Culture of family relationships, psychological climate, psychology of intimate relationships. What is the climate in the family and how not to go down a slippery slope Psychological atmosphere in the family for characterization

on a child's attitude towards alcohol


Kalimullina Gulnazira Makhmutyanovna

Teacher-psychologist of the gymnasium

Family – this is a very important, responsible matter for a person. The family brings fullness of life and happiness, but every family is, first of all, a great matter of national importance. And the goal of our society is the happiness of people, and one of its most important components is a healthy, strong family, because it is they who raise and educate the new generation.

So, family life requires a person to have very different knowledge and skills, as well as skills that are formed in Everyday life, starting from the parental family.In the life of every person, parents play a large and responsible role. They provide the first examples of behavior. The child imitates and strives to be like his mother or father. The psychological climate in the family determines the stability within family relations, has a decisive influence on the development of both children and adults.

The psychological climate in a family is not something immutable, given once and for all. It is created by members of each family, and it depends on their efforts whether it will be favorable or unfavorable, whether the child will feel comfortable at home or not.

So, a favorable psychological climate in a family is characterized by:

    cohesion in the family (When both husband and wife look in the same direction),

    the opportunity for the comprehensive development of the personality of each of its members,

    high benevolent demands of family members towards each other,

    a feeling of security and emotional satisfaction (when the child knows that the family loves him and is happy for his success in the gymnasium!!!),

    pride in belonging to one’s family (parents’ successes at work and a child’s success at school bring joy to all family members),

    responsibility for your family ( it includes parental debt, filial (daughter) debt and the debt of a brother, sister, grandchildren, etc. Marital and family duty is an enduring moral value of people) .

The initial basis for a favorable family climate is marital relationships. Living together requires spouses to be willing to compromise, to be able to take into account the needs of their partner, to give in to each other, and to develop such qualities as mutual respect, trust, and understanding.

Psychological climate in the family

The psychological state and development of a schoolchild are influenced by the emotional state of the parents themselves and the relationships between family members.Parents are the child’s first educators and teachers, so their role in shaping his personality is enormous. In everyday communication with parents, the child learns to understand the world, imitates adults, acquires life experience, learns norms of behavior.

In the family, the child acquires his first social experience, his first sense of citizenship.All kinds of quarrels, alcohol abuse, scenes of parents physically harming each other, frequent swearing in front of the child negatively affects his emotional state. And if these cases are constant in the family and the child experiences constant stress due to this, then a neurotic state may arise.

The emotional state of the child, in turn, affects the intellectual development of the child. It is noted that the mental abilities of children and young people growing up in negative social environment, definitely lower than those growing up in a favorable social environment.

Therefore, parents, first of all, need to educate themselves, properly organize family life, create highly moral intra-family relationships that ensure a healthy microclimate in the family. Any family quarrel or problem that violates the emotional and moral atmosphere of a child has a detrimental effect on him.
The effectiveness of pedagogical influences here in the gymnasium largely depends on the family microclimate: a child is more susceptible to educational influences if he grows up in an atmosphere of friendship, trust, and mutual sympathy.

The family climate depends on the presence of moral and social attitudes, mental health, and common interests in the family. The family is strengthened by common affairs and concerns, everyday life filled with useful content, public and family holidays, joint leisure and recreation, therefore the organization joint leisure not only an important means of raising a child, but also a means of strengthening the family.In any of the most difficult and acute situations, parents must take into account the self-esteem of the growing person, see in him a developing personality, strive for mutual understanding based on respect and trust, and be fair in assessing his actions; in your requirements for the child, always remain friendly and create for him the best moral climate in the family.

I would like to end my speech with a parable about Khoja Nasreddin

One woman heard that the famous Khoja Nasreddin had come to their village. And she decided to check whether it was true what they say about Khoja Nasreddin that he is so wise, by asking him a tricky question to which he could not immediately find an answer. I took a live butterfly in my palms and decided to ask, “What kind of butterfly is in my hands???” If he says “alive,” then I will quickly crush the butterfly; if he says “dead,” then I will release the butterfly into the sky.

- Khoja, tell me what kind of butterfly I have in my hands?

Khoja Nasreddin looked at her and said:

- Woman, everything is in your hands!!!

Dear parents! Everything is in your hands - How your child grows up depends on you!

The weather in the house is the most important condition for harmonious relationships. The emotional health of all family members depends on the psychological atmosphere. These are not things that go without saying: just like physical health, the emotional state requires attention and care, otherwise it will spread to all participants in family relationships and lead to global problems and complications.

