Why did my childhood friend become interested in my intimate life? Hidden reasons why people stop being friends. A man tells you about his life

I have known Lenka Morozova since I can remember. It turned out that our fathers had been friends since childhood, they were both from the orphanage, and together they went through the thick and thin of this institution. Having matured, my father entered college, left the city of his childhood, became an engineer, by assignment, went to a plant in one of the industrial cities of our vast country in the design department. Lenka's father became a military man, and upon graduating from college, received the rank of lieutenant and assignment to the Far East. It turned out that they lost contact. Time passed, they got married, and in the same year both had their first children - Lenka and me.

And then a miracle happened. Lenkin’s father received a new assignment in the very city where we lived; moreover, he was placed in the same house and even the entrance where our family lived, on the second floor. I can imagine the joy of friends who met after several years of separation! The strong friendship of the two boys grew into an equally strong friendship of two families. Lenka was assigned to the same group kindergarten, as well as me. It all started from then on. It often happened that only one of the adults took us to kindergarten or picked us up from there. Our parents were (and still are) like one family.

There was some kind of holiday and the parents were going to go to the company. In the absence of our grandparents, there was nowhere for us children to go. At that time we were six years old - already quite independent little people. The adults stretched their brains, then brought Lenka to us, fed her properly, showed us what we could chew if we got hungry, said they would be back in the evening, told us not to make a mess in the apartment and not to be afraid of anything. Then they left, locking the door from the outside.

Lenka and I knew each other well, we found each other a long time ago common language and, therefore, it was not difficult for us to come up with something to play and something to do. We weren't bored. The day has passed, the sun has set. We were drawn to sleep, especially since during the day, as usual in the kindergarten, we did not sleep. The two of us climbed onto the sofa, lay down on the pillows, lay there for a while, I think I began to fall asleep, when I heard my friend’s voice:

Seryozha, let's play mom and dad?
- How? – after hesitating for a couple of seconds, not wanting to get out of the sweet shackles of slumber, I asked.
“I’ll show you,” she answered readily.

Lena sat down on her knees and continued in a conspiratorial voice:
- I saw mom and dad, when they go to bed, dad lays on top of mom and does this...
With these words, she lay down on me, lying on my back, and began to make pushing movements with her pubis into my crotch.
“They like it,” she finished and added pleadingly: “Let’s try...

My curiosity awoke.
“Come on,” I answered.

Lenka got off me and we switched places. I, like her, lay down on her.
“Oh, it’s hard,” she squeaked.
I stood up, braced myself with my hands, placed my private part against her pubis and made several thrusting movements. Nothing happened.
“When they do this, they undress,” Lenka continued: “Let’s undress?”

Having asked the question, she immediately began to undress, I followed her, but when it came to her panties, something stopped me. I had never been naked in front of girls before, and some strange feeling of heaviness appeared in my chest.
- What are you doing? – Lena asked, not at all embarrassed, already naked.

I hesitated for a few more seconds, and finally decided to take off my panties. A soft child's pussy was dangling between his legs. I looked at my girlfriend’s crotch, there was nothing like that there. At that time, I already knew from somewhere that it was different for girls, but I didn’t expect that THERE they had an incision from which it was unclear what was “falling out.”

We resumed our previous positions. Lenka spread her legs, I lay down between them, attached my hanging genitals to her pussy, they stuck to each other and I began to push. Again nothing happened. Why do adults do this, what good does it do? We didn’t understand it then. We tried to repeat it a few more times - nothing... I got off Lenka, without saying anything, we looked at each other, got dressed, lay down on the pillows and fell asleep.

Our parents returned when we were already asleep, they didn’t bother us, they just covered us with a blanket. So, for the first time, we slept together all night... They came for Lenka in the morning.

Then the usual life began... More than once after that, we were boldly left alone, but we never returned to the game of mom and dad, it seemed, having completely lost interest in it. But that was not the case... At least, I sometimes remembered that evening, tried to spy on my parents, but nothing worked, they did not provide me with such an opportunity.

