Dibrov's ex-wife is sure that her husband was bewitched

(PHOTO) ex-wife famous Russian TV presenter Dmitry Dibrov - Alexandra Shevchenko - is sure that her rival insidiously stole her husband from her, bewitching her to herself.

Dibrov’s new wife, 19-year-old Polina Nagradova, turned to a healer six months before his divorce, Sasha is sure. And the rival achieved her goal: the 49-year-old showman left his wife and made the young charming woman happy.

The Moscow elite has long been gossiping about Dmitry's destructive passion for very young girls.

“Dmitry’s acquaintance with Polina was absolutely spontaneous. Unexpected for anyone, but not for her. She knew what she wanted,” she said. ex-wife Dibrova 24-year-old Sasha in an interview with the newspaper “Life”.

Dmitry first met Polina at a beauty contest, where Dibrov was invited as a member of the jury. The married TV presenter could not take his eyes off the young contestant the whole evening and immediately after the event invited her on a date to a restaurant.

“She came then to the next competition, she was sent from Rostov-on-Don to Moscow,” shares Sasha. “Dima sat on the jury and immediately offered her dinner, but she didn’t refuse.”

The romance took off like a whirlwind. “Polina quickly bewitched Dima. After she went to the healer, he became just a blind kitten controlled by a 19-year-old girl, the TV presenter’s ex-wife admitted. “No one could have imagined that he would get married so quickly.”

Dibrov himself could not have guessed. Polina tried in every possible way not to let him out of her magical captivity. She decided to move from Rostov-on-Don to the capital in order to be close to a rich man and arrange her life.

“I don’t understand why this circus is at all,” Sasha shares her pain. - Disgrace! When a person truly loves, he does not destroy families. I had a great evening on their wedding day. I don't think about him at all now. I don't care at all. This person is deliberately doing something stupid in his life.”

Let us remember that on New Year's Eve, young and purposeful Alexandra packed her bags and left her star husband.

“She packed her bags and left,” Dmitry admitted with sadness in his voice. “Unfortunately, I turned out to be unworthy of her, such a tall, dynamic and successful girl.”

Dmitry Dibrov, without hesitation, offered young Polina his hand, heart and wallet. The wedding was magnificent

However, as it turned out, the reason for the separation was not the typical “they didn’t get along”, as for a long time the TV presenter claimed, but adultery. As it turned out, in order to forestall such conversations and calmly divorce his wife, Dibrov agreed to pay her compensation in the amount of about one hundred thousand dollars. Friends of the TV presenter claim that such an amount even during financial crisis won't put a big dent in the star's wallet. But the money from her ex-husband has not yet reached Alexandra.

Dmitry Alexandrovich Dibrov- Russian journalist, member of the Russian Television Academy, television presenter and musician.

Dmitry Dibrov born in Rostov-on-Don in the family of the dean of the philological faculty of the State University of Rostov-on-Don. In 1981 Dmitry Dibrov Graduated from the philological department of the Faculty of Journalism of the State University of Rostov-on-Don.

From 1981 to 1982 Dmitry Dibrov worked at a Moscow regional newspaper "Summons". From 1982 to 1983 - newspaper correspondent "Moskovsky Komsomolets". Since 1983 - correspondent for the socio-political editorial office, since 1985 - head of the youth editorial office of TASS. In 1987 he left TASS for the USSR State Television and Radio. Worked in the program "Sight". Since 1990 Dmitry Dibrov started working as a director "New Studio" RGTRK "Ostankino"", produced a humorous program "Montage".

From 1992 to 1993 - became the chief director of Channel IV "Ostankino". From 1992 to 1994 he hosted a weekly program "Sunday with Dmitry Dibrov" on Channel IV, then on NTV channel. In the summer of 1994 he formed his own television company "Fresh Wind". Since January 1997 - was a creative producer of the TV channel "Good morning" and host of the Friday edition of the infotainment program "Good morning"(ORTV). In 1997 he became the author and host of the program "Anthropology" on the TV channel "Teleexpo".