Emotional health gives us the strength to cope with any changes, anxieties, fears and determines the degree of satisfaction with life. InStyle gives several vectors on how to develop this immunity in the family.

Open up to each other

Openness, trust and absolute transparency in the relationship between two people are an unshakable foundation necessary for the strength of the entire structure called “family”. Being completely frank and trusting is not typical for all of us. Now it’s nice to talk about the need for personal space for comfortable communication and building relationships. But this does not at all contradict openness - it just allows you to feel each other’s emotional boundaries and gives rise to spiritual intimacy.

Getting to this point is not as difficult as it might seem. To begin with, start a tradition of sharing your impressions of the day at dinner, like the game “White and Black”: let each of you tell what was bad and good today. Next, try to start commenting on some situations that happened with your partner and listen to his words. Don't forget to thank each other for the confidential conversation, ability to listen and valuable advice. Be sincere, do not skimp on smiles and hugs - all this will bring you incredibly closer.

Don't forget to thank

In a family, emotional generosity is only encouraged if it is well-intentioned. We are used to criticizing each other if we don’t like something, but when we are pleased, we take it for granted. We need to be able to be grateful for all the good things that a loved one does for us. This is an incredible relationship booster. Give your partner praise, gratitude, a declaration of love and you will see that he is ready for you even more than you expected. Gratitude is the best fertilizer for relationships.

Learn to look in one direction

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry very correctly defined: “Loving does not mean looking at each other. To love means to look together in the same direction.” Couples where both have their own interests and hobbies are rare. Actually, common interests do not affect the emotional climate in the family. It is much more important to have common goals, a value system and a view of things. Otherwise, you will be engaged in a tug of war, like the swan, crayfish and pike in the well-known fable. Two people unite and start a family not to complicate their lives, but, on the contrary, to make life’s path easier and more enjoyable. However, this is only possible if you have chosen one road.

Support your loved ones

Why, given a favorable psychological climate in the family, does it seem to us that we are able to move mountains and we do not give in to fears? Thanks to the fact that we feel supported. A relationship in which there is no support is like a chair without a back: you seem to be sitting on it, but you don’t feel the support and are afraid to relax. This is about the fact that you need to look in one direction. If a partner has problems or troubles, we cannot abstract ourselves and mind our own business, enjoy our successes and ups. Support, even verbal, is extremely important, otherwise both become very lonely while in a relationship. The only logical way out of this loneliness is separation: what is the point of being together if spiritually you are already very far from each other?

Empathize with each other's emotions

The ability to empathize is, by and large, an innate character trait. However, everyone can achieve conscious empathy, the ability to respond subtly and respect the feelings of loved ones, and let them pass through themselves somewhere. Understanding the emotions and experiences of a partner, willingness to help, support, trust and spiritual intimacy - these are all interconnected things, without which harmonious relationships in the family are impossible.

When a relationship has everything we talked about, harmony, a feeling of inner happiness and true freedom appear. It cannot be otherwise, because your couple is like a single organism in which everything works harmoniously.

Of particular importance for the successful implementation of family education is social psychological climate family, reflecting the state of her psychology. Taking shape in the process of direct communication and relationships between family members, being the result of the interaction of their needs, interests, attitudes, habits, value orientations, views, beliefs, emotions and feelings, the socio-psychological climate is a more or less stable formation of a moral and psychological order and acts an integral indicator of the level of development of the family as a socio-psychological community. The socio-psychological climate is one of the most important conditions for the functioning of a family. It not only leaves a peculiar imprint on family life and its participants, but also forms a spiritual environment in which it unfolds. family education.

The family climate is formed on the basis of moral and emotional contact, as well as spiritual and socio-psychological compatibility of spouses, parents and children. Their consideration makes it possible to reveal the educational significance of the socio-psychological climate and to explore the mechanisms of its influence on the choice of a certain style of family education.

The concept of “socio-psychological climate” appeared in scientific language relatively recently, along with such integral concepts that characterize the group effects of joint forms of human life activity, such as “psychological atmosphere”, “psychological climate”, “moral atmosphere”, “moral-psychological climate” and etc., which have become widespread in modern science and practice.

