About space for 2nd junior group. Summary of the game lesson “Space. Application “planets of the solar system”

Irina Ibragimova
Abstract open class V younger group"A space flight"

Development direction: cognitive - verbal, artistic - aesthetic.

Dominant educational region: cognition (formation of elementary mathematical concepts, artistic creativity (applique).

Subject: « A space flight".

Age group: 2 junior group(34 years).

Methods and techniques:

Methods of forming consciousness (individual and frontal conversation);

Methods of organizing activities and forming behavioral experience (speech situations, game);

Behavior Stimulation Methods (encouragement);

Methods of control, self-control and self-assessment (exercises, analysis of the results of one’s own activities);

Methods of organization and implementation cognitive activity (didactic game, productive activity);

Methods of health preservation, preservation and promotion of health (visual gymnastics, finger gymnastics, mobile - didactic game).

Integration of educational regions:

communication, cognition (formation of elementary mathematical concepts, artistic creativity (application, physical education, music, cognition (formation of a holistic picture of the world).

Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, musical - artistic, productive, cognitive - research.

Target: cognitive - speech and artistic - aesthetic development of children.

Educational tasks:

Bring up cognitive interest To classes mathematics through didactic games;

To develop in children the ability to listen to adults and encourage them to work together.

Development objectives:

Develop logical thinking, Creative skills, imagination, attention, constructive abilities, the ability to create a whole from parts.

Objectives of Education:

Reinforce the names of primary colors in speech (red, blue, yellow, green)

Consolidate knowledge geometric shapes and the ability to lay them out according to a model.

Consolidate knowledge about group of objects using words "a lot of", "one".

Strengthen children's knowledge about space, about the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, about the Day Astronautics.

Activate dictionary: planet, rocket, astronaut, spacesuit, space.

Planned results:

Personal: inquisitive, active, communicative.

Intelligent: children's ideas about space, about the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, about the Day Astronautics; development of mathematical concepts through didactic games, development of creative imagination in productive activities.

Physical: physical activity.

Organization of the environment for conducting GCD: the group is decorated according to the theme« Space» , tables with handouts for application, free space for outdoor games, organization of musical accompaniment, table for didactic games.

Preparation for GCD in regime mode moments: organizing an exhibition of family works "Together in let's fly into space» , book exhibitions "We read about space» , holding theme week « Space» , learning a song "On a Rocket", motto astronauts.


paintings on the theme « Space» , volumetric cardboard rocket, garland, decorations groups of bright stars, multi-colored stars on sticks for each child, multi-colored circles - planets, educational game "Find identical rockets", tape recording of music about space, musical accompaniment, handouts - application "Rocket, astronauts, planets, stars", brushes, napkins, glue.

Time spending: 30 minutes.

Abstract of GCD.

1. Introductory part (2 – 3 minutes). Organizing time.

The group is decorated according to the theme« Space» . Children enter to the music group.

Educator: How beautiful it is in our group! Children, is it a holiday today?

2. Main part. Conversation with children.

Educator: Today, April 12, it is no coincidence that we gathered in this festive hall. In our country, a big holiday is celebrated on this day - Day Cosmonautics, it's a holiday for everyone astronauts. For the holiday, the children made crafts and paintings together with their mothers and fathers.

Guys, who are they? astronauts?

What's the name of the suit? astronaut?

Who was the first to fly to space? Whose portrait do you see?

Do you want to be astronauts?

"To become an astronaut,

To fly into the sky,

You have to know a lot

There is a lot to know.

And at the same time, and at the same time

Notice, guys

Helps astronauts


Guys, what are they flying on? astronauts?

Guys, look at the rocket, we will take off on it. (Showing a three-dimensional rocket, examining it, naming the parts, what geometric figure the parts of the rocket resemble.)

Our motto: “We live very amicably, boring in we don't take space

Let's go on a flight, but first get your tickets. (I’m handing out tickets – geometric ones figures: circles, squares, triangles).

