Children's cosmetics for newborns - a list of essentials, cream and milk from the first days. What cosmetics are needed for newborns Lotion for newborns

The birth of a child is not only a great happiness, but a great responsibility. In the first months after the baby is born, a very important point is the choice of special products that are designed to cleanse and care for the baby’s skin.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with important information about what exactly your baby needs and how to choose the right products.

What cosmetics does a newborn need?

Immediately after birth, the baby requires careful and constant care, and certain products can provide this. These include special children's cosmetics, which are available in a wide variety in stores. All products differ not only in packaging and price, but also in the components that are present in the composition. Many people have a question: “How to choose the right one from all the variety?”.

Types of Cleaning Products Needed

At first, the baby needs products that can cleanse the skin without damaging it. An important point when choosing cosmetics is its expiration date; if it exceeds a year, it contains many preservatives that can be harmful to the child.

Let's consider what cosmetics a baby needs:

  • baby soap. It is usually used for washing and bathing the baby. Doctors recommend starting to use soap only after reaching two months of age. Liquid soap with a low content of substances is considered ideal for unprotected skin. When purchasing, you need to focus on the presence of useful components;
  • shampoo Children's skin is very sensitive, and this product has a zero pH level, however, it is still better to try not to get it on the mucous membrane. It is better to use after reaching three weeks of age. Apply with light, slow movements;
  • baby cream It must solve several problems at once: relieve inflammation, remove peeling, moisturize and nourish the skin. To get rid of diaper rash after a diaper, it is better to use a special cream. It is better to moisturize the skin after bathing;
  • powder Ideal for protection against diaper rash. The composition is very important; the correct product should contain: starch, talc, flour, aloe, zinc and chamomile. The presence of chemical elements can lead to clogged pores and subsequent allergies;
  • baby oil. This universal product is used to moisturize the skin and also for massage. Everyone knows that newborns develop a crust on their scalp; oil applied an hour before bathing can easily get rid of it. After bath procedures, everything is easily combed out, leaving the skin clean;
  • wet wipes. Used to cleanse the skin outside the walls of the house. If possible, it is better to wash the baby with water and soap. The smell should not be noticeable; additional components can be herbal extracts.

Protective cosmetics

Your baby's skin needs protection from environmental influences.

These products can be divided into the following types:

  • sun protection In summer, sunlight causes burns. For protection, use products based on natural ingredients with an SPF level of protection from 15 to 50. It is recommended to apply the preparations a few minutes before going out into the sun;
  • winter In cold weather, strong winds can lead to irritation and redness of defenseless skin. For the face, it is recommended to use a cream with a fatty base; it creates a good protective film, which becomes a kind of barrier, preventing chapping or frostbite. The combination of components must be natural, without the presence of dyes or parabens;
  • healing. The baby's mobility often ends in abrasions and bruises. For faster healing, it is recommended to use an anti-inflammatory cream. Its components reduce bacteria and improve cell regeneration. They also cope well with various skin irritations.

The introduction to the list of cosmetics for newborns is over, all that remains is to find out the requirements and ratings of popular brands.

Requirements for popular brands

When deciding which cosmetics to buy for your baby’s hygiene, pay attention not only to the brand name, but also carefully study the composition.

The same requirements apply to all children's products; let's look at what information should be on the packaging and more:

  • natural substances in the composition;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • absence of various fragrances and dyes;
  • complete security;
  • indication of all components included in the composition;
  • absence of mineral oils and alcohol;
  • availability of a certificate.

Do not base your choice on the experience of other parents, because as practice shows, a product may be suitable for one child and cause severe allergies in another. After all, only personal experience will show what cosmetics a newborn needs.

Factors to consider when purchasing:

  1. To prevent your baby from becoming a victim of bad sellers who have missed the expiration date, and the components of a product from a foreign manufacturer have been translated completely and correctly, it is better to purchase children's cosmetics for newborns in pharmacies;
  2. The shelf life indicated on the packaging should not be too long. After all, everyone knows that the longer it is, the larger the list of different preservatives in the composition of the product;
  3. The smell and color of cosmetics should not be saturated; ideally, it is a colorless liquid with a light aroma;
  4. The age of the baby indicated on the package is also important. Choose cosmetics for babies that must have the “0+” symbol on them.

Brand rating

Today there is a huge amount of children's cosmetics on the market, both domestic and foreign.

