How to make your skin beautiful without foundation. Perfect skin without concealer or foundation: mission possible. There are a couple more old recipes

Girls, I’m sharing the recipe with you...
Before, I could never go outside without a layer of foundation.
I tried this mask. All redness, oiliness, swelling and spots are gone. The complexion has noticeably smoothed out. Now the skin is perfect even from a very close distance....
How? It's very simple! Write down the recipe! ;)

Various reasons influence the fact that facial skin may look far from ideal and have an unattractive shade. This is insufficient care for her, and improper care, abuse bad habits(smoking, excessive coffee and alcohol consumption), not proper nutrition or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Even complexion, how to improve complexion
Firstly, it is impossible to significantly improve your complexion without sufficient cleansing of the skin. And your facial skin needs to be cleansed every day - morning and evening, regardless of whether you applied decorative cosmetics or not. After all, even after spending the whole day at home, we were in the company of numerous small dust particles that constantly settled on our skin, polluting it. You should use a good exfoliator once a week.

Secondly, facial skin needs to be regularly nourished and moisturized. And even if you are completely satisfied with how you look now, still take care of the future - be sure to lubricate your skin after cleansing with a suitable moisturizing or nourishing cream.

Thirdly, when going outside, use a cream with a UV filter with SPF 15 or higher. When ultraviolet light penetrates freely into the deep layers of the skin, where melanin is found, dark spots usually appear on sensitive skin.

Special homemade masks will help correct the situation when it is necessary to even out the complexion.

It is advisable to apply masks that even out the complexion before going to bed, since the sun’s rays negatively affect the skin after them.

By regularly using masks to even out the complexion, we reliably protect our skin. Such masks are especially necessary in the summer.

The most effective and at the same time simplest remedy for evening out complexion is badyaga, the powder of which is sold in every pharmacy.

The powder is diluted with boiling water to the consistency of sour cream and applied to a cleansed face for 15 minutes. During this procedure, a tingling sensation is felt because all the capillaries begin to work more actively, as a result of increased blood microcirculation.
The skin of the face turns red for a short time, then the stagnant spots resolve.
As a result, the skin is noticeably evened out, the complexion is significantly improved and acne is reduced.
After the mask with badyaga, you need to apply moisturizer to your face.

Nourish the skin with vitamins and minerals, cleanse it and protect it from negative impact ultraviolet rays, and also have a peeling and lifting effect of masks based on vegetables and fruits.
You can simply rub the skin of your face and neck with a cut cucumber. Or you can grate the cucumber on a fine grater and mix the resulting pulp with one teaspoon of your nourishing cream. If your facial skin is oily, you can add a little alcohol or vodka. Wrap the prepared mixture in gauze wipes and apply to the face for 15-20 minutes. Then we wash our face with warm water.
Grind several cabbage leaves into a pulp (using a blender). Add 2-3 tablespoons of yogurt to the cabbage pulp and apply the mask on the face for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with warm water.
Grate the carrots on a fine grater, add half an egg yolk, one teaspoon of oatmeal and a little lemon juice. Apply to face for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with cold water.
Pour one teaspoon of dry flax seeds with half a glass of boiling water, cover and leave for 20 minutes. Then bring this infusion to a boil and pour one tablespoon of oatmeal into it. In this case, you don’t have to use the entire infusion of flax seeds - you just need it to completely cover oatmeal. Leave the flakes to swell, and then apply the resulting warm paste to your face for 15-20 minutes, after which you need to wash your face with water at room temperature.
Masks made from cottage cheese, sour cream or fresh cucumber improve complexion and also give a slight whitening effect. You just need to apply any of these products on your face for 20 minutes.
In order to give your skin a dark effect, you need to apply fresh coffee grounds or grated carrots to it for 15 minutes.
Watermelon or melon pulp, applied to the face for 15-20 minutes every other day for a month, will give the skin a pleasant and healthy color.
An effective mask for skin that has lost its freshness: mix 1 tablespoon of finely grated carrots with 1 egg yolk, 1 tbsp. l. lukewarm, freshly prepared mashed potatoes and a quarter glass of slightly warmed light beer. Apply to the face for 15-20 minutes, and also wash off with warm beer.
The pulp of a ripe peach or apricot must be thoroughly mashed, mixed with a small amount oatmeal and apply a generous layer on the face for 15-20 minutes. This mask is suitable for any skin type. And for dry skin, you can add another teaspoon of vegetable oil.
Frozen pieces of ice from decoctions of calendula, chamomile, linden, sage, mint, yarrow and string, or a mixture of these herbs, improve the complexion of the skin if you lightly wipe it with them in the morning.

