Chinese New Year of the Rooster: revolutions are possible. Blog about China When is the lunar new year

As you know, the entry into law of the Chinese New Year 2017 does not coincide with ours, Russia. The Chinese live according to their lunar-solar calendar, and if for the majority of the world’s inhabitants the Year of the Rooster 2017 is coming, then for the Chinese - 4715. TripSmile is in a hurry to tell its readers who are interested in the traditions of celebrating the most long-awaited holiday by other peoples of the world about how they do it in China: what date is the Chinese New Year in 2017, what is its symbol, what events are being prepared.

What date is Chinese New Year 2017

It is noteworthy that each year the date of the New Year is different.

In the old days, such a grandiose event as the New Year was celebrated in China for a whole month! Imagine - thirty days of continuous fun and festivities. But in rhythm modern life“hardworking and always busy China” cannot afford this, so the holiday continues 15 days(which is also long!). It ends in 2017 February 11 a large-scale Red Light Festival.

Symbol of Chinese New Year in 2017

By eastern horoscope in 2017 the Fire (or red) rooster will patronize. That is, for the second year now, the symbol has been a fire sign.

If you believe Chinese mythology, which tends to spiritualize everything around, the Fire Rooster is a hot-tempered and changeable nature. You should immediately “cajole” him and win him over, but always be on your guard - today the rooster is welcoming, and tomorrow he is ready to rush into battle with his former comrade.

The Rooster is an absolute leader, a strong family man, a conservative with established values ​​and habits. Overwhelmed by the fiery element, he is purposeful, persistent and easily irritated - you should not get under the rooster’s hot wing.

Rooster is a fashionista and a neat guy with developed sense beautiful. He knows how to organize himself and, without following fashion, always manages to look impeccable.

Activities for Chinese New Year 2017

Chinese New Year comes first family holiday. Therefore, wherever the Chinese are, for the celebration they will return to their father’s house to meet with their closest ones, sit at the same table, watch an entertainment show on TV together, and exchange gifts. New Year's Day in China is called - "Family Reunion Day".

In large cities and provinces of China, the tradition of dancing dragons and lions on New Year's Eve and staging performances has been preserved. In addition, the holiday is not complete without the favorite pastime of the Chinese - launching firecrackers and fireworks.

In Beijing parks on New Year's days, temple fairs– with them you can buy, after trying, the most unusual treats that you cannot find in stores at normal times.

You don't have to go to the east to celebrate Chinese New Year. You can also celebrate the holiday in Moscow by going, for example, to a Chinese restaurant or tea house, where very beautiful ceremonies are specially organized. Here you can not only enjoy truly works of culinary art, but also listen to folk music and admire dancing.

The Chinese New Year is celebrated on a grand scale at the Ethnomir tourist and cultural center. Guests are welcome on Mira Street in the Chinese House for a cozy tea party. At the School of Chinese Painting, everyone will be taught how to paint on rice paper. In addition, the day's program includes games, quizzes, competitions - in general, no one will get bored.

Chinese New Year is celebrated in the capital's parks. For example, a show festival is held in Sokolniki Park, where music and sports groups perform, films are shown, and trainings and master classes are organized. There is a fair at the event where guests can buy unusual souvenirs to remember the holiday.

The most important tradition of celebrating the Chinese New Year is to celebrate it at the family hearth, surrounded by relatives. Even the Chinese who are extremely busy at work rush to visit their parents on this day.

New Year for the Chinese is also Spring Festival, the beginning of sowing work. Therefore, one of the symbols of the holiday are ears of rice pinned on clothes.

On New Year's Eve, the Chinese, like many other peoples, tidy up their home, get rid of everything unnecessary and superfluous, and put on the new and best for the holiday. In Chinese New Year's table Among other dishes, you will certainly find dumplings - a symbol of prosperity. And also tangerines numbered eight, symbolizing infinity.

The favorite color of Chinese New Year is, of course, red. Red is all around: fireworks, lanterns, wall decorations, illuminations, couplets (small poems on scrolls with wishes of good luck and happiness). The Chinese give money to their children in red envelopes. This does not speak of self-indulgence and extravagance, but of the desire for material wealth in the future.

