First meeting with him. How to behave correctly on a first date: making a good impression. Choosing a meeting place

According to statistics, first dates become last in more than half of the cases. The reason for this is that men and women go into a meeting with different expectations - which is why nothing fits in between them.

Date or not?

First, let's define the terminology. A first date is not a meeting between two people who have known each other for 10 years and decide that they are in love with each other. This happens: for example, a man and a woman work in the same office, they work for a long time... and suddenly the man, hiding a bouquet of forget-me-nots behind his back, casually says: “Lyudmila Petrovna, are you by any chance busy today after six?” No, a first date is a meeting in person after meeting on the Internet, telephone, correspondence, eye contact (on Skype) and the like. Nowadays, given the wild popularity of dating sites, first dates can happen 3-4 times a week. And for some desperate ones - even every day. So, expectations. It’s good if both have decided that their first meeting is just an acquaintance and non-binding communication. It's a walk down the street or a trip to a cafe, nothing more. However, even in this case, a woman, as a rule, expects much more from such a meeting than a man. This is her first misconception. The word “date” seems to imply a love acquaintance, even if it is not spoken out loud. A man, if he has not stated that he is inviting him on a date, is free to do whatever he wants, simply wanting to see a woman in person and understand whether he likes her, whether he is sexually attracted to her, whether she has a pleasant voice and manners. A woman most often expects courtship from the first meeting.

“Do not offer sex” and other misconceptions

The consequence of the first misconception is the belief that the man is calling her to a meeting with serious intentions. Therefore, she hangs a sign on her chest “Do not offer sex,” despite the fact that she has already talked about it twice on a dating site and wrote it in a letter three times. In 80 percent of cases, such a woman on a date finds out that the man, in fact, just wants to sleep with her, becomes convinced that he doesn’t care who he sleeps with, and sends his new acquaintance to hell. The second stereotype, or rather, the childish naivety of many women, is that a man must be honest from the very first seconds of Internet correspondence. This misconception has an antipode - absolutely honest men do not exist in nature! And everyone deceives for selfish purposes. Oddly enough, there are approximately equal numbers of naive and distrustful ladies. The first ones fall for married people and then get lost in love triangle, the latter bring the percentage of unsuccessful first dates to 99. Or they find a trickster who will deceive in a new way, unknown to female science. These are general trends. All other misconceptions are of a personal nature, associated with the characteristics of a girl’s fantasy. Someone dreams of a simple Soviet worker in an oil apron, and a fashionable dandy in a hat and with a rose in his buttonhole comes to the meeting. Someone is waiting for a rich diplomat on a “beha”, and an unshaven hipster arrives on a trolleybus.

How to behave on a first date?

But let’s say that a woman liked a man in absentia, no matter who he was. How should she behave with him on the first date so as not to scare him off? To do this, you just need to take the position of a man. And it turns out that everything is not so complicated.

1. Dress decently

This does not mean hanging around the wardrobe for 3 hours, trying on 33 dresses and ultimately choosing jeans and a sweater. This means dressing differently than a woman would dress 7 days a week. A lady will not succeed in trying to “be herself” or, conversely, to show off her excesses. If she basically wears torn sneakers or hides her hair under a hat even in the summer, then at least for one evening you can move away from the stereotype, and tell your man about your “kinks” later, when he falls in love. “Let him accept me as I am” is a true statement, but there is no need to abuse it. At the same time, there should be some eroticism in a woman’s outfit and image. Not provocative, of course (seduction on the first date is the topic of another article), but light and exciting. This doesn’t oblige you to anything at all, but men really like it. But I don’t like shorts, shapeless shirts and bad haircuts.

2. Makeup and fragrance

This needs to complement the image, taking into account individual preferences. Women who do not wear makeup or wear perfume on principle can, of course, take a risk and come like this, but they risk, first of all, that no one will treat them to ice cream or accompany them home.

