Which has more iron content. Products with iron. These fruits include

The health of the heart and the entire cardiovascular and circulatory systems is a key condition for the normal functioning of the entire body as a whole.

Since the human body is an inextricable and interconnected whole, the insufficiency of the circulatory system negatively affects the vital activity of the body as a whole, which at the same time leads to even greater wear and tear of the heart, blood vessels, etc.

In addition to congenital factors, which a person is currently practically unable to influence, the state of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems has a significant impact:

  • environmental factor;
  • lifestyle (active or passive, sedentary);
  • nutrition;
  • water consumption;
  • tendency to stress, worries;
  • presence of bad habits (primarily smoking).

One of the most important functions of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems is hematopoiesis. In particular, the level of hemoglobin depends on this process, due to the content of which the ability of the blood to deliver oxygen to the organs, tissues and systems of the body is diagnosed. And the level of hemoglobin directly depends on the sufficient amount of iron a person receives from food.

Research confirms that the liver of animals and some fish is an excellent source of iron, necessary to maintain normal hemoglobin levels. In this article we will look at which liver is best to consume for maximum effect. Which type is most useful for low hemoglobin? Which contains the most vitamins and microelements?

Why is low hemoglobin level dangerous?

A low level of hemoglobin in the blood causes a special condition - anemia (popularly called anemia). Anemia is expressed in the following:

  1. pallor of the skin (with a tint of blue);
  2. constant ;
  3. in children - excessive tearfulness;
  4. lack of strength for physical activity;
  5. insomnia;
  6. lack of appetite.

Anemia can be caused by various factors, it may indicate the presence of a serious disease, it may occur as a result of poor lifestyle and nutrition, or a deficiency of vitamin B12 in the body, but most often anemia diagnosed due to iron deficiency in the following cases:

  1. insufficient intake and absorption of iron from food;
  2. increased need of the body for iron (due to pregnancy, previous injuries, operations, other individual characteristics);
  3. excessive loss of iron by the body.

In addition to those suffering from certain diseases, the symptom of which is anemia, the following are also most susceptible to this condition:

  1. pregnant and lactating young mothers (due to the physiological processes of depletion of the body during pregnancy and lactation);
  2. those who have suffered blood loss (internal blood loss, open wounds, menstruation, previous operations, donors);
  3. those who do not consume animal proteins (vegetarians, vegans);
  4. athletes;
  5. malnourished.

If you suffer from a form of anemia caused by iron deficiency in the body, in order to treat and further prevent the onset of this condition, it is necessary to include in the diet certain groups of foods containing iron and substances that promote its absorption. These products primarily include liver.

Which liver is most useful - Top 4

The liver of various animals is a very valuable product for human nutrition, including due to the concentrated content of iron and substances that allow it to be quickly and most efficiently absorbed by the body. Moreover, the liver of various animals and fish contains various additional substances that, to varying degrees, contribute to the absorption and preservation of iron by the body and improve the quality of the hematopoiesis process.

1. Beef

Beef liver is present in many recipes of traditional Russian cuisine: these are liver cutlets, liver cake (with the addition of carrots), and a variety of spicy salads.

When choosing beef liver, in addition to the smell, you should pay attention to the color of the offal: fresh liver from a healthy animal should be light brown with a hint of red.

Beef liver is rich in many nutrients and vitamins.

Nutrients per 100 grams:

  • kcal - 172;
  • proteins - 17.2 g;
  • fats - 3.7 g;
  • carbohydrates - 5.3 g;

Vitamins per 100 grams:

  • A - 4 mg;
  • B3 (PP) - 6.6 mg;
  • B1 - 0.4 mg;
  • B2 - 2 mg;
  • C - 33 mg;

Minerals per 100 grams:

  • Calcium - 5 mg;
  • Magnesium - 18 mg;
  • Sodium - 53 mg;
  • Potassium - 240;
  • Phosphorus - 339;
  • Selenium - 174;
  • Iodine - 7 mg.

In addition, the composition contains polyunsaturated amino acids and monocomponent fatty acids. However, the main reason beef liver is beneficial for humans is in combination of iron ions with copper and vitamin A, which determines an extremely high degree of digestibility.

How much should you eat? To quickly increase hemoglobin levels, it is recommended to consume up to 400 grams of beef liver 3-4 times a week.

