Allatra Anastasia new. "Allatra" Anastasia Novykh. Birds and Stone

The AllatRa book reveals exclusive information: about the Personality of a person and his Soul; about subpersonalities and related phenomena; about the dual nature of man: about the processes of his Spiritual and Animal nature; about the importance of the dominant worldview, its influence on the choice of the Personality, which predetermines its postmortem fate.

For the first time in the world, the AllatRa book contains unique photographs of the human Soul in a transitional state after the death of the physical body; contain unique primordial knowledge about the multidimensional structure of man in the invisible world, about man’s connection with other dimensions, about his exceptional capabilities in addition to the third dimension.

The cry of the robed Angel

To whom and why am I writing these lines? Probably still to himself. After all, having spent years in a holy place, I was recognized only twice, and then by people, by the will of God, with a Soul free from the mind. The human mind is a stumbling block, but no, perhaps a whole rock standing in front of the Soul. Don't go around it, don't jump over it. And to climb upward over sharp stones, tearing off your nails until they bleed and fall back down from the slippery ledges with the sweetness of the mind, and to get up again, having gained spiritual strength, to crawl again... Not everyone is given this. After all, at the foot it is so beautiful, cozy, sweet and warm. And the mind from mortal pants will create the illusion of everything you want. If only you wished. I wished for earthly love with a burning hearth, children to continue the family line, wealth, fame - it doesn’t matter. If only you wished. I wanted, I wanted, and everything will be given. In the illusion of one or the other, it doesn’t matter, as long as you want it. I wanted! I wanted earthly...

“But it’s so difficult!” - many shout. No, it's not difficult. I've worn clothes many times. He walked with a stick along an endless road, feeding his flesh only with what he found. And he was a king, and ruled for a long time over nations that could not be counted. And every time the clothes pressed me, constrained me and interfered with my life. She was shaking with fear and hurt, and, like everyone else, at first she wanted a lot, until she was tamed. That wild beast from which all the clothes were woven fears only its owner - the Soul. But many Souls fear more than the beast, the Soul that prevents them from living, just as clothes prevent me from living. I cannot understand such people. Exchange all Eternity for a moment? What's the point? To suffer in the arms of the beast's skin, to serve pants that wear out day after day. And this is life? Life is endless! There is no suffering in it, it does not break, because it is impossible to wear out the Soul. But clothes have no House, there is only a closet where they are temporarily stored. Only the Soul has a true home! And it is the Soul, striving to where Eternity is, that gives birth to this feeling of Home, which a person has been looking for all his life.
Rigden Djappo

Over the years since the first books were published, many events have happened that once again convinced me that one person’s sincere desire to help people, combined with his real actions and self-improvement, really brings amazing results. And the point is not so much in books as reading material, but in the understanding and practical application of the Knowledge provided in them. A book is a means of transmitting Knowledge. Knowledge is not in the concept of “property” or “one’s own conclusion,” but in the concept of Wisdom from above, passing through the centuries. Wisdom, as an Open Gate, for entering that amazing highest state of spirituality, through which insight comes from the One who created everything. That Wisdom that has always been, is and will be, even when the memory of its human guides disappears in the dust of centuries.

It is this Wisdom, like a true seed, that gives good shoots in a person, helping him to free his mind from the niche of human fears, narrow vaults of darkness of delusions, overcome the firmament of material thinking, and discover for himself the boundless sphere of knowledge of the Truth. She helps him rise above the mundane self, see the world from the height of a spiritual view without bias and material blinders. Wisdom gives a person sincerity and purposefulness, enriches him with understanding, and increases his responsibility for the spiritual quality of life.

This eternal Wisdom for a spiritual person is like life-giving moisture for a full ear of good seed. It allows you to understand the root of human problems and improve the atmosphere of spiritual life. It provides the main keys to understanding the complex reality of man and the world, serves as a source for creating unique conditions in the creation by man of a creative Spiritual society in the cruel world of the material Animal mind. Eternal Wisdom allows a person to transform himself spiritually, to know the hidden essence of past and future events. This Wisdom is the creative principle created by Him, opening the path to His Eternity for everyone who accepts It.

Rigden: There is a significant difference between those who ask questions from the mind and those who are driven by a thirst for searching for Truth. In the world they only teach intelligence, memory, and knowledge from logic. And when cognizing the Truth, it is necessary to master an elevated level of self-improvement, awareness and understanding of those deep spiritual feelings that emanate from the Soul. After all, spiritual experience is beyond the limits of the mind...