Soap, cream, shampoo and bathing foam - this is not the whole list of seemingly “adult” products that a newborn needs from the very first days.

The main function of these products is considered to be cleansing. It should be gentle, but effective and not cause an allergic reaction.

Baby soap

Soap for newborns is used in several cases: for washing clothes and directly cleansing baby's skin. In any case, it should not contain aggressive substances that may cause allergies.

To cleanse the skin It is advisable to use soap no earlier than 2-3 months of age. It can be either regular or liquid or cream soap. The latter is saturated with a large amount of emollients (oils, glycerin).

When choosing soap, pay attention to the following beneficial substances:

  1. Softening:
  • oils;
  • glycerol;
  • lanolin;
  • boric acid.
  • Nutritional:
    • bee products (honey and wax).
  • Anti-inflammatory extracts:
    • oak bark;
    • calendula;
    • eucalyptus;
    • chamomile;
    • sage.

    Bath foam

    This is a gentle bathing product. It is recommended to use surfactant-based formulations.

    They do not dry out the skin. You can foam the composition and apply it to the bath and onto the baby’s skin. Used 1-2 times a week.

    There are combination products on sale that can be used both for cleansing the body and for washing hair. It's good to bathe before bed products with lavender. It calms and improves sleep.

    Baby shampoo

    Apply shampoo with smooth whisking movements. Although baby products do not irritate the mucous membranes if they come into contact with them, try to avoid this.

    Shampoo has neutral pH level. But still, do not overuse it (more often than 2 times a week).

    If the hairs are thin and there are only a small number of them, you can wash your hair using a special product. once every 7-10 days. The rest of the time, wash with plain water.

    Baby cream

    Cream for newborns is designed to cope with several tasks:

    It’s not uncommon for a baby’s redness to occur due to fecal residue on the skin or prolonged wearing of a diaper. If you neglect the rules of hygiene, then these minor inflammations can develop into a serious disease - dermatitis.

    Creams should be aimed at eliminating these problems. There is also a special one on sale. diaper cream. He copes with the problem.

    The main thing to remember is that the texture needs to be selected based on skin type. If the skin is oily, then applying a cream with a thick consistency will harm the baby more.

    Moisturizer should be applied after water procedures. Water can cause dryness and flaking. Applying a cream with a light texture will perfectly cope with this problem.

    Baby oil

    Recently, oil has been included in the mandatory list of products for newborns. It nourishes the skin, making it soft and replenishes water balance.

    You can use it for massage and elimination of diaper rash. You can lubricate every fold of the baby and rub the surface of the body.

    When choosing, First of all, pay attention not on brand awareness, but on the composition. You can buy ready-made baby oil or boil sunflower or olive oil.

    When using finished products, pay attention to the expiration date - if it is a year or more, then the composition contains many preservatives that are unsafe for children.


    The powder is suitable for children with oily skin, otherwise it will dry out the skin and cause even more irritation. It is used under a diaper to combat diaper rash.

    When choosing, pay attention to the composition. A minimum of chemical additives is an incentive to purchase.

    List of components of the “correct” powder:

    • potato (rice) starch;
    • zinc;
    • mineral talc;
    • corn flour;
    • extracts of lavender, aloe, chamomile.

    The presence of a large number of third-party chemical compounds can cause clogged pores and an allergic reaction.

    Wet wipes

    Wet wipes are needed to cleanse the skin and disinfect. You should not abuse them often. Their composition is not as safe as it seems at first glance.

    If you are at home and not on the road, it is better to wash your child with water. This will not only save your budget, but will also bring much more benefits to your child.

    When choosing, pay attention to the smell. For the little ones it should be neutral. Wipes can be soaked in cream, lotion or oil.

    Additional components include herbal extracts that have a softening and anti-inflammatory effect.

    Protective cosmetics

    In addition to cosmetics for every day, there is a category of products whose task is to protect against exposure. A baby's skin is quite thin, so factors that adults do not pay attention to can have a detrimental effect on children's skin.

    Such means include:

    1. Sun protection.
    2. Winter.
    3. Anti-inflammatory and healing.

    Sun protection

    In summer, your baby's skin needs special care. Exposure to sunlight may cause burns.

    To prevent this, use products with SPF level from 15 to 50.