Time did not stand still, we went to school and sat at the same desk from the first grade. We always went to school and home together. No one joked or laughed at us; the class knew well about the friendship of our families and the fact that we live in the same building, because almost all of our current classmates previously went to the same kindergarten.

And here we are in fourth grade. The New Year holiday has arrived, winter holidays! Now, when going on company trips, our parents sometimes began to take us with them. But this time Lenka caught a little cold, and the adults did not want to take risks - it was winter, frost. On January 2, he and his friends were going to celebrate the holiday, and then the child fell ill. They had a conversation with me, asking me to stay with Lena. I agreed immediately - I didn’t really want to participate in an adult feast, feeling like a burden. I went from my fourth floor to the second.

The parents left. We did all sorts of nonsense for a while, and then Lenka asked:
- Do you remember when we played mom and dad?
- I remember.
- Now I know, I saw how they do it.

A friend told me that, it turns out, all this time she was trying to figure out why nothing worked out for us. Sometimes she managed to peek and only recently did she see what seemed to her to be the main thing.
“Dad’s HE is sticking out like this at this time,” Lenka lowered her hand into her crotch, clenched it into a fist and put her index finger almost up and continued, “and mom’s there,” she showed herself between her legs, “there is a hole, I I saw it in the bathhouse.

I was amazed by her discovery. For some time now, I myself have noticed that my pussy can sometimes tense up and stick out. Usually it was either in the morning when I woke up, or when he experienced some outside influence. I was embarrassed by this and tried not to notice. From Lenka’s story, that already forgotten, languishing heaviness in my chest again fell, my pussy tensed, not obeying me, without any touch to it. This also had an effect on me, making me believe my friend.

It was very warm in the apartment and we boldly began to undress, as before, climbing up onto the sofa with our feet. I'm stuck on my underpants again. The protruding pussy was embarrassing. “If I don’t do this,” I thought, “then nothing will happen.” And I really wanted to taste the unknown. The panties were decisively removed and thrown aside. Lenka looked between my legs and said in a satisfied voice:

Yes, that's how it should be!

I glanced at her there too. The girl's naked pussy resembled an opening flower, the delicate pink petals of which were persistently trying to get out of the tight box. Her vulva was not yet perfect, but it already had the attractiveness of the boldly protruding inner labia from under the outer ones, the size of which, it seemed, was not enough to cover the impudent depravity of this girl’s genitals. I watched as if spellbound. The muscles at the base of my pussy began to twitch, rocking it. His whole being demanded something, but I still didn’t understand what. Lenka, seemingly not paying attention to this, sat down on her butt, leaned against the back of the sofa, pulled her legs wide apart, bent so that her crotch was visible to me and her and said:

And here’s how it is for me...

She put her hands there, parted her labia, and I had a view of a small hole below, going deeper.
“This is where you need to insert it,” she continued. - Shall we try?
- How?

My question did not contain an understanding of how I could crawl up to her in such a position and surprise from the realization that something could be inserted into a girls pussy. Without a word, Lenka fell onto her back, leaving her legs spread and tucked at the knees, having apparently adopted this position from her mother while spying on her. With her hands she again parted her tender lips and said:

I hovered over her in the same position as we had tried before: with outstretched arms, trying to point my organ between my legs. Of course, I didn’t see anything, I was poking at the blind and didn’t seem to hit an easy target. A little back, shift, forward - again in the wrong direction. Obeying the woman’s instinct, Lenka caught the inept pussy with one hand and pulled it to the entrance. I immediately felt that his head was buried in the right place. The tender flesh did not resist, but warmly parted before him, letting him into the soft magical unknown.

“Press,” she ordered.

I leaned forward. To my delight, the pussy went inside, hitherto unknown sensations took over me! At first it was quite painful from the skin peeling off the head for the first time, but I didn’t show it so as not to embarrass myself. Then the pain went away. I began to feel the inner walls of the soft vagina squeezing the penis. I plunged my penis into Lenkin’s vagina as much as I could and froze, waiting for something.

