What a holiday today is for the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Day of the employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation. Police Day - the history of the holiday

In November, Russia celebrates one of the most popular and famous professional holidays -. Yes, yes, this is the famous one Soviet Police Day, which one day was renamed the Russian police. So sometimes Ministry of Internal Affairs Day Russia is called either - from old memory - Police Day, or, paying tribute to new trends, - Police Day.

When is Russian Internal Affairs Officer Day celebrated?

Russian Internal Affairs Officer Day is celebrated annually on November 10; in 2016, the professional holiday of valiant law enforcement officers falls on Thursday.

History of the Police Day holiday

It is believed that the history of this holiday dates back to 1715, when Peter I created a public order service in Russia, calling it “police,” which translated from Greek means “state, city.”

After October revolution Russian police were replaced by Soviet militia. Already three days after the revolution - October 28 (November 10), 1917, a resolution was adopted by the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs Alexey Rykov"About the workers' militia." The most popular Soviet series “Born of the Revolution” was dedicated to the creation and development of the people’s militia.

At first, the police were under the jurisdiction of local councils, then within the structure of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs (NKVD), and from 1946 - under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR (and then Russian Federation).

The professional holiday of the police began to be celebrated in 1962, after the corresponding decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Since 1980, Soviet Police Day has become official holiday, which was very popular. People of the older generation remember that on November 10, there was always a big festive concert on television dedicated to this holiday, at which all the then Soviet pop stars considered it an honor to perform. This tradition continues to this day. Since the beginning of 2000, the concert dedicated to the Day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has been held at the State Kremlin Palace, and its broadcast on live Channel One and Russia 1 TV channel take turns hosting.

By the way, interesting fact: when in 1982 the concert on November 10 was unexpectedly canceled, many immediately guessed that it was for a reason, although the death of the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Leonid Brezhnev, who led the Soviet Union for 18 years, was announced only a day later - on November 11.

Since 2011, when the Russian police were renamed the police, the professional holiday of employees of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs also changed its name. Now the holiday is officially called Day of the Internal Affairs Officer of the Russian Federation.

In addition to the festive concert, many solemn and memorable events take place on this day, at which not only distinguished police officers are honored, but also veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are congratulated, and the memory of employees who died in the line of duty is honored.

Police Day in Art and Cinema

Many works of art - books, poems, films - are dedicated to the service of those who maintain order and protect the lives and peace of Russians. In addition to the already mentioned Soviet series “Born of the Revolution”, one can recall the multi-part television film “The Investigation is Conducted by Experts”, the films “Petrovka, 38” and “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed”, the famous series “Streets of Broken Lanterns”, colloquially called “Cops”, and its numerous sequels, etc. The personality of a defender of the law, who opposes not only bandits and murderers, but also corruption, injustice, and bureaucratic lawlessness, is always in demand in society, fitting into the archetype of a warrior-defender.

Well, everyone certainly knows the most famous song about our police: “Our service is dangerous, difficult, and at first glance, it seems invisible. If someone here and there sometimes doesn’t want to live honestly, it means we have to fight an invisible battle with them. This is what fate has destined for you and me - service days and nights.”

According to the precepts of this song, employees of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs spend their professional holiday at the post, and the Russians congratulate and thank their defenders.

Congratulations on Police Day

At least take some rest today
From criminals and thefts,
Turn off your phones
Police Day is yours!
Congratulations today
Even the mafia will understand -
And it won’t cause a showdown,
And it won’t go to the “arrow”!
We wish you easy service,
And well-deserved awards,
Real strong friendship
Salary increases,
We know, even at great risk
You will help in trouble,
After all, it’s more reliable than the Russian one
There are no police anywhere!

Congratulations on Police Day
And we wish you no hassle
You must always be on guard,
Protect us from adversity.

Your difficult job
Society always needs it.
We appreciate and love you,
Your country respects you.

We wish you happiness, light,
We wish you well!
Let your children be proud of you
And trouble passes you by.

Your work is so difficult
But everyone needs it.
You are on duty day and night -
Both in severe cold and in heat.
Keep order
For the good of your own country.
I want to wish you guys
Have a decent salary
Reliable devoted friends,
Stars on shoulder straps - after all, merit
As usual, you have too many to count.
Believe me, this is not flattery,
Just kind words
Police hip-hip hooray!

