Project on labor education in the preparatory group. Project "labor education of preschool children". Labor education activities for preschoolers in the preparatory group

Tatyana Nazarova
Pedagogical project “Labor education of preschool children in kindergarten”

« Labor is a powerful educator in pedagogical system education».

A. S. Makarenko

Relevance project

Labor education the younger generation is one of most important tasks our society. Preparing young people for life, for participation in labor, to meet physical and spiritual needs is a priority today. An active, purposeful person capable of self-realization, creativity, satisfying his interests in his chosen business and self-improvement is the goal educational - educational work all educational institutions.

Origins labor education lie in preschool age when a child first begins to feel the need for independent activity, declaring their intentions and showing themselves to be the subject of their desires and interests. Upbringing this need is one of the central tasks labor education of children.

Introducing the child to labor adults are one of the sources education in it careful attitude to the public good. Watching the activities of adults, they think about the possibility of achieving the same result through their own efforts. This increases interest preschoolers to work, demanding quality of work performed. Raising children's interest in work, it is very important to remember that achieving results from children high quality should be done gradually, in accordance with their strengths and developing skills.

Work- the most important tool education, starting from preschool age ; in the process, the child’s personality is formed and collective relationships are formed.

The whole process raising children in kindergarten can and should be organized so that they learn to understand the benefits and necessity labor for yourself and for the team. Treat work with love, see joy in it - necessary condition for the manifestation of the individual’s creativity and talents.

Labor education is a necessary, essential condition for the successful preparation of children for school. Children, brought up with early years in labor, are distinguished at school by their independence, organization, activity, neatness, and ability to serve themselves. Labor is something, which develops a little person, supports him, helps him assert himself. That's why the topic education of hard work children will always remain relevant.

Hard work and ability to work are cultivated from early childhood. Labor education is"joint activity teacher and pupils, aimed at developing the latter general labor skills and abilities, psychological readiness for labor, formation of a responsible attitude towards labor and its products, on conscious choice profession."

You need to seriously prepare your child to choose his future profession. He needs to know who his parents work or his grandparents worked, introduce him to the specifics of various professions, the requirements they place on a person, and also be interested in what he wants to become when he grows up. How bigger baby will absorb information and the more diverse and rich it is, the easier it will be for him to make his decisive choice in the future, which will determine his life. A person starts everything with childhood and professional orientation as well. The most important rule for adults: It’s not enough for a child to know about the profession, he needs to play it! During the game preschoolers begin to reflect the content of the activities of representatives of various professions. I decided to start getting acquainted with the world of professions with a profession "Cook", because she is familiar to children from childhood, because they see how their mothers and grandmothers cook.

For this purpose I made a lapbook “Profession of a cook”.

Target: Expanding children's knowledge about the profession of a cook.

All components of the folder are united by a common theme.


Expand knowledge and understanding of the profession of a cook, introduce kitchen equipment and utensils;

Develop coherent speech, learn to answer questions in complete sentences;

Develop logical thinking and attention during didactic exercises;

Learn to listen carefully to works of fiction - riddles, poems;

Reinforce the names of vegetables and fruits when conducting a didactic game “Let’s make soup, compote”;

- bring up children have interest and respect for people working in kindergarten, respect for adult labor.

All components of the folder are united by a common theme "Profession cook". The laptop includes tasks for cognitive, speech development and perception of the surrounding world. Helps to systematize existing knowledge about the profession of a cook, consolidates speech skills, and promotes the development fine motor skills hands, eye. Designed for younger children preschool age, can also be used for children with disabilities health.

Text of the conversation about the profession;

Folding poems by profession "Cook";

D/i “What a chef needs for his profession”

A folding bed with riddles about the items needed by the cook, food, vegetables, fruits;

Game "Professions" kindergarten";

D/i “What’s extra?”

Pocket with physical exercises and finger games;

Pocket with a didactic game "Little Housewife", which includes several different games, including speech development;

D/game "Menu"

With the help of a lapbook, children systematize their knowledge about the profession of a cook, update their knowledge on the topics “vegetables”, “fruits”, “dishes”, and improve the grammatical structure of speech.

Target project: correct upbringing child and timely development of necessary labor skills.

