Sleeping on your back in the first trimester. Can pregnant women lie on their back? Attitude of different religions

If you are used to sleeping on your back, then during pregnancy you will have to unlearn this habit, at least until the baby is born.

Why is it forbidden to sleep on your back during pregnancy?

On early stages Sleeping on your back is not dangerous and has no contraindications. But already from the second trimester you will have to give up resting in this position.

The fact is that when the weight and size of the baby and the uterus begins to actively increase, the pressure on internal organs. In particular, when the expectant mother lies on her back, the baby puts pressure on the spine, bladder, and, most importantly, to the inferior vena cava.

This vein is one of the largest in the body, it carries blood from the lower extremities to the heart, and if it is pinched it can cause problems.

With pressure on the vena cava, the expectant mother will begin to feel dizzy, her breathing will become faster, her vision may darken, and even loss of consciousness is possible. For the baby, squeezing this vein threatens with insufficient supply of nutrients and, first of all, oxygen from the mother’s blood, which can lead to the development of intrauterine hypoxia- oxygen starvation. Hypoxia is quite dangerous for a baby; it can cause defects in the formation of a small organism.

Compression of the vena cava also threatens to the expectant mother varicose veins and can contribute to the development of hemorrhoids.

In addition, in a supine position, due to pressure on the bladder, a pregnant woman is unlikely to be able to get enough sleep, since she will often have to wake up and run to the toilet due to the frequent urge to urinate.

Also, sleeping on your back in late pregnancy can cause quite severe pain in the spine due to the high pressure on it.
The kidneys, as well as the liver and intestines, suffer from the baby's pressure while sleeping on his back.

Therefore, if you want to minimize the risk of the complications described above, you should avoid sleeping on your back, even if before pregnancy this was your favorite and only comfortable position for night rest.

What is the best position to sleep in the third trimester of pregnancy?

Of course, sleeping on your stomach is also prohibited, and it will not be comfortable. Sleeping on your stomach is allowed only in the very early stages of pregnancy, when the fetus is still very small.

The optimal position for mother and baby is to sleep on the left side. At the same time, for comfort, you can squeeze a blanket or long pillow between your legs. Some people find it comfortable to place a pillow under their back or stomach.

During the period of carrying a baby, a woman experiences a double burden, ensuring the vital functions of not only her own, but also the developing and growing future organism - the child. The expectant mother's night's rest will be good and correct if she knows whether it is possible to lie on her back during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes major changes.. It is being reconstructed almost completely to become a real cozy house for not yet born child. But because of this, the woman’s body experiences serious stress - it has to work “for two”.

A pregnant woman cannot help but notice how not only her body itself changes, but also her habits and desires. All this happens due to changes in hormonal levels, as well as a number of other factors. Naturally, pregnancy also affects sleep patterns, and often in a negative way. It is during this period, when it is important for the mother’s body to rest well, and sleep disturbances appear, she often cannot fall asleep, and given the fact that she needs to sleep in a special way, the usual procedure for going to bed begins to resemble an obstacle course.

Attention! Chronic lack of sleep can trigger the development of a number of pathological conditions that are especially dangerous for a pregnant woman.

Sleep at this time is complicated by a number of factors. Many aspects can prevent a mother from getting proper rest.

Table. What prevents mom from sleeping?


During pregnancy, women often feel the urge to go to the toilet for one simple reason - the enlarging uterus puts pressure on the bladder, which is where this phenomenon occurs. Moreover, the longer the period, the more often the desire to go to the toilet arises. Even at night, a woman often wakes up for this very reason. It is recommended to refrain from using large quantity fluids at night to reduce the risk of waking up to go to the toilet.

When the baby begins to move, his movements also cause discomfort to the mother. Of course, it’s nice to see that life inside the body is developing and growing normally, but it definitely interferes with sleep. It happens that the baby is most active at night, and then the mother may not really sleep a wink until the morning. It is recommended to take a short nap during the day.

While carrying a baby, you can’t sleep as much as you have to. It is important to follow certain rules so as not to harm the fetus, and also not to harm the health of the mother.