3. Allow a man to take care of you

If you come across a timid man, you can unobtrusively hint him. If a woman doesn’t want to give hints and waits for initiative from a man, then she won’t always get it - it’s a matter of luck. The person you like may turn out to be anything, but he is, first of all, a man. And he likes to fulfill a woman’s desires, her petty whims. If during the first three dates he still doesn’t understand this, it means that everything is neglected, and the woman should change her boyfriend.

4. Ask fewer questions that are too stupid and too serious.

The first category includes questions like “What are you thinking about?”, “How are you?”, “What’s new?” The second contains questions about the man’s personal life, his parents, children and problems at work. For a woman, it is important to know only one thing: whether the man is single or married (in a relationship). But it’s better to ask such things before the first date.

5. Don’t blame your problems on a man.

Whatever they are. Maybe the man will be noble and help, who knows. But, most likely, he will do this for the first and last time - simply out of the kindness of his heart. There is no point in dumping all your complexes and troubles in a fit of frankness on the first date. But there are women (to be honest, and men) who believe that you need to be extremely sincere right away and load almost stranger with all its difficult fate. In fact, you can “load” gradually, a little at a time, as trust is established and at least some relationships develop.

6. Don't talk about other men.

This point needs to be especially emphasized. Women sometimes make this mistake - they begin to remember out loud the ex-, current, failed, happy husbands of their friends, and so on. It doesn’t matter whether they talk about others well or badly, men don’t like it. On the first date, only the person with whom the date is scheduled has 100% value.

7. Obsessing over children

Second fatal mistake women. Men do not like nervous single mothers who cannot spend a second without their child. Let a child be a fact in a woman’s life, but there is no need to “drag” him on a date. This also includes animals. Men can't stand crazy cat ladies, dog ladies, poultry ladies and fish ladies, unless, of course, they themselves are one.

8. Show masculine skills

Even if a woman knows aikido techniques, can bend rebar and fly a helicopter, she can casually mention this, but not insist. The same applies to a business woman: a meeting even with a man of equal status is not a business meeting, and it is better to leave the skills of a talented entrepreneur in the office. These were the main wishes for women going on first dates. Of course, many of the points will cause bewilderment and even angry objection. This is normal: try it yourself and write in reviews what works and what doesn’t. Many obvious points are not specifically stated: banal human respect or rules of etiquette. Or, for example, such a basic thing as instinct: first dates are done so that people feel whether attraction has arisen between them. But now you know how to increase the chances of this attraction with mutual sympathy and how to reduce these chances to zero. With best wishes for SECOND dates and good luck!

First date with a man - How to behave so that you are called on a second date?

How to please a man on the first date

— How to please a man on the first date
— What to talk about at a meeting with a guy
— How to behave on a first date with a man?
— What can’t you do at a rendezvous with a young man?
— How to get a second date
- Conclusion

The most important thing here is the first impression, and you can make it appearance. Therefore, you need to think through all the subtleties of the image in order to smite your companion on the spot. Clothes should in no case be vulgar: no mini and low necklines in one bottle, but their combination with fishnet tights and high boots They won’t cause anything but a desire to run away from the guy. Try to look stylish and modest at the same time, because these characteristics are among the most important for men.

It is better to choose muted colors; pastel colors always look advantageous, because a dress or blouse made in them will be incredibly feminine. You should not dress up in a formal office suit, as this can add tension to an already exciting meeting.

The optimal choice is a knee-length dress or even jeans with a shirt. Of course, it’s worth looking at the situation, because, having received an invitation to a decent restaurant or theater, you should wear ripped jeans it will be indecent.

Great attention should be paid to makeup, rather its moderation. Naturalness is the trend recent years. Few people will like tons of corrective products on your face. The same applies to brightness, which is only appropriate at a party or nightclub, and then only with a sense of proportion. Otherwise, you will look quite vulgar, and a walk with a lady whose coloring resembles a prostitute is unlikely to please anyone, so don’t be surprised if a man doesn’t call after the first date.