    The components of these products should contain only natural moisturizing ingredients, preferably without fragrances. Must be applied 20 minutes before going outside.


    In winter, as well as in autumn, with strong winds, irritation and redness of the skin is possible.

    Special attention You need to focus on your cheeks, lips and hands.

    Used for winter care fat cream. It creates a protective film on the skin. It is a barrier that prevents chapping and frostbite of the skin.

    When purchasing, carefully study the composition. Buy creams without dyes and parabens.

    Anti-inflammatory and healing

    When a child becomes mobile, abrasions and bruises are inevitable. Inexhaustible energy and the absence of “brakes” do the job.

    For speedy healing You can use anti-inflammatory and healing cream. The components included in its composition kill bacteria on the surface and accelerate cell regeneration.

    Such creams cope with rashes and diaper rash on the skin, which occur especially often in newborns.

    What requirements must children's cosmetics meet?

    The requirements for all children's products, including cosmetics, are similar. These include:

    When choosing cosmetics, look not only at the brand’s popularity, but also carefully study the composition.

    A product that is ideal for one child may cause severe allergies in another.

    What to look for when choosing

    Now there is no shortage of goods, so in order to successfully sell, manufacturers resort to many tricks and tricks.

    This list, first of all, includes bright packaging and the promise of an all-natural product, written in capital letters.

    Where to buy?

    Often parents, due to a complete lack of free time, make purchases on the fly, without paying any attention to the store. This is not correct.

    Choose verified points. A it is better to buy in specialized stores and pharmacies. This will protect you from careless sellers who sometimes overwrite the expiration date just to sell the product.


    Study the composition carefully. It is advisable to be absent there fragrances, dyes, mineral oils, as well as petroleum products, which are hidden under the simple name of paraffin oils (vaseline, ceresin, paraffin).

    Best before date

    When choosing a product, you need to not only look at whether it is suitable best before date towards its end, but also for its duration. The larger it is, the wider the list of preservatives in the composition.

    Smell and color

    These factors should not hint at their chemical origin. May it be better white or transparent color and light unobtrusive odor.

    Child's age

    When choosing a cosmetic product pay attention to age indicated on the packaging. If you see the symbols “0+”, then feel free to take it for any age.

    This means that the product can be used on newborn babies. Its composition is the softest and safest.

    Popular manufacturers

    Among domestic manufacturers, the most popular are:

    It is impossible to build a specific hierarchy, since the popularity of different products in the manufacturer’s line is not the same.

    Perhaps, The Ushasty Nyan brand has the largest selection of products: from cleaning and detergents to personal care products.

    The price of goods from domestic manufacturers is mostly affordable and is aimed at a wide range of consumers. The quality of many products is not inferior to those of Western origin.

    Most products from Western manufacturers cannot be classified as budget.

    If you do not have the opportunity to buy an expensive product, study the composition. Perhaps a decent product can be found from a domestic manufacturer and at an affordable price.

    But There are times when it is better to overpay and buy a good product with a safe composition.

    Popular Western manufacturers:

    Every mother wants to give her baby the best. Nobody doubts this. Be more careful when choosing children's cosmetics.

    Pay attention to the composition. If in doubt, it is better to avoid this product. Test cosmetics on a small area of ​​skin.

    If there is the slightest suspicion of a negative reaction, feel free to throw the product in the trash. The baby’s health is the key to his bright future!

    Attention, TODAY only!

    Disputes around the necessary cosmetics for children in their first year of life have already become commonplace. Pediatricians and representatives of the older generation especially disagree. As a result, a young mother, who already does not have enough experience, is completely lost in recommendations. For this reason, some begin to buy up half of the pharmacy, so that God forbid they miss something.

    We decided to study which cosmetic products are the minimum necessary. So, the top 10 products that every young mother should have in her arsenal.

    Cotton buds

    They will be useful for ear hygiene and umbilical wound treatment. To clean the nose, try not to use sticks, but flagella rolled out of cotton wool.

    Ordinary cotton swabs, of course, will not work for the baby. You risk injuring the baby's mucous membranes or leaving some of the cotton wool in the baby's ears. For children of the first year of life, cotton swabs with a special limiter have appeared on sale, which reliably prevents unreasonably deep penetration and associated injuries.

    Pay attention to the quality of what you buy "tool". In well-made sticks, the cotton wool is securely fixed to the base, and the container itself closes tightly.

