The best company of tights. The eternal question: Which tights are better? Color of nude tights

The most expensive tights are not so easy to find. It is impossible to buy them in Moscow TSUM or GUM; such tights are not available in online boutiques either. Of course, since the bulk of shopping centers and online stores are designed for so-called mass demand, and the most expensive tights in the world What makes them different is that only a few can afford them.

What distinguishes the most expensive tights from ordinary ones?

The first thought that comes to mind when we choose from two pairs of seemingly identical tights is “what distinguishes them, besides the price?” The “value” of tights is usually explained by the quality of the material and the popularity of the brand. Exclusive designer tights are famous for their high prices.

You may have heard about tights with gold nano-coated threads, or about tights decorated with Swarovski crystals. We also learned that cotton tights are more expensive than polyamide ones, wool ones are more expensive than cotton ones, and all the previous ones are relatively inexpensive compared to silk or cashmere tights. But all this luxury is almost nothing compared to tights made from exclusive materials that you may not have even heard of.

From time to time we read in the news that one of the politicians has acquired wristwatch worth several million, someone's wife bought a luxurious jewelry set or the latest car from a prestigious manufacturer. We also came across reviews of underwear sets inlaid with precious stones. But all these are recognized values, attributes of a luxurious life.

All modern microfiber in its properties is nothing compared to rare natural materials. We already told you once that it costs about $1,200. Vicuna wool is the most expensive in the world, if you do not take into account the wool of the chiru antelope, but its trade is banned.

Similar natural materials They are used only in the space industry, and even to create exclusive expensive things.

Tights made from the web of nephil spiders

Perhaps the rarest and most expensive tights in the world are tights made from the web of nephil spiders. Nephiles weave their webs in tropical forests. Giant spider webs reach sizes of one and a half to two dozen meters and are extremely complex.

Why is this web so unusual that they started making clothes from it? The most valuable qualities of nephil webs are strength and elasticity. One thread can support a weight of 80-100 grams. The elongation is about a third of the usual size, while the thread is durable.

Nephiles are one of the largest spiders on the planet. They are carnivorous, their diet even includes small birds.

Fishermen of tropical islands have long known about the extraordinary properties of the nets of nephil spiders, including tenacity, and simply collected their traps, made a ball out of them and threw them into the water. In addition to webs from spider webs, the inhabitants of the islands where the nephiles live make some kind of shirts and jackets.

Spider silk fibers are 10 times thinner than silkworm fibers, but at the same time incomparably stronger.

It is believed that the Chinese were the first to make yarn from the web of nephils. The fabric made from the web of the nephils was called “Satin of the Eastern Sea”; it was distinguished by its exceptional strength and durability. Over time, spider fabric came to Europe. In those days, it was also rare and products made from it were found only in the wardrobes of royalty. Thus, Louis XIV had several pairs of gloves and stockings made from spider webs. They were made and presented to the king by the French traveler Francois de Saint-Hilaire in 1709.

The island of Madagascar is home to orb-weaving spiders that weave their webs from golden threads. Designers Simon Peers and Nicholas Godley spent four whole years, with the help of 80 local residents, collecting spider webs and creating fabric from them. A unique cape dress is embroidered with patterns from the same spider threads and was presented in London at the Victoria and Albert Museum. The estimated cost of the outfit is $500,000. The color of the dress is natural, the fabric has not been dyed. Model - Bianca Gavrilas. 1.2 million spiders volunteered to create this unique creation.

People have learned to breed silkworms, but nephiles, despite all efforts, cannot be bred in captivity. The number of these spiders is constantly decreasing, and accordingly, the valuable web is becoming smaller.

According to some sources, the price of tights made from nephil web is 25,000 US dollars. Some sources claim that, for example, gloves made from spider webs were sold at auction in London for £200,000; In New York, a turtleneck made from a spider's web was bought for $700,000; the buyer was one of the movie moguls. Only a few people can afford spider web tights. And they include Claudia Schiffer, Madonna, Sharon Stone. According to information that we could not verify, one of the Russian oligarchs bought his wife tights made from the web of nephils for $600,000. It is not surprising that one of the names of the nephila spider is the golden spider.