What's the best way to cook it? The form of consumption is not so important, but the best way to consume beef liver is in the form of liver cutlets or liver cake. But there is another simple and tasty recipe that few people know about:

  1. a large piece of beef liver is boiled, cooled and chopped;
  2. pickled cucumbers and onions are added to the liver;
  3. season with spicy tomato dressing;
  4. ready!

Contraindications: Beef liver contains extractive substances that enhance the secretion of secretory fluid, which can aggravate diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

2. Chicken

Chicken liver is smaller than beef liver. It also differs in the amount of nutrients it contains. In addition to iron, 100 grams of chicken liver contain:


  • kcal - 137;
  • proteins - 20.4 g;
  • fats - 5.9 g;
  • carbohydrates - 0.7 g;


  • A - 12 mg;
  • B9 - 240 mg;
  • C - 25 mg;


  • Calcium - 15 mg;
  • Magnesium - 24 mg;
  • Sodium - 90 mg;
  • Potassium - 289;
  • Phosphorus - 268.

There are certain problems associated with consuming chicken liver. First of all, these include low-quality feed that promotes accelerated growth of chickens. Since the liver performs filtration functions in the body, a suspension of harmful substances from chicken feed settles in it. Therefore, it is better to choose domestic chickens or those raised in environmentally friendly farms.

To increase and maintain a high, healthy level of hemoglobin, you need to eat up to half a kilogram of chicken liver 3-4 times a week, combining it with buckwheat porridge.

Chicken liver tastes best when fried. To prepare yourself a tasty and healthy lunch, you will need:

  1. flush the liver;
  2. fry onions and mushrooms in a frying pan, add salt;
  3. add the liver when the onion begins to brown and crisp;
  4. simmer until tender, then fry until crispy;
  5. add to buckwheat porridge flavored with butter.

Contraindications: peptic ulcers, kidney diseases, high cholesterol.

3. Pork

Oddly enough, pork liver is less fatty than chicken liver. Its consumption allows not only to increase and maintain the level of hemoglobin in the blood, but also to help stop the development of atherosclerosis and diabetes.

100 grams of pork liver contains:


  1. kcal - 109;
  2. proteins -19 g;
  3. fats - 3.9 g;
  4. carbohydrates - 4 g;


  1. A - 3.44 mcg;
  2. B3 - 11 mg;
  3. E - 0.5 mg;
  4. B1 - 0.4 mg;
  5. B2 - 2.2 mg;
  6. B4 - 520 mg;
  7. B5 - 5.7 mg;
  8. B6 - 0.6 mg;
  9. B9 - 226 mcg;
  10. B12 - 30 mg;


  1. Calcium - 9 mg.
  2. Iron - 20.2
  3. Zinc - 4 mg.
  4. Magnesium - 21 mg.
  5. Sodium - 81 mg.
  6. Potassium - 271 mg.
  7. Phosphorus - 347 mg.
  8. Iodine - 13.1 mg.

To maintain the level of hemoglobin in the blood, you will need eat 300-500 grams 2 times a week.

Pork liver is excellent as an ingredient in solyanka: both in soup and as an appetizer. In the case of soup, it, pre-fried, is added along with the rest of the meat ingredients: kidneys, sausages, sausage, etc. To prepare solyanka, it must be stewed together with cabbage.

4. Cod liver

Cod liver is not only very useful for normalizing low hemoglobin levels, but also has an additional number of effects on the body, its cardiovascular and circulatory systems.

First of all, these include the following factors about the influence of cod liver:

  1. normalization of increased blood clotting;
  2. prevention of Alzheimer's disease;
  3. saturation of bones with calcium;
  4. prevention of atherosclerosis;
  5. stimulation of cardiac muscle function.

Cod liver, in addition high iron content and copper that promotes its absorption, also contains nicotinic acid, a significant amount of sulfur, magnesium, iodine, zinc.

100 grams of cod liver contain:

  • kcal - 613;
  • proteins - 4.2;
  • carbohydrates - 1.2;
  • fats - 65.7 (contain polyunsaturated Omega-3).

Despite the high fat content, due to their properties, they do not harm the body, but, on the contrary, nourish it with essential nutrients

Nevertheless, eating cod liver just like that is really very fatty. Everyone knows the recipe for a popular salad with it:

  1. boil 3-4 eggs;
  2. chop green and onions;
  3. add 100-200 grams of cod liver;
  4. eat with black bread.

