Affirmations for children's happiness. Affirmations for child health - my child is healthy. Let's give each other a little freedom

1. I am glad that I live in a happy family.
2. I know that family is a stronghold happy life.
3. I am glad that I have a family.
4. I respect the individuality of each member of my family.
5. I thank the Creator for the fact that fate gave me a wonderful family.
6. I happily live with a family.
7. I enjoy my family life.
8. I believe that family life is harmonious and joyful.
9. I easily build relationships with all members of my family on the principles of mutual respect and consideration of everyone’s interests.
10. I find it easily common language with all members of my family.
11. I maintain friendly relations in my family.
12. I radiate joy and love when I interact with my family members.
13. I believe in what family is best school human relations, mutual assistance and tolerance.
14. I believe that my family is a union of kindred spirits, we serve each other’s evolution.
15. I radiate gratitude to all members of my family for the experiences that I gain in the family.
16. I know that my family is a place where I easily form my character, where I learn love, mutual assistance and care.
17. I am in a constant state of balance and harmony when I communicate with family members.
18. For me, my family is a stronghold of stability and prosperity.
19. I always provide all possible assistance to each member of my family.
20. I appreciate having a family.
21. I am glad that I am lucky enough to have a wonderful family.
22. My family is my wealth.
23. I always get family support in difficult situations.
24. I know that my family will always come to my aid when needed.
25. I am always happy to communicate with members of my family.
26. I feel joy that I have this happy family.
27. My happy family is the guarantor of my personal happiness.
28. I believe that my family is very strong and happy.
29. I am pleased to please all members of my family.
30. My happy family is my reality.
31. Family life this is the source of true joy.
32. My family is the True Space of Love.
33. My family creates a space of love with every thought, action, love, care, and attention to each other.
35. My family is a whole, joyful, happy Space of Love, healing everything that is inside and around!
36. In the atmosphere of my family, dreams and miracles come true!
37. We are happy to be family and loved ones.
38. We love each other, appreciate each other, learn from each other.
39. We care for each other from the bottom of our hearts.
40. In our family everyone can be open, honest, and sincere.
41. Our family environment is safe and makes mistakes. We can easily forgive each other and maintain everyone's dignity.
42. The atmosphere of our family is unique and valuable for each of us.
43. Joy, grace, prosperity, love, unanimity are the main feelings that radiate from our hearts inside and outside the family.
44. Happiness within the family allows everyone to blossom, develop, discover their potential and bring it into the world.
45. One for all and all for one is the principle that we profess according to the decision of our hearts.
46. ​​Sincerity and openness are real qualities of our relationships.
47. Together we solve the problems that lie before us, we help each other sincerely.
48. We allow everyone to have their own experiences, their moments of truth, their discoveries and have their own point of view.
49. In our family it is customary to be honest and open; it is easy in an atmosphere of love and full acceptance of everyone’s right to uniqueness.
50. Unity implies diversity, the whole family accepts everyone’s uniqueness with joy and respect!
51. We know how to listen and hear each other.
52. We know how to see each other.
53. We know how to tell the truth in a positive way, taking responsibility for our choices and our lives.
54. Everyone in my family is whole and self-sufficient.
55. Everyone in my family is divine and perfect at the soul level.
56. Everyone in my family has the right to comfortable learning and development in this life, receiving family support.
57. Everyone in my family has the right to reach their potential within an atmosphere of love and acceptance, but in their own unique way.
58. We respect each other's interests. We respect each other's choices.