Important! Sometimes frequent urges occur when the genitourinary system is damaged by infections and bacteria. It is recommended that you check with a specialist for their presence.

A woman may also be disturbed by:

  • hormonal changes, occurring in the body and affecting the production of the sleep hormone - melatonin;
  • dermatological itching in the abdominal area which appears due to stretch marks;
  • heaviness and cramps in the legs;
  • worries and anxiety states related to worries about the unborn child;
  • drowsiness during the day and insomnia at night.

Features of mother's sleep depending on the stage of pregnancy

Of course, all manifestations of sleep disorders must be dealt with by identifying their cause and, if possible, eliminating it. But this cannot always be done - in some cases all you can do is endure and rearrange your sleep schedule. Moreover, the manifestations of violations may vary depending on the period.

Thus, drowsiness is often observed in broad daylight during the first trimester when there is an active restructuring of the body. To the female body you need a lot of energy, which is spent on preparing for future births and creating a favorable environment for the fetus, as well as its development. In this case, there is no need to fight sleepiness during the day; if possible, it is recommended to give yourself rest. In general, this is a normal reaction of the body to changes occurring.

In the second trimester You will have to give up some of your habits and change your favorite sleeping positions. Also to third part of the gestation period you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to wake up quite often to use the toilet or that your internal organs begin to bother you for some reason. The fetus's sleep pattern may not coincide with the mother's sleep pattern, and therefore at night the baby can have real fun in the stomach, and then the mother will definitely not have time to sleep. Add here possible swelling in the legs - and all the “delights” of late pregnancy are evident.

Correct postures depending on timing

The way he sleeps expectant mother, directly affects the health of the baby and the physical condition of the woman herself. It is important to follow certain rules so as not to harm either yourself or the child. Recommendations related to permitted and prohibited sleeping positions are usually given to the expectant mother by doctors. Let's get acquainted with the main ones.

Note! Approximately 85% of pregnant women suffer from various sleep disorders.

Positions in the first trimester

So, as for the first period, there are no definite recommendations regarding positions. During this time, you are allowed to sleep as you please, as long as the position is comfortable. This is due to the fact that as such, noticeable physical changes in the body have not yet occurred - the stomach has not really increased, there is no particular load on the back, etc.

Note! You can sleep as much as you like until about 12 weeks.

It is best to accustom yourself to sleep “correctly”, that is, on your left side, starting from the first days of pregnancy. This is the best position for ladies in position. If you worry about this aspect in advance, especially if the woman prefers to fall asleep on her stomach, then in the future it will be easier to eventually switch to the correct sleeping position for this position.

Advice! If a woman is severely tormented by toxicosis, then the nausea can be relieved a little by falling asleep by slightly elevating the upper part of the body - for example, by placing a pillow on it.

Positions in the second trimester

In the second trimester, certain noticeable changes already occur: toxicosis disappears, the volume of the abdomen increases, and the lower back begins to ache. And here you will have to follow certain rules and be sure to study information about how to sleep at this time.

"In the position" sleeping on your stomach is not just uncomfortable, but even dangerous. In some cases, a woman can easily crush the fetus with her weight, without wanting to do so, and a lack of oxygen reaching the child can also be easily provoked. Therefore, starting from the 4th month of bearing a baby, it is necessary to change all the usual sleeping positions to a position on the side or on the back.

Advice! For an expectant mother with a fairly large belly, it is advisable to go to sleep on her left side. Although in the second period you can periodically sleep on the right one.

Third gestation period

The third period of pregnancy is the most difficult for the mother in terms of quality sleep. The abdomen is already very large, the internal organs are being compressed, the baby is actively moving, which is why it is not only the constant fussing of the baby in the womb that interferes with sleep at night, but also the urge to go to the toilet, heartburn and other unpleasant factors.

Sleeping on your back is no longer allowed. It is important to change all your habits and try to stick to the position on your left side while sleeping. This is the most harmless position for both mother and baby. Moreover, it is recommended to use large special pillows on which you can lay your stomach and throw one of your legs, which will make the mother’s life much easier.

