Side effects from magnesium during pregnancy. Why is magnesium prescribed during pregnancy? We study the testimony. Treatment Aspects and Dosage

Magnesia during pregnancy is a drug that a large number of women receive in our country. The wide spectrum of action and fairly low price only increased the popularity of the drug. But is it safe for the health of the fetus and mother? Let's figure it out.

10 problems that magnesia combats

Magnesium sulfate can not only fight specific ailments, but also generally improve the condition of a pregnant woman. There are a lot of options for why a doctor prescribes a magnesium dropper during pregnancy. Therefore, many expectant mothers who happened to be hospitalized during pregnancy received this drug.

Magnesium sulfate is effective for:

  1. High blood pressure.
  2. Late toxicosis.
  3. Uterine tone.
  4. Magnesium deficiency.
  5. Edema.
  6. Cramps.
  7. Epileptic seizures.
  8. Fetal growth retardation syndrome.
  9. Placental abruption.
  10. Prevention of blood clots.

It has been proven that magnesium sulfate preparations have a positive effect on the nervous tissue of the fetus, thereby preventing the development of cerebral palsy.

In addition, magnesia has an excellent sedative effect. With its help, you can improve sleep, relieve fatigue, relieve irritability and make a woman feel better.

Methods of treatment with magnesium sulfate

The most famous way to use the drug is magnesium droppers. But in fact, there are much more ways to introduce medication into the body.

Treatment methods for a pregnant woman depend on the complexity of her condition and the characteristics of the problem that needs to be eliminated.

Therapy with magnesia can occur in the following ways:

  1. Droppers. It is used in emergency cases when there is a sharp deterioration in the patient’s condition. In this case, the positive effect occurs within a few minutes.
  2. Intravenous magnesium sulfate is recommended for exacerbation of situations such as: increased uterine tone, the appearance of convulsions, a single sharp rise in pressure. The molecules of the active substance of the drug, acting in the general bloodstream, quickly affect the sources of the problem and within 5 minutes you can feel relief.
  3. Intramuscular administration of the drug is carried out if the pregnant woman does not have critical indicators that threaten the life of the fetus. Injections with magnesium may be prescribed when a mild stage of increased uterine tone appears or if there are minor problems with blood pressure. The procedure is carried out in a clinic without referral to a hospital.
  4. Laxative powder. Magnesia is often prescribed as a mild laxative during pregnancy. The powder dissolves well in water and is not absorbed into the blood. At the same time, it gently relaxes the muscles of the internal organs and eliminates problems with stool.
  5. Physiotherapy. For patients with epileptic seizures or a tendency to thrombophlebitis, the doctor will definitely prescribe electrophoresis with magnesium. This method has a long-term therapeutic effect and does not impose a significant burden on the mother and child.

During treatment with the drug, strict monitoring of the woman’s blood pressure and respiratory system is necessary.

The most widespread is the intravenous administration of the drug, since magnesium administered intramuscularly is characterized by pain and the appearance of bruises at the injection site.

Features of treatment

The course of treatment with magnesium is determined strictly individually, depending on the severity of the patient’s condition and her physiological parameters. The maximum duration is 7 days.

The drug is only allowed to be administered by medical professionals under strict instructions from the attending physician.

The studies carried out found. That in pregnant women who received magnesium sulfate for a long time, children were born with abnormalities. These could be rib fractures, acute calcium deficiency, or skeletal abnormalities. Such effects were discovered after a continuous course of the drug for more than 2 months.

In this regard, the classic course of administration in the form of droppers and injections does not exceed 5 days. The period is extended only in case of urgent need.

The procedure for administering the drug itself is quite lengthy and is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. The drug is administered only when heated. In this case, the speed of administration plays a huge role. Injecting the medicine too quickly will cause side effects to develop quickly.

The average time for one injection is 10–15 minutes. It is recommended to carry out manipulations in a horizontal position. Often during the injection, a pregnant woman may experience sweating, dizziness or nausea.

If at this time a woman feels a sharp deterioration in her condition or increasing discomfort, she should immediately interrupt the procedure to avoid serious consequences.

Magnesia contraindications

Magnesium sulfate has been successfully used in our country for many years. Therefore, it is considered to be a completely safe product. However, Western experts have a completely different opinion on this matter.

They believe that it is unsafe to use it everywhere, since magnesia has a number of side effects. Among them are:

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • strengthening the work of sweat glands;
  • vomit;
  • brokenness;
  • weakness;
  • decrease in blood pressure.