    Reading on the topic:

    Wet wipes

    This care item also needs to be chosen carefully. Wipes should not cause allergies, and the concentration of impregnation should be within normal limits.

    Give preference to wipes impregnated with plant extracts (chamomile, lavender, aloe). Please note that the composition does not contain alcohol, chlorine, various fragrances and preservatives. The ideal packaging is a plastic container.


    You can safely do without baby shampoo only for the first couple of months of your little one’s life. Then it is advisable to buy your baby a special shampoo for children under one year old. Using it, you can more easily cope with various contaminants, excess fat and crusts on the baby’s head. In addition, washing your hair with shampoo is an additional scalp massage that will strengthen the hair follicles and stimulate the growth of hair follicles.

    Do not purchase shampoo under any circumstances if you notice the presence of the following substances in its composition:

    • diethanolamine;
    • 1,4-dioxane;
    • carcinogenic formaldehyde;
    • sodium lauryl sulfate.

    Preference should be given to products labeled “no tears.” Such products do not cause allergies, have mild cleaning properties and do not contain fragrances.

    Baby powder

    The product is used as an adsorbent. By absorbing excess moisture, the powder prevents your baby's skin from various irritations and redness.

    The classic powder form is no longer as relevant as it used to be. When moisture gets in, it forms lumps, which is an additional factor for irritation. Now liquid talc has become popular, which does not form lumps and creates a protective layer on the baby’s skin.


    For children under one year old, the best option is to use liquid soap. The composition of such soap should include emollients such as glycerin or lanolin.

    When choosing baby soap, pay attention to its compliance with GOSTs and the absence of fragrances in the composition. Give preference to a product based on plant extracts with a dispenser bottle.

    Oil for babies is a universal remedy. It is used in the daily hygiene of the baby’s skin, to remove crusts on the head, during massage and water procedures.

    The oil should not contain dyes, preservatives or other substances harmful to the baby. When choosing it, pay attention to the presence of plant extracts and the absence of odor. The bottle must be hermetically sealed and have a dispenser.

    Reading on the topic:


    This cream is used after water procedures. It must necessarily be based on plant extracts and contain glycerin. Mineral oils in the cream are undesirable; give preference to almond, olive or jojoba.

    When choosing a cream, pay attention to the expiration date. If it is small, it means the product is truly natural and has been certified.

    Diaper rash cream

    A baby’s folds are unlikely to be able to avoid such a common phenomenon as diaper rash if you don’t start using special products in time.

    When choosing such a cream, we also pay attention to its plant origin and the absence of harmful substances. Don't forget about the expiration date.


    A child is a long-awaited event in the life of every family. But as soon as the baby is born, he requires careful care. After all, he is born very small and defenseless. This is how the skin of a newborn baby will react to external influences; the baby’s hair is still very thin and weak. Therefore, the mother must provide proper care to her child. And children's cosmetics will help with this. If a woman is faced with choosing cosmetics for a child for the first time, she may have a lot of questions. What cosmetics should I buy and, in general, what does a little creature need? There is a huge variety of baby care cosmetics on store shelves. Each manufacturer produces cosmetics that are completely different in composition, price and appearance. So, what does your baby need first?

    List of children's cosmetics for newborns

    When choosing any cosmetics, you should pay close attention to the composition, and the main purpose of cosmetics is cleansing. At the same time, the products should not give an allergic reaction and contain harmful substances in their composition.

    The baby needs:

    • baby soap;
    • bath foam;
    • shampoo;
    • baby cream and oil;
    • powder;
    • wet wipes;
    • protective equipment.

    Baby soap is a necessary product for a child. You can wash your baby with it and also wash your clothes. It doesn’t matter for what purpose it should be used, the main thing is that it does not contain hard substances. Pediatricians recommend using baby soap no earlier than 3 months. At your discretion, you can choose solid soap, liquid soap, or cream soap.

    It is the cream soap that will be rich in nutrients and emollients. If the composition contains various softening components, then this is good. Such substances can be glycerin, lanolin, boric acid. Wax or honey can act as nutritional components. Extract of calendula, eucalyptus, oak bark has an anti-inflammatory effect.

    Bath foam is used as a water softener and has a calming effect on the baby. The composition must contain active substances. They will help not dry out the newborn’s skin. You should use bath foam no more than 2 times a week. Manufacturers often offer to purchase combination products.

