Kefir hair masks. Kefir hair mask Kefir hair mask recipe

Kefir is not only a healthy fermented milk drink. Many people use it as a cosmetic for the growth of healthy curls. This product eliminates oily hair, fights dandruff and split ends. It also helps with excessive fragility or dry hair, being a moisturizing component in nourishing masks. Not only fresh kefir is suitable for use, but also soured yogurt or a drink with an expired expiration date.

How does kefir affect hair?

The effect of kefir on weakened hair was studied in the early 19th century. Even the ancient Caucasians found out how this fermented milk drink is useful and how it works on dry or brittle strands. Thanks to the beneficial properties of fermented milk, women of the Caucasus were distinguished by thick, long curls. Now the secret of preparing the drink is known to everyone. The product is used in cooking, cosmetology, and for healthy hair.

The benefits of kefir are explained by its composition. Product contains:

  • protein;
  • vitamins E, B;
  • yeast;
  • lactic acid bacteria;
  • calcium, potassium, phosphorus;

Kefir hair mask moisturizes and nourishes strands, forming a protective film on the surface. The structure of the hair is restored, the curls become thick and stop falling out due to weakened roots. To find out whether a product is beneficial for your hair, just study its effect on weakened strands.

The effect of kefir masks on curls:

    Elimination of oily skin and hair. Organic acids control the secretion of fat from the skin glands, eliminate sebaceous shine and excess fat. Hair stays clean longer, gets dirty and dirty less.

    Protecting your hair from external negative factors. Riboflavin in the drink restores the structure and forms a protective film along the entire length of the strands.

    Activation of growth and elimination of gray hair. Nicotinic acid and vitamins PP and B3 are responsible for these processes.

    Prevention of falling out. Vitamin B12 increases blood circulation and strengthens weakened roots.

    Eliminating dandruff. The group of B vitamins improves the condition of hairstyles and helps get rid of early gray hair without the use of chemicals.

    Treatment of split ends, moisturizing curls. Thanks to nutrition, damaged ends stop breaking and are strengthened with vitamin composition. Nutrient components increase blood flow to the roots, improve the supply of oxygen and microelements. Potassium normalizes the water balance of cells and eliminates dryness along the entire length.

    Adding shine to your hair. The protective film with calcium thickens each hair and makes the strands strong. Phosphorus provides shine, elasticity, gives curls elasticity and a healthy glow.

    Strengthening hair follicles. Iodine prevents hair loss by securing hair follicles in their nests.

Kefir masks are used for any hair damage. Their effectiveness has been proven by laboratory studies. Strands are restored even after severe drying, bleaching or perm. Hair resuscitation occurs at the cellular level; the mixtures contain only natural ingredients and mineral compounds. Additionally, the scalp is treated, redness, itching and dandruff disappear.

Instructions for using kefir masks

Before applying compositions with kefir, you should study the features of using restorative or drying masks. There are many nuances of preparing recipes that must be followed. This is the only way the effectiveness of the mixtures will be high, and the result will be noticeable after 3 procedures.

Rules for using kefir masks:

    It is better to use homemade kefir for hair, prepared at home from starter culture and cow's milk.

    We select the fat content of the drink according to hair type. If the strands are brittle or dry, take a fat content of 3% or higher. For normal curls, a drink with 2.5% fat content is suitable. If the strands quickly get dirty and look greasy, use a low-fat product. It is advisable to use a two-day drink with lactic acid bacteria accumulated during this time.

    Many recipes allow the use of both fresh and expired kefir. Before use, you need to shake it, then warm it up a little.

    After mixing the product with other components, you should check the mixture for allergies. To do this, apply a few drops to the skin behind the ear or rub at the base of the neck. If itching or redness occurs, the procedure is canceled.

    The composition is applied differently depending on the condition of the hair. You can rub it into the roots, smear it along the entire length, or lubricate only the ends. The strands should be dirty and slightly damp.

    After application, the head is wrapped in thick cellophane and covered with a towel on top. Many masks are left on overnight, washed off with shampoo in the morning.

    How long to keep the kefir mask depends on the composition of the ingredients and the condition of the hair. The more active the substances in the mixture, the less time it takes to act. Usually 30-50 minutes are enough for complete rinsing. Masks with mustard, onion or lemon are kept for no longer than 30 minutes.

    Hair is washed with shampoo. How to wash your hair depends on its length and thickness. You can use a balm or conditioner, or rinse with a decoction of herbs.

    The treatment course is 8-10 procedures, application should preferably be repeated every 5-6 days.

If kefir alone is used to treat curls, it is recommended to rub it into the roots. To eliminate the sour smell after washing, rinse your hair with chamomile infusion and lemon water. If the hair is thick and the strands are long, increase the amount of ingredients in the recipes.


Hair lightening

Many women use kefir mixture to lighten their natural hair. A recipe with kefir can lighten curls by half a tone in 1 procedure. When adding active components, the effect is enhanced, allowing you to get the desired result even on dark blond and brown shades. Fair-haired girls are recommended to add lemon or onion juice and yolk to the composition. For brunettes, cinnamon, lemon or rhubarb root helps.

