of vision, wisdom, and prophecy. Dragons were the guardians of all knowledge and wisdom.

Celtic artwork often depicts dragons swallowing their tail, turning their body into a closed circle, symbolizing eternal life. We can find similar symbolism in knots and triskels.

Celtic dragons were revered like gods, since they reconciled the Earthly and Heavenly powers. The Celts believed that dragons guarded the gates that led to both Heaven and the Underworld.

As guardian spirits protecting the Earth and all living things, Celtic dragons are perhaps the most powerful creatures of the entire Celtic bestiary.

(c) http://www.fantasy-ireland.com

Translation – Messir, 2005

Let's consider.

The dragon is a classic body design, popular among men and women. His tattoo depiction shows the profound influence that Japanese and Chinese cultures have had on Western tattoo culture for almost two centuries. In the East, the dragon symbolizes the four elements - Earth, Wind, Fire and Water - and the four cardinal directions - East, West, North and South. It is simultaneously a symbol of water, earth, sky and the underworld.

Dragons, like many fairy-tale and chimerical animals, are a figment of people's imagination. Designed to capture human nature and explain natural phenomena. Perhaps because of this fantastic touch that often the border between real world and indistinguishable by fantasy.

The word "Dragon" comes from the ancient Greek "snake". They are found in the mythology of many cultures. There are different Dragons all over the world and each of them has different attributes. Many Dragon researchers claim that the widespread belief in the existence of these mythical creatures around the world is due to the skulls of dinosaurs or large lizards that have been found throughout history, and even the bones of other animals such as bears found in large caves and caves. Hence the belief in the existence of magical creatures, already extinct, who settled in the sky, on earth and in water many years ago, who, due to their exceptional condition, were raised to the category of magical creatures or even gods, filled with human legends throughout the world.

History of dragon tattoos

Dragons have been known since time immemorial.
These giant, winged, fire-breathing creatures resemble prehistoric animals - dinosaurs, who lived on earth millions of years ago. However, they appeared solely thanks to human imagination. Their appearance may have been based on discoveries in China and other parts of the world of fossil remains of dinosaurs and other giant reptiles. U different nations dragons could have completely opposite symbolism.

It also helped this belief to look at meteorites crossing the night sky, which seemed to come from the sea, which explains that although they are usually fire-breathing creatures, they are often associated with water. Flight of dragons. This Dragon Meteor theory has a curious Celtic story in which King Arthur Uther's father adopted the nickname Pendragon after seeing a comet in the shape of a Dragon.

The ability of flight that humans gave to dragons may also be related to the vision of comets, since not all dragons have wings, and yet many do fly. Asian dragons owe their ability to fly to magic or a piece on their heads, which gives them fantastic abilities. In China, dragons are often depicted flying through clouds when they are not playing with pearls.

In China, these mythological creatures were a symbol of supernatural powers and imperial power. As the god of rain, the dragon was often depicted around approaching storm clouds. They were so ingrained in the myths and legends of Chinese culture that they began to be considered the ancestors of the Chinese people.
In Japan, one of the emperors declared that he was a descendant of the immortal and strongest representative of this reptile. It is not surprising that on the clothes of Japanese emperors you can see images of monsters, symbolizing the power of the emperor and protection on their part.

Characteristics and Legends of Dragons In China, they were believed to control and live in water, and sometimes rain. Celtic dragons were also associated with aquatic environments. Chinese dragons can represent luck, thunder or wisdom. Those from different colors associated with each of the directions or stations. This is the fifth sign of the Chinese zodiac: people born under this sign are considered honest and energetic, but irritable.

Evil dragons settled near humans and demanded human sacrifices, but in many cases they were defeated by famous dragon hunters or heroes. The most famous is undoubtedly St. George, who killed the dragon, nailing the spear to the beast, who scared the kingdom and saved the princess, managing to end the reign of terror of the kingdom.

Dragon tattoos - meanings

As already mentioned, dragons represented the four elements, hence the myths about the dominance of animals in air, water, fire and on earth. Representatives of each of these elements had their own characteristics. For the Chinese, the fire-breathing dragon was primarily associated with lightning, thunder and rain, being a symbol of fertility. Dragons of the water element were considered protectors and also acted as guardians of streams, lakes, rivers and even private swimming pools.