    They cleanse the baby's skin and wash their hair. Mothers prefer to choose products based on lavender or chamomile, which perfectly calm the baby before bed.

    Even for a small creature, it is important to choose a cream that will suit your skin type. A cream with a moisturizing effect is usually applied after taking a bath, since water can dry out the skin.

    Baby oil can replenish the water balance, saturate the skin, and also make it very soft. It is used to eliminate diaper rash; massage procedures are also often done with its help. You need to treat the baby's folds, and then just rub the whole body with oil. An important criterion when choosing an oil is its composition.

    You can also use regular vegetable oil, which just needs to be boiled first. The finished oil should have a shelf life of no more than 12 months. If this period is longer, it means that the composition of the oil is not trustworthy; there are many harmful substances in it. You can find out about the best hand cream.

    Powder is a must for children who have oily skin. If you use it on dry skin, it can harm the baby. Most often, the powder is used to treat the body under a diaper to combat diaper rash. A high-quality powder should contain the following components:

    • starch from rice or potatoes;
    • zinc;
    • mineral talc;
    • corn flour;
    • chamomile, aloe, lavender extract.

    Important wipes often help mothers out so they can quickly clean their baby's skin. But it is best not to abuse such means; after all, they are not completely safe. The smell of the napkins should not cause allergies; it is best that it be neutral. Often the napkins are impregnated with some kind of lotion, oil or cream.

    Protective cosmetics include several options:

    1. Sunscreens– most often needed in the summer to protect the baby’s skin from ultraviolet radiation. Only natural ingredients should be used as moisturizing components.
    2. Winter remedies will protect the baby's skin from frost, wind, rain. The composition should not contain parabens or dyes.
    3. Cream against inflammation and for healing.

    In the video - a review of children's cosmetics for newborns:

    Safe cosmetics for baby care

    Nowadays there are a huge number of children's cosmetics brands to choose from. Among the huge variety, we can highlight the following brands.


    Weleda (Weleda) is a German manufacturer that is considered one of the best. The composition contains only natural ingredients, the quality of the products is at a high level. There is only one drawback - it is expensive. Baby shampoo costs about 220 rubles, calendula oil about 300 rubles. You can find out about body massage oil in a pharmacy at.


    Bubchen is also from Germany. Perhaps many mothers know about this cosmetics. This is due to the fact that the quality of these cosmetics is very good, and the price is quite reasonable. The manufacturer is aimed at mass production of products. There are many different lines. Experts recommend choosing the “From the First Days” series. These cosmetics do not contain harmful additives. Oil for babies costs 160 rubles, bathing gel – 130 rubles.

    Little Siberica

    Little Siberica is a line of cosmetics for babies. A Siberian company that also has a European quality certificate. Cosmetics contain only natural ingredients. The cost of cosmetics also has normal limits. But here the manufacturer had to simplify the packaging a little to reduce the price of the product. Cream for newborns costs 68 rubles, shampoo – 85 rubles.

    Price – about 70 rubles


    Pigeon for baby

    Pigeon is a cosmetics product from Japan that is quickly gaining the favor of mothers. In the vastness of Russia, it is also already quite popular. The manufacturer claims the high quality and safety of its product. As for the composition, it may scare many people. The composition will include parabens, triethanolamine and substances with sulfates. The cost of wet wipes is 40 rubles, moisturizing lotion – 120 rubles.

    Price – about 40 rubles

    Necessary kits and their cost

    Each manufacturer offers cosmetics sets. But still, more often you can find each product on sale separately. The Bubchen brand offers to purchase a series “from the very first days”, which includes:

    • protective cream
    • skin milk;
    • oil;
    • bathing gel.

    But each set of any brand may differ in content. Based on the prices of a particular product, you can calculate how much you need to pay for the set.

    So for a set of Mustela cosmetics you will have to pay a fairly large amount - about 3 thousand rubles.

    Perhaps the most economical products will be “Our Mother”; you will have to pay about 800-1000 rubles for a set.

    The Bübchen set will cost about 1,500 rubles. But this takes into account the fact that the composition will include all the necessary products.

    When a child is born, he is defenseless and weak to the influence of the environment. His skin is delicate and sensitive, it is much drier and thinner than that of an adult. A newborn needs special care products. How to choose them correctly, and what cosmetics should a baby have from the first days of life?