It is forbidden to sleep on your back only because there will be walking negative impact already on the internal organs of the future woman in labor and her lower back. The weight of the abdomen will compress the intestines, the liver, and large vessels. Moreover, due to squeezing of blood vessels, a lack of oxygen in the body may occur and, as a result, pressure drops and dizziness. Hemorrhoids can also easily get worse.

Advice! If the fetus actively moved in a dream, this may indicate a lack of oxygen. It is recommended to change your sleeping position and lie on your left side.

Moreover, you should not lie exclusively all night only on the left side. You can also lie on the right one and even need to change your position several times during the night. This will allow you to sleep better. You can also sleep by leaning back a little in a position on your side. To do this, use a roller that is thick enough to be placed under your back.

In general, the good thing about the position on the left side is that:

  • in this position, the blood flow inside the mother’s body is normal, the placenta is well saturated with blood, and therefore useful substances, oxygen;
  • swelling disappears, body muscles relax;
  • the genitourinary system works much better;
  • the liver is not compressed;
  • the back and lower back in particular rest and are not overstrained;
  • the heart works correctly and with minimal load.

How you can't sleep

You should remember once and for all how under no circumstances should a pregnant woman sleep on later. The poses that you need to forget about for now include those when the body is located on the stomach or back. It is especially important to remember this during the third trimester. Otherwise, everything could end in disaster.

The child will not have a full-fledged free “house” and oxygen in the required quantity, and the woman will suffer from a lack of oxygen, complain of frequent urges to go to the toilet, and suffer from swelling. By the way, sleeping on your back can even provoke the development of varicose veins and serious swelling. The back will begin to hurt, and hemorrhoids will worsen.

Maternity pillows

A good chance to lie down comfortably and get a good night's sleep is to use special pillows for pregnant women. They are quite long and have a special shape, which makes sleeping with them much more comfortable and cozy.

Advice! An ordinary blanket folded several times can replace a pillow for an expectant mother.

Moreover, you can choose a pillow for each period. They take into account the anatomy of the mother's body, repeating its contours. The product will support the stomach, and you can also put your leg on it, which will reduce the load on the musculoskeletal system. One of the main advantages of such a pillow is its ability to restrain a woman’s movements and make it difficult to involuntarily roll over onto her back and stomach. You don’t have to worry that the mother will roll over in her sleep and crush the fetus with her weight.

Women who have already given birth note that using such a pillow is not always easy at the beginning. But once you get used to it, you can really simplify your life. It is recommended to purchase it at the beginning of the second trimester and already start using it in order to develop a useful skill in using it.

Disadvantages of this pillow:

  • large sizes;
  • sometimes – high cost;
  • impossibility of washing yourself if there is no removable cover;
  • Synthetic materials are usually used for manufacturing.
  • Before going to bed, it is better to ventilate the room for 10-15 minutes. Then the room will be fresh and it will be easier to fall asleep. During the warm season, you can even sleep with the windows open - the main thing is that it is really warm outside;
  • Sleepwear should be loose and comfortable– no compressive elements, it is best to use only cotton underwear and not tight. Then nothing will distract mom from sleep;

Advice! It is best for pregnant women to sleep with a loose nightgown or loose pajamas.

  • the pillow should be high enough. It is best to buy one that is made from natural materials;
  • before going to bed, you can do a light neck and back massage, warm up a little and stretch well.

Some mothers advise doing a simple exercise before going to bed. So, to do this you need to lie down and slightly pull your chin to your chest, but do not overexert yourself and relax your shoulders. Next, you need to place your palms on your lower abdomen and breathe slowly. After this, it is recommended to turn over on your side, bend your knees, place pillows under your head and legs for comfort - and you can sleep. The main thing is to breathe slowly and deeply and relax your body.

Advice! A shower is a good way to end the day and promote relaxation.

How to sleep during pregnancy: instructions

To summarize what has been said above, here are simple instructions on how an expectant mother should sleep.

Step 1. You need to sleep on your left side with a minimum frequency of turning to your right.

Step 2. You can use pillows and bolsters to make it easy to take comfortable position, as well as provide support for the stomach and legs.