In addition, before prescribing a drug, the doctor must take into account existing contraindications, of which there are many:

  1. Hypersensitivity to components.
  2. Hypotension or chronic low blood pressure.
  3. Breathing problems in a pregnant woman.
  4. Oxygen starvation in the fetus.
  5. Critical lack of calcium in the body.
  6. Problems with the functioning of the kidneys and liver.
  7. Myasthenia.
  8. Acute bradycardia.

In addition, treatment with magnesium sulfate cannot be carried out at any time. The drug is prescribed with special precautions in the early stages of pregnancy, and during breastfeeding it is strictly prohibited.

The occurrence of problems during pregnancy entails long-term treatment. The most common drug used by doctors to maintain the health of mother and child is Magnesia. But many expectant mothers are worried that it will not harm the baby. In what cases is Magnesia used during pregnancy, and how does it work?

Magnesia dropper during pregnancy - is it possible?

The purpose of such a dropper is to eliminate complications and miscarriages. Why else is a Magnesium drip prescribed during pregnancy?:

  • normalize high blood pressure;
  • relax muscle muscles;
  • remove excess fluid from the body;
  • saturate with magnesium;
  • have a calming effect.

Intravenous magnesium during pregnancy will be indispensable if a woman often suffers from cramps, has problems with blood vessels, or edema appears. For many years in a row, all pregnant women in the hospital have been administered this drug. In some cases, only the use of magnesium sulfate will help prevent the threat of miscarriage. During the procedure, you should make sure that the doctor uses a long needle and injects the drug slowly, since if the injection is not deep enough, the skin area will die.

The most important thing is not to use the drug throughout pregnancy, as this can cause hypoxia and breathing problems in the child. The maximum period of use is 7 days.

Research has shown that magnesium sulfate causes bone problems when used over a long period of time. During childbirth, the expectant mother may damage bones or give birth to a child with skeletal problems or calcium and phosphorus deficiency. The most important thing when prescribing a Magnesia dropper is its judicious use. Therefore, the drug should not be instilled for more than 3 days. It is very important at this time to abandon additional vitamin complexes and dietary supplements, as they can only provoke the appearance of side effects.

Electrophoresis may be prescribed, especially if there is a predisposition to thrombophilitis. The powder is used only in cases of constipation, as it is ineffective. Intramuscular injections of Magnesia relax smooth muscles and relieve uterine hypertonicity. Intravenous drugs reduce the activity of substances that transmit impulses from the nervous system to peripheral nerves, which will allow seizures and lower blood pressure.

In order for the drug to show its maximum effect, it is injected intramuscularly or intravenously. There is another way to take the drug - in powder form. But it is not effective enough, since magnesium sulfate practically does not enter the blood from the intestines.

Intramuscular injections of Magnesia during pregnancy are prescribed only in the 2nd and 3rd semester, the amount of one injection should not be more than 20 ml. The drug is administered intramuscularly to avoid:

  • blood clots;
  • general improvement of condition;
  • reducing the risk of premature birth;
  • reducing increased uterine tone.

Such injections are very painful, so it is necessary to warm up the Magnesia before injection. In some cases, numbness or cramps may occur afterwards.

Magnesia injections are stopped when there are a couple of weeks left before giving birth. After all, it is very important that there are no side effects that could interfere with labor.

Side effects of the drug in the early stages, in the 2nd and 3rd trimester

Injections of the drug should be used only in severe cases or when particularly necessary. In the early stages, certain side effects may appear:

  1. Nausea and vomiting. The body will try to reject the drug, so it is very important to use a small amount when first using it.
  2. The appearance of a headache. You should not take medications that will relieve pain; it is better to wait until the effect of Magnesia wears off.
  3. Pressure drop. In this case, it is important to immediately consult a doctor and not try to increase it yourself.
  4. Dizziness and fatigue. Therefore, if side effects occur during pregnancy, it is important to rest and try to move less.
  5. Diarrhea and flatulence. To prevent such symptoms from becoming too severe, it is advisable to improve your diet and eat small portions.

There will be similar side effects in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, but there may be a risk of preterm labor. In the early stages, Magnesia will be needed only in difficult situations, such as the risk of placental abruption or miscarriage. This is a very important point, since the drug penetrates very deeply and can harm the development of the child at the initial stage of pregnancy.

While carrying a child, a woman can face various threats: premature birth, late toxicosis, placental abruption. All pathological cases must be eliminated urgently, which is why a magnesium drip is given during pregnancy.

This drug is prescribed in a hospital setting to preserve the life of the baby and maintain normal intrauterine development. Magnesia is prescribed during pregnancy at any stage according to the doctor’s indications; the course of treatment should last no more than 7 days.