    Essential cosmetics

    Baby soap. It is used in several cases: to cleanse the baby’s skin and wash clothes. To care for the skin, it is advisable to use soap when the baby is no earlier than 2-3 months old. It can be liquid or regular. Liquid soap is enriched with a large amount of emollients (glycerin, oils) and is suitable for daily hygiene procedures. Traditional bar soap should be used no more than once a week. The optimal PH level is from 10 to 7. The ideal components of the product will be: emollient glycerin, oils, boric acid and lanolin, nutritious bee products (wax and honey), as well as anti-inflammatory extracts of calendula, oak bark, sage, chamomile and eucalyptus.

    Baby shampoo. It is recommended to use no earlier than 2-3 weeks of age. The skin on a baby's head is very thin and can be easily damaged. Therefore, apply the shampoo using smooth, beating movements. Try to avoid contact of the product with the mucous membranes of the eyes. Do not overuse shampoo (no more than 2 times a week). If your child has a small amount of hair and it is too thin, wash your hair with special preparations every 7-10 days. On other days, just rinse with water.

    Bath foam. Soft composition intended for swimming. Pediatricians advise choosing a product based on surfactants, since it does not dry out the skin. Lather it thoroughly and add it to a bath of water. Frequency of use – no more than 1-2 times a week. A good effect is provided by bath foam with lavender extract. It calms the child and improves his sleep.

    Baby oil. Nourishes and moisturizes the skin. It can be used to eliminate diaper rash and massage. Rub this product onto the surface of the body and lubricate every fold of the newborn. You can use a ready-made mixture, or make it yourself - boil olive or sunflower oil.

    Baby cream. Designed to solve several problems at once: eliminate peeling, relieve redness and inflammation, provide nutrition and hydration. You can even find a special cream for diapers on sale. He copes with the problem of diaper rash. When choosing a product, remember that its texture should match the baby's skin type. For example, if it is oily, then a product with a dense consistency will not be suitable.

    Wet wipes. Needed for disinfection and cleansing of the skin. Napkins can be soaked in oil, lotion or cream. Additional ingredients are extracts of medicinal herbs that have anti-inflammatory and softening effects. When choosing, be sure to pay attention to the smell - it should be neutral.

    Powder. Designed for newborns with oily skin. It should not be overused, otherwise it will dry out the skin and cause inflammation. It is poured under diapers to combat diaper rash. When choosing a product, pay attention to the composition. List of desired powder components: rice (potato) starch, corn flour, zinc, aloe, lavender, chamomile extracts, mineral talc.

    Protective cosmetics

    In addition to care, a newborn’s skin needs protection from environmental influences. Products that are divided into the following types will come to the rescue: sun protection, winter and healing.

    Sun protection. In summer, to protect the skin, cosmetics with an SPF level of protection from 15 to 50, based on natural ingredients, are used. It is recommended to apply such products a few minutes before starting a walk.

    Winter. During the cold season, strong winds cause redness and irritation of delicate baby skin. This can be prevented by using a fat-based cream - it creates a protective film that acts as a barrier.

    Healing. To quickly heal the wound surface, it is recommended to use an anti-inflammatory cream. It contains components that reduce the number of bacteria and improve cell recovery. This product copes well with various skin irritations.

    Requirements for children's cosmetics

    All types of children's cosmetics are subject to strict requirements:

    • Natural ingredients included. Extracts and oils must be extracted from natural products.
    • Hypoallergenic. A large number of fragrances and chemical compounds can provoke an allergic reaction in a baby.
    • No mineral oils in the composition. In the presence of these components, a water-repellent film appears on the skin. It can create a greenhouse effect.
    • No dyes or flavors. It is much more useful if the product has a neutral smell than a pronounced one, but of synthetic origin.
    • No alcohol-containing liquids. Alcohol negatively affects the baby’s delicate skin - it dries it out and thins it even more, which can lead to inflammation and redness.
    • Indication of the full composition of the substances used. A meager list of components may indicate the concealment of harmful components used in the creation of the product.

    When choosing cosmetics for newborns, look not only at the popularity of the brand, but also at the composition. Please note that there is a quality certificate. Remember that a product that suits one baby may cause an allergy in another. Therefore, test the new remedy first on a small area of ​​the child’s body. If there is no skin reaction, the product can be used.

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