Braiding ribbons on a green dragon necklace. Weaving from ribbons: weaving patterns in various techniques Handicraft weaving from ribbons

Weaving baubles from ribbons is another type of handicraft. It can be practiced by children and adults at any age. Mastering this kind of weaving is not difficult, and it does not take much time. Weaving from satin ribbons is easier than from beads or ordinary threads, since the material is softer and more pliable. We will tell and show you about weaving with ribbons for beginners, how to weave bracelets from them and much more, we will introduce you to some patterns.

Ribbon weaving for beginners

When learning any new business, you must first find out where to start, get acquainted with the important key points, find out what is most important in order to eliminate possible mistakes in the future. Also when weaving ribbons, start with the basics. To get started, buy satin ribbons; they are sold in fabric stores or craft stores. The tapes come in different widths and are sold by the mentrozh. The range of colors is huge. It is best to take a ribbon of medium width, since with a wide ribbon it will be difficult for beginners to master weaving with ribbons, and one that is too narrow will wear out quickly. For your first work, it is better to choose only two colors, and for example, weave a bauble; this video will help you with weaving from ribbons:

Weaving patterns

Weaving satin ribbons allows you to create many beautiful things, bracelets, necklaces, keychains. In this regard, weaving from ribbons, weaving patterns are presented in large quantities. They differ in the number of colors, the complexity of execution, the addition of additional materials and simply unusual patterns. We invite you to watch the weaving of ribbons video diagrams of the most interesting of them:

Also in anticipation New Year's holidays Schemes for weaving New Year's balls will be relevant:

Weaving bracelets

Most often, bracelets or baubles are made from ribbons. The pattern for weaving baubles from ribbons is not difficult to implement, but you can make the most different options. Weaving bracelets from ribbons can be made from 2, 4, 6 or more ribbons different colors, often they are supplemented with beads or pendants. You can visually evaluate them in ribbon weaving video lessons:

Weaving flowers from ribbons

Weaving flowers from ribbons has not only an aesthetic, but also a practical meaning. You can decorate clothes with these flowers, make brooches from them, decorate bags, or even create an entire picture by attaching them to cardboard or plywood and placing them in a frame. Weaving from satin ribbons in this case gives a very bright, rich color and shine. Ribbon weaving: the flowers even have their own special name - kanzashi. We invite you to watch several videos on weaving similar flowers:

As you can already see, weaving flowers from ribbons is very diverse, we have shown only a small part of what can be done using ribbons.

Most likely, teenage girls will like weaving baubles from ribbons, young girls will like elegant bracelets with beads, and older ones will want to take up weaving kanzashi flowers. But in fact, there are no age restrictions. Do what you like, the main thing is that this activity brings you pleasure.

How to make a hair tie with your own hands

Usually, the idea of ​​making a hair tie with your own hands comes to the minds of those who have too thick and/or heavy hair, and commercially available examples hold their hairstyle for literally 20 minutes, no more. For myself, I solved this problem back in school, when from an ordinary elastic band, using my knowledge of macrame, I began to make elastic bands that did not let me down and reliably held my braid or ponytail in its proper place.

I will teach you how to make a hair tie with your own hands, even if macrame is an empty phrase for you. Anyone can weave such a rubber band. Teach your daughter to weave such elastic bands, and she will happily begin to weave beautiful jewelry for hair and be proud of this skill in front of your friends. By the way, this kind of work is great for developing fine motor skills, which may not be necessary, but is nice. In the first photo you saw that you can weave such rubber bands from colored elastic - they are beautiful in themselves.

You can weave an elastic band from a simple, black or white one, and then tie it or trim it (I’ll tell you how to do this in another material). And another option is to add a ribbon bow to the elastic band. But that’s all later, and now we’ll weave the elastic band itself.

So, we will need:

2.5 m of regular elastic (I buy skeins of 10 m and braid 4 elastic bands at once);

needle and thread suitable color;

eye pins;

a pillow or something to which you can pin an elastic band while working (for me this is the soft back of a chair).

Step 1. Fold the elastic band in half and cut it. We will get 2 elastic bands of 1.25 m each.

Step 2. We fold each elastic band in half, place them one on top of the other and pierce them in the center with a pin, pinning the elastic band to the pillow for work (previously I used regular sofa cushions). What you should end up with is shown in the photo below.

Step 3. Mentally number the elastic bands: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th (clockwise). Now we work like this: we put the first elastic band on the second, the second on the third, the third on the fourth. We thread the tip of the fourth elastic band into the loop formed by the first elastic band. Then we tighten all the elastic bands (see 2 photos below).