Magnesia - properties of the drug

Magnesia or Epsom salt is a powder of sodium sulfate, which is used for the preparation of suspensions or intravenous injections. This drug is used in the treatment of gynecological, urological, neurological and gastroentorological problems. Depending on the concentration of magnesium sulfate, it affects the human body differently.

Most often, treatment with magnesium is prescribed as an intravenous drip, because intravenously it can immediately inhibit the passage of nerve impulses: the tone of the uterus decreases, and convulsions stop. When the drug is administered intramuscularly, the painful condition disappears after 40 minutes. However, such therapy during the last months of pregnancy or before delivery may weaken labor activity.

Why is a magnesium drip prescribed during pregnancy?

Magnesium droppers are used during pregnancy to treat and prevent many complications associated with pregnancy. The action of the active substance of the drug can have the following positive effect:

  • dilates blood vessels, prevention or treatment of thrombophlebitis;
  • normalizes blood pressure, eliminates hypertensive crisis;
  • relieves uterine tone during pregnancy;
  • relaxes muscles, removing excess calcium from the body;
  • has sedative properties;
  • eliminates seizures;
  • improves overall well-being, eliminates drowsiness and fatigue;
  • replenishes magnesium deficiency;
  • prevention of fetal development delay due to abruption or lack of oxygen;
  • eliminates gestosis, has a diuretic effect;
  • promotes the removal of heavy metals from the body.

Magnesia is also prescribed in the form of a suspension to relieve constipation and metabolism. Intramuscular administration can eliminate many gynecological problems, infections, inflammation of the appendages and ovaries. If the gallbladder or bile ducts are inflamed, pregnant women are given magnesium sulfate intravenously.

Directions for use during pregnancy and dosage

Therapy for treating pathological pregnancy is carried out in different ways. Depending on the duration, nature of the problem and the degree of its severity, the following is prescribed:

  1. Administration intravenously. Most often, magnesium is administered during pregnancy using a dropper. Indications for use: to eliminate cramps, tone the uterus, lower blood pressure, and with oxygen starvation of the fetus. Depending on the patient’s condition, the solution is administered from 5 to 20 ml twice a day.
  2. Administration intramuscularly. Magnesium injections are very painful and are prescribed only in cases of mild uterine tone or high blood pressure. The effect of using the drug occurs half an hour after administration of the drug. A 10 cc syringe with a 25% solution is injected every 4 hours.
  3. Use of the suspension. Powder dissolved in water has a laxative and choleretic effect. This method of administration is safe for the health of the fetus, since magnesium does not penetrate into the blood. Overdose is impossible. To use, you need to dilute 10-30 grams of powder in water and drink half an hour before meals.
  4. Electrophoresis with magnesium solution. This method of physiotherapy is prescribed in cases of thrombophlebitis, gestosis, frequent seizures and epilepsy.

Is magnesia safe?

Drug therapy sometimes causes side effects, especially in cases of self-medication. Therefore, the dosage and course of treatment are prescribed based on the general condition of the patient. It has been proven that the use of the drug can have a detrimental effect on the development of the baby. With the rapid introduction of magnesium into the body, disruption of the woman’s respiratory center and oxygen starvation of the fetus may develop.

Impact on the fetus and the course of labor

Use of the drug during the last trimester may affect labor. In the worst case scenario, a woman's water may not break or her cervix may not dilate. Also, this drug is contraindicated in the first trimester, in the presence of hypotension. In other cases, the effect on the course of labor from a magnesium dropper is favorable.

In the case of a long course or increasing dosage, the possible consequences for the health of the fetus are described:

  • fetal hypoxia;
  • hypocalcemia, congenital rickets;
  • birth injuries to the fetus, bone fractures;
  • decreased blood flow.

If magnesium sulfate is taken shortly before birth, the newborn may experience an excess of this element. The combination of gentamicin and magnesium can lead to depressed breathing in the baby.

Side effects and overdose

There are no side effects of the drug administered intravenously under medical supervision. However, the reaction of a pregnant woman's body to magnesium sulfate is unpredictable. The most common complications from the use of magnesia:

  • decreased blood pressure;
  • headaches, weakness, drowsiness, dizziness;
  • nausea, diarrhea;
  • distraction;
  • sweating, increased thirst;
  • slurred speech, lack of coordination;
  • increased anxiety, panic attacks;
  • respiratory failure, pulmonary edema;
  • arrhythmia.

There may also be a drug-like dependence on the drug: the activity of the respiratory center of the woman and fetus is disrupted, the drug affects the brain. If these symptoms are present, the course of treatment with magnesium is stopped or the dose of the administered drug is reduced.

Is it possible to refuse a magnesium drip?