“Well, what are you doing, move it here and there,” she said, having already removed her hands from our genitals by that time.

I leaned back, forward again, back again. It turned out great. My childish penis liked this action. I wanted to insert it to the very end, I sank down on my elbows, the position changed somewhat, I made myself more comfortable and, oh my delight, the pussy entered the vagina up to the testicles! The pleasant sensations increased, I moved more energetically, rocking Lenka. She closed her eyes, lay silently and just snorted, her cheeks turning pink.

How long this lasted, I don’t know. Suddenly I felt like my penis was swelling, trying to burst. Sexual instinct forced me to increase my movements, I moved my butt, driving the “piston” into my girlfriend’s vagina, intuitively achieving something big! Suddenly a trembling, which originated at the root, ran through him all over. He began to twitch, the warmth that flared in his lower abdomen began to spread throughout his body. I even jerked my whole body several times in time with them. My cheeks burned. When the spasms of contractions subsided, I moved my pussy in the vagina several more times, feeling how it was weakening.

The pleasure of sexual intercourse experienced for the first time required “continuation of the banquet”; I didn’t want to take out the tired “friend,” but he was so weak that he himself began to squeeze out with the walls of the vagina. I pulled out my pussy, which turned out to be wet. He sat down on his knees between his legs, which were still spread apart. Lenka’s pussy also did not remain dry, I even thought at the first moment that she peed herself - there was a small wet spot under her ass. In addition, the hole from which my pussy had just crawled out had not yet completely closed and for some reason I really wanted to look at it... After a few seconds it became hot, I was covered in sweat and sweat.

Lenka opened her eyes:
“I really liked it,” I heard. - What about you?
- And me.

After a little hesitation, we got dressed. Lena discovered a wet spot, ran to the bathroom, brought a wet cloth, wiped the “stained” area, then dried it with an iron - resourceful girl! I could barely wait for her to finish, completely tired, I fell on the sofa.. My returning girlfriend lay down next to me. I fell asleep and slept for almost an hour. When I opened my eyes, I discovered that Lenka was not nearby. Just then she entered the room.

“I woke up,” I heard, “let’s go to dinner...

I got up, we ate in silence, what our parents had prepared for us, returned to the room, tried to do something, but somehow it didn’t go well.
- Did you really like it? – Lenka suddenly asked.
“Well, yes...” I answered, a little hesitant.
- How was it for you?

I tried to convey my feelings, she did hers, the stiffness gradually went away, the conversation became lively. We exchanged more and more new details - it was exciting. I didn’t even notice at what moment my pussy began to rise to the top again. I felt chilly, a chill of lust took hold of her in its pincers. This conversation also had an effect on Lenka.

Shall we have more? - She asked, suddenly lowering her eyes and then looked at me.
“Yes...” I was able to squeeze out, overcoming the spasm in my throat that arose from excitement.

I went to the sofa. Lena rushed off somewhere and a moment later returned with a towel in her hands.
“Why is this,” I asked.
- So that the sofa doesn’t get dirty anymore.

We undressed. She again lay down on her back, placing a towel under her butt. I took the already familiar place - between her naked spread legs, revealing a view of the defenseless tender soft vulva. I noticed that she was already wet, and when Lenka spread her labia with her fingers, it actually seemed to me that her pussy was leaking... Without focusing on this, I leaned over her, leaned on my elbows, and brought my pussy to the place of expected pleasure. Lenka picked it up and expertly leaned it where it needed to be. I leaned forward slightly.

The penis immediately easily entered the vagina.. Now I knew what to do and what to expect. My “piston” fidgeted in the girl’s vagina. The second sexual intercourse was much longer. We managed to rub our childish pussies against each other for longer, but already able to receive pleasure, exciting them more and more. Finally, my penis swelled again, pulsating, plunging me into delightful sensations, my cheeks were on fire.