In 2012, an amazingly beautiful outfit was exhibited at the Albert and Victoria Museum in London, woven entirely from solid golden threads of an orb-weaving spider native to Madagascar. The spiders were collected by hand, threads were taken from them within 20 minutes, and then released into the wild. In total, this required more than a million spiders. Subsequently, the cloth was created on a loom. Its bright yellow-golden color is natural. All it takes to create this outfit, which can be worn as a cape, cape or evening dress, it took the craftsmen four years. From all this it follows that the process of creating clothes from cobwebs is so labor-intensive and long that it will not be everyday, but will remain an original work of art.

Compared to all this, silk tights (95% composition) for 46 euros from the French brand Cervin seem quite inexpensive, don’t they?

Of course, we were unable to get a photo of the rare tights from the web of nephils... According to some sources, the thread from the web is more beautiful than silk and, due to its elasticity, stronger than nylon. The weight of the thread that can be used to encircle the globe along the equator is only 340 grams!

Tights made from spider webs are mentioned in the description of the collection of fashion designer Denis Gagnon - Barbarella, which was shown in Montreal in 2009. Denis Gagnon mainly works with leather, but then he added silk to his collection.

People have tried more than once to establish mass production of thread from spider webs. But this thread, at best, was 13 times more expensive than silk, and spiders refuse to live and work in captivity. Once they even tried to create the shell of an airship from a web, but there were only enough human resources for 5 meters of precious fabric. Until now, spider threads are used only in instrument making and to create exclusive clothing.

The most expensive tights available

If tights from the web of nephils are available only to a few in the world, then expensive tights from well-known brands are much easier to get: you just need to be ready to pay around 1000 US dollars for them. Agree, this price is several orders of magnitude lower than what tights made from nephil’s web are valued at!

From time to time, another well-known tights brand releases exclusive tights. For example, in 2005, the Wolford brand released tights together with American designer Zac Posen. Each pair was adorned with thousands of Swarovski crystals and metal plates. The limited edition consisted of only 99 pairs of tights, each of which cost $500. On its website, the Wolford brand described these tights as “possibly the most expensive in the world.”

House Saint Laurent in 2013 he created similar tights: nylon mesh, on top of which there are Swarovski crystals. Designer: Hedi Slimane. The tights sold for £700.

Celebrities quickly jumped on the rhinestone trend and donned entire mesh jumpsuits completely covered with Swarovski.

In 2010, the media created a buzz around Rodarte socks. These were openwork designer socks made from a blend of mohair and alpaca yarn, and cost $500. They could only be washed by hand. I think your grandmother could knit you the same ones, right? Although, as they say, Michelle Obama and Natalie Portman each bought a pair of Rodarte socks.

$500 socks from Rodarte

In 2010, Oscar de la Renta offered silk-blend cashmere tights for $990. Luxurious composition, famous brand... What else is needed to justify the high price?

Today, cashmere and silk tights are not uncommon, although they remain a relative luxury. They are not so easy to find - they are not sold on every corner, and only a few brands that focus on natural materials produce them. This, for example, distinguishes the Swiss tights brand Fogal. Fogal tights in silk or cashmere and silk cost between CHF 169 and CHF 250. Agree, relative to others - a reasonable price. And yet Fogal is considered a luxury brand.

Fogal CASHMERE: 65% cashmere, 25% silk, 10% nylon, 5% spandex

Fogal Nepal: 48% wool, 24% silk, 8% cashmere, 16% nylon, 4% spandex

Fogal Kaschmir: 50% silk, 40% cashmere, 10% nylon, 5% spandex

Fogal SILKY: 95% silk, 5% spandex

Similar tights from Wolford - in cashmere and silk, with a cashmere gusset - cost £145.

Cashmere and silk tights from something little known here Italian brand Maria la Rossa will cost 195 euros.

Maria la Rossa: 58% cashmere, 25% silk, 15% polyamide, 2% spandex

Another product, which can be called leg warmers, was released by the La Perla brand. Composition: polyester, nylon and elastane. Price...$738!

Hit of summer 2016: socks

The season of tights is almost over, but original socks are the hit of summer 2016. That’s why some fashion houses did not fail to offer exclusive options. For example, DOLCE & GABBANA. Several versions of women's socks with decor for about 650 euros per pair...