Emotional contact is a two-way process of interaction in which each of the individuals feels like an object of interest and has a certain emotional mood that is consonant with the mood of the other individual. The nature of emotional connections (attention, care, respect, affection, love) determines satisfaction or dissatisfaction with family life, and, consequently, the strength and stability of the family. Emotional contact between family members also plays a big role in raising children and in their development as individuals. It can be positive or negative. Positive emotional connections are based on favorable emotions and feelings, while negative ones are accompanied by emotions and experiences of a negative nature. Based on this, we can, for example, say that positive emotional contact between parents and children is impossible in families where the main means of education is punishment, which leads to a feeling of fear, anxiety, constant fright and alienation in a growing person. Positive emotional contact between spouses, parents and children is the key to successful completion of the educational process in the family, which, as is known, never occurs in pure form, but only as a result of many trends and relationships overlapping each other. And therefore, in family education, both methods and techniques are important, as well as feelings shown towards children, especially in their early years. This results in the unfavorable educational impact of negative emotional contact on children, which is based on irritation, annoyance, anger, jealousy, etc. Along with this, in real life there is often a hypertrophy of positive emotional contacts between parents and children.

Until now, in the literature, the state of the socio-psychological climate is assessed in two extreme positions - favorable and unfavorable, prosperous and disadvantaged.

Favorable (prosperous) socio-psychological climate is trust, high demands on each other, friendly (constructive) criticism, persistent satisfaction of the needs of spouses in all areas of marital interaction, stability of emotional relationships, provision of conditions for well-being and personal development, which creates a favorable socio-psychological level adapted™. Low level of adaptation™ is determined by partial satisfaction with individual aspects and phenomena married life, inconsistency in the implementation of certain functions in the family, partial satisfaction of the significant needs of the spouses, but a positive attitude towards marriage in general.

Adverse the socio-psychological climate is assessed according to the following parameters: significant dissatisfaction of partners with one of the parties to marital interaction, lack of psychological support for partners, high level conflicts of a destructive nature, a negative attitude of one of the spouses towards the elimination of the family.

Samara scientists conducted a study of the socio-psychological climate of the family and styles of family education in Russian, Bashkir and Tatar families; the following methods were used: conversation map, observation, methods of statistical data processing. The results are as follows: among Russians there are no differences in the style of family education between families with a favorable and unfavorable socio-psychological climate. In families with a favorable socio-psychological climate, the Bashkirs are more likely to have a sympathetic style of family education, while the Tatars are more likely to have a judicious style. Much more differences were obtained when comparing families with a favorable and unfavorable socio-psychological climate. In families with a favorable socio-psychological climate, judicious and helpful styles of family education are more represented, and in families with an unfavorable socio-psychological climate, permissive and controlling styles of family education are more represented. The warning style, which forms the infantile personality type, stands out somewhat from the overall picture. The permissive and controlling styles essentially unite the desire to deprive the child of his own opinion, to accustom him to fulfilling some external requirements, the “rules” of the game, which indicates a lack of real care and love for the child, about imposing on him with the help of different methods strict stereotypes of behavior and shaping his thinking in the “right” direction, from the parents’ point of view. Warning and judicious styles differ from each other in many respects; apparently, they are united only by the absence of such a method of education as punishment.

In both cases, the Bashkirs and Tatars do not use educational methods - neither praise nor punishment; parents provide the child with complete freedom of activity, treat the child with love and build positive relationships with people around them. However, in Bashkir families, the child is taught to act on the basis of a deep internalization of moral values, while among the Tatars the main thing is compliance with accepted rules of behavior. When calculating the difference between the empirical distribution and the theoretical distribution according to their criterion, it turned out that among Russian families with a favorable climate the competitive style predominates, among the Bashkirs - a sympathetic style, among the Tatars - a judicious style of family education.

Tatiana Fokina
Psychological climate of the family as the basis for the moral development of the individual

Moral and psychological climate of the family.

Psychological climate is a complex of psychological conditions promoting or hindering unification families, this is a collection psychological states, moods, relationships of its members.

Psychological climate- not a stable concept. It is created by the members of each families, and it depends on their efforts what it will be like.

The ability and desire to understand each other, satisfy the partner’s need for equality, maintain the representation of members families O family roles- here are the components psychological climate.

Psychological climate inextricably linked with the ideological moral values ​​of the family and is an indicator of quality interpersonal relations between members families. That is why it is often called moral psychological climate, meaning emotional unity, general style life families, the nature of the relationships in it.

Scientists usually distinguish two types psychological climate in the family: favorable and unfavorable.

Representatives of this theory of distribution are N. Alekseeva, V. Serdyuk, S. Kulakov, I. Shilov, I. Grebennikov.