Anastasia: Yes, you talked about this before, but only now, after years of working on myself every day, when I began to feel and comprehend information in volume, I understood in practice what spiritual experience is, which is beyond the limits of the mind. And in this, the spiritual understanding of the world and myself, thanks to the unique Knowledge that comes into the world through you, helped me a lot.

Not many years have passed since the publication of the first books, through which the spiritual grains of Wisdom were transmitted to people. People didn’t just accept the books with gratitude. The souls of many of them, like a plucked string, encountering this Wisdom, emit an inaudible solemn sound. Moreover, these books make those in whose consciousness the Animal nature dominates hesitate in their choice.

People began to work harder on themselves, try to control their thoughts, understand the direction of movement in their development, the essence of their spiritual needs, and see the eternal grains of traditional beliefs. The readers of these books not only began to awaken, they began to grow spiritually. And this can be seen in the evolution of their questions.

The first question that usually arises in haste among the majority is a question from the human mind: do the main characters of books really exist or not, is it fiction or truth, especially the main character Sensei? (Rigden smiled kindly.) Other people, out of inner spiritual joy, rush to ask a question in the template format of consumer thinking: “Have you read a new book, when will the next one come out?” Still others try to engage in the spiritual practices set out in books without, in fact, changing their material priorities, so they are constantly in a state of argument with themselves. And the questions coming from them are of the same nature, they say, I am engaged in spiritual practices, but no miracle happens and nothing changes in life.

The book contains unique scientific knowledge that modern scientists have yet to discover in the future. However, they can really change a person’s ideas about the world and about himself. This is sensational information about the artificiality of the external world, about the information that creates matter. This is the astrophysics of the future! Peremptory answers to questions about the origin of the Universe and its artificial creation, about its multidimensionality, about the mystery of the black hole, exclusive data about the electron, the secret of its instant transition from the state of a particle to a wave; about the illusion of space geometry, about the interesting phenomena of quantum physics. This knowledge helps to scientifically prove the primacy of the eternal Spiritual world over the temporary material world. AllatRa also contains other amazing information that is ahead of even the most advanced modern research. The AllatRa book sets the vector for the science of the future.

Read the AllatRa book online

The cry of an Angel dressed in robes, or the suffering of a man with an Angel,

Instead of a soul

To whom and why am I writing these lines? Probably still to himself. After all, having spent years in a holy place, I was recognized only twice, and then by people, by the will of God, with a Soul free from the mind. The human mind is a stumbling block, but no, perhaps it is a whole rock standing in front of the Soul. Don't go around it, don't jump over it. And to climb upward over sharp stones, tearing off your nails until they bleed and fall back down from the slippery ledges with the sweetness of the mind, and to get up again, having gained spiritual strength, to crawl again... Not everyone is given this. After all, at the foot it is so beautiful, cozy, sweet and warm. And the mind from mortal pants will create the illusion of everything you want. If only you wished. I wished for earthly love with a burning hearth, children to continue the family line, wealth, fame - it doesn’t matter. If only you wished. I wanted, I wanted, and everything will be given. In the illusion of one or the other, it doesn’t matter, as long as you want it. I wanted! I wanted earthly...

“But it’s so difficult!” - many shout. No, it's not difficult. I've worn clothes many times. He walked with a stick along an endless road, feeding his flesh only with what he found. And he was a king, and ruled for a long time over nations that could not be counted. And every time my clothes pressed me, constrained me and interfered with my life. She was shaking with fear and hurt, and, like everyone else, at first she wanted a lot, until she was tamed. That wild beast from which all the clothes were woven fears only its owner - the Soul. But many Souls fear more than the beast, the Soul that prevents them from living, just as clothes prevent me from living. I cannot understand such people. Exchange all Eternity for a moment? What's the point? To suffer in the arms of the beast's skin, to serve pants that wear out day after day. And this is life? Life is endless! There is no suffering in it, it does not break, because it is impossible to wear out the Soul. But clothes have no House, there is only a closet where they are temporarily stored. Only the Soul has a true home! And it is the Soul, striving to where Eternity is, that gives birth to this feeling of Home, which a person has been looking for all his life.

