How to congratulate colleagues on the New Year in an original way at work? Ideas for the New Year. Happy New Year greetings to colleagues in prose Unusual congratulations to the team on the New Year

Original congratulations in your own words in the team will always be appreciated by your colleagues at work and will add to your rating in their eyes.

And the New Year is a great opportunity to show off a polished congratulatory text that can easily replace a table toast.

Beautiful words of Happy New Year congratulations will lift the spirits of dear colleagues at a corporate party and will then be remembered with special warmth.

Options for New Year's greetings in prose are also good because you can remember only the main meaning, supplementing it with impromptu.

Happy New Year, colleague! I wish you to soar up the career ladder like a falcon, stay at the very top like a tightrope walker, and not become arrogant later like a peacock! May your work bring you fame and a lot of money, and may the people around you benefit.

Dear colleagues, I sincerely congratulate everyone on the New Year. I want to wish you a happy and kind, successful and bright year. May everyone in it be healthy and loved, may great victories and brave achievements await us.

My dear, close and dear people - colleagues! May each of you realize your dreams this New Year cherished dream and achieve your desired goals. Love to you - strong and tender, friendship - strong and faithful. Salaries are great, health is indestructible. Hooray!

Let old year remembered with a smile, and the new one will bring many pleasant moments. Let difficulties be rare, and life be successful and easy. May work in the new year be a joy and unite our team even more. Happy New Year!

Colleague, Happy New Year! I wish you to receive great pleasure from your work, huge material rewards, unheard words of gratitude and praise from your superiors.

Happy New Year, dear and dear colleagues. I wish each of you great success and income, great happiness and goodness, sincere love and joy, bright luck and hope, cheerful mood and well-being.

Dear Colleagues! Happy New Year! I wish us all a happy, bright and magnificent year. May we all be filled with a thirst for new achievements, and may the energy of creation make us move mountains!

Dear colleagues, I cordially congratulate everyone on the New Year. I would like to wish everyone true prosperity and stable activity, successful achievements and significant victories, family well-being and harmony in the home, great respect and incredibly good health.

The New Year is firmly and irrevocably approaching. Therefore, dear colleague-friends, I wish you to put aside vanity and troubles and focus on your desires, because all of them will certainly come true! New bright victories to all of us in the old reliable team.

Double your energy to build your career in the coming year. I am happy to go to work every morning and return home with a feeling of a successful day. For families - health, salary - growth, tasks - understandable, goals - achievable. Happy New Year, colleagues!

Dear and respected comrades! Happy New Year! May it be even more fruitful and joyful than the outgoing year. May all our plans come true, and may every day be successful in both family and work. Good luck, peace and kindness!

Happy New Year, colleagues! I wish you productive work, easy deals, high salaries and simply great success in whatever you undertake. Let New Year will give you a lot of creative ideas and open up a lot of new horizons!

Colleague! I wish you achievable plans in the new year, easy tasks, a decent salary and pleasant leisure time. Let your bosses always be in a good mood, and let the microclimate in the team be friendly and harmonious!

Happy New Year, dear and dear colleagues. I wish everyone a wonderful mood and vigor of body, constant good luck in business and great successes, great ideas and brilliant prospects, personal happiness and significant victories in life.

Happy New Year, colleagues! Let our dear boss not skimp on bonuses and a decent salary this year, and let vacations at resorts and sanatoriums, at the expense of his favorite enterprise, become commonplace.

Dear and dear colleagues, I congratulate you on the New Year and wish you from the bottom of my heart creative ideas and hard work, wonderful prospects and great plans, amazing opportunities and gallant enthusiasm, high prosperity and undoubted happiness.

Colleagues, Happy New Year! May all your wishes come true and the most fantastic and daring projects in your life come true. And so that all this can be easily achieved, I wish you the warmth of home, family comfort, joyful chirping of children, kind parental instructions, true friends and love for life!

Happy New Year! May the New Year bring more Friday mood and less Monday worries, and may Saturday music always sound in your soul. May the atmosphere of a fantastic holiday extravaganza, positive and brilliant mood surround you!

We worked side by side all year, but we didn’t have time to get tired of each other, so after the weekend I will see you again with joy! Happy New Year, colleague, health and prosperity to you!

Happy New Year! I would like to wish you a cheerful morning, interesting and promising work, delicious coffee, bright everyday life, high salaries, stable vacations, and most importantly, Have a good mood and inspiring goals for the New Year.

In the New Year, I wish you, colleague, friend and ally, peace of mind, creative spark, more happy family holidays and successful workdays, financial well-being, satisfaction from working in a team of friends.

Colleagues, I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year! I would like to wish you in the new year to achieve all your planned goals, fulfill all your plans, fulfill all your dreams, so that your career develops as best and as profitable as possible for you.

Let your salary increase significantly this year so that you don’t have time to spend it. Let your working schedule become comfortable and convenient, and let your working days bring happy moments.

Happy New Year, my dear colleagues! And I always wish you a stable income, big bonuses, long paid holidays. So that work is always a joy, so that there is mutual understanding at work and so that the boss is a little kinder!

Let this New a year will pass just as fun as our New Year's corporate party. Let it be just as bright, colorful, slightly intoxicating. And may it also unite us into one big friendly family. Happy holiday to you, my brothers and sisters, Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! I wish to receive gifts under the Christmas tree: a magic wand that will fulfill all wishes; reward for fruitful work, diligence; a scattering of diamonds from friends, love, luck, confidence, family, victories.

I have the honor of working with you, dear colleague, and it is a great joy to congratulate you on the New Year. Let this holiday envelop you in its magic and give you faith in your strength, hope in constant success and love - big, bright.

Dear office neighbors, friends and girlfriends through work joys and troubles! Happy New Year! I wish us to upset each other less in the coming year, become an even more friendly team and celebrate the next New Year with the same composition!

May this year bring everyone advancement up the career ladder and just a huge salary increase. Let there be even more inspiration, zeal for work, for fulfilling your plans and tasks.

Happy New Year to you, fellow workers! I wish that our brotherhood grows stronger year by year, and that we can call our colleagues our second family! I wish that after an attack of workaholism, the time has come for us to rest, shake ourselves up and have a blast!

Dear colleagues! I wish our team to maintain its composition in the New Year. Let both work and personal plans be fulfilled even ahead of schedule, and ours joint work generously rewarded. I personally wish everyone 100% health and an excellent mood for great achievements for the benefit of the team!

Happy holiday, colleague! In the New Year I wish you a salary increase, new successes, and career growth! Let everything work out easily and let your work be fun!

During the chimes, on New Year's Day, I wish my colleagues to live the whole year richly, healthy, without sorrows and sorrows, smiling cheerfully, kissing lovingly, not needing anything and holding hands tightly with true friends!

I wish you, my dear colleague, that in the new year the career ladder will become for you an escalator that only moves upward. So that with a minimum of effort, you get maximum opportunities and results. Happy New Year to you, with new successes!