Many women with a pathological course of pregnancy, and especially with the threat of miscarriage, are given a referral to the pathology department.

When a doctor prescribes a magnesium drip, it is recommended to ask him about possible side effects and the negative impact of the drug on the fetus. If a woman does not want to endanger her unborn child, she has the right to refuse treatment. However, the doctor does not take responsibility for the consequences of lack of therapy.

Contraindications during pregnancy

Despite the popularity of treatment using magnesia, this therapy has contraindications:

  1. individual intolerance, allergy to magnesium sulfate;
  2. calcium deficiency in the body;
  3. diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  4. respiratory dysfunction;
  5. arterial hypertension, hypotension, bradycardia;
  6. prenatal period, breastfeeding;
  7. kidney and liver problems;
  8. oncological diseases;
  9. myasthenia gravis.

To avoid the consequences of therapy and not to provoke complications of existing diseases with treatment, the doctor examines and interviews the patient, takes general blood and urine tests. Be sure to take into account all the risks for the baby and the expectant mother from using a dropper with magnesium.

When a pregnant woman is admitted to hospital treatment, she is almost always prescribed magnesium drips. This is a universal medicine that has a positive effect on many health conditions. Doctors' confidence in the safety of the drug is based on many years of experience in treating women with magnesium sulfate. Side effects from treatment are rare, and overdose almost never happens.

Magnesia during pregnancy is prescribed to many expectant mothers. This is a well-known drug that has been used for a long time. Many expectant mothers speak well of this drug, noting its effectiveness, even taking into account the significant discomfort during injections. However, some women experience a natural fear of magnesium, worrying about themselves and their unborn baby. Doctor Olga Dmitrieva will help us learn more about magnesium during pregnancy.

What are the main indications for prescribing magnesium during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, magnesium sulfate, or magnesia, is prescribed when there is a threat of premature birth and in severe cases of gestosis.

Is it effective to use magnesium for edema?

Magnesia removes excess fluid from tissues, increasing diuresis, that is, the amount of urine excreted. Therefore, when using magnesia, swelling decreases. However, edema is not the main indication for prescribing magnesium sulfate during pregnancy.

Is magnesium harmful during pregnancy?

No studies have been conducted on the effect of magnesium on the fetus. But many years of world experience in its use have not shown any obvious harm. In the second half of pregnancy, all the child’s organs are already formed, and uterine hypertonicity is much more dangerous for him than the administration of magnesium.

Is it really impossible to use magnesium during pregnancy if the expectant mother has low blood pressure?

Hypotension, or low blood pressure, is a contraindication to the use of magnesia, because it itself has a hypotensive effect, which is dangerous for the mother and fetus.

Is it possible to prescribe magnesium in the first trimester of pregnancy?

In the first trimester of pregnancy, magnesium is not used to preserve it.

Are magnesium injections really very painful?

Injecting magnesium into a muscle is quite painful. During pregnancy, the preferred route of administration is intravenous. In this case, a burning sensation may occur along the vein.

What are the main side effects that can occur when magnesium is administered intravenously? Should such symptoms be continued with droppers?

Side effects of magnesium include weakness, drowsiness, a feeling of a rush of blood to the face, sweating, anxiety, headache, decreased blood pressure and heart rate. Droppers are canceled if the pregnant woman reacts to them with a sharp decrease in pressure.

Are magnesium drips really very long lasting and are given for several hours?

Magnesium drips are indeed administered very slowly to avoid a sharp drop in blood pressure.

Is magnesium prescribed in tablets during pregnancy and does it have the same effect as injections and droppers?

Magnesium sulfate is not absorbed through the intestinal wall, therefore, when taken orally, it has no effect other than a laxative. There are other magnesium compounds that, when taken orally, enter the bloodstream and have a mild sedative effect, but do not significantly affect the tone of the uterus.

Some expectant mothers are concerned whether frequent administration of magnesia, especially in the third trimester, will have a negative impact on childbirth, whether there will be problems with the dilatation of the cervix?

Magnesia exerts its effect on the uterus while it is in the blood. After its removal, its effect ceases. Magnesia is stopped 2 hours before birth, and the cervix dilates normally.

Doctor Olga Dmitrieva answered questions

Magnesia during pregnancy - should I give an IV? Can I refuse?

One of the most effective and widespread methods of treating pregnancy pathologies is magnesium. The drug magnesium sulfate is administered intramuscularly or intravenously, and the second method is preferable - it is less painful.

The use of magnesia is prescribed only under strict indications and in a hospital setting.

And although many experts are convinced that magnesium can have some negative effects on a woman and her unborn child, in case of pregnancy complications, the use of magnesium sulfate is justified.