There are also movie "Chinese New Year", filmed in Russia in 2016. He talks about how unpredictable the most important thing in life is finding happiness and love. A lonely young mother, who just yesterday was only thinking about her son and problems at work, is in for an unexpected meeting. But it’s better, as they say, to see once!

As Chinese New Year 2017 approaches, we'll be updating our article with up-to-date information on celebrations and activities - so stay tuned. We wish everyone a happy winter holiday!

Chinese New Year 2017 is when the celebration traditions begin. is considered the “Spring Festival” and one of the most important and longest holidays in China, as well as in the countries of East Asia.

Chinese New Year 2017 is traditionally timed to coincide with the winter new moon at the end of the full lunar cycle that took place after the winter solstice (that is, on the second new moon after December 21). In 2017, Chinese New Year begins on January 28th.

Chinese New Year 2017 is often informally referred to as the "Lunar New Year" because it is a derivative of the lunisolar Chinese calendar and its exact date is determined based on the lunar phases. During this New Year's season, most Chinese families gather for their annual reunion dinner.

On the first day of Chinese New Year 2017, fireworks, firecrackers and incense are burned. Fireworks are supposed to scare away evil spirits and bring a spirit of peace and happiness into the family. At the end of the day, the family welcomes the deities home after their visit to the spirit world, where they "gave an account" of the past year, and then pays respects to the ancestors. The Chinese believe that the first day of spring marks the awakening of nature, the earth and the sprouts of life it preserves come to life. According to the Shanshu narrative, the first day of the New Year was the day on which Shun, an exemplary sovereign of antiquity, ascended the throne.

Chinese New Year 2017 is the longest and most important holiday in the Chinese lunisolar calendar. The origin of this holiday dates back to ancient times; in its current form, it reflects respect for the myths, beliefs and traditions preserved in Chinese society. Each year is designated by one of the 12 zodiac animals and a color according to the Five Elements system.

Chinese New Year 2017: According to ancient myth, at the beginning of each New Year, the Chinese hide from a monster called Nian, which means "year". Nian comes on New Year's Day to devour livestock, grain and food supplies, and sometimes villagers, especially children. To protect themselves, residents placed food at the entrance to the room, opposite the door, with the arrival of each New Year. According to legend, the more food there is, the kinder and more compliant the beast will be, and after Nian is satisfied with the food prepared for him, he will no longer attack people and leave them alone.

According to a folk tale, one day people saw that Nian was afraid of a small child dressed in red clothes and decided that he was afraid of the color red. Since then, every time New Year comes, people hang red lanterns and red scrolls on the windows and doors of their homes and light fireworks. According to legend, these traditions scare Nyan away and force him to go around the settlements.

Chinese New Year 2017: In China, the "Spring Festival" has received symbolism and tradition, despite certain regional differences in customs and traditions. It must be said that the holiday is very similar to our New Year. The Chinese also decorate their homes on the eve of the celebration, prepare New Year's dishes, and congratulate colleagues, friends and relatives on this wonderful holiday. Children are given gifts and fireworks are set off at the end of the day.

Chinese New Year 2017 is officially considered a holiday in China and is celebrated in many countries around the world.

Chinese New Year 2018 ©

Chinese New Year 2018 - what is this event

Chinese New Year is one of the most important eastern holidays, which has been celebrated for quite a long time not only in Asian countries, but throughout the world. After all, our people love holidays with a broad soul and gladly perceive the New Year according to the Eastern calendar as another reason to get together and celebrate a significant event.

Just like for us, the New Year for Easterners marks a new round of time, a beginning, a renewal. On the day when the New Year comes Chinese calendar, winter will meet spring and a new life cycle will begin.


Chinese New Year 2018: when does it start?


Chinese New Year has a variable date because it is entirely dependent on the lunar calendar. Chinese New Year falls on the second new moon after the winter solstice, December 21st. Every year this holiday may fall on one of the days between January 21 and February 21.