With white henna. Mix kefir and white henna powder in equal proportions and apply under the bandage at night. Wash off in the morning with water, carefully rinsing out the henna grains with a fine comb.

With cognac, egg and lemon. Mix 3 tablespoons of expired kefir with 2 tablespoons of cognac. Pour in the egg, beaten until foamy, and the juice squeezed from 1 lemon. Add a spoonful of acacia honey and mix. It is more convenient to leave the composition overnight under thick cellophane.

With lemon and shampoo. This mixture not only lightens the strands, but also removes yellowness after unsuccessful dyeing. Take half a glass of kefir drink, pour in the juice of half a lemon, two tablespoons of cognac. Add the yolk stirred with a fork and a teaspoon of shampoo. Leave the composition on the strands under cellophane overnight.


Many people know the procedure for laminating locks of hair at home with gelatin or egg yolks. With the help of a restorative kefir mask, you can also give your curls smoothness and a healthy, radiant shine. The composition of the mixture contains only natural ingredients and forms a dense film.

To prepare the laminating composition you will need:

  • 4 tablespoons of fresh kefir (fat content from 2.5 to 3%);
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 tablespoons of thick mayonnaise;
  • 1 spoon of steamed castor oil.

Mix all components in a container until smooth. Apply the composition to slightly damp strands with a small brush, comb slowly from roots to ends. Leave the liquid pulp for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. The lamination effect will add shine to the hairstyle, making the curls elastic and soft to the touch.

For hair growth

Masks for the growth of healthy curls help to activate the work of dormant hair follicles and strengthen weakened roots. After regular application, the strands begin to grow faster, adding 3-4 cm per month. Additionally, a beautiful shine and volume appears, the hair acquires elasticity and smoothness.

Made from honey and fresh yeast. Knead a packet of raw yeast. You should get 4 whole spoons of small lumps. Dissolve them in half a glass of warm kefir, leave to ferment a little until foamy bubbles form. Add a tablespoon of honey and distribute it over wet strands with your hands or a comb. Wash off after half an hour, using shampoo twice.

With kefir and egg. Mix half a glass of sour drink with 1 chicken egg, apply the mixture to the strands. After this, rub the residue into the roots and massage the head for about 3 minutes. We wait half an hour and wash our hair with shampoo.

With vitamin E. We buy liquid vitamin E at the pharmacy. The recipe requires 3 ampoules of solution. Mix the contents of the ampoules with beaten yolk, a spoonful of lemon juice, and half a glass of kefir. Apply the thick mixture for 30 minutes, spreading it with your palms over dry hair. After 4-5 procedures, the curls will begin to grow faster, become thick and shiny. A recipe for a hair mask with dimexide gives a similar effect.

With soda. This kefir mask improves blood flow to the bulbs and promotes increased hair growth. You can also use it to wash off paint if dyeing is unsuccessful, if less than 3 days have passed since the procedure. Mix 1 cup of warm boiling water with 10 tablespoons of baking soda. Add a spoonful of table salt and stir again until completely dissolved. Apply the resulting pasty composition to your hair. Keep the mixture for exactly 40 minutes, rinse in the shower for 10-15 minutes with running water. Then we take shampoo, rinse the strands, and dry them naturally.

Against hair loss

Strengthening hair follicles with kefir mixtures helps against hair loss and fragility. Experts consider onion, colorless henna or nettle decoction to be the best ingredients for the appearance of bald patches. Compositions with these additives enhance the effectiveness of the kefir mask and help completely stop hair loss at any age.

    With bow. It is necessary to peel a medium onion, finely grate it, then squeeze the juice into a plastic or glass container. Then add half a glass of yogurt, an egg and a spoonful of burdock oil. Mix and distribute onto the scalp and roots. The smell of onions will be strong, but will disappear immediately after washing. After an hour, wash off the composition with a nourishing shampoo and, if desired, rinse with nettle or chamomile infusion. For those who want to grow thick curls, an onion mask for hair growth will help. This product has a restorative effect on the hair structure, activates growth, and stops intense hair loss.

    From nettle decoction. You will need 2 tablespoons of chopped stems or leaves of dry nettle. Fill them with a full glass of hot boiling water and leave covered for 1 hour. Strain the infusion, combine with 3 tablespoons of thick kefir, 1 egg yolk. Keep the mask on for 30 minutes, rinse.

    With colorless henna. If your hair not only falls out, but also looks lifeless, a mask with white henna and raw yolk will help. Dilute a bag of colorless henna with a small amount of water and stir thoroughly. Add sour milk, half a glass is enough for medium length. Pour in the whisked yolk and stir. Press into the skin with your fingers. Wash off after 40 minutes with nourishing shampoo with protein.

For oily hair

Masks with lemon, blue clay or mustard powder will help reduce the greasiness of oily strands. These components enhance the effect of the kefir mixture and enhance the drying effect. Additionally, the hairstyle gains volume and radiant shine.