This gorgeous New Year will gladly bring you, colleagues, strong health, a good vacation, career growth, constant significant bonuses, easy working days, and the fulfillment of dreams!

Dear Colleagues! May our plans be fulfilled in the New Year as if in a fairy tale. magic wand, let wage growth conquer the financial Everest, and let our Friendly team will be repeatedly noted by management in the bonus fund.

I wish, my dear and valuable colleagues, that this year our work successes grow with incredible strength, and that our superiors do not get tired of daily praises and bonuses. Let our friendship and unity become an assistant at work and in everyday life.

Employees, as we enter the New Year, I want to admit that such a magnificent team is the ultimate dream of anyone. Let our joint activities be marked by global success! I wish everyone health, as well as a creative spirit and, of course, family well-being. Let your plans come true and let your deals be concluded quickly and easily.

Happy New Year, tireless workers and reliable friends! Let unfulfilled plans and adversity remain behind, and let New Year's expectations be sure to come true! Powerful vital energy you and the opportunity to solve any problem!

Dear Colleagues! The New Year has come - a year of new achievements and hopes, new ideas and achievements. May he not be stingy for all of us on good working days, happy holidays, for warm friendly communication, smart decisions and large incomes.

Dear hard workers, beloved colleagues, happy New Year! Let us work without difficulties, amicably and successfully. May your life be joyful, healthy and happy, may you always be loved at home and waited for.

Dear colleagues, may Santa Claus visit your workplaces today and leave everyone with inspiration and patience to work in the new year. But let him visit your homes, leaving prosperity for your families under the trees. So that this year you can keep up with everything both at work and at home.

My irreplaceable colleagues, Happy New Year to you! Let's let go of the year that is flying away from us and concentrate on accomplishing the most important things. I wish you creative success and growing income, good luck and smiles!

Let the bosses be more cheerful and lenient this year, and forgive us our delays and small mistakes. Let your salary and pleasure from work triple.

May the new year bring with it a bag of happy snowflakes and attach one to each day of your calendar, colleagues, so that all your business succeeds and your income increases.

Dear office brethren, may our glorious team prosper and grow quantitatively, as well as in terms of pay! In the New Year, I wish all my colleagues such a passionate desire to work, so that the time spent outside the office stretches endlessly, and the working days fly by in a single moment! May career growth be with you!

New Year is a rare and long-awaited guest. But very optimistic, perky, encouraging. After his arrival they always come cool days- with a lot of days off. Let them “rule” in your destiny for as long as possible! I wish that the winter holidays bring you joyful excitement, cheerful laughter and hope. So that the new, coming year will be financial, rich, generous. I wish you well-being, colleagues, good luck, prosperity and a great mood.

Today everyone is waiting for amazing miracles, special events, so may your expectations, my dear colleague, be fully justified and all your plans come true! Happy New year to you!

Dear Colleagues! Please accept my most sincere and warm congratulations on the upcoming New Year! I wish that your brightest dreams come true in the new year, that you live in joy, prosperity and love. We wish you well-being, kindness and prosperity to your families, pleasant holidays and bright mood. And may Santa Claus pamper you with desired gifts, new successes and achievements!

Colleagues, I wish that in the new year your wallets get fatter before your eyes, that your troubles go away without return, that the most ambitious projects are implemented, and that only useful ideas come to your bright minds. And along with your success at work, let your success in your personal life also grow.

Let the New Year bring good luck and success in all your endeavors, and next year there will be more awards and bonuses, work goes according to the planned schedule, without disruptions or rush jobs, and the weekend will be filled with communication with your dearest and closest people.

May this year be rich in brilliant ideas and brilliant plans, full of new goals. Let everything work out easily and simply, and encouragement will not be long in coming.

Colleague, you are so busy with work that you don’t notice the New Year is approaching. Take a break from your daily worries and think about delicious tangerines, sparklers and bubbles of champagne. Of course, new victories, professional growth and a “beautiful” salary await you, but that will come later. In the meantime, enjoy the upcoming fun and relaxation!

Dikmi: Loud and succinct, but most importantly, using professional vocabulary that is understandable only to people of one craft! Briefly and globally, because a new countdown begins, the New Year is just around the corner! It’s fun and easy, because it’s a holiday, and not just another mournful solemn and teeth-gritting official planning meeting with the boss! All these are requirements for the right New Year's greetings for colleagues! We tried to take them into account when compiling congratulations for the most in-demand and popular professions this year! Look for yours, congratulate, be original and come visit us more often for new ideas!


1. Congratulations for programmers

May the New Year be full of positive information, may email become richer from letters of happiness, may all servers be accessible, programs successful, codes solved, keys selected. Let the search engine be tuned to personal happiness, let the desired love get entangled in the networks of your charm, and let the anti-virus program block all adversity! A thousand terabytes of inspiration for you! Happy New Year!

2. New Year's greetings from web designers

May the New Year become a period of new discoveries for you. Let the body graphics improve, and let the cross-browser compatibility of your beloved’s thoughts meet the logic of your personal website. Let search engine optimization give birth to monetization, and let the artwork look like a smile. In the New Year, may you be for someone an icon of style, taste, sophistication, and intelligence. And let life in the New Year not correspond to a template, let it be filled with illustrations, collages from travel and everything will be usable!

3. Happy New Year to lawyers

Happy New Year, friend! I wish you that in the coming year you have the right to live without rules! So that the main law for you is blind love, like Themis. So that taxes do not burden, citizens do not bother, work is easy, the family is strong, the inheritance is unexpected and huge, the housing is spacious and in the center, the corporate party is fun, the administration is lenient!

4. Happy New Year text for drivers

Happy New Year to you, leader of the roads! In the coming year, let the maps be clear, the paths smooth, the tank full of gasoline, the carburetor with a spark, the steering wheel obedient. So that the passengers are pleasant, so that their eyes shine with joy, brighter than headlights on a foggy night, and so that the starter of love works without interruption. Oh yes, my friend, and the Kama Sutra for you instead of boring rules traffic in the glove compartment!

5. New Year greetings for managers

Let next year you have to plan the budget of your own corporation, drive an expensive car, organize bright parties, improve your wardrobe, calculate the growth of profits in geometric progression, and motivate many men to perform heroic deeds. Let your competitors remain behind your big voyage, and let trust reign at home! Happy New Year!

6. Happy New Year to accountants

In the year that is already on the threshold, we wish you to pay moderate taxes, submit reports on time and the first time, receive small bills and a large salary. Let the balance always converge, and let the auditors bypass. May your love, care and kindness bring dividends in the form of gifts, smiles and pleasant moments. Let the risks be justified, the assets in gold, the liabilities in sables! Happy New Year!