Rigden Djappo

Over the years since the first books were published, many events have happened that once again convinced me that one person’s sincere desire to help people, combined with his real actions and self-improvement, really brings amazing results. And the point is not so much in books as reading material, but in the understanding and practical application of the Knowledge provided in them. A book is a means of transmitting Knowledge. Knowledge is not in the concept of “property” or “one’s own conclusion,” but in the concept of Wisdom from above, passing through the centuries. Wisdom, as an Open Gate, for entering that amazing highest state of spirituality, through which insight comes from the One who created everything. That Wisdom that has always been, is and will be, even when the memory of its human guides disappears in the dust of centuries.

It is this Wisdom, like a true seed, that gives good shoots in a person, helping him to free his mind from the niche of human fears, narrow vaults of darkness of delusions, overcome the firmament of material thinking, and discover for himself the boundless sphere of knowledge of the Truth. She helps him rise above the mundane self, see the world from the height of a spiritual view without bias and material blinders. Wisdom gives a person sincerity and purposefulness, enriches him with understanding, and increases his responsibility for the spiritual quality of life.

This eternal Wisdom for a spiritual person is like life-giving moisture for a full ear of good seed. It allows you to understand the root of human problems and improve the atmosphere of spiritual life. It provides the main keys to understanding the complex reality of man and the world, serves as a source for creating unique conditions in the creation by man of a creative Spiritual society in the cruel world of the material Animal mind. Eternal Wisdom allows a person to transform himself spiritually, to know the hidden essence of past and future events. This Wisdom is the creative principle created by Him, opening the path to His Eternity for everyone who accepts It.

Rigden: There is a significant difference between those who ask questions from the mind and those who are driven by a thirst for searching for Truth. In the world they only teach intelligence, memory, and knowledge from logic. And when cognizing the Truth, it is necessary to master an elevated level of self-improvement, awareness and understanding of those deep spiritual feelings that emanate from the Soul. After all, spiritual experience is beyond the limits of the mind...

Anastasia: Yes, you talked about this before, but only now, after years of working on myself every day, when I began to feel and comprehensively comprehend information, I understood in practice what spiritual experience is, which is beyond the limits of the mind. And in this, the spiritual understanding of the world and myself, thanks to the unique Knowledge that comes into the world through you, helped me a lot.

Not many years have passed since the publication of the first books, through which the spiritual grains of Wisdom were transmitted to people. People didn’t just accept the books with gratitude. The souls of many of them, like a plucked string, encountering this Wisdom, emit an inaudible solemn sound. Moreover, these books make those in whose consciousness the Animal nature dominates hesitate in their choice. People began to work harder on themselves, try to control their thoughts, understand the direction of movement in their development, the essence of their spiritual needs, and see the eternal grains of traditional beliefs. The readers of these books not only began to awaken, they began to grow spiritually. And this can be seen in the evolution of their questions. The first question that usually arises in haste among the majority is a question from the human mind: do the main characters of books really exist or not, is it fiction or truth, especially the main character Sensei? (Rigden smiled kindly.) Other people, out of inner spiritual joy, rush to ask a question in the template format of consumer thinking: “Have you read a new book, when will the next one come out?” Still others try to engage in the spiritual practices set out in books without, in fact, changing their material priorities, so they are constantly in a state of argument with themselves. And the questions coming from them are of the same nature, they say, I am engaged in spiritual practices, but no miracle happens and nothing changes in life.

Rigden: Man is dual by nature. A person's mind can easily move from one extreme to another, thus creating confusion and instability within it. The external is only a reflection of the internal. Anastasia: But there are also those who are imbued with the depth of Knowledge. This completely changed their lives. They do not need proof of the obvious primacy of the spiritual over the logic of the mind. They are stable in their life choices. These people are pure in Soul, their consciousness is not mired in the swamp of the world's egocentrism patterns and personal doubts. They are like lotus flowers: when illuminated by the rays of the sun, they are drawn to the Light. Therefore, the quality of questions about their inner selves is completely different. Their questions come not from logic, not from the human mind, but from deep feelings, as if there is an invisible communication between Souls.

