Download postcards for Alena. Beautiful and funny pictures of happy birthday Alena. Cool and funny pictures

“Alena, happy birthday!” - these are pictures with which you can congratulate your relative, friend or acquaintance. View, select and download the card you like, send it to the owner of a beautiful, radiant name - all you need to do is to give her a great mood.

Beautiful cards with congratulations

The name Alena, despite the fact that girls have been called it since time immemorial, sounds fresh and beautiful. But the question immediately arises whether it is independent. Many quite rightly believe that Alena is a derivative of the name Elena. Others are of the opinion that the name is absolutely independent, not Greek, like Elena, but of ancient Slavic origin. In this interpretation, Alena means “scarlet” or “soft flax”.

Be that as it may, parents who want to record their newborn child as Alena on the birth certificate are unlikely to be refused. But the girl will be baptized by Elena, since in the calendar there is just such a name.

Whether she is Alenka according to documents or in her soul, the girl has no trouble. Pretty, sociable, she is not as simple-minded as she might seem at first glance. Alyonushka needs the approval and recognition of others; it is important for her to be praised. You can express your attitude towards a girl and make her happy by sending her on her birthday funny postcard with your name and warmest, sincere wishes.

Cool and funny pictures

Birthday pictures with drawn funny cats, multi-colored balloons Alena’s page is replete with color. After all, even in adulthood, at heart she remains a child who likes all sorts of cute trinkets. We offer you to download cool cartoon pictures, live GIF pictures for free. The birthday girl will definitely be happy with them.

For little Alyonushka on her birthday, you can prepare a real surprise - pick up several congratulations in pictures on our website, print them on a color printer. For each picture, add a small gift, treat or soft toy. All these little ones pleasant surprises hide them where the birthday girl will find them throughout the day. The first one is under the pillow, the second one is in school backpack, so on. Every time she looks at a cool drawing and unpacks a gift, the girl will glow with happiness.

With flowers

On her birthday, it is customary to give a woman flowers, even on a card. The image of Alyonushka is associated with the girl from the chocolate bar of the same name - simple, sweet, chubby, capable of enjoying little things. It seems that she will be incredibly happy with a bouquet of daisies, cornflowers or chrysanthemums. But this is not so, Alena loves exquisite flowers - Dutch roses, callas, freesias, eustomas.

If you cannot congratulate the birthday girl in person, order a bouquet of her favorite flowers with courier delivery. And follow up by email beautiful postcard also on a floral theme.

Beautiful poems for Alena

Yes, the name Alena appears in literary works. But this is most often folk tales. The girl would like beautiful poems dedicated to her. Don't miss the opportunity to please her with rhymes on her birthday, choose one of the poetic congratulations that we offer you.

Video congratulations

A cat with sweet eyes, who congratulates Alyonushka on her birthday in a human voice, cannot but evoke tenderness.

I would like to give a thousand compliments and wish a thousand pleasant things to a beautiful, wonderful, kind and gentle girl on her holiday. Great option- arrange all these words in the form of a slide show of postcards accompanied by light music.

Friends, we categorically welcome you to the pages of the site! We have collected a fresh selection of beautiful pictures, greeting cards and simple congratulations for Alena. The selection is called . Of course, all images can be downloaded for free. Watch and enjoy, and may the AF Humor be with you!

My dear Alena,
Congratulations, dear,
I wish you fulfillment
I wish you from the bottom of my heart.

Be successful in everything
Both in work and in love,
For a beautiful, bright goal
You, Alyonushka, go.

Believe in yourself, be positive,
Lure with beauty
And men with a sly look,
As always, amaze.

I wish you, Alena,
Hot telephone handset,
Congratulations poured out like a shower,
Have a happy birthday!

So that you shine with a smile,
So that joy does not fit into the house,
So that a sparkle sparkles in your eyes,
Luck was waiting everywhere.

Please accept congratulations Alyonka,
May all your dreams come true!
And your laughter is loud and clear
Melt ice obstacles.

Go around the world with positivity,
Be beautiful, be smart.
Let the days become sweeter than marshmallows,
Triumphant all the way through life!

Alyonushka, you are bright like the sun, sweet like chocolate, beautiful and wise like all your namesakes, fairy-tale heroines. I wish you to tirelessly shine with youth, sparkle with joy and, like a mirror, reflect reciprocal happiness to those who love you and value you. Happy birthday!

Happy holiday to you, Alenka,
Laugh sincerely and loudly,
Don't be sad for anything
Relax, rest!

I, Alyonushka, wish,
So that you live happily,
Life is full of nice days
Don't regret anything!

Happy birthday Alena

The sonorous, bright name Alena
They magnify you royally!
And now everyone is looking in admiration,
After all, you are like the sun! Fate

May she be happy and cheerful,
Favorable to your whims,
The wallet will always be heavy,
Every new day is unique!

Let love open its arms,
The soul will be filled with joy,
And the dream will arrive with beauty,
Happy birthday to you, honey!

I send my congratulations
I am for you, Alena,
Fate measures
May it be all the best.