7. Economists. We wish you to forget about saving in the New Year! So that the budget is enough for boots and coats, for a ring and Bordeaux, for a theater and a sauna, for new hairstyle and other joys. So that GDP is always higher than your growth, so that planning is correct and thinking is positive. So that the working day is measured in several cups of coffee, competition is a gray mouse and hides in the crack, and the quality of life is measured by macro indicators!

8. Engineers. May the New Year burst into your life with new projects and inspiration. Let the family clock not require adjustment, let all tests be bypassed, and instructions exist only to be broken! Let your heart not need maintenance, and let your heroic health have a longer service life! Let there be many orders and amazing schedule flexibility! Happy New Year!

9. For builders. We wish you in the New Year gingerbread houses, castles in the air and other fabulous structures! So that you don’t have to do a major overhaul of the family ship, and the current one gets by with a minor fright. So that the restoration does not require feelings, so that the mother-in-law is an investor, and the father-in-law is a contractor. So that the solution of love does not thicken in the cold of absurd quarrels, and the bricks of luck gently form into an amazing structure!

10. Architects. We wish you a year that is already knocking on the door of the implementation of master plans, bright drawings of joy, chic body geometry, a girl who wakes up next to you. Philosophy of lines and secrets of happiness. Positive estimates and flexible standards. A girl and a boy as the main projects for next year! Happy New Year!

11. Pharmacists. In the New Year, we wish to reveal the secret of the chemistry of love, invent a cure for the blues, build a dream pharmacy and find the treasure of health. Let every step be effective, every smile safe for others, and every look full of magic!

12. Doctors. Fewer sick people and higher wages so that health comes knocking on your doorstep! More patience, luck, jam, so that all adversity and friction will pass by! So that feelings do not require diagnosis, children do not require prevention, and medical confidentiality and the Hippocratic Oath gather dust on the farthest shelf in the closet! Happy New Year!

13. Dentists. In the New Year, we wish that your thoughts are as wise as teeth, that your jaws do not ache from unnecessary troubles, that your heart aches only from love, and that your hands always have work to do - counting money! Happy holiday!

14. To teachers. May Makarenko and Ushinsky envy you this New Year, may the magazine be full of A’s, may titles and awards fly after you like a blizzard, may your students be grateful and pluck stars from the sky. Let the cakes be delicious, victories sweet, words sincere, eyes kind. Happy New Year!

15. Journalists. We wish that next year Grandfather will bring a frying pan! And on it - facts and hot stuff, sensations over the edge, intrigue - take it! So that the salary does not let you down, so that the Snow Maiden is sweet, so that love overflows, and so that there are words for a good harvest! Happy New Year!

16. To the cooks. Let the New Year's holiday salad consist of the following ingredients: love, luck, gratitude, success, kindness and sweetness! Let the life menu be luxurious and the price lists correct. So that fate does not knead the dough from you, so that it stuffs you with money, and the temperature rises only from passion! May the New Year give you happiness in large portions! Happy holiday!

17. For designers. Let the New Year create more ideal images, draw prospects, and draw grandiose plans. Let the three graces come into life: love, hope and beauty. Let your aesthetic taste always receive pleasure, and your heart - inspiration. Orange mood, rainbow luck and fairy tales all around! Happy New Year!

18. Actors. Interesting scripts, complex roles, understandable characters, ideal characters, limitless creativity and many scenes! Let the directors be kind, and Stanislavsky always shout: “I believe!” Let cinema be life, and life be a game. Let the makeup be of high quality, the costume incomparable, the gait graceful and flying, the gestures confident, the facial expressions funny, the role unique! May the New Year be creative and full of adventures!

19. To the police. Next year we wish you smooth roads, order in society, rights without violations, fabulous chivalry, smiling fortune, holidays without danger, sincere love and a friendly iron shoulder! Happy New Year!

20. Firefighters. In the New Year, let the fire burn only in hearts, and let it be extinguished only with love! So that you see sand only on the beach, a shovel - at your favorite dacha and in your beloved mother-in-law's hands, and a fire hose only rolled up! Let the ladder be only a career one, and you only have to save your friends from a hangover! Happy holiday!

21. Photographers. We wish you flexible models, stunning backgrounds, fabulous shoots, and six-figure fees in the New Year! And also - people who can create inspiration, deep looks, sincere smiles, extreme filming and outrageous props! Let the camera be true and your eyes sharp! Happy New Year!

22. Florists. Beauty in everything, brightness around, light and color! So that the decor is successful, the atmosphere is inspiring, the words are correct, the branches are green, the colors are mystical! Let there be harmony of shape and color, and let the house have a successful composition of love, silence, respect and smiles! Happy New Year!

23. For artists. We wish you next year to reveal new facets of talent, conquer new heights, and see distant depths. So that the painting is noticeable, the hand is firm, the freedom is limitless, the exposure is triumphant! Let art find new life in the form of cash injections, and the name will become the calling card of the city! Happy New Year!

24. Stylists and hairdressers. Loud applause, muffled sighs, bright hairstyles without a shadow of a trick! Holidays everywhere, both in life and in fashion, the little things you need and the sweets that matter! Light images without shocking, and fashion of eternal revelry! Happy roads to Paris, and money without robbery! Happy New Year!

25. Dancers. In the New Year, we wish you to live in the rhythm of your heart, move towards the wind, be paired with the sun, create compositions of love and passion. Let the music of the heart be major and the dance steps soft! May luck be dynamic, technique obedient, harmony eternal, and facial expressions welcoming! Let expression reign in your home in the New Year, and let your wallet fill up to the rhythm of tango! Happy holiday!

Dikmi: Give your colleagues New Year's smiles! It’s so simple - to give a drop of spiritual light and receive the whole sun in return! May everything work out for you!

Nadezhda Suvorova

New Year is a holiday that leaves adversity behind and gives a reason to settle differences. This is especially true in a work team, where friction constantly arises due to different views on the same problem.

Celebrating the New Year correctly with colleagues means entering the future with new strength, positive emotions and inspiring ideas. Therefore, it is important to organize the holiday competently and not leave anyone unattended. How to congratulate your colleagues on the New Year on your own behalf and make pleasant impression, you decide.

How to choose a gift for colleagues

How to choose a gift for colleagues so that you are sure to like it. There are two solutions to this problem: buy everyone the same gifts or choose individual approach. The last option is relevant if you know each colleague well and are aware of his hobbies and tastes.

The choice of gift depends on your preferences, financial capabilities and imagination.

You can also buy separate gifts for the male and female half of the team. This is what most people do. This is a simple option that allows you not to think about choosing a gift idea, since it comes by itself. It would be a good idea to carefully inquire what others are planning to give as a gift, so as not to go beyond their budget and not show yourself above the rest.

