International Family Day. International Family Day - the most interesting things in blogs All-Russian competition “Family of the Year”

International Day of Families is a celebration dedicated to families. This is a national holiday that is celebrated in many families.

The purpose of the holiday is to attract public attention to the problems of families and strengthen family values.

Conferences, round tables, discussions, forums, and cultural events traditionally coincide with the celebration.

Contents of the article

History of the holiday

The formation of the family developed parallel to the development of socio-political formations. The emergence of the institution of marriage made it possible to introduce stability and reliability into the relationship between a man and a woman. The official union distributed functional responsibilities between them depending on the contribution of each to the monogamous relationship. At any time, the main functions of the family were the birth and upbringing of children, the formation of their civic consciousness.

Unfortunately, today issues related to the main unit of society are acute. One of the problems on the scale of almost all civilized countries is the demographic situation. The birth rate figures are sometimes lower than the death rate. Abuse alcoholic drinks, the spread of narcotic and toxic substances, antisocial behavior lead to destruction within family relations. The growth of single-parent families is a consequence of the catastrophic increase in the number of divorces. The purpose of the International Day of Families is to draw the attention of the public of states to these problems. The holiday was established by UN General Assembly resolution No. A/REC/47/237 of September 20, 1993.

All these pressing issues have not only been taken into account by governments around the world, but active work is underway to resolve them. Many measures taken are aimed at economic support. For example, in Russia a number of measures and benefits have been developed for large and low-income families when purchasing housing, to provide a place in preschool institutions. The Maternity Certificate program allows families to receive a number of advantages in solving issues that are vital to them.

A lot of propaganda work is being done to strengthen family ties. Restoring the authority of the family and stable relations between its members is the basis for the progressive movement forward of all socio-economic phenomena of society.


Various discussions, conferences, and festivals dedicated to family issues are held for the holiday. Every year, the International Day of Families is held under a specific theme, on which the UN Secretary-General publishes messages in which he highlights the main problems and possible solutions to them.

In all Russian cities, a festive program is being prepared for the celebration: concerts, entertainment events, games for parents and children, flash mobs. Meetings of married couples are organized to exchange experiences, trainings for young families, charity events for large and low-income families, guardians with children.

On this day, radio and television broadcast reports on family topics.

Daily task

Find out if your family has heirlooms that are passed down from generation to generation. Ask older family members - parents, grandparents - about their story.

  • In Ancient Rome official marriage concluded with a kiss.
  • According to world statistics, after 7 years married life the likelihood of divorce decreases by 50%.
  • Chinese Qion Han, who lives in India, has acquired the most big family in the world. He was married to 39 women, who bore him 94 children. The family history was continued by 33 grandchildren.
  • According to statistics married men And married women those who never got married or got divorced live longer.
  • Tradition to wear wedding ring on the ring finger came from Ancient Egypt. The Egyptians believed that it was in this finger that the vein of love originated, which carried blood to the heart.
  • According to observations, the most common song for the first dance among newlyweds is Bryan Adams' ballad "Everything I Do."


“The real value in life is family and friends. Congratulations on Family Day and wish you mutual understanding, happiness, bright plans and many interesting activities. May the family always be a strong rock, protection from adversity and consolation in troubles. Love, beauty, a good future, prosperity and joint development!

“There is no stronger union on earth than a happy and friendly family. This is the beginning of a new life, and the continuation of a wonderful family, and honoring the holiness of traditions. Family is the highest happiness that a person can create himself. Today, on International Family Day, I would like to wish: may children’s laughter be heard everywhere, and may your family be your faithful support. May you always be warmed by the warmth of love. I wish your family to be prosperous, friendly and united. Prosperity and goodness to all families!

“Without exaggeration we can say: family is the most important thing a person is rich with. Support, rear, support, understanding. Let everyone today remember their family and friends, call, write, congratulate and rejoice at what a treasure they have. WITH International Day families, dear ones!


Family tree. A family tree that shows family ties and depicts the first known descendants will be an original and thematic gift for the holiday.

Family picnic. Arrange a picnic for your family members outside the city, at the dacha or in the park. Organize competitions and entertainment. Such a gift will bring positive emotions to all household members and will become a vivid memory.

Family portrait. Order a family portrait in an unusual style for the holiday. A bright and colorful painting will become a home decoration and a new family heirloom.

Photo gift. A collage, magnets, T-shirts, mugs with funny family photos will be an original and thematic gift for the holiday.


I won’t eat it, but I’ll bite it
To conduct the competition, you need to prepare two baskets of apples. Two participants take part in the competition. At the command of the presenter, the contestants take apples from the basket and bite into them. After the time has passed, the number of apples bitten is counted. The one who has the most wins.