Another important point is manicure. Peeling nail polish is a taboo not only for a first date; it’s better not to have it at all than to have it in this state. Provocative red is also not an option for a first meeting, since the image of a vamp lady is quite frightening. The same story applies to long sharp claws, which fashion has long forgotten about. When creating your image, adhere to one basic rule - moderation in everything.

What to talk about at a meeting with a guy

Before the long-awaited meeting, try to pull yourself together, otherwise the question about suitable topics will not appear at all, since you may simply be “stuck.” And this is one of the worst options.

Try to communicate as simply as possible, reacting naturally to what is happening: smiling at a joke or being a little embarrassed at a compliment. You need to feel the fine line between warm friendly communication, flirting and cheekiness.

The latter should not be allowed, just as you should not laugh loudly, swear, behave rudely or disdainfully with the staff of the establishments you go to. Such manifestations can be fatal for you, since they are all evidence of serious shortcomings in upbringing.

Try to get him to talk about his achievements, as this will allow you to sincerely admire him, even if these are rather modest successes. The main thing at this stage is to show your delight, but it must be sincere. Of course, its manifestations must also be reasonable, since the cries of “Wow!” and clapping your hands are unlikely to look sincere. Delight should be in the eyes, and a compliment in words is enough.

You should not touch on topics such as financial situation, position, salary, past relationships or plans for a future together. If this really bothers you, then believe me, you will still have plenty of time to figure it all out.

How to behave on a first date with a man?

Be natural.
Come to your first date in a good mood.

Leave all your troubles, sorrows and problems at home, and even more so, don’t burden your man with them.

Only having good mood, you can enjoy the rendezvous.

Talk about what interests a man and show genuine interest in what he tells you.

You should try to relax and calm down.

It was the lady’s excessive constraint and nervousness that ruined many potentially wonderful unions.

Don't be capricious.
You will tell your husband, “Not those flowers”, “I don’t like these candies”, “Disgusting restaurant”, and not the guy with whom you have nothing in common yet.

Don't be greedy.
You should not order the most expensive dishes from the menu, trying to check the solvency of your gentleman.

You shouldn’t show your feminist inclinations by offering to pay the bill in half either.

End the date first.
Don’t drag it out until late at night, but don’t run away half an hour after the meeting (with the exception of the gentleman terribly disappointing you and you never want to see him again).

What should you not do at a rendezvous with a young man?

1) Pretend to be someone else.
Firstly, you don’t know what kind of girl the man who invited you on the first date dreams of.

Secondly, even if you somehow figure it out, you won't be able to play someone else's role all the time.

The real you will definitely come out, and the deceived gentleman will certainly leave you.

2) Go to bed with him.
All of us, of course, are adult girls and have the right to decide for ourselves exactly when to agree to have first sex. However, few are ready to build a serious relationship with a woman who slept with them on the first date.

3) Be silent or chatter incessantly.
You must have a dialogue: his response is your response, etc.

4) Talk too much about yourself.
Men need to be given information about themselves in doses, especially if you are only on a first date.

6) Criticize men.
They are much more sensitive to criticism than women.

7) Arrange an interrogation.
Your task is to very carefully and veiledly ask leading questions, and not conduct a survey.

8) Arrive on a date casually or too revealingly dressed and with dirty hair.
Dirty and vulgarly dressed ladies cause unpleasant feelings not only among men.

9) Make a date plan in advance and anticipate its results.
Don't overthink anything. Your thoughts may have nothing to do with the real picture.

10) Seize the initiative.
You can tactfully help or suggest a shy man, but don’t make a decision.

How to get a second date

It should also be noted that if your date is right for you, then by remaining yourself you are guaranteed to achieve a successful date.