59. We respect everyone’s desire to be together and the desire to retire and be alone.
60. We accept the possibility that at certain points in our experience we may, consciously or unconsciously, cause pain to those close to us.
61. We help each other through moments of crisis out of Unconditional Love.
62. We forgive easily and thank you for the lessons!
63. We rejoice and laugh a lot!
64. We can be together and enjoy life!
65. We are a financially prosperous family.
66. The needs of each family member are respected by the entire family. We help each other solve financial problems whenever possible.
67. We are a generous and kind family!
68. Our life is comfortable and abundant.
69. It’s easy and joyful for us to help each other solve any financial problems.
70. We love holidays, travel and our life is full of adventure and joy!
71. Our family is part of the human family and we always feel this unity in our hearts.
72. Our family is part of the earthly family and we always feel this unity in our hearts.
73. We have an open family, in which it is easy and joyful for new family members to adapt!
74. We have a growing family! We lovingly accept every Soul that, by the will of fate, enters our family.
75. I have a happy family!
76. My family is a reflection of my dreams!
77. My family is a valuable gift from the Universe!
78. I thank the Universe for every day of my wonderful family life!
79. In my family, they always take care of each other and help each other!
80. We happily do household chores together!
81. With my kindness, tenderness and caring, I bring happiness to my family!
82. I live in my family in absolute harmony with the world!
83. I love my family and the whole world around us!
84. I enjoy every minute of my life with my family!
85. I enjoy every new day with my family!
86. My family and I walk through life confidently and joyfully!
87. Happiness, Harmony and Joy reign in my family!
88. All members of my family bring me great joy!
89. My family has excellent, harmonious relationships with children.
90. We spend a lot of time with our beloved children!
91. We all learn from each other together!
92. Peace and harmony, happiness and comfort, prosperity and love reign in my family.
93. All members of my family are healthy and happy!
94. All members of my family are protected by Divine Light!
95. The more love we give, the more we receive from each other!
96. We always understand each other perfectly!
97. I thank all the members of my family for existing, and I do everything so that we all have a good time together!
98. Every day I learn to build relationships in such a way as to maintain happiness, love and harmony in my family.
99. I always think about my family with love!
100. I love taking care of my family, it brings me great pleasure!
101. My love is enough for all members of my family!
102. I show care and understanding towards each member of my family, and they repay me in kind.
103. Joy, peace and harmony always reign in my family!
104. We are happy to spend every free minute together!
105. We serve each other selflessly and joyfully.
106. Serving each other is as natural to us as breathing.
107. We are United in Love.
108. Our life is full of joy, love, creativity, passion, tenderness, warmth, care, acceptance and understanding...
109. We are dissolved in love, which Is simply to Be... We are dissolved in BEING...
110. Our Union in Unity is the Flower of New Life!
111. Our Unity is the seed from which a new beautiful Garden of Love and Light grows.
112. True creativity and service to people, the Universe and God are the fruits of our Love in the family.
113. We have a common main Purpose of life, we have a common spiritual Path, we have common values, we are One.
Our communication is a dance of Community, Consonance, Love!
114. We enrich each other!
115. Our family life is an example of new relationships, a source of joy and abundance for us and everyone around us!
116. Ours family relationships it is a symbol of the realization of unity in harmony, service, creativity, abundance, manifested in true Love!
117. Our family is an example of harmony in the unity of the Feminine and Masculine principles.
118. Our Love is the Sacred Image of True Love manifested on Earth.
119. Our Love helps us to manifest our true Nature!
120. Our family is a creative dance of the energies of Life and Love. This is the Dance of Love in a unique manifestation!