Signs of auspicious psychological climate are: cohesion, marital compatibility, opportunity for comprehensive development the personality of each family member, high benevolent demands on each other and on oneself, a sense of security and emotional satisfaction, high internal discipline, integrity, responsibility, desire and ability to understand another, the ability to freely express one’s opinion on any issue in a form acceptable to another, the desire to spend free time together (whether it be a home evening in a circle family or travel, the ability to adequately distribute responsibilities so that everyone is loaded depending on their capabilities.

A sign of favorable psychological climate is also openness family, namely, friendly relations with relatives, neighbors, friends, acquaintances.

Brighter psychological climate manifests itself in the compatibility of people. An external and objective indicator of compatibility is the very fact of preservation families. An internal and subjective indicator of this is the feeling among the members family psychological comfort, reliability, security, pleasure from communicating with each other.

In the study of D. Ivanov, which was carried out in line with the concept of self-actualization (A. Maslow), some features of the process of self-realization are shown personalities in marital and family relations.

Self-realization personalities always mediated by the knowledge and attitude of a person to another person and other people to her. In marriage, a close person who greatly contributes to self-realization is the marriage partner. The image of “I” as a program of self-realization is objectified by each marriage partner in the specific results of marital and family interaction.

Factors influencing psychological climate in the family:

Marriage serves harmonization various the needs of spouses in conditions of close and prolonged contact. Scientists believe that marital potential consists of material, physical, spiritual, sexual and psychological factors. For the formation of stable marital relations, it is not only the spouses who have certain positive qualities for each of the factors, but also the degree to which these qualities correspond to expectations.

The material factor is determined by the partner’s contribution to the material level families and the conformity of this contribution with the expectations and requirements of the other party.

The physical factor often has an unconscious character: Regardless of gender, one person can cause sympathy or antipathy in another. People's perceptions of each other are purely individual and determined appearance, voice, demeanor, language, facial expressions, gestures, clothing, smell.

The spiritual factor is determined by the ratio of the intellectual and cultural needs of the partners, and in practice is carried out by the ratio of educational indices, range of cultural interests, leisure (joint visits to theaters, cinema, museums, reading, watching television programs, as well as taking into account mutual claims in this regard.

The sexual factor is determined by the correspondence of the actual sexual behavior of each partner to the expectations of the other.

2. Family as a formation factor personalities.

Among various social factors, affecting personality development, one of the most important is family. Traditionally family- the main educational institute. What a person acquires in family, he retains throughout his entire subsequent life. Importance family is due to that a person stays in it for a significant part of his life. IN family lays the foundations of personality.

In the process of close relationships with mother, father, brothers, sisters, grandfathers, grandmothers and other relatives, a structure begins to form in the child from the first days of life personalities.

IN the family shapes the personality of not only the child, but also his parents. Raising children is enriching adult personality, enhances his social experience. Most often this happens unconsciously among parents, but in Lately Young parents began to meet, consciously raising themselves as well. Unfortunately, this position of parents has not become popular, despite the fact that it deserves the closest attention.

In the life of every person, parents play a large and responsible role. They give the child new patterns of behavior, with their help he learns the world, he imitates them in all his actions. This tendency is increasingly strengthened by the child’s positive emotional connections with his parents and his desire to be like his mother and father. When parents realize this pattern and understand that the formation of child's personality, then they behave in such a way that all their actions and behavior as a whole contribute to the formation in the child of those qualities and such an understanding of human values ​​that they want to convey to him. This process of education can be considered quite conscious, since constant control over one’s behavior, attitude towards other people, attention to the organization family life allows children to be raised in the most favorable conditions conducive to their comprehensive and harmonious development.

Family influences personality adults not only in connection with raising children. Play a big role in family relationships between representatives of different generations, as well as within the same generation (spouses, brothers, sisters, grandparents). Family how a small social group influences its members. At the same time, each of them personal qualities influences life with their behavior families. Individual members of this small group can contribute to the formation of the spiritual values ​​of its members, influence the goals and life installations for the whole family.

All stages of development require a person to adapt to new social conditions, which help the individual to enrich himself with new experiences, become socially more mature. Many stages of development families you can anticipate and even prepare for them. However, in life there are situations that cannot be predicted, because they arise instantly, as if spontaneously, for example, a serious illness of one of the members families, birth of a sick child, death loved one, troubles at work, etc. Such phenomena also require members family adaptation, because they have to find new methods of relationships. Overcoming a crisis situation most often strengthens the unity of people. However, it happens that such a situation becomes turning point in life families, leads to her disintegration, disorganizes her life.