The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site

Surely every girl at least once in her life has experienced fear before an important event. A date with a man is one of these. Before the long-awaited meeting, beautiful ladies preen themselves in every possible way, select an outfit, and conduct supposed dialogues in their heads. This inadvertently raises the question of how to behave on a first date. What to talk about, whether to lay out your “ins and outs” and so on. Let's look at the main subtleties in order.

Preparing for a first date with a man

  1. The first thing you need to worry about is what to wear. But don't expect the success of your date to depend solely on your wardrobe choices. A man will meet you by your outfit and guide you according to your mind.
  2. Don't rush to the first beauty salon to have specialists dye your hair red and grow longer nails. If a potential boyfriend liked your look on the day you met, save it.
  3. Be yourself, highlight your strengths and hide your weaknesses. If you want to prettify yourself, do it French manicure, renew hair dye, exfoliate to cleanse and smooth the skin.
  4. Be sure to choose the appropriate wardrobe. A man won't like it if you look too vulgar and easily accessible. He will not think about the fact that he can marry this girl, but about sex scenes and the lack of prospects for the future.
  5. Choose a dress just above the knee with a moderately revealing neckline. Or you can opt for trousers, pairing them with heels and a romantic shirt.
  6. Don't try on someone else's role. If you are not used to walking in high heels, your face will soon take on a pained expression. Better wear comfortable flat sandals to be prepared for any changes in your plan.
  7. Psychologists agreed that it is impossible to beat a first date with the same person. You may not agree with this, but try to do everything right from the beginning.
  8. A spark often runs between adults during their first solitude. Be prepared for anything. Epilate your legs and bikini area, moisturize your body with lotion, and get a beautiful underwear, stockings and garters.

Where to go on a first date with a man

  1. Often, when a man invites a woman on a date, he chooses the venue (or several locations) himself. But if you agree that the choice is yours, follow these simple tips.
  2. If a man invites you to sit in a cafe in sunny weather, you can protest by providing an option in return. For example, say you want to have a picnic or go on a boat ride.
  3. A great pastime can be riding a bicycle, roller skates, motorcycle, convertible, ATV and even hoverboard.
  4. In cases where a guy with brightly shining eyes invites you to dinner at a place that you don’t like, don’t rush to refuse him. Make a compromise, choose a cozy table and create a romantic atmosphere.
  5. You can also have a good time on a date outside the city. Rent a gazebo in a special complex, swim on catamarans, barbecue, and in the evening upon arrival, freshen up at home and go on a date again, but this time to the cinema.

What to talk about on a first date with a man

  1. Make eye contact during a conversation young man, do not look away and do not run your eyes left and right. If a man looks at you with obvious interest, this is an extremely good sign.
  2. Even if you like to chat non-stop, don't do it. This behavior looks ridiculous. In addition, in confusion, you can say stupid things that you want to say in the future.
  3. Girls are fond of soap operas and various tearful TV series, so they discuss them with pleasure. Avoid this topic of conversation so that the man does not take you for a fool. Better discuss interesting films with meaning.
  4. Never interrupt the gentleman, let him finish his speech. Learn to carry on a conversation on any topic, even if the conversation turns to politics, oil rigs or folk medicine. Be an interesting opponent.
  5. Don’t try to tell everything about yourself at once, let such little things reveal themselves gradually in the process of further communication. If a man finds out all your “ins and outs,” he will simply become uninterested.
  6. Ask about a man's successes and achievements, but do not openly flatter him. Give a few veiled compliments regarding professional and personal qualities to make him feel like a male.
  7. Real men are interested in independent and, no less important, self-sufficient women. Be like that. Needless to say, you are sitting on your parents’ neck and having difficulty making ends meet.
  8. Do not whine under any circumstances; you should not complain about life. Pessimistic women have virtually no chance of winning a man on a date. He will run away from you at the first opportunity.
  9. Stay positive and try to make the date go smoothly. Don't interrogate him, take a veiled interest in his life. No need to broach the topic ex-girlfriends or bank account status.
  10. Conquer your gentleman with your sincerity and ease. A man must be interested in you. Behave with dignity and a little mysteriously, do not reveal all your cards, even if the man insists. But it’s also wrong to build touch-me-nots; everything should be in moderation.