DOLCE & GABBANA: exclusive socks for 640 euros

Or here, tulle socks from DOLCE & GABBANA for 671 euros:

It was probably to be expected that the most expensive tights in the world would be some tights with diamonds or gold threads. Perhaps they exist, although we do not know about it. On at the moment It would probably be correct to assume that the most expensive tights in the world are tights made from spider webs. Tights for the price of a car are not such a modest gift, for example, on March 8th. Therefore, those who indiscriminately claim the opposite have simply not heard of the existence of such things.

Spider silk tights are by far the most commonly found in fiction. Large companies such as BASF and DuPont, which holds the nylon patent, have been trying to create artificial spider silk for many years. After all, this fiber is several times stronger than steel and Kevlar! However, the web is so thin that modern production technologies are not yet efficient enough to commercialize the developments. For example, one of the main difficulties is the fineness of the fibers: a finished thread of a thickness suitable for mass production is twisted from 1,500 webs. According to some forecasts, mass production of synthetic spider silk was supposed to begin in 2015, but now it’s already 2016...

Masao Nakagaki, a scientist from Japan, took a different path: he used genetically modified silkworm silk and as a result received a thread consisting of 10% spider protein. It took 10 years to develop and research. As a result, it was possible to cross a silkworm and a Nephila clavata spider. The plan was to increase the content of the “spider component” in the fiber to 50%. By 2010, it was expected that super-light, super-thin and super-durable tights made from spider webs would be commercially available, but that didn't happen.

The most expensive tights © Bracatus.

For any season, situation and clothing style you need different tights. And every woman should be able to choose the right ones for herself so that it is not only beautiful, but also practical. There are no universal tights for all occasions. But you can choose several models that suit your individual lifestyle and needs.

As soon as summer ends and it gets cool outside, you need to think about tights. It's true that it's easier to immediately put on or instead of wondering about the choice while standing in front of the closet. But in this case, you are missing out on a great opportunity to feel feminine and elegantly dressed.

In order not to get confused in the huge variety of tights presented in stores, and to buy only the most necessary and high-quality ones, you need to know a few rules. They will help you with the help of tights to emphasize the beauty and grace of your legs, and your feet will not be cold.

What tights should be in every woman's wardrobe?

How many tights are needed ideally?

If your figure allows you to wear any tights, ideal minimum quantity – six tights per cold season:

  • black transparent tights;
  • sheer nude tights;
  • translucent black or gray;
  • opaque;
  • wool tights;
  • fantasy tights.

This is the minimum to be able to easily create different images in any situation. It is approximate and may vary depending on your taste and figure.

Which tights to wear on different occasions?

  • Sheer tights

Black transparent tights from 10 to 20 den – this is required element wardrobe designed to be worn mainly in the evening. For example, with a small Sheer black tights highlight the leg and give it a slight shine if you choose a semi-matte shade.

Sheer nude tights must be perfectly matched in shade. The best shade is one that is as close as possible to your color. genuine leather, with a density of no more than 20 den. If it does not have a satin sheen, your legs will have a natural look, close to the effect of bare legs. This is especially useful in the spring, when after winter the body loses all traces of tanning.

However, be careful - flesh-colored tights, as a rule, plump the legs and are merciless to small defects: bony knees, cellulite, spider veins.

Avoid tacky tights with a peachy or bronzed look.

  • Translucent tights

Translucent black tights (from 20 to 40 den) are a wardrobe staple. These are the perfect tights to wear throughout the day. They are the most versatile and best selling. The translucent shade will hide excessive piquancy when you, for example, wear

  • Opaque colored tights

Opaque black tights (over 40 den) can flatten the silhouette and give a slightly funereal look. Try choosing opaque blue, brick-colored, khaki, dark purple or tights that will give beautiful shape your legs and the correct silhouette for your entire figure. Opaque tights are very durable and ideal for wearing with boots.

  • Fantasy tights

These tights will add an intricate, fantasy touch to an understated outfit. These could be, or tights with a seam at the back. They can be worn during the day with a formal suit or in the evening. Be careful not to overdo it - these tights are very eye-catching.