Contraindications: Contraindicated for kidney stones or gall bladder stones.

To help your stomach cope with so much fat, a mug of hot tea after a cod liver sandwich is best. It should also be noted that cod liver, in the vast majority of cases, better meets environmental standards in terms of the absence of substances harmful and dangerous to human life and health.


Thus, beef liver is one of the most digestible products by the body for increasing and maintaining hemoglobin levels; chicken liver, although it has significant benefits for leveling hemoglobin levels, is less digestible than beef liver and can be dangerous if the chicken was raised using unnatural feed. .

Pork liver may be most beneficial for those who not only suffer from anemia, but are also susceptible to the development of atherosclerosis and diabetes, and cod liver has the most extensive beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and circulatory systems.

It is important to remember that in order to fully nourish the body, the diet must contain many food groups, including those useful for maintaining hemoglobin levels at an acceptable level for health.

In addition to the liver, nutrition should include such food groups as:

  1. fresh seasonal fruits - preference should be given to pomegranates, peaches, citrus fruits, watermelons, mangoes, etc.;
  2. vegetables - first of all, this applies to beets and beet juice, carrots, pumpkin, turnips, celery, tomatoes, bell peppers (only in the appropriate season);
  3. greens - salads, coriander, parsley;
  4. porridge - buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, rice;
  5. soups - to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract and increase the absorption of nutrients;
  6. oils - flaxseed, sesame, olive;
  7. fish - wild salmon, sturgeon, nelma, muksun, omul, hake, cod, whitefish, etc.;
  8. red, non-fat meat;
  9. for medicinal purposes, limited consumption of natural black coffee, cognac and dry red wine is also recommended (including instead of beer, vodka, whiskey, etc.).

Also pay attention to the table of foods with maximum iron content:

In addition to nutrition, it is important to pay attention to your overall lifestyle. What does it mean:

  1. maintain a sleep schedule;
  2. get rid of the habit of constantly experiencing anxiety;
  3. give up bad habits (smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, overeating, etc.);
  4. engage in active sports or walks in the fresh air.

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Only an integrated and caring approach to one’s own health can ensure the health of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems, a level of hemoglobin in the blood sufficient for a healthy life and lead to longevity and a healthy, not frail, old age.

It is also important to remember that everything in the human body is interconnected: it is impossible to have a healthy reproductive, endocrine, and immune systems with a diseased heart. When drawing up a diet and including certain foods in the diet, it is recommended to make sure that there are no individual intolerances and consult with your attending physician.

Exactly how much iron should you get in your diet each day? Eating foods containing iron, even if you are not anemic, is essential for human health.
Recommended dose of iron:

Children 1-3 years: 7 mg/day
Children 4-8 years: 10 mg/day
Teenagers 9 - 13: 8 mg/day
Adolescents 14 - 18: 11 mg/day for boys and 15 mg/day for girls
Men 19+: 8 mg/day
Women 19-50: 18 mg/day
Women 51+: 8 mg/day
Pregnant women: 27 mg/day
And now a list of foods rich in iron:

1. Artichokes.
In addition to iron, they contain a lot of fiber and are low in fat, sodium and cholesterol. The product is great for both replenishing iron stores and losing weight.
2. Egg yolks

Rich in iron, essential fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins. 2 large eggs contain about 1.2 mg of iron. For a person losing weight, 2 eggs a day is enough.

3. Dried fruits.

Dried fruits such as plums, figs, apricots and raisins are some of the best foods that contain iron. They can and should replace dessert. 1/2 cup of dried fruit contains iron: peaches - 1.6 mg; raisins - 1.4 mg; plums - 1.3 mg; apricots - 1.2 mg

4. Fish and seafood.

Clams (28mg/100g), mussels (6.7mg/100g), anchovies (2.9mg/100g), oysters (9.2mg/100g), sardines (2.8mg/100g) are excellent foods containing iron. . They are rich in protein and are easily digested and absorbed into the body.

5. Meat.

Meats such as lamb, beef, liver, and pork are recommended by medical experts in moderation. It is important not to overdo it with dark meat, as this will increase the risk of heart disease. In the liver of iron: chicken - 9.4 mg, beef - 6.8 mg. In beef: fillet - 1.9 mg, ribs 2.4 mg, tenderloin 2.5 mg per 100 g of product, in pork (per 115 g - 1.0 mg)

6. Whole wheat bread(whole grain), yeast.

Whole wheat breads are excellent sources of iron and also contain other minerals, vitamins and enzymes, including copper, molybdenum and cobalt. Whole wheat products are also suitable for weight loss, in moderation. This does not apply to bakery products made from premium flour.