Date in 2019: November 10th, Sunday.

Not everyone is able to put public issues and other people's problems above personal ones. Not everyone will be able to risk their health and life fighting criminals and standing up for the law. We will talk about the police officers, whom we, as usual, congratulate at the beginning of November every year.

Ordinary people have always had an ambiguous attitude towards the work of law enforcement agencies. Some look with pride and hope at people in uniform, who exude calm, protection, and confidence. Others are afraid and dislike representatives of the law. But everyone respects the police and does not forget to congratulate them on their professional holiday. Police Day is invariably celebrated in November.

Who celebrates the holiday?

The word “police” itself has ancient Greek roots and means “city” in interpretation. Therefore, the first police officers were any people who belonged to city government.

In Russia, the idea to charge police officers with law enforcement duties belongs to Peter I. A similar service was created in 1715, first in St. Petersburg, and later in Moscow. In 1718, the secret chancellery appeared as a prototype of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, whose responsibilities included control, surveillance, and search.

A similar ministry appears during the reign of Alexander I. The responsibilities of the ministry have expanded significantly since 1802. Now people of this profession are responsible for peace and order in cities, for fire safety, and are looking for deserters and criminal fugitives. In addition, there were also unusual responsibilities in the form of developing roads, supervising shelters, controlling mail, medicine, trade, and paying taxes.

But literally a few years later a narrower ministry was created. Since 1810, the police have been led not by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but by the Ministry of Police. And since 1908, search departments have been created at city and county departments.

Everything changes after the revolution. The police as such are abolished. And the Workers' and Peasants' Militia is being created. The date of birth of the police is November 10th. It was on this day that it later became Police Day, when for decades all police officers have been congratulated on their professional holiday.

Initially, the police were created immediately after the coup to protect the revolutionary order. Citizens over 21 years of age who are loyal to the Soviet regime are accepted into the ranks of the police. The policeman had to serve at least six months.

In addition to the official police units, voluntary ones were also created, which assisted the official bodies. The exploits of the “Voluntary Police Detachments” and “Friends of Public Order” and other organizations of this kind are well known.

Soviet police officers take an active part in the civil war. And in 1920, a Decree was issued, which prescribed all the structural divisions of the RKM, which were classified as bodies of special importance.

Today, the profession of policeman as such does not exist, since the structure was reorganized and renamed to the historical name “police”. But Police Day remained unchanged. The holiday is still celebrated in November.

Therefore, Police Day in 2019 will be celebrated by officers and soldiers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. All employees who wear police uniforms, as well as employees who support their work, will raise their glasses.

And since there are no former police officers, both retired officers and those who served even a minimum period in the police or police will celebrate their unchanging Police Day in 2019.

history of the holiday

Historically, the holiday is associated with the adoption of the NKVD resolution of November 10, 1917, which formed the security forces. Celebrating the holiday of policemen began back in 1962. But for a long time the celebrations were unofficial. The holiday was legalized in 1980 by a corresponding Decree issued by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

The country fell apart, but traditions and holidays were preserved. Therefore, when asked when is Police Day in 2016, what date, many will answer out of habit that November 10th. And they will be absolutely right. Despite the renaming of the bodies in 2011, the date of the holiday remains unchanged by government decision. This is what is stated in the Decree signed by the President in 2011.

Therefore, Police Day in 2019, which date cannot be confused. The holiday will be celebrated as usual on November 10. Traditionally, employees gather for festive table, accept congratulations from friends, colleagues, management. Some police officers receive a promotion in honor of the holiday and, according to tradition, wash new stars in a glass of vodka.
In the Kremlin Palace, as for many decades, on this holiday, ceremonial events are held with speeches by government representatives, performances by stars and creative groups.

About the police profession

The profession of a police officer can safely be called important, responsible and quite dangerous. A person in this profession has certain levers of influence that are given to him legally.

He maintains order, detains offenders, and conducts explanatory conversations. Sometimes a police officer has to resort to more radical methods of restoring order.
A police officer is responsible for maintaining order not only on the streets of the city, but also in any residential, public, or industrial premises. That's why he's on legally has the right to enter any place if an offense is suspected.

