When is Russian Railways Driver's Day celebrated? Professional holiday of an excavator driver. Happy Railwayman's Day

On the Gorky Railway, after a long break, they began to celebrate Driver's Day again.

Although not a federal or regional holiday, the day of honoring one of the main railway professions has always been celebrated at a decent level. On Driver's Day, not only the representatives of this glorious profession themselves were gathered, but also members of their families, and they all celebrated the holiday together cheerfully, amicably, one might even say noisily.

By various reasons last years Driver's Day was not celebrated, and this is understandable. The difficult economic situation in the country, the railways were faced with the task of maintaining transportation volumes, so for some time there was simply no time for the holidays. But now, when the role of the working man is being restored, Driver’s Day has returned again to a number of holiday dates for the Gorky Railway.

The road territorial organization of the trade union took an active part in the celebration. At the ceremonial meeting at the Gorky-Sorting Center, they decided to congratulate and encourage those who had been waiting for industry and regional awards for a long time.

First Deputy Chairman of Dorprofzhel Viktor Kuznetsov, together with Deputy Chairman Viktor Tsyplyaev, solemnly presented awards, thanks and valuable prizes to the best and noted that Driver’s Day has always been special holiday for the railway elite.
“And even if now the holiday is not celebrated on such a scale as before,” noted Viktor Kuznetsov, “But there is an opportunity to highlight the best of the best in one of the main railway professions.” Such a holiday must be celebrated, and I think that from now on this tradition has been restored and will never be interrupted!

If we compare it with how Driver’s Day was celebrated several years ago, the changes are certainly noticeable. First of all, the event became more official, strict, and less crowded. Gifts are gifts, but the main industry holiday is still Railway Worker's Day. On the other hand, Driver's Day is a tribute to a complex and important profession, so a reasonable balance is necessary here too. The fact that the traction directorate decided to restore the holiday in its current form shows correctness and respect for the profession. And any driver can celebrate Driver’s Day with his family, but at home.

A similar holiday has already taken place in Agryz; on November 17, Driver’s Day will take place in Murom, and on November 25 in Krasnoufimsk. And regional trade union leaders will definitely be present everywhere to present the drivers with well-deserved awards.

The driver's day was returned to service - Dorprofzhel at the State Railways
Driver's Day was returned to service On the Gorky Railway, after a long break, they began to celebrate Driver's Day again. Not being a federal or regional holiday, the day of honor

Source: dpgrw.ru

June 4th – Crane Operator Day

As you know, Builder's Day in Russia is celebrated every year on the second Sunday of August. This is a common holiday for all industry representatives. But there are many different professions in this area, each of which deserves special attention.

As one of the main suppliers of truck-mounted cranes for construction sites in the North-West region of Russia, the Vershina company considers the absence of a professional holiday for crane operators to be unfair.

The crane operator is one of the main people on any construction site during work. This is a very responsible position associated with psychological and physical activity, requiring maximum concentration, attention and high qualifications. Any work using special equipment is a source of increased danger. The speed of work, the safety of the cargo, and even the lives of people depend on the crane operator.

The driver must know the basics of geometry and physics, not be afraid of heights, be a calm and balanced person, always ready to assess risks and find a solution in a difficult situation. Crane operators often encounter a number of problems when approaching a site, when working in difficult and cramped conditions, at high altitudes under strong winds and other dangerous work. Only professional knowledge and many years of experience can help overcome such problems.

Not a single construction process can do without the participation of lifting mechanisms. At the current level of industry development, the profession of a crane operator is extremely in demand. That is why it is necessary to appreciate the work of a crane operator and attract the attention and interest of young people to the specialty. Make every effort to ensure that when entering vocational schools and studying to become a crane operator, they do not doubt the correctness of their choice.


That is why the Vershina company decided to begin celebrating Crane Operator Day on June 4 in 2017. Let it be on the level for now corporate congratulations and wishes, but with each subsequent year spreading information about the celebration and involving more and more lifting equipment service providers and everyone involved.
The date was not chosen by chance. On June 4, 2014, the Order “On approval of the professional standard “Crane Operator” was registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia. It is on this day that we will celebrate Crane Operator Day, Crane Operator Day. Join us!

Don’t forget to congratulate truck crane drivers, crawler crane drivers, gantry crane drivers, tower crane drivers, and port crane drivers on June 4th on their professional holiday.