Another similar legend is found in Africa, where the Dauzi tribe says that a Dragon named Vida was besieging the city of Wagada and asked to sacrifice a young woman a year in exchange for a splash of gold over the city, but one day the young man learned that the next victim should be his beloved, and he beheaded the beast. The dragon's head bounced up to the Gold Coast, and so it is said that there is a lot of gold there.

Different types of dragons around the world. Snake Dragons: Typically associated with rivers, lakes, or open oceans. They are huge serpentine entities, without limbs, without wings, easily recognizable by the heads of their dragons, which often display crocodile horns and jaws. Some examples are the Lambton Serpent, Givre and Gorgui, Zhormunhander, Midgard Snake, Kitchi-athus and Giant Lich, Giant Carthaginian Serpent, Poseidon's Dragon, Leviathan or Serpentine Dragons and Whale Serpents. - Half dragons: They are creatures halfway between snakes and dragons as we imagine them.

In addition to reptiles representing the elements, there are myths and legends about specific predators. For example, those who guarded treasures that served someone are mentioned.

There are also many stories in Japanese and Chinese cultures about creatures turning into dragons after long journeys. In Japan, for example, there are often stories of carp and Koi fish that, at the end of their dangerous and difficult journey, turn into flying monsters.

Other half-dragons are Fafnir, the sea dragon or tazelwurm with the body of a snake and the head of a cat. Classic Dragons: This is the classic Western dragon, well represented in medieval heraldry, generally depicting the spell of legendary heroes. They usually have an impenetrable frame of shiny scales and are endowed with four powerful legs trimmed with claws. Also prominent is an arrow-tipped tail and usually two wings similar to wings. In this group we find in most of Europe the legend of St. George and the Dragon, Maisley's Dragon, Bunyip, the Dragon Piana Pias, Sirosh, the dragon of Mount Pilate or dragons still living in Cozy and New Guinea. - Dragons of the Sky: Some of these magnificent creatures are said to have lost the right to land or water, but they gained control of the air and skies by moving with the wind, gliding or moving with magnificent wings.

Before the advent of Buddhism, this creature played a major role in Chinese and Japanese folk beliefs, as well as among the Taoists. In the ninth century, the Chinese dragon also appeared in Buddhist art, where it played the role of protecting the Buddha and the sacred laws of Buddhism. His images could be found above the gates of temples and on gravestones for protection from evil spirits. The most famous pictures of dragons appeared in the ninth century, made using ink. On them, the animals had long, scaly bodies, paws with claws, small horns, big eyes under thick eyebrows, and sharp teeth. In the wingless image, it symbolized the rainbow.

Some examples are Amphipterus and Winged Serpents, Merzeger is an Egyptian goddess who guards the tombs of Thebes. Quetzalcoatl, the Dragon Deity, the Song of Sorrows or the Winged Serpents of Wales. - Neodragons: This group includes those beasts that, while not strictly dragons, still have the characteristics typical of those animals. This is probably the evolution that man has made of these creatures over time. We have, for example, the Basilisk and the Cockatrice, which developed from the first. Greek student hydra, daughter of Typhon and Equidna, with nine powerful necks ending in a malignant head with horns, that is, the nine heads of the Dragon that Hercules faced.

In the West, such beings clearly expressed evil. He was associated with the tempting serpent from the Garden of Eden, who was the source of trouble for all mankind. Later, descriptions appeared of the battles of some saints with fire-breathing dragons, for example St. Michael. You can find images of the famous battle of St. George with the sea dragon, in which the saint, who is the patron saint of England, is depicted as the clear winner.

The salamander, despite the fact that it is a real creature, also has a legend behind it, in which magical properties inherent in its ability to adapt to environments high temperatures and medieval alchemists, studied with great interest. Eastern Dragons Eastern dragons are lords of time, bringers of rain, guardians of fountains, rivers and lakes, and a symbol of change. The Japanese dragon is more of a god of rivers or seas. In China, dragons slept at the bottom of ponds during the dry winter; in the spring they awaken and take the form of clouds filled with rain.

Dragon tattoo meaning

That's why during periods of drought they tried to wake up the dragons and fly, and the best way It was to annoy the two dragons to fight until the stormy clouds burst and flood the earth. When they fight in the air, they create storms; when they do this in water, they cause floods.