My child is my flesh and blood, a piece of my heart and my soul.
I instill discipline and virtue in my child through play and developing understanding.
I am learning to be a loving parent and to be understanding about any tricks of my children.
I am the happiest parent (father, mother) in the world.
I enjoy the opportunity to be a parent to the most beautiful children in the world.
I love and respect my child unconditionally.
I like to take on parental responsibility, it makes me stronger in the face of circumstances.
I have enough strength and calm to cope with any challenges associated with raising children.
I am calm about my children's mistakes.
I do my best to make my children good people.
I am developing myself as a parent, studying new parenting technologies in order to raise my children correctly.
I try to create the richest and most diverse environment for my children.
I take care of my children's needs and try to provide them with a happy childhood.
I am always attentive to the aspirations of my children.
I respect the child's right to express his or her own individuality.
I help my child find himself and express himself as an individual.
I contribute to the development of my children's talents and abilities.
I am calm about the manifestations of harmfulness in my children and easily find the keys to changing their behavior.
I know that one day children will “fly out of their parents’ nest,” and I calmly accept this thought.
I good parent and at the same time I remember my own life.

Over the years, something subtly strange happens to the character of our parents. Thrift turns into stinginess, attentiveness turns into pickiness. How to find a common language with them and come to terms with changes?

We offer 7 rules for communicating with elderly relatives living separately or in the next room.

1. Plan ahead

Older people need much more attention than the care of the state and holiday cards from social services. This is why most quarrels happen because you live your life, and there is less and less space for parents in it every year. Hence the notorious anger of older people - a sign of vulnerability and lack of self-confidence.

Try to live one day with the feeling of lost youth and time flowing away every minute, with the feeling that when children say “my family” they do not always mean you. Now imagine if this experience is repeated every day.

2. Give each other a little freedom

If you are interested in the topic of relationships with elderly parents, then you can conduct a small experiment. Ask for advice on this topic on some forum and evaluate the results. 90% of the answers can be summed up in one phrase: “Parents must be loved from afar.” Of course, this makes sense: it’s difficult to make a scandal if you call each other once a week and come to visit once a month. And if you live on another continent, then your relationship with your family is probably close to ideal.

The more free space there is between you, the better. If only because the cause of most quarrels is dissatisfaction with someone else's life. You don’t live like that, you have the wrong daily routine, you raise your children poorly and you are lazy on weekends. In addition to constant criticism, you will be irritated by the very feeling of “windows wide open.” After all, parental instinct has no expiration date, and no matter how old you are, it’s never too late to raise you.

What if it is impossible to establish a distance and you live in the same house? Take this as training in developing mutual respect and learn to maintain independence in your marital relationship, your relationship with your children, even from such close people as parents.

3. Make you feel important.

One day a friend complained that her mother, a woman kindest soul and a wonderful character, suddenly became terribly irritable. They lived together for more than ten years - ever since they took their mother to live with them from a small town. And everything was fine, but as the sixtieth anniversary approached, the weather in the house began to deteriorate.

“I can’t understand: what doesn’t she like? - a friend complains. – We fully provide, we will always listen and help. In the summer - a trip to a first-class sanatorium, all winter holidays We spend time with our family in a beautiful cottage in a pine forest. I am not burdened with housework; I take care of the grandchildren. No hassle."

“No hassle” - this is often the cause of irritability. Elderly people are often afraid that their children no longer need them. And they are also terribly embarrassed by the fact that they cannot be useful. What solution did your friend find? She did what at first seemed to her to be a sign of disrespect and blatant ingratitude.

On family council it was decided that from now on she would be checking homework with grandchildren, and takes the youngest to the pool twice a week, and also prepares dinner for the whole family several times a week. Needless to say, family relationships quickly returned to normal, and now the busy and enthusiastic grandmother has no time for criticism and causeless irritation.

4. The easiest way to get along with your mother-in-law

We have a lot of automatic communication habits. We respond to insult with insult, to criticism with criticism, and if points of view do not coincide, we will desperately divide the world in half and argue until we are hoarse. And if with your own parents any quarrel can only be a temporary period of misunderstanding of each other, then with the spouse’s parents the very first scandal can ruin the relationship forever. And in this case, “forever” is used in the most literal and most intolerable sense.

You can have a great relationship with your father-in-law and mother-in-law while you live separately, but since you are under the same roof, you will have to get used to each other again. There will be many acute situations, because at the same time as two families are united into one, the spouse’s parents literally find themselves under the guardianship of the daughter-in-law. Here the meat will be tough, the soup will be under-salted, the children will be spoiled, and the shirts will be ironed in the “bachelor’s way” - with a rough crease along the sleeve. Prepare for criticism and take care of your nerves.

Once upon a time there came a stage in university life when classmates began to take turns getting married. Of course, a student marriage in the absence of generous gifts from relatives means that the young people will live with their parents. One teacher then shared the best instructions on creating an ideal relationship with your mother-in-law. “Don’t quarrel, never, under any circumstances, quarrel! If it becomes absolutely unbearable, complain to your husband. Children and parents quarrel and make peace, parents and daughter-in-law quarrel, but whether they make peace is a big question.”