Family is of great importance for the development personalities. Children who are deprived of the opportunity to directly and constantly participate in the life of a small group consisting of relatives and people close to them lose a lot. This is especially noticeable in young children living outside families- in orphanages and other institutions of this type. Development personalities these children often develop in a different way than in children brought up in family. Mental and social development These children are sometimes delayed, and their emotions are inhibited. The same can happen to an adult, because lack of constant personal contact is the essence of loneliness, becomes the source of many negative phenomena and causes serious personality disorders.

It is known that the presence of other people influences the behavior of many people. Many individuals behave differently in the presence of other people than when they are alone. Moreover, if a person feels the benevolent, kind attitude of those present, then he most often has a certain incentive to take such actions that will cause the approval of the people around him and help him appear in a better light. If a person feels an unfriendly attitude, then he develops resistance, which manifests itself in the most different ways. Fine well-mannered person overcomes this protest with conscious effort.

IN small group Where friendly relationships reign, the team has a very strong influence on the individual. This is especially evident in the formation of spiritual values, norms and patterns of behavior, and the style of relationships between people. Thanks to its features family how a small group creates for its members such conditions for emotional needs that, by helping a person feel that he belongs to society, increase his sense of security and peace, and make him want to provide help and support to other people.

Family has its own structure, determined by the social roles of its members: husband and wife, father and mother, son and daughter, sister and brother, grandfather and grandmother. On basis these roles add up interpersonal relationships in the family. The degree of human participation in life families can be very diverse, and depending on this family may have a greater or lesser effect on a person.

Family plays a colossal role in the life and activities of society. Functions families can be viewed both from the perspective of realizing the goals of society and from the perspective of fulfilling one’s responsibilities towards society. Family how microstructure satisfies important social needs and performs important social functions.

Due to its reproductive function family is the source of the continuation of human life. This is the social group that initially forms person's personality. Family contributes to increasing the creative and productive forces of society. Family introduces new members into society, passing on the language to them, manners and customs, basic behavior patterns, mandatory in a given society, introduces a person into the world of spiritual values ​​of society, controls the behavior of its members. Social features families manifest themselves not only in relation to children, but also in relation to spouses, since married life is a process that plays a large role in the life of society. One of the most important functions families- creating conditions for development the identities of all its members. Family satisfies various human needs. In marriage, husband and wife find the happiness of intimate communication. The birth of children brings joy not only from the knowledge of the continuation of one’s family, but also makes it possible to look into the future with more confidence. IN family people care about each other. also in family various human needs are satisfied. In a person’s married life, the feeling of love and mutual understanding, recognition, respect, and a sense of security are most clearly manifested. However, satisfying one's needs is associated with performing certain functions families.

Unfortunately, families do not always fulfill their functions. In such cases, the problem of an asocial role arises families. Do not perform their functions families who are unable to provide security for their members, the necessary conditions everyday life and mutual assistance, if in family some values ​​are presented incorrectly. Moreover, when family raises emotionally immature people with a weakened sense of danger, with human qualities that are far from social norms, it harms its people.

Considering the role families in the life of every person, it is also necessary to note it psychological function, because it is in family all those qualities are formed personalities that are of value to society.

Each person throughout his life, as a rule, is a member of two families: the parent from which it comes, and families which he creates himself. For life in family parents have periods until approximately adolescence. During the period of maturity, a person gradually gains independence. The further, the more life, professional and social experience a person accumulates, and the more important role begins to play for him family.

For development families A very important stage is the entry of a man and a woman into a marital union. The birth of the first child opens the parental stage, and after the children gain independence, we can talk about the phase of secondary married life. Certain periods in life families correspond to different periods of time and different needs. Determination of the duration of individual periods of life family is difficult due to various timing of partners' marriage. In this regard, it can be very difficult to link the development families with periods of development personalities, however, the coordination of seed and life cycles necessary.

From a social point of view psychology marriage - special group consisting of two persons of the opposite sex. These are two personalities, two individuals who decide to spend their future lives together. Spouses mutually satisfy emotional, social, intimate needs, help each other in realizing personal goals, together strive to improve the material conditions of their lives, jointly create an economic base families. Family Basics are formed by the social positions of the spouses in relation to each other. Leading role in family usually belongs to the spouse who has more influence and knows how to make decisions when problems arise in the process life together. Usually this is a man, but these days there is a shift in dominance in family towards women, and equality of spouses. It goes without saying that cultural traditions play an important role in determining family positions, as well as personal traits of each spouse. On the formation of the structure, and, consequently, on the distribution of roles in family changes occurring in the social microstructure have a serious impact. Distribution of responsibilities in family associated with the roles that husband and wife took on.