He has the right to use special ammunition, and, if necessary, a baton, and even firearms. All rights and responsibilities of a police officer are prescribed in a special Charter, laws that employees must strictly observe.

No matter how strange the stereotypes associated with the personalities of police officers may be, special requirements are put forward for these people. These characteristics of police officers are prescribed by the life and years of work of Soviet police officers and Russian police officers.

In addition to the requirements for professional education, the police officer is required to constantly improve his qualifications. Only physically resilient, strong guys and girls with excellent reactions can become a police officer. They must have good hearing and vision.

Among the psychological qualities required by a police officer, integrity and resistance to stress are important. A professional in his field is ready to help at any time and even sacrifice his own health. This is a responsible person, capable of thinking logically, and keeping calm.

Special requirements are also put forward for legal literacy. To maintain order, a police officer must clearly understand the boundaries of what is permitted and know the legal explanations for any action.

Congratulations to the police

Dear policeman, every day you solve complex problems and ensure order. And on this holiday, every man in the street is ready to thank you for your brave work, for your courage and vigilance. May there be fewer threats and troubles in your work, may there always be mutual understanding with colleagues and friends, and may there always be love and happiness with your family.

As usual, on November 10th we will raise our glasses. He will say toasts to the police, for their hard work. They protect the sleep and peace of all citizens every day. We wish every police officer faith in his job, perseverance and strength to carry out his duties.

Congratulations to the police
On a glorious holiday.
And fill the glasses to the brim
We sincerely wish you not to lose heart.

Police Day in Russia
Holiday of our country.
Congratulations are accepted
Brave sons.
Your glory and courage
Glorifies all the people
Let the merry march sound
On our police holiday.

Larisa, October 25, 2016.

Every year on November 10, our country celebrates the Day of the Internal Affairs Officer of the Russian Federation - a professional holiday for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Until 2011, this holiday was called the Day of the Russian Police, and even earlier, until 1991, the Day of the Soviet Police.

In 2018, this holiday intersects with another very important event: the Russian police turned 300 years old. The significant anniversary (three centuries of the police chief’s office) permeates many events held by the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018.

Based on the scientific research carried out by the Russian expert community of historians, it was established that on May 25 (June 5, new style) 1718, Emperor Peter I established the post of St. Petersburg Police Chief General - the head of the main police chief office, headed by the police chief general the royal orderly Anton Divier. At the same time, a guiding document was published entitled “Points Given to the St. Petersburg Chief of Police.” This document contained a formulated program of police activity, and also determined its role and place in the state. It is from 1718 that the Russian police should be established as a special institution that was included in the system of state bodies.

The date itself, November 10, as the official date of the holiday, arose after the 1917 revolution. On October 28 (November 10, new style), 1917, People's Commissar of Internal Affairs A.I. Rykov signed the decree “On the Workers' Militia.” Since 1962, this particular date began to be celebrated as a professional holiday for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; this happened after the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of September 26, 1962 was issued. Today, similar holidays exist in many countries around the world. For example, the Russian date coincides with Police Day in Cuba, where it is also celebrated on November 10. And in the United States, there is National Police Week, which is dedicated to law enforcement officers who died in the line of duty, as well as those who actually risk their lives every day in their service. In Russia, Remembrance Day for those killed during the execution official duties employees of internal affairs bodies is celebrated on November 8.

At the time of its formation, the police in our country were under the jurisdiction of local Soviets, then moved to the structure of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs, and since 1946 - to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The historical changes that have occurred in our country over the past decades have required a new look at the place and principles of activity of the internal affairs bodies, especially taking into account the changing socio-political structure of the country. The need to create a new legal platform that would meet modern requirements has become increasingly obvious. As a result, the existing law “On the Police” was subject to adjustments several times, but this did not give desired results. In addition, in the 21st century, new challenges and threats facing the Ministry of Internal Affairs began to manifest themselves more and more clearly - terrorism, extremist activity, corruption in government, the spread of transnational organized crime, as well as crimes committed in the field of high technology. Taking into account all that has been said, the task before the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs became increasingly clear - to reorganize the department in such a way that the system would work using modern technologies, in accordance with international legal standards, professionally and effectively responding to new challenges and threats of today.