Tasks project:

Familiarization with the work of adults and raising respect for it;

Teaching the simplest labor skills;

-nurturing interest in work, hard work and independence;

-education of work skills in the team and for the team.

The work of children in kindergarten is varied. This allows them to maintain their interest in activities, to carry out their comprehensive upbringing. Let's look at four main types child labor : self-service, household goods work, labor in nature and manual labor.

Self-care is aimed at caring for oneself (washing, undressing, dressing, making the bed, preparing the workplace, etc.). Educational the meaning of this type labor activity lies, first of all, in its vital necessity. Due to the daily repetition of actions, self-service skills are firmly acquired by children; self-care begins to be recognized as a responsibility.

Household preschool children's work needed in everyday life kindergarten, although its results are compared with other types of them labor activities and are not so noticeable. This work aimed at maintaining cleanliness and order in the premises and area, helping adults in organizing routine processes. Children learn to notice any violation of order in a group room or area and, on their own initiative, eliminate it. Household work is aimed at serving the team and therefore contains great opportunities for education caring attitude towards peers.

Work in nature involves the participation of children in caring for plants and animals, growing plants in a corner of nature, in a vegetable garden, in a flower garden. This species is of particular importance labor has for the development of observation skills, education caring attitude towards all living things, love for our native nature. He helps teacher solve problems physical development children, improving movements, increasing endurance, developing the ability to perform physical effort.

Manual work develops children's constructive abilities, useful practical skills and orientation, creates interest in work, readiness for it, cope with it, the ability to assess their capabilities, the desire to do the job as best as possible (stronger, more stable, sleeker, neater).

Labor of preschool children in kindergarten organized in three main forms: in the form of assignments, duties, collective labor activity .

Assignments are tasks that teacher occasionally gives to one or more children, taking into account their age and individual capabilities, experience, as well as educational tasks.

Duties - a form of organization child labor, which presupposes that the child must perform work aimed at serving the team.

Most complex shape organizations labor children is collective work. It is widely used in senior and preparatory groups kindergarten when skills become more sustainable and results labor have practical and social significance.

In order for children worked with pleasure, it is necessary to create an emotionally positive atmosphere. Properly organize the material environment and labor equipment. It is important to take into account the load, avoiding overloading children. It is imperative to take into account the individual interests and inclinations of children to a particular type labor.

IN kindergarten Systematicity and consistency must be observed labor education, therefore in preschool educational institution specially organized forms of work with parents on this matter should be carried out question: such as landscaping, cleanup work, joint creativity, involvement in making crafts, etc.

1. By the nature of the content:

child + family + nature + kindergarten ;

By duration: long-term.

Participants project: children of combined group No. 1 "Sun", their parents, group teachers.

Implementation plan project:

Stage I – preparatory.

Stage II is the main one.

Stage III – final

1. Preparatory stage:

1. Selection of visual and didactic material, game “Who needs what?”.

Target: To form children’s ideas about professions in kindergarten. Teach children to find tools labor and materials, necessary for people one profession or another. Develop children's attention, memory and speech.

2. Conversation about labor of adults and children in kindergarten.

3. Selection of games (didactic, role-playing, tabletop-printed).

2. Main stage of implementation project:

1. Excursion "Visiting the Chef".

2. Observations cook's work, assistant teacher, laundress, janitor.

3. Conversation about the work of a teacher.

4. Quiz using ICT cognitive development "Where did the bread come from".

5. Educational games “What’s extra?”; “What is needed for the profession?”, "Recognize by silhouette", "Pronounce it correctly", "Give me a word", "Riddles".

6. Finger games.

7. Play activity children's role-playing games, board and printed games.

8. Conversation to familiarize yourself with labor adults in the preparatory group kindergarten on the topic: "Who works in kindergarten» .

9. Collective work: "Book Repair".

10. Working with parents (talking at home with the child about your profession “All professions are needed!”).

11. Creating a laptop using topic: "Profession cook".

3. Final stage:

1. Exhibition of drawings on the topic "Any work is honorable» .

2. Preparation of methodological material for publication on a personal website.

Expected result:

Expanding ideas about labor of adults in preschool children.