The most practical tights

The practicality of tights is their wear resistance. And it depends on the density of the material from which they are made.

Density is expressed in units used in textiles called denier (den). The higher the den number, the thicker, more opaque and, therefore, more practical the tights are.

  • Tights 10-20 den– thin, light, transparent and delicate. Gives legs beautiful outlines. Ideal for summer.
  • Tights from 20 to 40 den– translucent tights with a second-skin effect, very comfortable to wear. The skin remains slightly visible and the silhouette is not weighed down.
  • From 40 to 70 days– opaque tights, dense and durable. The skin is not visible in these tights.
  • Tights from 70 to 100 den– opaque tights, thick and warm. They are especially suitable for very cold autumn days. These tights have less elasticity compared to the previous ones. Be especially careful when choosing your size.
  • 100 den or more– special frost-resistant tights, very thick and very warm.

Tights advertised by stars

  • American singer Miley Cyrus, known as the “queen of provocations,” several years ago became the face of an advertising campaign for the Italian brand of tights Golden Lady. One of the images created by Miley Cyrus in this campaign is a vamp with bright red lipstick and nails, dressed in leather and a short biker jacket. The advertisement was dedicated to the brand's new line of tights, made using seamless technologies and invisible under clothing.
  • Julia Roberts has been the face of Calzedonia accessories for many years. Time seems to be running in this beautiful actress's favor. She brilliantly embodies the brand's image: energetic, positive and sensual. The new ad stars Julia Roberts as a customer at the brand's store wearing a pair of tights from the Italian brand's new high-end line.

Which tights suit different body shapes?

As a rule, light or fancy tights make your legs look fuller. On the contrary, dark and simple ones tighten and give the legs a slim and beautiful shape.

If you have slender legs, you can afford all types of tights: transparent tights, woolen tights, shiny tights, fishnet...

However, if your legs are particularly thin, avoid wearing opaque tights dark colors, which can give your legs extra thinness.

For small calves, avoid tights that are too fancy: striped, shiny or fishnet, which mercilessly plump your legs. Dark translucent or opaque tights will be ideal in your case.

To visually remove extra 5-10 kg from your figure on especially important special occasions, buy tights with a slimming effect. The dense upper part of these tights will help to tighten the excess in the hips and abdomen.

“Matte tights or glitter?”– very often we ask the seller when choosing a suitable model.
And everyone will answer this question in their own way, because such a parameter as the shine of tights cannot be measured in exact units. The matteness of tights is different for everyone!
So what should we do? How to determine whether tights are matte or, conversely, tights with shine?

A little theory. What determines the shine of tights?

Polyamide thread with filaments is the main culprit behind the shine of tights

It turns out that dullness or shine depends on the characteristics of the thread from which the tights are made. Polyamide thread is made up of thinner threads called "filaments". And these threads, in turn, come in three different types sections: round, triangular and square.
So, polyamide thread with rounded filaments results in the most matte product. Square-section filaments give the tights a more or less uniform light shine, while triangular-section filaments make the tights the shiniest.

What in practice?

Well, in practice, it is completely impossible to find out what cross-section these same filaments are in the tights you have chosen! Yes, yes, this parameter is not indicated on the packaging and on the official websites of the manufacturers at all! Apparently, this subtle point is known only to the technologists themselves of a particular plant for the production of hosiery products. By the way, the presence of elastane in tights does not play any role in creating the shine of tights - this is a common misconception!

We choose matte and shiny tights.

The most shiny tights with correction we would call:

Among the tights with correction some models cannot be called very shiny

Shine is present, but to a lesser extent:

Tights with glitter, but without figure correction:

Tights with uniform, light and almost imperceptible shine:

Tights with virtually no shine, that is, to matte:

  • Oroblu No Risk 20 the most matte tights among everyone!
  • Oroblu Pearl 15 – these tights won the category the most matte tights for summer! They are practically invisible on the leg and if you choose the right color of the tights, you can easily wear them with open shoes!

Autumn has arrived, and with it the time to wear tights. To find out which ones are worth buying and which ones are better left in the store, the testing and expert evaluation site tested popular models of tights in Russia to find the highest quality, durable and comfortable ones. For testing, classic 40 DEN tights were chosen - the most common option for cool weather.