7. Cereals, cereals.

Buckwheat (6.7 mg/100g), oatmeal (10.5 mg/100g) contains iron, and rice also contains iron.

8. Bird.

Foods such as duck, chicken and turkey contain about 40% iron in both white and dark meat. Iron per 100 grams:
chicken, white meat – 0.87 mg;
chicken, dark meat - 1.39 mg;
turkey, white meat - 1.39 mg;
turkey, dark meat - 2.17 mg.

9. Legumes.

Brazilian researchers have found that beans and chickpeas contain a lot of iron. Legumes, especially green peas, lima beans, pinto beans and kidney beans, are ideal sources of iron. These products are ideal for pregnant women and preschool children.
Beans 3/4 cup cooked:
White beans - 5.8 mg
Red beans - 3.9 mg
Soybeans: 3.4 mg
Lentils - 4.9 mg

10. Leafy vegetables.

Leafy vegetables such as broccoli, turnips and not only contain significant amounts of iron, they are also an excellent source of magnesium, phosphorus and. Plus, they contain very few calories.

11. Nuts

Contains in 100g:
Cashew: 1.7 mg
Almonds: 1.4 mg
Pistachios: 1.2 mg
Walnuts: 0.9 mg

The human body needs iron in order to keep the blood healthy and build healthy muscles. Now that you know a little more about foods that contain iron, you can consume the optimal amount based on your gender and age.

The norm considered next hemoglobin level: for men – 130-160 g/l and above, for women – 120-140 g/l, in pregnant women and children under one year - 110 g/l.

Daily requirement body in iron is 20 mg, and for pregnant women – 30 mg. Moreover, on critical days, the female body loses twice as much of this microelement than men.
First place in the list of foods that increase hemoglobin, takes meat, namely beef. This product provides the human body with up to 22% iron. U pork and veal this figure is slightly lower. 11% of iron is absorbed upon consumption fish. High iron levels also liver.

Main place meat by-products: liver, kidneys, tongue. Then comes buckwheat, beans, peas, beef, lamb, eggs, oatmeal, millet, apples, pears, persimmons, figs, nuts. Pork, chicken meat, boiled sausages, sausages, cheese, sardines, mackerel, mackerel, herring, fish caviar, bread made from premium flour, pearl barley, barley, rice, potatoes, green onions, radishes, beets, plums, pomegranate are also recommended , cherries, strawberries, raspberries, black currants.

Vitamin C, which is found in large quantities in plant foods, Helps absorb iron contained in meat. Therefore, it is recommended to eat meat dishes with fresh vegetables.

Wheat and other grains bind iron in the intestines and interfere with its absorption, that is, with low hemoglobin, it is better to eat meat without bread, pasta and porridge, and choose potatoes, green peas, cabbage, beans and other vegetables as a side dish.

For better absorption of iron, after eating food rich in this microelement, you can drink a glass orange juice. Thus, the amount of iron absorbed can be doubled. Also tomato juice, add fresh lemon juice, cabbage pickle, sweet peppers, onions and herbs to your food.

To increase hemoglobin in the body at least temporarily better give up milk and dairy products. If this is not possible, eat iron and calcium-containing foods at different times.

Should reduce the consumption of coffee and tea to a minimum. The tannin contained in these drinks, like phytates, blocks the absorption of iron. You can replace them with freshly squeezed juices and dried fruit compotes.

People with low hemoglobin need spend more time in the fresh air.