Oh good! Oh good! – Lena began to wail: “Hurry up!” More, more!

In agony, I pushed my penis in as far as I could and made thrusting movements several times, trying to penetrate into the very depths of the vagina. Realizing that I couldn’t achieve anything more than now, I took him out, not yet having time to wilt, halfway and brought him in again, enjoying the last impulses of the spewing pussy.
Everything comes to an end, I wanted to see what was happening THERE. I brought my knees under Lenka’s legs.

This allowed me to sit up straight, while our pussies were still in sexual contact and I could clearly see our closed crotches. I carefully began to withdraw my penis, watching how it, all wet, crawled out of an even wetter vagina, stretching out the inner lips of the reddened vulva. Finally, the bare head came out, the sound of the stuck together organs coming apart was heard, it slid over the labia and the member, exhausted, fell down...

I took my eyes off Lenka’s torn vagina and looked into her face. She lay with her eyes still closed, completely relaxed, her cheeks were like two red apples. I crawled away from her, went naked to the bathroom, washed my mucus-covered pussy and returned to get dressed. Lenka was sitting with a towel clutched between her legs; when she saw me, she picked up her clothes and also went to the bathroom. She returned already dressed.

We did not entertain ourselves with some nonsense games, now all our interest was directed only at THIS! That wonderful thing, hitherto hidden from us, that we ourselves were able to discover. From that day our sexual life together began. We got to know each other, the structure of our genitals, the secrets of receiving pleasure from merging in lustful action. Of course, there could be no outside help, we tried everything ourselves...

I can’t say that we often managed to be together so that, after undressing, our bodies could merge, but every time we did THIS twice. Over time, I began to notice that Lenka was getting more and more pleasure from the process of “rubbing her pussies.” For everyone ours intimate relationships were, of course, a huge secret. Friendship, mutual affection and dependence only grew.

This continued until we were thirteen years old. Lena's father was assigned to serve in Mongolia for a period of two years. In the summer, during the holidays, they went away with the whole family. Before leaving, Lenka and I made vows to each other to wait and not to do THIS with anyone else.

We wrote letters to each other, but not often; there was nothing special to write, and we were afraid to talk about our secret, fearing that the letter might catch the eye of one of the adults. Time passed, two years flew by. We turned fifteen years old. The Morozovs were supposed to arrive at the end of August. I was looking forward to this event with impatience and fear - what if she was no longer “mine”...

And here's the meeting! Parents rejoiced like children! They organized a nice feast on this occasion. Where did that girl go that I kept in my memory, with whom I had the secret joy of sexual intercourse? In front of me stood a big-eyed, beautiful girl with her curves already beginning to take shape: slender long legs, a seductively rolling ass as she walked, and noticeably protruding breasts under her dress (like her mother). Besides, she was half a head taller than me! I even became timid... She also did not show decisiveness.

“Well, why are you silent,” Lenka’s mother asked us, “don’t you recognize each other?”

We moved from our place, greeted them vaguely and left the adults. From that day we began to get acquainted again. At first, communication did not go well. In addition, there was a worm of doubt lurking in my soul: what if she was THERE... She thought about the same thing about me. It's time to go to school. All my classmates knew that “my” Lenka had arrived and Vovka, with whom I sat for these two years, on the first of September he himself gave up his seat to her without sitting with me. Study has begun. We never dared to talk about THIS. November came, after school, on the way home,
Lena said:

Come to me, help me figure it out, I didn’t understand anything in algebra today.
“Okay,” I answered without a second thought, “I’ll just drop by home.”

Neither her nor I had parents, as usual, they were not at home - they were working. I quickly changed clothes, ate and went to see Lenka on the second floor. She met me in a short dressing gown, as if deliberately showing off her beautiful legs. I walked over to the table and laid out my textbook, preparing for her questions. I turned around and saw that she didn't seem to be concentrating on algebra. Lenka was sitting with her feet up on the sofa (on the same one) and looking at me.