From April 1998 to April 1999 Dmitry Dibrov led a journalistic program "Old TV" television company NTV. Since May 1999 led "Anthropology" on the TV channel NTV. Since October 1999 - acted as a game show host "Oh, lucky guy!" on the channel NTV. Since December 1999 - programs "Auto-da-fe" on the NTV channel. In 1981 he took part in the International Festival of Satire and Humor in Gabrovo, in 1987 - in the Second International Electronic Film Festival in Montreux, where he was awarded the Golden Astrolabe prize.

Dmitry Dibrov- laureate of the Independent Film and Video Festival “Sni-video-4”, held in Karlsruhe in 1992.

Dmitry Dibrov enjoys playing the banjo and composing jazz compositions. He even released a music album "Rum and Pesicola". The TV presenter is also Alla Pugacheva’s neighbor at the entrance, and maintains friendly relations with the singer.

In 2006-2008 he took part in a TV song project "Two Stars", performing in a duet with the singer Trofim. He also acted as the editor-in-chief of the Internet portal "Top4Top".

IN recent years Dmitry Dibrov runs the project “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” on Channel One and “Temporarily Available” on TVC. In addition, in 2010 he appeared as the host of an extreme show Channel One“Cruel Intentions”, sitting in the frame wearing a poncho and hat.

Today Dmitry Dibrov- a successful artist, Russian television star. About your friends Dmitry Dibrov once said in an interview:

From two marriages Dmitry Dibrov has a son Denis and daughter Lada.

I'm a typical Sunday dad. I buy computers for children and have soul-saving conversations.

In 2007 Dmitry Dibrov married a relative - the granddaughter of his stepfather, a Rostovite Alexandra Shevchenko, divorced her in 2009. ex-wife Dibrova Alexandra burst out with a series of “revelatory” interviews that Dmitry Dibrov stingy and sexually preoccupied.

In general, I fall in love just like everyone else, only more truly. I don't have a single romance that lasts a week. My relationship with a woman lasts either one night, or several times one night at a time over several months, or for a long time. One-month romances don’t suit me. But there is passion. Her price is one night. As a rule, love “hits you on the head.” It is impossible here without the cosmic element. The very first appearance on my horizon of a woman with whom I would later live for many years (and more than three is a lot), immediately evoked a sweet feeling - “mine”... “Mine” have some kind of energetic aura, which I immediately and unmistakably accept. You can't marry someone you're not ready to die with. Even if after a year, two, or three you find yourself in the registry office with a divorce application, at the moment of marriage you must be sure that this is the woman of your life.

Soon Dmitry Dibrov married for the fourth time. Another wife Dibrova became Polina Nagradova, 19-year-old model from the New Best Model agency and MGIMO student. First wedding night the newlyweds spent in one of the best hotels in the capital, the room in which cost Dmitry Dibrov 250 thousand rubles. The celebration itself took place in a restaurant "Turandot", in a narrow circle of close relatives. February 10, 2010 wife Dmitry Dibrov bore him a son, who was named after his father Dmitry, Alexander. The star dad is raising the boy using all modern methods - he turns on music when feeding Mozart, and reads poetry to the baby at night.

Frequent marriages Dmitry Dibrov on young students model appearance became a reason for jokes in programs "ProjectorParisHilton", "Cartoon Personality".

TV career of Dmitry Dibrov

Dmitry Dibrov on NTV

1. Sunday with Dmitry Dibrov (1992-1994)
2. Anthropology (1999-2001)
3. Old TV (1997-1998)
4. “Oh, Lucky!” (1999-2001)
5. Auto-da-fe (1999)

Dmitry Dibrov on Channel One

1. Look (1988-1989)
2. Cheerful guys
3. Installation
4. Rise
5. " Good morning"(1997)
6. Night Shift (2001-2002)
7. The People Against (2002)
8. Apology (2002-2003)
9. Dibrov-party (2003)
10. “Who wants to become a millionaire?” (2008-present)
11. “Cruel Intentions” (2010-present)

Dmitry Dibrov on the Russia channel

1. News-Details (2003)
2. I'm ready for anything! (2005)
3. Skylight (2005-2006)

Dmitry Dibrov on other channels

1. Anthropology (1997-1998) (Teleexpo)
2. Beatlemania (2008) (Nostalgia)
3. Morning (1993-1995) (Fresh wind)
4. Fundamentals of Orthodox culture (2008-present) (Spas)
5. Temporarily available (2008-present) (TV Center)
6. XX century with Dmitry Dibrov (2010-present) (Retro TV)