Intravenous magnesium during pregnancy, in what cases is it prescribed?

The intravenous administration of magnesium sulfate to pregnant women is always aimed at maintaining pregnancy and reducing the risk of serious pathologies in both mother and child.

The main indications for magnesium are as follows:

  • increased uterine tone;
  • blood pressure significantly higher than normal;
  • predisposition to thrombophlembitis;
  • gestosis (late toxicosis), accompanied by seizures and kidney problems.

In some cases, magnesium is administered throughout several months of pregnancy, but always excluding the first trimester and the last days before childbirth. The fact is that at the beginning of pregnancy, all organs of the fetus are in the stage of formation, and magnesium can harm, and in the prenatal period magnesium may cause cervical non-dilatation.

Although the introduction of magnesium in a minimal amount before childbirth is acceptable.

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No special studies have been conducted on the effect of magnesium sulfate on a child, but many years of practice demonstrate the relative safety of magnesium during pregnancy and absence of pathologies in the baby further.

Magnesia during pregnancy - a dropper for the expectant mother

Magnesium sulfate is administered intravenously through a drip. A pregnant woman needs to be in a lying position and be in a calm, relaxed state. The magnesium procedure is very slow, the substance should penetrate the body gradually, in small portions. Although the feeling is still not pleasant.

If administered too quickly Magnesium sulfate causes rapid heartbeat, fever, difficulty breathing, and sweating. Doctors, as a rule, calculate with great accuracy the required dose and frequency of the procedure, because if there is an excess of magnesium in the body of a pregnant woman, the child may have breathing problems after birth.

The amount of the administered substance is calculated based on the severity of the pregnant woman’s condition, as well as body weight.

The standard dosage of magnesium for 1 time is a 25% magnesium solution in a volume of 20 ml. In case of severe gestosis with complications, the dose can be increased to 40 ml.

Magnesia leads to relaxation of muscles and blood vessels, reduces the tone of the uterus. This is a favorable condition for the fetus, because with hypertonicity of the uterus, the risk of miscarriage is quite high. To achieve the best effect together with magnesium injection procedures, a woman needs to be less nervous, because stress and anxiety often provoke an increase in uterine tone.

Edema, which magnesia successfully relieves, worsens the well-being and appearance of the pregnant woman, and when excess fluid is removed from the body, the general condition improves noticeably. This is especially important if there is protein in the urine and kidney problems (elonephritis).

Known positive effects of magnesium on blood pressure - it decreases and stabilizes. And maintaining stable blood pressure readings is extremely important throughout pregnancy, because this factor largely determines the successful completion of pregnancy.

Magnesia is a fairly powerful therapy that preserves pregnancy and improves a woman’s well-being, and its implementation is absolutely incompatible with taking dietary supplements and calcium-based medications.

Contraindications: magnesium during pregnancy

Despite the fact that magnesia is widely used in pregnancy pathology departments and is generally safe, its use has a number of contraindications. These include:

  • Stably low blood pressure in a pregnant woman;
  • Allergy to the active substance of the drug;
  • Chronic kidney disease;
  • Period of exacerbation of diseases of the digestive system;
  • The presence of a malignant tumor;
  • Slow heart rate;
  • Prenatal period.

Also, if such unpleasant symptoms as arrhythmia, sweating, fever and weakness are observed during each procedure for administering magnesium, the single dose is reduced as much as possible or this type of therapy is completely eliminated in the treatment of pathological conditions of pregnancy. Usually this issue is resolved on an individual basis.

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Is it possible to refuse magnesia?

If there are indications, the supervising gynecologist in the antenatal clinic always writes out a referral to the pathology department for magnesium procedures and general inpatient observation. Any pregnant woman has the right to refuse- after all, this is her health and her child. By the way, in case of refusal, doctors are not responsible for the possible negative consequences of this decision.

However, sometimes magnesia is the only means to prolong pregnancy until the term intended by nature.

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Magnesia during pregnancy

Throughout the entire period of bearing a child, many situations may arise when a woman needs treatment. Moreover, they are connected not only with the health of the mother, but also with the condition of the fetus and the pregnancy itself: often medical prescriptions are aimed specifically at preserving it.

Among the many drugs most often prescribed to pregnant women, magnesium is not the least important. Moreover, if you are admitted to the hospital, it is almost certain that you will not be able to do without the administration of magnesium sulfate. It happens that the expectant mother receives magnesium drops or injections for quite a long period of time, and willy-nilly doubts creep in regarding the safety of such treatment.