“Leave this book,” she said, “come here, let’s talk...

I sat down on the edge of the sofa.
- Are you shy? - she asked.
- No. Why?
- What then? Don't you remember anything?
- Why? – I messed up again. - I remember.
“And I remember everything,” Lenka said in a soft, insinuating voice and continued:
- Do you remember when you made a promise? I kept my word, honestly! I'm not with anyone...
- And I’m not with anyone! Honestly!

I believed her. The weight of reticence fell from my shoulders, I immediately felt better, I saw the old Lenka again - close and desired. Of course, in her absence, I found a way out of the difficult situation - I jerked off, but this is not cheating on the other hand...

“Let’s do it as before,” Lenka suggested, narrowing her eyes slyly.
“Go ahead,” I answered readily.

We hurriedly began to undress. Naked Lena, with her young, matured body, excited me so much that when it was my turn to take off my panties, they caught on the protruding member, and when released, it slapped me on the stomach. How she has changed! At first I saw her from the back: The plump, appetizing halves of her ass seemed to be created only to be kissed. When she turned around, the first thing I saw were two delicious, firm tits with erect nipples that just begged to be touched.

When I looked lower, I saw hairs in a narrow strip descending from the pubis to the perineum, trying to hide the quivering labia from view. I swallowed nervously. Lenka came up to me, took my hand and pulled me onto the sofa. There she, as before, lay on her back, the tender balls of her tits flattened a little and spread to the sides, while their nipples continued to stick out invitingly. A towel appeared from somewhere under her ass, she bent her knees and spread her long legs, and a divine picture of a female vulva calling to itself opened in front of me. Her velvet flower “bloomed” with pink petals of the labia, which became larger, more graceful and more desirable than before. I was even a little confused.

“What are you doing, come to me,” Lenka said in a deep voice and stretched out her hands to me.

I moved between her legs, bent down so low that I felt her nipples pressing into her chest, and brought my protruding penis to my girlfriend’s tender crotch. She, as before, carefully took him with her hand and led him to the entrance to the treasury of pleasures. I leaned forward, the head gently went inside and a wave of forgotten sensations overwhelmed me.

Oh! – Lena took a deep breath..
- What! Isn't that right? - I asked quickly and fearfully, stopping the movement, carefully watching the expression on her face.
- That's right! Further…

The penis went deep into the vagina until it was completely immersed. I bowed my head, looking away from the blissfully glowing face of my now close friend. Her eyes were closed. On the contrary, I wanted to see everything. Her breasts were in front of me. I really wanted to kiss this miracle! For the first time in my life I did this! Sisi turned out to be very soft. Lena liked the kisses because at the same time she again took a deep and convulsive breath.

Carried away by the new sensation, I almost forgot about the main thing! Without hesitation, he began to move his penis, which seemed to find itself in weightlessness, flying in the airless space of the tender space of Lenka’s vagina. Exhausted in anticipation, we gave ourselves to each other with desperate passion. The excitement grew, I was already holding back with difficulty, Lena made quiet chest sounds from the pleasure she received with each of my thrusts.

Finally, as a consequence, the limit came. The penis swelled, I slowed down my movements, plunged it into the depths of the bowels of the vagina and released the accumulated sperm into her insatiable womb. She began to squirm under me like a snake, mooing in a high tone. I pushed all the remains into my vagina and pulled out of it. At that time, it was not clear to me how I could have managed before without such a gentle, close, dear female body How did I cope with the separation? What a blessing that everything is back! I clearly understood that now I could not exist without my Lenka!

We took turns running to the bathroom, lay down, without dressing, side by side and, without saying a word, began to caress each other. This couldn’t last long, and we fucked again... Only out of stupidity, inexperience and completely surrendering to passion, we didn’t think that Lenka could get pregnant! But, fortunately, everything worked out.
Now we didn’t have to wait for our parents to leave us together. We became big enough to manage our own time and take every opportunity to satisfy our mutual sexual desire. Reason returned to us in time and we began to protect ourselves.