    With mustard. Combine one and a half glasses of kefir with a tablespoon of mustard and 1 chicken egg. Add a spoonful of honey and a few drops of almond oil. We cover the strands on top with the composition, leave them under cellophane and a towel for half an hour.

    Burdock oil and honey. Mix a glass of fermented kefir drink with a teaspoon of burdock oil. Add a tablespoon of liquid honey and stir. We insulate the head for 40 minutes, rinse with warm water.

    From clay. We dilute a tablespoon of blue clay in 100 ml of yogurt. Rub the mixture into the roots, after 30 minutes rinse with running water. You can even use sour kefir; it will not cause any harm.

    Lemon and kefir. Mix 50 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 3 tablespoons of olive oil, 100 ml of heated kefir. Distribute the mixture over the strands and wash off after 40 minutes.

For dry hair

Dry hair will be helped by a moisturizing kefir mask with oils, dark beer or rye bread. Such nutritional compositions should be applied along the entire length from the roots, paying special attention to dry ends. The duration of action of the composition should not exceed 15-30 minutes.

    With olive oil. Dissolve a teaspoon of olive oil in a glass of curdled milk. Apply this mixture along the entire length, dip the ends into it. Rub it vigorously into the skin and insulate the head with cellophane. Wait 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

    From bread. Soften a slice of rye bread in 100 ml of kefir. Add a spoonful of olive oil to moisturize the ends. Rub the composition into the roots, distribute along the entire length. Rinse after 20 minutes.

    With castor oil. Steam a teaspoon of castor oil and combine with 3 tablespoons of kefir and 1 egg yolk. Leave on the strands for exactly an hour, rinse with water and shampoo.

    From beer and kefir. Mix these products, taking half a glass of each component. It is advisable to use dark beer. Distribute over the entire length, rinse off after 20 minutes.

For shine and volume

To make the strands voluminous and shiny, you need to add cocoa, yolk or raw yeast to kefir. These components make the curls elastic and elastic at the roots. A healthy shine gives your hair a well-groomed look.

    With yeast. With this mask, curls not only become voluminous, but also begin to grow faster: 3-4 cm per month. In half a glass of kefir drink, stir a teaspoon of sugar and the same amount of raw yeast. Heat in the microwave until foam forms, cool. Rub into the skin at the roots for 40 minutes.

    With yolk and cinnamon. In a glass of thick kefir, stir 1 yolk and a tablespoon of cinnamon. Rub the mixture at the roots, then along the entire length with light movements. Leave for 40 minutes. When rinsing with shampoo, use conditioner or balm.

    With cocoa. Dissolve a teaspoon of cocoa powder in 2 tablespoons of warm water. Add the beaten yolk and a third of a glass of kefir. Mix everything, rub it along the strands, at the roots. Wrap your head in cellophane and wash it off after half an hour. The mask gives a radiant shine, strengthens the roots and structure.

    Mask made of gelatin and oil. This composition fights split ends and adds volume and shine to any hairstyle. Pour a spoonful of gelatin into 3 tablespoons of warm boiling water. Leave to swell and heat slightly until the powder is completely dissolved. Add half a glass of yogurt, 2 tablespoons of refined sunflower oil. Apply along the entire length, insulate the head with a towel. We keep it for 2 hours.

Shampoos and balms with kefir

To keep your hair shiny for a long time, you don’t have to buy expensive shampoos and conditioners in pharmacies or cosmetic stores. These cleaning products are easy to make yourself from healthy kefir. The recipes are accessible to any housewife and do not require much time.

Kefir shampoo with yolk. Take a quarter glass of kefir drink, pour in the egg yolk. Add a pinch of table salt and mix. Apply homemade shampoo for 3 minutes, massaging your head with your fingers. Wash off with warm water. The oilier the hair, the less fat the fermented milk product should be.

Warm shampoo with bread. Take a couple of slices of rye bread and fill with thick kefir mixture. The liquid should cover the bread completely. We wait 3 hours, leaving the mixture near a warm radiator. Knead the bread with your fingers and stir. Apply shampoo to wet strands and rinse after 3-4 minutes. Rinse your head with water and lemon juice.

Kefir balm. Combine a third of a glass of fermented milk drink with a few drops of orange oil and beaten egg yolk. Apply the mixture after washing your hair for 3 minutes, rinse thoroughly with water.

All these folk masks help to grow long thick curls and make the locks smooth and silky. There are many recipes with kefir for hair, only the most popular of them are listed in the article. Add your useful recipes, share your feedback on the use of masks, and the results obtained. For many, your advice will help get rid of dry hair, dandruff or excess oily hair.

Kefir is a favorite fermented milk product for many, which has a beneficial effect not only on the intestines and stomach, but is also often used in cosmetology. This product is a real source of vitamins B, A, C, it contains a huge amount of microelements and beneficial bacteria.

The fermented milk drink is also used for external use, as a kefir hair mask in combination with other beneficial elements. The milk protein contained in kefir helps strengthen hair follicles and stop hair loss. Vitamins make strands stronger and stronger, speed up the growth process.