Gift options for colleagues:

The most commonplace is a souvenir with the symbol of the coming year. Then it wouldn’t hurt to add sweets to the gift, such as chocolate or cake. You can make such a present original by ordering figurines with the symbols of your company or personalized congratulations for each.
Necessary office items are also trivial, but if you approach the choice of pens or organizers with creativity and imagination, you can surprise your colleagues. Select stationery items that are beautiful and presentable.
If you are planning a trip to another country in the fall or early winter, you can bring from there memorable souvenirs. These gifts are definitely not something you can buy in the local supermarket and they will definitely surprise your workmates.
You can please yourself and others if you choose not individual gifts as a gift, but buy something useful for the office. For example, your coffee machine doesn’t work, your cooler leaks, or your printer jams, which greatly complicates your work process. Believe me, every time they use the equipment you donated, your colleagues will remember you with gratitude.

Do not choose cosmetics, bouquets, kitchen utensils or a set of tools as a gift, even if you work exclusively in men's or. Your friends will think that you bought the first thing they saw in the store.

What to give to your boss

Choosing a gift for your boss is a responsible process. You can’t give trivial things, but you shouldn’t overdo it either. Finding a middle ground is difficult. In order not to rack your brains over what to give your boss, use ready-made ideas:

High-quality tea, coffee or alcohol will always please even the most serious bosses. It’s great if you have the opportunity to purchase or order them in the country of manufacture.
If your budget allows, buy an exquisite piece of furniture (painting, vase, lamp).
If your boss is a woman, a bouquet of flowers would be a good idea. Also, a businesswoman will certainly appreciate beautiful stationery items, a diary decorated with wishes from colleagues, elegant figurines, vases and other decorative elements.

Since a gift for a boss should be neutral in nature, give him a comic “star” on the Walk of Fame, a certificate for being the kindest and most honest leader, and a presentation about him.

Do not give personal items such as cosmetics, perfume, clothing, jewelry or a phone, or suggestive gifts such as a membership to a fitness center or beauty salon. You risk not only not pleasing, but also angering your boss.

How to congratulate colleagues in poetry and prose

In addition to the main gift, it will not be superfluous to prepare a speech. You can come up with options for how to congratulate colleagues in poetry and prose yourself. Even if you do not have writing talent, the team will be pleased to hear kind words addressed to them; they will definitely appreciate your contribution.

If you are shy about speaking in public, arrive at the office early and place greeting cards at each work station. This will give festive mood to your colleagues before the start of the working day.

If you want to make an impression, you can order poetry from an agency or on specialized websites. There they will create a real masterpiece according to your wishes: the name of the company, the names of colleagues, the chronology of the events that took place.

To cheer everyone up and break up the official part, come up with a comic congratulation. Then everyone at the table will laugh heartily; a festive mood will appear even among the most gloomy colleagues. In addition, an original positive congratulation will not go unnoticed by your superiors, who will appreciate your imagination.

How to organize a New Year's corporate party

If you don’t know what to give your colleagues for the New Year, take charge of organizing the corporate party. You won't believe how happy others will be when this burden is lifted from their shoulders. But if you take on the responsibility of organizing a holiday, everything should be done in the best possible way.

Start preparing for the corporate event a couple of weeks before the holiday date, then you will have time to order the necessary attributes, create a menu and clearly think through the plan for the event. When choosing a theme for the holiday, take into account the age and preferences of your colleagues, without forgetting about anyone.

To make the evening not boring, come up with a theme for the party and ask your colleagues to prepare appropriate costumes and. Not everyone will agree to this, so prepare a couple of accessories for those who come in office clothes. Use any theme as an idea (pirates, space, a desert island, the office’s favorite TV series or movie).

Not all people like sweepstakes and competitions, but there will always be those in the company who will support this idea. Therefore, come up with some fun outdoor entertainment with symbolic prizes. Also, the success of a corporate event directly depends on a properly organized table. Therefore, make sure that the ordered dishes and drinks are enough for everyone.

20 January 2014, 16:26

On the eve of the New Year holidays, we all greet each other, convey warm wishes for health, goodness and happiness. Beautiful Happy New Year 2020 greetings to colleagues in prose and poetry , as well as friends, family and loved ones - these are insightful words filled with sincerity and warmth.

The coming New Year always brings new hope for success in life, as well as for overcoming all kinds of difficulties and troubles. The last week of the outgoing year is an excellent time to prepare joyful, unusual, comic congratulations. To make this task easier, we offer below a large collection of beautiful, original, official and humorous, funny and touching congratulations colleagues at work in poetry and prose, in their own words. If an employee is currently on vacation, then you can congratulate him by sending short sms— Happy New Year greetings or by sending New Year wishes by email.

Expressing congratulations to an individual or group of people is a kind of art. Serious or funny phrases spoken from the heart should radiate complacency and kindness, joy and friendliness.

Beautiful congratulations are remembered by us on for a long time, and each of us hopes that they will definitely come true in 2020!

Read also:

We have a common job
A common cause, concern.
The holiday is also ours for everyone.
Let success follow!

Happy New Year to you, colleagues!
Bright success awaits you.
Don't be sick, don't be sad,
Have fun and joke!

To keep the work going,
Just a pleasant concern
So that life awaits you,
May fate be bright!

Have fun this holiday,
And all sorts of gifts
I sincerely wish you all.
Congratulations to you, colleagues!
Happy New Year to our entire friendly team.
May good luck accompany you and may the positivity never leave you.
So that work can be carried out, so that there is comfort in families!
Just so you don’t forget: you are very welcome here in the morning.
I wish you all success and health, light, joy, goodness.
New Year's fun. Happy New Year to all. Hooray!
Having worked hard for a year,
It's time to rest.
Happy New Year to you, colleagues!
Put everything aside.

I wish you a salary -
To carry it away in bags,
Next door to the MP
So they could buy a house.

Management to praise
So that there is career growth.
So as not to scold too much,
If you forgot something.

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
You and I are one family.
I wish you happiness and joy
And good luck to you, friends!

We wish you all harmony and prosperity. May all your dreams come true and may your adversities become a thing of the past. May the coming Year of the Pig bring joy, peace, love! Happy days throughout the 12 months, which will be filled with pleasant chores, love and happiness!

Colleagues, this New Year,
I wish you great heights,
More profitable ideas
Less sad news.

Let the salary grow steadily,
To row it with a shovel,
There were more corporate events
And life was kinder and sweeter!

Let there be what you need
Success accompanies business,
So that our team lives together
And so that the boss praises us!
To work, as if on a holiday,
We are in a hurry from year to year.
A lot of things, big and important,
And a crowd of customers is waiting.

I wish everyone success
And diligence in work,
So that there is no interference,
May you always be lucky, everywhere.

To increase wages
There was enough strength for the family.
Happy New Year
Our entire friendly team!

Congratulations from management are a kind of moral support for each member of the team, positive instructions to move forward, improving performance in their field of activity.

Dear Colleagues! On the eve of the coming year, I would like to wish you year-round financial abundance, prosperity of our business and continued cohesion of all employees. Let every working day be joyful, filled with energy and a good emotional charge. good health, good luck and lots and lots of happiness in the New Year!

