DIY thread doll. How to make a doll from threads: interesting ideas (photos and videos). How to make a doll from threads: step-by-step instructions for beginners

The tradition of making amulets-dolls comes from the distant past and occupied a significant place in the life of our ancestors. The woman knew from the cradle how to make a doll from threads.


The history of the appearance of amulets dolls

Amulet dolls first appeared during pagan times, when people worshiped several gods and believed in the power of magical rituals and the existence of evil spirits. The appearance of Slavic amulets dolls is associated with the desire to protect the house from sorcerers, the evil eye and various evil spirits. The ancestors were sure that a handmade doll could bring good luck and health to family members.

Initially, dolls were made from ash, hence their name - “Ash doll”.

Gradually, the process of making the amulet became more complicated.

Started using:

  • scraps of fabric;
  • threads;
  • straw;
  • tree branches.

Since ancient times, there was a tradition of hiding a small object in a talisman doll, which was attributed to magical properties, so the doll acquired additional strength. The talisman in the form of a doll was passed down from generation to generation and carefully kept.

It is necessary to realize that a talisman doll is not a toy. The homemade doll was used to carry out conspiracies and rituals and was taken very seriously.

What does a thread amulet doll look like?

IN Ancient Rus' Red thread was often used for this. This color symbolized mutual love, happiness in the family. Dolls of other colors were also popular, but the needlewoman did not forget to weave scarlet patches.

The peculiarity of the amulet doll is its impersonality. The dolls were not given facial features so that they could protect the owner throughout his life and not absorb evil spirits.

Doll "Share" Play doll"Motanka" Doll-amulet "For health"

The amulet doll may look different depending on what threads the needleworker chooses. Curly thread looks interesting, acrylic yarn or linen will do. The choice of material today is limitless. The color will also suit any occasion and taste.

When should you make a talisman doll?

The amulet doll was made exclusively in good mood and according to the dictates of the heart. The creation of the amulet was also timed to coincide with some event, for example, the birth of a child. The doll was placed in the baby's cradle, it warmed and protected the child. They also made a talisman doll and when there was trouble in the house, someone got sick. For each occasion, a specific doll is used.

IN modern world the essence of the amulet doll has changed a little. Mothers still make similar dolls for their children today, but they mostly serve as toys for the baby.

The DIY CAM channel presents a video on how to make a doll from threads for children.

What kind of amulets dolls are there?

There are 2 types of amulets dolls:

  1. Protective dolls were intended to protect the family hearth and home from disease. Only mature girls and women were allowed to do them.
  2. Ritual dolls were prepared for key moment in life, holidays. They were given to newlyweds for a wedding, and to parents for the birth of a child.

Each amulet doll has its own purpose:

  1. Day-Night doll. Her job is to protect the house. The light and dark dolls were intertwined with one thread, each of the halves acted at its own time of day.
  2. Krupenichka monitored the wealth in the house and guarded the harvest.
  3. The plantain was intended for the traveler who was awaiting a long way. Podorozhnitsa had with her a bag of native soil and grains. Grain was placed so that the person would not starve on the way.
  4. Motanka doll. This doll could have any meaning; it was given to it by the person himself, depending on his needs.
  5. Spiridon-solstice is a male doll holding a circle in his hands. Suitable for those who wanted to radically change their lives. Our ancestors believed that turning the wheel changed fate for the better.
  6. Diaper. It was believed that tightly swaddling a child protects him from evil spirits; the child is limited in his movements and thus does not attract the attention of evil spirits. For additional protection, parents placed a Pelenashka doll in the baby's cradle.
  7. Amulet doll Mom. The doll was given to pregnant women and women who had recently given birth. They believed that it helps in childbirth and gives health to the child.
  8. Ten-handle. Helped with housekeeping and handicrafts. She hung herself in the place where the mistress of the house weaved.
  9. Herbal egg capsule. Doctor doll. The amulet was filled with fragrant and healing herbs. They usually hung it in the center of the room to fill the air fresh aroma and protected from diseases.
  10. Lovebirds. Protected love in the family. They gave a doll to the newlyweds for their wedding so that peace and harmony reigned in the house. The amulet consisted of two dolls, a man and a woman, who were connected by a common hand.
  11. The wisher was intended to fulfill wishes. Only women made the doll, so they made a wish for themselves and their husbands. To make wishes come true, the doll was given expensive gifts.
  12. Fever took diseases from family members.
  13. Bell - a doll in three skirts. The interpretation of the amulet being washed away is twofold. Some researchers of Slavic culture believe that the doll protected the house from evil spirits, while others instilled joy in the heart and peace in the soul.