How were the tests?

Experts assessed the softness of the tights, the quality and comfort of the seams. Also participating in the study were girls and women (age 21-52 years) who wore different models tights for several days, daily describing my feelings. Thus, experts identified tights that cause discomfort and tights with uncomfortable seams that press unpleasantly and are visible under tight clothing. Test group reports were compared with laboratory test results.

To study the softness, macro photographs of the tights were used, which showed how the fiber was woven and whether there were any loose threads that could cause discomfort. The seams were additionally assessed organoleptically, that is, using the senses. The shape, neatness, and dimensions of the seams were studied. Flat, invisible seams were awarded the highest rating.

Snag resistance

The tights' resistance to snags was tested using various rough surfaces (including Velcro textile fasteners). They assessed how tightly the fiber clings and what damage remains.


The highest score was given to anatomically shaped tights that have a highlighted foot and calf. Models with a reinforced toe also had an advantage, since the toe is one of the most vulnerable parts of tights. The top of the tights was examined separately for the presence of a gusset. Tights with a cotton gusset were rated the highest. The width of the belt was also measured.


Elasticity was assessed using a cylindrical mold and a stopwatch. Our experts determined how well tights can keep their shape. The experiment was carried out several times for different parts of the tights.

1. Pierre Cardin Toulon, RUB 169.

Pierre Cardin Toulon - sheer matte tights with thick lace panties, a cotton gusset and a shaped foot and leg. This is a very soft, pleasant to the touch model with comfortable flat seams. Due to the high elastane content, the tights keep their shape perfectly. They are resistant to snags, but if they snag, they immediately cause arrows and holes to form.


Pierre Cardin Toulon was one of the softest tights tested. This was confirmed by reviews of girls who wore the model. Silky tights lie softly on the leg without causing any discomfort. In the macro photograph, the fibers can be seen: the elementary filaments lie evenly, without straying out of the overall structure.

The seams received excellent marks from experts: the tights are sewn with a neat flat seam 2 mm thick. They were also rated well by the test group: the seams do not press, are not felt, are not visible under clothing and do not leave marks.

Snag resistance

The tights were successfully tested in practice: after several days of wearing they remained in excellent condition. Upon closer examination, it turned out that when in contact with a rough surface, puffs easily form. Moreover, holes and arrows can easily be made from puffs.


The tights were fully formed during production. The anatomical shape includes defined foot and calves, which allow the tights to fit better on the leg and make them easier to put on. Pierre Cardin Toulon tights have a small cotton gusset - this is the most comfortable and hygienic option.

A thick elastic waistband 3.5 cm wide goes into shapewear panties. They do not cause severe discomfort when tightening the abdomen, while fully fulfilling their purpose.


Pierre Cardin Toulon tights claim to have a high elastane content of 22%. Indeed, these are very elastic tights. They practically do not lose their shape while wearing them; you do not have to worry that the tights will quickly sag or bunch up.

2. Omsa Velor microfibra, RUB 249.

Omsa Velor microfibra - opaque thick tights with a reinforced toe and a hygienic gusset. They are made of dense fiber - microfiber, which ensures softness, warmth and durability of tights. Among the positive qualities of the model, our experts noted resistance to puffs, elasticity and a pleasant scent of fragrances. However, tights can cause discomfort as they are sewn with uncomfortable round seams and do not have separate calf and foot sections.


The tights are made of soft and comfortable microfiber. All participants in the test groups really liked the velvety fabric, but in some cases there was a slight itching when the tights came into contact with the skin. This is explained by the slight heterogeneity of the structure. You can see in the macro photograph how some elementary threads are knocked out of the overall fiber weave, which creates an unpleasant sensation on the skin.

Experts did not rate Omsa Velor microfibra seams highly. The tights are sewn with neat round seams 3 mm thick. However, round seams are inferior in comfort to invisible flat seams; they are felt on the skin, press and leave marks.

Snag resistance

There are practically no snags on Omsa Velor microfibra, but if the fiber clings, holes and arrows may form.