The team is dear and friendly,
I need to congratulate you now
Happy New Year! And wish...
So where should I start?

I’ll say it without embellishment, friends,
I love the team.
Either joke or don't joke -
This is where our paths converged.

You can't count the wishes.
It is an honor to congratulate you.
May the New Year bring
A lot of joyful worries.

Happiness will come to every home
And it will bring good luck.
May there be love and health.
And success will not forget you.

Let Santa Claus give everyone
A lot of joyful troubles
May the whole year not be sad,
Quite the opposite!

New Year's greetings to the team in verse

I congratulate all my colleagues
Happy New Year and I wish you
So that work doesn't bother you,
Gave pleasure.
Optimism and positivity
Let him join the team.
So that salaries increase
And they were issued more often -
Three or four times a month.
Come on, all the pockets are wider!
So that the authorities do not play around,
How my family loved you all,
Vacations were given on time...
About once a year a year.
Well, Santa Claus is kind
Will give happiness, love and blessings.
Let him promote you in your career
And he’ll give you gifts!

I hasten to congratulate you on the New Year
From the bottom of my heart, colleagues, to you!
Let your income grow
Not every day, but every hour!

Let only happiness reign in the family,
Let your health be strong,
Problems and bad weather will go away,
Sorrow and sadness will rush away!

I wish you all this holiday
Lots of fun, jokes, laughter,
Kindness, smiles, a sea of ​​light
And many great successes!
Let the New Year enter your home
An alluring bright light.
May your dreams come true,
Let there be no fuss.
And seeing off the Old Year,
Get rid of all the hassle.
Leave all your sorrows behind,
All the troubles, everything they were silent about...
Don't be afraid of new beginnings!
Don't be afraid of creative quests!
After all, the New Year is like a blank slate,
And you are the only soloist
Those songs that you will have to sing.
After all, the New Year is about to burst in!
And there will be dancing and dancing...
And you will find yourself in that fairy tale,
Which will change everything.
Here's to the New Year! Let it come!

My dear colleague! Happy birthday to you holidays. Try to capture some of the Christmas spirit so that it stays with you throughout the next year. I wish all the following days to be filled with fun, adventure, and joy. In this New Year's Eve you are more beautiful than ever, remain so sweet and unique for many years to come!

We can mix up our affairs,
Find yourself on the boss's carpet,
At work, as if she were drinking in the forest:
If you give a tree, you cut it and that’s it!
We are the most important hard workers here,
And at lunchtime, during the break, we rest.
That's what it means - colleagues. And they don't wait for us
Lonely everyday life with iced tea.
The team is strength, and in the New Year
I am glad to congratulate you all. Let him bring you
Respect, happiness, good luck this fresh New Year.

Comic Happy New Year 2020 greetings to colleagues in prose and verse

Comic congratulations can improve your mood and make the holiday fun, funny and memorable.

I wish my friends that their reflection in the mirror does not frighten them, but makes them rejoice and enjoy its beauty appearance. Run quickly to the gym immediately after the New Year's feast, get in shape so that you can be slim and fit all year.

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! Be patient so that the coming 2020 brings everything your heart and soul desires. Step confidently up the stairs to your dreams! After all, they always come true, you just have to really, really want them.

I want to congratulate you in my own words , without prepared standard phrases, all your friends! May the complacent Pig give you good health and material well-being, give you peaceful days and new meetings. Let every new day of 2020 begin with good news. Happiness and luck!

Short SMS - Happy New Year greetings to colleagues

New Year is a good time!
New start and new achievements!
To all colleagues - joy, kindness,
Strength, health, vigor, luck!

Let comfort always reign in the house,
But the soul knows no sorrows!
New Year's fireworks
Let him raise the bar for his mood!
Here's what I want to say, people:
The New Year is coming to visit us!
I wish you every luck,
Good salaries, many bonuses.
So that the boss can only admire us
And I never found fault!
Let it be in the family and at work
Happiness awaits us, not worries.
May a miracle come to us soon
On a wonderful New Year holiday!
Congratulations to everyone
And with all my heart I wish
Salary increases,
May you all be rich.

Let the bosses not scold you,
Doesn't call for carpet.
Let your career grow
The New Year will just come.

And may every Snow Maiden
Receives a fur coat as a gift,
And her “Frosty Father” -
Mercedes convertible.

In general, drink and walk,
And celebrate to the fullest.
May the coming new year
It will only bring you joy.

I hope the new year brings gifts that you won't be able to find under any tree. These are gifts inner world, personal growth, excellent health, prosperity and love!

Leave your affairs and worries, colleagues,
The New Year is already knocking on our gates,
Let's meet him and have fun,
After all, we had to work all year.

May there be luck and may there be luck,
The soul does not recognize insults and doubts.
All good things await you in the new year,
May he bring you happiness and joy.

Let's raise our glasses to the year that is coming,
Let love and prosperity find you.
I wish all your dreams to come true
And most cherished desires come true!

I wish that Santa Claus brings a pack of green bills to your home and opens a bank account for you that will fill up and never run out! Let your refrigerator become a real treasure trove delicious products and aromatic wine. Faithful friends and associates to you in the bathhouse and in gym. Happy New Year!

We can handle any job,
We just radiate positivity.
Everyone has a “need” and a “want”
And together we are a great team.

Everyone has their own home, their own family,
But we spend a lot of time together.
I want to congratulate you on your holiday.
Employees, colleagues, Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
This year I wish you,
So that wealth and luck
We were at the same time with you,
And health and luck
They flew into your window.
Lots of laughter, lots of happiness!
Let all bad weather go away.
To Santa Claus
Brought you career growth
And the Snow Maiden is with me
Brought a lot of income!

I wish that this night,
Work faded into the background.
So that instead of folders and reports -
A glass of champagne and cake!

May you be nearby, this New Year,
Faith and luck walk,
The health of loved ones, and in addition,
Events, the best, turnover.

I also wish you creativity,
More laughter, positivity,
Emotions, lightness, freedom...
Let your income skyrocket!

The year has flown by so quickly
There was so much to do in it,
May you all have a new year
Success and victories await!

I wish you comfort in my heart
And happiness every minute,
In the family - mutual understanding,
In your career - only prosperity.

Lots of health, stronger steel,
So that all dreams suddenly become reality.
I wish you true friends
And fruitful, bright days!
May the New Year bring
A lot of joyful troubles.
On the balance - replenishments,
And in your career - promotions.

To close everything on time,
No problems and no hassles,
So that you can work with laughter.
Happiness, joy, success!

To have a friendly team
United us even more strongly,
To go to work
We are always very happy!

Short Happy New Year wishes to colleagues in your own words and in verse

I wish you a miracle in the New Year,
I wish you happiness in the new year.
And let every minute
Fills the fairy tale with happiness.
May the New Year bring you hope,
Let there be wonderful moments in it,
Let everything become better than it was before,
Everywhere - good luck and amazing achievements!