Time passed, we grew up and became husband and wife. The joy of our parents (especially fathers) that they were now related was indescribable! If only they knew how long ago Lenka and I started getting to know each other! One way or another, now we are a family, we have two excellent kids, we are happy in our marriage, especially with regard to its intimate side...

This happened 10 years ago...My parents worked in a large organization that issued vouchers to health camps (hereinafter referred to as HC). And I always really loved such places, when my parents suggested that I go to health camp to the south, I immediately agreed. A little about myself: at that time I was 18, I played sports, played football for the national team of my city, I had a thin build, about 170 in height. About people like me...

First time with Edik

Hello Slava, thank you for responding to Mona’s letter, where do you even live? I’m sending you a story where my wife and I met a man for the first time... How my wife Lyuba and I decided to diversify our sex life We are 45, we are both bi, we have already had meetings with a woman, but not with a man.

I myself persuaded my wife to try the big and strong dick of another man, especially since such a topic excited me a lot, I wanted to see how...

my first time

I have never written, and I think I will never write again, a story about what happened two weeks ago on Friday, when my parents left me with older sister alone at home. ON the joys of acquiring freedom, I collected four and a half from a barrel in my basement liter bottles In the evening, when I came home from college, I went to see Denis. He lives a five-minute walk from me. We graduated from high school together and went to the same college in our area together....

guy's trick

I'm 60, driving an old car to work. thought, a strong blow. I opened my eyes, I’m in an old apartment, with my mother, with my little sister. I look at my mother, so young, beautiful, - that you were staring at me. - You are so young and beautiful. - They haven’t told me this for a long time, I’m a boy - 18 years old Finished school, received a gold medal. In my second year, I had a vision, I began to see people as if on an x-ray.

I see my mother is limping on her right leg, I see her on her knee...

Somehow in the forest

I brought it to everyone, I wanted to tell a story that happened a long time ago. A little about myself: my name is Stefania, for friends I am Stesha Stefa, I short 157, I have good curves, I'm not fat, but not skinny either, 3 breasts, and a round ass. That autumn I was 19 years old, I was a carefree girl who had not yet known the taste of love, and indeed a man in general, she and a couple of other classmates were going to Vera’s birthday party, as expected, with an overnight stay at the dacha. I'm a little...


Fingers with a bright tint of varnish

She starts sliding her boys with a bright coat of pink nail polish over the white material of her lace panties. Her legs are spread. With her other hand, slightly moving this disturbing rag aside, she caresses herself in the very intimate place. At first, only with the tip of one finger. Then two, three. Makes circular movements. Now she caresses herself with her whole palm. Slowly at first, but gradually increasing your pace. Nails with a bright layer of pink...

Nude blonde

She walks slowly towards the sofa. Naked. The movement clearly reveals the sharp contours of her elastic buttocks. The girl squats. Spreads her thighs. And he begins to caress himself down there. Her flat tummy slowly ripples. The body sways slowly. Trembling. The girl licks her fingers with which she pleasured herself. Her face reflects passion and lust, not skillfully hidden behind transparent glasses points. The blonde's mouth is slightly open. From...

Beautiful butt massage

Bright sun. Sandy shore of the beach. The rays languish smooth skin golden tan. Beautiful girls. Sexy bodies. And the camera lens captures one of the sexy bodies. The camera begins to slide along the long, smooth legs. Along the elastic buttocks, through the blue strip of thin panties, up the flexible back, with the straight hollow of the spine, between the shoulder blades and above. Someone pulls the bra string and throws these ribbons to the sides. AND...

We met Slavik in the sandbox. Slavik shared toys with me and brought sweets from home. In general, he acted like a real little man. True, we didn’t think about it then. But the adults teased us with “bride and groom.”