Tights have virtually no shape; they do not have separate feet and calves. This means that they fit the leg worse and can curl when put on. There is also no reinforced toe, leaving this vulnerable area at additional risk. Omsa Velor microfibra are equipped with a gusset with an adjacent breathable area. The gusset, like tights, is made of artificial fiber, so it is inferior in comfort and hygiene to a cotton gusset. An elastic waistband with a height of 2.6 cm allows the tights not to curl and fit comfortably on the body.


Thick Omsa Velor microfibra tights have successfully passed elasticity tests. They practically do not lose their shape. You don't have to worry about your tights hanging at the end of the day.

3. Calzedonia Sheer with lycra fiber, 250 rub.

Calzedonia Sheer with lycra fiber are transparent tights with a hygienic cotton gusset, with a shaped calf, foot and reinforced toe. They are sewn with comfortable flat seams and are pleasant to the touch. However, when tested for elasticity, they did not show their best side: the tights do not hold their shape well and by the end of the day they can bunch up.


The softness of the Calzedonia tights was highly rated by the test group. The fiber lies comfortably on the leg without causing discomfort. The results were confirmed by examining a macrograph of the fiber structure. All threads are practically homogeneous and do not stand out from the general structure.

Experts rated the seams of this model as “good.” The tights are sewn with neat flat seams 2 mm thick. They are practically not felt on the skin, do not press and are not visible under clothing, however, some participants in the test group noted that the seams leave marks on the skin.

Snag resistance

Calzedonia tights have average resistance to snags. If small holes are formed as a result of the hooks, they rarely turn into arrows. The tights also performed well when tested in practice; participants in the test group noted that the tights retained their integrity after several days of wear.


The tights have a highlighted calf and foot. The formed calf allows the tights to better fit the leg, without wrinkles, and the highlighted foot makes it easier to put on the tights, they do not twist in the process. In addition, the model has a reinforced toe that will protect the most vulnerable area. The tights have a small cotton gusset with an adjacent breathable area. This gusset is more hygienic and comfortable than an artificial fiber gusset. The tights have a wide elastic waistband, 3.4 cm high, which continues with a padded area for better abdominal support.


The tights contain a high elastane content of 14%. However, this did not provide good elasticity to the tights. They quickly lose their shape and folds form on them. This is confirmed by tests and reviews of girls who tested the tights.

4. Sisi Style, RUB 221.

Sisi Style are elegant tights that go well with dresses and skirts. They are thin, transparent, anatomically shaped with beautiful openwork panties. This model fits your legs well. Product-test tests have confirmed that the tights are pleasant to the touch and resistant to snags and puffs. Among the disadvantages, experts noted uncomfortable round seams, which can be visible under tight clothing.


The softness was a little less than ideal. In the fiber structure you can see how uniform threads are knocked out. They cause discomfort when wearing tights. The results were confirmed during practical testing. The girls who tested the tights concluded that the tights are soft, but do not reach an excellent rating.

Sisi Style seams received a satisfactory assessment from experts. The tights are sewn with a neat round seam 3 mm thick. They are less comfortable than invisible round seams, they are felt on the skin, they press and leave marks on delicate skin.

Snag resistance

Sisi Style tights have good snag resistance. They cling when in contact with a very rough surface, small holes may appear, which, however, rarely turn into arrows.


The Sisi Style has a separately highlighted foot and calf. Tights with a shaped foot are easier to put on, they do not twist, and the highlighted leg ensures a snug fit of the tights. The tights are equipped with a hygienic gusset with an adjacent breathable area and a beautiful openwork design. However, it is made of artificial fiber, so in terms of comfort and hygiene it is noticeably inferior to a cotton gusset. Sisi Style's waistband is wide - 3 cm. Thanks to this, the tights sit comfortably on the body and do not curl.

“Which tights are best?” - we are asked this question with enviable regularity... Since we do not yet have a “Questions and Answers” ​​section, we decided to once again publish our collective opinion on the blog.