Rigden: Deep feelings are a special language, different from human. When a person overcomes the base in himself, works on himself every day, develops, spiritually transforming himself as a human being, he becomes enlightened. When a person grows spiritually, he faces the questions of his mind. The experience of spiritual practices gives him the awareness that the material brain is limited in its perception and relates to the body, and the body is perishable and finite. The soul, being in it, is invisible, but eternal. He understands that sensory experience cannot be reliably conveyed in words from the mind. After all, spiritual practices are just tools that help to reveal, cognize and develop the deepest feelings of a person, with the help of which he communicates with the Highest from the Beyond in their language - the language of deepest feelings. Therefore, you cannot directly speak about the divine, since every thought will be only an allegory. For the divine is another language, a language not of the mind, but of deep feelings, which the Soul of everyone understands. This is the single language of human Souls. This is the language of Truth.

Anastasia: Yes, such experience really comes with practice. I realized that there is a significant difference between associations of the mind and understanding with deep feelings. It's difficult to put my experience into words. Although people who are on the same spiritual wavelength as you understand you without words.


The cry of an Angel dressed in clothes, or the suffering of a person with an Angel instead of a soul.

To whom and why am I writing these lines? Probably still to himself. After all, having spent years in a holy place, I was recognized only twice, and then by people, by the will of God, with a Soul free from the mind. The human mind is a stumbling block, but no, perhaps it is a whole rock standing in front of the Soul. Don't go around it, don't jump over it. And to climb upward over sharp stones, tearing off your nails until they bleed and fall back down from the slippery ledges with the sweetness of the mind, and to get up again, having gained spiritual strength, to crawl again... Not everyone can do it. After all, at the foot it is so beautiful, cozy, sweet and warm. And the mind from mortal pants will create the illusion of everything you want. If only you wished. I wished for earthly love with a burning hearth, children to continue the family line, wealth, fame - it doesn’t matter. If only you wished. I wanted, I wanted, and everything will be given. In the illusion of one or the other, it doesn’t matter, as long as you want it. I wanted! I wanted earthly things.

“But it’s so difficult!” - many shout. No, it's not difficult. I've worn clothes many times. He walked with a stick along an endless road, feeding his flesh only with what he found. And he was a king, and ruled for a long time over nations that could not be counted. And every time my clothes pressed me, constrained me and interfered with my life. She shook-

She was afraid and sick, and, like everyone else, at first she wanted a lot, until she was tamed. That wild beast from which all the clothes were woven fears only its owner - the Soul. But many Souls fear more than the beast, the Soul that prevents them from living, just as clothes prevent me from living. I cannot understand such people. Exchange all Eternity for a moment? What's the point? To suffer in the arms of the beast's skin, to serve pants that wear out day after day. And this is life? Life is endless! There is no suffering in it, it does not break, because it is impossible to wear out the Soul. But clothes have no House, there is only a closet where they are temporarily stored. Only the Soul has a true home! And it is the Soul, striving to where Eternity is, that gives birth to this feeling of Home, which a person has been looking for all his life.

Rigden Djappo

Over the years since the first books were published, many events have happened that once again convinced me that one person’s sincere desire to help people, combined with his real actions and self-improvement, really brings amazing results. And the point is not so much in books as reading material, but in the understanding and practical application of the Knowledge provided in them. A book is a means of transmitting Knowledge. Knowledge is not in the concept of “property” or “one’s own conclusion,” but in the concept of Wisdom from above, passing through the centuries. Wisdom, as an Open Gate, for entering that amazing highest state of spirituality, through which insight comes from the One who created everything. That Wisdom that has always been, is and will be, even when the memory of its human guides disappears in the dust of centuries.

It is this Wisdom, like a true seed, that gives good shoots in a person, helping him to free his mind from the niche of human fears, narrow vaults of darkness of delusions, overcome the firmament of material thinking, and discover for himself the boundless sphere of knowledge of the Truth. She helps him rise above the mundane self, see the world from the height of a spiritual view without bias and material blinders. Wisdom gives a person sincerity and purposefulness, enriches him with understanding, and increases his responsibility for the spiritual quality of life.

This eternal Wisdom for a spiritual person is like life-giving moisture for a full ear of good seed. It allows you to understand the root of human problems and improve the atmosphere of spiritual life. It provides the main keys to understanding the complex reality of man and the world, serves as a source for creating unique conditions in the creation by man of a creative Spiritual society in the cruel world of the material Animal mind. Eternal Wisdom allows a person to transform himself spiritually, to know the hidden essence of past and future events. This Wisdom is the creative principle created by Him, opening the path to His Eternity for everyone who accepts It.

A book that changes your life! Dear reader, if you make your choice to read or not read a book based on other people's comments, then believe me, this is not the case. "AllatRa" leaves no one indifferent. Either it is received with deep gratitude and admiration, or it is rejected with hatred and a desire to spit. And the opinions of commentators have nothing to do with how YOU perceive it.