June 4th – Crane Operator Day
June 4 is the day of the crane operator (crane driver). As you know, Builder's Day in Russia is celebrated every year on the second Sunday of August. This is a common holiday for all industry representatives. But in

Source: vershina-kran.ru

Professional holiday for excavator driver

Today, not a single construction site in Russia can do without the help of an excavator - a modern machine that makes human work easier. It helps develop land, is used in civil engineering, and is used in the extraction of valuable minerals.

In 1931, a sample of an excavator designed and manufactured in the USSR was successfully tested for the first time. The Soviet excavator “Kovrovets” was released, and the era of a new branch of mechanical engineering in the country was opened. To celebrate the holiday, the date is set for April 21. It was from this day that the path to the revival of the excavator began, reaching an automatic system that monitors planning and finishing work - the world saw how loaders were being built throughout the country. The developers constantly contributed to improving the maneuverability of the excavator, improving the unit, increasing labor productivity. The capacity of a mechanical shovel is now 80 cubic meters with a soil movement distance of 200 meters.

Worker skills

An excavator operator must be able to operate a loader, regularly perform maintenance tasks on self-propelled vehicles, and carry out repair work, excluding serious breakdowns, which are assigned to a team of mechanics. Inspection of a mobile unit increases operational reliability and reduces downtime for the excavator operator due to malfunctions. Taking good care of the mechanisms increases their service life.

It is secretly considered the official excavator day April 21 by the number of user votes collected. Celebrate, gentlemen, excavator day. Start the working day in order to familiarize yourself with the available drawings, conversations with the site foreman will clarify the condition and composition of the soil surface. This will allow the loader tractor driver to use the correct working equipment and determine the location for the machine.

Observance by the excavator operator of accuracy during work:

  1. Load soil evenly onto a dump truck or into a railway car without loss.
  2. The required depth of the face is calculated with the height of the embankment.
  3. Select the smallest angle of rotation in the area of ​​filling the mechanical shovel with soil before unloading.
  4. You need a developed eye, which is developed with experience. The task becomes more complicated by estimating the distance at the moment the buckets move.

The personality traits of an excavator driver appear at the moment of an unexpected emergency. He must be endowed with the following qualities:

  1. Emotional stability;
  2. Quick actions;
  3. Determination;
  4. Courage;
  5. Self-control.

At the beginning of work, in front of you on the site there are only sticks along the boundaries of the foundation pit being built. With honor you lift the first shovel of earth from the hole under the foundation. At these moments, everyone experiences a feeling of joy from the thought that after you, streets with houses will soon appear here, combining the romance of this profession and the difficulty.

Preparation of working specialties is carried out in secondary vocational schools. You can improve your educational knowledge at the faculties of construction and at the institute. Long live excavator day!

Excavator Day in Russia
When is the professional holiday of excavator driver day celebrated? Excursion to the origins of the Excavator Day celebration.

Source: stroyteh.pro

June 4 - Crane Operator Day (Crane Driver Day)

Last news

June 4 Their professional holiday, so far unofficially, is celebrated by crane operators, or crane operators - people without whose work it is impossible to imagine any construction site, not a single factory, not a single port.

In all of these cases, the strength and technical features of the crane are used. So construction is only one of the areas of application and use of crane equipment. Hence the variety of cranes, depending on where and for what its use is required. In addition, cargo can be classified by weight, size, and nature of the contents. Unloading and loading can take place in conditions of limited space and freedom of maneuver, on a hard surface or water, in a port, at a construction site or in a factory... The construction of buildings, especially high-rise buildings, also requires the use of special cranes capable of lifting loads to great heights. This implies the need to select a crane based on lifting capacity, its technical specifications and adaptability to perform a specific task.

In short, the classification of cranes is very diverse. Firstly, they can be stationary or mobile. Secondly - rail, pneumatic, caterpillar, walking, rope, floating. Thirdly - non-rotary, full-rotary and part-rotary. Fourthly - hook, grab, magnetic, tong, etc. And this is an incomplete classification of cranes!

The work of a crane operator is a very responsible job, on which the accuracy and speed of performing certain tasks depends. A person engaged in the profession of a crane operator is required to have knowledge of physics and geometry. Certain psychological characteristics associated, for example, with working at heights, moreover, in different weather conditions, as well as the understanding that technology is a source of increased danger - also the necessary conditions success in the work of a crane operator.