Increased communication skills creativity children preschool age.

Forming parents' interest in the problem labor education of children.


Labor in kindergarten became something necessary for children. He brings them joy. We have once again seen that systematic work in a corner of nature, in the garden, on the windowsill, on the plot, observing the work of adults increases children’s interest in labor education, educates they have a love and caring attitude toward natural objects, which contributes to the formation hard work and other moral qualities. In children brought up conscious attitude towards labor. They comprehend the work they do, understand its purpose, and expand their horizons. As a result of work in kindergarten the children became more friendly the children's team rallied, this is also of great importance. And our children were once again convinced that the world around us is beautiful and amazing.

“Working will always come in handy!”

“Give children the joy of work. This joy comes from success, awareness of his skill and the significance of the work he does, and the opportunity to bring joy to others.”

V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

“Everyone who deals with the education of preschool children knows the famous saying of the child “I myself!” This amazing statement speaks of a qualitative leap in the development of the baby, because with this he declares his growing need to free himself from the care of an adult and tries his hand at making his desires come true.

In the developing position of the child “I myself”, “I can”, “I will learn”, “I can” contain the rudiments of the most important future qualities: independence, responsibility, activity in learning about the world, in activity. And therefore it is very important not to slow down these trends in the child’s behavior and aspirations, but to support and develop them in every possible way.”

R. S. Bure.




Informational - creative;

Project implementation period– 1.11.2016−30.11. 2016 academic year.

Project participants:

Group teacher: Shtokalova I. V.

Middle group children

Parents of pupils;

Preschool employees.

Problem: Most children have insufficient knowledge and understanding of the importance of work in human life. The fundamental question is: how to make a child want to work.

Problematic issues: What is labor? What types of work are there? Where do our parents work? What work assignments can we perform? How do we work in a group, on the street and at home?

Project goal:

Show project participants the importance of work in human life;

To create in pupils a desire to work, and in parents a desire to involve their children in feasible work;

Formation positive attitude to work in children 4-5 years of age

Project objectives:

Cultivate a desire to work;

Learn to carry out individual and collective assignments, develop the ability to negotiate with the help of a teacher about the distribution of work, take care of the timely completion of a joint task;

To instill in children independence, accuracy, mutual assistance, caring for each other and responsibility for a common cause;

Explain to children the importance of their work;

Encourage initiative in helping comrades and adults;

Learn to finish what you start;

This project will consider all types of work of a preschooler.

Types of work for preschool children V:

· Self-service.

· Economic domestic labor.

· Labor in nature.

· Manual labor.

The following forms of labor organization were used for work.

Forms of labor organization:

· Instructions.

· Duty.

· Teamwork (common, joint).

Relevance of the project:

IN lately We often hear from parents and teachers that children do not want to work, have difficulty mastering self-care skills, and prefer to use the help of an adult. Difficulties arise in involving children in cleaning up toys, maintaining cleanliness and order in the kindergarten group and in the children's room at home. We often see children who do not hesitate to throw garbage (candy wrappers, juice boxes, etc.) not only on the street, but also in other public places. In response to an adult’s comments, you can hear the following explanations: “The wipers will clean it up,” “I don’t know where to throw it away,” “It’s not me!” Sometimes parents do not pay attention to such behavior of children, not considering it necessary to make comments. Thus, there is a need pedagogical education parents on the issues of labor education of preschool children, as well as targeted work with children to form a sustainable work habit.

Project resource support:


Magazines, pictures on a given topic;

Album “Professions of our parents”;

Photographs for a wall newspaper;

Necessary equipment to complete practical tasks

Forms of project implementation.

Direct educational activities with children in all areas of development and educational areas:

Forms and methods of project implementation:

Educational area

Types of children's activities.


1.Cognitive activities:

"From the history of professions"

“All professions are important - all professions are needed”

2. Conversations about the work of adults in kindergarten.

3.Creative stories:

“What do my parents do?”

"I'm proud of my mom" "I'm proud of my dad."

