We train positive thinking. Learning to think positively How to start thinking positively if everything is bad

In everyday life, we often hear statements related to the filling of our thoughts: “what is inside is also outside,” “thought is material,” “negative thoughts attract similar events,” etc. It seems that there is an internal world and an external one, each exists on its own and is independent of each other. However, this is not true.

Negative thinking helps to “attract” negative events, due to the fact that we simply do not notice the positive, but focus on the negative. Our life follows the scenario that our consciousness has formed. Psychology teaches that our thinking operates on the principle of a sieve, that is, the sieve is the principle of thinking, and it preserves what is closer to it. A high level of negativity provokes the inability to find a way out of a difficult situation, the creation of difficult relationships with others, and even many illnesses.

The answer to the question of how to learn to think positively will give you the opportunity to change your life. Psychology notes that people who think positively are more successful, happy and healthy. Troubles happen to them less often and they are less susceptible to stress.

Our inner world is a reflection of the outer world, taking into account upbringing, temperament, nationality, attitudes, etc., while the outer world is so multifaceted that it gives us events and experiences similar to our content.


Positive thinking does not mean completely ignoring failures, negative events or experiences - after all, this is our experience, which will allow us not to make mistakes in the future.

Positive thinking means seeing problems in terms of opportunities, not obstacles.

If trouble happens to a negatively-minded person, he may give up and perceive the event as a pattern - “it’s always like this with me,” “I’m a loser,” etc. and abandon further struggle and search for a way out, he believes that success is an accident in his life. A person who thinks positively will also be upset, but will quickly come to his senses, perceive the event as an experience and move on. He knows that success does not come without failure. Such people are most often distinguished by friendliness, smiling, quick-wittedness and curiosity.

Positive thinking eliminates life in black and white. The basis of peace of mind is the understanding that today may be bad, but tomorrow everything will change for the better. Living in a “catastrophic” mode is fraught with illness and a shortened life span. Thinking positively means understanding that you should not take responsibility for all the events happening around you. It is important to force yourself to let go of a situation if its solution is not within your capabilities.

10 main rules

How to come to positive thinking and change your vision of the situation if initially you tend to see a lot of negative things? Don't give up on yourself. Our consciousness is able to form a new picture of life over time if you follow a few rules:

  1. Conscious attitude towards positivity

Always tune yourself to positive emotions and thinking, do not allow negative thoughts to remain in your mind for a long time, if they arise, find time for internal dialogue, try to turn a minus into a plus. If you have something to praise yourself for, be sure to do it. Remember, thinking negatively means attracting such events.

  1. Ban disappointments

If you encounter obstacles and failures along the way, take them as life experience, an opportunity to develop your weaknesses and think in terms of finding workarounds.

Your task is to achieve balance, to form a positive picture of the world, no matter what the cost, but disappointments will pull you back and prevent you from living happily.

  1. Hang out with positive people

People just like you will help you answer the question “how to learn to think positively.” Try to surround yourself with those who try to see the positives in everything and don’t get caught up in failures. People who hold grudges, are vindictive, or don’t like life at all take a lot of energy and mental strength from you.

  1. Believe in your personality

Under any circumstances, maintain faith in yourself and your capabilities.

Psychology recommends introducing something new into your life every day - for example, getting to work by a different route, or having lunch in a new place, etc. Study more the lives of those people who know what success is, its price, who went towards their goal despite obstacles, and learn from them.

  1. Be purposeful

Success comes to those who clearly see their goals and are ready to move towards achieving them. Always make plans to achieve your goals and stick to them. Consider even small achievements - your mind will remember positive experiences, which will ultimately contribute to your confidence and positivity.

  1. Remember that thought is material

Your understanding of the materiality of thoughts will help you develop the habit of thinking positively. Negativity can poison your existence and contribute to bad events in your life. Every day, think about what else you can do to get better at thinking positively.

  1. Seeing the positive in the negative
  1. Enjoy the simple

You should not tie your feeling of happiness and contentment with life to global things: for example, I will only be happy if I am rich, or if I become a star. Learn to enjoy something simple: good weather, a pleasant companion, a good movie, etc. Developing this habit is not difficult - remember how many people are deprived of what you have in abundance.

  1. Constantly develop

Working on yourself brings a lot of positivity. Every day you will notice that you have become smarter, more successful, and therefore happier. Investing money and effort in your development is a guarantee of your self-confidence, which will allow you to fight negativity and change your life for the better.

  1. Strive to live life to the fullest.

This means finding time, energy and money for as many areas of life as possible - family, personal life, friends, work, leisure, hobbies, travel - all this should be present in your life.

Make these rules the principles by which you will live from now on. Thanks to them, you can change and live in harmony.