Kefir yeast and microelements help take care of problematic scalps that are prone to rapid contamination. Absolutely everyone can safely take care of their curls and skin using a fermented milk drink.

Recipes for kefir masks for hair

A kefir hair mask is a good way to make your strands strong, healthy and enviable. To do this, you can use a pure product, or you can combine it with other components. It depends on the problem that has arisen and what type of hair it is.

Recipe with pure kefir

Fermented milk drink, about half a glass, at room temperature, apply to unwashed scalp. Rub the product in with light massaging movements and cover the strands with polyethylene film. You need to leave it for about an hour or an hour and a half and rinse. It will moisturize dry and damaged hairs and help eliminate dandruff. For a long-term effect, it is recommended to use this mask for one month, at least once every seven to ten days.

Kefir mask recipe

If kefir (about half a glass) is combined with one tablespoon of burdock oil, the resulting mixture is perfect for dry hair or split ends. This mixture can be applied completely to the strands, or only to the ends and left for one hour. Then wash it off. The effect will become noticeable even after the first use.

Kefir and egg hair mask

Both kefir and chicken eggs are foods rich in vitamins and minerals. And if you combine them, it will be just a vitamin and healthy cocktail.

To prepare such a mixture, you need to take 0.5 cups of high-fat fermented milk drink, grind the yolk of 1 egg in it, if you wish, you can take another tablespoon of almond oil. Apply this mask to the strands in a thick layer and leave for 60 minutes or a little longer.

This mask is most suitable for dry hair, which is why a high-fat fermented milk drink is recommended. After this mixture, the curls will look more vibrant and a healthy shine will appear. In order for a hair mask made from kefir and eggs to give good results, it must be done at least once every seven to ten days for one or two months. And then to maintain the effect - 1 or 2 times a month.

Kefir and cocoa hair mask

To solve scalp problems (dandruff or just itching), a hair mask made from kefir and cocoa powder is recommended. The benefits of curdled milk have already been talked about a huge number of times, and more should be said about cocoa. This product primarily lifts your mood, and also saturates the body with amino acids, healthy fats and vitamins. The beneficial components of cocoa nourish problematic scalp and also give chocolate color and shine to dark hair.

A kefir and cocoa hair mask is made as follows: take one teaspoon of cocoa powder and mix with a tablespoon of warm water; then add the yolk of one egg and half a glass of fermented milk drink (the percentage of fat content depends on your hair type). Rub the mixture into the skin and roots with light movements, cover your head with a terry towel. Leave for about forty minutes and rinse. It is recommended to carry out this procedure at least twice a month.

Kefir and yeast hair mask

It's probably no secret that yeast is rich in various vitamins and proteins, which give strength to strands, accelerate growth and bring dull curls back to life. You can easily prepare this remedy at home. Pour 20g of fresh yeast into half a glass of fermented milk drink and set aside for the yeast to ferment. After about forty minutes, add one small spoon of honey. Apply the resulting mixture to the roots and scalp and rub in slowly. Leave on for 30 minutes and rinse off. To stimulate growth and have a noticeable effect, a hair mask made from kefir and yeast should be applied in a course of ten days in a row. You can do two or three courses a year.

Kefir and honey hair mask

We can talk endlessly about the benefits of kefir. But such an important and healthy product as honey cannot be ignored. It is rich in a huge supply of vitamins and microelements (zinc, iodine, fluorine and others).

Both curdled milk and honey are widely used in cosmetic procedures; they have a wonderful effect on the scalp. To prepare such a mask, take about a glass of slightly warmed fermented milk drink and one tablespoon (tablespoon) of honey and mix well. If your hair is too dry, it is recommended to add a little more olive oil. The resulting mask is applied completely to the strands and scalp. Leave it on for 20 or 30 minutes and rinse. After using this mask, the curls become shiny, manageable and much stronger.

Hair mask with kefir and oil

Hair that quickly becomes oily needs frequent washing and this also does not have a very beneficial effect on it. To help hair of this type be stronger and not become oily so quickly, you need to use mixtures for strands.

A hair mask made from kefir and oil will help make strands more fluffy and give a pleasant healthy shine and increase volume. To prepare a nutritious mixture, you need to take half a glass of low-fat fermented milk drink and combine it with a spoonful of honey (it will give strength to oily hair - after all, you have to wash it so often), about two tablespoons of burdock oil and 6 or seven drops of essential oil. Orange, rosemary or lemon essential oil is suitable for this type of hair. Mix everything well and apply to the skin and strands. The mixture is applied for 30 or 40 minutes, and then washed off with any shampoo.

Hair mask with mustard and kefir

Every girl loves to show off her full head of hair, but, unfortunately, using only shampoo and conditioners, this is difficult to achieve. Now is the time to remember “grandmother’s recipes” and natural products.