Chinese New Year 2018 will begin on February 16th. More precisely, 2018 will be according to the Gregorian calendar, but according to the Chinese calendar we will meet the year 4716, which will come under the sign and will last until February 4, 2019, when it will be replaced by the Year of the Yellow Pig.


Chinese New Year 2018: How it is celebrated in China


The Chinese call this holiday “meeting after separation,” because according to tradition, on New Year’s Day, all family members, no matter where they are, come home and gather for a richly laid meal. festive table. It is also believed that on Chinese New Year, the spirits of deceased ancestors are present at the table, who are also participants in the holiday.

During New Year's holidays people visit each other with congratulations, gifts of money in red envelopes, and necklaces of coins and tangerines as a symbol of wealth.

Throughout the Chinese New Year celebrations, cheerful folk festivals, fairs, costume dances and masquerade street processions are held in China.


Chinese New Year 2018: When does the celebration end?


In Eastern countries, Chinese New Year is one of the longest holidays, which in the old days lasted a whole month. However, nowadays, due to a busy lifestyle and busy work schedule, the Chinese have reduced the number of days off by almost half, and the holiday ends on the fifteenth day.

Chinese New Year 2018 (a holiday for the Chinese) lasts a full 15 days. The grand Chinese Lantern Festival will take place on March 2. The Chinese New Year 2018 will continue until this day, when the celebration ends and people return to their usual working rhythm.


Let's remember that we told you earlier, what should be on the table for the New Year of the Dog 2018. Read more at.

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/New Year is a holiday that everyone looks forward to and prepares for in advance. New Year is a holiday that unites everyone: the poor and the rich, the smart and the fools, the light-skinned and those with a different skin tone, Europeans and Asians.

The New Year is awaited in both Europe and America. But it is from the east that the tradition of celebrating the Chinese New Year is firmly established, because, firstly, our people have few holidays, and secondly, celebrating the Chinese New Year is fun, bright and extraordinary.

Probably the only joyful holiday that has centuries-old history. As you know, earlier, in distant Mesopotamia, it occurred during the flowering of nature and was celebrated in the month of March.

Perhaps this is how people, paying tribute to the awakening of nature, tied their life hopes and dreams. By the way, the celebration then lasted 12 days. That’s exactly how long the Mesopotamians walked, drank, had fun and didn’t work. They also gave each other gifts.

Chinese New Year, or Chun Jie, after 1911 is literally called “Spring Festival” and has been the main and longest holiday in China and other East Asian countries since ancient times. It has been celebrated for more than two thousand years.

Once upon a time, Chun (or “Nian” - means year), this terrible monster with horns on his head, who lived in the sea, got into the habit of crawling to the nearest village once a year in order to profit from something edible for the whole year. They were afraid of him and prepared in advance for his annual appearance. Taking with them the most important things, everyone, young and old, left the village.

And so it went on until a frail old man came to the village, as the legend says, with a silver mustache, a cane and a large bag over his shoulders (what is not our Santa Claus?). There was vanity and horror in the village, everyone was in a hurry to hide in the mountains from the monster and no one paid attention to the poor old man.

Only one kind woman, talking about the grief of the village, with a prayer asked her grandfather to quickly run from here to the mountains. Grandfather grinned slyly into his silver mustache and asked for a place to stay for one night. The woman allowed him to stay because the grandfather had already lived his life and would not be able to escape quickly.

But what a surprise it was in the morning for all the returning residents, when the grandfather, safe and sound, moreover, having managed to expel the hateful Chun, rested peacefully on the threshold of the house. A fire was burning in the hut, crackling, the front door was painted red, and the remains of firecrackers lay on the floor. And the grandfather himself sat in a red painted robe.

It turns out that Chun is afraid of fun, fire, the color red and the sound of firecrackers! Since then, in China they began to celebrate the New Year cheerfully, noisily, with garland lights, firecrackers and other tinsel that drove out evil spirits.

Chinese New Year does not coincide with our Gregorian calendar, so the “Spring Festival” is celebrated on different dates every year. For example, in 2016, Chinese New Year occurred on February 8 (Year of the Monkey), in 2017 it begins on January 28 (year of the Rooster).