Mandatory conditions for the safe and correct manufacture of an amulet doll

Making a talisman doll is a real sacrament that has certain rules:

  1. Before starting to make a talisman doll, a woman must undergo purification. You should wash yourself, comb your hair, get dressed new clothes and only after that start working.
  2. You need to make the amulet without interruption or distraction, in one sitting.
  3. While working, be sure to read prayers and conspiracies. We didn’t start creating the doll with bad thoughts, because it is believed that the amulet absorbs energy.
  4. When manufacturing, it is prohibited to use piercing or cutting materials. Scraps of fabric and thread are torn by hand and secured with knots.

Step-by-step instructions for making a talisman with your own hands

To make a doll from threads with your own hands you will need:

Now let’s describe step by step all the steps of making a doll:

  1. We wind the threads around the box (about 30 turns).
  2. Carefully removes the resulting skein.
  3. Separate the part from the top.
  4. We tie the skein with thread of the same color and form the doll’s head.
  5. We weave a braid from a separate skein of thread. These are the hands of a doll.
  6. We tie the edges of the braid with red thread.
  7. We pass the already intertwined hands of the doll through the body and tie them with thread.
  8. The doll is ready.

In order to make a male doll, you need to repeat the previous instructions step by step, but add a few points:

  1. Divide the lower threads into two strands and cut at the bottom.
  2. Braid each strand into a braid and form the legs.
  3. Tie the ends of the braids with red thread.

This is the easiest way to make a talisman doll from threads.

Photo gallery

The photo shows a step-by-step master class on making a talisman doll from threads:

Stage No. 1 Stage No. 2

In ancient times, when people lived on earth who believed in miracles, a protective doll appeared. Dolls accompanied a person throughout his life. The first thing the child lying in the cradle saw was a doll created by loving motherly hands. Dolls were given as gifts for holidays, they were used to greet guests, they warded off illness and sorrow from home, and they attracted good luck. There were dolls that were placed in a prominent place to protect the house from the evil eye, while others were hidden and not shown to anyone, so as not to scare away happiness and good luck.

The amulet doll was made from various materials. As a rule, leftover threads, scraps of fabric, various herbs and straw were used. The art of creating dolls was carefully kept in the family and passed on from generation to generation. The dolls were loved and passed down from mother to daughter. When a girl-bride left her home, she always took her doll with her. In the husband's house, the doll became a friend and adviser to the young wife.

Making a talisman doll

The easiest one to make is a doll made from threads. Even a three-year-old girl can cope with such work. Creating such a toy will be useful for development fine motor skills fingers, will teach the girl how to handle yarn and scissors, and will teach her to handle things carefully.

Doll made from knitting threads.

The doll, which is as easy to make as possible, is a talisman for health. Such amulets were made during illness. It was believed that the toy would take care of illness and speed up recovery. The material for the doll is wool yarn, linen or cotton thread.

Tools and materials

To work you need to prepare:

  1. Linen threads of natural color.
  2. Red wool yarn.
  3. Winding template.
  4. Scissors.

You can use a book or thick cardboard as a template. The size of the toy depends on the wishes of the mother or daughter.


The procedure for making a homemade doll:

Creation of Martinique

Doll made of woolen threads and jute rope.

Another type of ancient Slavic folk dolls made of threads is “Martiniques”. They were braided on the day of the spring equinox to meet the goddess Vesta. They served as gifts for friends and family on the first day of spring. At the same time, people wished each other good health, happiness and good luck in business. These dolls were a pair of a girl and a boy, and they were braided from red and white threads.