To make your hair much stronger, give it a healthier look and speed up the growth process, use a kefir and mustard hair mask. Mustard, when rubbed into the scalp, increases blood circulation, which allows the roots to receive more nutrients. But you should be careful, because such a mixture is not suitable for delicate skin and can cause redness and itching. For the mask, be sure to take only mustard in powder form (dry mustard, but not store-bought paste). Take two tablespoons of this product and grind with 100 ml of fermented milk drink to get a nutritional effect, add olive or almond oil and honey. Apply the mixture to the skin and lightly rub, and then throughout the hair. If the ends are split, then they should be given more attention. The strands should be covered with a plastic cap and left like this for thirty minutes. Then rinse with warm (not hot!) water.

Hair mask with kefir and henna

It is difficult to argue about the benefits of yogurt. It comes first when it comes to improving the functioning of the intestines or stomach. And it is very popular for carrying out cosmetic procedures. Henna is also a useful and often used product in cosmetology, of natural origin.

If you mix henna powder and yogurt, you will get a very useful hair mask made from kefir and henna. For this you will need half a glass of warm fermented milk drink and 2 tbsp. spoons of henna powder. The resulting mixture should be left for about 15 minutes and applied to the skin and strands. It is recommended to keep it for 30 to 40 minutes. After using this mixture, hair growth accelerates, the condition of the scalp improves, which is useful for dandruff. The strands shine and look healthy. But we must remember that this henna is not suitable for blondes. In this case, you need a hair mask made from kefir and with colorless henna, which is also useful, but does not change the shade of the hair.

Hair mask with kefir and lemon

Kefir, when used in the form of hair masks or shampoos for too dry hair, has a lightening effect.

He will not be able to bleach the strands, but he can give a lighter shade. You need to combine 50 milliliters of fermented milk drink and the juice of 0.5 lemon and add two tbsp to this mixture. spoons of strong alcoholic drink (vodka or cognac), as well as one egg. Mix all this well and apply evenly to the scalp, but do not rub into the scalp. Cover the strands with plastic wrap and top with a scarf or terry towel. For a noticeable result, you can leave this mixture even overnight, then wash your hair with shampoo. This kefir and lemon hair mask can be used 2 or 3 times a month.

Kefir head mask

Kefir is used in the form of various masks, for which it is combined with other healthy products - eggs, natural honey, butter, lemon and others. They also often remind that when using a fermented milk drink for masks, be sure to take into account the fat content of this product and hair type. But there is a universal kefir mask for the head. This type of mixture is suitable for all hair types; it has a great effect not only on curls, but also on the entire head - skin, roots, bulbs and strands.

The method for preparing the healthiest mask is this: you need to mix boiled milk at 18-23 degrees (about 150-200 milliliters) with 2 teaspoons of fresh fermented milk drink, set aside for one and a half or two days. Then, apply the resulting mixture to your head (strands are clean and slightly damp), distribute evenly and hold for thirty minutes. Next, wash your hair, but without shampoo.

A kefir hair mask improves the condition of the strands themselves, nourishes and strengthens them, helps fight dandruff and gives a healthy shine.

In some cases, a kefir hair mask helps much better than expensive products or salon treatments. Home treatment for curls has been practiced for a long time, and numerous positive reviews of folk recipes only confirm their effectiveness.

Kefir for hair - benefits

This fermented milk product has a beneficial effect not only on the stomach, but has also proven itself well as a cosmetic product. What are the benefits of kefir for hair? It contains a lot of vitamins and microelements. Milk protein strengthens hair follicles and prevents hair loss. Vitamins add shine, make hair manageable and promote rapid growth. The great advantage of kefir is that it suits everyone.

Kefir for oily hair

Even a simple kefir hair mask will add additional volume and vibrant shine. The product perfectly cares for this type of curls. Kefir for hair prone to oiliness is good because it prevents rapid contamination, removes unpleasant shine and controls the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Organic acids are responsible for all the effects described above. The latter are found in large quantities in low-fat fermented milk products.

Kefir for dry hair

The drink is also suitable for dry hair. Hair after kefir looks healthier and shinier, and is easier to comb. This happens due to the fact that the product improves blood circulation, and the roots receive more oxygen, and with it the required amount of nutrients. As a result, both curls and scalp are moisturized.

Kefir for hair - recipes

Preparing products based on fermented milk products is simple. Almost all recipes include inexpensive ingredients that every housewife has on hand. Moreover, any kefir hair mask (regardless of the cost of the components) is very effective. Positive changes, as a rule, become noticeable after the first use.

In order for a kefir hair mask to be as beneficial as possible at home, you need to prepare it following a few simple rules:

  1. It is best to use a natural product.
  2. The ideal fat content of kefir is 2.5%. It is recommended to take a drink of 3.2% or 6%, for fatty drinkers – 1% or low-fat.
  3. When first used, a kefir hair mask is applied to a small area of ​​skin behind the ear and to one strand. This will help determine whether the product causes an allergic reaction. If everything is in order, kefir can be used calmly.
  4. To increase their effectiveness, masks should be prepared with kefir, preheated in a water bath (the drink should be warm).
  5. It is advisable to apply the product to a dirty head slightly moistened with water.