In relation to elderly parents, triple the level of calm. And if a scandal is already flaring up, say something disarming, like: “I won’t allow us to quarrel now and become strangers.” Tested - it helps.

5. Ask for advice

With age, the acuity of perception, the speed of learning something new, and physiological and emotional processes slow down. But a just nature never deprives something if it has nothing to give in return. Therefore, in return, older people receive prudence and the ability to manage life wisdom, which had previously been collected spontaneously and disorderly.

That is why a universal way to seriously facilitate communication is to ask for advice more often. Yes, you are certainly independent and better oriented in reality modern life. But, firstly, it’s not for nothing that in most cultures the wisdom of elders is revered much more than the ambition of younger ones; secondly, other people’s experience often helps to get out of a dead end much faster than your independence alone; thirdly, asking for advice does not mean that this advice must be followed. But the habit of consulting will clearly demonstrate your respect and prove to your parents that you still need them.

6. Create comfort

The Oprah Winfrey Magazine once wondered why older people so often feel confused, so often irritated with their children, and so resistant to change. Psychologists offered a number of tips to improve the situation, among which were all types of psychoanalysis, and “family constellations,” and positive thinking and other things that should improve relationships by improving the inner world.

The results were different, but, oddly enough, the best of them were not psychological tricks, but extremely mundane things. Elderly people leave home much less often; they no longer perceive it as a place to relax before a new working day and are in dire need of a pleasant, comfortable, cozy interior. Not just cleanliness and order, but a warm atmosphere, beautiful things, pleasant to the touch, pleasing to the eye. If you take care of your parents' house, then for them it will be tantamount to taking care of themselves.

7. Learning to give

And one last piece of advice. Do not try to re-educate your aging parents - even if such a desire appears with enviable regularity. Any relationship consists of those periods when we receive and those periods when we give: love, experience, care, support.

We have already received so much from our parents that there is enough for our children, but now a new stage has simply begun. Besides, giving, giving and thanking is actually no less pleasant.

An affirmation is a mental statement formulated in a positive way, which already contains an image of the desired reality. Simply put, with the help of such simple verbal constructions you program your consciousness for success, after which it believes in them more and more. So it turns out that this is the simplest and most elegant way to be happy.
Affirmations have the power to give you exactly what you want. This could be a simple improvement in mood and the formation of a positive outlook on life, making it easier to achieve desired goals, for example, building the desired relationship or a dizzying career.

The most important thing is that you don’t have to go anywhere, do anything actively and pay someone a lot of money. All you need to do is set aside fifteen minutes in the morning and evening to say out loud affirmations regarding areas of life and goals that are important to you. Just don’t forget that you need to work with affirmations every day, since their action is based on a cumulative effect. Once you take a break, it will take you a while to get back to what you have achieved.

Affirmations for all women

Of course, you can practice working with general affirmations that are suitable for any person. For example, “I have inner strength” or “I love myself very much.” They are effective and quite specific. But we all know that women have very specific desires and goals, and we can talk about special affirmations that are right for us. These include:

  • I am strong because I am a woman;
  • I accept myself as I am;
  • I greet this day with joy and anticipation, because I know that amazing events await me;
  • I have a wonderful character;
  • I love my body the way it is;
  • I have the strength to change my life;
  • Every day I become wiser and stronger;
  • I am a woman, and therefore I have unique abilities and strengths;
  • I know that I can be loved;
  • I experience love every day and even every hour;
  • I am the ideal weight for me;
  • I listen to my intuition, as it often tells me the right path;
  • When necessary, I shield myself from everything negative energy;
  • I value every breath I take;
  • I care about other people and give them love, which comes back to me tenfold.

Affirmations for housewives and young mothers

You know that feeling when every day feels like Groundhog Day, but others feel like you're not doing anything? Congratulations, you are a young mother or housewife! According to statistics, it is this category of women who have the most requests to improve their own lives and stabilize mental state. Which affirmations are right for you and your lifestyle?