Let him not be stingy
For love and tenderness,
To your heart
Will give you serenity.

I wish that you
I didn’t know any worries or troubles,
Them from the general list
Fate, so that it excludes.

May your life be
Full of positivity
Your share is female
Kind and happy.

Today, dear Alenka,
You are our birthday girl,
I wish you a pure, clear fate,
Good health in stock.

Let luck surround you
From all sides, Alyonushka,
Fortune infects with happiness
Now, then - in any season!

I wish you great luck,
Love is recklessly young,
In the heart of May bloom
And the middle is golden!

Alyonushka, hearty congratulations!
Let life shine with joy, warmth,
Let nothing ever upset you,
Let the house bloom in abundance.

Always love and be loved
And don’t pay attention to the problems.
Let your heart be languid with happiness,
Success at work flows over the edge.

Alenka, may your happiness always be punctual, your love bright and untarnished, your luck faithful and constant, every day joyful and romantic, and every night calm. So that life gives the most expensive gifts and takes nothing in return. Happy birthday!

You're like Alyonushka from a fairy tale,
Kind, friendly, sweet,
Give me a look, smile,
And life becomes bright.

Let the joy of your heart never leave you,
It burns with a warm fire.
Luck, flying by,
A happy wing will overshadow you.

I wish you on your birthday, Alena,
Always be healthy, beautiful and in love.
Let armfuls of roses fall at your feet,
Men's hearts will be laid bare before you.

Always know the price of love and friendship, Alena,
And don’t justify either meanness or betrayal.
In short, just be happy
Live with dignity, long, fun, beautiful.

You are beautiful, graceful,
She is adamant in her beliefs.
You are not a woman, you are an angel
Incomparable Alena.

I want them to wear
You are more often in my arms,
Fur coats and gold were given
And they settled only in palaces.

Always be as bright
Unusual and intoxicating,
Unexpected, beautiful,
Wise, stylish, businesslike.

Happy birthday, Alenka!
You are a great girl.
I'm talking about the most important thing:
I wish you a wonderful life.

Let any fantasy
Incarnated while playing,
Let it be ordinary and simple
Joy is coming to visit!

May they meet you soon
Long awaited roads
May I travel with you everywhere
There will be true friends!

Alyonka, I congratulate you. Let there be no reasons for worry or reasons for despondency in your life. I wish dear Alena to always be in great shape, in a wonderful mood and on a wave of happiness in life. Don't think about the bad and strive only for the best!

Happy birthday Alyonushka

Alena, your stone is a wonderful jade,
May he bestow strength and energy.
A priceless diamond is your second talisman,
Let firmness and courage befriend you!

Your animal symbol is the lion, the king of beasts,
With him you will become more confident and wiser.
Will give fire, like your element,
Activity and passion! Happy birthday to you!

I wish you, Alenka,
May all your dreams come true!
Know that you are a beautiful girl,
You are a beauty queen!

Let it be a huge positive
It fills my heart all the time!
Let the songs be a joyful motive
It always plays in your soul!

Happy birthday, Alena!
I wish you a sea of ​​passion
Rivers of kindness and understanding,
A bottomless ocean of happiness.

Let the pond of hope be clear
And a spring of health flows,
Waterfall of bright successes
Will wash away the bitterness of all intrigues.

Lake of Bottomless Faith
Let it beckon with transparency
And a stream of mutual love
He will reward you with strength of spirit.

Alena means “light”, “shining”, “sunny”,
So let life be decorated with the light of wonderful kindness,
All problems will disappear, and care, even a tiny one,
Will not interfere with the shine of dreams!

Be the most amazing, admire everyone, Alyonushka,
Only with the purity of your soul and wondrous beauty,
Shine like stars and the gentle sun,
Let your world be filled with warmth and joy!

Let everyone around you sigh in surprise,
Their mouths open in amazement,
You look divine, Alena,
Although today you have become older!

Your secret is simple - smile all the time,
Set a goal and live your dream,
Move forward, don't give up on problems
And blind everyone with your beauty!

We wish Alyonushka
Only happiness and health,
Let her life be bright
And soaked in love,
Let Alena not be afraid
Changes and changes
Will overcome difficulties
All doubts will be cast away!

A beautiful rose is the flower of all Allens,
She is a bright symbol of love and beauty.
So let the chosen one be in love with you,
From happiness you will flutter like a butterfly!

Alena, lavender is your second flower,
May it bring you good luck.
Will give carelessness, peace of mind,
This symbol will bestow goodness in full!

Another amulet is cherry blossoms,
Let family happiness send you
Carelessness will give you your beauty
Take care will not get tired of various adversities!

And may they give you on your birthday
Bouquets of these flowers and others.
And most importantly, let happiness be in fate,
May life consist of golden days!

Alena is a sunny, amazing name,
I wish the owner joy from now on,
Be sweet, inspired, sensitive,
Take all failures as a joke.
I wish you beauty, health, prosperity,
Well-being and prosperity.