The process of reforming the Ministry of Internal Affairs system began at the end of 2009, when the President of Russia signed a decree dated December 24 “On measures to improve the activities of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.” The active phase of reforms began in Russia on March 1, 2011, when the Federal Law “On Police” of February 7, 2011 came into force, which, among other things, led to the renaming of the police into the police. At the same time, in 2011, the necessary the legislative framework activities of the Russian police, measures were taken to optimize the organizational structure and functions of the entire system. The basis of the new Russian police legislation was federal laws"About the Police", "About social guarantees employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" and "On service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation."

The main directions of reforming the country's Ministry of Internal Affairs system were updating the regulatory framework, getting rid of unnecessary management links, increasing the role of operational services, and carrying out organizational and staffing measures aimed at freeing the police from functions unusual for them. An important area of ​​reforming the system was the humanization of methods and forms of work of the Russian police, an attempt to bring the relationship between law enforcement agencies and society to a partnership model.

Today, the tasks of the Russian police include maintaining public order, preventing and solving crimes of varying severity, searching for those who committed crimes and missing people, combating the terrorist threat and manifestations of extremism, combating the spread of drugs, controlling trafficking, and ensuring security traffic. As of 2018, the official number of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is set at just under 900 thousand people.

Regardless of historical period a large number of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs celebrate their professional holiday while on duty, providing reliable security and peace of mind to the lives of ordinary citizens and protecting their creative work. Every year, employees of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs successfully solve their daily tasks of protecting the country and society from various types criminal attacks.

Employees of internal affairs bodies have a lot of work both on weekdays and on holidays. In January-September 2018 alone, 1,490.9 thousand various crimes were registered in Russia (3.9 percent less than in the same period in 2017). An increase in registered crimes was noted in 27 regions of Russia, a decrease in crime in 58 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. 92.7 percent of registered crimes are detected by employees of internal affairs bodies, and 4.6 percent of them are at the stage of preparation and attempt. In the first nine months of 2018, employees of the Russian internal affairs bodies solved 833.5 thousand crimes (2.6 percent less than in the same period in 2017). 579.5 thousand crimes have not been solved (2.5 percent less than in the same period in 2017), of which serious and especially serious crimes account for 21.9 percent, reports the official website of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

On November 6, 2018, on the eve of the Day of Internal Affairs Officer of the Russian Federation, the country's Minister of Internal Affairs Vladimir Kolokoltsev held a gala reception for department veterans. Veterans of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, as well as heads of the largest veteran organizations of internal affairs bodies from 21 regions of the country were invited to the event. Vladimir Kolokoltsev reminded the audience that 2018 is a special year, as it marks the 300th anniversary of the Russian police. According to the head of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, veterans of internal affairs bodies make a significant contribution to the results achieved by the department in the fight against crime, and also take an active part in the training of professional police personnel.

On November 10, Military Review congratulates current employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, as well as department veterans, on their professional holiday!

Based on materials from open sources.

The history of the emergence of the public order service dates back to 1715, when Peter I created such a service and called it “police,” which means “government of the state.” In subsequent years, this service changed its name many times until it arrived at its current name. There are two directions - the criminal police and the public security police. On November 10, 1917, a decree was issued on the creation of a workers' militia, and since 1962, the Day of the Russian Police began to be officially celebrated on this day. The police in our time are busy with a very important task - they ensure the peace and security of the citizens of our country, therefore the state constantly ensures an increase in the level of knowledge of employees, conditions for improvement in the profession, and supplies modern material and technical base. For many years, the main channels of the country show large numbers on this day. holiday concerts.

On Police Day I wish
Many different perspectives:
And career and success,
And a great team.

Honor, courage, bravery,
So that the beast runs towards the catcher.
Well, let’s wait at home
Hearts that love you!

Allow me to address,
Should I read the congratulations?
On Police Day, on your holiday,
We want to wish you
On the shoulder straps of new stars,
Strength, accuracy, health,
So that there is an increase in wages.
To take fewer risks,
So that crime goes down.
So that in the family and at work
You were valued like a treasure.

Congratulations on your professional holiday - Happy Russian Police Day! I wish you great prospects, career growth, opportunities for implementation and development. Let your workdays be safe, your partner’s shoulder reliable, your willpower and convictions strong. Health, prosperity and all the best!