Asking doctors whether it is dangerous and advisable to administer magnesia during pregnancy is, to say the least, stupid, because once it was prescribed to you, then, naturally, for a reason. Asking non-doctors about this is similar, because they are the ones who can and should treat. You can only collect the information available to you about the purpose of magnesia during pregnancy and draw your own conclusions. But it’s still much better to find a doctor whom you can trust unconditionally.

Why is magnesium prescribed to pregnant women?

Magnesia, or magnesium sulfate, has a number of specific properties that help treat certain diseases and conditions of a pregnant woman and prevent the development of complications and miscarriages. In particular, magnesium normalizes blood pressure, relaxes the walls of blood vessels, accelerates the removal of fluid from the body, and relaxes muscles. Thus, during pregnancy, magnesia is prescribed for eclampsia, gestosis with nephropathy and convulsions, swelling, high blood pressure (hypertension), and predisposition to thrombophlebitis. Magnesium is also administered in case of acute deficiency in the body of a pregnant woman and in case of an existing threat of premature birth.

Treatment with magnesium during pregnancy

You should know that such a broad effect of magnesium sulfate is possible only with its intravenous or intramuscular administration. If you take the powder internally, then apart from the laxative effect you will not feel anything else - magnesium practically does not enter the blood from the intestinal tract.

The amount and concentration of magnesium administered to a pregnant woman depends on the severity of her condition. Usually 25% magnesia is prescribed with a single dose of 20 ml. For the first degree of nephropathy, for example, twice a day, for the second degree - four times.

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Magnesia is nothing more than magnesium sulfate. This is what they call it for ease of convenience. Magnesium sulfate is a drug with a complex effect on the body. Magnesia during pregnancy is used to treat many pathological conditions.

However, the list of drugs containing magnesium ions is not limited to magnesium alone. It is with them that the positive effects of these medications are associated.

The first drug that included magnesium was magnesium sulfate. The clinical history of this drug dates back to 1906, when the drug was first used to treat convulsive syndrome. The drug stopped the seizures. Since then, intensive research has begun to study the effect of magnesium sulfate on the body, including the question of whether magnesium can be taken during pregnancy.

Currently, not only inorganic magnesium compounds are presented on the pharmaceutical market. There are a large number of preparations consisting of organic magnesium salts. One such drug is Magne B6, which contains magnesium lactate and magnesium citrate. It is these drugs that will be discussed in this article. You will know in what cases the use of these drugs is indicated, what is the differentiated approach when prescribing them. You will be able to understand your obstetrician-gynecologist at a glance, since magnesium therapy is very widely used in obstetrics.

Magnesia, use during pregnancy and effects on the fetus

Magnesia during pregnancy, its effect on the course of pregnancy and the intrauterine fetus have been studied from the standpoint of evidence-based medicine, so the data are highly reliable.

It has been proven that magnesium for pregnant women in acceptable doses does not have a negative effect on the fetus. Once the permissible concentration is exceeded by 2-3 times, side effects develop. Therefore, whether magnesium preparations or magnesium during pregnancy, the dosage should always be correct.

Magnesia in late pregnancy helps prevent the risk of intracranial hemorrhage in the fetus in the presence of risk factors, especially with gestosis. A proven fact is the ability of magnesium sulfate to prevent the development of cerebral palsy in the presence of eclampsia (a dangerous complication of gestosis, most often manifested by convulsions). This is due to the fact that magnesium sulfate has a protective effect on the nervous tissue of the fetus. The positive metabolic effect of magnesium preparations on the fetus is also manifested in the fact that this drug helps prevent the birth of children with low body weight. The effectiveness of taking the drug increases if magnesium is administered intramuscularly or intravenously during pregnancy. Those. you will either be given a magnesium injection during pregnancy or put on an IV. The tablet form is not as effective in such cases.

Magnesium in the early stages of pregnancy is prescribed for problems with miscarriage, premature placental abruption, and a lack of magnesium in the body. In these cases, a magnesium drip may be given during pregnancy; injections are rarely given.

The use of tablet forms of magnesium (magne B6 during pregnancy) reduces the severity of cramps in the calf muscles, which often appear in the second half of pregnancy. They are associated with increased calcium levels in the blood and a lack of its antagonist, magnesium. This condition most often occurs at night, so cramps also occur at night. Prescribing Magne B6 relieves convulsive syndrome.