"Tickets to Rocket".

(Children find the image of their ticket on the chairs and sit on the chairs according to the geometric shapes.)

Educator: So, are you ready to fly to space?

Music is playing: the music director plays the button accordion, the children sing a song “We want to fly on a rocket”.

Educator: We arrived in space. Look how beautiful it is here. What do you see around?

Children: Stars, planets, rocket.

Educator: How many stars do you see? How many planets? How many missiles?

Visual gymnastics: Look at the twinkling stars (garland) from left to right and from right to left.

Educator: Children, imagine you have become little stars.

(I hand out stars on sticks. Children name the color of their stars.)

It is an active didactic game "Find Your Planet".

Children spin with the stars to the music. When the music ends, the children run to the planet that matches the color of their stars. Children change stars, the game is repeated 2 more times.

Educator: Well done guys, you did it all. Shall we play some more?

A didactic game is being played “Find identical rockets, the smallest one”.

Educator: Well done guys, you completed these tasks. And now it's time to go home.

And now, you and I, children, Hands up, palms together -

"rocket dome".

We're flying away on a rocket. Stand on your toes.

Rise up on tiptoes, right hand down, left hand down.

Quickly, quickly, hands down. Pull your head up, shoulders down.

One two three four -

Here's a rocket flying up!

We're landing, did you enjoy your trip?

Break between classes: view slide about space, rocket flight, astronauts. Teacher's story.

Artistic creativity (applique).

Teamwork - application « A space flight» .

Invite the children to make a picture dedicated to "Day astronautics» .

Making a riddle

A bird can't reach the moon

Fly and land on the moon,

But he can do it

Do it quickly... (Rocket.)

To say that each child can independently choose a subject (stars, planets, astronauts, rocket) which will be glued to the panel (as space) .

Continue to teach children to depict objects consisting of several parts in applique (rocket); determine the shape of the parts (rectangle, circle, triangle). First, assemble the object from the parts on the table, then glue it in detail.

Advise children to start gluing the rocket parts in the center of the panel.

Finger game.

We will build 1. Rhythmically strike with the fist of the right hand

We will build a fist with our left, swinging strongly

The best 2. Raise your hands up,

Starship: Lower and raise your arms up again.

We'll check everything

We'll arrange everything

And let's take flight.

Children can work independently with a little help from the teacher.

At the end classes review the work received. Ask the children to name everything they depicted, name familiar planets (earth, sun, moon, planets). Note the color scheme of the work.

Put the work on display for parents as a congratulation on the Day astronautics.

3. Final part. Results of GCD.

What holiday is today? The name of astronaut, the first to fly to space?

Where did we travel?

What was pasted on postcard?

Project: "Endless Space".

Relevance of the topic:

children do not know the holiday - Cosmonautics Day, about the first flight of Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin into space. This project was created to solve this problem. Justification of the problem: 1. Parents pay insufficient attention to Russian holidays, namely, Cosmonautics Day. 2. Children have no knowledge about space, the first person to fly into space, or the existence of a holiday in Russia - Cosmonautics Day.

Project type: group, creative, educational, research, gaming.

Project duration: 7 days. Short-term (04/07/2016 - 04/12/2016)

Educational activities: cognition, artistic creativity, reading fiction.

Project participants: children of the second younger group (age 3 - 4 years), group teachers, parents and other family members of the pupils.

Objective of the project: introduce children to the Russian holiday - Cosmonautics Day, to space, to the first cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin

Tasks for children:


1. give an idea of ​​space and the first cosmonaut Gagarin;

3. teach children a culture of communication;

4. improve the ability to perform movements as demonstrated by the teacher.