After creation families the process of mutual adaptation to each other begins. And here the ability of people to make compromises, show tolerance and restrain themselves is of great importance. conflict situations. Difficulties that arise in family life are very common become the cause of a marriage crisis, and in some cases help is desirable psychologist, but in most cases young people cope on their own.

The birth of a child is a significant event in the life of spouses, indicating the entry families into a new period of development. This is another test for the spouses. They begin to fulfill new social roles - mother and father; entering a new social role is always difficult and requires preparation. In this case, such preparation is pregnancy. Future parents are gradually preparing in thoughts and imagination for the change that is about to happen in their lives; at the same time they prepare their surroundings. They have to seriously change their established lives. During pregnancy, spouses begin to develop attitudes towards the unborn child. Factors that matter here include whether the child is desirable or undesirable, as well as the desire of one of the parents to have a child of a certain gender. All this can later affect education.

Parents' roles are comprehensive and multifaceted. Parents are responsible for their child's choice of life position. The birth of a child and the need to provide him with conditions for development entail a certain reorganization of home life. But in addition to caring for children, the roles of parents also extend to the formation child's personality, the world of his thoughts, feelings, aspirations, for the education of his own "I".

Harmonious development personalities child is associated not only with the presence and active activity in family each of the parents, but also the consistency of their educational actions. Disagreements in educational methods and interpersonal parental relationships do not allow the child to understand and comprehend what is good and what is bad. In addition, when the agreement between the parents is violated, when the people closest to the child, those who are his support, are in a quarrel, and besides, he hears that this is happening for reasons concerning him, then he cannot feel confident and safe . And hence children’s anxiety, fears and even neurotic symptoms. Relationships between members are very important for a child. families. And it is especially important for him to understand how adults treat him.

Character emotional attitude parents to child can be called parental position. This is one of the most important factors shaping child's personality. There are several variations of this factor, from dominance to complete indifference. Both the constant imposition of contacts and their complete absence are harmful to the child. It is very important to establish contact with the child so that later we can talk about giving on the part of the child. First of all, you need to approach the child without exaggerated concentration of attention, but also without excessive emotional distances, i.e., free contact is required, and not tense or too weak and random. We are talking about an approach that can be characterized as balanced, free, aimed at the mind and heart of the child, focused on his actual needs. This should be the approach founded on a certain independence, moderately categorical and persistent, being a support and authority for the child, and not an imperious, commanding order or a compliant, passive request. Violations of contact with the child manifest themselves in several characteristic forms, for example, excessive aggressiveness or the desire to correct the child’s behavior.

From the early age The correct process of child development is carried out primarily thanks to the care of parents. Small child learns from his parents to think, speak, understand and control his reactions. Thanks to personality patterns what his parents are like to him, he learns how to treat other members families, relatives, acquaintances: who to love, who to avoid, who to more or less reckon with, who to express your sympathy or antipathy to, when to restrain your reactions. Family prepares the child for a future independent life in society, conveys to him spiritual values, moral norms, patterns of behavior, traditions, and culture of his society. Guiding, coordinated educational methods of parents teach the child to be relaxed, at the same time he learns to manage his actions and actions according to moral standards. The child develops a world of values. In this multifaceted development, parents provide great assistance to the child through their behavior and example. However, some parents can complicate, inhibit, and even disrupt the behavior of their children, contributing to the manifestation of pathological traits in them. personalities.

A child raised in family, Where personal his parents are his models, he receives preparation for subsequent social roles: woman or man, wife or husband, mother or father. In addition, social pressure is quite strong. Children are typically praised for gender-appropriate behavior and reprimanded for gender-appropriate behavior. opposite sex. Proper sex education of a child and the formation of a sense of belonging to one’s own gender constitute one of basics further development of their personalities.

For centuries, the family has been revered as a great value, especially when a person needed a large team in order to simply survive in difficult conditions of the struggle for existence.

The family in modern society is becoming a small group.

Firstly, this is a family union, which is based on an emotional feeling - love.

Secondly, the family carries out the most important function of biological and social reproduction of the population.

Thirdly, education is carried out in the family, that is, the transfer of experience, certain foundations, and values ​​to new generations. This is all scientific thinking.

The family largely determines what the human development index will be in the future, what human capital will be like tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Society must realize the importance of the process of spiritual and moral education in families, its significant place in instilling values ​​and love for the Motherland. The stronger, more reliable, more stable the family, the stronger our Fatherland.

For a long time in our Fatherland there was a widespread opinion that family education should be replaced by public education. Proponents of this point of view put forward the following arguments: parents, as a rule, do not have teaching abilities.