Step 3. Sleeping on your back is strictly prohibited. The consequences can be dire.

Step 4. It is best to raise your head a little while sleeping - do not sleep on a sagging or too thin pillow.

Step 5. It is important to get enough sleep, that is, it is recommended to create a schedule and stick to it. So, during the day a pregnant woman should sleep about 10 hours. Moreover, somewhere you can take a nap during the day.

Step 6. You should not eat a lot at night, or eat heavy foods. You can have a snack with some light food that your doctor has approved.

Step 7 You shouldn't drink a lot before going to bed, otherwise you might run to the toilet all night.

You shouldn't drink a lot at night either.

Step 8 You should try to achieve inner harmony. A calm mother means a calm baby. This means that he will bother the woman less at night with his active actions. And the mother’s calm head will give her the opportunity to fall asleep without problems.

Video - Sleep during pregnancy

If suddenly the doctor observing the woman did not talk about the peculiarities of sleep during pregnancy, then it is important to ask him about it yourself. Or you can use the recommendations and tips given in this article. And then sleep during the most crucial period of a woman’s life will be as comfortable and safe as possible for both her and the baby.

With the onset of pregnancy, dramatic changes occur in a woman's life. From the second trimester for the expectant motheryou need to be careful about the position in which she rests or sleeps. This is due to the fact that the size of the uterus increases, and the pelvic area can no longer fully protect the fetus from external influences.

How does sleeping position affect the fetus and the body of a pregnant woman?

Already from the 15th week, the uterus is located between the pubic bone and the navel, so doctors do not allow sleeping on the stomach or back. This position leads to hypertonicity of the uterus, which is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. At the beginning of pregnancy, lying on your back is allowed, as there is no particular harm to the baby. From the end of the 19th week, you need to change your habit and choose a different resting position, as the risk of disruption of the functionality of internal systems increases.

Pregnancy affects the functioning of all organs, swelling, constipation, flatulence, and back pain appear. Symptoms occur due to high blood pressure on the digestive tract and bladder, and the load on the spine also increases.

Lack of oxygen negatively affects the baby's health. His body does not receive sufficient nutrients, which means that the child cannot develop normally and gain weight. After birth, the baby has problems with appetite, due to damage to the central nervous system, he can become irritable, and sleep is disturbed.

Why shouldn't pregnant women sleep on their back?

From the beginning of the second semester, restructuring begins in the body, so the position during sleep and rest plays an important role. Main changes:

  • the fetus at week 20 increases in size, therefore putting pressure on all organs that are in close proximity to it;
  • the uterus enlarges, its size becomes noticeable;
  • progesterone synthesis increases, which leads to depletion of bone tissue;
  • the pelvic bones lose their elasticity.

When a pregnant woman walks or stands, no discomfort is felt. Inconvenience occurs if a woman lies on her back. Then the fetus puts pressure on the spinal region, which leads to pain. In this position, the vena cava is compressed, and blood cannot circulate normally in the vessels. The consequence of this may be fainting or blood clots.

Those who cannot give up the habit of resting on their back experience constant attacks of heartburn and nausea, and pain in the lumbar region also appears. In addition, compression of the bladder occurs, which causes incontinence at any time of the day. If a woman has a curvature of the spine, it is not recommended to lie on her back. This will aggravate the situation and lead to negative consequences.

How to sleep better during pregnancy?

It is best to lie on your side, while turning over to one side or the other. To reduce the load on the spine, a pillow is placed between the lower limbs. Sleep then becomes more calm and comfortable, as blood circulates normally in the soft tissues, oxygen starvation is not created. You can rest on both sides, but preference should be given to the left side. This method helps prevent compression of the liver.

The store sells special pillows for pregnant women. They can be used starting from 2 months. They are designed in such a way that they allow the expectant mother to take a comfortable position, which promotes proper rest. Also, the kit often comes with instructions on how many weeks of pregnancy you should not sleep on your stomach and back.