Materials for work:

Pupae can be made with a common hand or separate ones. According to custom, dolls with a common hand are considered wedding dolls and are called lovebirds.

Step-by-step instructions for a DIY thread doll:

Such a love amulet can be hung in the bedroom to protect the family hearth.

Thread dolls

A doll is not just a toy. A doll is also an attribute that performs important role in various rituals. Wool dolls, for example, are often used at spring festivals. Children in kindergartens and schools hang them on trees, thus calling upon Lady Spring and saying goodbye to Snow Queen. Making such a doll is very simple. This will only take a few minutes.
First you need to take two balls of woolen thread - light and dark, as well as a small book, cardboard and scissors. That is, the costs of not only time, but also materials are small.

So let's get started! First you need to wind light threads around the book. After this, they are cut on one side. The same is done with black threads. Only now they are cut on both sides at once.

Light threads are folded in half, and dark ones are distributed evenly around them. On top, near the edge, they are tied with one dark thread. The most important thing is to tie the knot as tightly as possible. In this case, the doll will not fall apart and will delight the baby for a long time.

After this, the light and dark threads are carefully separated from each other. The result is the hair and body of the doll made from wool threads. You need to be very careful to ensure that the threads do not get tangled or mixed up.

The next step is the head. In order to make it, you will need to take another dark thread and tie it around the doll’s body. The main thing is to form a round ball.

These “braid” arms must be inserted between the threads of the “torso”. They are inserted directly under the head, after which a dark thread is tied tightly under them again. The result is a head, hair, chest and skirt.

The doll can be left in this state, hanging on the wall, or, as already mentioned, on tree branches during the spring holidays. However, you can also make a desktop souvenir. It is for this purpose that cardboard may be needed. A cone is cut out of it, the tip of which is smeared with glue. The doll sits neatly on this cone, and that’s it! The toy is ready!

All that remains is to make the mouth and eyes. You can draw them with a felt-tip pen, you can sew on pieces of fabric, or you can glue cardboard parts of the face.

The dress can also be decorated in different ways. Here you can sew flowers, leaves, abstraction... In a word, the doll can turn out to be unusual, bright, original!

In addition, it will become not just a toy or an attribute of a spring holiday, but also an ideal decorative decoration for any apartment. Making such a masterpiece takes no more than half an hour, but it brings a lot of joy!

Since ancient times, people have strived to feel protected. For this purpose, they create homemade amulets, wanting remove all kinds of adversity from yourself and your loved ones and attract material and spiritual benefits into your life and into your home. Nowadays, this tradition is not so popular, but still not forgotten. Let's explore the topic of amulet dolls together - what they look like, what abilities they have, and what their purpose is in a person's life.

What are amulets dolls and what are their functions?

Warding dolls look and are used differently, depending on their purpose. These can be faceless reels, human silhouettes made of thread or straw, as well as paired dolls-amulets. The only thing that remains unchanged is what is done DIY talismans like this. Working on them, masters transfer their energy to them and endow them with special protective abilities.

Small dolls are carried with them, and larger ones are assigned a certain place in the house. Such homemade talismans in the form of toys attract all kinds of benefits to the house and serve.

—Amulets for the home—in the form of dolls have a simple structure. They need to be done slowly, in a calm environment. During the process, it's best to think about what you want from the doll. Then she will become the embodiment of your thoughts and will immediately begin to attract happiness and prosperity into your life. Below you can find descriptions of the most popular Slavic peoples' amulets and step-by-step instructions on how to make some of them with your own hands.

Master class on how to make a Lovebirds amulet doll

It represents a heterosexual rag couple with one hand between them. Most often such dolls dress in National costumes . As the husband and wife have children, small baby dolls or bells are hung on the hands of the Lovebirds.

The algorithm for making such a talisman is illustrated in the picture. As a common base arm, you can use a straight twig, wrapping it satin ribbon Red. Doll silhouettes are best made from burlap and linen twine.