Grade 5 out of 5 stars by Guest 06/13/2019 10:06

By far the best thing I've read on a spiritual topic. I recommend it to everyone who is looking for themselves and the path to the true God. But it’s not enough to read, as I understand it, you need to start working on yourself. The next book, “Consciousness and Personality” by the same author, is a continuation of the theme of self-knowledge.
I recommend!

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from Vlad 11/25/2018 16:00

I read the Sensei series. I really liked it. I read Allatra and didn’t understand. 5 years have passed - I’m re-reading it for the second time. Looks like he's grown up. An extremely necessary and important book!

Grade 5 out of 5 stars by Vladimir 04/14/2018 21:45

This book is meditation or spiritual practice, and those who scold it are under attack of their reason.

Grade 5 out of 5 stars by Seravd 08/28/2017 13:55

After reading these books I was inspired to change my life!
I just took it and started changing it, not in words, but in deeds.
I found answers to all my questions.

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from Evgeny Shchedry 06/28/2017 10:49

This book is a sign of the author’s obvious isolation from true self-realization! Complete philosophical rubbish that does absolutely nothing to help self-realization.

Unpriced 21.03.2017 19:29

book by a patient with schizophrenia

Grade 1 out of 5 stars from the nurse 03/17/2017 22:17

Such books are of interest to naive, poorly educated young people who believe that after reading such books and becoming familiar with spiritual knowledge, they will become “supermen.” Everything in the book is reduced to discussions about spirituality and it destroys the ability for real life. Such naive people who think that after reading such books they will become the owners of some abilities. It is useful to know the main rule of self-realization in Indian yoga, which is applicable to any practice of self-realization.

“Success comes to those who practice tirelessly. Because how can you succeed without work? You will not achieve success by reading books and thinking about Yoga.
Neither by wearing ritual clothes, nor by talking about lofty matters, but only by practice can the truth be successfully comprehended. This is certain!"
Hatha - Yoga - Pradipika, 1-67,1-68

Grade 3 out of 5 stars by Alexander 12/17/2016 11:59

Bullshit! Fairy tales and fantasies are for the weak-minded. Personally, in my family, a loved one went to a mental hospital with madness after these books and meditations, what awaits everyone who stays there. They destroy families and ruin relationships. People, be careful! These are the real trained charlatan psychologists. And Igor Mikhailovich is a real rogue along with the priest. These are former special forces soldiers who know human psychology well, which helps them manipulate people! People wake up!

Grade 1 out of 5 stars from Vasily 12/16/2016 21:37

Thank you

Grade 5 out of 5 stars by Alla 07/21/2016 23:31

The book will be of interest to those who already have experience working on themselves and a great thirst for knowledge and research. There are no ready-made pills here, only pointers are given where to dig. And whoever seeks will always find. Good luck!

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from Elena 07/19/2016 22:06

The book is amazing! After reading many philosophical, religious and esoteric books, I almost lost hope that I would come across the one my soul requires.
To those who leave negative reviews (without even trying to apply the knowledge given in Anastasia’s books), Ivan Andreevich Krylov dedicated his fable in 1808. "The Rooster and the Grain of Pearls"
Tearing up a pile of dung, the Rooster found a grain of pearl
And he says: “Where is it? What an empty thing!
Isn't it stupid that he is so highly regarded?
And I would really be much more happy
Barley grain: it is not so visible,
It's filling."
The ignorant judge exactly like this:
If they don’t understand the point, it’s all a trifle.

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from mixunchik 26.05.2016 21:50

A book of inspiration, a book of wisdom! Thanks to her! :)

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from Alexander 04/10/2016 23:42

The comment is simple, it’s a pleasure to live in such a society. I’m tired of almost no one understanding you. After all, because of misunderstanding, family life collapses in the first place. And I really want mutual understanding and trust.

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from Sergey 04/03/2016 22:20

I read it, but I didn’t understand: who am I?

Olya 03/20/2016 17:14

Read and make your choice. Personally, A. Novykh’s books opened my eyes.

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from Diana 03/19/2016 12:07

Only Reverend Sun Myung Moon as the True Father, the Messiah, the Lord of the Second Coming, the third Adam, is the savior of mankind!!!

Oleg 03/19/2016 10:16

Vinigret, better read Scientology.

