Congratulations on Older People's Day. Congratulations on the day of the elderly in verse Congratulations on October 1, the day of the elderly

congratulations on the day of the elderly

Let life be mercilessly short
But above bitter regrets
A hand that does not tolerate laziness
In which the weight of the hammer,
In which the sickle or the steering wheel,
A pen, a pattern or a chisel...
He left as soon as he handed over his shift,
So that skill is immortal.

There is such an albatross bird. She flies further than other birds and can cover vast distances without rest. -Where do you get such strength? - they ask the albatross. - This is not strength. This is weakness! - the bird answers. - We are terribly afraid to land! Isn’t this the reason why many people work until they are almost a hundred years old? In my opinion, there is no need to be afraid to land. And you can live wonderfully in retirement! Let's drink to pensioners!

To an elderly person
In your valiant face
We wish to live for two centuries,
And so that death is in the egg.

That egg, of course, is in the duck.
The duck is in the hare on the oak tree.
On these holiday days
Youth - on the forehead, on the forehead!

Let Ilya crawl into his Murom,
Clutching his broken eye.
Laughter and sin, and laughter for the chickens!
Eh, who is he against you!

Today is the day, my word,
The most important thing on the way:
You are at the rank of senior
Passed an important standard.

We ran a meter breaststroke,
Pulled up from top to bottom.
You got credited for diving into mattresses
Without emerging from.

We present you with a black belt,
Fifth dan in “Happiness, Stop!”
Time to live without worry
Is it only for the sixth!

May the autumn of life be joyful,
In the circle of family, in love, prosperity.
Let the children call you every day,
And the grandchildren give chocolates.
The law of nature is inexorable,
With maturity comes old age.
May your days be joyful -
All, no matter how many of them remain.

When you're young it feels like you're 40
Life is practically ending.
As you grow up, you just realize
At 60 it just begins.
Only the body becomes old,
The soul remains young.
Let the love of children and grandchildren be
Fabulous living water for you!

You have been sowing grains throughout your sacred age -
And your grains sprouted instantly,
And now they say heartfeltly,
Our beloved elderly man.
We thank you for all your work,
For the wisdom given and frequent edifications,
And we are glad that all the fruits are yours
They give people only goodness and happiness.
We are so happy about our opportunity
Congratulations, wish you awakening,
To raise for future times
The sacred opportunity to continue.

You are no longer twenty or forty,
Your advanced age is no secret,
There are dozens of achievements,
There are thousands of victories under my belt.
May you be healthy forever,
Live happily for a lifetime,
Happy Elderly Day,
A young man at heart and soul!


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The International Day of Older Persons is celebrated annually on October 1 around the world. And if everyone remembers and congratulates today not only their loved ones - parents, relatives, but also elderly neighbors, acquaintances, former colleagues, fellow villagers, then at least on this day there will be much fewer lonely old people.

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Where did the history of this holiday begin?
It was established on December 14, 1990, its creation was initiated by the UN General Assembly. We can say that the establishment of this holiday became a continuation of the Vienna International Plan of Action on Aging, adopted in 1982. And in 1991, the UN Principles for Older Persons were adopted.


In Russia, the holiday has a slightly different name - Day of the Elderly. The Russian government decree on the emergence of this new holiday was issued on June 1, 1992. Since then, this holiday in Russia has become quite popular.

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Zabolotsky amazed, delighted, simply shocked. But I don’t know him at all, only about an ugly girl...


And suddenly such amazing poems about old people...

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"Old age"

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Simple, quiet, gray-haired,
They have golden leaves
They look, walking until dark.
Their speech is already laconic,
Every look is clear without words,
But their souls are bright and even
They talk about a lot.

In the vague darkness of existence
Their destiny was inconspicuous,
And the life-giving light of suffering
It burned slowly above them.
Exhausted like cripples,
Under the weight of your weaknesses,
Into one forever
Their living souls merged.