Discography of Dmitry Dibrov

1. Rum and Pepsi-Cola (2001)

Filmography of Dmitry Dibrov

1. Thank God you came! (TV series) (2006)
2. Moth Games (2004)
3. Peterbald (2003)
4. Provincials (TV series) (2002)

To rise to the pinnacle of success, Dmitry Dibrov had to go through a long and thorny path. Having become the host of the program “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”, Dmitry earned himself popularity and the love of numerous fans. Thanks to his charisma and professional acting, he managed to arouse the interest and excitement of the audience in this project, which has not weakened to this day. Dibrov’s personal life was also happy: he dotes on his young wife, who bore him three beautiful children. Despite quite a lot of marital experience, the couple did not lose interest in each other, continuing to present each other with romantic surprises.

The future presenter was born in 1959 in Rostov-on-Don. His family included Don Cossacks and Jews, so it is difficult to say who Dmitry is by nationality. His father was a dean at the university, and his mother led household. His parents also raised his older brother Vladimir, who was a journalist. Soon the father left the family, and the mother remarried. His brother had a great influence on the future TV presenter: the young man at that time worked as a correspondent on local television. It is not surprising that the boy wanted to be like him, so after graduating from school he entered the university to study at the Faculty of Philology.

Famous journalist in childhood and youth

After receiving his diploma, Dibrov got a job at a newspaper, where he worked as a correspondent. Then he went to Moscow and became a TASS correspondent. In the 90s, the TV presenter began collaborating with television, where he hosted the program “Sunday with Dmitry Dibrov” for two years. In 1999, he appeared on the NTV channel as a host in the TV show “Oh, Lucky Man.” In December 2008, Dmitry returned to Channel One, where he began hosting the program “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” This project is in demand and currently, in addition, his program “Secret Folder” is broadcast on the Zvezda TV channel.

TV presenter with his second wife Olga and daughter Lada

Dibrov's first marriage was early, so it is not surprising that it lasted only three years. My wife worked in the editorial office of the Politizdat book publishing house. In 1985, she gave birth to a son, Denis, however, the couple soon separated because they realized that they were not suitable for each other. When the journalist left to build a career in Moscow, changes also occurred in his personal life: he met a girl, Olga, who works in the news editorial office foreign countries. The lovers got married, and in 1989 their daughter Lada was born. Their family existed for seven years, and after the divorce, the ex-wife settled in France with her daughter.

In the photo Dmitry Dibrov with his family: wife Polina and children

Dibrov did not remain alone for long: having met in social networks with actress Alexandra Shevchenko, in the spring of 2008 he proposed to her. However, less than a year later this family broke up. In 2009, the TV presenter, who took part in a beauty contest in Moscow as a jury member, met one of its participants, 17-year-old Polina Nagradova. Despite the difference in age of 30 years, the lovers quickly got married, and a year later his young wife gave birth to their first child, a son, Alexander. In 2013, a second son, Fedor, was born, and two years later a third child, son Ilya, was born. Spouses devote a lot of time to raising children, but sometimes they can afford to relax together, which is very important for family relationships.

Polina Dibrova (née Nagradova). Born on July 16, 1989 in Rostov-on-Don. Russian model and media person, fourth wife of Dmitry Dibrov.

Polina Nagradova, who became a famous media person under the name of her husband Dibrov, was born on July 16, 1989 in Rostov-on-Don.

Her parents divorced when she was young. When she was 10 years old, her mother remarried. According to Polina, her stepfather turned out to be good person: “I’m very grateful to him for everything he did for us.” At the age of 15, her mother and stepfather gave Polina a sister.

In her hometown she graduated from school No. 92.

After receiving a diploma of secondary education, she entered the Don State Technical University at the Faculty of Innovative Business and Management. After studying one course, she left the university and left to conquer Moscow.