1. develop aesthetic perception, imagination, artistic taste;

2. develop creativity during the integration process various types activities, fantasy;

3. develop attention, memory, visual and effective thinking;

4. develop children’s cognitive activity;

5. develop village hand skills;

6. activate the vocabulary: planet, space, constellation, rocket, spacesuit, moon, universe. cosmonaft;


1. cultivate a love for the cosmonaut profession;

2. educate positive traits the child's personality; activity, neatness;

3. cultivate mutual assistance and friendly attitude towards each other;

4. cultivate pride in people of this profession, love for the astronaut profession, for one’s homeland;

5. improve work skills.

Tasks for the teacher: to develop social and professional competence and personal potential.

Tasks for parents: support the child in showing creative initiative

Expected result: in the process of interaction between teacher - children - parents in the implementation of the project:


  1. acquire knowledge about space, astronauts, and become interested in this topic;
  2. will show careful attitude to handmade crafts
  3. will develop aesthetic perception, creativity, artistic taste;
  4. there will be an interest in space-themed crafts;
  5. will take the initiative on their own: look at the illustrations; participate in conversations, ask questions; construct from building materials, construction sets, rockets according to your own ideas.


1. enriching parental experience of interaction and cooperation with the child in the family;

2. parents will become interested in their children’s activities.

Project products:

  1. Decoration of the hall and reception
  2. Exhibition of information stand on the theme "Space"
  3. Exhibition of works by children completed during the “Endless Space” project
  4. Production of a collection of poems on the theme "Space"
  5. Presentation of the project in the form of gaming entertainment " Space trip»

1. Preparatory stage:

a.) The teacher defines the topic, goals, objectives, the content of the project, predicting the result, forms of expressing the results project activities.

b.) Discussion with parents of the project, clarifying the possibilities, funds necessary for the implementation of the project, determining the content of the activities of all project participants.

c) Select methodological and fiction literature on this topic.

d.) Prepare materials for conducting the role-playing game “Space Travel”.

2. Main stage of the project implementation:

Distributes roles.

Plans and organizes activities.

He talks in a dialogue form with children about space, about the first cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin.

Arouses interest in the theme of the matinee.

Involves parents in information activities

Making crafts.

Participation in various educational periods.

Memorizing poetry.

Selection of information about space.

Participation in kindergarten events.

Implementation of the project through different types activities.

1. Conversation “What kind of sky is it?”

2. Conversation “For children about space”

3. Construction of "Rocket"

4. Application "Flight into space"

5. Modeling "Let's launch rockets into space"

Application “Endless Space”

7. Final sports and game event "Space Travel"

8. Reading poems on the theme "Space", asking riddles

9. Watching cartoons "Belka and Strelka", "Luntik", "Dunno on the Moon"

Summary of a game lesson for children of the 1st junior group of kindergarten (3rd year of life), topic: “Space”


Children's children elementary representations about space.
Activate the dictionary on this topic.
Continue to form stable ideas about shape, size, quantity, color, geometric shapes, and the position of objects in space.
Teach children to perform simple experiments with sand and water.
Improve your drawing, gluing, and sculpting skills.
Develop thinking fine motor skills, coordination of movements.


Multi-colored buttons, a silhouette image of a flying saucer with glued circles, corresponding to the buttons in colors and sizes.
A picture of aliens and their planets in the form of geometric shapes.
Picture-scheme depicting a rocket made of geometric shapes, geometric shapes cut out of cardboard.
A picture depicting astronauts in three sizes, spacesuits cut out of white cardboard in three sizes.
A cone glued together from thick paper. Stickers in the form of circles, a red napkin.
Glued to black cardboard are a rocket, an astronaut on a cord, and a large and small planet.
Glue, sand, a sheet of paper with a round stencil attached to the top.
Container with sand. Pipette. Glass of water.
Multi-colored clothespins, silhouette images of dinosaurs made of thick cardboard.
A background sheet with images of three planets of different sizes, glue, colored silhouette pictures of dinosaurs of three sizes.
A sheet of paper with a round stencil attached to the top, a foam swab, blue paint.
Planar images of whales in three sizes.
Picture depicting planet Earth and shadows from stones different shapes, stones. Silhouette image of a rocket.
A sheet of black cardboard, yellow plasticine and orange flowers, paint, stamps with bubble wrap.
Equipment for dynamic pause: bench, correction track, tunnel.
Small brooms and dustpans.
Audio recordings: “Song of young cosmonauts.”