Grade 2 out of 5 stars by Ron Hubbard 03/19/2016 10:11

I haven’t read any of Anastasia’s books before. Today I listened to “AllatRa” in audio version - very interesting!
Those who enthusiastically praise (“Do not make yourself an idol”), and those who, without understanding, blaspheme, are equally alarming....
Everything has the right to be. Nobody forces anyone to believe or worship - why make a fuss?! If you don’t like hearing about the development of the soul, go listen to Ramstein and the Leningrad group. To each their own, who has grown to what...
I listen with interest. Analyzing. I evaluate something critically, from the perspective of my experience and accumulated knowledge, I take note of something in order to find confirmation or refutation of what I heard through experience (observation, for example).

I just can’t find information anywhere about HOW this book was written.
Well, it doesn't look like fiction! Rigden Djappo... according to Roerich, this is the Red Horseman, the future ruler of Shambhala... there is an opinion that this is the Archangel Gabriel...
Where did a fairly young woman get this knowledge?

Grade 4 out of 5 stars from Marina 03/06/2016 08:34

I accidentally came across the book online. I was interested in information about black holes, I think this is the correct approach in understanding them, I remember in meditation I approached such an object, matter moved away from the disk and dissolved in space (probably this is destructive “non-viable” matter), it approached from the side, so to speak, from the pole, the matter rotated counterclockwise, two gas and dust clouds rotating after each other as it came closer. the rotation became slower, I dived into the “pipe” of matter, the corridor was made of black matter and yellow (ionized), then there was more light, I simply began to bathe in light and dissolved in the light, it was probably a connection with my star (according to Anastasia, described in the books Maigret), I remember that it was an amazing pleasure, in life I was a freezing person after this experience. I stopped freezing. I certainly wonder. maybe my star has a similar formation?

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from Olga 03/02/2016 09:49

Not everyone likes this work, but why bother and judge so much. Before you judge something or someone, you need to at least know what they are talking about or at least read it. After all, those who are so tormented have not read even one page, and for some it is a dark forest and not a single star. Go to Zadornov's website. He has freedom.

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from NIKOLAY ORLOV 02/11/2016 16:28

An interesting book, when I first discovered it it was very difficult to read. But the most interesting thing is that the reason for this heaviness was my lack of minimal knowledge of basic subjects. I was scouring the Internet looking for information about the city of Catalguyuk (I almost cursed), or if from physics, then a simple idea of ​​what an atom is. The most amazing thing for me was the discovery of signs and symbols, although I had been interested for a long time (in the form of Google of simple sites), but this was the first time I saw it from such an angle.
Also, a teacher at school told me: If people are very categorical in their assessment of books, then it’s worth reading the book and forming your own opinion. It's a pity I didn't read much at school

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from Vladimir 01/25/2016 21:02

nonsense for housewives and small rodents

Grade 1 out of 5 stars from YgrmThird Big Horned 07.01.2016 17:28

I experienced a lot myself before the book came out. After reading it, a lot of things fell into place. but matter is the creation of God (an illusion) and the mind is really what opposes God, and will a person be able to simply recognize everything if he does not encounter death in life? Personally, I would hardly have understood anything without my life experience. But I have one thing - okay, I had the knowledge, but where was the transcript to it? Feelings are one thing but the essence (illusion) is different, like the life of people before 50-100 years ago?
where is the justice here? God just wanted to know whether a person recognizes himself for life or not? Yes, much is still hidden.

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from Vladislav 01/07/2016 16:45

The book is good for those who do not think for themselves and do not read anything else. Great brainwashing.

Grade 1 out of 5 stars from katuhaizumani 12.12.2015 15:38

Nadya, I suggest you read other literature about the attack of the animal nature. For example, read the lives of Orthodox ascetics, whom everyone around recognized as saints and who at the same time considered themselves (sincerely) the last sinners. And Anastasia Novykh is a bait for lazy people, not to mention the fact that this sectarian literature leads people away from the truth.