  1. Remember, when going on a first date, you need to throw everything away negative thoughts and pressing problems.
  2. On such an important day, you need to be yourself; you shouldn’t bring negativity and workload to the meeting. Get maximum pleasure from your date, experience the joy of meeting.
  3. Have a nice time, enjoy communication. This way a man will see lightness and cheerfulness in you. The consequences of such behavior will be an inevitable second date. The main thing is not to play, but to really be sincere.

Manners and politeness

  1. Representatives of the fair sex tend to be late for dates. In this case, you should understand that you should not linger for more than a quarter of an hour. If you are really late for a meeting for any reason, be sure to warn your chosen one.
  2. All you have to do is make a call or write a message. This way you will show the man that you care about him and are worried. The gentleman, in turn, will treat you with more respect. When arriving at a meeting, it is recommended to turn off your phone so that the gadget does not interrupt your date.
  3. If you have turned off the sound, do not rush to your phone to see who is texting or calling you. Notice if the man did the same. If his phone is ruining a date, consider whether it's worth continuing. A well-mannered gentleman would never allow this to happen.
  4. You can do it another way: come to an agreement right away and put your phones aside. Answer calls only when necessary. Always thank the man for the attention and politeness shown to you. If the gentleman took off your coat or opened the door or ordered coffee, thank him.
  5. In this case, the man will understand that it is not in vain that he shows his good manners and respect for the woman. As a result, signs of attention will become more frequent. In particular, you need to learn how to respond correctly to a boyfriend’s compliments. You can say something nice in response.

Talking about exes

  1. It’s worth noting right away that such topics are unacceptable not only on the first date, but also in the future. At your first meeting, you should already have a lot of topics to get to know each other. If a man asks a question about his past personal life, answer simply and briefly. Don't pile on to him about unhappy relationships and love.
  2. Try to change the conversation to new topic, you should not ask counter questions. If a man insists on talking, tell him that this is personal information that should not concern him in any way. Otherwise, end the date without any follow-up. You have a new life.
  3. Don't make yourself a victim and don't say that everything is yours former men bad. Such information should not come out of your mouth at all. Also pay attention to the gentleman's conversations. He shouldn't talk about himself like that. A self-respecting man will not ask you such a question and will not tell you about himself.


  1. On the first date, there should be no hint that you are sexually available. The man will take advantage of you, there will definitely not be a second date. Don't behave like a courtesan, have dignity. There are plenty of girls of easy virtue. If a man comes on a date, it means he is looking for a serious relationship.
  2. Don’t be of the opinion that if a man took you to an expensive restaurant and the evening was just great, you owe him something. Explain that they didn’t ask for this, and it was more important for you to get to know him as a person. If a gentleman spent a lot of money to impress you, he can afford this.
  3. Respect yourself and the man’s choice, be a worthy woman whom he called on a date. You have no price, you are not a commodity. If you refuse intimate relationships on the first evening, and the man hasn’t asked you out on the next date, be happy. You definitely don’t need such a gentleman. It is important to understand that you cannot build normal relationships with such suitors.
  4. Well-mannered men prefer women with dignity and a framework of honor. First of all, learn to respect yourself. In this way, you will test the man’s endurance, whether he really wants a serious relationship with you.

Payment for the restaurant

  1. When a man and a woman go to a restaurant, the one who invited them to the establishment pays the check. However, if you offer to split the amount between two, the man will take such a statement responsibly.
  2. In the first case, he will consider you a serious lady who does not want to be a freeloader. In the second, he will become indignant because he can’t figure out how a woman will pay on a date that he arranged.
  3. If the gentleman is a gentleman, he will brush aside your proposal, and rightly so. A real man will not allow the lady to pay for herself. Moreover, such a proposal would offend him.