On New Year's Day, I'll tell you,
Miracles happen.
In the coming year
Let dreams come true.
May you be in an excellent mood,
With luck, happiness, inspiration
This new year will begin.
May you be lucky!
Happy New Year,
Let him be happy.
May love, kindness, good luck
He will bring it to every home.

Happiness, joy, health,
May the New Year bring
And good luck in your wallet,
It will bloom wildly!
On New Year's Day I wish
Lots of happiness and love
Lots of joy and money
And good luck ahead.
Start the new year with a clean slate.
Let the problems in the old dissolve,
And there will only be miracles in this,
Which will help you not to give up!
Let the aroma of juicy pine needles
Everything is filled around,
The year will be generous and rich,
And happiness will knock on the house!
Happy New Year,
Vivid new impressions,
I wish you a lot of happiness
Joy, goodness, health.

Happy New Year,
Light, bright, kind,
Prosperity, happiness, peace,
May he give you strength.

Original New Year's wishes in prose

The best original wishes will delight your loved ones.

Colleagues, Happy New Year!
Let a friendly round dance
You are surrounded often
Love, luck, happiness!

Huge salaries for everyone
Growing and immodest,
Indecent success
And have a great holiday!

May the New Year bring good luck,
Stability and income are immeasurable.
May this year be generous with gifts,
Let the main peaks be conquered.

I wish everyone happiness and love,
And the fulfillment of all kinds of wishes.
May your days be very bright.
And various impressions for you!

Today is our working day,
But the heart asks for celebration,
After all, the hour of the magical night is approaching!
My head is spinning with happiness!

The best gifts to you, colleagues,
And a wallet full of money.
And be lucky forever,
Get excited about life.

Work with eternal inspiration -
Run home at full speed.
Surely bright miracles for you,
Good luck on all fronts!

May the New Year bring you
Prosperity and income.
May success follow you
So that there is no interference in anything.

May your health be good,
The mind is enlightened, tenacious,
There is peace in the world, and harmony in families.
Raise everyone's salaries.

A lot of strength and optimism,
Travel and tourism,
In the souls - sunny weather.
Everyone, colleagues, Happy New Year!

The coming New Year's Eve delights us with snowflakes that swirl in light dance, Christmas trees, sparkling bright lights, songs and fun. May this amazing holiday of magic and fairy tales give you the best moments of happiness, the radiance of the eyes of your loved ones, bright events, fun, laughter!

May the coming year
Luck will wink at you all,
May troubles pass you by,
Let your income grow steadily!

Let your dreams come true
And let there be no sad days.
There is more warmth in our hearts,
And there are festive lights in the house!

Happy New Year to my colleagues
You can wish for a lot:
So that there is less work,
So as not to get up early.

To get a bonus more often
The team was awarded
So that every day happens
Small but positive.

So that we work together,
Because we have the same goal.
To be released in the summer
All of us together to the south.

Short funny New Year greetings to work colleagues

Short new year wishes You can express it to your colleague in telephone messages or send it by email.

We are together every day,
From eight to five;
We already have better teams,
Probably won't find it.

I want you Happy New Year
Congratulations to everyone, friends!
We can handle all tasks,
Where are you and me together?

Let's celebrate the New Year
In the circle of your family,
I wish you no worries
All the holidays are over!

And in the new year
We'll meet again
To work and create,
And get money!

Our plans are fulfilled
May the New Year give
And will add patience to us,
If there is too much to do.

Let, colleagues, work for you
Will bear fruit:
Income will increase
And dreams will come true!

May the gentle sun and bright days of hope be your faithful companions throughout the 12 months of 2020. May your life be filled with meetings with kind people, and true friends help in difficult moments. In the coming year, may all plans and dreams come true, and may the love of the most dear people warms hearts!

Colleagues, Happy New Year to you!
I wish you peace, happiness,
Huge bonuses, days off,
Praise - all at once
So that everything comes easy
Both in life and in work,
So that your every day passes
It's like being at a resort!

Happy New Year,
Let everything go smoothly,
Happiness to you for the whole year,
Live your best life without hassle!

Let luck wander around
Caressing you with a gentle gaze
And, will fulfill all desires -
For a worthy effort!

May you all be lucky all year long,
Happiness is only waiting for you,
Tenderness, sincerity, smiles,
Without any error!

I would like to wish our business partners mutually beneficial and fair transactions in the Year of the Pig, because it promises to be prosperous and successful. Let our cooperation achieve the highest results, and let all ideas be translated into reality. I wish you a productive partnership, business prosperity, stable and reliable customers. Let financial crises pass you by, and peace and prosperity reign in families!

I wish my work colleagues to achieve all their goals in 2020 and gain satisfaction from many endeavors. Make this the best year for yourself! Wishes to our team can be expressed not only in words, but also in material support, so I wish everyone decent financial income, thanks to which you can soak up the warm sea coast this summer or go on a foreign tour.

Comic New Year greetings to work colleagues

Happy New Year 2020 greetings to colleagues in prose on the eve of the holiday sound sincere, cheerful, and sometimes playful and amusing. Comic words encourage those who remain at their workplace on New Year's Eve, inspiring them to complete their tasks. From the management of enterprises and organizations, as well as from personnel, there are always good greetings to people who were unable to get a comfortable job festive table and continue to work when others are having fun.

Let's raise our glasses, colleagues.
And let's drink right away!
May the New Year come to us quickly
And he’ll pour it for us three more times!
Colleagues, my dear guys!
I congratulate you, dear faces!
Today I wish for the New Year,
May Grandfather save you from various adversities!
So that happy songs would flow like a river
So that everyone has the right hand of the boss!

May the New Year come to us quickly
And he won’t forget happiness with him, he’ll take it with him!
Let my colleagues prepare gifts for you!
And everything will work out well for everyone!

New Year's greetings everyone
I happily send it to my colleagues!
Let there be no problems at work,
And at home, I wish that everything would be “ok”!
I congratulate my colleagues
I send you with great respect!
May it be on the Christmas tree for the New Year
Instead of green needles
Salaries will increase all around,
So that we don’t care about anything!

I send my greetings to you,
Raise one hundred grams
My dear colleagues
May any dreams come true!
To Santa Claus,
Brought you three prizes!

May the holiday be joyful
Let the hurricane of happiness come!
And all sorts of gifts
The New Year's storm will give us!
Colleagues - health and good luck to you,
Higher salaries, more often, to boot!
For colleagues, my best words,
My mighty congratulations!
May the New Year not be a hindrance to you
Achieve great success in your career!

I wish you great luck
Colleagues, I wish you an apartment and a dacha
By the very blue, blue sea,
Take a walk so you can enjoy the open space!
Happy New Year, please accept congratulations
May all your “wants” come true!

I wish you a big penthouse
I wish you a lot of happiness,
Let Santa Claus be gray for you
The penthouse will be paved the way!
Colleagues, let your dreams come true,
Bad as ice, breaking
I wish you happiness all year
Our dear colleagues!
May you always be lucky in everything
And there will be triple bonuses,
To buy for a holiday at home
Caviar, bacon and champagne with ice!