Of course, each of us tries to choose the best for ourselves from all the variety that is now visible on store shelves. Those who remember the Soviet years are accustomed to certain standards, and therefore it was most difficult for them to “rebuild” and get used to the fact that there may be things on sale whose service life is designed for a maximum of one season. Tights, if they started to crease, could be carefully sewn up (and some even managed to lift the loops with a special needle) and continue to be worn under trousers. And now, few of us are particularly upset when we see a snag or a line creeping up our leg: we are accustomed to buying and wearing virtually one-day tights. But sometimes dissatisfaction can wash over us when once again, but at the most inopportune moment, our tights tear, and we think “What the...!” or “In the end, until when!...”, and so on. Surely, everyone who wears tights automatically has the standard abusive thought towards the torn tights, and towards the one who sold them to us, and the one who allowed himself to make this “one-day item”.

If the boiling point is reached, torn tights have planted too large a pig, for example, at the moment romantic date or passing an interview for promising job, you and I, like any normal person, are thinking about how seriously the constant need to buy new tights can undermine our budget. Moreover, some media have already called the current 2016 the year of “eternal tights,” because many of us will be forced to return to the experience of darning and other tricks. True, this time not because of a deficit, but because of a default.

We are flattered to receive questions from you about “Which tights are best,” as this once again indicates the level of your trust in our online resource. But at the same time, we are forced to answer this question frankly, guided by the principle “if you don’t know, yes or no, then no.” So, we cannot clearly answer the question of which tights are actually better. The most honest answer that suggests itself in this case is that “the best and most reliable tights are trousers.” But, since you and I have worn, are wearing, and are going to continue to wear tights, we will try to give you another alternative answer that will help you do it yourself right choice. The secret to choosing the best tights is that for each of us the best is unique. Nowadays it is almost impossible to order individual production of tights, unless we are talking about exclusive options. Therefore, we classify the question “Which tights are better” as everyday tights.

So, what is important to you and me first of all when we select tights for everyday wear? Let's try to list them point by point.

Price. Each of us gets used to buying everyday tights of a certain price category. When we notice that tights tear more often than we expected, we sometimes change the brand or price segment. But with the price everything is clear: everyone pays the price that they consider fair. Again, price is not always an indicator of the quality of tights. Although it is our custom in case of such questions “which tights are better” to recommend, for example, Wolford.

Some people decide to ask a store salesperson: “Which tights are best?”, but you can’t always count on an honest answer. You will probably be offered the best and some of the most expensive tights from the store’s assortment. Sometimes they are simply the most expensive ones, trying to earn more money and taking advantage of the fact that under any pretext “purchased goods cannot be exchanged or returned.”

Country of origin. Our mothers, grandmothers and those of us who lived through the USSR period are accustomed to high-quality leather Romanian shoes, German and Italian tights. Even Chinese textiles have always been high quality. But now everything is decided by price, and most are ready to sacrifice quality if the price is a bargain. That is, the vast majority agree to wear disposable tights. It is also important that a significant part of European manufacturers have managed to move their production facilities to China since the times of the USSR. And “China” itself managed to take advantage of this circumstance. And now we are accustomed to the fact that many European brands are made in China, and we are even very surprised if we come across tights that are actually made in Italy. Italy has always been considered the leading country for the production of tights. And, despite everything, the province of Mantova is still the source of a significant share of tights sold throughout the world. We want to say that not all brands have moved their factories to China. In particular, this is true for a significant proportion of Italian tights brands. True, the well-deserved popularity of Italian tights played a bad joke on them: they began to be counterfeited en masse. It is becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish a fake from an original; the fact that Italians rarely rush to protect the name of their brand adds fuel to the fire... It is no longer a secret to anyone that the number of counterfeit tights on our market tends to 100%. And tights from well-known brands are powerless to compete in price with counterfeit products. But those who only intend to “skim the cream” and not stay on the market for a long time decide to put a knock-down price on fake tights. Therefore, given the huge share of counterfeits, you should not always rely on the price and the declared country of origin as the main factors in the quality indicator of tights.