  • I love my husband and my children;
  • I enjoy being with my family;
  • I am a very important part of the global universal plan;
  • Every day as I care for my children, I learn to be best mom for them;
  • Motherhood for me is a wonderful opportunity to fulfill myself and receive love;
  • I am in harmony with everything that surrounds me;
  • I am a positive example for my children.

Affirmations for “career women”

Modern woman got the opportunity to be not only the basis of the family hearth, but also to work, earn money and build a career. This is great, but many working moms feel guilty about it. But even if you don't have children, building a career and achieving success at work can take a lot of mental strength, and in this case, affirmations will come in handy.

  • While working, I am glad that I can provide for myself and my children;
  • I enjoy my work;
  • My career guarantees the fact that I can give my children the best for them;
  • Thanks to my work, my children see before them a positive example of a working person;
  • I make my career easy;
  • I love going to my job;
  • I have a wonderful boss and wonderful colleagues;
  • I attract the best clients who are a pleasure to serve;
  • My income is increasing every day;
  • I give myself one hundred percent to what I love, and this is greatly appreciated;
  • I enjoy being at my workplace;
  • I'm happy that I have my job;

If you feel unhappy every day, struggle with obstacles, suffer and experience heartache, remember - it doesn’t have to be this way! You can and have the right to be happy. But happiness will not come to you by itself - in order to get it, you need to make at least some effort and start taking steps in the right direction. Affirmations are a wonderful start to helping you change your life for the better. Go for it, and the results will not take long to arrive!

8 secrets of happiness: how to enjoy life

Happiness can be called the most complete and wonderful feeling that a person can experience. It helps us experience good and negative moments in life and fills us with internal energy.

7 signs that you will definitely succeed

To achieve success, just luck is not enough. Of course, circumstances may develop in a successful way, but we ourselves must make every possible effort, do everything that depends on us in order to win victory.

Tips on how to quickly cheer yourself up

Any person can experience situations in which peace of mind is lost and their mood deteriorates. Feelings of sadness, depression and despondency sometimes last for a long time, so at the first signs of the blues it is necessary to take urgent measures. Some effective techniques will help you quickly correct your poor health and get out of the negative.

Create joy

Once upon a time there lived a woman who was constantly sad. One day they asked her why she was always in a bad mood, depressed? The woman replied: “I have two daughters. One sells umbrellas and the other sells sun hats. When the sun shines, I feel sad for the one who sells umbrellas, which means that she is not selling. And when it rains, I feel sad for that daughter who sells sun hats, because this means that she is not selling.”

What should you stop doing to be happy?

It doesn’t matter what kind of person you are, what you dream about and where you strive, the ultimate goal of each of us is happiness. But there is always something that distances us from this only dream, and this “something” is ourselves, or rather, our limitations that have been built around us for years, and like concrete walls, fence us off from a happy life.

What should you stop doing so that goodness grows around you and weeds stop choking your happiness?

1. Stop being afraid!
Surely you have dreams that you put off until later. Much was not done because they were afraid and did not take risks. Make a list of these things and implement them. Remember - the path to better life blocks fear.

2. Negative!
Everything that comes out of your head in the form of thoughts and words comes back in the form of reality. So change your life attitude to “everything will be fine.” Nothing is impossible for a person who believes in this.

3. Don't be your own enemy!
We are criticized as much by those around us as we are by ourselves. We are cruel, stingy, unfair, devoid of pity and kindness towards ourselves. Every time you feel like you are mentally searching yourself, stop.

4. Stop complaining!
The more you complain, the more you concentrate on the negative aspects of life and stop noticing the chances and opportunities it brings. Complaints work like poison, negative emotions grow and take away the joy of life.

5. Envy!
Happiness is not about having what you want, but about wanting what you have.
Even social media make people unhappy because they look at their own former classmates, classmates and acquaintances and turn green with envy, feeling like a nobody. The next time you feel envy, think about this: “Would I like to become the person I envy?” Surely not, you love yourself!

6. Don't look for those to blame!
Instead of looking for someone to blame bad life, focus on inventing and implementing a solution that will change your life for the better.