Prepare for your first date. Visit the hairdresser in advance and update your hair color, get a neat manicure, and tidy up your body. Choose a place to spend time together or let your man do it. Learn the guidelines on what not to say on a date. Be yourself!

Video: First date - how to behave and what to talk about?

A first date is one of the most exciting events in a girl's life. Especially if it's a meeting with the man of your dreams. It's no secret that the beauty of a first date is that it will never happen again. That is why girls prepare so carefully for it, are nervous and dream that everything will go perfectly.

To be on top on this fateful evening and conquer her chosen one, the girl must think through everything to the smallest detail. And this applies not only to clothing and jewelry, but also to manners of communication and etiquette.

The first impression will play a huge role in the development of subsequent relationships. Therefore, before going on a date, you need to have a positive attitude and try to please your chosen one not only externally, although this is very important, but also internally, to be an interesting conversationalist and a confident person.

There is no need to be afraid of everything and try to please your chosen one in everything; as a rule, such behavior has a negative effect. Remember! A man likes to be a conqueror and a hunter.

Relax, imagine everything possible options development of your date. Mentally prepare for the fact that your second meeting may not happen. Try to behave naturally and relaxed. After all, body language and gestures are the most powerful weapon in a woman’s hands. But only its correct use can defeat and forever bind a man captivated by your beauty to you.


What to do if the long-awaited moment has arrived and a man invites you on a first date? Choose if it was not suggested by your partner.

When making a choice, you should first of all think about whether it will be affordable for your chosen one. After all, it may turn out that, having once treated you to a collection of wine, he decides to find a lady of his heart with more modest requests, which he can satisfy without much difficulty and not lose face.

If the place is chosen by a man, and you are invited to a luxury restaurant, first of all you need to take into account the laws of expensive service. In such an environment, when a person becomes part of the system and behaves the same way as everyone else around him - prim and arrogant, it is very difficult to establish relationships and understand what kind of person is sitting next to you.

Uncomfortable atmosphere

If the date takes place in a coffee shop with many small tables, loud music and children's screams, it will be simply impossible to tune in to each other. Therefore, when choosing a place, you should think in advance whether you will have the opportunity to create a shared personal space where no one will interfere.

When the space is organized, it is important for a woman to sit correctly at the table. If this is your first date with a man, the psychologist’s advice can be extremely contradictory. For example, some believe that a woman should sit to the side of a man, at a ninety-degree angle, while others insist that partners should sit opposite each other. Many women deliberately avoid the second option, finding it more intimate and suitable for those who have known each other for a long time and consider a date only a formality.

Choosing an activity

What to do on a romantic evening, because conversations can quickly get boring, and sitting in silence is not very good good idea for those who want to continue the relationship? Find out in advance about what the person is interested in. Try to write down what he enjoys in his free time. And then, if there is an awkward pause, you can always fill it with conversations about your favorite movie or book. Discuss possible options for your next dates, suggest something unusual. For example, a picnic in the forest or kayaking. Listen to the wishes of your chosen one. Perhaps, without realizing it, he will give you an idea.

Girl behavior

So, are you on your first date to get him to like you? It is very important to behave naturally and openly. If you really want this relationship, and you didn't go on a date out of boredom, give up the hypocrisy and the desire to embellish your life. After all, sooner or later a man will find out the truth, and you will have a reputation as a fib or even a liar.

While working on yourself, do not forget to look at the behavior of your gentleman. Pushy, arrogant, or vulgar behavior suggests that his intentions towards you are not serious and he is only motivated by the desire to spend a night with you without commitment. In this case, the decision is up to you. If you want to conquer an insolent person, surprise him. If you don’t want to become one of his numerous list of mistresses, run, don’t pick up the phone and don’t make a second date, don’t be afraid to refuse.

Greeted by clothes

Choosing an outfit for a first date, and not making him run away in horror or ashamed of his passion? Every girl asked herself this question at least once in her life.