In the early stages

Due to the restructuring of the body, a pregnant woman experiences drowsiness in the first stages. This condition is not a deviation from the norm, but is considered a sign of the development of the child inside the womb. Hormone production changes, and a woman needs more strength and energy, so I want to rest. There is no need to deny yourself this desire, since sleep has a beneficial effect on the well-being of the pregnant woman and the baby.

In the first trimester there are no strict restrictions on postures during rest. You can sleep on your stomach or back, since the uterus has not yet increased greatly in size and has not extended beyond the pelvic bones. It turns out that there are no obstacles to the motor system, and it is impossible to harm the fetus. The baby is completely protected by the amniotic sac, but you should prepare for the fact that in a few weeks you will have to change your habits.

If for some reason sleeping on your stomach and back is prohibited, you need to lie down on your right or left side, and you can use special devices. In order to have a good night's sleep and avoid any discomfort, you need to follow some recommendations:

  • the left limb should be on a pillow;
  • place a cushion under your lower back;
  • A pillow is placed under the stomach.

An orthopedic mattress helps improve the quality of sleep and wake up rested. It takes the shape of the body, and the woman does not experience a strong load on the lumbar region. If after an ultrasound it turns out that the baby is in a transverse position in the womb, you need to lie on your side on the side where the head is located. In this way you can return the fetus to the desired position. In one night, the expectant mother should change her position about 3 times. This is due to the fact that in one position the limbs become numb.

In the later stages

Why is it strictly forbidden to sleep on your back for long periods of time? The uterus enlarges and extends beyond the pelvis. This means that the child is no longer protected and may be harmed from the outside. Incorrect posture of the mother leads to compression of a large vessel, which causes disruption of blood circulation. Then the baby does not receive the nutrients and oxygen that are necessary for normal intrauterine development.

You can only sleep on your left and right side, and to make it comfortable, you need to use special pillows (more details in the article: types of pillows for pregnant women: shapes, sizes and other features). They come in different sizes and shapes, but their structure helps to cope with the discomfort that appears when the belly begins to grow.

During pregnancy, a woman should get proper rest, as her strength and energy are spent twice as much. The mother's condition affects the baby, so you need to carefully monitor your health. To avoid stomach discomfort, you should avoid eating in the late hours. You need to eat 2-3 hours before going to bed - during this time all substances in the body will have time to be digested and there will be no feeling of heaviness. To sleep better, it is recommended to drink warm milk with the addition of one teaspoon of honey.

During pregnancy, a woman is prescribed special physical exercise. You need to perform gymnastics only during the daytime. Before going to bed, you should not overload the body - increased tone will prevent you from falling asleep. It’s better to turn on a soothing melody and avoid TV or smartphone. They can negatively affect the psyche, causing problems with sleep.

The rest room must be ventilated; it is good when a pregnant woman walks in the evening. Fresh air helps you relax and calm down, and you will sleep more soundly. You should only take a shower under warm water. The clothes in which the expectant mother sleeps should be made of natural fabrics and not restrict movement.

During pregnancy, a woman becomes more sensitive, so she perceives the usual actions of others especially acutely. Against this background, stress or emotional distress arises. In such a situation, you need to contact a psychologist, since mental state affects the baby.

The choice of position while carrying a child plays an important role. The baby’s condition depends on whether the mother has had enough sleep, so sleep should be comfortable and the positions should be comfortable. It is worth remembering that in the second trimester you are not allowed to sleep on your stomach or back, as this will negatively affect the development of the fetus. It is necessary to sleep on the right and left sides, and if the position seems uncomfortable, special pillows are used.

Pregnancy is an important and responsible period in the life of every woman. During this time, the expectant mother has to reconsider her lifestyle and give up usual things, for example, sleeping on her back. In this article we will tell you in detail why a pregnant woman should not sleep on her back and what positions are optimal for sleeping.

How does sleeping on your back affect a pregnant woman?

Not every woman knows why a pregnant woman should not lie on her back. This prohibition is in no way related to superstitions. The answer to this can be obtained by considering the structure and physiology of the female body.