Let's summarize:

1. Meat products: kidneys, heart, fish, poultry, tongue (to maintain hemoglobin levels, you can eat 50 g of boiled beef tongue daily), white chicken meat.
2. Porridge, cereals: buckwheat, beans, lentils, peas.
3. Vegetables and herbs: tomatoes, potatoes (baked new ones with skin), onions, pumpkin, beets, green vegetables, watercress, spinach, parsley.
4. Fruits: apples, plums, bananas, pomegranates, pears, peaches, apricots (dried apricots), persimmons.
5. Berries: black currants and cranberries (you can buy frozen ones, this also helps; cranberries can be covered in sugar), strawberries/strawberries, blueberries.
6. Juices: pomegranate, beetroot, carrot, “Red fruit juice”; Apple juice specially designed for pregnant women with a high iron content.
7. Other: walnuts, black/red caviar, seafood, egg yolk, dark chocolate, dried mushrooms, dried fruits, hematogen.
Short list:
The richest in iron are dried mushrooms, peaches, apricots, parsley, potatoes, onions, pumpkin, beets, apples, pears, pomegranates, buckwheat, beans, lentils, peas, spinach, green vegetables, watercress, and dried fruits.
And the best thing is to eat buckwheat, walnuts, pomegranates, natural pomegranate juice, dark chocolate, green apples, persimmons, dried apricots.
Special recipes to increase hemoglobin :
1) Walnuts, dried apricots, honey, raisins - all in a 1:1 ratio - grind and mix thoroughly, eat 1-3 tablespoons per day (one of the best recipes not only for raising hemoglobin, but also for providing the body with the necessary vitamins ).
2) Grind 1 glass of prunes, dried apricots, walnuts, raisins, add honey, add 1-2 lemons with skin (you can add aloe juice instead of lemon), eat 1-3 tablespoons per day.
3) 100 ml of freshly squeezed beet juice, 100 ml of carrot juice, mix and drink (raises hemoglobin in literally 2 days).
4) 1/2 cup apple juice, 1/4 cup beet juice and 1/4 cup carrot juice, mix and drink 1-2 times a day.

Important notes in the margins :
1) Iron is best absorbed from food if you consume foods rich in vitamin C along with it, for example, fruit and vegetable juices: you can wash down iron-fortified porridge for breakfast with orange juice, and cutlets for lunch with tomato juice.
2) It is not recommended to use liver as a source of iron during pregnancy - due to the increased content of vitamins A and D in it and the likelihood of their overdose (of all known vitamins, excessive consumption of only these two poses a health hazard).
3) Pomegranate juice is very effective in raising hemoglobin levels, but can cause constipation.

And most importantly:

remember that an excess of iron is just as dangerous as its deficiency!

Iron deficiency anemia is a pathological condition in which the level of hemoglobin in the blood decreases, the volume of circulating blood (anemia) and the synthesis of red blood cells (erythrocytes) decrease. All types of anemia are accompanied by sideropenia, a clinical syndrome meaning a decrease in the amount of iron in the serum and plasma, so it is important to compensate for the deficiency of this macroelement with the help of medications and special nutrition. To make it easier for the patient to adjust his diet, below is a table with foods that contain the most iron.

Why do you need iron?

Nutrition for iron deficiency anemia should not only be balanced in essential nutrients, but also varied in vitamin and mineral composition. Adequate iron consumption is of great importance, since this element is the main mediator of hematopoietic processes and ensures oxygen exchange in organs and tissues.

About 70% of the iron in the human body is contained in hemoglobin, a complex protein that binds to oxygen molecules and carries them to cells.

If a person does not receive enough iron-containing foods, chronic tissue hypoxia develops, which can cause not only anemia, but also other serious pathologies, for example, heart failure, neurological disorders, and respiratory dysfunction.

Iron contained in hemoglobin and of animal origin is called heme. It is well absorbed by the body (from 18% to 26%) and ensures the prevention of anemia, so meat and meat by-products occupy a leading position in the list of foods with a high iron content.

Iron, which enters the human body from plant products, is called non-heme (not bound to hemoglobin). This iron is contained in ferritin - a positive acute phase protein, the synthesis of which increases in response to inflammatory processes - and is not involved in oxygen transport.

Consumption rate by age

In order for a person suffering from anemia or at risk of developing anemia to be able to correctly formulate their diet, it is important not only to know which foods contain iron for hemoglobin, but also to be able to calculate the daily requirement. An excess of this element can cause atherosclerosis, pigmentary cirrhosis and other serious diseases caused by excessive accumulation of iron in organs. An overdose of iron can also lead to a decrease in immunity by inhibiting antioxidant defense and stimulating the synthesis of free radicals.

The consumption rate for adults depends on gender and age. This is because regular iron loss is higher in women due to the menstrual cycle.