To the touch
To conduct the competition, you need to prepare thick mittens (you can use oven mitts) and small souvenirs: a Rubik's Cube, a keychain, a ballpoint pen, and so on. Contestants are blindfolded. They put on the item and, using mittens, try to guess the item they received by touch. The one who guesses correctly receives a souvenir as a gift.

12 months
Two teams are taking part in the competition. Each team is given 12 sheets of paper and drawing supplies: pencils, markers, paints. Each team must depict 12 months in their own artistic style. After the work is completed, the teams exchange drawings and try to match the drawings with the names of the months. The team that completes the task better wins.

About the family

It is difficult to underestimate the role of the family in society. It is in it that the foundation of the personality of each person is laid, the continuity of all subsequent generations. A family is a social institution in which a child reveals the potential inherent in nature and determines his place in life, learns goodness, justice and creativity. The further dynamic development of social phenomena directly depends on the personal characteristics of each person and his contribution to the creative process. Government bodies of all countries pay special attention to the formation of family relationships as a guarantor of stability and well-being.

Since 1994, International Family Day is celebrated all over the world on May 15th. Its history began in 1989 - it was then that the first attempts were made to create a tradition of celebrating this day. It took five years for the UN General Assembly to legalize this and give the day international status. The goal is to draw the attention of the world community to modern problems, the loss of family values ​​and the decreasing importance of the institutions of family and marriage, and the unity of members of the social unit. The importance of the event is explained by the fact that this institution is one of the main public institutions, the initial stage of human socialization. When the holiday was established, the UN expected that on May 15 various festivals and forums should be held that would attract attention to the topic. This is how it happens. In 2017, International Family Day will be celebrated for the 22nd time, and its popularity increases every year. Topics that are discussed at various conferences and forums are subsequently resolved at the state and global levels. This sets this event apart from the rest.

Traditions of International Family Day 2017 in Russia

The holiday in our country began to be celebrated a year later, as it was established by the UN. Over these two-plus decades, Russia has developed its own traditions. Every year on May 15, a solemn ceremony is held in the Kremlin at which the “Family of Russia” award is awarded. The Order of Parental Glory is awarded to large Russian social units. On this day, interesting events are held throughout the country: round tables, festivals, concerts, open lessons in schools and much more. The purpose of the holiday program is to promote family values ​​and increase the importance of the institution in society. These events do not go unnoticed. They bear fruit in the form of an increase in the number of marriages and birth rates.

On May 15, Russia celebrates the International Day of Families, established by the UN General Assembly in 1993.

The concept of state family policy in Russia

On August 25, 2014, the Russian Government approved the Concept of State Family Policy in Russia for the period until 2025.

The goals of the Concept of State Family Policy in Russia for the period until 2025 are:

  • support, strengthening and protection of the family and the values ​​of family life;
  • Creation necessary conditions for the family to perform its functions;
  • improving the quality of life of families;
  • ensuring the rights of family members in the process of its social development.

The result of the implementation of the Concept will be a system of measures formed by 2025 that will allow families to feel confident and protected from various risks.

All-Russian competition “Family of the Year”

As part of the implementation of the Concept of State Family Policy in Russia for the period until 2025, the All-Russian competition “Family of the Year” was held for the first time in 2016.

294 applications from 79 regions of the country were received to participate in the All-Russian competition. Based on the results of the competition, the winning families were determined in the following categories: “Large family”, “Young family”, “Rural family”, “ Golden family Russia”, “Family is the keeper of traditions”.

A competition is also planned for 2017.

National Strategy for Women

On March 8, 2017, the Russian Government approved the National Strategy for Action in the Interests of Women for 2017-2022.

It defines the main directions of state policy towards women and is aimed at implementing the principle of equal rights and freedoms of men and women and creating equal opportunities for their implementation by women.

The strategy will be implemented in two stages. At stage I (2017-2018), it is planned to develop mechanisms for implementing the strategy and information, analytical, legal, and personnel support for state policy in the interests of women.

Stage II (2019-2022) envisages the implementation of measures to improve the status of women in the political, economic, social and cultural spheres.

The implementation of the strategy will achieve the following goals:

  • strengthening the prevention of occupational diseases in women and increasing their detection at early stages;
  • reducing the level of maternal mortality to the level of economically developed countries;
  • further reduction in the number of abortions;
  • reducing the gender pay gap;
  • increasing the number of women who are founders or managers of small and medium-sized businesses, including social entrepreneurship, and self-employed women;
  • reducing the number of jobs with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions in which women work.

Benefits for families with children

From February 1, 2017, benefits for families with children, including a one-time benefit for the birth of a child and a monthly allowance for child care up to one and a half years old, were indexed by 5.4%.