Location of the vena cava and the effect of posture on it during pregnancy

Changes that occur in a woman’s body while sleeping on her back:

  • The pressure in the inferior vena cava increases. In other words, this phenomenon is called inferior vena cava syndrome. In order to understand what it is and why it is dangerous, let's talk a little about anatomy. The inferior vena cava is the largest venous vessel in the body. It collects venous blood from the legs and pelvic organs. The inferior vena cava is located along the spine and therefore, if a pregnant woman sleeps in this position, it will be compressed. When the vessel is compressed, blood flow to the right ventricle and lungs decreases. As a result, the oxygen saturation of the blood decreases, the heart rate increases compensatoryly, sweating decreases, and breathing slows down. Changes in blood circulation cause dizziness and a sharp lack of oxygen. There may be cases of loss of consciousness. Increased pressure in the lower sections leads to venous stagnation, thrombosis, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, and hemorrhoids.
  • Compression of the aorta. In addition to the inferior vena cava, the aorta is located along the spine. The wall of the afferent vessel is much stronger than the vena cava, so serious compression does not occur. However, there are cases when significant compression reduces the lumen of the vessel and increases blood pressure.
  • The load on internal organs increases. When a woman lies on her back, the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the kidneys and ureters. This phenomenon leads to stagnation of urine, which entails the development of inflammatory processes (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, hydronephrosis, urolithiasis).

This position increases pressure on the hepatic duct. Here, as in the kidneys, the phenomenon of stagnation occurs, which over time can cause the formation of stones and mechanical or obstructive jaundice. Very often, inflammatory processes in the gallbladder and its duct lead to the development of pancreatitis.

Lying on your back negatively affects the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The horizontal position leads to pressure from the uterus on the stomach, which leads to a weakening of the sphincter and the reflux of hydrochloric acid and undigested food particles back into the esophagus, in other words, heartburn appears.

The intestines work worse in this position than when positioned on the side

There is a deterioration in bowel function. The enlarged uterus presses on the intestines and thereby leads to stagnation of feces, metabolic processes slow down, and rapid weight gain occurs. There is a high probability of developing flatulence, constipation and hemorrhoids.

Appears on the back during sleep additional load on the spine. After sleeping in this position, unpleasant and sometimes even painful sensations in the back area.

It is not at all necessary that every pregnant woman, when lying on her back, will be bothered by the above symptoms. They can be expressed to a greater or lesser extent. Pregnant women up to 13 weeks of pregnancy can sleep peacefully on their stomach and not be afraid of anything. During the period from 13 to 25 weeks, doctors do not recommend lying down or sleeping on your back. It all depends on individual characteristics women. If your pregnancy is more than 25 weeks, then you should avoid this position altogether. There are many other convenient physiologically correct positions in which you can get a good night's sleep.

How does a pregnant woman's sleep affect the baby's health?

Sleeping on a pregnant woman's back negatively affects not only the woman's well-being, but also the health of the unborn baby. Neglecting doctors' recommendations can lead to very serious pathological processes in the child's body.

As a result of disruption of normal blood flow in the pelvic organs, oxygen starvation or fetal hypoxia occurs. This pathological condition is very dangerous for the child. During hypoxia, the fetus does not receive enough required quantity oxygen and important nutrients.

The nervous system suffers the most from insufficient oxygen. Hypoxia leads to intrauterine growth retardation, the birth of a low birth weight baby, and pathological processes during pregnancy and childbirth. A pregnant woman who is used to sleeping on her back is at risk of placental abruption and premature birth.

When a woman lies on her back, the uterus moves from its usual place. At this moment, the fetus senses changes and tries to take its usual and most comfortable position. A sharp increase in fetal activity may indicate hypoxia.

Sleeping positions during pregnancy

The choice of sleeping position depends directly on the stage of pregnancy. Until the 13th week, you can sleep in almost any position, but it is advisable to avoid sleeping on your stomach. After the 13th week, you should not sleep on your back, since the enlarged uterus can put significant pressure on the inferior vena cava. Pressing the vessel prevents normal blood circulation to the fetus, legs and pelvic organs of the woman. It is worth giving preference to the position lying on your side. In the third trimester, you can only lie on your side. If a woman has a transverse fetal proposal, then she is recommended to lie on the side where the fetal head is located.

