This dad just decided to take a photo of his daughter. but what he noticed in the background scared him seriously - a photo. He lay and looked at the floor, waiting for the doctors with the last injection... But suddenly the dog saw an animal that turned his life upside down! Common

Pitbull Roxy was found on the streets of the huge metropolis of Los Angeles. Apparently, the previous owners treated the dog very cruelly, because when she arrived at the shelter, she hid in a corner and did not want to come out for hours, ignoring people.

She looked at the floor because she was very scared.

The rescuers decided to take the dog for a walk, hoping to do something to relax it, but it simply huddled to the ground, refusing to go anywhere.

All these factors indicated the depressed state of the animal...

When an organization that rescues animals found out about Roxy, the dog was already being prepared for... euthanasia!

But she was saved in time.)

Roxy had to go to a foster home, but first she had to spend a week at the veterinary clinic.

All this time, the inconsolable dog, as usual, sat with his head bowed on the floor of the office. But then she accidentally saw a local cat.

Since then, everything has changed dramatically in Roxy’s life!

We don’t know why the fluffy ball sitting in the corner interested our heroine so much, but she got up from her seat and walked closer to the object of her attention.

It seems the dog has seriously decided to make friends with this cat!

From that moment on, the pictures of the animal completely changed: she was no longer looking at the floor, sadly thinking about something. Now she was reaching up to take a closer look at the cat, which was still indifferent to her.

A pregnant dog was left to die in the forest... And this is how her life turned out! :) Video

Throw it out to the mercy of fate pet- a great evil, and to abandon a pregnant poor thing is boundless cruelty! This is exactly what they did with the dog named Lara. Apparently, at some point...

Who knows why this happened, but Roxy stopped being afraid of people, sounds, cars, voices and everything else - after she saw this cat.

Perhaps she met not just some animal, and not even just a friend, but a real soul mate, in whom she found peace.

Such friendship awakened a love for life in the dog. This was probably the impetus for a new family to become interested in the dog.

The Pratts learned about Roxy's story and immediately decided that they wanted to take the pet with them.

And in new family Not only loving owners were waiting for the dog, but also three cats and even one Pomeranian Spitz!)

Roxy quickly became friends with everyone:

Pitbull Roxy was found on the streets of the huge metropolis of Los Angeles. Apparently, the previous owners treated the dog very cruelly, because when she arrived at the shelter, she hid in a corner and did not want to come out for hours, ignoring people.

She looked at the floor because she was very scared.

The rescuers decided to take the dog for a walk, hoping to do something to relax it, but it simply huddled to the ground, refusing to go anywhere.

All these factors indicated the depressed state of the animal...

When an organization that rescues animals found out about Roxy, the dog was already being prepared for... euthanasia!

But she was saved in time.)

Roxy had to go to a foster home, but first she had to spend a week at the veterinary clinic.

All this time, the inconsolable dog, as usual, sat with his head bowed on the floor of the office. But then she accidentally saw a local cat.

Since then, everything has changed dramatically in Roxy’s life!

We don’t know why the fluffy ball sitting in the corner interested our heroine so much, but she got up from her seat and walked closer to the object of her attention.

It seems the dog has seriously decided to make friends with this cat!

From that moment on, the pictures of the animal completely changed: she was no longer looking at the floor, sadly thinking about something. Now she was reaching up to take a closer look at the cat, which was still indifferent to her.

The dog dug up the trash and brought it out to people... a baby! The city has never heard of such a rescue before.

She walked along the street of the Brazilian city of Campinas and carried her precious burden. A homeless but very smart dog named Angela (as the city residents will later call her) has never heard of...

Who knows why this happened, but Roxy stopped being afraid of people, sounds, cars, voices and everything else - after she saw this cat.

Perhaps she met not just some animal, and not even just a friend, but a real soul mate, in whom she found peace.

Such friendship awakened a love for life in the dog. This was probably the impetus for a new family to become interested in the dog.

The Pratts learned about Roxy's story and immediately decided that they wanted to take the pet with them.

And in the new family, not only loving owners were waiting for the dog, but also three cats and even one Pomeranian Spitz!)

Roxy quickly became friends with everyone:

The development of advanced technologies provides many benefits. If once people had to search for a long time for a photographer to capture an important moment, and just as painfully wait for the photographs to be developed, now we can capture a significant event when and where we want it.

Thanks to progress, we can easily return to the best moments of our lives. But there is also a serious drawback to advanced technologies... Sometimes cameras capture things that we don't necessarily need to see.

This is what happened with this dad. Having gone to the sea with his daughter, he decided to take a few pictures as a souvenir.

Looking through the pictures, he did not expect to see anything strange or terrifying...

Now look carefully. Noticed anything unusual? If not, we'll give you a hint.

Pay attention to the girl’s legs: black boots and trousers are visible behind them. But that's not all...

If you look at the photo even more closely, the sleeve of a blue shirt can be seen behind the girl's T-shirt. Do you see?

Dad was seriously scared and immediately took his daughter away from this place.