4. Reading fiction:

Stories aboutlabor:

V. Mayakovsky "Who to be?" ,

M. Poznanskaya "Let's go to work" ,

D. Rodari “What crafts smell like” ,

S. Marshak "Where did the table come from" , "We are military" ,

S. Mikhalkov “What do you have?” , "Uncle Styopa" , "Uncle Styopa is a policeman" .

To Lifshits "And we we will work» .

B. Zhitkov "Railway" ,

M. Ilyin "Cars on our street"

N. Naydenova "Olga Pavlovna" .

S. Baruzdin "Who built the new house" ,

L. Voronkova "We are building, building, building" ,

S. Mikhalkov "Grandma's Hands",

« Labor and laziness» , S. Mikhalkov “My Street”, S. Baruzdin “The Country Where We Live”, S. Ya. Marshak “Mail”, E. Permyak “Missing Threads”, B. Zhitkov “Looking Forward”.

5. Evening of riddles about professions.

6. Memorizing poems about work.

7. Study of proverbs and sayings about professions and work.


Design of the game library didactic games:

“Who needs what?”

“What is this item for?”

"Who to be?"

“Who does what?”

“Who knows more professions”


"Pronounce it correctly"

"Give me a word"

"Smart cars"

"Good - bad"

"Delhi Unite"

"Who do I want to become?"

"From word to word"

"Getting ready for work"

"We're going to work"


"I know all professions"

"What's first, what's next"


Problem situation “Let’s take the doll for a walk.”

Game situation “My appearance”.

Watching the cartoon "Smeshariki".

Making a photo album “Professions of our parents”

Conversations about the work of adults in kindergarten.

"Artistic creativity"




Manual labor.


1. Story-based role-playing games


"Dining room"


"On the Farm"










2. Conversation about the purpose of different objects

“What do you need a shovel, rake, glanders for?”

“Who uses a needle and thread, cuts fabric and sews clothes?”

“What does a janitor use in his work?”

"Physical culture"


Outdoor games





Interaction with parents.

Consultations about labor in a corner for parents.

Participation in the presentation of your profession.

Joint design of the album “Working is always useful!”

Carrying out parent meeting on the topic “Labor education in the family and garden”

Stages of work on the project.

1.Preparatory stage.

*drawing up a plan for joint activities with children, teachers and parents.

*selection of materials and equipment for classes, conversations, role-playing games with children (illustrative, artistic and didactic)

*creating a developmental environment, introducing games on the topic, didactic, role-playing, board-printed.

*cooperation with parents.

Design of folders for parents on the topic of the project, a selection of photos and literature.

Conversations with parents about the need to participate in the project, about a serious attitude towards the educational process in the preschool educational institution.

2.Main stage.

Activities for working with children: reading fiction, watching cartoons and multimedia presentations, conversations, excursions, observations, drawing, applications, didactic games.

Activities to work with parents:

Making an album on the theme “Professions”, participating in the design of the wall newspaper “Working is always useful!”

Design of mini-workshops on the production of mnemonic tables and didactic games about professions;

Organization of an exhibition of children's works: drawings, applications;

Conducting individual conversations in order to create interest and attract parents to the production of crafts, dolls, children's costumes, decorations, and baby books;

3. Final stage.

Production of a digital photo album “Professions of our parents”;

Summing up the results of the competition among families for the baby book “Professions”;

Presentation of memorable diplomas and prizes;

Design of a photo exhibition;

Conducting the final lesson “Planting onions in a corner of nature”;

Design of an exhibition of collective works,

Presentation of the project and holding a parent meeting on the topic “Labor education in the family and at home.”

List of used literature.

1. Bure P.zh S. I myself! // Preschool pedagogy. – 2001. – No. 4.

2. Bure R. S. Organization of children’s labor // Education of a preschooler at work / Ed. V. G. Nechaeva. – M., 1974.

Z. Bure R. S. Labor education of preschool children in kindergarten // Training and education of preschool children in activities / Ed. R. S. Bure. – M., 1994.

4. Kulakova L. V. Design and manual labor in kindergarten. – M., 1990.

5. Kutsakova L.V. Preschoolers work. Set methodological manuals. – M., 1996.

Everyone who deals with the upbringing of preschool children knows the famous saying of the child “I myself!” This amazing statement speaks of a qualitative leap in the development of the baby, because with this he declares his growing need to free himself from the care of an adult and tries his hand at making his desires come true.

