When can you cut your hair according to the oracle? When can you cut your hair according to the oracle Lunar haircut calendar July favorable days

The hottest month of summer forces us to take a fresh look at hair care. After all, now it is important not to dry out your skin and hair, not to get sunburned and to properly monitor your health. Lunar calendar coloring and for July 2016 will help determine the most favorable days for cosmetic procedures, manicure and operations.


Lunar hair cutting calendar for July 2016

Our ancestors also noticed that in order to improve your energy after haircuts, you also need to pay attention to the position of the Moon. The lunar calendar for hair cutting and coloring for July 2016 will help you decide on which day it is better to carry out the procedures and which days you should refuse.

The most successful days for cutting according to the moon phase are the following days: 5th, 8th, 11th, 13-14th, 19th, 21-23rd, 26th, 27-28th. Also, according to forecasts and the lunar calendar for July, hair cutting will be successful on the days when the Moon passes through the signs of Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Libra and Capricorn. At the same time, if you want your hair to grow better and faster, visit a hairdresser and cut your hair during the period when the Moon is waxing - from July 5 to July 19.

Favorable days for cutting hair according to the lunar calendar in July 2016: July 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 2, 18, 19, 20, 22, 29, 30.

Lunar calendar for hair coloring for July 2016

The color after painting can remain saturated for a long time if you choose the right day according to the lunar calendar. Just like so many things on our planet, hair is influenced by the Moon and the Universe. Therefore, before deciding on external changes, we suggest taking a look at the lunar calendar of hair coloring for July 2016. The most better days in July 2016 for hair coloring in July will be: 19, 20, 21, 22. To maintain lasting color, according to the lunar calendar, hair must be dyed on the waxing Moon from July 15 to July 20.

Favorable days for hair coloring according to the lunar calendar in July 2016: July 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18.

Lunar calendar for nail cutting and manicure for July 2016

Beautiful nails are one of the important aspects of female attractiveness. You are guaranteed an excellent manicure if you use the advice of the lunar calendar for cutting and caring for nails for July 2016. After all, the growth of nails and their general condition are directly related to the influence of the Moon, as astrologers say.

Favorable days for manicure, pedicure and nail cutting in July 2016: July 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 25, 27, 28, 31.

Lunar beauty calendar for July 2016

In summer cosmetic procedures all are also relevant, because the skin needs special care, in particular deep hydration. It is best to take sunbathing on the waning Moon, so if your goal is to acquire a strong, smooth and beautiful tan, go to the sea during the waning moon - from July 1 to 4 and from July 20 to 31, 2016.

At the beginning of the month, massage is favorable. Throughout the month, stars recommend swimming to improve skin tone.

We present to your attention Lunar calendar for hair cutting and coloring for July 2016. Thanks to this calendar you will be able to find the one suitable for cutting and coloring your hair. Here you can find the perfect day for a haircut at any time by scrolling the page. If you have the opportunity to choose the desired favorable day for a haircut, it is better to choose it. Otherwise, don't worry - think positive! We hope you find this Lunar calendar coloring July 2016 useful and you will be happy. with our July 2016 haircut calendar:

Always remember that any of your actions that relate to your appearance can, at some point, greatly change your destiny. Before visiting your favorite stylist or colorist, always consult your beauty calendar.