The man claims that during the shooting the girl was standing on the shore alone. He did not use Photoshop tools or other graphic editors.

"Near this place there are several ancient burial grounds in which samurai rest. Perhaps the spirit of one of them still stands on the shore and looks at the infinity of the sea,"- he commented.

As soon as the photo appeared on the Internet, commentators immediately began to put forward their versions of what it could be. The most popular assumption was that the ghost of a World War II soldier entered the frame.

But some users reacted very skeptically to the hype around the photo: they believe that the shoes in the picture are just optical illusion, created by a peculiar play of light on the rocks.

18-year-old Ava Phillippe is increasingly being photographed by the paparazzi along with her famous mother Reese Witherspoon. The other day, Ava arrived with Reese in London for the premiere of her new film, A Wrinkle in Time. Having walked along the red carpet with her mother, the girl spent the evening in another company - her peer and another heir of a famous family, Arthur Donald, grandson of Paul McCartney.

Ava and Arthur chose the prestigious London area of ​​Mayfair for their walk. In the capital of Great Britain it is now up to 12 degrees Celsius, so Ava was wearing a light coat, and her companion was wearing only a sweatshirt. Both were in high spirits and soon disappeared into the trendy London restaurant Sketch, where Ava and Arthur apparently had dinner planned. Whether it was romantic is still unknown; the couple did not hold hands. But the fact that teenagers are clearly in warm friendly relations, it was noticeable from the photo.

Ava Phillippe and Arthur Donald on a walk in New York

The son of Paul McCartney's eldest daughter Mary and businessman Alistair Donald, Arthur, also performed “social duties” in London: yesterday late in the evening he, along with his mother and his famous grandfather, attended a screening of the documentary film My Generation at the British Film Institute BFI. The film tells about the London young generation of the 60s, in particular musicians, and Sir Paul gave more than one interview for this film.

Arthur, Mary and Sir Paul McCartney at the London premiere

Dmitry Evgenichev

Walking with my daughter in a painted park

"Frontier Battles" EU Cluster. Westeros sector. Entry point 30. Settel Peak. Feondil, human, magician.

The demon's appearance alone was intended to inspire respect. And he inspired. A huge, two-meter-long, broad-shouldered giant was clad in black armor from head to toe. Small eyes, glowing with red light, drilled into Feondil through the slits of his visor. The voice, from under the horned helmet, devoid of holes for the mouth, sounded like a rumbling roar.

You tried - I appreciated the effort. I, Jetesh the Extinguisher, first captain of the Abyssal Legionnaires, am here! But...,” the demon leaned forward slightly and Feondil felt the heat coming from him, “I’m not a messenger!” - The roar of the demon’s voice seemed to press his fingers on the eardrums. - If you want to look into the eyes of the Lord of the Abyss, first make sure that the ants on the other side of the wall leave the very thought of Dielzer. The day after tomorrow at exactly noon, the passage along the walls will be open for an hour. Goodbye! - The demon, with surprising grace for his mass, turned around and walked towards the gates of the fortress.

What is the allowed number of people in a group? - Someone next to Feondil shouted at the demon’s back. Without stopping or looking back, he rumbled, “Who was talking about the group?!” Ha ha ha.

The magician took his thin, ringed fingers away from the crystal and mechanically picked his ear with his little finger. “And the volume could have been turned down.”

His interlocutor, a paladin lounging in a comfortable chair, missed the reproach and asked, “How do you like the movie?”

What, we can’t take Dielzer, you’ve already pierced everyone’s brains. Especially with such a commander. Needless to say, Jetesh the Extinguisher himself. - Feondil shook his head, - It was the first time I saw someone above level one hundred and fifty so close. Impressive. Who made the “movie”, are you Taroin? - The magician looked mockingly at the paladin.

Are you crazy?! As a paladin, should I negotiate something with wicked demons?! And what difference does it make who filmed,” the paladin stood up in his chair nervously, “tell me how we will carry out the task.”

What kind of task, Taroin?! Explain exactly how the system here,” the magician clicked his finger on the crystal, “uh, formulated it.”

Penetrate a neighboring cluster. Collect or destroy at least a hundred of some kind of berries, wait... oh, here are the “silver berries”. In my opinion, it couldn't be easier.

As easy as shelling pears?! How to say, how to say. - The magician chewed his lips. Do you Taroyn, do you know what kind of berry this is?

I know! This is one of two uniques of the first Russian sector. And what?

They collect these berries at the very beginning of the sector, which is two hundred kilometers away... And you have to go through them on foot or on horseback. You can't fly over the desert. There are no flying mounts in the Russian cluster at all.

“I have a problem too,” the paladin grinned, “I have no doubt that your guys have some tricks.”

Do you know how this unique thing is protected? - The magician continued, as if not noticing that his interlocutor was beginning to get even more nervous.

God! Does it really matter how they guard him there... Don’t you have a worthy performer?

There will be something to be found,” the magician chewed his lips again, “but somehow it’s all... not very...