And knowledge is a small particle
Revealed to them in their declining years,
That our happiness is just a flash of lightning,
Only a distant faint light.
It flashes upon us so rarely,
This takes work!
It fades so quickly
And disappears forever!

No matter how you cherish it in your palms
And no matter how you press it to your chest, -
Child of the dawn, on light horses
It will rush off to a distant land!

Simple, quiet, gray-haired,
He is with a stick, she is with an umbrella, -
They have golden leaves
They look, walking until dark.
Now it’s probably easier for them.
Now everything terrible is gone,
And only their souls are like candles,
The last warmth is flowing.

N. Zabolotsky



Do you love old people? I am very... Only children are better than old people, and only old people are better than children. They are the adornment of humanity and the justification of its presence on this planet...

Zabolotsky is surprisingly accurate: not “kind”, “nice”, etc., but “quiet”, i.e. modest and simple, unfussy and undemanding, shy, taking up a little space, not imposing their problems on anyone... real, authentic...

Simple, quiet, gray-haired - the real treasures of any nation (if only any nation could understand this). They - kind and touching - fill our streets and our lives with warmth and meaning... How I would like to be close to such old people, talk to them, but they are dying out like mammoths...

A brilliant education, high intelligence, and fame often prevent a person from turning into a simple and quiet old man. But besides the intellect, there is also a soul, and it can be simple and quiet in a great old man...

We often think that love is an African passion and a virtuoso “Kama Sutra”; in pursuit of them, husbands and lovers flash like “striped miles”, and simple and quiet old people live together for half a century and maintain reverent tenderness for each other. “Old-world landowners,” you say. Don't you understand how touchingly beautiful they are?..

Have you noticed that good wizards are often old men and women? That children and animals love them very much, feeling the slightest falsehood?..

But we don’t appreciate that they are still next to us, we get irritated and angry, we ask them not to interfere or interfere. And they forgive us, simple and quiet old people, and continue to worry about us, take care of us, because we are always kids for them...

How I feel sorry for those people who did not have grandparents. And I also had a nanny, a simple uneducated grandmother. How I loved her!.. And I love her now...



Old people are very lucky when they live together, take care of each other and are terribly afraid of loss. I remember two old men - my neighbors, both were seriously ill, very thin and scantily dressed. He had to go to the hospital every day, and from the window I saw them hunched over, walking arm in arm across the yard. One day a neighbor said: “We are already running along the edge of the grave.” She really wanted them to die together, but she survived him...

And these are, perhaps, the most famous and amazing old men in world art, familiar to me from early childhood. Simple, quiet, gray... limitless, like life itself...

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Sages about old age

Don't make fun of old age - after all, you are heading towards it.
He who does not remember his former happiness is already an old man today.
It is not the young man who should be considered happy, but the old man who has lived his life well...
Make the gray-haired man's path easier, help at least a little.
You yourself will someday understand what old age is.
Nasir Khosrow
Youth is delusion, middle age is struggle, old age is regret.
Benjamin Disraeli
In your youth you want to live more fun, in maturity - better, and in old age - longer.
E.A. Sevrus
In essence, old age begins from the moment a person loses the ability to learn.
A. Graf

Old age comes suddenly, like snow. In the morning you get up and see that everything is white.
Jules Renard
How few old people in the world know the art of being old!
Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Growing old means moving from feeling to empathy.
Albert Camus



Fazil Iskander. "Old Men"

Don't die, old people,
I beg you, don't die
Fish by the river
Rub the tobacco between your palms.
Don't look young for show
I'm against old people's tap dances
But your slow story
Under the clicking of amber rosaries...
I remember every time
Your appearance, smoked by the sun,
Oases of familiar eyes
Over rough terrain.
Don't die, old people,
I beg you, don't die!
Contrary to any sense
Live, play chess.
Don't you dare step over the edge
And don't look into the hole.
You are the first to not die.
I'm most afraid for my mother.
Distant gray mother
Everything is waiting for me to succeed.
“Okay,” I say, “I’ll have time...
But it’s scary to be too lazy to succeed.
…It’s wonderful in summer in the kingdom of birds
Roll, forgetting about the lower back,
Of all the tyrant's chariots
Infant chariot.
What about tyrants? Blood, fog
Yes, constant boredom.
And the more unhappy the tyrant,
The more absolute the tyranny.
...You are like trees in the fall of leaves,
Still in the fruits of destinies, events...
I bless your sunset!
Still, don’t leave.