Date/Lunar dayMoon in Zodiac signMoon phaseFavorable and unfavorable days for haircuts and hair coloring
July 1, 2016, 26, FriMoon in GeminiWaning Moon
July 2, 2016, 27, SatMoon in GeminiWaning Moon
July 3, 2016, 28, SunMoon in CancerWaning MoonThe 28th lunar day, like the 26th, is the most favorable day for going to a beauty salon for a haircut and coloring. A good mood and good luck will accompany you.
July 4, 2016, 29/1, MonMoon in CancerNew Moon at 14:02There is no need to cut your hair on this day - cutting your hair can lead to division of the soul and poor hair growth. 1 lunar day is not suitable for haircuts, as this procedure shortens life today.
July 5, 2016, 2, TueMoon in LeoWaxing MoonHaircut on the 2nd lunar day is not recommended - it can lead to quarrels and unfavorable situations in your life.
July 6, 2016, 3, WedMoon in LeoWaxing MoonHaircut on the 3rd lunar day is also not recommended. This can cause health problems and improper energy distribution. (For example, it may provoke you to make thoughtless purchases)
July 7, 2016, 4, ThuMoon in LeoWaxing MoonDon't get your hair cut on the 4th lunar day. This can bring into your life the fear of losing something valuable (we are not talking about material things), as well as possible minor illnesses.
July 8, 2016, 5, FriMoon in VirgoWaxing MoonThe 5th lunar day after long unfavorable days is good for both haircuts and coloring. It will bring wealth and prosperity into your life
July 9, 2016, 6, SatMoon in VirgoWaxing MoonDo not cut or dye your hair on the 6th lunar day. You may get sick or simply become depressed. Haircuts are especially not recommended on this day.
July 10, 2016, 7, SunMoon in LibraWaxing MoonAgain, the 7th lunar day is not a good day for a haircut - you can attract quarrels into your life.
July 11, 2016, 8, MonMoon in LibraWaxing MoonThe 8th lunar day is a very favorable day for coloring - you can bring an abundance of colorful events into your life
July 12, 2016, 9, TueMoon in LibraWaxing MoonOn the 9th lunar day, haircuts are not recommended, but you can pamper yourself with coloring, but only without haircuts, so as not to attract diseases.
July 13, 2016, 10, WedMoon in ScorpioWaxing Moon10 lunar days are a good day for everything, both for cutting and coloring hair: increase strength and success, increase sensitivity.
July 14, 2016, 11, ThuMoon in ScorpioWaxing MoonThe 11th lunar day is one of better days per month for coloring, combine with haircut. On this day, the subtlety of perception improves, the mind becomes more insightful and clear.
July 15, 2016, 12, FriMoon in SagittariusWaxing MoonOn the 12th lunar day, coloring and haircuts are strictly not recommended - you can attract suffering and a threat to life.
July 16, 2016, 13, SatMoon in SagittariusWaxing MoonHaircut and coloring on the 13th lunar day will increase your attractiveness and bring you a lot of useful acquaintances.
July 17, 2016, 14, SunMoon in CapricornWaxing MoonHair coloring on the 14th lunar day will bring good luck to your life and improve the results of your endeavors
July 18, 2016, 15, MonMoon in CapricornWaxing MoonAstrologers do not advise getting your hair cut and dyed on the 15th lunar day; it is not the most favorable day of the month - it is possible that your blood pressure may increase or your health may become unstable. May cause headaches and feelings of fear.
July 19, 2016, 16, TueMoon in CapricornWaxing MoonAlong with the 15th lunar day, we strongly advise against cutting your hair and coloring your hair on the 16th lunar day; you may incur feelings of fear and anxiety, which will cause you to make many mistakes in the future.
July 20, 2016, 17, WedMoon in AquariusFull moon at 01:58The 18th lunar day is a bad day for haircuts. The possibility of various diseases occurring due to the influence of evil spirits.
21 July 2016, 18, ThuMoon in AquariusWaning MoonDo not get your hair cut on the 18th lunar day - there is a high probability of problems with property, including theft.
July 22, 2016, 19, FriMoon in PiscesWaning MoonThe 19th lunar day is very suitable for coloring and haircuts. It prolongs life.
July 23, 2016, 20, SatMoon in PiscesWaning MoonThe 20th lunar day is especially bad for coloring.
July 24, 2016, 21, SunMoon in AriesWaning Moon21 lunar days are a great day for transformation to increase beauty and prosperity. Astrodogs lament being in a harmonious state in the near future.
July 25, 2016, 22, MonMoon in AriesWaning MoonThis is a good day for any transformation - rationality and expediency in your future purchases. Luck is on your side.
July 26, 2016, 23, TueMoon in TaurusWaning MoonThe 22nd lunar day is a good day for a haircut to improve your well-being, as well as to get beautiful color faces.
July 27, 2016, 24, WedMoon in TaurusWaning MoonThe 23rd lunar day is an acceptable day for coloring and haircuts; improving your appearance portends well-being in the family.
July 28, 2016, 24, ThuMoon in GeminiWaning MoonThe most unfavorable day of the month, do not cut your hair or dye your hair on this day - this may cause illness.
July 29, 2016, 25, FriMoon in GeminiWaning MoonThe 25th lunar day is bad for haircuts; problems with hair growth are expected as a result.
July 30, 2016, 26, SatMoon in CancerWaning MoonThe 26th lunar day, according to astrologers, is one of the best days for cutting and coloring hair. Brings good luck and happiness.
July 31, 2016, 27, SunMoon in CancerWaning MoonThe 27th lunar day is a good day for cutting and coloring. After visiting the beauty salon you will get a pleasant and joyful feeling.