In the developing position of the child “I myself”, “I can”, “I will learn”, “I can” contain the rudiments of the most important future qualities: independence, responsibility, activity in learning about the world, in activity. And therefore it is very important not to slow down these trends in the child’s behavior and aspirations, but to support and develop them in every possible way.

Thus, already a two-year-old child can demonstrate independence in his first work activities - for example, master self-service processes. His “I myself” at the end of the third year of life is the result of previously formed skills. Therefore, the labor education of a preschooler begins at this age.

Despite the fact that the results of child labor do not play a big role in the life of society, its role in raising a child is extremely large. Labor education of children is a powerful means of nurturing moral and volitional qualities, mental activity, the formation of cognitive interests, respect for workers and the results of their work, and the establishment of friendly relationships between peers.

Participation in work is always ensured by the action of motives that encourage activity: mastering new skills, caring for peers, showing attention to adults, caring for one’s own appearance etc. - these are very valuable motives.

The child’s first labor actions are related to self-service. How difficult it is for a baby to cope with the process of dressing! And how persistently he tries to show independence! But, unfortunately, under pressure from an adult who has no time to wait, and it is easier to dress the child himself, the baby can come to terms with the position of a passive being, cared for by adults (mother, grandmother, teacher). And a serious mistake is made in upbringing: the child begins to feel more and more helpless, and at the same time his uncertainty grows, the incentive for independence disappears. Subsequently, he develops the habit of using the services of adults and becomes convinced that meeting his needs is the responsibility of adults.

Gradually mastering labor processes associated with self-service, the child increasingly begins to feel that he already knows how to do something, thanks to which he achieves success. He refuses the help of adults who are in a hurry to dress him, and increasingly asks: “I myself…”

Let's assume that the child has mastered the skills of dressing. Moreover, he has developed an understanding of neatness, and he cares about his appearance. What next? Gradually, all the actions accompanying dressing become everyday tasks: putting shoes in place, neatly hanging clothes in a locker, etc. The child’s “I myself” is filled with new content: “I know how to do it myself and therefore I will do it myself!”, “I will always clean up.” toys after playing, because I can do it, I’m already big!” The child develops a desire for order and a desire to maintain cleanliness.

Children grow up, and they have more opportunities to carry out various work assignments. In kindergarten, they can already set the table, wash toys, wipe shelves with a damp cloth, etc.

The teacher needs to assess the importance of child labor for the group and emphasize that children can already do all this themselves, without the help of adults. This is how the need to do something useful for others gradually appears. The assignments are becoming more systematic and varied.

Particular specificity in the labor education of children appears when they move to the middle group. Here they first encounter the concept of “together”, and therefore the teacher needs to correctly distribute one task among all participants in the labor process, taking into account the interests of everyone. And it was during this period that the child’s statement “I myself” gradually develops into “I myself along with my friends.” If in the process of such activity business communication unfolds “in connection” and “about” the situations that arise, then you need to explain to the partner the mistake he made and advise how to correct it, offer your own version of the distribution of work or support the partner’s proposal aimed at improving the quality of the future result etc.

Thus, against the background of business communication, the sphere of personal relationships unfolds: children’s sympathy for each other, goodwill, the ability to give in, etc. And in the child’s statement “I myself” new motives appear, the concepts “I can explain to my peer what he is wrong about,” "I can teach someone else."

In progress collective activity possible occurrence conflict situations, if the teacher does not explain to the children the moral norms of relationships. The child’s position, the leading motive of which will be awareness of his capabilities, will encourage him to actively assimilate these norms, since they become a means of establishing friendly relationships with peers. A new position of the child appears - “I can be responsible for the result of a common cause.” The preschooler begins to realize his place in the society of his peers: “I am with my friends,” and later – not “I,” but “we are together.” The child begins to be drawn to the society of his peers, and feeling support from them and experiencing satisfaction from what he has done, he becomes a member of this society.