Grade 1 out of 5 stars from Limonka 11/24/2015 00:46

Thank you so much for this unique book! This is a real storehouse of Knowledge from various fields that helps a person understand the most important thing - why he is here. And not just by taking some attitudes on faith, but by delving into the very essence of phenomena, understanding and testing everything from one’s own experience. Of course, you need to re-read it many times, because the depth in this book is incredible... And not only on the usual three-dimensional level, but also much deeper - on a sensory level. The book "AllatRa" has a very interesting property - I noticed that when the Animal nature in me attacks (negative thoughts, emotions), I pick up "AllatRa" and begin to read through the resistance of consciousness - and after a couple of pages the state levels out, negative thoughts and emotions go away somewhere far away, all that remains is a feeling of joy, freedom, love for everything that exists. :-)

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from Nadya 11/14/2015 12:59

The basis of the book, and indeed the basis of all the activities of the AllatRa and Anastasia Novy sects, is the deception of people. If a teaching based on deception gives someone strength, as Elena and other adherents write, then it is worth remembering that drugs also seem attractive at first and the visions obtained in a drug-induced sleep are quite joyful.

Grade 1 out of 5 stars by Guest 08.11.2015 21:11

Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to read it online. This needs to be studied. The equal cross, if you apply it to yourself, the energy decreases after a couple of minutes (Stepan Baiduzhiy) and I personally tested it. From this book, the energy decreases. Vivekananda said - read the teaching that gives you strength.

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from Elena 08.11.2015 14:59

AllatRa is a sect that rejects Christ.
Christians, be careful. Do not let the deceitful sectarians, who love to twist words about love and God into their speech, seduce you.

Grade 1 out of 5 stars by Guest 04.10.2015 20:45

Sorry for the typo Rigden Dzhappo.

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from Zaire 03.10.2015 23:37

To say the books are good means I didn’t understand anything, to say they are priceless, deep, strict, correct, they don’t bother you, they lead you up the stairs, of course they lead. It's difficult! Who said that Space is easy? The answer is both yes and no. Because, as simple as the Truth is, it is also complex with our logic and slavish thinking. Here they talk about the Bible, ha, how many centuries has this flock existed, how many have they saved? Didn't they kill spiritually pure people? Okay, let's not write about the sadness on the part of the Church, let them answer for their actions. The main thing is for us to break away from the system and from our own.
What is true is true, the word “Animal” definitely hurts the ear. But if you think about your life and your thoughts and desires, then everything is spot on. Understanding everything as it is, sometimes I can’t read the prayer, I miss the wrong state, I want to be in a special state when reading the prayer. I have twice experienced that state that we all dream of, and I know it firsthand. The feeling is indescribable, you just have to feel it and hold it and not let go. The system reacts instantly and attacks. No matter how difficult it is, I try to drive away unwanted thoughts, I scold myself, but this is not salvation. You need to believe in yourself that you can overcome this abomination. But time is really tight. But what to do, you have to climb up the stairs.
I read books by V.N. Megre from the series “Ringing Cedars of Russia”, different approaches, but the same goal. Many decided to create a RP, but did not quite understand the essence. Well, okay, there is a desire, they will probably reach the top. Everything should be clean, but it’s not always possible to keep everything in order. Anastasia Vedrusa said that in disbelief the soul can disintegrate into dust and go into space, I know about clusters and bricks. But let’s really think together, the information remains in these clusters, the emotions remain too, because they are alive - this is horror. This is why people are afraid of death.
If souls mostly perish, why are they removed?
I recently had an unexpected connection between sleep and awakening with my cousin. I started calling him out of joy, he answered yes, it’s me, it’s me! We talked as if on the phone, I heard everything in my ear. She held her ear so that the connection would not be interrupted; when she opened her eyes, she sat and held her ear. Oh, what a joy it was, I received all the answers to my questions. But this is possible in Java at any time. You need strong faith that you can hear, you can communicate without a phone.
Intuitively we know that the highest Essences are here today, but we are blind like tiny kittens, we don’t see them, we don’t feel them. Instead of helping them awaken others, we attack them with our lies. But the question is; - Are we attacking them or ourselves? Of course yourself!.
Ere-sir and fornication are all around, so they scream. Let them scream, they are now in agony)).
Thanks to Rigden Jappr and Anastasia Novykh. She did not create an idol, she conveyed all the information in detail. Whether you want to accept it or not, it’s your business, the choice is yours. My problem is to have time to master, feel and save my soul. Good luck everyone! Victory over yourself everyone! Good, Good, Good and Divine LOVE!

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from Zaire 03.10.2015 23:32

Sectarian literature. Recommended for those who care about their mental health. There are already precedents for adherents of this sect ending up in a mental hospital. If you are still healthy and have money, be sure to download this book and read it. Then watch the videos of the AllatRa sect, listen to their radio and you won’t notice how you exchange time, money and health for their crazy super ideas...