I wish you, Alena, that
What is most important in a happy life:
Health - let it be like granite,
Love - let it inspire, invigorate,

Very friendly family, spouse, children,
Reliable, good and faithful friends,
Have a cozy home - live comfortably in it!
Manage to preserve all this for up to a hundred years!

Let me, Alyonochka, congratulate you
And wish you great love,
And add happiness to this
And assorted cheerful blessings.

Let your dreams come true
And surrounded by loved ones and friends
With your love and understanding
Always, Alyonochka, you.

Dear Alena, at this festive hour
We congratulate you on your bright birthday,
Let your smile sparkle and beauty bloom.
May your blue dream come true today.

May peace and comfort always reign in your home,
And at all crossroads may good luck await you,
Endless happiness will always be with you,
And your days and years will be blooming!

Alena, dear beauty,
I send you congratulations.
May happiness be a kind, warm wind
It will burst into your life soon.

Let the showers cover you
Good luck, peace and love,
Let them warm you, dear,
Rays of goodness and joy.

I wish you on your birthday, Alenka,
May the world never tire of surprising you!
Wait for wonderful miracles, like a girl,
Which life has not had time to know!

Let the golden stars fall on you
The hot feeling of love will fall!
Let your man turn out to be a treasure,
And with it real happiness will come!

Let new daring plans, ideas
They will help you move forward tirelessly!
Be as beautiful as an orchid flower,
And bloom just as beautifully and for a long time!

Alena is independent and interesting,
He will always find his place in life,
Open, charming, kind,
She loves variety.

May your life be beautiful
Saturated, joyful and happy,
Worthy prince, good luck in fate,
And let the Angel help you!

I wish, dear Alenka,
I have harmonious relationships,
Happy occasions and ups,
The income is simply indecent!

Stay beautiful, bright, -
I wish you on your birthday,
Let the men lose their minds
As always, out of admiration.

Alena. We all often want to do something nice for people who are important and dear to us, but sometimes words alone are not enough, then we come to the rescue. We have a huge selection of pictures for congratulating girls and women with the beautiful name Alena, as well as original selections wishes with inscriptions and in verses that can please her. Give a greeting card to someone dear to you, be it a sister or a friend, it’s so nice!

Beautiful and funny pictures Happy birthday Alena. Download for free and congratulate Alena on her birthday with a personalized card with simple inscriptions and in verse.

Look at other birthday cards with the name Alena on our website:

A beautiful birthday card with tulips for Alyonochka.

“Happy birthday Alena! I wish you bright, clear days, health and good luck! Take care of yourself and know that you mean a lot!”

Cool card: « Happy birthday Alena! Congratulations!”

A postcard for Alena with yellow roses, a truly exclusive gift.

“Be happy and be loved! Let beauty live in you! Remain unique and desirable, like a dream!”

Picture - Stylish tulips.

A candle, hearts, a gift and flowers, everything here indicates that someone is “not breathing smoothly” towards the birthday girl.

“Alena, let every hour be kind, let your mood be wonderful! And happy moments will be repeated many times!”

Beautiful greeting card for Alena, her loved one has prepared fresh cocktails for Alena and wishes her to live these moments gloriously.

Picture with flowers - “Happy birthday Alena! I wish you happiness, bliss, inspiration, romance, miracles and magic!”

  • *Bliss- This is a state of complete satisfaction of a person in something. Life without need and worries.

Beautiful picture — « Alyonka! Congratulations Happy birthday! May happiness remain your companion forever. And your loved one will be there forever!”

Postcard - Assorted flowers.

Picture - Tenderness of a butterfly.

Postcard - Sweet pudding.

Postcard - Fireworks in honor of the birthday girl.

Cool congratulatory picture with a funny teddy bear rushes to Alena's birthday party and repeats congratulatory words to himself.

A beautiful card with a gift for Alena. A large box of Raffaello chocolates will please the birthday girl. “Congratulations, I hug you tightly, I wish you happiness and health!”

Picture - Floral Provencal.

Cool postcard with a bunny for Alena.

Postcard - Pink dreams.

A cool crow flew to Alena's house for a holiday, holding a flower in his beak and congratulations in his mind.

“Happy birthday Alena! Be weightless like an angel... Improve your mood, don’t know troubles and sorrows!”

Postcard - Dear and best Alena.

A cool congratulatory picture in which Alena’s friends sing a karaoke song in honor of the birthday girl.

The little mouse congratulates a mouse named Alena and gives her a flower. The little mice like each other, that’s why they both blushed with embarrassment.

All the pets gathered under Alena’s window in the morning. They shout congratulations and wish her many things on her birthday.

Friends congratulate Alena on her birthday and regret that now she cannot be with them.

Cool postcard - Owl Choir.

The baby has not yet learned to speak and therefore sticks his tongue out at Alena. Alena guessed that it was so, he decided to congratulate her.

Picture - Cheerful friends.

Postcard - Madagascar.

On this cool and funny postcard, a little girl symbolizes likes (presses her finger up), in honor of Alena's birthday.

The cheerful Minions came to the holiday before Alena.

The picture is a diamond mood.

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