In Greek and Roman civilizations, warriors wore the image of a dragon during battles as a symbol of terror. Images of dragons were painted on Viking ships; among the Celts, the dragon was a symbol of sovereign power. The Anglo-Saxons portrayed him according to their own standards. Today the Red Dragon is the national symbol of Wales.

Wherever the dragon appeared, its supreme strength and authority was used either as protection or as an evil force that must be defeated. Defeating a fire-breathing dragon was considered the highest criterion of human courage and perseverance. There are many legends about heroes of ancient Greece who fought dragons.

The meaning of fish tattoos among the Celts

In the East, the Dragon is very powerful, but usually benevolent. When the time comes to hatch, a small hole appears in the shell, and from this emerges a small snake, which grows to size within a few minutes. Normal and rises to the sky in a whirlwind. They do not have wings, but they fly thanks to their magic or energy.

Eastern dragons often appear holding or chasing a small ball representing the Moon, the Pearl of Wisdom, or an egg symbolizing the origin of life. This ball usually appears surrounded by irregular flame-like shapes, which are symbolic of lightning and thunder.

Today we can see different dragon tattoos c, showing their various aspects: protective, celestial or monstrous. In Chinese astrology, a person born under the sign of the dragon will be a leader in life. According to Feng Shui, by placing coins with the image of a dragon, symbolizing Yang, together with coins with the image of a phoenix, responsible for family well-being and symbolizing Yin energy, a person can reach heavenly heights.

They tell legends that the Yellow Dragon only appears when a holy person rules the country. It is said that when Fu Xi, the first of the Ten Emperors, reached the throne, the Yellow Dragon emerged from the water with the first Chinese characters engraved on its back. Thus, he revealed the secret of the letter to the Chinese people. In Vietnam, carved dragons on the roof serve as fire protection. Dragon fire and earth fire are opposites; one of the earth is choked by water, and the dragon burns in the water, but is extinguished by the fire of the earth.

The Chinese imperial dragon has five claws. Regular Chinese and Korean dragons have four and three Japanese ones. Western Dragons Western dragons are, in general, dangerous and even directly related to the devil. They are also associated with water, but destructively with catastrophic floods in their path. Unlike the Orientals, they were also hunted or exterminated according to legend.

A dragon tattoo signifies nobility, magic, the power of transformation and imagination, perseverance, loyalty, strength and the ability to go beyond the ordinary.

A winged serpent tattoo is often used as a symbol of strength and power. These animals are also a symbol of spiritual and magical qualities. They are one of the most famous mythological creatures in the whole world.

San Miguel was beaten by a dragon demon and banished from the sky, but the most famous dragon slayer is George. According to legend, about two thousand years ago a terrible dragon lived in a lake that required human sacrifices. By chance, St. George passed by the place where they tied up and went to the mercy of the king's daughter to calm the wits of the evil dragon. At this stage we find different versions of what happened there. The first and, perhaps, the most important thing is that the hero killed the dragon, nailing the spear and in the pool of blood that formed on the floor of the mortal wound, a rose bush of red roses grew, a symbol of the love of the saint and the princess. In another version, the young man only wounded the beast so that the princess hid him with her belt and took him to the kingdom to kill him in the presence of people.

Western and Eastern style.

One of the reasons they have become so popular is because of their rich, colorful colors and bold designs. Due to the wide variety of ways to depict a dragon, it is easy to create creative designs. There are two types of monster tattoo designs that are used most often. Firstly, it is the Western Dragon, which has a thick scaly body, wings like wings bat And long neck. Secondly, this is the Eastern Dragon - whose body is more like that of a snake and has no wings.

Finally, in a more symbolic code, it is said that the dragon represents the fears and weaknesses of man, and therefore he must be dominant and do less to be able to carry the beast very close, but always under control. According to Western tradition, killing a dragon requires an iron spear. It is very likely that the first iron known to people, came from meteorites, and since they fall from the sky, their origin was believed to be celestial and therefore have the power to destroy evil.

The meaning of a Celtic dragon tattoo

However, not all Western dragons are evil and vicious killer beasts. In the Arthurian legends we find that when Uther Pendragon was born, two great golden dragons appeared in the sky to announce the birth of the king, and images of these magnificent beasts were used in shields and banners. It is said that the name "Pendragon" was adopted by King Uther himself to see a dragon-shaped meteor crossing the sky.