Organization of work is a troublesome matter for a teacher. But in work, even the most disobedient, unbalanced children become purposeful, active, organized, they are disobedient because they do not know how to realize their need for active activity, and work helps them in this. Work captivates preschoolers, allows them to realize their capabilities, experience joy from the results achieved, and unites them with common emotional experiences. And if the teacher constantly supports the work activity of each child and his self-confidence, then hard work becomes a personality trait of the preschooler.

In my project, I tried to cover all types of work, since I believe that all types of work are very significant in a child’s kindergarten life, and it is impossible to set aside any type of work or not pay attention to it. Here's what I got.

Labor in nature

Manual labor

Labor in nature

We are on duty

Self-care skills and household work

Our works

We planted onions and oats in a corner of nature

We planted Melissa in a corner of nature

So we have reaped the harvest

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Project for children senior group Preschool educational institution on the topic “Time for business, time for fun.” Labor education

teacher of MBDOU "Kindergarten for supervision and health improvement No. 190" Saratova Isaeva Olga Viktorovna
Project topic:“Time for business is time for fun.”
Project type: group, informational and practical.
Project participants: children, parents, teachers.
Relevance of the project:
Labor is the basis of human life, a source of inspiration and practical knowledge, the right way to be realized in life. Interest in work and the necessary skills are established in childhood. In the process of work, interacting with adults and peers, the child learns about the world around him, shows independence and initiative. It is important for teachers and parents not to miss this important and unique moment - preschool childhood.
Target: Developing a positive attitude towards work.
1. Expand knowledge about the work of adults, its role in society and the life of each person.
2. Ensure the development of independence and initiative in work.
3. Fostering a value-based attitude towards work and its results.
Project duration: short-term from 04/02/2018 to 04/30/2018
Interaction with parents:
Information for parents “Work is a natural form of activity for a child.”
Consultation “Nurturing independence in children of senior preschool age.”
Expected result:
Consolidation of necessary skills and abilities in various types labor.
Participation in joint work activities.
Development cognitive interest and creative activity.
Increasing interest in work.
Acquiring knowledge about professions.
Project support:
Preparation required material to implement the project.
Studying pedagogical literature.
Selection of works of art, didactic games, illustrations on the topic.
Project stages:
- Preparatory:
identifying the problem
defining goals and objectives
organization of work on the project
- Basic:
practical activities to implement the project
- Final:
photo exhibition “Time for business - time for fun”
Lapbook “Planting plants”.

Project content:
Stage I.
Identifying the problem. Definition of goals and objectives. Organization of work on the project.
Stage II.
Reading works:
S. Marshak "Mail"
Y. Tuvim “Everything for everyone”
D. Rodarri “What crafts smell like”
Learning proverbs and sayings about work.
Didactic games:
"What from what"
“What are these items for?”
“Who needs what for work”
"What did I see?" (story about professions)
“Who can name more different professions?”
"Tools for work"
“Who is treating us?”
"Who to be?"
“Who is more important?”
“We came to the post office to buy postcards.”
"My Parents' Profession"
“How do we grow flowers?”
"There's a place for everything"
“What to give to guests?”
“Why did the flowers wilt?”
“What do torn books dream about?”
"Toy Repair"
“How we wipe toys”
“Sowing carrots, dill, parsley”
“Helping the teacher in gluing books”
Work in a corner of nature:
caring for indoor plants
Labor in nature:
creation of an ecological trail
Showing video material about the work of adults.

Stage III.
Photo exhibition "Time for business - time for fun."
Lapbook “Planting plants”

At the beginning and end of the project, teachers conduct conversations on issues in order to clarify the children’s knowledge.

1. R.S. Bure "Preschooler and Labor".
2. T.S. Komarova, L.V. Kutsakov “Labor education in kindergarten”.

As a result of the implementation of the project “Time for work - time for fun,” children’s interest and positive attitude towards work increased. They acquired the skills of self-realization, work culture, caring for tools, and economical use of materials.
In the process of collective work, children began to coordinate their actions, desires, interests, distribute responsibilities and help each other. They acquired knowledge about various professions and expanded their understanding of the social orientation and benefits of work.

Project activities for labor education

in the older group

Topic: “He who loves work, people honor”

Prepared by:

Teacher 11gr

Andreeva K.S.

Omsk -2017

Project topic : “Whoever loves work, people honor him.”

Project type : research, personality-oriented.