Sleeping on the left side is considered optimal

For maximum comfort and good sleep It is better for a pregnant woman to sleep on her left side. The woman lies down on the sofa and bends her right leg at the knee, while placing a pillow under it. To improve the quality of sleep, you can purchase a pillow for pregnant women, which will ensure the correct position of the body during sleep and prevent turning over at night. Pregnant women should not sleep on very soft, sagging mattresses.

Pregnancy is one of the most unusual and mysterious periods in a woman’s life. Everything in her body is undergoing changes. Transformed appearance: the belly is rounded, the breasts are enlarged, some expectant mothers experience improvement in their skin, hair, and nails.

However, changes during pregnancy affect not only a woman’s external appearance, but also her body from the inside, forcing her to change her daily habits. One of the difficulties that every expectant mother faces is changing her sleeping position.

Reasons for not sleeping on your back during pregnancy

You can sleep on your back during pregnancy, but only in the first trimester, until the uterus and the baby inside it have reached large sizes. But obstetrician-gynecologists recommend that pregnant women get out of the habit of lying on their back from the first weeks, since in the future it will be even more difficult to change their habits.

By about the 13th week of pregnancy, the uterus is located between the pubic region and the navel, its standing height reaches 11 centimeters. Such dimensions have a serious impact on female physiology. Therefore, sleeping on your back in the second trimester of pregnancy, and even more so in the third, is fraught with the following negative consequences:

  • the uterus puts pressure on the spine and increases the load on it;
  • the uterus puts pressure on the arteries located on the back, which leads to insufficient oxygen supply to the organs and the unborn child;
  • the uterus compresses the inferior vena cava, through which blood returns to the heart, which can lead to a deterioration in the functioning of the circulatory system;
  • pressure of the uterus on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, which entails deterioration of food digestion, constipation;
  • The uterus puts pressure on the organs of the urinary system (kidneys, ureters, bladder), which leads to the appearance of edema and delayed diuresis.
When a woman continues to sleep on her back during pregnancy, health problems often arise: dizziness, tachycardia, arrhythmias, fainting, drop in blood pressure, and impaired renal function.

Important: sleeping on your back during pregnancy causes lower back pain and subsequent bowel problems due to intestinal compression.

Correct sleeping position during pregnancy

Most experts agree that the most favorable position for sleeping during pregnancy is lying on your left side. In this case, the right arm should be straightened and fixed in a position at a right angle to the body. The right leg should be bent at the knee joint and placed on a pillow. This pose is the “gold standard” because:
  • kidney performance increases;
  • there is no pressure from the uterus on the abdominal organs;
  • blood flow in the planetary arteries increases;
  • prevents the development of pain in the lower back;
  • the function of the cardiovascular system improves.
However, the position described above is not always ideal for the expectant mother to sleep. If the fetus is located transversely in the uterine cavity, you should take a position so that the head of the unborn child is on the side on which the pregnant woman lies. In the case of pelvic diligence, the expectant mother needs to sleep alternately on her left and right sides, changing her position about 6 times a night.

Maternity pillows

Currently, there are different variations of pregnancy pillows. They allow the expectant mother to find a comfortable position for sleeping at night and reduce the load on the body. Therefore, if a pregnant woman finds it difficult to sleep on her side on her own, you can resort to the help of this device.

The most popular is the U-shaped pillow. Its main advantage is that the expectant mother does not need to move the pillow when she turns over in her sleep. But if a pregnant woman does not have a lot of free space on the bed, or she is used to sleeping in an embrace with her future father, there are other forms of this useful device on the market: “bagel”, C-, L-, I-shaped. Maternity pillows can be used not only during sleep, but also during daytime rest.

It is recommended that a woman get out of the habit of sleeping on her back during pregnancy from the moment she became aware of future motherhood, and completely abandon this position from about the 13th week. The most favorable position for night rest is lying on your left side. But in addition to refusing to sleep on her back, a pregnant woman should develop other useful habits: balanced diet, daily walks in the fresh air, light exercises and much more for the birth of a healthy baby.

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