Lunar calendar for hair cutting and coloring for April 2016.

Lunar calendar for hair cutting and coloring for May 2016.

Lunar calendar for hair cutting and coloring for June 2016.

Lunar calendar for hair cutting and coloring for August 2016.

Lunar calendar for hair cutting and coloring for September 2016.

The middle of summer is approaching, but you still haven’t had time to update your image and have already forgotten what your hairdresser looks like? Are you overworked? It's time to go on vacation! Well, or at least treat yourself a little to lift your spirits and transform yourself in your chair! But let's not forget that there is a time for everything: there are days with a plus sign for haircuts, and there are quite dangerous ones. Check your plans with our calendar - and go ahead, change and delight yourself and your loved ones!

Favorable days for hair cutting in July 2016

Most favorable time for haircuts in July the following numbers will be: 1, 2, 3, 8, 17, 30.

Unfavorable days for haircuts in July according to the lunar calendar 2016

Lunar calendar of haircuts by day in July 2016

July 1 (Fri)- 26th lunar day, Moon in the sign of Taurus. This day is not only favorable for, but also promises you happiness if you contact a hairdresser. In addition, after cutting your hair, your hair will stop splitting and will begin to grow stronger and healthier.

July 2 (Sat)- another good day for a haircut, sign up for this day - and your near future will be filled with pleasant events, and your good mood will not leave you for a long time. Hair promises to grow faster than usual, and the new hairstyle will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the respiratory tract and nervous system.

July 3 (Sun)- The moon is in Gemini, and this affects the acceleration of hair growth if you cut your hair today. Don't miss the opportunity to trim your hair this lunar day, as your appearance will improve, and you will become a real source of attraction for friendly, good people.

July 4 (Mon)- The 29th lunar day brings a lot of troubles to the fates of those who decide to cut their hair. Don't tempt fate and put off getting your haircut. Hair styling on this day is acceptable, which cannot be said about “chemistry”; it is better to postpone it to another time.

July 6 (Wed)- an ambiguous day. On the one hand, these lunar days can bring illness and thoughtless spending into the lives of those who decide to cut their hair, and on the other hand, the Moon in Leo helps change life for the better. What to believe is up to you.

July 7 (Thu)- it is best to avoid haircuts on this lunar day if you do not want to observe any fears in your destiny, especially those related to the loss of something or someone.

July 8 (Fri)- Do you miss luck and wealth? A haircut on this day will help you get closer to your goal. This period is perfect for dramatic changes in your image. The Moon in Virgo means that after visiting the hairdresser, your hair will become stronger, thicker and more attractive.

July 9 (Sat)- The 5th lunar day is absolutely not suitable for haircuts. If you are wary of depression and illness, then don’t tempt fate!

July 10 (Sun)- an unfavorable day for manipulating your hair. After a haircut, you can attract ill-wishers and even enemies into your destiny! The Moon in Virgo smoothes out this negative influence, but still refrain from visiting the hairdresser.

July 11 (Mon)- this lunar day is miraculously conducive to haircuts: they attract unforgettable happy moments and brightness into life. The Moon in Libra also “works” for you: a haircut adds lightness and ease to your everyday life!

July 12 (Tue)- this day will turn into a heap of confusing situations and ambiguities if you decide to get a haircut. Hair coloring will also not bring good news; only careful use of natural ingredients is permissible.

July 13 (Wed)- an ambiguous day. On the 10th lunar day, when you visit a hairdresser, you will attract strength, luck and confidence into your life. And if you pay attention to the fact that during this period the Moon is in Scorpio, the haircut is not very favorable.

July 14 (Thu)- a wonderful day for haircuts. The 11th lunar day is the perfect time! A haircut will make your perception more subtle and conscious, and your mind more insightful.

July 15 (Fri)- a bad time for haircuts, the 12th lunar day is not at all suitable for this. Unless, of course, you are afraid of unwanted events in life.

July 16 (Sat)- The 13th lunar day favors going to the hairdresser. You will become more attractive, and you will attract happiness like a magnet. Do you miss luck and wealth? Definitely say yes to haircuts.