Creating a favorable environment for positive thoughts

When looking for an answer to the question of how to start thinking positively, psychology recommends regularly using several techniques that aim to create “favorable soil” for positive thinking:

  • keep a diary in which you will note your achievements;
  • meditate;
  • visualize the desired results;
  • take care of your health;
  • track your bodily reactions: posture, facial expressions, gestures;
  • smile more often.

How will your thinking change?

To summarize, we summarize - positive thinking focuses the attention of the individual:

  • Not on problems, but on tasks and goals;
  • Not on what is missing, but on what you want;
  • Not on obstacles, but on opportunities;
  • Not on the minuses, but on the pluses;
  • Not on failures, but on successes.

This kind of thinking will allow you to make your life bright and happy, success accessible, yourself healthier, and your relationships with loved ones full of love. Even if you are just thinking about how to learn to think positively, then you are already halfway to success.

Good day, dear guests of the portal about a healthy lifestyle! I am still with you - Valera Miroshnichenko - teacher of hatha yoga in St. Petersburg yoga studio "Indigo", whose doors are always open to new visitors. Today I would like to talk about how to think positively in any circumstances of life.

It would seem that the topic is somewhat abstract, but despite this there are very real ways to achieve this goal. I will be happy to share my experience in this area of ​​knowledge and skills. So get your notebook and pen ready.

Necessary conditions and measures

Before you begin to master the methods of developing positive thinking, it is necessary to prepare the “soil”, because only fertilized and well-groomed soil produces a rich harvest. I will list the most important points, without which it is difficult to talk about any higher goals.


It seems that everything is clear that you need to eat as healthy as possible, but if you really want to change your thoughts to more positive ones, get rid of excitability and aggression, you will have to radically reconsider your diet. we've already looked at it.

The fact is that foods such as meat, eggs, mushrooms, garlic, onions and horseradish are considered exciting and ignorant by the Indian Vedas, which means they certainly affect not only the physics of the body, but also the psychological state. Try to eliminate or reduce their use and after a while you will notice that your mood has become more even and friendly, and things are going uphill.


Did you know that your morning mood depends on what time you go to bed? Any expert will confirm that you need to go to bed before the new day begins. As soon as the time passes 12 at night, a feeling of hunger appears, brain function and other physiological processes are activated. Many are accustomed to calling this state “second wind.”

In reality, everything is much more prosaic. The body thinks that it has already slept and switches to the regime of the new day. As a result, it turns out that the body is working at full capacity, although the energy supply has not yet been replenished by sleep. Against this background, obsessive thoughts, overexcitation, overeating and insomnia appear.

Phys. culture.

Much has already been said about the importance of at least small physical activity and morning exercises, but I will explain the relationship. On a subtle level, negative vibrations “love” staticity, i.e. lazy people who are easier to cling to. The more active a person’s lifestyle, the more uncomfortable it is for negativity to be in the same energy field with him.

During sports, an internal fire is ignited, which burns out all negativity. Physically, this is reflected in improved blood circulation, which causes the production of various joy hormones, and sound, healthy sleep.

Ways to achieve positive thinking


Do not think that I exaggerate the importance of yoga in creating a positive perception of the world, because yoga copes with this task perfectly. Yes, significant results will become noticeable only after a while, but the effect of calm and positive attitude will be visible after the first lesson.

This spiritual practice acts comprehensively, having a positive effect on physical health. And when our body is healthy, it will not be difficult to think positively. If you are interested, you can read detailed information about it by following the link to another blog article.


By discovering this type of spiritual practice, you will be able to achieve peace of mind, peace and a non-judgmental perception of the world around you. Of course, you will have to work hard on yourself, but the result is worth it.

A persistent, focused meditation practice is what will allow you to develop a calm response to external stimuli and remain a steadfast observer even when everything around you is bad. Again, you can learn more about the capabilities of this method in the article.


In the age of the information boom, it is not difficult to find information on psychology to suit your taste. The market for goods and services offers a huge variety of various books, video courses, live trainings and online webinars on positive psychology. Among them you can really find worthy proposals that help you learn to live harmoniously and think positively.


What is creativity? This is, first of all, an activity for the soul, in which you can express your Self. Unlike household and work responsibilities, hobbies are pursued at your own request, experiencing a sense of freedom. The creative process that pleases the soul absorbs a person’s attention; he switches from the negative to the process of creating a new positive object.

Even if you consider yourself a person far from creative, try to find something of your own. For inspiration, you can start attending events where others show their art objects (exhibitions, plein airs, etc.).


Laughter not only prolongs life, but also makes it significantly easier. Learn to smile back at troubles, because they make us more experienced and wiser. Meet more often with people with whom you can openly laugh and joke, watch comedy programs and movies, and, on the contrary, exclude horror and thrillers, as they only increase the level of anxiety, attend performances of your favorite comedians, etc.