Progress of the lesson:

You and I live on planet Earth. This is what she looks like. (Show the globe).

During the day, when it is light, we see the Sun in the sky. And at night, when it is dark, many stars light up in the sky. People looked at the sky and dreamed of flying there, into space. We learned how to build rockets and flew into space. Now they dream of flying to other planets where aliens live. We can't fly into space on a real rocket. And play space adventures Can. Let's start now.

But aliens from other planets flew to us on a flying saucer. How do we greet them? What shall we say? Hello hi!

Flying Saucer Button Game

Place buttons of the appropriate size and color on the circles.

Didactic game “Return the aliens to their home planets”

What geometric figure does this alien resemble? It looks like a circle. So he came from a round planet. What geometric figure does this alien resemble? To the oval. So he's from an oval planet. Return all aliens to their home planets.

It's time for us to fly into space. We need to build a rocket.

Didactic exercise “Fold the rocket”

Take a rectangle and find its place on the image of the rocket. Now lay out the square and triangle. We have one of each of these figures. How many circles? Two circles. Lay them out in the form of porthole windows. Now count the ovals. How many ovals? Three. Find a place for them.

Didactic game “Choose a spacesuit by size”

The astronauts are in front of you. Show the highest, the lowest. Now choose suits that fit them.

Paper construction “Rocket”

Children glue porthole circles onto a cone of thick paper, crumple up a red napkin and insert it into the hollow part of the cone - “fire”.

Before the flight, astronauts must practice.

Dynamic pause “Cosmonaut training”

Children crawl along a bench, crawl into a tunnel, and walk along a corrective path. To the music of “Song of Young Cosmonauts”.

And now that we have everything ready, let's take off!

Didactic exercise “In outer space”

Position the astronaut in the rocket. It's time to exit the rocket into outer space. Here is an astronaut landing on a big planet. Now back on the rocket. He came out again and flew around the rocket. Then he landed on a small planet.

sand planet

Handmade “Planet of Sand”

Apply glue to the circle inside the stencil and sprinkle it with sand.

Sand experiment “Dry or wet”

There is sand in front of you. Touch it. Is the sand wet or dry? Dry. How to make sand wet? Pour the water. Use pipettes to pour water into the sand. What did the sand become like from the water? Wet.

Dinosaur Planet

Game with clothespins "Dinosaurs"

Attach spikes to the backs of dinosaurs so they can protect themselves from enemies.

Application "Dinosaurs"

Stick the big dinosaur on the big planet and the little dinosaur on the small planet.

Planet of water

Drawing with foam swabs “Planet of Water”

A stencil is applied to a sheet of paper and secured with paper clips.
A foam swab with blue paint leaves imprints that fill the entire space inside the stencil.
Who do you think can live on planet water? Fish, whales.

Dynamic pause “Whale Trip”

A flat image of a whale is laid out on the floor, and children are invited to sit on it to swim on the planet of water.
The whale is not very big, it’s cramped for us. And then another whale swam up to us. Is it bigger than ours or smaller? This whale is bigger than ours. Let's get on this whale. Which one is bigger. Now we are not cramped. We have plenty of space.

Planet of the Rocks

Didactic game “Find the shadow of the stone”

Place stones of suitable shape on the black shadows.

Didactic exercise “Guide a rocket through a meteor shower”

Pick up a rocket and place it on planet Earth. Now the rocket is on its way. Help the rocket fly through the meteor shower and avoid crashing into the rocks.