So Builder's Day is, of course, a holiday to which crane operators are related, but not all. It was this fact that prompted a group of friends and professional colleagues to take the initiative to establish a separate, truly professional holiday - Crane Operator Day. The choice of date is due to the fact that on June 4, 2014, the Order “On approval of the professional standard “Crane Operator” was registered by the Ministry of Justice.

June 4
On June 4, crane operators, or crane operators, celebrate their professional holiday, unofficially for now - people without whose work it is impossible to imagine any

Source: sterhluki.ru

When is motorist day celebrated?

Below is a summary table indicating the date of celebration of Motorist Day and related holidays, depending on the country of the former USSR.

For those who are interested in the issue of celebrating Driver's Day, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with detailed history the origin of the motorist holiday, which is presented below. Various transformations of its name and date are given since its inception during the USSR and after its collapse.

Road Transport Workers Day in the USSR

There is an opinion that the Internet is a big garbage dump where you can find everything and nothing. This is partly a true statement, especially in light of how content is generated and distributed in it. It is enough to publish unfinished (or incomplete, deliberately distorted) unique material on an “authoritative” resource, and immediately a mass of people want to spread it in this form across blogs, forums, news feeds and social networks. But thinking about the reliability of this material and trying to analyze the completeness of the disclosure of the issue does not occur to anyone. This is what happened with the question about workers’ day road transport- even Wiki begins counting its history from October 1, 1980, although it all began a little earlier, and there is plenty of evidence for this - just open your eyes.

The first mention of the professional holiday of drivers dates back to the period of stability in the USSR - the mid-70s. Then, meeting the wishes of the workers, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR from January 15, 1976, was officially installed new holiday- “” (formally the holiday did not apply to private car owners, but only to official industry workers), which was celebrated annually on the last Sunday of October. In the same year about the new “ professional day”notes appeared in many newspapers, changes were made to what was fashionable at that time tear-off calendars, and wall newspapers and stands of automobile enterprises were full of congratulations to their employees.

The new professional day was also reflected on the products of the Ministry of Communications - a thematic artistic labeled envelope dedicated to this holiday appeared. This method of conveying information to the population really worked - letters were the main means of communication between people, and, taking into account the USSR’s global resettlement program, such news was scattered throughout the country in millions of copies, reaching the most remote corners of the Soviet Union and leaving in the addressee’s memory information from an artistically designed envelope. In our virtual collection there is a selection of KhMK bus stations of the USSR, and below we will present the first envelope with a mention of the Day of Road Transport Workers, which was issued in the year the holiday was founded and dates back to 15.09.1976 year or later copy 07.09.1981 .

The Ministry of Communications treated the establishment of a new holiday with full responsibility - in the best traditions of the postal department, a special stamp was made for the artistic envelope, which was used to cancel the first KMK holiday, dropped on 31.10.1976 .

Later, October 1, 1980, The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issues decree No. 3018-X " About holidays and memorable days", which were ordered to establish in the USSR " Motorist Day" In fact, this decree only formally changed the name of the previously established holiday, especially since the date of the celebration remained the same. Among the people, the holiday received a simpler name - “ Driver's Day" Here the leadership of the country of the Soviets made a certain miscalculation: on the one hand, to please the growing number of private car enthusiasts, they had their own official “garage” day (for many, a great reason to have a drink with a neighbor in the garage); on the other hand, the professional day of drivers who were specifically road transport workers (mainly drivers of public and freight transport) was blurred.

Motorist Day after the collapse of the USSR

After the collapse of the USSR, the fate of the holiday in the former republics developed differently - in many this day was moved to another date, some changed the usual name or even abolished it. But there were also those who continued to support the traditions laid down during the years of prosperity of the USSR. For example, in Belarus and Ukraine the date of the holiday and its name remained unchanged.

RF - « Driver's Day"was divided into smaller, specialized holidays - by decree No. 556 of March 23, 2000" Road Worker's Day" was moved to the third Sunday of October, and by decree No. 897 of June 25, 2012, the " Day of Automotive and Urban Passenger Transport Workers" In addition, in Russia there is a separate “ Military Motorist Day", which was established by order No. 100 of the head of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation I.D. Sergeev. February 24, 2000 and is celebrated annually on May 29, and historically the holiday is tied to the day of formation of the first Russian automobile company (formed by decree of Emperor Nicholas II on May 29, 1910). In 2013, Russian Post released a thematic KMK, dedicated to the day military motorist.