7. The past cannot be returned!
It happened that you made a mistake, did something wrong. Several months or even years have passed, and you are still living with this event. For what? Who will this help? Not for you, nor for your loved ones. Why torture yourself, waste your life, poison it for others and yourself? Focus on the present and look to the future with a smile!

8. Protect yourself from negative people!
Often we surround ourselves with people who enthusiastically undermine our self-esteem, suggest that nothing will work out, prove that nothing will work out, etc. After talking with them, we feel sick. If possible, limit contact with such people to a minimum.

9. Don't live in a mess!
The chaos that surrounds you has an impact on your well-being. The more objects, the less space and the greater the feeling of lack of freedom.

10. Don't run without a goal!
What kind of seeds - such a harvest. Whatever you would like to grow in life, start sowing. Weeds will appear, but with persistence and perseverance you will get rid of many of them. Look how much good there is in life that you haven’t noticed until now. There are so many opportunities that we couldn’t take advantage of. And also happiness, which, due to your own position, did not have the opportunity to enter life.

  • I create a wonderful happy world for myself and my family!
  • I am calm, happy and live in peace with my family and the entire Universe.
  • Joy and happiness reign in my family!
  • All members of my family bring me great joy!
  • I myself and all my family members are always healthy and happy!

1. I am glad that I live in a happy family.
2. I know that family is the stronghold of a happy life.
3. I am glad that I have a family.
4. I respect the individuality of each member of my family.
5. I thank the Creator for the fact that fate gave me a wonderful family.
6. I happily live with a family.
7. I enjoy my family life.
8. I believe that family life is harmonious and joyful.
9. I easily build relationships with all members of my family on the principles of mutual respect and consideration of everyone’s interests.
10. I easily find a common language with all members of my family.
11. I maintain friendly relations in my family.
12. I radiate joy and love when I interact with my family members.
13. I believe that family is the best school of human relations, mutual assistance and tolerance.
14. I believe that my family is a union of kindred spirits, we serve each other’s evolution.
15. I radiate gratitude to all members of my family for the experiences that I gain in the family.
16. I know that my family is a place where I easily form my character, where I learn love, mutual assistance and care.
17. I am in a constant state of balance and harmony when I communicate with family members.
18. For me, my family is a stronghold of stability and prosperity.
19. I always provide all possible assistance to each member of my family.
20. I appreciate having a family.
21. I am glad that I am lucky enough to have a wonderful family.
22. My family is my wealth.
23. I always get family support in difficult situations.
24. I know that my family will always come to my aid when needed.
25. I am always happy to communicate with members of my family.
26. I feel joy that I have such a happy family.
27. My happy family is the guarantor of my personal happiness.
28. I believe that my family is very strong and happy.
29. I am pleased to please all members of my family.
30. My happy family is my reality.
31. Family life is a source of true joy.
32. My family is the True Space of Love.
33. My family creates a space of love with every thought, action, love, care, and attention to each other.
35. My family is a whole, joyful, happy Space of Love, healing everything that is inside and around!
36. In the atmosphere of my family, dreams and miracles come true!
37. We are happy to be family and loved ones.
38. We love each other, appreciate each other, learn from each other.
39. We care for each other from the bottom of our hearts.
40. In our family everyone can be open, honest, and sincere.
41. Our family environment is safe and makes mistakes. We can easily forgive each other and maintain everyone's dignity.
42. The atmosphere of our family is unique and valuable for each of us.
43. Joy, grace, prosperity, love, unanimity are the main feelings that radiate from our hearts inside and outside the family.
44. Happiness within the family allows everyone to blossom, develop, discover their potential and bring it into the world.
45. One for all and all for one is the principle that we profess according to the decision of our hearts.
46. ​​Sincerity and openness are real qualities of our relationships.
47. Together we solve the problems that lie before us, we help each other sincerely.
48. We allow everyone to have their own experiences, their moments of truth, their discoveries and have their own point of view.
49. In our family it is customary to be honest and open; it is easy in an atmosphere of love and full acceptance of everyone’s right to uniqueness.
50. Unity implies diversity, the whole family accepts everyone’s uniqueness with joy and respect!
51. We know how to listen and hear each other.
52. We know how to see each other.
53. We know how to tell the truth in a positive way, taking responsibility for our choices and our lives.
54. Everyone in my family is whole and self-sufficient.
55. Everyone in my family is divine and perfect at the soul level.
56. Everyone in my family has the right to comfortable learning and development in this life, receiving family support.
57. Everyone in my family has the right to reach their potential within an atmosphere of love and acceptance, but in their own unique way.
58. We respect each other's interests. We respect each other's choices.
59. We respect everyone’s desire to be together and the desire to retire and be alone.
60. We accept the possibility that at certain points in our experience we may, consciously or unconsciously, cause pain to those close to us.
61. We help each other through moments of crisis out of Unconditional Love.
62. We forgive easily and thank you for the lessons!
63. We rejoice and laugh a lot!
64. We can be together and enjoy life!
65. We are a financially prosperous family.
66. The needs of each family member are respected by the entire family. We help each other solve financial problems whenever possible.
67. We are a generous and kind family!
68. Our life is comfortable and abundant.
69. It’s easy and joyful for us to help each other solve any financial problems.
70. We love holidays, travel and our life is full of adventure and joy!
71. Our family is part of the human family and we always feel this unity in our hearts.
72. Our family is part of the earthly family and we always feel this unity in our hearts.
73. We have an open family, in which it is easy and joyful for new family members to adapt!
74. We have a growing family! We lovingly accept every Soul that, by the will of fate, enters our family.
75. I have a happy family!
76. My family is a reflection of my dreams!
77. My family is a valuable gift from the Universe!