Density. From related factors, let’s move directly to those that directly relate to the tights themselves. As you and I know from hard experience, 40 denier tights are usually more durable than 20 denier tights. The density of tights that we are talking about now is actually the weight of a 9 km long tights thread. That is, the greater this density, the greater the weight, and, usually, the thickness of the thread. Therefore, the strength of average everyday tights almost directly depends on their density. If we approach the issue with all honesty, then it is worth remembering about ordinary light bulbs - incandescent lamps with a tungsten filament. Tungsten is an incredibly strong metal, but for some reason light bulbs burn with enviable regularity... So, does anyone need this? for some time it broke off, unable to withstand the mains voltage. By approximately the same principle, everyday nylon (nylon, if we speak in the American manner) tights are made disposable: they thought of making a strong polyamide thread non-uniform. As a result, you and I buy tights more often, emptying our pockets and replenishing the coffers of the owner of the tights brand.

The presence of a compacted (reinforced) toe and heel sometimes helps extend the life of tights. But, as practice has shown, too often such compaction is not enough to keep tights intact in places. where they experience the most friction.

Thread quality. From density it’s time to move on to thread quality. If snags or pills (pili) quickly form on tights without obvious reasons, then this is clear evidence that they are made from low-quality thread twisted from short fibers. When buying tights, it is difficult to determine the quality of the thread by looking at it. Sometimes you discover clues. puffs on tights, and after a while a hole or arrow forms in the same place. This is an indicator of a low-quality thread. But, alas, you can only check this parameter at the cost of your own experience.

Weaving quality. You may have heard the phrase “stocking weave”. This is the most common knitting used to weave modern tights, stockings and socks. This is a quick and simple weave that allows the loops to quickly and easily run down the leg. From time to time, tights appear, the weaving of which, as we are assured, does not allow the resulting thread break to provoke arrows. What is surprising is that not a single one of those tights that were presented in advertising as “not giving arrows” has stood the test of time. By the way, the price for such tights is usually higher than for regular weave tights.

Compound. For some, the composition of the threads from which tights are made plays an important role when making a purchasing decision. It is a common belief that tights made from natural fibers wear out quickly. It is easy to see for yourself whether this statement is true or false, you just need to buy several pairs of tights with the maximum composition of cotton or wool. By the way, the price factor when buying wool or cotton tights almost always allows you to judge their quality: the better the quality of the raw materials, the more expensive the tights made from them. And if we talk about durability, do you think woolen tights that do not lose appearance 3-5 seasons? Or cotton tights that can be worn for 2-3 years? True, we do not mean tights “made of swan’s down” or other exotic fish fur, and we exclude from the sample viscose or acrylic tights, which are generally worth talking about separately.

It happens that spontaneously purchased tights of an unknown brand are presented pleasant surprise, turning out to be surprisingly persistent. But we did not count on such a happy occasion, and therefore did not save the packaging and cannot determine what kind of miracle we came across. Sometimes, when introducing a new brand of tights to the market, manufacturers make the first batch of very high quality. So, after trying an inexpensive new product for a test, we buy the same tights next time, and this is where disappointment begins: the tights become unusable much faster. We, attributing everything to an accident, buy the same tights for the third time... And only after that we understand that there are no eternal tights. This, that is, the entry of a new brand into the market with the first, very high-quality batch, is a fairly common case. Therefore, sometimes it makes sense to take a risk and buy a new product. But only once. The attempt should be repeated after a year. Having first studied reviews online. If they do not arouse suspicion and do not seem custom-made, we can assume that for you the question “Which tights are better” has already been resolved.

Any tights are short-lived. And even despite the many stages of quality control, the very pair you buy may turn out to be defective. Therefore, when buying tights, you have the right to ask the seller to open the package and show you the tights.

So, the question “Which tights are best?” remains open. All tights tear, fray, and lose their appearance. How quickly this will happen depends on the brand (how carefully the manufacturer monitors the absence of counterfeits) and on how carefully you wear the tights. It is no coincidence that before putting on tights they recommend making sure that your fingernails and toenails are in order and that your skin is not rough. Then, remove all jewelry from your hands and feet, and put on special gloves on your hands to be safe. When putting on tights, you should follow a certain procedure, and you should not pull the tights unnecessarily; on the contrary, they need to be rolled, as it were, evenly positioned along the leg.

Which tights are better? © Bracatus. All materials on this site are subject to copyright (including design). Copying, distribution (including by copying to other sites and resources on the Internet) or any other use of information and objects without the prior consent of the copyright holder is prohibited.

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