Happy experience friendly families clearly demonstrates: sometimes only a kind word, a trifling gift, an elementary manifestation of participation in the affairs and concerns of loved ones can significantly weaken the unnaturalness of relationships, improve the situation, establish a family, if not an idyll, then at least a certain harmony, for the common good of not only the older family members , but, first and foremost, the young man(materially, spiritually, and morally).

Since ancient times people have said:

A house with children is a bazaar, without children a grave.

Children are a special joy in a family. Raising them is a pleasure. Although adults say that you don’t have time to do anything with children, they understand that they cannot live without this “bazaar”.

Like the father, like the children

Children learn from their parents' examples. Sometimes, by looking at a child, you can judge his parents.

The mother feeds her children like the earth does people.

Mom, like the earth, loves her children and tries to do everything for them so that they do not need anything.

The sweet child has many names.

Adults like to call their children different affectionate names.

Objectives of this study:

1. Analysis of the social and public characteristics of modern families (based on creative tasks of 8th grade students);

2. Identification family values, family traditions and their roles in the modern family;

Research objectives:

1. Show the importance of family in modern society;

2. Reveal children’s views on the family and its role in their lives;

3. Focus on the importance of traditions in the family.

The relevance of research:

2008 declared by the President Russian Federation in Russia "Year of the Family".

Currently, the institution of family is experiencing a crisis, so it is very important to pay attention to the value of family for every person. The fact that young people are dissatisfied with many things in the lives of previous generations and their parents is an obvious fact, but it does not follow from it that the meaning of the activities of each new generation is to raise a rebellion against the established way of life in general and in their family in particular. In all ages, children want to act in their own way, parents want them to act in accordance with their ideas and concepts.

The most painful question, the stumbling block in any family, is the question of who should do what and when. At the same time, each family member has his own idea of ​​the fairness of the distribution of all the numerous responsibilities: small and large, daily and one-time. True justice, which does not infringe on the interests of any member of the family team, is based on the equal participation of all family members. This means that everyone should have a full say in the distribution of the household budget and in the distribution of specific household responsibilities for the day, for the week, for the month.

Psychological climate in the family

In a family as a small group, each participant in the relationship has their own roles. Moreover, the roles of family members do not always coincide with the group role. Often the role of leader in the family does not belong to the father, but to the one whose contribution to the family well-being is recognized by all family members.

First of all, the psychological climate determines the well-being of a person in the family (mood, comfort). This well-being depends on the relationships between members of the family team; it is the relationships of care, attention, and cooperation that make the family climate warm and pleasant. On the contrary, disrespectful relationships and indifference make the climate harsh, unpleasant, and difficult to live in.

The psychological climate of a family is a relatively stable emotional state. It is the result of the totality of the mood of family members, their emotional experiences. Relationships to other people, to surrounding events. A favorable climate is characterized by cohesion, benevolent demands on each other, a sense of security, pride in belonging to a family. In a family with a favorable climate, love, trust in each other, respect for elders, mutual respect, and a willingness to understand and help others reign. An important place in creating a favorable climate belongs to family life, traditions, and common spiritual values. The family, as a special group based on kinship ties, presupposes special intra-family communication, during which the family realizes its functions. Communication in a favorable family environment is characterized by naturalness, cordiality, and mutual interest.

An unfavorable family climate leads to tension, quarrels, conflicts, and a lack of positive emotions. Especially in such a situation they suffer junior members families. In the most severe cases, such a climate leads to family breakdown.

8th grade students prepared creative assignments that addressed the following questions:

What is family in your understanding?

Talk about your family members, emphasize their role in the family;

Show family traditions and visualize them through media presentations.

And this is what happened. Family:

A family is one whole, where relatives take care of each other, help, and most importantly understand, respect and appreciate each other. All together this is called LOVE

Family is a group of close people who are ready to help each other at any time.

Family is the people closest to you who will support you in difficult moments a life where mutual understanding reigns, where each other’s opinions are respected.

Family is a place where you want to come, where they understand and accept you for who you are.

Family is the place of birth and formation. The family forms and lives the entire set of relationships to man, nature, work, beauty, science, art, society, money, power, the strong, the weak.

The family is a unit of society, which is built on blood and spiritual unity, on love and harmony, on careful attitude to each other.

Family are people who wait for you, trust you, understand you and support you in any situation.

Each of us needs a place where you don’t have to pretend, where you won’t be deceived, where you feel calm and happy, where you can rest your soul. This place for me is my family.

Family is sacred. Family is something you can’t live without.