Lightening hair with kefir

A kefir hair lightening mask is effective, but it does not work as quickly as aggressive products, so you will have to wait for a visible result. To quickly notice a change in the tone of your curls by several shades, it is advisable to use a drink that is not the freshest - it contains lactic acid in maximum concentration. The simplest recipe for thin brown hair is kefir with water. The ingredients are mixed and applied to the hair for two hours. During this time, your head should be wrapped in plastic wrap.

How to lighten hair with kefir and cinnamon?


  • – 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • kefir – 1/2 cup;
  • water – 1 – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • honey – 1 tsp.

Preparation and use

  1. Mix cinnamon with water. The powder must be added to the liquid gradually so that it does not form lumps.
  2. Kefir is poured into the resulting homogeneous mass.
  3. Finally, liquid honey is added. It is needed to make the mass a little thicker.
  4. Apply a hair mask with kefir and honey for a couple of hours. At the same time, with insulation - a polyethylene cap - you only need to walk for 30-40 minutes out of the entire procedure.
  5. Wash off the mask with warm water.

Kefir mask for colored hair

Regular use of dye makes hair weak and less shiny. The strands suffer the most if done at home, but there is one way to save the curls and return them to a healthy appearance and natural beauty - a kefir mask. It is recommended to do it at least twice a week. The procedure will not only improve the appearance of the strands, but also heal them from the inside.

Hair mask with kefir and egg


  • fat kefir – 500 ml;
  • yolk – 1 pc.;
  • – 5 tbsp. l.

Preparation and use

  1. Mix the fermented milk product with olive oil.
  2. Add the yolk and thoroughly beat the future mask.
  3. Comb your hair.
  4. Apply the mask to your palms, distribute over the strands and gently rub into the root area.
  5. Wrap your head in cling film or a plastic bag, and cover the top with a warm scarf or towel.
  6. After half an hour, disassemble the “structure” and wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner.

Hair wash at home with kefir

Even hairdressers recognize the use of fermented milk drink. In addition to the fact that you can effectively wash off hair dye with kefir, the product, thanks to the biologically active additives and lactic acid bacteria it contains, will help strengthen the roots of curls, restore damaged areas of the epidermis and cure microcracks (if any are present).

Hair wash with kefir and soda


  • full-fat kefir – 2 cups;
  • vodka – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • baking soda – 2 tbsp. l.

Preparation and use

  1. Mix all ingredients until smooth.
  2. Heat the wash to 40 degrees.
  3. Distribute the product evenly over the head and wrap it with polyethylene and a warm towel.
  4. You need to keep the mask on for 2 hours. The vodka may cause you to feel a tingling or tingling sensation - these are normal phenomena.
  5. After washing, your hair should lighten one shade.

Kefir mask for hair growth

This fermented milk product contains many useful substances that have a good effect on the condition of the hair and scalp. In addition, kefir is used for hair growth. The vitamins and minerals contained in the drink penetrate deep into the roots, nourish the bulbs, and strengthen the strands. After just a few procedures, you will notice that the curls have become thicker and stronger.

Hair mask with kefir and cocoa


  • kefir – 1 glass;
  • cocoa powder – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • yolk – 1 pc.

Preparation and use

  1. Mix all components in one vessel.
  2. Apply to roots and distribute through strands.
  3. Wash off after an hour. Can be done without using shampoo.
  4. Blondes are not recommended to use such a mask - it can make their hair darker.

Henna with kefir for hair


  • henna – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • cocoa – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • kefir – 3 – 4 tbsp. l.

Preparation and use

  1. This mask is not suitable for blondes - henna can color the strands.
  2. Finely chop or crush the garlic.
  3. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  4. The mask may turn out thick. To dilute it a little, you should add kefir.
  5. You need to keep the product on your hair for at least half an hour.
  6. Rinse off with warm water.
  7. Repeat the procedure once a week.

Kefir for hair loss

Due to the large amount of minerals and trace elements, hair after using a fermented milk drink becomes less brittle, thicker, and more manageable. Beneficial substances penetrate deep into the roots and nourish the curls from the inside, which makes them stronger. Positive changes will become noticeable after the first use of the product - after combing, there will be much less hair left on the brush.

Hair mask with yeast and kefir


  • kefir – 100 ml;
  • fresh yeast – 5 g.

Preparation and use

  1. Mix kefir with yeast and place in a water bath.
  2. The mask should be heated for no longer than 30 minutes.
  3. Apply the foam formed from the mixture onto your hair.
  4. Keep the mask on for 40 minutes.
  5. For washing, it is advisable to use not only shampoo, but also conditioner.

Kefir mask for oily hair

To strengthen and nourish oily curls with vitamins, you don’t even need a complex hair mask with kefir at home. All you need to do is heat the product until it curls, cool to room temperature and distribute over the strands. Don't forget to massage the product into your roots and scalp. The top of the head should be covered with a cotton cloth. Keep the mask for 40 minutes to an hour. Repeat the procedure no more than three times a week.

Kefir mask for dandruff

Dealing with dandruff with fermented milk product is very simple. The best remedy is a clear drink. A hair mask with kefir and oils is often used. It is easy to prepare - you just need to add a couple of drops of ether to the liquid. The procedure lasts up to an hour (the optimal time is half an hour), and it is better to wash off the product with a mild shampoo that does not contain parabens.