July 17 (Sun)- a great time for haircuts, especially if you want to become luckier than you are today. In addition, manipulating your hair will bring material well-being to your life.

July 18 (Mon)- Do you have problems with blood pressure? Beware of haircuts on these lunar days. In addition, they can result in the appearance of unreasonable fears. The moon in Capricorn affects hair growth in a positive way, but the lunar calendar does not dictate anything positive this time.

July 19 (Tue)- 16th lunar day. On this day, a haircut brings only misfortune and ill-wishers into your life. We don’t think this is great, so we boldly change the date of our visit to the beauty specialist.

July 20 (Wed)- if you choose to get a haircut on this day, you may pay for it later with illnesses and unpleasant situations in your life. The Moon in Aquarius is a great time for experiments in life, but still be wary of haircuts.

July 21 (Thu)- to avoid damage or - God forbid! - theft of property, do not cut your hair on this day.

July 22 (Fri)- Moon in the sign of Pisces. Cutting your hair can lead to a deterioration in its condition. Don't want dryness and brittleness? Are you afraid of dandruff? Beware of haircuts on these lunar days.

July 23 (Sat)- changing your hairstyle on this day, haircuts are fraught with attracting poverty into your material and spiritual world. The moon is still in Pisces, which does not have the best effect on the quality of hair.

July 24 (Sun)- The 21st lunar day is a good time for a haircut. After it you can become more attractive and beautiful in appearance! At the same time, the Moon in Aries can cause a weakening of the immune system, be careful and treat yourself more carefully.

July 25 (Mon)- a favorable day in many respects for cutting and coloring. Do you want to achieve what you want and get the right amount of money? The time is right! Get a haircut - and pleasant events will not take long to arrive.

July 26 (Tue)- The 23rd lunar day is an excellent time for a haircut, because after the update your face will gain greater expressiveness and become more beautiful. The moon in Taurus adds positivity: after a haircut, hair will have less split ends and become stronger!

July 27 (Wed)- these lunar days are not very suitable for haircuts. Illnesses and misfortunes may be brought into your destiny. We don't take risks.

July 28 (Thu)- unfavorable day for a haircut. Even very! Chronic diseases can remind you of themselves.

July 29 (Fri)- if you decide to cut your hair and update your image, then choose a different period. On this day, an increase in intraocular pressure or an exacerbation of eye diseases is possible. There is a high probability of styes or inflammation after cutting!

July 30 (Sat)- a one hundred percent favorable day for a haircut. No life-changing changes, but the haircut or styling will be surprisingly pleasing to the eye, and this can’t help but improve your mood!

July 31 (Sun)- these lunar days are similar in their characteristics to the previous ones. The haircut and styling will certainly please you!

Lunar calendar of haircuts and other manipulations with hair for July 2016 with the dates of the new moon, full moon, quarters of the moon, its location in the signs of the Zodiac, as well as favorable and unfavorable days for hair cutting.

Thanks to knowledge of the lunar calendar, you can always focus on the position of the moon and know whether you can now carry out certain actions with your hair, whether it will be beneficial or harmful. Of course, you can plan your actions and visit to a hair specialist a month in advance.

Lunar haircut calendars for the year ahead by day:

Various events held on a certain day have a special impact on a person’s well-being and health. By choosing a favorable day for hair manipulation: or coloring, you can confidently preserve your strength, energy, and get rid of negative influence, you will find harmony with yourself and the outside world.