Exercise “Collect stones”

There are many rocks scattered on this planet. You need to collect them, but you cannot touch the stones with your hands. We will collect stones using brooms and dustpans. Like this.

Modeling “Star and Comet”

On a sheet of black paper, children make an image of a star and a comet.
Star: roll out a ball in a circular manner, apply it to the cardboard and press down, pull the plasticine to the sides with your finger - make “rays”.
Comet: roll out a ball in a circular motion, place it on the cardboard and press down, pull out the “tail” of the comet with your finger.

Drawing with stamps with bubble wrap "Planets"

Dip the stamp in paint and apply it to a dark sheet of paper - you will get a planet.

It's time to return home to our planet Earth.

PLANNING EDUCATIONAL WORK (for the week of April 10 to April 14)

Subject: " Amazing world space"

Goal: To introduce children to the Russian holiday - Cosmonautics Day, to space, to the first cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin
Final event: Exhibition of works “This Amazing Space”Date of the final event: April 14

Responsible for the final event:Lepekhina O.A.

Day of the week






Morning exercise complex No. 30

Finger gymnastics"Clouds"


“What kind of sky is there?”

View the presentation “The Wonderful World of Space”

Consolidating parts of the day: morning, afternoon, evening, night with Adeline, Arina, Maryana.

Review of material on the topic “Space”.

Replenish the patriotic corner D/I “Our kindergarten»

S/R game "Cosmonauts"

Consultation “Introducing a child to space.”

Involve parents in making crafts"This amazing space."

Phys. development

Target:Learn to throw the ball up and catch it with both hands. Practice crawling on a board. Foster a love of physical education.

(L.I. Penzulaeva pp. 70-71)


Subject:"Space trip"

Target:Arouse interest in creating a collective composition “Space Travel”. Teach children to make an image of a rocket from ready-made shapes (square, triangle, circles of different sizes). Strengthen the skill of gluing ready-made forms. Practice drawing with a sponge and palms. Create conditions for independent selection of materials and means of artistic expression. Develop a sense of form and composition. Cultivate curiosity and confidence.

(project “The Amazing World of Space” application)



Transport surveillance

Target: expand knowledge about transport.

Maryana, Vlad, Kirill “Jump to the star” high jump on two legs.

Situational conversation about the work of adults. "What professions are needed for a person to fly into space"

Garbage collection on site.

P/I"Colored Cars"


    learn to move quickly on a signal and stop without bumping into each other;

    fix the primary colors.

Games with external material.

work before bed

To develop cultural and hygienic skills in children, teach them how to properly use an individual towel, and hang it in its place (on its own individual hook). Reading the poem “Here is the starry sky...”


Gymnastics after sleep.

Reading poems about space.

fixing geometric shapes “Make a rocket out of geometric shapes” Danil, Artem.

Washing the construction set with the children.

Conversation “We always play together.”

S/R game "Family"


Observing the sky “A star lives in the sky.”P/I"Colored Cars"

Day of the week


Integration educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners





Social and communicative development; Cognitive development; Speech development; Artistic and aesthetic development; Physical development.

Morning exercise complex


"Planets of the Solar System"

Memorizing the rhyme "Stargazer".

Goal: Develop speech and memory.

Ismail, Kirill D/i “Count how many stars” - consolidate the ordinal count up to 5

Insert globe

D/I “The House We Live In”

Goal: to expand children’s understanding of the world around them. Know the house where you live, your neighbors, adults and children. Reinforce the concept of “house, yard, street, neighbors.” Cultivate love for your home, street, city.

S/R game "Barbershop"

folder – moving “Holiday April 12 - Aviation and Cosmonautics Day.

Conversations with parents on topics that interest them.

Direct educational activities

Speech development

Subject:"For children about space"

Goal: to form children’s ideas about space, the profession of “cosmonaut”, and about the first cosmonaut Yu. A. Gagarin;

replenish lexicon pupils (space, astronaut, spacesuit, rocket, planet);

develop children's memory, attention, speech, interest in astronautics;

cultivate a desire to lead healthy image life, be strong, brave.