It is noteworthy that the Chinese calendar uses a sixty-year cycle that begins with the Year of the Wood Rat and ends with the Year of the Water Pig. This cycle began on February 2, 1984 and will end on January 29, 2044.

The Fire Monkey will be replaced by , that is, we live for two years under the patronage of two fire symbols. Each year corresponds to one of twelve animals, having one of five colors and belonging to one element.

The color that will bring good luck in 2017 is bright red. The Chinese themselves consider the Fire Rooster to be almost the most interesting animal in the entire eastern calendar.

Creative people striving for success will be especially lucky this year. Lovers will be able to find their happiness, lonely people will find their soulmate. The Rooster will especially help those who can selflessly throw themselves into the pool headlong, boldly cast aside the slightest doubts, will not be afraid of change, but on the contrary, will open their hearts to everything new and unusual.

The Chinese call the night before the New Year “the night of meeting before separation,” when the whole family gathers at one table and discusses everything that has happened during the year. There must be delicious traditional Chinese dishes on the table: fish, soy cheese “doufu” (tofu in our language), dumplings (jiaozi). In this way, the Chinese give thanks for their generosity and spend the past year.

The main thing begins on the New Year itself and lasts 15 days. The Chinese are having fun, congratulating each other and giving small gifts decorated in red (usually money in a red envelope). The first five days they meet and visit each other.

Festive clothes are a must bright colors: red, gold, pink, green. The brighter the better. New Year's mass festivities end on the fifteenth day after lunar calendar.


Astrologers declared 2017 the year of the Fire Rooster. By meeting him according to all the rules of the eastern calendar, you can attract prosperity and happiness.

The astrology of the East says: each year has its own patron, on whom it largely depends how a year will pass and what it will be like. There are 12 of these animals in total:

  • Rat;
  • Tiger;
  • Rabbit;
  • Dragon;
  • Snake;
  • Horse;
  • Goat;
  • Monkey;
  • Rooster;
  • Dog;
  • Pig.
  • One year gives way to another, and their patrons change in the same way. Their elemental affiliation can also be different. But it is already known that 2017 will be the year of the Rooster - Red or Fire.

    When is the Year of the Rooster 2017?

    The eastern calendar is focused on the lunar phases, which means that the New Year according to it begins on different dates every year. In 2017, it will come at the end of January - on the 28th.

    How is this day calculated? Simple enough. There must be two New Moons from the winter solstice on December 21st. The second New Moon will become the countdown date.

    Until January 28, the Monkey formally remains our patron. Therefore, the snags in matters that can easily arise in January are easily explained: the Rooster and the Monkey do not always get along.

    How to celebrate the Year of the Rooster

    When celebrating the New Year according to the Chinese calendar, you can safely use the symbolism of Fire, since this element will be the main one throughout 2017. Warm, bright shades- red, gold, orange are clearly the priority this time. Don't forget to add some bright detail to your wardrobe from this fiery tangerine color scheme.

    Candles, sparklers, fireworks, Chinese lanterns - all this will become not just a holiday decoration, but also a real talisman for good luck. Loud sounds and flashes of light are believed to scare away evil spirits and bring happiness. And your favorite childhood treat - a cockerel on a stick - will make the year enjoyable and easy.

    What to expect from 2017: forecast according to the eastern calendar

    The Rooster is a rather complex patron of the year, and many will not immediately find a partner with him. common language. He is willful, he is not alien to vanity and the desire to boast. This year, status and the ability to present oneself correctly will play a high role, so that the Rooster feels at ease, and those who are accustomed to being modest will obviously not be able to boast of the same at first.

    But to realize yourself, reveal your talents and show your best qualities The rooster will help anyone, because he doesn’t mind fluffing his feathers. Strike while the iron is hot and Fortune will smile on you.

    Events and life turns can turn out to be extremely unpredictable - the Rooster does not like schemes and boredom, so there will be surprises. Remember about positive thinking and program yourself for success, not failure.

    When planning to celebrate the New Year according to the Chinese horoscope, you can learn more about Eastern teachings - for example, familiarize yourself with the 15 truths of the Tao or understand Feng Shui for your rooms. Good luck with this and don't forget to press the buttons and

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