It is necessary for everyone to include foods high in iron in their diet, regardless of age, if the results of a general blood test reveal a decrease in hemoglobin below the established minimum norm (for adults it ranges from 115 to 140 g/l). Correction of nutrition for patients with various forms of anemia is mandatory, since all types of anemia are characterized by iron deficiency in the blood serum. To know which foods contain iron, you should check out the list of foods below.

Meat and offal

One of the most valuable foods rich in heme iron for anemia is meat and poultry liver. The content of this element in 100 livers can reach 25-30 mg. Many people believe that the maximum amount of iron is contained in beef liver, but this is not true. The most iron is found in the liver of poultry - ducks and geese - but it cannot be consumed regularly due to the large amount of fat. Duck and goose liver are contraindicated for obesity, atherosclerosis, fatty liver and other pathologies accompanied by lipid metabolism disorders. Calf, pig and chicken liver can contain from 8 to 14 mg of iron, beef liver - up to 5.5 mg.

The “record holder” for iron content is beef.

    The diet should also regularly include other types of meat and poultry, for example:
  • veal;
  • lamb;
  • rabbit meat;
  • quail;
  • guinea fowl;
  • pork;
  • turkey.

Minimal amounts of iron are found in pork and turkey, so the bulk of animal protein in the diet should come from other types of meat.


Egg yolk contains about 1 mg of iron, as well as other substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body, for example, lutein, choline, and vitamins. Egg white consists of 90% albumin (whey protein, which is an element of plasma circulating in blood vessels), so eggs are necessary for people over 50 years of age who suffer from protein deficiency.

Quail eggs contain less fat and cholesterol, while the amount of iron in them can reach 1.3-1.7 mg.

The norm for egg consumption for an adult is 1 egg 3-4 times a week. More frequent consumption can provoke the formation of cholesterol plaques and blockage of arteries, so this product should be included in the menu several times a week.

Cod liver

The iron content in cod liver cannot be called high (about 2 mg per 100 g), but regular consumption of this product allows you to partially compensate for the deficiency of this trace element, get rid of chronic fatigue syndrome, and restore emotional health. People who are overweight should not consume cod liver, as the product contains a large amount of calories (more than 600 kcal) and about 65 g of fat.

Which foods have the most iron?

The foods with the highest iron content include mainly meat and offal (kidneys, heart, liver, etc.), but there is also a lot of this element in plant foods, which should be regularly present in the diet of patients with anemia. Below is a table that lists foods that contain high levels of iron.

Product How much iron is contained in 100 g (mg)
Duck and goose liver 25 — 30
Pig and calf liver 14 — 16
Beef liver 5,0 — 5,5
Various types of meat 1,2 — 3,7
Egg yolk 1,0 — 1,9
Rye or wheat bran 15 — 16
pumpkin seeds 12
Red beans 7
Peas 6
White beans (chickpeas, lentils) 5
Sesame 10
Flax seeds 8,5
Nuts (macadamia nut, brazil nut, pistachio) 7,5
Amaranth flour 8,6
Fresh chanterelles 6,5
Cheese 10 — 17
Cottage cheese 4
Oats 3,9
Spinach 3,5
Carrot 0,6
Apples 2,2
Grenades 1

The table above lists iron-rich foods, but this does not mean that other foods do not contain this microelement.

Among fruits and vegetables, apples contain the maximum amount of iron. Information about how much iron is in apples and other fruits may differ from one source to another, since the composition of nutrients greatly depends on the apple variety, growing method, environmental and climatic conditions.

A small amount of iron is present in leafy greens (dill, cilantro, rosemary, parsley), potatoes, bell peppers, and tomatoes.

Iron contained in vegetable and fruit juices is best absorbed, so people with signs of anemia are recommended to drink 1 glass of freshly squeezed juice daily.

How to Increase Iron Absorption

The iron that a person receives from plant foods is absorbed by only 8-18%, so it is important to follow certain recommendations to help avoid iron deficiency anemia. To make iron better absorbed, it should be combined with ascorbic acid and B vitamins. Large amounts of these vitamins are found in seeds and nuts, whole grain bread, liver, eggplant, zucchini and tomatoes. Peppers, citrus fruits, and potatoes are rich in ascorbic acid.

If a person does not consume enough of these foods, additional vitamin C should be taken in the form of a dietary supplement (ascorbic acid with glucose). The dosage for adults is 2-3 tablets per day, for children over 12 years old - 1 tablet per day.