Presentation for children about space.

(Appendix 12)


According to the plan of the muses. head


Walk 9

Bird watching

Target: expand knowledge about birds flying to the children's sitesky garden.

Vika, Vlad, Kirill “Launch a rocket into the sky” Exercise children in throwing a ball with both hands and catching it

Situational conversation “You need to know how to dress yourself.”

P/I “Migration of birds”.


    train children in climbing stairs, jumping, running;

    learn to move from one action to another;

-develop dexterity and the ability to navigate in space.

work before bed

Canteen duty. Develop cultural and hygienic skills in children, teach them how to properly use an individual towel, and hang it in its place (on its own individual hook). Reading O. Berggolts “Flight”.


Gymnastics after sleep.

Walking the path of health.

Listening to the songs “Let’s paint all the planets” (Barbariki), “White-winged horses clouds.”

Experimental activity “Why everything falls to the ground”

Educational mosaic for the development of fine motor skills, observation, visual perception, speech and intellectual abilities Arslan, Ismail, Gleb.

Conversation on the topic “why you need to be neat and tidy”

Construction game: "Cosmodrome".

S/R game "Barbershop"


P/I “Sunshine and Rain”. Observing the clothes of passersby. Games with external material.

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners





Social and communicative development; Cognitive development; Speech development; Artistic and aesthetic development; Physical development.

Morning exercise complex

P/G “The sun is shining”

Teacher's story "The first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin."

Laying out rockets from counting sticks Philip, Gleb.

Fill your book corner with works about space.

Role-playing game "Preparing for flight."

D/i “On the contrary” - to develop children's intelligence and speed

Conversation “What does violation of the regime lead to in children.”

Consultations on parenting issues.

Direct educational activities

Phys. development

Target:Learn to climb onto a gymnastics wall. Practice walking on a plank, forming correct posture. Build endurance and agility.

(L.I. Penzulaeva pp. 71-72)


Topic: "Travel into space."

Goal: To introduce children to a new, unconventional way of drawing “emerging drawing.”

Strengthen children's initial understanding of space. Repeat the words: space, planets, stars, rocket, astronaut, sun.



Watching the dog

Target: expand knowledge about the animal world.

Artem, Adelina, Ismail “Jump to the star” high jump on two legs.

Situational conversation “Why you can’t put dirty hands in your mouth.”

Restoring order in the area.

P/I"Shaggy Dog."

Target: practice running on a signal, spatial orientation,dexterity.

work before bed

Canteen duty. Conversation “why you can’t talk while eating.” Reading “The Old Man and the Apple Trees” by L. Tolstoy


Gymnastics after sleep.

Walking barefoot.

Reading. Mayakovsky's poem "What is good and what is bad"

Coloring coloring books on the theme “Space” Arslan, Zaur, Vika.

Game situation “We are flying on a rocket.”

We restore order in the group.

S/R game “Preparing for flight”.


Outdoor game "Day and Night". Games with external material.

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners





Social and communicative development; Cognitive development; Speech development; Artistic and aesthetic development; Physical development.

Morning exercise complex

Breathing exercises “Veterok”

Conversation on the topic “How astronauts dress.”

“Assemble a picture from geometric shapes. Rocket" Ah, Lera.

Goal: To develop children’s ability to assemble a picture from geometric shapes according to a model. Develop logical thinking and hand motor skills. Strengthen children's knowledge about the structure of a rocket.

Looking at illustrations “Cosmonauts”

“My hometown” Ts.: teach children to name their hometown. Give basic ideas about your hometown. Bring children to understand that there are many streets, multi-storey buildings, and different cars in the city. Cultivate love for your hometown.