  • Learn to find the positive in everything. If an unpleasant situation happens to you, you will immediately see the disadvantages, but do not forget that there is also a positive side to everything.
  • Remember that any life situation is a lesson that will teach us not to make this mistake next time. Appreciate the experience that comes to you.
  • Try not to divide current events into bad/good. In Hinduism this is called the illusion of duality. Break down an object into its components, a situation into many shades, and you will see that the value judgment is in any case subjective due to your angle of perception of reality. This may be good for you, but bad for your neighbor. So there is no point in judging things, take everything as it is.
  • Don't blame yourself for polluted thoughts. Remember that your consciousness has been formed for more than a hundred lives, and the experience of each of them remains with the soul. Yes, negative actions in past lives can be reflected in unpleasant situations now, but this is what life is given for, to realize the sinfulness of your actions and reach a new level.
  • Get rid of bad habits. Understand once and for all that cigarettes and alcohol provide only temporary psychological relief. When their effects wear off, you become even more depressed than you were before using harmful substances.
  • Experiment until you find a way that works for you. Some people advise drawing a poster with your desires and meditating on it, others advise if you have any difficulties, go scream with all your might in an empty field.

Remember that self-confidence is the main incentive for growth, so start now to change your viewing angle and expand the boundaries of perception. This article will be useful to those who have lost their optimistic outlook on life. Share with your friends on social networks and consider that one good deed has already been done!

Surely, many have heard the expression that “thoughts are material.” Also, more than once you may have noticed that when something very bad happens, a participant in the unpleasant events often exclaims: “I knew it would happen like this!” This does not at all mean that a person experiencing troubles is a visionary - he simply “attracted” failures to himself with his negative thinking. How does it work?

Positive thinking, what is its essence

The essence of such thinking is not to not focus on failures and minor problems, but to see something good in any negative situation. When faced with adversity, positive thinkers immediately identify positive aspects for themselves. Betrayed by a comrade? It’s good that this did not happen in a more serious situation, and his essence was revealed right now. Fired from your job? Well, now you have a chance to find a place that will suit you much more. There can be many such examples. Of course, not every dramatic story has a positive aspect, but most of them have one.

How to Develop the Habit of Positive Thinking

1) Environment. Try to communicate with successful people who have achieved a lot, look at life easily and with humor, and serve as an example for you. You should also exclude friends who “drag you down” - provoke negative thoughts, belittle your successes, and the like.

2) Control yourself. As soon as you feel that a negative thought has entered your head, immediately stop its spread. Have a quarrel with a loved one? Put yourself in his place, think about why you have such different views that it has come to a conflict. Bring him out for a heart-to-heart talk and solve the problem. If you quarreled with a fellow passenger on the bus or a saleswoman, it’s not worth thinking about at all. This person was in a bad mood or it happened that he was embittered at the world by himself, and this has nothing to do with you.

3) Look at the situation from the outside. Perhaps you often overestimate the scale of the problem, and in fact everything is not so bad? How would you characterize the situation from the outside if you were not involved in it?

4) The “but” principle. Whatever failure happens to you, mentally add the word “but” to its description and continue the thought. Perhaps a sequel will immediately come to mind, the path may even be funny, or perhaps you will have to try. For example: “Because of traffic jams, I didn’t get to the interview, but now I’ll have a cup of delicious coffee,” “I found out about my wife’s infidelity, but today the weather is very good,” “I caught a cold, but I have a trip planned for next month.” As you can see, continuations can be completely ridiculous and seemingly inappropriate, but still this principle often allows you to control yourself at critical moments.

Learn to think and live positively

  • Don't set yourself up for failure, think that you are on the right path and you will certainly be lucky. Mentally praise yourself, remember your past achievements, convince yourself of the correctness of your decision.
  • Think about what can put you in the right mood. For many, this factor is music - listen to your favorite compositions, dance, watch comedies. In general, do everything that can improve your day.
  • Even if any trouble happens to you, stop looking for those to blame or engaging in self-flagellation. An optimist in this case will think: “Well, this could happen to anyone, next time it will be better!”
  • Laugh and smile more often. Does it seem like there is no reason for this? So find it, and even if it is the simplest - a comedy film in the cinema, a concert of an excellent band, games with a cat, etc.
  • Plan interesting events, trips, and carry them out by checking the boxes next to certain items. Don’t put off until “someday” things that can please you now.

10 tips on how to learn to think positively in any difficulty

So, by putting these tips into practice, you will attract success to yourself and significantly improve the quality of your life.

We look for advantages and benefit for ourselves

Use settings. These are the words that you should mentally pronounce when starting any task. Think: “I will succeed”, “I will certainly be lucky”, “I deserve it!”, “I’m doing great!” and the like.