Together to kindergarten, together to school

Our parents also became friends amid our communication. Sometimes one of the mothers even took us to kindergarten, and the other picked us up. It was so convenient for everyone. But Slavik and I were not bored. On the way we played “Cities” or some “Guessing Game”.

The school also welcomed us both. True, the teacher did not allow us to sit together at the same desk. Now I understand that she was right. We were greatly distracted from the lesson, conducting negotiations in whispers.

Every day at school Slavik took care of me. He protected me from both boys and girls. My friend shared sandwiches with me. And he also carried not only his own books, but also my books in his briefcase.

Time changes even friends

When we grew up, Slavik made sure that I didn’t suddenly start dating a guy from bad company. And I was very happy that I had such a friend.

However, after the army, Slavik changed. Became more serious, not talkative. It seemed to me that he was pretending to be an adult, trying to prove to everyone that the army had made him a real man.

I noticed other changes in my childhood friend, but I didn’t think they would lead to anything unpleasant or dangerous. Slavik did not talk. He waved it off or laughed it off. But at times it seemed to me that Slavik was the same – kind, caring, attentive.


Slavik got married first. His wedding was fun. Only I didn’t like the bride and her brother. But the main thing is that my friend feels good. And a year later I walked down the aisle. And at my wedding, Slavik, my childhood friend, betrayed me. He ruined my celebration.

I will never forget this and I will never forgive him. He was sober and knew what he was doing. He stole money from us that we had put aside to pay for the cafe. We paid part in advance, and the second part was to be collected by the owner of the cafe on the day of our celebration.

My fiancé and I entrusted Slavik with the responsibility for paying for the cafe. And he left with our money an hour after the celebration began. And the amount was decent.

When I asked him why he did this, he said that he needed money. So, without asking, he decided that he could use the money that we had been collecting for almost a year.

So are childhood friends really the most faithful? Or can anyone expect a dirty trick from anyone these days?

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The main character from the collection “Deniska's Stories” is the boy Denis. In the story, the boy recalls that period of his early childhood when, as a schoolboy at five minutes, he was trying to decide on his future profession. He wanted to be an astronomer, a captain, or an artist. At some point, Denis decided to become a boxer, and a boxer definitely needs a special punching bag for training.

When asked to buy him a punching bag, Deniska’s dad first of all asked how much it cost. Having found out the price, dad offered to do without the punching bag for the future boxer. But the situation was saved by my mother, who found a huge teddy bear with eyes made of different buttons in old toys and suggested using it as a punching bag.

At first Denis was happy about his mother’s offer, but then he remembered how good friend this one was for him teddy bear. He remembered many good moments of his childhood associated with this bear cub. And at some point Deniska realized that the bear cub was his true friend, and friends cannot be used as whipping objects. And this childhood friendship with a teddy bear was so important for the hero of the story that for her sake he decided to give up his dream of becoming a boxer.

That's how it is summary story.

The main idea of ​​the story “Childhood Friend” is that friendship is the most valuable thing a person has. And nothing can be more important than friendship. I liked it main character story, Deniska, with his loyalty to old friendship, albeit with a teddy bear. Deniska, who treats his friends this way, must grow into a kind and decent person.

What proverbs fit the story “Childhood Friend”?

With a good friend, the world is a kinder place.
Loyalty is the basis of friendship.
An old friend is better than two new ones.
A good friend is real wealth.

Hello, dear friends!

It happens that people who have been with us and walked through life since childhood choose a different path. Those with whom we managed to overcome sorrows, share joys and baptize children over time, cease to participate so actively in our lives.

Why do people stop being friends?

In most cases, we get true friends in childhood. It is when we are walking in the yard with a stick in our hands or heading to school that we form our first coalitions of strong friendship for years.

It happens that growing up and facing the first difficulties adult life, at the university or in the library, we happen to meet a faithful shoulder, with which we move on through life more confidently.

Experience in the labor field prepares us for particularly amazing encounters. Coming to new team and probing the contingent, we draw conclusions that can sometimes be erroneous. People who are not immediately liked sometimes demonstrate a real personality transformation and soon acquire the title of “honored friend.”