Goal: To form children’s knowledge that astronauts study and train a lot before each flight into space. Enrich the gaming experience. Develop communication skills; ability to communicate during the game. Cultivate friendly relationships.

Folder – moving “Space and us”.

Conversation with parents on a topic that interests them.

Direct educational activities


Goal: To consolidate the ability to reproduce a given number of objects and sounds according to a model (without counting or naming the number). Exercise the ability to compare two objects in size, indicate the result of comparison in wordsbig small.Practice the ability to distinguish spatial directions from yourself and denote them with words:front - back, left - right. (I. A. Pomoraeva pp. 38-39)


Subject:"Space rocket"

Goal: to teach children to create a rocket design from flat geometric shapes (rectangle, triangle, circle). To consolidate the spatial orientation of the concept “below - above”. Develop attention and ability to collect consistently. To cultivate curiosity in children and a desire to play with buildings.

(Appendix 66)

Phys. development while walking



Goal: To develop in children the ability to coordinate movements with a visual signal, to train children in jumping (bouncing on the spot). Cultivate friendships in the game.

(Card index of outdoor games and exercises for children of the 2nd junior group)


Walk 1

Observing the state of nature


- form an idea of ​​the state of nature in spring (warmth,a lot of green grass, flowers; butterflies and beetles fly; children lay downdressed and playing with sand and water);

    enrich and activate the vocabulary;

    evoke joyful experiences from communicating with nature.

"In an even circle."

Target:continue to learn to coordinate your movements with the movements of your comrades.

Cleaning dry leaves from a flower bed.

P/I"Bird in the nest."

Target: practice running randomly.

Games with external material.

work before bed

Dining room duty Continue to teach compliance with the rules of behavior in the locker room. Reading Noses “Dunno on the Moon.”


Gymnastics after sleep.

Walking on massage mats.

Self-massage (card file) “So as not to yawn from boredom”

Watching cartoons "Belka and Strelka"

Philip, Gleb, Maryana offer children coloring pages based on the theme of the week. Goal: To develop children’s ability to independently choose a drawing they like for coloring, to paint an object without going beyond the outline. Develop hand motor skills and the ability to hold a pencil correctly.

A situational conversation about the rules of behavior with each other, about the need to be polite, not to fight, not to be greedy.

“We’re wiping down the shelves.”

Story game “Space training”


P/I"Bird in the nest." Independent activity children.

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners





Social and communicative development; Cognitive development; Speech development; Artistic and aesthetic development; Physical development.

Morning exercise complex

Physical education lesson “Rocket”

Conversation with children “What did we see in the sky in the evening?”

D/i “Find and Show” Danil, Maryana. - exercise in finding objects according to the description.

Looking at the illustrations “For kids about stars and planets.”

S/R game "Family".

D/I "Our kindergarten"

Exhibition of works “This amazing space”.

Consultations on parenting issues.

Direct educational activities


Topic: “Cosmonauts from Planet Earth”

Goal: To develop the cognitive activity of children; To develop the concept of “outer space” in children. To cultivate love and respect for the Earth and the inhabitants of the Earth.



According to the plan of the muses. head



Bird watching in spring


    introduce the life of birds in spring;

    cultivate love and caring attitude towards birds.

Snake walking with Zaur, Phillip, Misha.

Cleaning up trash on site.

P/I “Migration of birds”.

Target: practice climbing.

Games with external material.

work before bed

Canteen duty. Conversation: “When and how we use a napkin. Reading A. Mityaev “First Flight”.


Gymnastics after sleep.

Self-massage (card file) “So as not to yawn from boredom”

"Dancing on the Moon" to children's songs.

D/I “Laces” Artem, Lera

Goal: To develop children’s ability to do lacing. Develop fine motor skills and independence.

Situational conversation “I take care of my health and want to be an astronaut.”

Watering the flowers before the weekend.

S/R game "Family".


P/I "Day - Night". Weather observation. Independent activity of children.