Please note: the elastic band should not wrinkle! Those. it should be tightened tightly and neatly, but should not wrinkle or change its ribbon shape.

Step 4. We continue to weave: the first into the second, the second into the third, the third into the fourth, the fourth into the first loop, everything as in the previous step. And then - again and again. You will notice that your hair tie seems to curl to one side. That's how it should be.

When the rubber band runs out, this is what you get:

A caveat: if you plan to sew an elastic band on top, it’s better to do it right now - sew a “pipe” from a strip of fabric and thread our self-woven hair elastic column through it. If you don’t want to sheathe, then proceed to the next step.

Step 5. We take a needle and thread in our hands and sew on our protruding tails so that the elastic does not unravel. When the “tails” are well secured, we take the wicker column by the ends and, pressing them together, sew them along the perimeter. This is what you get as an output:

The DIY hair elastic is ready and you can try it on.

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I do not claim to be an expert in this field; my article is more for beginners. I will try to tell you about all the nuances of this needlework and teach you several techniques for creating flowers from ribbons.

The uniqueness and simplicity of this needlework

If you look at the photographs of ribbon flowers, the beauty and sophistication flower arrangements, then this skill will seem incredibly difficult. I hasten to please you that this is not the case.

The flower you have in mind will always work out, of course, depending on the experience and skills acquired, the end result will be different.

Artificial flowers are created from various materials, knit, weave from macrame, sculpt from polymer clay, all these methods require talent and special skills.

In our case, it will be sufficient to carefully study step by step instructions for beginners, how to make flowers from ribbons and you will succeed.

I will say a few words about the strength of products made from nylon tapes. It all depends on the functionality of the future product; if flowers will decorate the interior, then special reliability is not required here, but if the flower will decorate a children’s headband or headband, then you need to try to make a very high-quality thing.

Methods for making flowers from ribbons

I want to tell and show you several basic ways to create flowers from ribbons. Having mastered this simple science, you will be able to create any kind of flowers.

My advice to you is to try making any fantasy specimen using one of the techniques, and you will feel all the nuances of the method you have chosen and master it faster.

Preparing for needlework

  • Any ribbons of different colors and sizes you like
  • Needles and threads
  • Sharp scissors
  • Glue gun
  • Tweezers
  • Centers for flowers or beads, sequins
  • Floral sleeve (or tube for thickening the stem).

Also prepare your desk with a desk lamp.


My acquaintance with flowers made from satin ribbons began with the kanzashi technique. This technique came to us from Japan; kanzashi are decorated with hairpins or hairpins.

Girls' hairstyles bloom with chic flowers thanks to such hairpins. Due to the fashion for kanzashi, more and more needlewomen are mastering this completely simple technique.

In addition to the prepared materials mentioned above, take a ruler, chalk for patterns and a candle for singeing the ends.

Kanzashi uses three types of leaves: round, long and sharp.

  • To begin, cut a satin ribbon 5 cm wide into squares, naturally identical.
  • We take a square and fold the corners towards each other, as shown in the photo and lower the outer corners to the lower central corner.
  • Then we bring the side corners back and clamp them with tweezers.
  • If necessary, cut off the bottom cut and melt it over the candle.
  • Thus, you get a round petal, of which you need to make several pieces.
  • We collect the finished petals on a thread, roll them into a flower and glue them to the base, in the middle glue gun attach the bead.

Congratulations on your first kanzashi flower!

I present to you several video master classes on how to make flowers from ribbons.

Creating a more magnificent flower.

Pay attention!

Creating double petals using the kanzashi technique, which make the cutest butterflies and beautiful snowflakes.

Melted petals

Another way to create flowers from ribbons is melted petals. This method is good for making large flower arrangements; for example, I made a basket with roses.

However, there are some nuances here:

  • Not all ribbons work well for these colors;
  • Melted petals do not look as neat as kanzashi;
  • It may not work out right away, you need to get better at it.

A more suitable material for creating these flowers is nylon ribbons.

Manufacturing instructions.

  • We make a pattern in the shape of a half heart, as shown in the photo;
  • Next, cut out the petals, 7 large, 7 medium and the same number of small;
  • The edges of each petal you cut are melted over a candle, after this treatment the petals become voluminous;
  • We collect the petals on a thread in a checkerboard pattern, with a slight overlap, then the flower will be lush;
  • We attach beads to the core.
  • The flower is ready.

Pay attention!