You need to start preparing for the event in advance. It is especially important a few days before romantic evening Go to bed as early as possible to get rid of dark circles under your eyes. If the meeting is scheduled for the evening, start getting ready in the morning, take a bath, refresh your manicure and pedicure, think about your hair and makeup. You shouldn’t experiment with your appearance a couple of hours before the date; it’s better to do it in advance. Prepare your clothes and carefully consider accessories for them.

If you are going on a first date with a man, advice from a psychologist on choosing the right clothes will come in handy. Moreover, for this it is not necessary to make an appointment with a specialist; it will be enough to open any thematic magazine or communicate with a free Internet consultant.

When choosing a festive outfit, you should think, first of all, about where the event will take place - in a cafe, restaurant, theater, museum, square, forest or stadium.

Don't dress up too much for a trip to the forest or park. Otherwise, the meeting can turn into real torment, because you will not be thinking about the beauty of nature and your chosen one, but about how not to break your heel, and how to quietly straighten your skirt that has slipped to one side.

Hairstyle, like clothing, should match the image and location. Don't make your hairstyle too complicated or pour too much hairspray on your head. Try to look natural but well-groomed.

Being well-groomed and natural is what every man considers sexy. A woman, trying to impress on a first date, sometimes acts on the principle of “all the best at once,” so she often comes dressed in vulgar makeup, which only scares off a potential gentleman.

Arrive on time or be late?

Punctuality is a quality that is not inherent in every woman. When going to a romantic meeting, psychologists advise taking your time and being a little late. This should be done so as not to arrive first and thereby not embarrass the young man who kept you waiting. However, if you decide to be a little late, remember: you shouldn’t be more than ten minutes late. Otherwise, the gentleman may simply not wait for you. If a man comes in or picks you up at home, being late is out of the question.

What questions should you ask a man on the first date? Those that he can easily answer. For example:

If it turns out that your marital status does not bother you, and you do not aspire to a serious relationship, but only want entertainment, the advice of a professional will come in handy. How to behave if your first date is with married man? Psychologist's advice:

  • Do not demand a divorce from your chosen one and do not interfere in his family affairs. Listen carefully to everything he tells you about his wife, without expressing your opinion.
  • Do not advertise your relationship with a married man, do not force him to take photos together or attend social events with you.
  • Don't be too pushy; let the young man choose the date and time of your next meeting.
  • Don't ask for gifts or money. Otherwise, your chosen one will lose confidence in you.
  • Do not forget that your chosen one is not free. You should not make serious plans for him, dreaming that one day you will take the place of his wife.

The most common mistakes on a first date with a man

If the evening is coming to an end and the date for the next meeting has not been set, this may mean that the man considers further acquaintance with you pointless.

Why did this happen? There may be several options:

Even though there won't be a sequel, keep your cool, say a friendly goodbye and thank you for the great time you had. Do everything to ensure that your meeting ends on a pleasant note.

When you are going on a first date with a man, the advice of a psychologist can be very useful, but you should not blindly believe books and experts. Act as your heart tells you. Try to make a pleasant impression on your partner so that he, without hesitation, invites you not only on a second, but also on a third date.

How should a girl and a guy behave on a first date? How to behave after a date? Questions that you should definitely ask your partner and what to talk about in general.

And how to make it so that there is a mutual desire to meet again. And what exactly you shouldn’t do. More on this in the next few minutes below.

You will receive practical information that you can apply the very next evening. Shall we begin?

“The older you get, the more dating feels like an interview” has already become a catchphrase.

Why do we go on dates? Some are looking for a person for a long-term relationship, some are bored, and some are welcome.

Whatever goal you personally pursue, I believe that dating should bring, at a minimum, positive emotions and mood.


If you have already agreed on a date, it is important to understand that the girl wants to see the man, and the man wants the girl.