We wish you a sea of ​​adventures,
Colleagues, our active and young ones!
Don't be afraid to make different decisions
Life is before you, Happy New Year everyone, dears!

Happy New Year
It will never be fashionable!
Even in such a serious company,
Where is everyone a colleague, boss and hero!
We wish everyone a little simplicity,
Then there will be no emptiness in life!
To our valiant accountants
We don’t want ta-ra-ram in the morning!
Celebrate the New Year more modestly,
So that the salary is enough, you know
It will still be useful to you
Live the whole month of January to the fullest!
In the New Year I wish you a new “home”
May everyone in it be happy!
So that the summer only prospers,
So that everyone's salary is not enough!
So that colleagues all live together.
After all, we don’t need bad things!

Happy New Year! At a corporate event
To our painstaking team,
We wish to always be in sight,
Leave any trouble to the past year!

Having a huge team is a blessing!
May the New Year take all misfortunes away from you!
We wish you to live the whole year without troubles!
Colleagues, let everything go smoothly!

Congratulations to the best friend-colleague can also be formed both in verse and in your own words

My dear friend! Life is beautiful and our friendship has been tested by time. I wish you and me that the coming year will only strengthen our relationship, because we have experienced so much together! Be happy and healthy in the coming Year of the Pig.

Comic New Year's greetings
May he bring good luck to his colleagues!
And the salary will be increased immediately for a year
And the boss will give a guarantee in advance,
That they will have enough for food and sea,
And what awaits everyone’s promotion soon!

I hasten to congratulate my colleagues on the New Year!
It's no joke, we've been together for so many years!
Year after year we gather again,
And we work, from winter to winter!
May all your wishes and dreams come true
And may your thoughts be pure!

Gray-haired grandfather is coming to visit,
He's funny and has a beard!
At our corporate party
Everyone is looking forward to it positively!
Let's celebrate the holiday
Add Santa Claus
Strong hot tea,
We hope it doesn't melt
But it will only get a little better,
May your wishes come true sooner!

May luck smile
And he won’t turn his back on you!
Colleagues, we wish you joy
Eat sweets all year long,
What will gray-haired Grandfather bring you?
This winter, cold time!

I wish you never to get sick,
I wish you not to grow old at all!
It's just New Year's
Ours, colleagues, are taking their turn!
Let it bring you positivity,
Vivat! Viva corporate party!

The years are flying by quickly,
Our colleagues cannot keep up
Well, let's watch the artists,
Afterwards you need to dance to your heart's content,
After all, the New Year is coming
He brings us all the best!

Tangerines blossomed on the Christmas trees,
Bananas, pineapples, oranges...
Eh... dreams, dreams, dreams
In Russia you celebrate...
I would like to go to the Maldives,
To see this miracle!
I wish my colleagues such a salary,
So that they could rake it with a shovel!
Vacation so that there are two times a year,
So that the boss is trouble-free!
New Year's performance
It starts today colleagues with us!
I wish you crazy fun,
I want to take a break for a year at a time!

I wish my colleague endless happiness,
Let Grandfather's raids be warded off by bad weather!
Let the passing year take the crisis away,
And the coming year will bring peace and tranquility!

Let the New Year swirl
Happiness will call us
To a life without troubles, my colleagues,
Where shoots of goodness grow!
Where are the friendly people?
Where we will all be happy!
Happy New Year my dears,
Let salaries grow big!
But, colleagues, don’t drink too much
To find your way home in the evening!
So that there is no redistribution of happiness,
That the angel helped you out every now and then!

Be brave my colleagues
Makes your own wishes!
Santa Claus will fulfill everything
To make everyone happy!
Happy New Year to you,
Get ready for a hangover in the morning:
Buy beer right away
Drive out this pain-infection!

We are looking forward to the holiday, we are really looking forward to it
To drive out the old year later!
To leave, he’s a colleague quickly,
Let's celebrate the New Year with more joy!

Cool New Year greetings to work colleagues

We celebrate the people today
New Year in the middle of a frosty winter!
Nice, cool corporate party
Radiates fun and positivity!
Even our boss is here
Maybe he brought good news
About what will increase our wages,
So that there is enough not only for the rent!

Colleagues, we are positive now,
We are waiting for artists at the corporate event,
So that they can entertain us together,
To forget the years of this all the days!
So that joy and light come into life,
And they brought a lot of money with them!

Happy New Year to you dear colleagues
Make big wishes!
May the year bring you both a car and a dacha,
Let him change the apartment to boot!
Santa Claus will soon send you on vacation,
Wherever the severe frost torments you!
The joy of our colleagues today
Let's dance at the New Year's corporate party!
What will happen tomorrow - don't care,
Today our life is “without blemish”!
Pour the golden drink quickly
Let the artists entertain us today!

Pour the wine into glasses,
So that we don't have enough!
Colleagues, today we are walking,
We say goodbye to the old year!
We will wave to him together,
We don't need such years!
Let's drink together to care,
And let's embrace the New Year!

We hasten to congratulate our colleagues,
After all, the old year is leaving!
Let us praise him together:
Let him leave soon!
The crisis will quickly take you away,
It will open the door to stability!
The whole New Year will be joyful,
So that the common people are happy!

Formal and warm, bright and cordial beautiful congratulations Happy New Year 2020, colleagues at work are told in poetry and prose that a year of goodness, peace, mutual understanding, and happiness is coming!

You can always find Happy New Year greetings to colleagues and partners in this section of the website. This holiday is one of the most long-awaited. Many begin to prepare for it several months in advance and buy gifts. Don’t forget about your colleagues and put off preparing your wishes until the last moment. You can come up with prose congratulations to your colleague on the New Year or copy ready-made options from our website. A New Year's feast with loved ones is an obligatory ritual, but, as a rule, many get together and celebrate the holiday in advance with work colleagues. Prepare in advance for your corporate holiday cool congratulations for the team and colleagues. In this case, when the time comes for your wish toast, you will not fall “face in the dirt.”

In order to perform well in front of colleagues at a festive corporate party, choose any short congratulations for the New Year from this section. Learn comic, cheerful, funny or beautiful poems won't be difficult. As a rule, they are easy to remember. You can also send funny poems about the New Year for colleagues as an SMS if you are unable to congratulate the person with whom you work side by side in person. He will still be pleased to receive warm wishes in the form of an SMS message, especially since on New Year’s Day it can be quite difficult to get through by telephone or mobile phone due to its congestion.

Happy New Year!
We wish you prosperity
Don't be afraid of competitors
And develop steadily.

Wonderful new prospects,
Interesting offers.
So that financial income
Yours has increased this year.

Many joyful events
Innovation and discovery.
Avoid various risks
And become even more successful.