Magnesia, instructions for pregnancy

The main indications for prescribing magnesium drugs during pregnancy are (the most preferred drug is given in parentheses):

— therapy of premature birth and late miscarriages (magnesium sulfate);

— prevention of miscarriage (magne B6);

- treatment of gestosis (magnesium sulfate) - a complication of pregnancy, which is accompanied by increased blood pressure, edema and the appearance of protein in the urine;

- prevention and treatment of convulsive syndrome (in acute cases - magnesium sulfate, in chronic cases - magnesium B6);

— in complex therapy of premature placental abruption (magnesium sulfate and magne-B6);

— in complex therapy of fetal growth retardation syndrome (magnesium sulfate);

— correction of magnesium intake in case of its deficiency in the body (nutritional support is carried out using the drug Magne B6).

Magnesia during pregnancy, side effects

As a rule, side effects when using magnesia are associated with its parenteral administration - intravenous or intramuscular. Oral (tablets, capsules) use of magnesium preparations is not associated with any adverse reactions, so Magne B6 is very well tolerated.

Let's talk about the adverse reactions of magnesium sulfate that may occur during treatment with this drug. They may present with the following symptoms:

- decreased blood pressure (arterial hypotension); - headache and dizziness;

Magnesia during pregnancy

During pregnancy, situations may arise when a woman needs treatment. In addition, they are associated not only with the woman’s health, but also with the condition of the baby and the pregnancy itself. Often medical prescriptions are aimed specifically at its preservation.

Among all the drugs that are prescribed to the expectant mother, magnesia is not the least important. In addition, if you end up in the hospital, there is a chance that you will not be able to do without magnesium sulfate. It may be that a pregnant woman is given injections or drops of magnesium for a very long time. And therefore, doubts arise about the safety of such treatment.

It would be very stupid to ask your doctor whether it is dangerous to administer magnesium during pregnancy. After all, if they appointed it, they did it for a reason. The situation is similar if you don’t ask doctors. You can only collect all the information regarding the use of magnesium during pregnancy, and then draw your own conclusions. But it’s still better to find a specialist whom you will completely trust.

Why is magnesium prescribed during pregnancy?

Magnesia, in other words magnesium sulfate, has many beneficial properties. It prevents the development of miscarriages and complications, treats a woman’s condition and some diseases. In particular, magnesium sulfate relaxes muscle muscles and the walls of blood vessels, removes fluid from the body faster, and improves blood pressure. Therefore, at the time of pregnancy, magnesia is prescribed for predisposition to thrombophlebitis, high blood pressure, swelling, preeclampsia, and eclampsia. If there is a threat of miscarriage or there is a deficiency of magnesium in the female body, magnesium is also prescribed.

During pregnancy, treatment with magnesium

We must remember that magnesia should be taken only intramuscularly and intravenously. So it has a broad effect. If the powder is taken orally, you will feel a laxative effect. Because magnesium from the intestinal tract practically does not enter the blood.

The concentration and amount of magnesium administered depends on the condition of the pregnant woman. The most common dose is 25 percent magnesium in a single dose of twenty milliliters. For example, with the first degree of nephropathy - 2 times a day, with the second degree - 4.

The process of introducing magnesium is of great importance. He is very unpleasant. Also, if everything is not done correctly, tissue death and inflammation may occur. Before the injection, you need to warm the liquid magnesia and always use a long needle. The drug is administered very slowly. Also, intravenous administration occurs slowly - the magnesium drips for a very long time.

Risks of magnesia

Now let’s talk about whether magnesium is dangerous during pregnancy. Many experts argue that it does more harm than good. However, in many situations, magnesium is prescribed. And although clinical studies of magnesium on an unborn baby have not been conducted, by default they say that its “rich” experience of use is an important argument in favor of this treatment. In addition, uterine hypertonicity poses a greater danger to pregnancy and the fetus than the drug itself.

It is prohibited to combine magnesium treatment with biological food supplements and calcium supplements.

Also, magnesium should not be administered if your blood pressure is low. Low blood pressure after administration of the drug is a reason to discontinue it.

However, magnesium sulfate in the body can cause many side effects: blood pressure drops, speech is impaired, vomiting, drowsiness, anxiety, weakness, pain in the head, sweating, flushing of the face.

You need to be careful with the dose of the drug. After all, with an overdose of magnesium, it works like a drug and brain activity is disrupted. In late pregnancy, short-term administration of the medication is harmless to the baby and mother. However, excess magnesium can cause breathing problems in the fetus.

Among all contraindications to the administration of magnesium, prenatal conditions are also included. Be sure to stop taking magnesium sulfate before giving birth. If it is completely removed from the blood, it ceases its action and does not affect the opening of the cervix.

Do not forget that during pregnancy, magnesium treatment should be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor. It is completely contraindicated in the first trimester.