Feondil, don't start an old song. - Taroin said with a threat in his voice. - You remained in the minority on the council. The decision has been made, so it must be implemented. Funny, the head of the Dark Brotherhood, scrupulous as a saint. If such an exchange is possible, it must be grabbed with both hands. Now we will refuse, and then it will turn out like the Russians and the Chinese. Neither this nor that. Open city, ugh! - The paladin grimaced.

As far as I know, the Russians are not yet aware that the wall has ended. Not a single one of their scouts came closer than fifty kilometers to Dielzer. And we are practically standing at the gate. There is still time to think. Maybe we can gather our strength and take the fortress ourselves. - As if talking to himself, the magician muttered.

“The forces have already gathered,” the paladin commented contemptuously, “they only know how to scratch their tongues.” And note, Feondil, an exchange offer was received from the demons. This means that it is actually approved by the administration!

Tired of fighting mobs? - The magician narrowed his eyes. - Do you want to measure your strength with your neighbors?

Don’t make me laugh,” the interlocutor waved his hand dismissively, “why are there any comparisons?!” They took only four provinces from the first cities. Between Dielzer and their border of sands is another demon city with surrounding forts. And nothing has yet been heard about attempts to take it. Honestly, they should have played for another year to get closer to our level. But since the guys from overseas decided that it was time for the wall to end... - The Paladin grinned and finished harshly, - we will go both north and south.

How will the administration look at this? Do you think they’ll just let you capture other people’s provinces? - The magician asked him doubtfully.

For some reason, it seems to me that the administration will be all for it,” he objected cheerfully, “almost a year has passed since the connection of all the other clusters.” Now everyone just dreams of fighting with their neighbors.

With the Americans? - Feondil clarified sarcastically.

Well, not with them, of course, they are our allies,” Taroin scratched his nose, “and you can’t really fight with dragons!” But with the Russians it’s the opposite. Air supremacy is guaranteed to us, and this is half the victory.

Yeah, in the absence of air defense, so to speak, - Feondil nodded his head, - what if there is one?

“Let your guy look at what they have behind the hill and what they don’t,” the paladin agreed and continued mockingly, “otherwise, they really might end up with something so terrible.” Although unlikely. Someone told me that they read on forums how they took the first city. They collected fighters for a month and barely got them. Oh, okay, why think about it now... Once you decide on a candidate, let him contact me and I’ll hand over the task. See you!

Looking thoughtfully at the door that had closed behind the paladin, the magician thought sadly, “Taroin, Taroin!” “Someone told me”?! Yes, I told you! Only you remembered something completely wrong from my story. Just think, it took the Russians a long time to take the first city! But then three others in a few months and judging by the forums, practically without losses! And by the forces of one clan, which in terms of numbers would not even be among our top twenty. That's it! However, what can you take from a warrior! He just needs to wave his sword. It is surprising that he was the most ardent supporter of this stupid “exchange” at the council. Give the city and surrounding villages to the demons! Voluntarily! And what’s most disgusting is that without warning its inhabitants... Although, Taroin is right, why should I worry about the neighboring sector? It's just a game!

Kitty! - Feondil shouted and, waiting for the cheerful face of a little elf to poke her head through the slightly open door, he ordered, - Call brother Earampho to me, dear!

Russia, Ensk region, Ensk

The phone call that turned our family’s lives upside down came at 2:00 p.m. on the second Monday of February.

Andrey Sergeevich? - Asked an unfamiliar male voice.

I looked at the phone again. My daughter Vika was still smiling from the screen. My palms immediately began to sweat.

Yes, yes, it’s me,” I croaked into the phone, “and what happened...

It happened,” the interlocutor sighed, “your daughter Victoria,” he paused and, waiting for my convulsive “yes,” continued, “had an accident.” “Unfortunately, I was hurt,” he sighed again and added, “she was seriously hurt!” Now the operation is underway, the operation is complex and long... He said something else, but the words flew past my consciousness.

Hospital, what hospital? - I interrupted the man.

City 4, traumatology intensive care unit - he apparently realized that I was not listening to him and quickly added - the department head’s office is on the second floor, come, I’ll be waiting for you.

I remember the second half of this Monday poorly. I vaguely remember how I picked up my wife, how we got to the hospital. Then there was a long wait in the corridor, some people periodically came up to us and asked some questions. I looked through them and just shrugged. To our questions with Svetlana, everyone just said - wait. Brought me to my senses phone call. I called the department head again from my daughter’s phone. As it turned out, his name is Lev Borisovich and he has been waiting for us in his office for a very long time!

Lev Borisovich had extensive experience in communicating with the relatives of his patients. Slowly, in a calm voice, he told my wife and me that Vika was traveling in a minibus that had an accident. My daughter has multiple leg fractures. The good news: her life is not in danger, she will walk. And even, as Lev Borisovich said, run, dance, and even jump with a parachute! On the bad side: even though the operation that Vika had today was “simply wonderful,” as the head of the department put it, she will need at least one more.

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