Such a talisman is a symbol of love and fidelity marriage couple. It protects from loneliness and removes all evil from the family hearth.

Metlushka doll

A broom doll is affectionately called a broom doll, which is usually given to the owner. The place of this amulet is in the kitchen. The broom is hung on a nail in a visible place so that it absorbs envy and other negativity.

If a doll suddenly falls from its usual place, it is believed that it has fulfilled its function, namely, to protect the house and ward off the evil eye from it. In this case, you need to throw it away and hang a new one in its place. If you want to decorate your home with such a talisman as the Broomstick doll, make it yourself, following the master class for beginners.

We will need:

  • small broom;
  • some yarn;
  • white cotton fabric;
  • red threads;
  • scissors;
  • colored fabric for clothing;
  • lace, ribbons and braid for decoration.
  1. We take a pre-prepared broom.
  2. We wrap the upper part of it with yarn.
  3. We make Metlushka's head using a small piece of white fabric.

    For amulets dolls, it is best to use natural fabrics, threads and other materials.

  4. We cut a square white flap in the middle and thread the head through it. Then we tie it with a thread so that sleeves are formed. We tie them at the ends with red thread. This will be the doll's undershirt.
  5. You can make any further attire for Metlushka, it all depends on your imagination.
  6. You can decorate the outfit with a lace apron and other decorative elements.

The amulet is ready to sweep everything out of your house negative energy, .

Doll Bell

Doll Bell protects the house from bad news. She is wearing three skirts, which symbolize the unity of body, soul and mind. Her place is at the entrance to the house. It is by being near the door that she will attract joy into the home and prevent anyone from entering it.

Using the master class provided below, you can also make a Bell amulet doll for yourself with your own hands or give it to someone for good luck, wishing you health, comfort and good news.

To make a Bell doll, they traditionally do not use piercing or cutting objects. All necessary materials for protection they are torn by hand.

We will need:

  • Valdai bell;
  • three types of multi-colored fabric;
  • cotton wool;
  • white fabric;
  • red threads.

This completes the work. With such a caretaker, good news will definitely not pass you by!

Homemade thread dolls were of great importance to our ancestors. It was believed that giving such an item is to good health. A thread doll will help remove damage and... Making one is quite simple; it does not require any skills other than winding and distributing threads and tying knots.

We will need:

  • skein of linen thread;
  • Red thread;
  • scissors;
  • an object on which the threads will be wound (you can take a book or notepad).

  1. On an object approximately 15 cm wide, without breaking the thread, we make 3 skeins. The first is the widest, for the torso; the second and third are thinner, for handles and braids.

  2. For the hands, we braid a braid from one skein and tie it with red thread. For hair, tie a knot at the end of the second skein.

  3. We unwind the red thread longer and with its help, on the widest skein folded in half, we form the doll’s head. We don’t cut the thread, we will still need it.

  4. We divide the hairpiece into two parts and thread it through the head.

  5. We braid a braid on our head. We stretch the blank for the arms through the body.

  6. From the thread that we left at the beginning, we form a cross on the body of the amulet doll and tie a belt. We take a little more red thread and make a headband around the head.

The thread doll is ready. Giving such a talisman as a gift, don’t forget to say: “Greetings!”

The well-being is also called the hostess doll. This is a small Slavic amulet doll made of fabric. In the old days, women made such talismans for themselves, to manage the household. A coin was placed in the middle of the doll, thus attracting wealth and prosperity to the house. The Blessed Ones were also used as toys for children.

After watching step-by-step master class, you can easily make such an amulet with your own hands. For the base you can use a small birch log. His need to be wrapped in plain natural fabric or burlap. Hair is best made from linen twine. When choosing an outfit for the Blessed One, you should give preference to folk home decoration: a shirt, a sundress, an apron and a scarf. Don't forget to hide five kopecks or a decorative candy inside the hostess doll.

Every family will be pleased to receive such a gift. When planning a visit, find a couple of extra hours and make a Blessed Lady doll to please your hostess.