Beautiful Veronica Dolina's song "Have mercy on the elderly, God"- as a reminder to us - not to forget, and parting words - to be kinder.
God have mercy on the elderly,
Their heads and hands!
I can hear the sound of their shoes
On the pavements of separation...

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And I wish all elderly people health, goodness, joy and happiness. And also - so that the words old age and loneliness are not synonymous for anyone.

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8:11 8:16

Dear residents of the Moscow region!

I sincerely congratulate you on the International Day of Older Persons!

Today, on the first day of October, we honor our dear and beloved parents, grandparents, and some even had the honor of congratulating our great-grandparents. You are our wisest, most experienced, beloved and dear ones, it is to you that we go for advice and support, we are charged with your energy and optimism. Age is not a limitation, but only a stepping stone to new opportunities. You have already learned to see life for real, to concentrate on the main thing every day, to understand the essence, and not to be afraid of mistakes. And we learn this from you.

It is no coincidence that they say that age is measured not by years, but by the state of the soul. I would like to wish that your soul always remains young and beautiful! Health, joy from your favorite things, vigor. Let despondency never visit you, and let there be people nearby who care about you.

I would like to wish that people of the older generation spend this autumn day with their family and friends, be healthy and happy!

Ekaterina Semenova, Commissioner for Human Rights in the Moscow Region

Dear fellow countrymen, dear pensioners, veterans!

I cordially congratulate you on the Day of the Elderly!

You are always a worthy example for the younger generation. Your selfless work, deep responsibility, sincere devotion and courageous patience have become the basis for our present prosperity. It was you who created and created everything that we still use today. This is what you conveyed to us, which you yourself preserved, so that the connecting continuity of generations on Bogorodskaya land would never cease. We are proud of you, you are our dignity and glory. You are our example of high morality, optimism in life and spiritual culture!

Despite your age, you are still young at heart. Many of you continue to work in production and in public organizations, and take an active part in educating the younger generation.

I cordially congratulate you on your holiday! May your life be filled with the warmth of friendly communication, sincere care and love of loved ones. I wish you good health, happiness and prosperity!

Acting head of the Bogorodsky urban district Igor Sukhin

On October 1st we celebrate the Day of the Elderly. This is a holiday of people very dear to us - our grandparents. This is a celebration of human wisdom and spiritual generosity - qualities for which we are eternally grateful.

There are more and more elderly people in our society. They know the value of a penny of labor, they have experienced and endured a lot on their shoulders, they worked honestly for the good of their Motherland, they raised children and grandchildren. On this day I would like to wish them health and prosperity, to remain active, energetic people doing what they love.

Let the autumn of your life become an endless “Indian summer”!

Sincerely, Deputy of the Moscow Regional Duma Ivan Zhukov

Dear pensioners!

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on the International Day of Older Persons. October 1 symbolizes warmth and cordiality, respect and love. This holiday is a symbol of unity and continuity of generations, the connection of times.

You are the guardians of values ​​and traditions, a support and example for the younger generation. Many of you are actively working: meeting with young people and sharing your invaluable experience, and through daily dedicated work instilling in young residents of the Moscow region such important qualities as hard work and kindness.

Elderly Person's Day is another occasion to express gratitude to you for your invaluable work for the benefit of the Moscow region. I wish you good health, prosperity and happiness. Be surrounded by the love and support of your family, your children and grandchildren. Long life to you!