What to change in home care, what salon treatments choose to make your facial skin look fresh and radiant without foundation? Let's start with the fact that beautiful skin- This is, first of all, healthy skin. Enough sleep, fresh air and proper nutrition work wonders! But, of course, you can’t do without cosmetic tricks either. We talked about them with Svetlana Donetskaya, candidate of medical sciences, cosmetologist, chief physician and founder of the Lege Artis aesthetic medicine clinic.

Cleanse your skin regularly

In this case, we are not just talking about daily washing with foam or gel, but about a deeper effect on the skin using products containing acids. This can be the same cosmetics for washing, and peelings, which, depending on the skin type, should be done 2-4 times a month. Look for lactic, mandelic acid or caprolactone in the composition. By neglecting proper cleansing, you risk the appearance of comedones on your skin (and more than one foundation will not cover them up) and the formation of a network of fine wrinkles. Over time it will become more and more noticeable. You don't want your skin to look like wrinkled tissue paper, do you?

Maintain a balance of water and oil in the skin

Your home care arsenal should include moisturizing creams that saturate the skin with moisture, and nourishing creams with polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are the main building material for the protective mantle of the skin. It is what prevents the evaporation of water from its surface and also protects the skin from adverse external influences.

Erase blood vessels and pigment from your face

Yes, you can get rid of everything that you are so carefully trying to cover up once and for all. The photorejuvenation procedure will help you. Despite its name, it is quite appropriate in youth. Thanks to exposure to light of a certain spectrum, it is possible to get rid of excess pigment, visible blood vessels and fine wrinkles. Photorejuvenation also improves the structure of the skin, tightens pores and makes marks less noticeable. acne. Not a procedure, but a fairy tale! You will notice its effect after your first visit to a cosmetologist. For a more pronounced result, you will need a course of procedures - from 3 to 5, depending on the condition of the skin.

Try the stars' favorite procedure - plasma therapy

If things are really bad, pay attention to a very effective injection procedure - plasma therapy. Your own plasma will be used for it (you will have to sacrifice a small amount of blood from a vein). To saturate the skin with water as much as possible, drugs are often added to the plasma hyaluronic acid. With the help of such a cocktail, your face will quickly regain freshness and radiance. It is no coincidence that plasma therapy is the favorite procedure of many famous beauties. For a pronounced effect, a course of 3-5 procedures is required with an interval of 3-4 weeks.

Without makeup base and foundation can't get by.

What does the base do?
It solves at least three problems: improves the appearance of the skin, protects it and fixes makeup. The base is applied under the foundation; if it is liquid, it must first dry on the skin.

Which base should you choose?
If you want to disguise large pores and wrinkles, choose a silicone base. To highlight dull skin - reflective. The lighter the complexion, the lighter the base should be. If your skin is problematic and you need to hide redness and greasy shine, use a mineral base.

With or without tone
In addition to the fact that foundation “holds” all makeup, it can also moisturize and even rejuvenate the skin: for example, if vitamin C or plant extracts are added to the formula.

How to choose a tone?
The mistake is to try it on the cheekbone or wrist. The most accurate color match is obtained by testing on the neck. It is most convenient to apply liquid foundation with synthetic brushes, and dense cream-powder with an “egg” sponge.

If the skin in general is not problematic, the foundation and the tone itself can be replaced with BB cream

Adding freshness

Concealer and blush are the whole secret of how to disguise the signs of fatigue on your face.

Better than...The most versatile blush color is a light pink. It suits any skin tone, refreshes and revitalizes. The most “failing” color is bronze. If it is poorly shaded, it creates a feeling of sunken cheeks. And even with even application, skin with bronze appears aged.

Right to the point...
If you don't make these two mistakes, concealer will bring your skin closer to ideal. First, don't apply it further than necessary. When your goal is to disguise a dark circle under your eyes, apply concealer only to it, and not around the lower eyelid. And the second mistake is to start makeup with concealer. It is the final touch after foundation and blush.