The Western dragon is mostly popular for its mythological stories rather than for any deep meaning. However, they can sometimes have a deeper meaning. For example, the Celtic Dragon "circle of life" which is meant to represent the cyclical nature of life. They may also express pride in their historical roots. An example of this would be the red dragon, which is the national symbol of Wales.

Already much closer to us, the figure of the dragon in the West has taken on softer nuances in the world of literature and cinema and has even been considered a living creature that, despite seeming furious at first glance, it simply reacts in the same way as any animal in nature would attack.

Dragon is a word from the Greek "dragon", representing great serpents. Many believe that dragon myths arose from observing paintings made in caves where dinosaur fossils and countless giant prehistoric creatures were found.

A dragon or dragon is a creature present in the mythology of many different civilizations and peoples of the world. Dragons are represented as large reptilian creatures, that is, they are a type of serpentine lizard, in some representations they have wings, they spit fire, they have feathers and powers.

When it comes to eastern dragons, they are more than just a large snake-like creature. These dragons symbolize various elements such as fire, wind, earth and water. While neither good nor evil, they are often forces of nature that can be both good and cruel. Although most dragon tattoos are bright and colorful, they can also be done in black and in various shades. gray. The combination of black and red is also a wonderful option for this tattoo, which was often used in tribal designs.

Given the variable nature of these creatures, you can create different scenes and use different animals in them. An example is the design of the Koi dragon fish. This fish, a symbol of masculinity, wisdom and longevity, is said to rise to the top of the waterfall and at the end of its journey it turns into a dragon. This could be a simple drawing showing a creature that resembles both a fish and a reptile. But you can make a more complex drawing, showing the gradual transformation of a fish into an animal.

In addition, the background in these tattoos can be as diverse as the formidable creatures themselves. For example, you can use an image of flames, flowers, or other images: a medieval fortress emerging from a cave, a mountain, or a colorful sky.

Black or colored; whether applied on a small area of ​​the body or occupying an entire part of the body - regardless of the design, a dragon tattoo means strength, nobility, magic and superiority over the ordinary. This animal is often used as an expression of what we think of ourselves, or how we would like to see ourselves - strong and free.

The winged beast from myths is the Dragon. He alone manages to fly without helping himself with wings. The dragon almost always acts as a prototype of the serpent, which was represented as different animals composed of several parts. It can be a multi-headed beast with the body of a panther or lion. The wings can be similar to the wings of a bird. Why does he need them, apparently for beauty. The dragon in many myths is a symbol of fertility and the water element. The dragon was represented as a guard and patron of treasures, which were given only to the one who killed him.

Although dragons are always associated with Asia, these mythical creatures are found in folklore and fairy tales of peoples all over the world, also in Celtic Ireland.

In the world of Celtic warriors and kings, dragons were considered a symbol of power. It will suffice to remember that the Celtic term for the title of king is Pendragon.

Today, the theme of dragons also creeps into modern interiors, where even in the bathroom, stylish classic toilets can coexist with a faucet in the shape of a dragon and a bathtub with bronze claws.

As for mythical creatures, here's secret world Celtic spirituality represents dragons as something more. In order for dragons to command respect among the Celts, they undoubtedly must be more than just fire-breathing animals. According to the information provided on the Dragonorama website, dragons were a fairly important part of Celtic Lore. The Celts could feel the Earth very subtly, and according to the opinion, it was the dragons that could influence it. The Celts always believed that those areas most often visited by dragons had special powers.

Dragons have always been in contact with the Forces of the Earth. On at the moment During most esoteric rituals, people think that the invocation of the “Eyes of the Dragon” can increase their strength. The ancient Druids firmly believed that the earth was quite similar to the body of a dragon, and they built sacred stone circles, so to speak, on the “Nodes of Power” of this body.

This is a snake, sometimes with several heads; in the Japanese tradition - a horned monster with a long body and short legs; in Hindu and ancient Greek mythology - a creature

The dragon appears in all mythologies. IN Ancient Rus' it is a snake, sometimes with several heads; in the Japanese tradition - a horned monster with a long body and short legs; in Hindu and ancient Greek mythology - a creature with a human head and a snake body; in fantasy - a winged intelligent animal, often guarding gold.