Sincerely, Deputy of the Moscow Regional Duma Vyacheslav Fomichev

In 1990, the UN General Assembly signed a resolution declaring October 1 as the International Day of Older Persons. In Europe and America, Older People's Day began to be celebrated long before the holiday became International. It was especially widely celebrated in the Scandinavian countries.

On October 1, conferences are held to protect the rights of older people, various festivals and concerts are organized. Public foundations hold charity events, events, film screenings, and various competitions with the participation of older people. They focus special attention on the problems of older people: the interests of elderly people with disabilities and low-income elderly citizens of the country, single pensioners. They help in resolving issues of providing them with material, social, and medical assistance. After all, almost all elderly people have some kind of disease, the treatment of which sometimes requires expensive drugs. Therefore, protecting the health of elderly Russians, providing them with medical services and providing them with medicines is the primary task of our government.

Don't forget to congratulate your grandparents on their holiday and pay attention to them not only on holidays, but every day! We offer you kind congratulatory poems on Older People's Day.

You have been sowing grains throughout your sacred age -

And your grains sprouted instantly,

And now they say heartfeltly,

Our beloved elderly man.

We thank you for all your work,

For the wisdom given and frequent edifications,

And we are glad that all the fruits are yours

They give people only goodness and happiness.

We are so happy about our opportunity

Congratulations, wish you awakening,

To raise for future times

The sacred opportunity to continue.

You are no longer twenty or forty,

Your advanced age is no secret,

There are dozens of achievements,

There are thousands of victories under my belt.

May you be healthy forever,

Live happily for a lifetime,

Happy Elderly Day,

A young man at heart and soul!

* * *

There are many dates in the twenty-first century

And they know how to reveal the essence,

But we are on the Day of the Elderly

We don’t dare call you elderly!

We have a lot of words of praise for you,

We will be able to put the necessary meaning into them...

Let these lines be like a healing balm,

Fill your soul with the thirst to live!

* * *

Old age is not your joy,

Not candy or sweetness,

And illnesses, bad luck!

But it happens differently!

After all, there are old people -

Simply wonderfully invigorating,

Grandmas are good too -

They scold us from the heart!

May God give you health

Joy will not pass you by

May you be loved and cherished,

And they won’t dare to offend!

Leaves are falling from the trees,

This is not the first snow on our temples.

Wisdom knows she's right

And how much are sorrows and success?

On this autumn, golden day,

We wish spring to the people of autumn!

Let her own their soul

May you remain in love with life!

* * *

We'll wait to study it:

What is in the past has become history,

Let's see what will happen in the future,

With the present, everything is clear for now,

Let's do without any fuss today -

Let me congratulate you on the holiday

Adults, wise, experienced people!

* * *

You have lived a lot,

We wish our souls not to grow old!

We sincerely wish you well,

And most importantly - don’t get sick!

We also wish that the children

We visited you more often,

They didn’t deprive us of attention,

We cared more about you!

* * *

Happy Elderly Person's Day,

I wish you health on this holiday.

Although it would be a stretch to call you elderly,

Like an old horse, always ready to get into harness,

And not spoil the furrows, and make it better -

As young people never dreamed of! Wellbeing

Let it not translate both in the house and in the family!

Love and joy, any business in life works out!

* * *

Well, they'll come up with something like this -

Senior Citizens' Day?!

We will celebrate with you

Day of tempting ideas

A day like morning exercises

We start so many years ago

Football day, day in the garden,

"Dominoshnikov" victories!

Flowers Day for your beloved,

A day of walking under the moonlight,

With the most irresistible one,

We are young at heart!

You've survived several governments,

Defaults, crises, privatizations,

The collapse of the Union, the outrage of all the robberies,

And unemployment after optimizations.

You have stepped over the edge of the century,

We found out the Internet, mobile phones, DVDs -

Congratulations on the Day of the Elderly,

Happy changes ahead!

Congratulations to parents from children

It has been customary in Rus' since time immemorial

Protect and take care of your elderly,

After all, parents are a shrine,

Only you are young to me.

I wish to live many more years

Without hassle, without bad weather and troubles!