Your work is not easy,
They trust you for a reason.
Let your hard work
They are always respected and protected.
Let the salary be worthy,
So that the vacation is somewhere in the Emirates,
For less stress - more laughter.
Always success in all matters!
And so that always, everywhere, in everything
Be in front and behind the wheel!

The keepers of order
Let everything in life be smooth.
Less evil and crime -
More joyful moments.
Peace, miracle, laughter, sun!
Let grief not touch you.
Quiet days at work
Don't let your friends let you down
Let faith in goodness not fade -
Bright happiness without measure!

Happy Police Day cordially
Your work is endlessly important
May fate protect you.

May there be success nearby,
There is peace and tranquility at home.
Let the angel with an invisible gaze
Saves your peace.

Congratulations on Police Day.
Let your career only go up,
Doesn't let you get bored and inspires,
There will be respect and honor.

The bullies will all leave without a trace,
The stars will shine on the shoulder straps.
Let the boss not be malicious,
And my colleagues just make me laugh!

Let the greenery fill your wallet,
So as not to measure money, not to count it,
Life always makes you laugh,
Gives positivity and grace!

There is an important day on the calendar -
During the day he is called the police.
May everyone who serves in it
Today the sun will smile!

Order, honor, law of the Russian Federation -
All this is your credo in life.
So let the service bring
Peace, prosperity from the fatherland!

Health, ease in everything
Today we wish you.
And Happy Police Day, dear
We sincerely congratulate you!

I wish that your shoulder straps
Decorated with three stars
To the rank of colonel,
You got it sooner.

So that things are revealed,
You were smart.
And your courage, bravery,
Save it for a year.

So that reliable colleagues
Family was also nearby.
Stay human
Happy Police Day to you.

Happy Police Day to you,
Happy wonderful holiday!
You've been without work for a day
Don't sit still:
You catch everyone personally,
So that in your area
Everything was great
You protect our peace
From trouble, adversity!
I wish on your holiday
More happiness to you!

Policeman, congratulations!
We respect you very much
For your profession
Yes, because you are in the ranks.
You zealously maintain order,
But this work is not so sweet.
After all, it is dangerous and difficult,
We will pray for you.
Go to new “stars”!
A number of successes along the way!
Smile and don't be sad!

Today in Russia we celebrate a holiday that is historically customary to call Police Day. After the well-known reform carried out several years ago, both the police itself and the previous name of the holiday officially ceased to exist. As a result, a design with the rather cumbersome name “Day of the Internal Affairs Officer of the Russian Federation” appeared in the calendar of holiday dates of the law enforcement agencies of our country. However, the essence of the renaming celebration did not change.

In 2017, the holiday has its own anniversary. The fact is that it began to be recognized as a professional one in 1962 - 55 years ago - on the basis of a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The date has a historical reference to November 10 ( a new style) 1917, when the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the Soviet Republic Alexei Rykov (future chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR) put his signature on the resolution “On the Workers' Militia.”

The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Police General Vladimir Kolokoltsev, congratulated all law enforcement officers on this holiday:

I cordially congratulate you on the Day of the Internal Affairs Officer of the Russian Federation! This is a holiday of all who dedicated their lives to serving the people, the law and the Fatherland.

The profession of a policeman is one of the most important and necessary. The requirements for her have never depended on time - it is always high responsibility, honesty and courage.

Today, the ministry’s personnel adequately respond to new criminal challenges and threats, fight organized crime, terrorism and extremism, and ensure the economic and migration security of the state.

Thanks to your effective work, the level of protection of citizens increases and, as a result, the prestige of the department grows.

On this day, we pay tribute to our comrades who died in the line of duty, bow our heads before their feat and carefully preserve the bright memory of the heroes.

I express my sincere gratitude to veterans for their support and assistance in training, education and civic development of the younger generation of law enforcement defenders. Your experience, devotion to duty and careful attitude to traditions are priceless for us.

I am confident that in the future the personnel will successfully solve the tasks assigned to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, strengthening the trust of their compatriots with their work and high results.

With all my heart I wish you and your families good health, happiness and prosperity!

"Military Review" joins these words and, for its part, congratulates all employees and veterans of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and the USSR, who stand (have stood) guarding law and order and the rule of law, on their professional holiday!

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