The Slavic peoples abound in traditional amulets and amulets, the purpose of which is to protect a person, attract prosperity, happiness into his home and maintain strong family ties. In the comments, write your attitude towards amulets, whether you believe in their protective abilities and whether you have similar items in your home.

Dear needlewomen. I would like to bring to your attention interesting master class on making dolls from threads. Craftswomen who are fond of knitting or crocheting probably accumulate various leftover yarn, from which it is difficult to knit something, but it is possible to make such an unusual doll.

So, DIY thread doll.

For work we will need the following materials and tools:

beige acrylic yarn

blue acrylic yarn left over from crocheting a hat

some acrylic yarn Pink colour

some red acrylic yarn

sharp scissors

needle with wide eye

Let's start making our doll by taking beige yarn and folding it all along a length of approximately 40-45 cm.


Then we start making the hair of our future doll, for this we will need a solid base 10-12 cm wide, I took a children's cardboard book for this. We wind the thread on it, doing 50-55 turns.

On one side of the book in the center, we thread a black thread about 10 cm long under the winding and tie it tightly with two knots.

On the other side of the book, cut the wound threads exactly in the middle using sharp scissors.

We get this blank for the doll’s hair.

Then we fold the beige yarn in half and use a beige thread to mark the head of our doll, as shown in the photo below.


On one side of black threads imitating the doll's hair, we braid a three-strand braid.

We fix the braid so that it does not unravel with a pink thread and tie a decorative small bow.

We trim the uneven ends of the braid using scissors.

We do the same with the other braid.

We tie a beige thread at a distance of 1 cm from the edge, thereby denoting the doll’s hand.


We do the same on the second hand.

We also use a beige thread to mark the doll’s waist, as it is shown in the photo below.

Next, we begin making a dress for our doll. To do this, we will again take a dense base, as you remember, in my case it is a children's cardboard book, 12 cm wide, and we will wind blue yarn on it. You should complete 60-70 skeins.

We do the same on the other side of the book.

Now carefully cut the thread from both edges using scissors, as shown in the photo.


We should end up with two identical stacks of blue yarn, one of which we evenly place on the front of the doll (the one where we will have the face), so that the middle of the stack falls on the waist and tie tightly with a blue thread to the waist. See photo


Then we divide the upper part of the blue threads in half and tie them at the base with a pink thread, as shown in the photo below, thereby forming the upper part of the doll’s dress

Using the same pink thread, we tie the upper part of the dress to the doll’s hand at the base and tie a small decorative bow.


We do the same procedure with the second side of the upper part of the dress, not forgetting to tie it to the base of the doll’s second arm, and also form a small pink bow.

Now, let's move on to the back of the dress, to do this we turn the doll face down.

We place a second stack of blue yarn on the back of the doll, just like on the front side, exactly in the middle.

And we tie it to the waist with a blue thread, as in the photo, and lower all the threads down, forming the skirt of the doll’s dress.

From the front of the doll's waist, tie a belt from a pink thread and again form a small bow.

Let's move on to making the legs. To do this, divide all the remaining beige yarn into two equal parts.

And using a beige thread we will tie it, stepping back 1 centimeter from the edge, indicating the doll’s foot.

We do the same with the second leg.

We tie another beige thread on each leg at the top.

Using sharp scissors, carefully trim the ends of the threads, trying to create triangular shape, as it is shown in the photo below.

This is the kind of doll we get.

Let's move on to the face. To do this, take a needle with a wide eye, draw a black thread into it and embroider eyes on the face.

Here's ours thread doll, master class which is presented to your attention in detail, is already looking at us.

Also, using a needle and black thread, attach both braids on the sides to the doll’s head.

We embroider a mouth with red thread.

To make the doll’s arms tight, we will tie them with beige thread in two more places, as shown in the photo below.

We carefully cut off all the excess protruding threads with scissors, and our thread doll ready.

If you tie a thread, braid or ribbon from the back of the doll's head, you can hang it anywhere.

For example, like decorative decoration in the children's room.

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