Grade 1 out of 5 stars by Ora Еtlabora 09.28.2015 13:00

Everyone needs such books. although it smells like amateur art. but there is a lot in it that makes you think.
and this is the most important thing.
there are many inaccuracies, naivety, and mistakes, but over time the reader will find more correct answers. the main thing is that he deepens his knowledge of the universe.
This, I think, is the main task of such books.

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from Vitalin 09/18/2015 15:34

How many times have they told the World that there is no soul, there is a personality...
Who even gave the moral right to the churchmen to judge me and save my soul, where is the fact that the opinion about God and life is an inapplicable Truth? People, you just say so - I’m deathly afraid of death, so I calm myself down...
1. After death, the brain also dies, which means you are not afraid of any hellish suffering...
2. It’s not important what you believe in, what’s important is how you lived this life.
And how to live less interesting...
You adults, after reading the book YOU CREATED AN ICON FOR YOURSELF, immediately sinned...
I would like to know what you have done for the common good, besides your passionate speeches?

Guest 08/23/2015 13:40

I don’t want to offend anyone, but only people with a big soul and a clear head can understand Anastasia Novykh’s books! To people of standard thinking, accustomed to standard religious “truths,” her books will seem heresy.

Unpriced 03.07.2015 05:03

I wonder if the author is Orthodox and baptized? Where does it lead people, to a new faith? Or are all the enthusiastic admirers of her talent people free from all faith, faith in the savior Jesus Christ, in God Almighty? Rigden Jappo is a fictional character from Eastern religion, who sees and helps everything, a Buddha or something like that. To whom do you send your deepest regards, people? Wake up!!! It’s better to go to church, pray sincerely and thank the Lord for everything you have, and of course, live according to your conscience!

Grade 1 out of 5 stars from Natalia 05/08/2015 19:40

What kind of bullshit is this? Was the author honored to be initiated into the sacraments? She must be a prophet! The Lord enlightened her and gave her secret knowledge! Why confuse people! I made a vinaigrette from the book! There is a Bible, read it, study it, and don’t drool over all sorts of fictions and fantasies!

Allatra Anastasia Novykh

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Name: Allatra

Description of the book

Anastasia Novykh is a popular contemporary writer, about whose life little is known. Biography is hidden. Why such mystery? There is an assumption that the name Anastasia Novykh is a pseudonym under which several authors living in different parts of the Earth hide. However, based on her teachings, an entire movement has been created that has spread throughout the world. Tens of thousands of people share the author’s views and are looking for their path together with her. Interesting, isn't it?

In order to get closer to the work of this mysterious writer, it is worth reading her creation “AllatRa”.

The book contains unique theories: about spirit and consciousness, about the little-studied nature of man, the processes of his spiritual growth, life after death. How does the soul behave after the death of the physical body? The connection of earthlings with other dimensions, their inexplicable capabilities from the point of view of physics. The book answers many questions that official science cannot answer.

Anastasia Novykh offers to get acquainted with the spiritual rituals of our ancestors, which allow us to work on ourselves in order to become one with soul and body, to develop a sixth sense for contact with the spiritual world. Tells about the origin of unusual human abilities, such as clairvoyance, telepathy, prediction of events, prophetic dreams.

The author tries to lift the veil of secrecy about the power of some individuals over the world political and religious systems. Shows his vision of the truth about who and how controls the peoples of the world, incites wars, influences the consciousness of the masses and what needs to be done in order not to be drawn into this process of destruction. Reveals the secrets of religious manipulation, the purpose of which is to influence the human subconscious, which is actively used in modern society.

It must be admitted that the theories put forward in the book are interesting. However, everyone has their own vision of the world.

Rigden and Anastasia are the two main characters leading the dialogue in the book. He is the personification of male energy, strength and firmness. She is the feminine principle, bringing goodness and love into the world. Will they be able to answer all the reader’s questions? Maybe. One thing is certain – everyone will find their own meaning here.

“AllatRa” is an unusual book, not for everyone. It will be interesting to read for people who are looking for eternal spiritual knowledge about the world and man in it. She, like a living interlocutor, speaks to everyone about his innermost thoughts. Answers the most incomprehensible, troubling questions. Gives the basic keys to understanding the universe. A book is relaxation for the soul and brain.

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