And if you are a 28-year-old man, but you dress like a 13-year-old teenager, and a girl comes in in a dress and heels...

Or vice versa. When a 23-year-old girl shows up on a first date wearing a striped T-shirt, a hoodie, jeans, sneakers, and all this different colors. Have you observed something like this?

I speak for myself, this is not pleasant. I think this is disrespectful. If you have already agreed on a date, then be kind enough to match your age and gender. Or reschedule the meeting for another time when it is convenient to be in appropriate form.

How to behave on a date


And so the meeting. The first seconds of contact. Give a compliment. If it’s a woman, then you can simply say that she looks good.

If this is a man, then it is better to compliment not his appearance, but some quality. For example, you are very punctual. Or - you have such a confident gait.

By giving a compliment, nothing bad will happen, no one will die. On the contrary, you will show good manners. Do you like a person with at least good manners?


You definitely shouldn’t talk about politics, religion, past relationships, or topics that cause disagreement. Avoid templates.

Do not ask questions to which you are not interested in the answers. Like: what school did you go to, where did you vacation this summer? Pattern behavior on a first date is what you need to avoid, I’ll tell you what to do.

Be original. After all, what do we really want? Personally, I am most interested in getting to know a person and his values. And at the same time I look at behavior.

Questions that I like to ask and that give an idea about a girl:

What four adjectives would you use to describe yourself?

What kind of men do you like?

Do you like to argue with men?

For example, a girl told me that arguing with guys is her favorite pastime. Because supposedly women are smarter than men. It was in a completely serious tone. I certainly don't mind her opinion.

Questions to ask men on a date:

  • What goals are you setting for yourself this year?
  • What is the most difficult thing in life for you?
  • what is the most important thing in life?
  • What achievements are you proud of in your life?
  • What 4 adjectives would you use to describe yourself?

The man replies that the most important thing in life for him is stability, and he is quite happy with his current job as a waiter. Do you need one?

Or, on the contrary, he flaunts his wealth. As your key male advantage. Men, this looks very funny, by the way. This is definitely not masculine behavior, either on a date or in life in general.

If you are cool, then this comes from your behavior, manner of speech, look and your results... But not from shouting a la “I love, buy, let’s go.”

When communicating, you don’t need to act like you’re solving problems on a global scale. There should be a light, unobtrusive atmosphere.

If you ask questions, then it is better to ask those that will reveal the personality to you. It is important and What he/she answers, and How.

Also share about yourself. Stay positive.

An important nuance. If at this certain stage you understand that the person is not interesting to you, I recommend not wasting your time. And end the meeting. But only without criticism.

Example from life: On the first date, I realized that the girl was not interesting to me. Not for relationships, not even for sex. I said sorry for wasting your time.

I suggest we end here. I'll pay our bill and go. Don't take it personally. We're just different. Good luck.

Although many in my place would sit until the end for the sake of decency. Pretending that the person is interesting to them. Why deceive yourself and the person next to you? I am for honesty, first of all with myself and with others.

Who pays on the first date?

Of course - a man. But damn it! Now my heart is beating very hard inside. Dear beloved girls! Be at least a little grateful. Why do you take paying your bill for granted? Learn to say at least something banal: “Thank you, the tea was delicious! Thank you, dinner was great!”

This is a very useful skill. After all, we men want even more when we see a response, joy, gratitude. And if a girl takes it for granted, then sooner or later we will get tired of it, and we will find someone who knows how to rejoice.

How to behave after a date

It depends on the goals. If you want to please, so that the first meeting is productive, so that you can see the person again, then after the date, send an SMS with a simple phrase: “Thank you for the evening! It was good." But even if you don’t want to, send it too. You don’t care, but the person is pleased.

If you read my rant to the end- well done!

But the most important rule is - No rules! Do what makes you feel comfortable and happy. The main thing is that it brings positivity to both. Good luck to you!

Write in the comments your experience of how to behave on a first date?

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