Luxurious hair has always been a special pride for women. Healthy, shiny curls, regardless of length and color, invariably attract the eye. To make the natural strength and beauty of the strands sparkle with all its colors, today natural care products are increasingly used.

One of the effective and completely safe methods is kefir for hair and the use of kefir masks.

This dairy product is inexpensive, pleasant and easy to use and can become a source of hair growth and strength.
Let's figure out the benefits of kefir for the scalp and hair, who it is suitable for, and how to prepare a full-fledged mask from it.

The benefits of kefir for hair

Kefir can restore the condition of curls in such cases as:

🗸 frequent use of hair dryers, irons and other styling devices;
🗸 multiple coloring, highlighting, other chemical effects;
🗸 prolonged exposure to the sun;
🗸 lack of vitamins;
🗸 illiterate hair care;
🗸 appearance of dandruff.

Thus, kefir has a beneficial effect on weakened curls, helps with hair loss and insufficient volume.
In addition, kefir masks will serve as an excellent preventive remedy for hair care, nourishing and moisturizing it.

Another purpose of using fermented milk is lightening hair with kefir- This is a fairly gentle method of lightening natural curls.

Let's find out what components kefir has the above beneficial properties.

🗸 Fermented milk fungi
These ingredients improve blood flow and metabolism. Therefore, kefir masks can accelerate hair growth, normalize skin greasiness, and eliminate dandruff.

🗸 Protein
Nourishes and strengthens hair follicles, helps prevent split ends.

🗸 Calcium
This element is indispensable for hair growth, so with regular use of kefir you can achieve a noticeable increase in hair volume and reveal the natural beauty of your curls.

🗸 Lactic acid
This organic compound destroys pathogenic microbes, removes dead cells and dandruff. In addition, due to the acidic environment, you can get rid of the staining result. More information about washing with kefir will be discussed below.

It must be added that Kefir masks leave a microfilm on the surface of the hair after use, which serves as additional protection from ultraviolet radiation, wind and other harmful effects.

We also emphasize the 100% safety of this product. This is a completely natural product that creates an optimal moisturizing and nourishing environment.

Removing paint using a kefir mask

Due to the lactic acid contained in kefir, you can get rid of the staining result. This is the most harmless way to remove dye from hair.

The acidic environment dissolves the coloring pigment, while acting gently and carefully. In order to achieve the desired effect, the kefir mask must be applied over a course of 1-2 weeks.

Below are recipes for products, including a mask for washing off. You can also lighten your hair with kefir, but you need to understand that this method is only suitable for girls with natural hair of light brown and light shades. As a result, the hair will become 2-3 shades lighter.

Who is kefir hair masks suitable for?

The fermented milk product has no side effects, so there are no restrictions on age, hair or skin type. A girl or lady with any type of hair can try a kefir mask. In this case, it is necessary, of course, to choose a recipe based on the specific purpose.

Such a remedy has preventive and therapeutic effect. Equally suitable for brunettes, brown-haired women, and blondes. For colored, weakened strands, such a mask will become a source of energy. For split ends, it will help restore the hair structure and have a lamination effect. A kefir mask will restore elasticity and strength to dry, lifeless curls.

Thin, brittle hair, straight or thick curls - it doesn’t matter. Skin type can also be any - kefir mask is universal.
Even if you have naturally thick, shiny, healthy hair, kefir can make it even better, protect it from harmful environmental influences, and prevent dandruff and other problems. Just try using this product in combination with your usual cosmetic products.

Selection and use of kefir for hair care

To obtain the desired result, follow the following rules for preparing and using masks:

🗸 do not use expired sour milk;

🗸 do not leave ready-made compounds in the open sun;

🗸 When bringing the mask to the desired temperature, try to carefully monitor the consistency: kefir and eggs, often included in mixtures, quickly curdle at high temperatures. It is best to use a water bath to warm up the mask.

🗸 To achieve maximum effect, after applying the kefir mixture, wrap your head with a towel or cling film and put on a warm hat.

🗸 The duration of the mask should be at least half an hour, and in some cases 1-2 hours.

Another very important point: product selection. Only by using high-quality fermented milk will you truly improve your hair’s health in full. Of course, kefir made from fresh homemade milk is best. But few people have the opportunity to get this regularly.

For dry hair ideal for most fatty fermented milk product (3.2%). The rest are recommended to use 2.5 percent kefir.

When choosing, pay attention to expiration dates. A long storage time indicates an excess of preservatives; it is better to avoid using such kefir.

A high-quality product should be dense, contain a minimum of liquid, without bitterness and without an unpleasant odor.

Kefir hair masks - recipes

There are a huge number of recipes for kefir hair masks; you can come up with your own variations of kefir masks. The following go well with kefir: oils, honey, eggs, herbal infusions, mustard. You should add such a component depending on what effect you want to achieve. For example, a mixture of kefir and burdock oil is suitable for hair growth; to moisturize hair, you can mix kefir and your favorite base oil (olive, almond, coconut, etc.)