Common interests that connect a person with others like him can also become a reason to find a friend. Joint trips to training, to the gym or to a seminar unite personalities and give an unforgettable feeling of closeness, confidence and reliability.

Not a single party or birthday is complete without inviting a friend to the celebration. Only they know all our pranks, reasons to be sad and rejoice, and, for sure, they have a couple of incriminating evidence in their phone, for which we unselfishly love them.

Do you believe in friendship between a man and a woman? As for me, in my life there have been examples of successful friendships with a man more than once.

But what if one day you notice that your relationship is collapsing? They lack the former energy, and meetings increasingly resemble a need and an obligation. The reasons to see each other are increasingly simplified towards an important date, and the desire to call just like before is less and less.

Why does friendship end for no reason? What is the reason for moving away from each other? And how can you get your old relationship back on track? For today's article, I have prepared some tips that will help you overcome a difficult stage in the matter of friendship. Before that, I would like to mention the types of relationships that some people mistakenly call friendship.

A person cannot have many friends. In the process of life, we can acquire many acquaintances, comrades and friends. But the true, honorary title of Friend is allowed to a very small number of applicants.

Reasons for the end of friendship


This is one of the most common reasons for cooling of feelings between former, bosom friends. One wrongly taken action and deed can completely erase the years spent together. Betrayal is very painful. It can be expressed physically and mentally.

Intemperate words, lies and other mistakes characterize a person as complete “mistrust” and restoring friendship after failure is quite difficult. An individual experiences similar feelings at the moment of betrayal of a loved one.

“Mine must be mine!” and after a person has “exchanged” a friend for a more interesting activity, another person or something else, it becomes almost impossible to make up for former feelings due to the constant reminder of what happened.


Life sometimes changes its coordinates and we are forced to change our place of residence, leaving close people in spirit in our hometown. A separation of your own free will or due to more acceptable prospects may be easier to accept than a separation associated with the physical loss of a friend.

Telephone friendship, like love, has its difficulties. Meetings are impossible due to the distance between cities of residence, difficult work, fatigue and lack of time. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? I wonder if we do the math, how many potential friends have we broken up with without even knowing it? Perhaps the borders and the desire to change the surroundings of the city saved us from the opportunity to find the missing person? What should you do to maintain your friendship?

Harmony in friendly relationships is unattainable if one of the participants becomes uncomfortable. Sometimes we neglect the feelings of others, focusing only on our problems, illnesses and difficulties.

To prevent this from happening, I would advise you to take an honest and appropriate interest in your friend’s life more often. You shouldn’t broadcast only understandable and important topics into his ears. Ask questions and participate in the lives of loved ones, otherwise, in another version, you will be friends with your cat.

"Rescuer" service

There are people who remember a friend only when it benefits them. Did trouble, grief or difficulty arise? Exactly! We need to call Chipp or Dale to help. Why? Because we are friends.

But sooner or later, playing with one goal gets absolutely boring and people move away from each other. The amount of services provided and selfless assistance should be the same and take the form of a mutual decision.

Strive to approach your own problems logically and not shift them onto the shoulders of your soul mate, otherwise the desire to communicate will fade away.

Openness to the world

Sometimes people tend to close themselves off from subsequent friendships if they have been “burnt” in the past. Pain, disappointment and distrust of people provokes an individual, having chosen a certain circle of people, to nail down the doors to his heart with steel plates.

If you realize that you are alone or suffering from a lack of communication, maybe it's time? By giving them part of his time and experiences, a person feels the fullness of life and feels supported. Of course, like any relationship, friendship also needs to be worked on. Monitor your mood emotional background friend, be honest, open and sincere.

Friends, I wish you to be a worthy partner, a person chosen from millions.

Don't forget to subscribe to my blog updates and recommend it to your friends to read. In the comments, tell us what you think affects the quality of friendship?

See you on the blog, bye-bye!

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