A lack of zinc and copper significantly reduces the absorption of iron from food, so the diet should contain a sufficient amount of foods that contain these elements. These are parsley, pork, lard, various seasonings and spices. Maximum absorption of any minerals is achieved by combining animal products (meat and fish) with plant fiber.

Iron deficiency anemia is a pathology of the hematopoietic system, which, if left untreated for a long time, can lead to serious consequences. In children, this may be a decrease in academic performance, weakness, drowsiness, and susceptibility to colds. For adults, a lack of this element can result in endocrine disorders and heart problems, so a special diet for diagnosed anemia sometimes needs to be followed for several months or even years.

Author of the article: Sergey Vladimirovich, a supporter of reasonable biohacking and an opponent of modern diets and quick weight loss. I will tell you how a man aged 50+ can remain fashionable, handsome and healthy, and how to feel like 30 in his fifties. About the author.

The question often arises, which meat has more iron? To answer it, you need to figure out why this element is needed, how much of it a person should consume per day in order to avoid its shortage in the body. The main amount of iron is found in food. Therefore, every person should know how to create a menu with a sufficient supply of the element.

Macronutrient function

Thanks to iron, hemoglobin carries oxygen from the lungs to all organs and cells. It then removes carbon dioxide from the body.

There are two types of iron:

  1. Heme.
  2. Non-heme (divalent and trivalent).

The first type of macroelement is found in products of animal origin: meat, liver, kidneys, blood sausage. It is absorbed by the body in full.

Non-heme iron is present in plant foods and in iron-containing medications. It can be contained in the form of trivalent or divalent iron. To convert it from one type to another, a sufficient supply of ascorbic acid is necessary. Therefore, vitamin C is prescribed along with these drugs.

A daily intake of 1.5 mg of iron from food is required. However, the body can only absorb 10% of the element, so to avoid its deficiency, it is necessary to increase the intake to 15 mg. Pregnant women are allowed to consume the mineral contained in food up to 30 mg per day.

Thus, in food of animal origin, most of the heme iron is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin. A small amount of the element comes from plant products and is absorbed if vitamin C is present. In its absence, iron is excreted from the body.

Symptoms of macronutrient deficiency

Usually, iron deficiency can be noticed by several signs. A person develops weakness, malaise and decreased performance. In this case, white streaks appear on the nails, you feel dizzy and may faint. As a rule, hemoglobin decreases and tissues stop receiving oxygen, resulting in an anemic state.

Iron deficiency occurs with a low-calorie diet, heavy menstruation and any bleeding. Vegetarians usually suffer from this disease because they do not consume animal products.

A decrease in hemoglobin may not be recognized immediately if there are no problems with the lungs and heart. They are able to compensate for the lack of oxygen. Some cite fatigue due to an active lifestyle or work day.

You should pay attention to the following signs:

  • flickering of flies before the eyes;
  • dizziness;
  • apathy;
  • desire to eat chalk, clay;
  • insomnia;
  • constant fatigue.

If your health worsens, it is recommended to consult a doctor and take a general blood test to check your hemoglobin. If the indicator is low, it is necessary to include animal products in the diet and take iron-containing supplements.

Meat products rich in macronutrients

Despite the fact that plant foods contain more iron, it is not absorbed by the body in full - only 6%. The iron content in meat is less, but despite this, about 20% is supplied. Therefore, your diet should include meat, fish or offal every day.

Table of iron content in meat products:

Products Amount of iron per 100 mg
1. Pork liver 29,7
2. Beef liver 9,0
3. Kidneys 7,0
4. Heart 6,3
5. Language 5,0
6. Rabbit meat 4,5
7. Turkey 4,0
8. Mutton 3,1
9. Veal 2,9
10. Beef 2,8
11. Chicken 2,5
12. Sausage 1,7
13. Pork 1,6
14. sea ​​fish 1,2

For example, if 100 grams of beef liver contains 9.0 mg, then the body will absorb only 20% - 1.8 mg.

It is also necessary to remember that some foods reduce the absorption of iron, so they should not be consumed immediately, but after a certain period.

These include:

  • dairy products;
  • rice, pasta, potatoes;
  • egg white;
  • tea, coffee.

You should consume foods rich in iron in moderation, because an overdose of this element can have a toxic effect on the brain and liver. Alcohol abuse causes the accumulation of iron in the body and adversely affects the general condition of the patient, resulting in pathological processes.

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