Magnesium sulfate, magnesium sulfate or MgSO4 is a drug used with great success in obstetrics for more than a hundred years. Obstetricians around the world love magnesium for its safety, effectiveness and low cost. In our article we will talk specifically about sulfate magnesia, during pregnancy used intravenously or intramuscularly. Unlike tablet magnesium preparations, magnesia is used to treat some acute conditions of the expectant mother and fetus.

Why is magnesium sulfate prescribed?

First you need to understand what functions magnesium performs in the body.

  1. Magnesium ions directly regulate the transmission of nerve impulses along nerve fibers. With insufficient amounts of magnesium, convulsive conditions occur. A striking example of magnesium deficiency is insomnia, nervous excitability, and emotional lability.
  2. The second important task of magnesium is the regulation of muscle tone, both skeletal, uterine and cardiac. When there is insufficient intake or high consumption of magnesium, which quite often happens in pregnant women, convulsive twitching occurs in the calf muscles. Also, a lack of magnesium causes vasospasm, increased blood pressure and contributes to pregnancy losses.

As we can see, in obstetrics there are quite a lot of points of application for magnesium preparations. However, if problems with insomnia or leg cramps are easily solved with tableted magnesium preparations, then such acute conditions as threatened loss of pregnancy or severe forms of gestosis require the use of magnesium sulfate parenterally (drops or intramuscular, i.e. injections) by route.

The main actions of magnesium used in obstetrics

Let's look at the beneficial properties of magnesia that help cope with acute situations:

  1. Sedative or calming effect;
  2. Mild narcotic and analgesic effect;
  3. Vasodilator and antihypertensive effect;
  4. Pronounced anticonvulsant effect;
  5. Protective effect on the heart muscle and brain - both in the mother and in the fetus.

Indications for magnesium therapy

In modern obstetrics, there are two main indications for the use of the drug MgSO4.

The first is the threatening loss of pregnancy. This includes both threatened miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy and threatened premature birth in later stages.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that recent studies of the mechanism of premature birth call into question the role of contractions and hypertonicity of the uterus. More and more researchers are talking about the role of special proteins and antigens in the cervix, which are provocateurs for the initiation of pregnancy loss processes.

However, despite these studies, magnesium therapy continues to be used in preterm labor to protect the fetal nervous system, calm and relieve pain for the mother, and improve fetal-uterine blood flow.

Namely, its severe forms associated with high blood pressure and convulsive syndrome - preeclampsia and eclampsia - are the second indication for the use of magnesia. Over the many years of using magnesia, this indication has never been doubted. Since magnesium ions relax the walls of blood vessels, this action is successfully used for a pronounced but gentle reduction in pressure. And the calming and anticonvulsant effect of magnesium helps to cope with convulsive syndrome.

How many days do you take magnesium drops during pregnancy?

As a rule, magnesium is administered intravenously. The initial dose of the drug is 2-4 grams of dry powder, diluted in a glucose solution or any saline solution for infusion. During pregnancy, this dose is administered slowly (over 15-20 minutes) using a syringe or dropper. Such emergency care can be provided to a pregnant woman almost anywhere: in a antenatal clinic, in the office of any doctor or paramedic, in an ambulance.

Most often, at the initial stages, the drug is administered using special devices - infusion pumps. These devices are small suitcases with a dropper system capable of administering the drug in certain doses at a given speed. This is very convenient because there is no need to count drops, and the likelihood of overdose is minimal.

The duration of use of magnesia is absolutely individual and depends on the severity of the woman’s condition.

Sometimes, for example, in cases of severe gestosis or irreversible premature birth, the drug is used within 24 hours to stabilize the condition and subsequent delivery.

In other cases - with moderate severity of gestosis - it is possible to stabilize the patient's condition. In this case, pregnancy can be continued, and the administration of magnesium sulfate continues in the form of one-time droppers or intramuscular injections for 5-10 days.

Side effects and contraindications

Unfortunately, not a single drug, even the safest one, can have nuances in its use. There are quite a few contraindications to the use of magnesium and they are rare in pregnant women requiring magnesium therapy:

  1. Marked decrease in blood pressure.
  2. Marked slowing of heart rate - .
  3. Severe renal failure.

Of course, the drug, especially when administered in such large doses, has side effects:

  1. Dizziness, weakness, lethargy, headache.
  2. Double vision, visual disturbances.
  3. Nausea, vomiting.
  4. Redness of the face, hot flashes.
  5. Sweating.

Against the background of adequately calculated doses of magnesium, such effects are insignificantly expressed, and the benefits of magnesium terrier are many times greater than the harm. The use of magnesium sulfate has saved thousands of mothers' and children's lives over the years.

Alexandra Pechkovskaya, obstetrician-gynecologist, website specially for the site

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