Haircut calendar by dates for July 2016

  • 07/01/16 - waning Moon in Taurus. Cutting your hair length on this day can lead to headaches and extreme fatigue.
  • 07/02/16 - waning L in Gemini. Actions with your hair on this day will bring health, which will manifest itself externally on your hair. Coloring will bring good luck in love relationships.
  • 07/03/16 - waning L in Gemini. A favorable day for haircuts, your hair will become healthy and your hair follicles will become stronger.
  • 07/04/16 - new L in Cancer. A new haircut will have a positive effect on your face and give you optimism and positivity. Allows you to create unusual styling.
  • 07/05/16 - growing L in Cancer. Not a bad day to visit a hairdresser. Favorable changes are guaranteed when going to the hairdresser.
  • 07/06/16 - growing L in Leo. The day is neutral and will not bring anything special.
  • 07.07.16 - growing L in Leo. An unfavorable day for changing the shape of your hairstyle and haircut. You can become the owner of dandruff, split ends and hair loss.
  • 07/08/16 - growing L in Virgo. You shouldn’t trust anyone with your hair on this day. Make a mask yourself at home to strengthen the roots and improve the hair structure. You can laminate with gelatin.
  • 07/09/16 - growing L in Virgo. Feel free to go to the hairdresser if you need to. After cutting your hair, your hair will grow faster.
  • 07/10/16 - growing L in Libra. Straighten the ends of your hair, you can change your hairstyle, soon this will only affect your hair in positive ways.
  • 07/11/16 - growing L in Libra. A trip to the hairdresser on this day will affect your hair with shine and thickness. Your hair, as well as your mood, will improve.
  • 07/12/16 - growing L in Libra. If you cut off the ends you can get positive results for a long time, positive thoughts and good energy will appear.
  • 07/13/16 - growing L in Scorpio. Haircuts on this day promise small but real surprises.
  • 07/14/16 - growing L in Scorpio. A haircut done today will improve your sexuality, sociability, and open up new pleasant acquaintances for you.
  • 07/15/16 - growing L in Scorpio. A favorable day for hair manipulation, trust your hairdresser.
  • 07/16/16 - growing L in Sagittarius. An unfavorable day can lead to a worsening of the condition, change the appearance of hair for the worse and reduce its growth.
  • 07/17/16 - growing L in Sagittarius. A dramatic change in your hair today will attract negativity to your financial affairs, and difficulties will arise in communicating with loved ones.
  • 07/18/16 - growing L in Capricorn. A positive day for a haircut; it is not recommended to carry out all sets of hair treatments at once. Leave styling and straightening your hair for another time.
  • 07/19/16 - growing L in Capricorn. A good day to work with your hair. A haircut can attract the attention of money to your person, and even financial success in the form of winnings is possible.
  • 07/20/16 - full moon in Aquarius. A new haircut that radically changes your image can change your life for the better. Hair will become silky, shiny, and grow better.
  • 07/21/16 - waning Moon in Aquarius. Take care of yourself on this day, but not your hair; the day is neutral for this type of activity.
  • 07/22/16 - waning Moon in Pisces. good time to change your image in terms of hairstyles. Give preference to traditional shades and hairstyles.
  • 07/23/16 - waning L in Pisces. An unfavorable day will bring a change in mood for the worse. There may be a feeling of weakness, anxiety, paranoia, when you see enemies in everyone.
  • 07/24/16 - waning L in Aries. bad day for any experiments, especially for haircuts. There is no need to sign up anywhere.
  • 07/25/16 - waning L in Aries. Today you will not like either the haircut or the hairstyle done by the master. No matter how much you trust the stylist, you will be disappointed with the result of the new look.
  • 07/26/16 - waning L in Aries. Procedures done today will have a bad effect on the condition of your hair and your health. The possibility of injury will increase, and chronic diseases may worsen.
  • 07/27/16 - waning L in Taurus. This is an unfavorable day for going to see a specialist; his work may disappoint you, so re-book for another more favorable day.
  • 07/28/16 - waning L in Taurus. It’s not a good day for a haircut; it can bring you quarrels with your loved one, disagreement at work, and financial losses.
  • 07/29/16 - waning L in Gemini. Nice day for various kinds manipulations with hair. You can wear makeup, get your hair cut, curl your hair, and do other procedures. As a result, you will be energized.
  • 07/30/16 - waning L in Gemini. A favorable day, you will like the hairdresser’s work, it will be a good end to the evening.
  • 07/31/16 - waning L in Cancer. A good day for a haircut, hair manipulation will bring finances, you will be able to realize a long-standing desire.

Tips: favorable days for changing hair color are July 19-22, 2016. Dye your hair on the waxing Moon from July 5 to July 20.

This period favors dyeing your hair in dark shades: chestnut, coffee, chocolate.

Blondes don’t need to repaint their hair, but add a little honey-beige shade or a golden tint; these colors will give you youth and are always in fashion.

It is better to curl your hair with curlers, a proven and quite effective method. During styling, use mousses, foams, sprays, and hair sprays. Apply products to washed, slightly damp hair.

In July 2016 according to the lunar calendar? I didn’t believe in it, and then somehow I came across a book that talked about the impact of the Moon in general on our planet. Well, in fact, this is our satellite, and it affects the ebb and flow of the ocean, and this clearly means that this cosmic object also affects our body, that’s for sure.