Here's what they write about their family members:

Mom is a kind and affectionate person.

Mom - very interesting person, she will always help you figure it out if you get confused.

Mom is cheerful, stylish, sociable, and a good housewife.

Mom is a responsive and sensitive person. She gives different advice and helps in difficult situations. And not just advice, but good advice. After all, what kind of mother would wish bad things on her child?

My mother always supports me, although sometimes we argue with her mainly because of how words are pronounced correctly. In most cases, our disputes are resolved by our grandmother. Well, or Ozhegov. Mom will always help me deal with problems, my mother teaches me independence, love, perseverance, and not to hang my nose if something doesn’t work out. I love my mom very much!

I am learning the culture of communication from my mother.

I see how tired my mother is, working as a cashier at Maria-Ra, so part of the housework falls on me. I have to take Nastya away from kindergarten and take care of her while her mother is away. Despite all the workload, my mother can create coziness and a comfortable environment at home.

Dad is a sensitive and responsive father.

Dad is a person you can trust, who will always understand you. But in return it requires order and independence.

I learn from my father how to approach work and one’s responsibilities.

My dad is serious, he is a role model for me. He teaches me to be strong, attentive and to easily endure the difficulties encountered along the path of life.

Dad is an entrepreneur. A strong and serious person. Teaches me to be courageous and strong.

Every child needs a grandmother. After all, someone must pamper and allow everything that parents do not allow. Baba Lyuba teaches me to respect adults and appreciate what you have. I admire my grandmother, because not every grandmother works at 60, chooses a suit for work every morning (after trying on 3 more), wears her favorite perfume and with an open soul goes to college to teach children Russian, literature and, of course, life.

A polite and sympathetic grandmother who teaches how to properly communicate with others.

As my grandmother says: “the old women folded their balls, threw down their hooks and calmly rode around the village on mopeds.” And indeed, we are so accustomed to the image of a sitting old woman with a ball in her hands.

Sisters and brothers:

A cheerful and interesting girl.

Creates a relaxed atmosphere in the home.

I’m learning patience from my brother.

He considers himself a very important person in this life and behaves on an equal footing with adults. No matter what, she certainly doesn’t have the nerve. Lives by the motto: “Where would the planet be without me?”

Brother: he goes to kindergarten“Bee” he brings many joyful moments into my life.

So, sisters and brothers become little people who take and return care and warmth in the same quantity as they receive.

The child learns

What he sees in his home:

His parents are an example to him

If children see us and hear us,

We are responsible for our deeds

And for the words: easy to push

Children on a bad path.

Keep your house tidy

So as not to repent later.

(S. Brant)

Every family has values:

Parents are always polite to each other. Respect for elders is the most important value. As well as teaching the rules of behavior in society, and the development of moral qualities.

One of the traditions is to get together with the whole family on holidays, be it a birthday or New Year.

Our family is distinguished by mutual assistance, joint problem solving, relaxation, discussion of everyday events and actions, and an active lifestyle. I am happy in my family.

In my life there are two most important person, my sister and mother. Unfortunately, we don’t have a dad, so I, as the only man, have to not offend my mom and sister.

Recently I realized that caring “one way” is “working idle”. Probably, in a family everything should be shared equally, and care too: children to parents and vice versa. Just participation: saying thank you, dishes being put away without a reminder, room cleaning, patience in conversation, kind word- that’s what’s important in the family.

In our family, the main value is communication, because we don’t see each other very often. We also value mutual understanding and freedom of choice.

Our family is creative, we like to listen to foreign, beautiful music. My dad brought this value to the family. Dad also instilled in us feelings of patriotism for the Motherland. And my mother teaches me and my brother to be independent. When I was 10 years old, I was left alone with my little brother, without fear that anything would happen. My mother can completely rely on me. Mom brings a sea of ​​positive emotions to our home.

Students in their works about family tried to show positive side family relationships, which indicates the importance of family in the eyes of the child, pride in their parents.


We are born to live together; our society is a vault of stones that would collapse if one did not support the other. (Seneca)

A person’s social position depends decisively on himself, but important role The social conditions in which one has to act, the point from which a person starts, also play a role, and here the family plays an important role. Socialization of a child is one of the main tasks of parents. First of all, it starts in the family. The climate in the family determines the child’s internal state, his relationships with others, his success in various types activities, how he will build his future life, his view of family. A person carries throughout his life the traditions and values ​​instilled in his family in childhood, and tries to build his family on the same principles.

We believe that not only adults can help solve the problem, but also children can make their contribution to maintaining the psychological climate in the family.

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