Relevance of the project :

Recently, we often hear from parents of students and from teachers that children do not want to work, have difficulty mastering self-care skills, and prefer to use the help of an adult. Difficulties arise in involving children in cleaning up toys, maintaining cleanliness and order in the kindergarten group and in the children's room at home. We often see children who do not hesitate to throw garbage (candy wrappers, juice boxes, etc.) not only on the street, but also in other public places. In response to an adult’s comments, you can hear the following explanations: “The wipers will clean it up,” “I don’t know where to throw it away,” “It’s not me!” Sometimes parents do not pay attention to such behavior of children, not considering it necessary to make comments. Thus, there is a need for pedagogical education of parents on the issues of labor education of preschool children, as well as targeted work with children to form a sustainable work habit.

Project goal :

    show project participants the importance of work in human life;

    to create in pupils a desire to work, and in parents – a desire to involve their children in feasible work.

Project objectives:

    to form in children an idea of ​​the importance of work in the life of every person;

    introduce children to a variety of professions;

    arouse interest in work;

    cultivate hard work and a caring attitude towards others.

Project implementation stages.

Preparatory – collecting information, working with methodological literature, drawing up a plan for working on the project.

Practical implementation of the project.

Final – summarizing the results, presentation of the work on the project.

Project participants :

    children of the senior group "Umnichki"

    BDOU Omsk "Kindergarten No. 112";


    parents of pupils.

Project implementation period : October – March 2017-2018 academic year.

Expected result:

    stable interest in work assignments and feasible work among the group’s students;

    parents' awareness of the importance of labor education of preschool children.

Project activity products:

    photo newspaper “They are judged not by words, but by deeds!”;

    an album with family drawings on the theme “The Master’s Work is Afraid”;

    material for correspondence counseling of parents (memos, etc.);

    presentation of the project “Who loves work, people honor him”

Project presentation:

    group parent meeting “Labor education of older preschoolers”;

    Pedagogical council "Organization of labor education in preschool educational institutions."

Methodological support:

Bure R.S., Godina G.N. Teach children to work. – M. Education, 1983.

Raising a preschooler at work.Ed. V.G. Nechaev. - M.: Education, 1989.

Markova T.A. Cultivating hard work in preschoolers: Book. for a kindergarten teacher garden.-M.: Education, 1991.

Appendix No. 1

Project work plan

parent survey

(last names, first names, patronymics, age, place of residence, place of work, profession)


    Conversations with children on the topic “Work assignments”, “Duty in kindergarten”

    Work on the lexical topic “Kindergarten. Professions."

    Excursion on the topic “Our kindergarten” (introduction to the professions of preschool educational institution employees and their place of work)

with students during social circles, in classes, in daily activities


Revealing children's knowledge about their family members:

    Conversations with children on the topic “My family”, “Where and who do our relatives work with”

    Musical entertainment "Mom's Helpers"

    Participation in the review - competition of corners manual labor and design

with pupils and their parents (under the “Green Light of Health” program by N.Yu. Kartushina)


    Conversation with children “How I take care of my family members.”

    Posting information for parents on the topic “Labor education in the family”

    Questioning parents on the topic “Labor education in the family”

with students during social circles, in classes, in everyday activities;

V parent's corner;

individual work with parents


    Implementation of the short-term project “Who loves work, people honor him” (see Appendix No. 2)

    Consultation for parents “Labor education of a child in a preschool educational institution.”

organizing the process of labor education during a walk;

in the parent's corner;


    Showing children the presentation “Who loves work, people honor him”

    Design of a photo newspaper “They are judged not by words, but by deeds!”

    Group parent meeting “Labor education of older preschoolers” with a presentation of the project “Who loves work, people honor him”

    Design of an album with family drawings on the theme “The Master’s Work is Afraid”

    Presentation of the project “Who loves work, people honor him” at the preschool level

in the parent's corner;

using multimedia;

individual work with families of pupils

registration of project activity products


Teachers systematically introduce children to proverbs and sayings about work; use fiction that corresponds to the theme of the project, organize the participation of children in work activities in the group. The results of children’s participation in labor activities are regularly summed up at “Communication Circles”.

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