Ukraine- first president of Ukraine Kravchuk L.M. “ in support of the initiative of road transport and road workers in Ukraine" On October 13, 1993, he signed Decree No. 452/93 " About the Day of the Motorist and Road Worker" The date of celebration remains the same - the last Sunday in October. In the light latest events and the declared fight against the communist legacy - how long will the holiday last?

Belarus- in accordance with Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 438 of October 20, 1995 “ On the establishment of a holiday - Motorist Day» Motorist Day is celebrated annually on the last Sunday of October.

Kazakhstan- in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 20, 1998 No. 3827 “ About professional and other holidays in the Republic of Kazakhstan", there is no classic motorist day in the country; instead, " Transport Workers Day", celebrated annually on the first Sunday of August, and the last Sunday of October is now reserved for the celebration " Social Security Workers' Day».

Road Transport Workers Day
The history of the professional holiday of drivers - the day of road transport workers in the USSR dates back to January 15, 1976. Driver's Day after the collapse of the USSR - the dates of Military Motorist Day, Road Worker's Day and Automotive and Urban Passenger Transport Worker's Day.

On the Gorky Railway, after a long break, they began to celebrate Driver's Day again.

Although not a federal or regional holiday, the day of honoring one of the main railway professions has always been celebrated at a decent level. On Driver's Day, not only the representatives of this glorious profession themselves were gathered, but also members of their families, and they all celebrated the holiday together cheerfully, amicably, one might even say noisily.

For various reasons, Driver's Day has not been celebrated in recent years, and this is understandable. The difficult economic situation in the country, the railways were faced with the task of maintaining transportation volumes, so for some time there was simply no time for the holidays. But now, when the role of the working man is being restored, Driver’s Day has returned again to a number of holiday dates for the Gorky Railway.

The road territorial organization of the trade union took an active part in the celebration. At the ceremonial meeting at the Gorky-Sorting Center, they decided to congratulate and encourage those who had been waiting for industry and regional awards for a long time.

First Deputy Chairman of Dorprofzhel Viktor Kuznetsov, together with Deputy Chairman Viktor Tsyplyaev, solemnly presented awards, thanks and valuable prizes to the best and noted that Driver’s Day has always been a special holiday for the elite of the railways.
“And even if now the holiday is not celebrated on such a scale as before,” noted Viktor Kuznetsov, “But there is an opportunity to highlight the best of the best in one of the main railway professions.” Such a holiday must be celebrated, and I think that from now on this tradition has been restored and will never be interrupted!

If we compare it with how Driver’s Day was celebrated several years ago, the changes are certainly noticeable. First of all, the event became more official, strict, and less crowded. Gifts are gifts, but the main industry holiday is still Railway Worker's Day. On the other hand, Driver’s Day is a tribute to a complex and important profession, so a reasonable balance is necessary here too. The fact that the traction directorate decided to restore the holiday in its current form shows correctness and respect for the profession. And any driver can celebrate Driver’s Day with his family, but at home.

A similar holiday has already taken place in Agryz; on November 17, Driver’s Day will take place in Murom, and on November 25 in Krasnoufimsk. And regional trade union leaders will definitely be present everywhere to present the drivers with well-deserved awards.

Photo by Alexey Yashpertov

How fear of the railway can lead you underground, what recommendations do doctors give to drivers and what is turned on with a hammer on the Moscow train, read the report by Vitaly Volovatov, a special correspondent for the Moscow 24 portal.

So, the driver of the snowplow, Anatoly Voitov, and the photographer and I found ourselves in the usual bustle of the Moscow metro. His shift has barely passed the halfway point, and ours won’t end soon, fortunately we can take a little nap under the background hum of the carriage. Our path lies in Vykhino.

The Vykhino electric depot greets us in a military manner, strictly but politely. The frame of the metal detector responds with a cheerful squeak to our equipment, and the guard casts a stern look and wonders where our permission to enter the sensitive facility is. Here it is, please! A couple of minutes of waiting while the pass is issued, and then we, in the company of the chief engineer, go to the huge hangar where metro trains rest between shifts.

Guarantee of health

But first, as usual, the household and administrative block. Here is everything that people might need, and our guide moves with a confident step to the drivers' rest room. There we meet the hero of our day - first class driver Sergei Demin. He had just changed into his uniform and was hurrying to the briefing. Let's follow along.