So I was about to go and update my hair before the vacation, and immediately sat down to look at the lunar calendar of haircuts for July 2016. I’ll publish it for you too, read it and guess a good day for a haircut, and you’ll see that it has an effect, I’m telling you for sure.

Lunar calendar of haircuts by dates for July 2016

July 1 - waning Moon in Taurus. Don't change your hair length today, otherwise you will soon face headaches and severe fatigue.

July 2 - waning Moon in Gemini. This date will bring health to the hair, and the chosen one new color will attract good luck in matters of love.

July 3 - waning Moon in Gemini. Visit the salon on this day - your hair will become healthier, your hair follicles will become stronger.

July 4th is a new moon in Cancer. New hairstyle will give a charge of positivity and optimism, and will successfully highlight facial features. You can do an unusual styling.

July 5 - waxing Moon in Cancer. A great day for a long-awaited trip to the hairdresser. The day will bring favorable changes in life.

July 6 - waxing Moon in Leo. A neutral day that will not bring changes either positively or negatively.

July 7 - waxing Moon in Leo. The time is unfavorable - there may be problems with your precious hair in the future in the form of dandruff, hair loss, split ends.

July 8 - waxing Moon in Virgo. Don't trust your hair to anyone - make a mask or lamination with gelatin at home.

July 9 - waxing Moon in Virgo. Hair will grow faster after the trimming procedure, especially for people with problem hair - feel free to go to a hairdressing salon.

July 10 - waxing Moon in Libra. Style your hair or trim your ends to achieve beautiful, voluminous hair in the near future.

July 11 - waxing Moon in Libra. After a haircut, expect changes: healthy, shiny and thick hair will become reality.

July 12 - waxing Moon in Libra. With trimmed ends, negativity will go away, and the new image will attract only positive energy and positive thoughts.

July 13 - waxing Moon in Scorpio. If you get your hair cut today, the stars promise many small but pleasant surprises.

July 14 - waxing Moon in Scorpio. A haircut done today will increase your sexuality and sociability - you will meet new and very interesting people.

July 15 - waxing Moon in Scorpio. Give your favorite master freedom of action - the result will exceed expectations.

July 16 - waxing Moon in Sagittarius. Today's haircut will lead to deterioration in hair growth and appearance.

July 17 - waxing Moon in Sagittarius. Do not rush to change radically - this will lead to financial difficulties and disagreements with loved ones.

July 18 - waxing Moon in Capricorn. A great day for an original haircut, but you don’t need to perform the whole set of procedures at once: leave straightening or styling for another date.

July 19 - waxing Moon in Capricorn. The current day for working with hair. A haircut will attract financial well-being, and possibly a big win.

July 20 is the full moon in Aquarius. A new haircut can completely change your life, and for the better. Hair will grow faster, shine and elasticity will appear.

July 21 - waning Moon in Aquarius. Neutral day for a haircut. It’s better to leave hair manipulation for another date, and take care of yourself today.

July 22 - waning Moon in Pisces. It's a great time to change up your look, but stick to traditional hairstyles and colors.

July 23 - waning Moon in Pisces. A haircut will worsen your mood and overall emotional background. You will feel overwhelmed, anxious, and you will see enemies everywhere.

July 24 - waning Moon in Aries. Not a good day for haircuts or any experiments with hair. Collect them in a bun - you still have time to make an appointment with the master.

July 25 - waning Moon in Aries. Even complete trust in the master will not allow you to relax. And the feeling of anxiety will not be empty - the haircut will not turn out the way you would like. Disappointment and irritation accompany you today.

July 26 - waning Moon in Aries. Manipulating your hair will have a bad effect on your health. Exacerbation of chronic ailments is possible, and the possibility of injury will increase.

July 27 - waning Moon in Taurus. You shouldn't sit in the hairdresser's chair, even if you've been waiting a long time for your appointment. You will be very disappointed with his work.

July 28 - waning Moon in Taurus. A haircut will bring only failures: disagreements at work, quarrels with a loved one, financial losses.

July 29 - waning Moon in Gemini. A great time to recharge with positive energy. On this day you can get your hair cut, curled and dyed.

July 30 - waning Moon in Gemini. The result of the master’s work will be magnificent. The new look will suit you perfectly and will get approval from your family.

July 31 - waning Moon in Cancer. The haircut will be successful, will attract money and will allow you to make your long-standing desire come true.

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