Charming ribbon embroidery

Yes, they also embroider with ribbons! In embroidery, ribbons of different widths are used, which, when draped correctly, creates volume and beauty of the embroidered picture.

This technique is good for several reasons:

  • Quick results;
  • Ribbon embroidery looks very rich and is valued among amateurs;
  • Not complex circuits, if desired, everyone can do it.

I have prepared several master classes, watch and learn.

Nowadays they sell a lot of kits for embroidery with ribbons, such kits are very good for beginner needlewomen, they contain a diagram, a canvas, a set of ribbons, threads and everything that is used to create a picture.

If you want exclusive work, you can draw up diagrams, select colors and textures yourself.

Pay attention!

Photos of flowers made from ribbons with your own hands

Decorative tape braided fabric is woven on a base. For braiding, you can choose any fabric, but preferably ribbons cut from knitted fabrics. You can also use cut edges from fabric. Very good idea for interior decoration - this way you can make potholders, patchwork panel details, etc. little things.
Ribbons (must be an odd number) are pinned to the cardboard (top and bottom) front side down. This is the basis. Transverse ribbons are woven into it (like darning) and also secured with pins. When finished, apply the braids to the wrong side adhesive interlining and smooth with an iron. Then they are removed from the base (cardboard) and turned over to the front side.
Ribbon braid without lining

You can also weave a braid from satin ribbons of the same size, which are not secured with non-woven fabric. The principle of weaving is the same as in the first case. But they are woven so that the size of the gap (emptiness) is equal to the size of the tape. In this case, the corners of the ribbons at the intersection points are carefully grabbed with thread. This original wickerwork can serve as both a wall panel and a curtain.

1. Such a handbag can serve as anything - a cosmetic bag, a wallet, a handbag for handicraft supplies, etc. - make the appropriate pockets
that's all the difference.

I have this case for pipes (my husband’s).

The size of the finished product is 20x15 cm.

I took the pattern for weaving from a Japanese book that many people have in their piggy banks. Even without knowing the Japanese language, it is quite possible to figure it out.

2. Determine the size of the woven fabric.

My woven fabric will be 20 by 30 cm in size. To seal the bag, I took a quilted padding polyester, which served me as both a gasket and a lining at the same time.
Although such a backing pad can simply be a neutral fabric, it must be cut out with a margin of 1-2 cm on all sides so that the markings for weaving are visible at the edges.

We make markings for weaving on the backing fabric. For the selected pattern, the marking of the backing is done as follows: the weaving area is divided vertically into four equal parts (mine are 5 cm), diagonal lines go at 60 degrees.

For those who do not have a protractor at hand, a hint - the figure shows isosceles triangles with a side of 5 cm. To do this, mark equal segments (5 cm) on the vertical lines, shifted by half (2.5 cm) on each subsequent vertical line.

This marking is needed to ensure the clarity of the pattern when weaving. There is no need to draw out the entire canvas; marking lines are especially needed when placing the first strips in the middle; the rest are positioned end to end, so the pattern will not go astray. For practice, I made markings on a piece of notebook paper, and then transferred the lines to the backing (don’t forget about the allowances on the sides of the backing!).

3. Now we prepare the strips.

The optimal width of strips for weaving small items is 9-12 mm. The easiest way is if you have a special device for creating bias tape. I only have it at 6mm, so I made the stripes by hand.

To do this, I took a piece of an old metal tape measure 1 cm wide - there is no paint on it, and it is not afraid of the iron.

I cut strips of fabric with a length along the longest side of the weaving fabric (30 cm), 2.5 cm wide. I cut it in a straight line. To the middle wrong side Place a metal tape measure on the cut strip, pull the edges of the fabric over the top and immediately smooth it out.

4. When the edges of this strip were smoothed, to secure it, I put a ready-made adhesive web (1 cm wide) inside and ironed it again.
The strip is ready!
5. A little training and the stripes are even!

In total I needed 72 stripes: 48 blue and 24 red.
6. Let's move on to weaving.

The basic principle of the pattern is alternately 2 blue stripes and 1 red.

Vertical rows
We lay rows of strips on the substrate, immediately securing their ends with pins. One red stripe, two blue, one red, two blue, etc.

Please note that I placed the photo horizontally, but when you start weaving, turn the fabric vertically towards you, this will make it easier for you to understand further recording

7. Let's move on to the diagonal weave.

We stretch the strips using a safety pin.