Photo: portal Moscow 24/Anton Velikzhanin

Before the start of the shift, each driver is required to familiarize himself with the documents and orders of the management of the metro and the capital’s department of transport, and the driver-instructor, who sits right there, will conduct a quick test for professional suitability and explain important nuances according to the current task. Taking an exam every day is something not every student can do! But Sergey is an experienced employee. He immediately answers all questions, signs the forms and heads to the first aid station.

Along the way he stops at a stand with outfits. A driver is nowhere without proper attire. And then the shift is planned in detail, in every detail: what time and where he should be, what to do there, when he can take a break and have lunch. The metro drivers have a flexible schedule.

“There are different shifts. Conventionally, they can be divided into four types: during the day, evening, at night and at night. The duration can also vary: from six to eight and a half hours, depending on the current tasks,” says Sergei Demin, himself checks his notebook, making some notes there.

Photo: portal Moscow 24/Anton Velikzhanin

Every driver has one. They enter their schedule there so that it is always at hand. This is important, since the metro works like a clock, and even an experienced employee can get confused in the intricacies of the schedule; weekends also “float”. It happens, for example, that a driver goes out at night and is given the next shift at night, that is, he will spend a full day and a half at home. But sometimes after a night shift you can go into the night, and that means you will need to return to the depot in 12–14 hours.

And here is the first aid station. The paramedic points to a chair, puts a cuff on Sergei’s arm, and prepares a breathalyzer. All these are components of the mandatory pre-trip ritual. “Drinkers don’t work for us,” explains the chief engineer. Nevertheless, the sequence is strictly observed by everyone without exception. Order is paramount. The readings are analyzed by a special program that knows individual characteristics the body of each employee.

“You need to come to the inspection in as calm a state as possible. Some of my colleagues don’t even eat, because a full stomach raises their blood pressure slightly. If it turns out to be higher than normal, they won’t let you on the line: we are strict about this. For example, if the driver has a high temperature , then he will also pass a drug test, after which he will be sent to the clinic and home for treatment,” notes Sergei, while the paramedic puts a stamp and signature on his waybill.

Photo: portal Moscow 24/Anton Velikzhanin

Of course, each person has his own characteristics of the body: we are not robots, and the pulse and pressure of two equally healthy men may differ. Therefore, all personal indicators are entered into the computer, and drivers are given a whole list of recommendations on what not to do before the medical examination. Here it is, hanging on the wall near the coat rack. In short, you should not smoke, drink tea or coffee, worry, run, sweat or freeze.

Security deposit

Our driver receives the equipment necessary to work on the line. The standard set includes a vest with reflectors, two powerful LED flashlights with several operating modes, a small hand-held flashlight, a cunning wrench that looks like a wrench but has a completely unknown purpose, and a hammer with a long handle.

Photo: portal Moscow 24/Anton Velikzhanin

We expect that Sergei Demin will join one of the retro casts of the “Hedgehog” series. But imagine our surprise when he deftly climbs into the cabin of the brand new Moscow train! I wonder why in this kingdom of electronics, sensors and LCD screens a hammer might be needed? Let's try to find out, we'll climb in next.

In the cabin we find the cleaners, they have just approached the head of the train, and the tail is lost somewhere in the distance, behind a long corridor of cars. When you travel on such a train for your daily business, you don’t notice how long it is, but now it seems almost endless! And Sergei rushes into this infinity with vigorous steps, we follow him. Acceptance of the train has begun, which means we need to get into the tail cabin.

Photo: portal Moscow 24/Anton Velikzhanin

“I have to check the integrity of all seals and devices responsible for safety, then log in to the system, correctly configure the all-round cameras, which replace mirrors here. I need to check whether all the doors open and close normally, whether the lighting in the cabin is working, the climate system, reserve brake valve,” says the driver, settling into his seat and turning on the power.

He continues to list the devices he needs to check. A good half of them are responsible for security. I counted at least three completely independent systems, or even five. But in fact, there are probably even more of them! After all, not everything can be shown to us: a sensitive object, specifics.

Meanwhile, Sergei Demin completed the check. He leaves one flashlight in this cabin (so that’s why there are two of them!) and returns to the head of the train. All the same operations have to be done here. And now, when both cabins are configured and synchronized, you need to get out and begin an external inspection. On the adjacent tracks there is a train, to which cables stretch from the ceiling. The red lamp is on.