However, in the vast majority of mythological images they represent themselves as great serpents of fire. Even as images represented in countless cultures around the world, being references to different people, it is a creature that attracts curiosity and has symbolic meaning for Europeans and Chinese. They bring their own meaning, attributed to wisdom, power, the supernatural, or simply destruction and cruelty.

At first, the Chinese dragon was completely different from the Western dragon, it is presented as a kind of mutation, it has a combination of various animals, such as the horn of a deer, the eyes of a tiger, the body of a snake, bulls and eagle legs. The Chinese dragon symbolizes transformation and the energy that comes from fire.

Dragons attract people. In some stories they are friends and cooperate with them, in others they fight, in works they are given gifts or their heads are cut off, they are put on monitor screensavers and films are made.

Mythological dragons symbolize fertility and home, are often immortal and become a test for the treasure hunter.

IN Chinese horoscope The dragon is one of the animals of the zodiac that shows strength. All who hold the dragon in their sign are people full of strength and vitality. In addition, the dragon also represents imperial power, which traditionally signifies wealth, luck, abundance and prosperity. Unlike the western one, the eastern dragon represents the good one and is usually present in folk festivals.

Dragon Tattoo Meaning

The Komodo dragon is a giant lizard native to Komodo Island, Indonesia. It looks like a dragon and is also very powerful as its saliva contains deadly bacteria that paralyzes its prey so that they do not escape soon after it bites. The meanings of this tattoo are varied, in some cultures it can be a symbol of wisdom and strength, while in others it is representative of bad things and darkness. In this case, the most popular are Chinese and Japanese dragons, as well as Celtic dragons.

Japanese dragon tattoo

In Japan, dragons are the main characters of legends and myths, good deities who bestow prosperity, energy, and intelligence. They are fabulously rich and reward people for their respect and respect for themselves. In Eastern mythology, dragons have a nationality - you can distinguish Japanese from Chinese or Korean by three toes on their paws and a characteristic muzzle.

Chinese Dragon: This animal tattoo represents good luck, good will and especially, knowledge.

  • Japanese Dragon: This dragon symbolizes the balance of life.
  • Celtic Dragon: This creature fits the image of strength and power.
These tattoos are usually chosen by people with a strong personality, regardless of gender, male or female.

The most sought after dragon is Chinese for its countless good values. A dragon tattoo can also symbolize features such as wisdom, strength, courage, protection, warriors, intelligence, among many other qualities, plus freedom. Because it is a strong and free animal to go wherever it wishes, the dragon can clearly be representative of the freedom of the soul.

Kanagawa Prefecture is considered a place of special veneration for dragons: two of the most famous creatures are located there: on Enoshima Island there is a five-headed dragon, and in Lake Ashinoko there is a nine-headed dragon.

Apart from all the feelings that a dragon tattoo can represent, it also symbolizes love through the stories of ancient culture of fighting and courage to defeat your loved one. Ambivalence between good and evil, creativity and the end of the world. It also embodies strength, valor and protection.

The meaning of a Celtic dog tattoo

Eastern Dragon Tattoo: Associated with the creative power of nature, it plays the role of wisdom, joy, spiritual knowledge and immortality. Dragon tattoo, symbolic design in tattoo art. Nowadays, tattoo enthusiasts are constantly looking for a symbol to highlight. The dragon has always been present in all cultures and is part of the history of tattooing. Also page on. The characters are already numerous, but there are also illustrations that are invaluable in the culture of some countries, including the "dragon". But what will be the true meaning of this motive?

In Japan, there is a well-known myth about Susanoo, the winner of the terrible eight-headed, eight-tailed dragon Yamata no Orochi. According to legend, Susanoo, expelled from heaven, descended to the Hi River, where he met the first people - the crying old man Ashinazuchi, his wife Tenazuti and daughter Kushinada. The old man said that he was crying because of great grief in the family: they used to have 8 daughters, but seven had to be given to the terrible red-eyed monster Yamata no Orochi. Main character decided to help and ordered sake to be poured into eight barrels. He placed the drink inside the high hedge. The dragon saw the barrels and drank sake with all eight heads, got drunk and fell fast asleep. Susanoo cut off all the heads of Yamato no Orochi, and in one of the tails he found the sacred sword Kusanagi, which summoned spirits to help. So Susanoo became the conqueror of the dragon, and the cult of the god Susanoo spread in the land of Izumo (modern Shimane Prefecture). Nowadays, various Shinto shrines annually celebrate the victory of Susanoo over Yamato no Orochi.