So that laughter surrounds and invigorates your great-grandchildren!

May you always have enough strength!

On the holiday of an elderly person

I congratulate my family,

But of course you need to remember more often

And always take good care of them.

I wish you at your retirement age,

And every day, as before, be surprised by the world

And love your life, as in your youth!

The UN General Assembly is the founder of the solemn event. In 1990, the holiday was recognized by the whole world. All television channels and radio stations broadcast programs exclusively for the elderly. On October 1, festivals and congresses are held that are dedicated to the rights of pensioners in society. Foundations organize a variety of charity events. The General Assembly calls on the public to pay attention to creating favorable conditions in which older people feel comfortable. All countries and peoples must unite so that old people can live happily ever after. Every person should feel comfortable and be needed in society. Celebrating International Day of Older Persons - October 1

Everyone respects older people
They are considered and respected.
Everyone expects wise advice from them,
Congratulations on the holiday with love.

I wish you well-being and health from the bottom of my heart.
Let them kiss your tender hands,
With great love, all your children and your grandchildren.

Elderly people, with you is the wisdom of a lifetime lived,
You have the experience of many, many years.
You are our dear grandparents,
And only you give the correct and necessary advice to us.
Happy Older People's Day, I congratulate you,
May the shine of your eyes never fade.
Let people look at you with admiration,
May your health and luck remain with you for a long time to come.

In October we celebrate a glorious holiday,
We congratulate all elderly people with love.
We bow before you, we respect your wisdom and experience,
And we promise you to always be worthy of you.
I congratulate you on Elderly People's Day,
Let the sun shine brighter and more cheerfully for you.
Let them pay more attention to you,
Let your family surround you with care.

Let your head be gray,
And behind us is a whole long century,
Your soul remains young,
Our elderly and kind man.
Happy Older People's Day, I congratulate you,
I wish you to be healthy and not lose heart,
I promise to ask the cuckoo
So that she can cook for you for 100 years.

Don't you be sad that the years go by
May your health always be strong.
Let your memory take you away more often,
At the time when I was young.
Tell all your grandchildren with a smile,
How was your life, give us the advice everyone needs.
On the Day of Elderly People, I congratulate you,
I wish you long and happy years.

The years you have lived are no longer few,
How many people did you know
How many joys, scandals,
We have seen so much happiness and sadness.
Congratulations on Older People's Day,
I wish you a little better health,
And see as much as we have already seen,
And so that life becomes easier.

Is it good to be “old”?
And what good does she bring?
This is your gift of life,
It is she who leads you on a long journey.
I congratulate you on Elderly Day,
Live like it's your last moment
I want to wish you straight paths in life,
Old age is the best thing a person has achieved.

Let the sun be bright and warm
Let your joints not hurt or ache.
Patience to you our dears
Let wounds not disturb life!
The years are passing quickly,
It's not in our power to stop them.
May sadness never come knocking on your door
And less illnesses and troubles for you!

Let there be joy and hope
Your house is filled,
May everything be possible in your life
And every day will be a celebration!
Let it be a reward for the old people
Good health always
After all, you have always defended the truth
Let your family never forget!

Kind weary hands
The head is white with gray hair,
In this life you have never known boredom
Everyone is busy from morning to night
Time flew by
And the time has come to go to rest.
Youth rushed away without response.
Only maturity is good too!
And this glorious holiday was arranged
At the very beginning of September,
Full of sun, kindness and light,
With elegant colors of grief.
I want that on this autumn day
Youth lived in your heart,
So that the mood is good,
So that things go well around the house.
May your health be strong.
Let your loved ones wait and love you.
Time of feelings and thoughts will not cool
And every hour will be happy.

No, it’s not true that autumn makes you old,
That gray hair is sadness.
Your years are an earthly distance,
Your youth is with you forever.
Let the leaves fall outside the windows,
I'll raise a glass to summer.
Know that there is no old age in the world,
If there is always spring in your heart!

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