I'm open cosmic source abundance.
I easily and freely accept money that comes to me in an inexhaustible stream from all sides.
My income is growing every day. I enjoy the abundance of life and am grateful for it.
Divine abundance manifests itself as an endless flow of money in my life.
Thank you, good luck! Thank you, strength! Thank you, love!

I believe in myself!
I am the personification of luck and success! I am confident in the positive results of my business.
I am successful because I was chosen by success. I succeed in everything I undertake.
I do everything very well.
I am worthy to succeed. I easily let success into my life.

I love myself, I love the whole world.
I am the source of love and happiness, the light of love burns in my chest.
I'm ready to meet my loved one.
I am a powerful magnet for happiness and good luck.
I attract ideal relationships into my life.
I am loved because I was chosen by love.

My life is filled with creativity every minute, I create my life according to my desire.
I am able to create, I am able to create something new, something that did not exist before me, and I do it all the time.
The birth of a child is a miracle. I easily and joyfully let this miracle and this happiness into my life.
My friendships with my children are growing stronger every day; we respect and trust each other.
I love my child, and he loves me. We have a calm, warm, joyful relationship.
My child is always protected by Divine power!

I'm always lucky with assistants. I am always surrounded by friendly and loving people.
The world is filled with wonderful people and I always meet them.
Travel is wonderful, I love the road and trust it.
There will always be only green light on my way. Traveling brings me only joy.
I have the right to receive help and support from other people. I deserve it.

I have many talents and abilities, I have everything to succeed.
I achieve everything I set my mind to and more.
I am learning to see the new possibilities that my life is full of.
I do what I like and get good money for it.
I am steadily growing and developing, my career is gaining momentum and bringing me success beyond all expectations.
I'm always lucky!

There is a source of infinite wisdom and strength within me. I trust myself and listen to my inner voice.
I always only accept right decisions. I will always find the best way out of any situation.
I am always in peace and harmony in life. In all situations I show wisdom and calmness. All questions already have answers in the depths of my heart.

I love all the members of my family, I am grateful to them for being with me.
Relationships in my family are improving every day.
All members of my family are always healthy, happy, protected, comfortable and happy.
My family is always protected by Divine power. My family and I are always lucky!

I love myself, I love my body. I send the light of Divine love to every organ of my beloved body.
Every day I get younger, every day I get healthier.
Day by day, all my organs and systems are working better, I have more strength and vigor.
I live by the principle: the older, the younger.
I am the embodiment of strength, health, energy, cheerfulness. My body works like a clock.
My eyes burn with the fire of youth, health and love.

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