Photo: portal Moscow 24/Anton Velikzhanin

“It’s live, and it’s 900 volts, so be careful! Don’t touch the pantograph, but rather go around it in a large arc,” the driver warns, and he begins to look under the cars.

Sometimes he crouches down and peers more closely, sometimes he shines a small hand-held flashlight under the carriage. And near one block he took out the same key of unknown purpose and switched something. Apparently, another security system. So we pass both sides, returning to the head cabin. Our guide smiles mysteriously and plays with a hammer.

“And now I’ll check the operation of the automatic emergency braking system. In front of each station there is a semaphore, at which a special flap is raised when there is a prohibiting signal. And in front of the front pair of wheels of the train there is a bracket that catches this flap if the driver for some reason runs a red light Thus, the train will begin to slow down on its own. And it works like this,” and Sergei hits the bracket with a hammer.

Photo: portal Moscow 24/Anton Velikzhanin

At the same moment, a deafening hiss is heard along the entire train. The brakes worked on all wheel sets. Passengers can sleep peacefully: all systems are normal, and even if something happens to the driver, the train will still stop without causing a collision.

The key to comfort

Signing the order book for the high-voltage line means we still have about 10 minutes before electricity is supplied to the repair ditch and the train can set off. We return to the cabin.

“The hardest shift is from the night. This is the morning rush hour, minimal traffic intervals, up to 2 thousand passengers in the cabin. Not a single plane carries that many. The responsibility is huge! But you need to be collected and see everything around, every little thing,” notes the driver first class Sergei Demin.

Photo: portal Moscow 24/Anton Velikzhanin

In general, machinists are reasonable people and not prone to superstitions. Nevertheless, everyone has their own rituals. During a shift, the tasks can be different: carry passengers, ferry and turn around trains “during maneuvers” or sit “as a substitute”. The driver can be, as they say, “on the controller,” that is, transport passengers along the route, up to 3.5 laps. And on the Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya line, this circle, that is, the journey from end to end in both directions, takes almost two hours.

It is not difficult to calculate that the driver spends at least six hours alone with himself, constantly peering into the darkness of the tunnel. It was not an easy test, but Sergei approached this consciously and in 20 years he has never regretted his choice.

Photo: portal Moscow 24/Anton Velikzhanin

“It so happened that as a child I was afraid of the railway, trains and everything connected with it. Later, the fear gave way to interest, and I began to think about working as a driver. At the age of 18, I saw an advertisement for recruitment in the metro and came here to the electric depot “Vykhino has now become a second home for me,” the first-class driver smiles.

He found his remedy for combating loneliness and lack of communication. In many ways, a natural love of life and a positive attitude help in my work.

“Sometimes I talk to myself, sometimes I sing my favorite songs. It helps me get ready. But in general, when I come to my shift, I imagine that everything will go well, calmly. And every time it works,” concluded Sergei Demin.

Photo: portal Moscow 24/Anton Velikzhanin

He and I are not allowed into the tunnels: this is a high-security area, closed to all outsiders, so we leave the cabin. A loud voice is heard from the speakers: “Attention! Power is supplied to ditch 26! Everyone leave ditch 26!” And we leave. Judging by the grins of the repairmen, faster and further than necessary.

Behind the entrance we are greeted by a frosty February day that is approaching sunset, and above it there will be a gloomy winter sky. And somewhere there now, together with the rescue pilots, is our colleague Ivan Nosatov. And we have a completely earthly Vykhino. The photographer suggests taking the train. Well, let's see how the work of a driver differs, who from the cab window sees houses, trees and the same low gray sky.

Every year Russian Railways and all railway workers celebrate their professional holiday. It falls on the first Sunday in August. In neighboring Belarus it is celebrated on the same day. The Decree of the Supreme Council on the celebration of Railway Worker's Day was signed back in 1980; the professional holiday began to be celebrated in Belarus in 1995. The President signed a corresponding Decree.

In 2017, the holiday falls on August 6th. This day has special significance for all railway workers:

  • machinists;
  • conductors;
  • repairmen;
  • cashiers;
  • service personnel and so on.

The holiday applies to everyone who works on the railway, at train stations and stations, in tram depots and on the subway. In addition, students also celebrate the day educational institutions railway industry.