Diagonal row 1
Blue top: under red and under blue - 1 vertical row, and above blue - 2, etc. (numbering of vertical blue stripes from right to left) Bottom blue: under blue-1, above blue-2 and red, etc. Red: above red, below blue-1 and blue-2, etc.
Diagonal row 2
Blue top: above blue - 1 vertical row, below blue - 2 and red, etc. Blue bottom: under red and blue - 1, above blue - 2, etc. Red: above red, below blue-1 and blue-2, etc.
8. To secure the strips along the perimeter of the woven fabric, sew at a distance of 0.5 cm from the edge and remove the pins. Cut off the excess tails of the strips. The corners of the canvas are slightly rounded.
The blank for the handbag is ready (unfortunately, I was so carried away by sewing that I didn’t take a photo).

Note. If you take three colors of stripes and place them in the weave one by one, the pattern will turn out even more interesting - the stars will turn out to be two-color.

Assembling a handbag.
I sewed pockets and an elastic band for holding tubes to the lining. I folded it with the wicker part and stitched it together around the perimeter.

9. I had to tinker with sewing in the zipper. I took the description of the process from the book “Patchwork Style Bags” by S. Briscoe, model Work Handbag.

Strips of fabric 3.5 cm wide are sewn to a 50 cm zipper on both sides of the teeth (I made strips in 2 layers, folded fabric 7 cm wide in half and sewed it with a fold close to the teeth).

Fold the woven fabric in half along the line of the middle of the bottom with the front side facing inward. Mark the middle with pins. We pin the strip with the zipper to the canvas of the bag face to face in the middle of the bottom. We sew along the short side, retreating 1 cm from the beginning and end of the seam so that the corners can be turned out.

Now you need to contrive to turn the bar 90 degrees and start sewing it along the perimeter of the fabric. To do this, we cut the edges of the development where the corners of the fastener are formed by 0.5 cm, and by 1 cm at the ends of the seam. The author believes that this is enough to turn the corners without weakening the bag. I made smaller cuts.

To cover the edges of the fabric from the inside out, two strips of fabric 3.5 cm wide are also cut out and sewn to the zipper and lining with a hidden seam.
Dorozhkina Nastya, aka Styopa

What can be made from ribbons

How many things do you know that can be made from ribbons? Bracelets, necklaces, hair ornaments... And this is not the whole list. Many needlewomen and needlewomen manage to embroider satin ribbons paintings, weave them into rugs, covers and much more. In order to learn these various handicraft techniques yourself, you just need to have the desire, materials and perseverance, then you will definitely succeed. After all, weaving with ribbons - a very interesting, useful and exciting hobby for people of all ages.

Where to start

Today you can find a lot of information and lessons related to any needlework, so learning what you like so much has become much easier than, say, 15-20 years ago.

We can now only rejoice at the progress. But let’s not move away from the topic, but consider what weaving from ribbons can be. It can be both complex and simple, understandable even to a beginner. For beginners, it will be easier to learn how to weave so-called baubles than to immediately start making carpets.

Weaving baubles from ribbon

Baubles are not weaving ribbons themselves, as some believe, but a bracelet decoration. In general, such a bracelet can be woven not only from ribbons, but also from threads, scraps, leather and other materials. So, let's get down to one of the simple techniques for weaving baubles. Take two tapes about five to six millimeters wide and one meter long. Secure them together with a needle or pin. Wrap one ribbon over the other so that a loop is formed through which you need to thread another ribbon and tighten it with a knot. Next, repeat this with another lace, that is, wrap it around another and thread it into a loop, tighten it. You can weave until the ribbon runs out, or you can “adjust” the product to the girth of your hand. You can attach clasps to one and the other side of the bracelet that will fasten on your hand, or simply leave the ties.

This is the simplest weaving of baubles from ribbons. But you can also weave flowers from ribbons, which are called kanzashi. Kanzashi is an ancient decoration of Japanese geishas.

Kanzashi weaving

Weaving kanzashi flower ribbons may seem difficult at first glance, but it is not so. The very principle of weaving is the correct bending of a satin ribbon to form the petals of a flower, for example, a rose. Take a tape 4-5 centimeters wide and about one and a half meters long. Roll one edge into a tube so that it looks like the middle of a flower. Bend the free edge in half: this will be a petal that needs to be beautifully attached to the middle. You can glue it with Moment glue or simply sew it with thread.

Where to use kanzashi

This weaving of ribbons can be useful in making brooches or hair clips. It is enough to simply glue an ordinary crocodile clip, automatic clip or hairpin to the base of the flower, and you will already have a wonderful decoration ready, which is also made by yourself. And in order to use such a rose as a brooch, you just need to pin the base with a pin, which you will later attach to clothes.

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