Celtic Western Dragon Tattoo, Very Popular Model

The dragon is a design that tattooed followers do not choose at random. Indeed, this is an emblem symbolizing power. From the point of view of Western culture, this mythological creature represents the perfect guardian. This is the gap between good and evil. In another view, this motif clearly embodies the ambivalence between the beginning and the end of the world.

Eastern dragon, sacred motif

If we talk about Eastern culture, then this is a sample with noble symbolism. It represents the master of nature as well as his creative power. The person who wants to tattoo this creature is in constant search for wisdom, joy or even knowledge. It should be remembered that the eastern dragon also symbolizes the spiritual teacher and immortality.

In tattoos, Japanese dragons are rarely small. These images are designed for a story, a plot - a picture that the master creates on the body. If you dream of getting a dragon tattoo, contact a person who has been working in the industry for a long time. Japanese style so that the result is chic and colorful.

Distinctive Details Between Eastern Dragon Tattoo and Western Dragon Tattoo

It would be difficult for amateurs to distinguish the distinctive features between these two motifs. Indeed, there are few differences between the eastern dragon and the western dragon. For example, for the Chinese it is a creature representing projects of benevolence at first sight, the fierce air. Unlike a snake, its long body is enhanced by highly colored scales.

Dragon Tattoo Templates

The Eastern Dragon also has the same appearance. However, the difference is that the Western dragon is equipped with wings. To highlight this symbolic design, a tattoo artist who draws dragons has the ability to add motifs. Besides bright colors And beautiful shades, it adds the perfect elements to highlight the eastern or western culture. It is not uncommon to see dragon fire or clouds.

Celtic dragon tattoo

Among the Celts, the dragon is a protective spirit. He connects earthly and heavenly forces to create a protective blanket for the Earth, protects the inhabitants of the planet and guards the gates to other worlds.
The Celts depicted dragons as characteristic labyrinths and spirals and believed that they protected the sources of prophetic wisdom from the uninitiated. Dragon lairs were sacred places in which people gained spiritual power, and the mythical creatures themselves were a symbol of power and greatness.

For information, the dragon with horns is the most powerful. A creature with yellow scales denotes intelligence, for example. In normal times, this is the motive most valued by women. It is believed that this was made from the top of the spear with which the centurion Longino crosses the cost of Christ. Thus it is associated in Germany with the Heilinge Lans in the Kunstistoriche Museum in Vienna.

This essentially corresponds to the Christian version of the sword linking it to the cross. But this is only true for the union of swords with the icon of the Grail. However, this identification underwent a new transformation when - under the influence of Germanic mythology - it was eventually confused with Oddin's spear, which was engraved with furious runes.

In the world of Celtic warriors and kings, dragons were associated with power and independence. This symbol is found in tales, legends, and folklore. According to beliefs, Celtic dragons belonged to the elements of the Earth and guarded the gates leading to the Underworld, and also had the ability to influence the earth. The Celtic style dragon is depicted as a huge lizard with large wings, poisonous breath and steel-scaled skin. They guarded treasures and kidnapped people. Killing the Dragon was a difficult task, since they had only one vulnerable spot - their belly, and victory over them personified triumph over the forces of darkness.

Among the Celts, dragons were a symbol of supreme power. Celtic kings painted the dragon design on their flags and used it in the coat of arms of their kingdom. According to legends, for many King Arthur was considered a dragon, because his power and greatness was incredible.

The meaning of the Celtic dragon tattoo largely means eternal life, power, wisdom and in some sense the horror that the dragon's appearance radiates.

Tattoo styles and colors

Tattoo artists depict a Celtic dragon tattoo in an ethnic, fantasy style, using dark shades:

  • Black;
  • Blue;
  • Green;
  • Red;
  • Gray.

Places for applying a tattoo are chosen in different ways, it all depends on the size of the design. To a large extent, Celtic dragon tattoos are done by men, because it is a symbol of power and strength, however, the tendency for girls to choose this tattoo is increasing over the years, and they also want to combine themselves with the qualities inherent in this creature.

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