Railways include not only railway tracks, but also stations, as well as other infrastructure and structures that provide transportation of passengers and goods over various distances.

When and how did the holiday appear?

The history of the professional celebration dates back to the nineteenth century. In 1896, Nicholas the First signed a decree honoring railway employees. It is not surprising that the holiday coincided with the emperor’s birthday, because he was considered the “father” of steel sheets.

With the advent of Soviet power, the holiday was canceled, like other celebrations associated with imperialism. But he was revived quite quickly. They returned to traditions in 1930. The celebrations took place on July 30th. Since 1940, professional day has been moved to the first Sunday in August.

Established traditions

On Railway Worker's Day, colleagues, friends and relatives gather for festive table. The clink of glasses is heard, and toasts and congratulations are pronounced from the lips. Best wishes. In addition, the management of this transport industry and officials on this day present certificates and thanks, at special events they recognize the best employees and present them with valuable gifts.

Concerts and performances by folk groups and artists are organized in cultural centers for railway workers. Radio and television talk and show documentaries and feature films about the creation and development of this important sector of transport infrastructure for the economy.

On this day, students also do not stand aside. They organize sports competitions and other entertainment events. They differ significantly from ordinary sports games and have a professional theme. For example, pulling the railway track or throwing sleepers is carried out. In addition, the team often goes into nature to unite and celebrate together.

About the profession

Railway workers are responsible for ensuring the movement of trains along the tracks. All employees graduate from specialized educational institutions and receive education in accordance with their chosen profile. Students can become conductors, installers, machinists, repairmen, and so on.

The regulation of passenger and freight transportation on the railway is carried out by graduates of higher educational institutions. They hold leadership positions and are responsible for the traffic schedule, repair work, loading and unloading, the condition of cars and road surfaces, service at stations and terminals, and inside trains. Officials from the Ministry of Railways are responsible for the development of the railway.

Today, not a single construction site in Russia can do without the help of an excavator - a modern machine that makes human work easier. It helps develop land, is used in civil engineering, and is used in the extraction of valuable minerals.

In 1931, a sample of an excavator designed and manufactured in the USSR was successfully tested for the first time. The Soviet excavator “Kovrovets” was released, and the era of a new branch of mechanical engineering in the country was opened. To celebrate the holiday, the date is set for April 21. It was from this day that the path to the revival of the excavator began, reaching an automatic system that monitors planning and finishing work - the world saw how loaders were being built throughout the country. The developers constantly contributed to improving the maneuverability of the excavator, improving the unit, increasing labor productivity. The capacity of a mechanical shovel is now 80 cubic meters with a soil movement distance of 200 meters.

Worker skills

An excavator operator must be able to operate a loader, regularly perform maintenance tasks on self-propelled vehicles, and carry out repair work, excluding serious breakdowns, which are assigned to a team of mechanics. Inspection of a mobile unit increases operational reliability and reduces downtime for the excavator operator due to malfunctions. Taking good care of the mechanisms increases their service life.

It is secretly considered the official excavator day April 21 by the number of user votes collected. Celebrate, gentlemen, excavator day. Start the working day in order to familiarize yourself with the available drawings, conversations with the site foreman will clarify the condition and composition of the soil surface. This will allow the loader tractor driver to use the correct working equipment and determine the location for the machine.

Observance by the excavator operator of accuracy during work:

  1. Load soil evenly onto a dump truck or into a railway car without loss.
  2. The required depth of the face is calculated with the height of the embankment.
  3. Select the smallest angle of rotation in the area of ​​filling the mechanical shovel with soil before unloading.
  4. You need a developed eye, which is developed with experience. The task becomes more complicated by estimating the distance at the moment the buckets move.

The personality traits of an excavator driver appear at the moment of an unexpected emergency. He must be endowed with the following qualities:

  1. Emotional stability;
  2. Quick actions;
  3. Determination;
  4. Courage;
  5. Self-control.

At the beginning of work, in front of you on the site there are only sticks along the boundaries of the foundation pit being built. With honor you lift the first shovel of earth from the hole under the foundation. At these moments, everyone experiences a feeling of joy from the thought that after you, streets with houses will soon appear here, combining the romance of this profession and the difficulty.

Preparation of working specialties is carried out in secondary vocational schools. You can improve your educational knowledge at the faculties of construction and at the institute. Long live excavator day!

Video: One day in the life of an excavator operator

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