Yes, size lump sum benefit at the birth of a child is 16.4 thousand rubles. The monthly allowance for child care up to one and a half years for citizens not subject to compulsory social insurance is 3.1 thousand rubles for caring for the first child, 6.1 thousand rubles for caring for the second and subsequent children.

In 2017 monthly payment for the third child and subsequent children until they reach three years of age is provided in 69 regions. Of these, 50 regions receive co-financing from the federal budget. The amount of payment is set at the regional level living wage child and the national average is about 9.8 thousand rubles.

From January 1, 2017, the amount of benefits assigned this year, paid within the framework of compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity, has increased.

Thus, the maximum amount of maternity benefits, which is paid in the amount of 100% of the average earnings of a working woman, in 2017 is 57.8 thousand rubles on average for a full-time calendar month. This benefit is paid to women working under employment contracts for a total of 70 days before and 70 days after the birth of a child.

The maximum amount of a monthly benefit for child care up to one and a half years old, paid in the amount of 40% of the average earnings of the insured person, is 23.1 thousand rubles in 2017.

Also, many constituent entities of the Russian Federation provide regional measures to support families. These include, among other things, regional monthly child benefits, monthly child benefits for a single mother, benefits for children whose parents evade paying child support or are doing military service, for children from large families, for disabled children, as well as for families , in which the parents are disabled.

Maternity capital

According to Pension Fund In Russia, between 2007 and 2016, almost 7.8 million families received a certificate for maternity (family) capital. 56% of families have already completely managed its funds.

Almost 92% of families decided to use maternal capital funds to improve their living conditions.

To date, 4.5 million Russian families have improved their living conditions. Including 2.9 million families who partially or fully repaid housing loans with maternity capital, 1.6 million families improved their living conditions without using credit funds.

The Pension Fund also accepted 400 thousand applications for the education of children and 3.4 thousand applications for the transfer of funds to funded pension moms.

Last year, to the three main areas of spending maternity capital, another one was added - the purchase of goods and services for social adaptation and integration of disabled children into society.

The amount of maternity capital in 2017 is 453,026 rubles.

Although the world has undergone significant changes in family structure in recent decades as a result of global trends and demographic processes, the United Nations still considers the family to be the basic unit of society. The International Day of Families provides an opportunity to raise awareness of issues affecting families and improve knowledge of relevant social, economic and demographic processes. The UN encourages special educational activities, including national days family. In many countries, this day provides an opportunity to highlight various topics and issues that are extremely important to families.

International Day of Families is celebrated annually on May 15th. Events include seminars and conferences, radio and television programs, newspaper articles and cultural programs covering relevant topics.

2019 Day Theme: Families and Climate Action

This year's celebration of the International Day of Families is dedicated to families, family policy and.

Goal 13.3: Improve training systems, implement educational activities, strengthen human and institutional capacity to combat climate change and its impacts, strengthen early warning systems.

Goal 13.2: Integrate climate action into national plans, activities and strategies.

Why are international days needed?

International days are an occasion to educate the general public on issues of concern, to mobilize political will and resources to address global challenges, and to celebrate and strengthen human achievements. The existence of international days predates the establishment of the United Nations, but the UN has embraced them as a powerful tool for raising awareness about issues.

Since 1994, International Family Day is celebrated all over the world on May 15th. Its history began in 1989 - it was then that the first attempts were made to create a tradition of celebrating this day. It took five years for the UN General Assembly to legalize this and give the day international status. The goal is to draw the attention of the world community to modern problems, the loss of family values ​​and the decreasing importance of the institutions of family and marriage, and the unity of members of the social unit. The importance of the event is explained by the fact that this institution is one of the main public institutions, the initial stage of human socialization. When the holiday was established, the UN expected that on May 15 various festivals and forums should be held that would attract attention to the topic. This is how it happens. In 2020, International Family Day will be celebrated for the 31st time, and its popularity increases every year. Topics that are discussed at various conferences and forums are subsequently resolved at the state and global levels. This sets this event apart from the rest.

Traditions of International Family Day 2020 in Russia

The holiday in our country began to be celebrated a year later, as it was established by the UN. Over these two-plus decades, Russia has developed its own traditions. Every year on May 15, a solemn ceremony is held in the Kremlin at which the “Family of Russia” award is awarded. The Order of Parental Glory is awarded to large Russian social units. On this day, interesting events are held throughout the country: round tables, festivals, concerts, open lessons in schools and much more. The purpose of the holiday program is to promote family values ​​and increase the importance of the institution in society. These events do not go unnoticed. They bear fruit in the form of an increase in the number of marriages and birth rates.

How to celebrate International Family Day?

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