We confess to you boldly:
We are glad to do business with you.
May the coming New Year
It will bring you good luck!
Happy New Year.
We sincerely wish you:
May the whole next year
Prosperity brings.

Orders - only profitable ones,
And deals - only profitable ones,
Joint promotions,
Profitable investments.

And courage and prospects,
There was a friendly team.
And happiness, joy, goodness,
Let life be fun!
New Year is a miracle, New Year is magic,
So let him give only good things,
Illuminate you with hope, luck, success
And it will give you health, fun and laughter.
It will be prosperous and happy for you,
Bring your wishes come true now!
I want to wish you a Happy New Year
And I hasten to wish you soon
Good luck, profit in your work,
Great projects and ideas!

To make the work easy,
The income should always be large.
Let there be less controversy
In a huge business sphere!
May the New Year bring you
Prosperity and income.
May success follow you
So that there is no interference in anything.

May your health be good,
The mind is enlightened, tenacious,
There is peace in the world, and harmony in families.
Raise everyone's salaries.

A lot of strength and optimism,
Travel and tourism,
In the souls - sunny weather.
Everyone, colleagues, Happy New Year!
Colleagues, Happy New Year!
And if something didn’t come true in the old one,
We do not lower the bar for desires,
So that Grandfather Frost will tense up.

May the coming year be great,
On the graph the curve is growing upward,
The income will be decent and decent,
And life is without troubles and interference.

I wish you promotion and growth,
Less delays and problems,
Complex issues can be resolved easily and simply.
Happy New Year everyone! Happiness and peace to everyone!

Happy New Year greetings in prose to a colleague

Dear partners! I would like to sincerely wish you a Happy New Year! I wish that this year brings us new opportunities, fresh ideas and opens up new perspectives. May the coming year bring good health, prosperity in work and happiness in your personal life! Happy holiday to you!
Dear partners! In the New Year, I wish you global projects, worthy competitors, new discoveries, innovative proposals, great development prospects, interesting ideas, financial stability and prosperity!
Please accept sincere congratulations on the New Year from the entire team. Your energy and enthusiasm energizes us. We admire your wisdom and prudence. Your will and desire to win gives us strength and helps us lead the team forward. We will try to meet your hopes and expectations. Together with you we will move towards our common goal. I wish you health, prosperity and success!

Dear (name, patronymic). Thank you for your noble work, patience and responsiveness. We always enjoy attending your lessons. Your professionalism makes every lesson interesting and memorable. We want to wish you good health, optimism, good luck and good mood. Happy New Year!
I would personally like to wish everyone perfect harmony in the New Year. Harmony in everything - let nothing stress you, let everything you do, what they do to you, let all the people with whom you communicate, evoke only positive things in you. Let all the most beautiful things that happened to you be black line your life, and in the new year there will be a new stripe - white. And yet - joy! And faith! And, of course, good luck, and if there is none, then hope! Happy New Year!
Dear colleagues, I am happy to congratulate you all on the upcoming New Year holidays! Today I wish you to have great fun, relax, and communicate in an informal setting. Let the friendly atmosphere reigning here now remain unchanged during working hours. I believe that our close-knit team will show excellent results in the coming year and achieve new heights. I wish everyone present interesting work, mutual understanding between managers and subordinates, income growth (both for the company as a whole and personal), and, of course, happiness, health and prosperity!
Today we celebrate the coming New Year together. And on the eve of such a wonderful holiday, I would like to wish all the employees of our company a New Year's mood! Let harmony reign in your soul, let a smile shine on your face, let your heart rejoice. I wish the coming year to be no less successful than the past. Let all your bold plans come true, let sales grow, let there be more good and different clients! I wish you all family well-being, financial stability, active work days and exciting weekends and vacations!

We congratulate you on the New Year and, so as not to forget later, congratulations in advance on February 23, March 8, April 1, May 9, birthdays, September 1, November 7 and... the next New Year. Bye! We'll write in a year! We!
May the next year bring prosperity and success to each of us, give us new brilliant ideas and help us bring them to life. Let peace and mutual understanding reign in our families, and let the love of loved ones warm us with an unchanging hot flame at any moment. Let's wish each other professional growth, optimism and self-confidence!

Cool New Year greetings to colleagues

For the coming New Year
It's time to wish your colleagues
Less hard work
More nice salaries!

Let clients become smarter
The staff will be nice
Let the authorities praise, cherish,
And work will become easier than play!

Not only work success
Let Santa Claus carry it in his sack,
And humor, joy, laughter,
And only the salary – seriously!
You're pretty tired -
We urgently need to rest!
Whatever you wish,
I want to say one thing -

Happy New, best year!
Even though he is still young,
But we are already loved by the people,
Like a fairy tale hero!

Let him bring it, colleague,
Good luck and honor to you
And goodness from a big cart
Gives away very generously!
Snow was falling, blizzards were blowing
And the frost deigned to joke -
We barely made it
On this New Year's holiday

I wish you happy days,
Moods on the rise
Delicious honey gingerbread
And give back at work!

May the New Year give you
Millions of positive things
And champagne won’t poison you,
Making life completely happy!
Happy New Year
Numerous colleagues,
New Year is a great holiday -
Time for joyful pleasures!

It's time for fireworks,
Fireworks, discos,
Everyone finds joy in him,
What he loves the most!

Santa Claus has been waiting a long time,
His bag is heavy
Let the gifts be great!
Let them shock you!

Short New Year greetings to colleagues

Please accept Happy New Year congratulations
And wishes for happiness and love.
In the coming year, more patience for you,
May luck fill your days.
Partners who are honest, smart and reliable,
Don't deviate from the right path.
The contracts are profitable, and more can be done better,
And to reach the intended goal!
Our team is small,
But with a huge soul,
Let's celebrate the New Year together,
What's knocking at the gate -
Let Santa Claus not be stingy
For gifts. And strives
Give everyone a bonus for the year,
So that the people are happy.
So that the team works
In summer and winter,
And so that everyone has enough strength
Be yourself!
Colleagues, we cordially congratulate you
Have a wonderful New Year's celebration!
We wish you success, joy,
Let your home be filled with happiness!
May peace, prosperity, good luck
Accompanied on the journey of life.
Let it be happy - and never otherwise,
Your mornings, nights, days pass.
Colleagues! We worked together, I won’t hide it,
I'm happy to go to work
And sometimes I really want to tell you:
I won't find anything else like it anywhere!

May the New Year fulfill your wishes,
Luck will not bypass anyone!
We'll fill everyone's glasses with champagne,
Let's dry them now for the New Year!

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On July 3, the Federation Council will host an awards ceremony for the winners of the V Federal Action “Reliable Partner.” Members of the Council are invited to participate in the event...

Autumn compositions of vegetables and fruits
Autumn compositions of vegetables and fruits

Autumn gives us a lot of materials for creativity. These include leaves of various colors, chestnuts, dried flowers, acorns, and decorative...