Svetlana Tatarintseva
Abstract directly educational activities“For Children About Space” on the development of speech of children of the second younger group

Subject: Children about space!


to form children’s ideas about space, the profession of “cosmonaut”, and about the first cosmonaut Yu. A. Gagarin;

replenish the students’ vocabulary (space, astronaut, spacesuit, rocket, planet);

develop children's memory, attention, speech, interest in astronautics;

cultivate the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle, be strong and courageous.

Preliminary work:

Observing the sky (sun, moon);

Watching the cartoon series about Luntik “Space Travelers”;

Working with parents - watching the starry sky with their children.

Materials for the lesson: presentation “For children about space”, projector, laptop, balloon IR(helium) with a picture of a rocket on it.

Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, “Reading fiction”, “Health”.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizing time. Slide 1.

Guys, look who came to our lesson today. Who is this, do you know this strange animal? (Luntik) Slide 2.

2. Conversation about space.

That's right - this is Luntik. Do you know where it came from? (came from the moon)

What is the Moon? Where is she located? (satellite of planet Earth, located in the sky, or rather in space) Slide 3.

Today we will talk to you about space and everything connected with it.

Guys, we said that the Moon is in space, but besides the Moon, what else is there? (satellites, planets, stars, comets, sun)

Right! Well done! Guys, Luntik lives on the Moon, but where do you and I live? What is the name of our planet? (Earth) Slide 4.

Look what our planet Earth looks like. Tell me, what is she like? (round, colorful, water and land visible)

Did you know that in addition to the planet Earth and its satellite the Moon, there are many more planets, as well as other celestial bodies in space? Look at the screen. Slide 5. What do you see?

Right. The largest celestial body is the Sun! And 9 planets revolve around it - Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. Show me which planet is the largest? It's called Jupiter. Which one is the smallest? And it's called Pluto. Our planet has a natural satellite - the Moon. In addition, we see stars, comets, and asteroids.

3.Physical exercise “Cosmic”. Slide 6.

One two three four -

We decided to fly into space! (marching)

To fly into space (hands up)

You need to know a lot. (circular movement of hands)

Left, lean right

And don’t be at all lazy! (wag your finger)

Hands up, forward and down

Become an astronaut! (hands on belt)

4. A story about the first cosmonaut - Yu. A. Gagarin.

Guys, I want to tell you a riddle. I'll give you a hint - it has to do with space.

Not a feather, not a wing, but faster than an eagle,

As soon as he lets out his tail -

Will fly to the stars.

(Answer: Rocket) Slide 7.

Why do you think people need rockets? (to fly into space)

Right! It is on rockets that people can fly to the stars! And once upon a time - many years ago - on April 12, a man whose name was Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin flew into space. Slide 8.

Guys, what do you call a person who flies into space? (astronaut)

Right. The profession of an astronaut is very difficult. And to become an astronaut, you need to be smart, very strong, and resilient. That's exactly what Gagarin was!

Do you know what an astronaut's clothing is called? (space suit)

Well done! And now I want to invite you to learn a poem about Yu. A. Gagarin.

5. Learning a poem using a mnemonic table.

Before we teach, listen to him carefully:

Yuri Gagarin

In a space rocket

With the name "East"

He is the first on the planet

I was able to rise to the stars.

Sings songs about it

Spring drops:

Will be together forever

Gagarin and April.

V. Stepanov

Guys, let's look at this poem line by line and find the key words for each of them. (working with a mnemonic table) Slide 9.

Now listen again. Now let's repeat it together.

Maybe someone can already recite the poem by heart? (listening to 1-2 people)

6. Final part.

Well done! Luntik really liked the way you worked. He congratulates you on the holiday - Cosmonautics Day (April 12) and gave you a gift - this balloon. But this is not a simple ball - it is a ROCKET. Let's, guys, during our walk, let's launch a rocket from Luntik into space like real cosmonauts! Slide 10.

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