The decision to move to the capital arose after winning the local beauty contest “Beauty of the Body” (“Miss Body”), where Polina not only showed good appearance and ability to hold herself on stage, but also opened up prospects for herself in the modeling business. And she received an offer to go to Moscow from her famous fellow countryman, a TV presenter, who was one of the members of the competition jury. Dmitry already had his eye on her then.

In the capital she became a student at MGIMO. She also took up modeling and became one of the models of the New Best Model agency.

Meeting and later marrying Dibrov radically changed Polina’s life. She quickly became a famous media personality.

Since August 24, 2015, being pregnant for the third time, Polina took part in a show on the Domashny channel - a project about pregnancy and childbirth called “Pregnant”.

In eight episodes of the reality show, Polina Dibrova, TV presenter Tutta Larsen, as well as ex-soloist of the Demo group Sasha Zvereva tried to dispel myths about star pregnancy and reveal the secrets of preparing for motherhood: what to wear, how to eat, how to choose physical activity etc.

“A woman’s main profession is motherhood. Mothers always spend more time with their children,” said Polina while participating in the “Pregnant” project.

The woman is active on social networks, often posting photos of herself and her children. After giving birth, she quickly got into shape and posted pictures showing off her slender body. So, after her third birth, Polina showed herself in the pool and delighted the audience.

In 2017, Polina Dibrova represented the Moscow region at the Mrs. Russia 2017 competition, where the most beautiful married lady in the country was chosen. AND .

Polina Dibrova and Dmitry Dibrov. While everyone is at home

Polina Dibrova's height: 176 centimeters.

Personal life of Polina Dibrova:

The husband is the famous Russian TV presenter Dmitry Dibrov. He is 30 years older than her. Polina is Dmitry's fourth wife.

They met when she was 17 years old, lived in a civil marriage for some time, and got married in 2009. In 2010, their son Alexander was born, then Fedor, and in the spring of 2015, their third son Ilya.

Polina, according to her, is not embarrassed by the large age difference with her husband. "I can’t imagine life next to someone my age. I don’t want to offend anyone, but I like my man. He’s more mature, he’s already achieved a lot, he’s already formed. He won’t compete with me. He treats me like another of his children - and this is a very reverent attitude, I like it. Dima calls me “daughter.” It seems to me that there is nothing strange. On the contrary, we never argue. a serious foundation for a long marriage,” she said.

Dibrov named his villa Villa Paulina in honor of his wife; Polina herself was involved in the design of the house. She loves to decorate and loves to cook. The couple even made a documentary about their life together.

Dmitry Dibrov is a well-known personality on domestic television. He attracted special attention after he became the host of the intellectual television programs “Oh, Lucky!” and “Who wants to be a millionaire?” The audience of the programs presented is so huge and diverse that Dmitry immediately became popular throughout the country. His incredible voice combined with erudition cannot be surpassed. Much attention has been focused on the biography and personal life of Dmitry Dibrov. He is also the organizer and owner of the Chimes radio.

Dmitry Dibrov. For now everyone is at home. 05/12/2013


Dmitry Dibrov was born in the southern part Russian Federation, in the city of Rostov. In an intelligent family, a son was born in 1959, to whom they were incredibly happy, since the family was Cossack and there was a special attitude towards men. My father held the position of dean of one of the local universities, my mother was at home all the time. Nationality in the biography and personal life of Dmitry Dibrov never mattered, since his roots were connected with Jews, Don Cossacks.

But family happiness did not last long. When Dmitry was only four years old, the family broke up. Mom got married some time later. According to the TV presenter, the main influence on him was Vladimir, his older brother. He worked on one of the Rostov television channels and interested Dmitry in his activities.

After graduating from school, Dibrov Jr. entered the philological faculty with his father and graduated in 1981. Of course, the family helped Dmitry in every possible way to achieve success, for which he is very grateful to them.

The biography and personal life of Dmitry Dibrov was incredible large number events that radically changed his professional direction. This was due to the fact that he constantly changed jobs, did not stay long in one TV show, and was married four times. It all has to do with his character.


Upon completion of his studies, Dmitry immediately realized that he would not be able to achieve certain success in Rostov-on-Don. Thus, he went to Moscow, immediately began working in a small editorial office, but did not stay in one place for a long time. This was noticeable, since every year his place of work became more and more famous and significant. A few years later he was an employee of TASS.