Modeling the oval face

To make your face even more memorable, you need to play a little with light.

Contouring is...
Same as contouring and sculpting. The essence of this makeup technique is to correctly highlight and darken “special” areas of the face and ultimately make the features very expressive.

Hiding the unnecessary

Choose either photo filters as a way to correct skin imperfections, or primers.

Indispensable for sensitive skin, for problematic skin with rashes and for skin prone to rosacea. Green hides any redness. One caveat - if you are spot-masking acne, use a product with a dense texture.

Corrective agents pink shade solve the problem gray faces. After them, the effect of porcelain skin is created.

Unlike colored primers, neutral ones improve the texture of the skin: mattify or, for example, slightly dry and tighten enlarged pores.

For every face type

Elongated narrow
You can visually expand your face by darkening the hairline above the temples and the area under the hollow of the cheek.

Apply light powder under the eyes and in the center of the face (forehead, nose and chin).

You can soften facial features by darkening the hairline above the frontal and temporal zones and along the lower border of the face, including the chin.

The center of the face and the top of the cheekbones were highlighted.

This face needs minimal correction. Darken only the hollow under the cheekbone (it’s easy to identify by pulling in your cheeks).

Focus on highlighting the forehead, cheek bones, nose and center of the chin.

To visually narrow a round face, darken the side areas from the temples to the chin.

The center of the forehead, the back of the nose, the area under the eyes and the middle of the chin, on the contrary, were highlighted.

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4 in 1 product Le Privilège BASE TRAITANTE RIVOLI. Price on request.

Primer Infaillible “Smoothing” L’Oreal Paris. Price 500 rub.*

Primer Infaillible “Matifying” L’Oreal Paris. Price 500 rub.*

In fact, you can create flawless skin without using foundation. The main thing is to know a few secrets that always work without failure.

Interesting: foundation does not harm the skin - this is a huge myth. On the contrary, it protects it from external influences, and also often contains caring components. True, some girls are uncomfortable with him.

Makeup base

In order for concealer and powder to fit perfectly on the skin and create a velvety coating, they need to have something to “catch onto”. The ideal product to achieve this goal would be a makeup base.

Choose a radiant base if you have dry skin and a pore-tightening one if you suffer from excessive oily skin.

Correction of certain zones

To disguise under-eye circles, a pimple or uneven skin tone, use concealer. Apply it to problem areas and gently blend with your finger, sponge or brush.

Please note that for correcting circles under the eyes, a concealer slightly lighter than your natural skin color is best suited. And the shortcomings in the form of redness and pimples are best masked with a concealer that will completely blend with it.

Don't be afraid of blush

Apply blush to the apples of your cheeks. At the same time, don’t be afraid to create a color accent. Of course, you shouldn’t look like a matryoshka doll, but a healthy glow will help create perfect skin without using foundation.

It is best to choose blush in the same color scheme like your lipstick or gloss. If in doubt, choose natural products - they are always suitable for everyone.

In fact, you can create flawless skin without using foundation. The main thing is to know a few secrets that always work without failure.

Interesting: foundation does not harm the skin - this is a huge myth. On the contrary, it protects it from external influences, and also often contains caring components. True, some girls are uncomfortable with him.

Makeup base

In order for concealer and powder to fit perfectly on the skin and create a velvety coating, they need to have something to “catch onto”. The ideal product to achieve this goal would be a makeup base.

Choose a radiant base if you have dry skin and a pore-tightening one if you suffer from excessive oily skin.

Correction of certain zones

To disguise under-eye circles, a pimple or uneven skin tone, use concealer. Apply it to problem areas and gently blend with your finger, sponge or brush.

Please note that for correcting circles under the eyes, a concealer slightly lighter than your natural skin color is best suited. And the shortcomings in the form of redness and pimples are best masked with a concealer that will completely blend with it.

Don't be afraid of blush

Apply blush to the apples of your cheeks. At the same time, don’t be afraid to create a color accent. Of course, you shouldn’t look like a matryoshka doll, but a healthy glow will help create perfect skin without using foundation.

It's best to choose blush in the same color scheme as your lipstick or gloss. If in doubt, choose natural products - they are always suitable for everyone.

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