Visualize your success. If you want to achieve something, then imagine that your plan has already come true. Imagine again and again how you achieve your goal, what emotions you experience, how your life changes.

Get rid of fear. If you understand that you absolutely need to do something, but your fear is a barrier, do everything possible to get rid of it. Remember that it is enough to take the first step, and things will move forward. Let yourself take this step, and think about fear later.

Don't worry about trifles. We often worry about situations that may never happen or have virtually no impact on our lives. Accept that there is a lot of injustice in this world, and your goal is not to let all this negativity pass through you, because, undoubtedly, you have more interesting things to do!

Keep a record of your achievements. Buy a nice notebook, and every day write down any little thing that made a good impression on you - you don’t need to write down anything neutral or negative. It doesn’t matter what the conversation is about - you drank a cup of aromatic tea or your salary was increased. Re-read your notes periodically.

Thank your fate more often. Often we complain about the unfairness of life, not paying attention to the gifts it sends us. Be careful, notice all the good things that happen to you.

Avoid negativity. We can talk about both situations and people. Try to communicate as little as possible with those who upset you or cause conflict. If possible, it is better to exclude such contacts altogether.

Love yourself. Give yourself nice gifts, take care of your appearance, pamper yourself with goodies, visit interesting places.

Learn to see the positive sides. Let it be a very small plus, but more often think about this plus, and not about the losses.

Be gentle with yourself. Often we are very strict with ourselves or try to fit into someone else's established framework. Realize that you, like any other person, have the right to laziness, losses, fatigue, and bad mood. Forgive your momentary weaknesses and think more often about your positive sides.

Only positive thoughts attract success

You've probably noticed people who are constantly unlucky, and they are already so used to it that they take it for granted, without thinking about the fact that they themselves attract problems to themselves. Negative thinking can be “material” and lead to already expected problems. The situation is exactly the same with positive thinking - the more diligently you program yourself for success, the more likely it is that luck will really smile on you.

Don't focus on what you've lost or what has disappointed or hurt you. Such thoughts can lead to depression - think about the good things you have.

Communicate with dear people who evoke positive emotions in you. One evening in the company of a good friend or mother, having a meal and discussing topics that interest you, can “charge” you for the week ahead.

Recharge yourself with positive emotions from others. The easiest way to do this is to provide such a mood to a loved one. Give pleasant surprises and gifts for no reason, and you will be guaranteed a charge of positive energy!

Psychology about the connection between thinking and physical health

Once upon a time, an interesting fact was discovered: our mental feelings and physical health have a direct connection with the emotions that we pass through ourselves throughout life. That is, the more positive moments we experience, the better our well-being will be in all aspects!

Try to use even the negative moments of life for your benefit. Set yourself this challenge: whenever you encounter an unexpected difficulty that cannot be ignored, you will make the most of it for yourself. Let it be even a simple life lesson.

You've probably noticed that children have a much simpler approach to life, and, for example, the frustration of a scratched knee can be instantly eliminated with a pack of ice cream or a chocolate bar. The thing is that children know how to enjoy little things, and what’s more - little things can bring them real delight! Is the weather nice outside? Can I go on the swings? Rain? You can splash around in the puddles! And so on. We, for the most part, not only do not attach importance to the little things, but also do not pay attention to the significant advantages! Communicate with children more often and notice their attitude to life - many adults have a lot to learn from kids and schoolchildren!

There is another psychological trick that will help you become a real optimist. Think more often about your successes in the present tense, fix them in your mind: “I fry amazing eggs!”, “I do an excellent job fulfilling the order!”, “I look great today!”, “This color really suits me.”

The faster you realize that you yourself are the creator of your mood, and your success depends on how you “tune” yourself, the faster you will notice positive changes in your life!

Nobody argues with the fact that our thoughts, and especially our words, have creative power and can materialize. In this regard, questions arise: “How to learn to think positively and get rid of fears, concerns and disappointments?”, “Is positive thinking a panacea that saves you from all troubles?”

Firstly, earthly life is impossible without such phenomena as grief, illness and even death. That is, positive thinking will not make you and your loved ones immortal. At the same time, the ability of many to turn the smallest snags into huge, insurmountable mountains significantly complicates their lives. Thus, every day may not get rid of problems altogether, but they will make overcoming them easier, painless and even enriching. Even ancient Chinese philosophers advised that when difficulties arise, answer the question “for what,” and not “for what.”

A little about technology

It is quite difficult to get rid of the flow of negative feelings, emotions and relationships. The only way is to replace them. Some tips on how to learn to think positively.

So, the first steps in the science called “how to learn to think positively” have been taken. In the future it all depends on whether you like it

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