In 1987, he successfully received a position in a television company. His work was related to the preparation of small musical stories for children's television programs. A year later, the promising specialist was sent to work as a presenter. Together with their friend Andrei Stolyarov, they organized a comedy television show. The format was quite interesting, since nothing like this had ever been done on television. They called the project “Montazh” and immediately it received a huge number of positive feedback. For several years, new episodes were released, but in 1993 the program was closed.

The Teleexpo TV channel created a certain platform for Dmitry Dibrov to develop popularity. Dibrov organized the “Anthropology” program, which was released in 1998. It was an innovative idea that TV viewers liked. Also, cooperation with the radio station “Silver Rain” made it possible to broadcast sound in live, and there. Here they talked about any interesting topics, no censorship, no pre-prepared texts. That is, everything happened live and on air. Afterwards, the program moved to NTV and here a new round of popularity began for it. Dmitry Dibrov was happy about this coincidence of circumstances.

In 1999, he began working as the host of the TV show “Oh, Lucky!”. Success was created due to the pitch that Dmitry possessed. There was some kind of excitement and interest around the program. But another change in management on the channel led to the presenter leaving for another job. Of course he regretted it.

But after some time he was invited to cooperate by Konstantin Ernst. He was offered the role of head of the “Night Shift”; the program was later called “Apology”. In 2003, Dmitry Dibrov refused this job because he did not like the advertising of guests, which he had to work through. In general, this is how the presenter said goodbye to Channel One. This is how the presenter’s professional career developed at that time.

Musical art also attracts Dmitry Dibrov, as he can play the banjo. “Rum and Pepsi-Cola” is a music album in which the artist reflected all his skills. The work was created jointly with the Anthropology group. In 2003, the Chimes radio was organized. The genre of music that was played on the wave was not monotonous; Dmitry Dibrov selected everything that the adult generation might like. He himself worked as an editor. But after some time, Dmitry sold his radio or somehow it passed into the hands of another owner. The difference of opinion led to the closure of the radio station.

Afterwards, a new tick appeared in Dmitry Dibrov’s biography - work on the Rossiya TV channel. Several interesting programs attracted the presenter, and he happily decided to stay. In 2006, Dmitry left the company and there was some pause in his life. For almost two years no one saw him on television.

In 2008, cooperation with Channel One began and popular intellectual television programs appeared. The ratings of the talk show increased significantly when Dibrov took over as host.

Personal life

Dmitry's first wife was Elmira. Their relationship did not last long; a son was born in 1985. In fact, the girl left him herself, since she practically did not see her husband at home, who was constantly at work.

Then he met a girl named Olga, who was younger than Dmitry. Afterwards they got married, but the marriage lasted only six years. During this period, a daughter was born, who was named Lada. After the divorce, his wife and daughter moved to France and still live there. In fact, Dibrov’s relationship with the girls did not last for a long time, but there were never any scandals.

Subsequently, the popularity of Dmitry Dibrov increased significantly. He began to appear accompanied by various ladies at events and parties. The affair with Alexandra Markvo was also discussed by the media. But all the rumors instantly fell apart when Alexandra married another man.

New companion and third wife Dasha also lived with Dmitry for six years. The young and promising actress studied at GITIS, then visited several countries, where she also took educational courses. Many said that she enjoys Dibrov’s trust and simply spends his money. But Dmitry himself rejected the opinions of fans in every possible way, and the couple soon broke up.

In 2008, another wedding took place with Alexandra Shevchenko. The age difference between them was 26 years. This marriage lasted even less. The girl did not want to be famous, she dreamed of a future, education and work. Therefore, they soon had to separate.

Fourth official marriage with Polina Nagradova took place a month after the divorce from Alexandra. He met the girl at one of the local beauty contests, and the age difference was now already 30 years. After the first marriage proposal, Polina refused him, but a year and a half later they had a gorgeous wedding. In 2010, their family was replenished with a son, and in 2013, a second child was born. Two years later, the third son was born. On at the moment The Dibrov family happiness is unshakable.

Probably children in the biography and personal life of Dmitry Dibrov are incredibly important. He maintains a relationship with each of his children and tries to help in every way.

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