You can also use pure kefir for hair; this is the easiest option for those who are too lazy to prepare complex masks or don’t have the time for it.

Here are the most effective recipes based on reader reviews!

Mask with kefir against hair loss


Kefir – 150 ml;
Dry yeast – 10 g;
Honey – 1 tbsp.


Dilute the yeast with water, add honey and kefir. Place in a warm place for a quarter of an hour, mix thoroughly. Apply the mask to the roots, then to the rest of the curls. Leave for 1 hour. Rinse off with warm water without using cosmetics.

Kefir mask to moisturize hair, add shine and elasticity


Kefir – 100ml;
Yolk – 1 piece;
Olive oil – 1 tbsp;
Coconut oil – 1 tbsp.

Mix room temperature kefir with the rest of the ingredients, apply to the scalp and distribute along the length. Warm your head and leave for 40 minutes. Rinse with plenty of water and shampoo, apply balm.

Mask with kefir for strengthening and growth of hair


Kefir – 200 ml;
Yolk – 1 piece;
Burdock oil – 1 tbsp;
Onion – 1 pc.


Chop the onion and strain the resulting juice through cheesecloth. Combine with kefir and beaten yolk and pour in burdock oil. Apply the mixture to your entire head. Leave for half an hour. Rinse your hair as usual and rinse with water and lemon juice. IMPORTANT: Onion juice can leave an unpleasant odor on your hair. Therefore, the mask can be made without this component.

Mask for oily scalp


Kefir – 150 ml;
Dry mustard – 1 tbsp;
Yolk – 1 pc.;
Essential oil (rosemary or any other for aroma) – a couple of drops.


Beat the yolk and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Gently massage the mask into your scalp. Leave for 30 minutes. Rinse as usual.

Kefir mask for hair growth


Kefir – 150 ml;
Essential oil Bay (Bey) - a couple of drops
Burdock oil 1 tbsp.


Heat the oil in a water bath, add to kefir. Add essential oil to the mask before application; the mask should be at room temperature. Apply the mixture first to the roots, you can also distribute it along the length. Leave for 30 minutes.

Hair strengthening mask


Kefir – 200ml;
Yolk – 1 piece;
Honey – 1 tbsp;
Chamomile infusion – 50 ml.


Melt honey, pour into kefir, add egg and strained chamomile decoction or chamomile infusion. Mix everything until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Distribute the mixture evenly over the entire length of the curls. Warm your head, wait 1 hour. Rinse your strands with warm water without shampoo.

Lightening hair with kefir

Lightening hair with kefir is a popular procedure among girls who do not want to resort to lightening with dye. You need to understand that lightening hair with kefir is suitable only for girls with natural hair colors(from dark brown to light) also for natural red hair.

In order to achieve the lightening effect, you need to make a course of kefir masks. For some, 4-5 procedures will be enough, for others at least 10. A kefir mask for lightening can be done 1-2 times a week.

What is such a mask made from? First, let's remember all the components that can lighten hair: kefir, cinnamon (one of the most popular methods), lemon, chamomile decoction.

Well, now everything is as simple as shelling pears, you can choose what to make a lightening mask from, or alternate between different masks. Here are several recipes for masks for lightening hair with kefir.

Kefir mask for lightening with cognac


Kefir – 250 ml;
Lemon juice – 1 tbsp;
Cognac – 1 tbsp;
Yolk – 1 pc.


Mix all ingredients and bring to a homogeneous mass. Distribute the mask from roots to ends. Leave for 2-3 hours, wrapping your head in a warm towel or cap.

Lightening hair with kefir and cinnamon


Kefir – 6 tbsp.
Cinnamon - 2 tbsp

Mix the two components and apply over the entire length. The mask must be left for at least an hour, and preferably two hours. Don't forget to insulate your hair with a plastic bag and a towel. Rinse off as usual.

Lightening hair with kefir, cinnamon and lemon juice


Kefir – 6 tbsp.
Cinnamon - 2 tbsp
Lemon juice - 1 tbsp.

The recipe is almost the same as the previous one, only in this version we add lemon juice and perform the same manipulations.

Returning to the recipes of traditional folk medicine is not a step back, but an opportunity to get more effective results in matters of health and beauty. Kefir hair masks appeared long before the invention of flavored shampoos with an abundance of chemical components. Natural substances are necessary for weakened and out-of-appearance curls. Acids, vitamins and a large amount of calcium are contained in kefir. If you use it correctly at home, you will not need expensive procedures in salons.

The benefits of kefir for hair

A fermented milk product beloved by many can not only normalize the functioning of the stomach and intestines, but also serve as an effective means for strengthening curls. Its beneficial properties are based on its rich composition, including elements such as yeast, protein, lactic acid, vitamins A and E. Together they provide a general strengthening, nourishing and moisturizing effect.

To prepare your own products, you need to know the correct combinations of ingredients in masks. This is what determines what type of hair they are suitable for. In general, kefir allows you to solve several significant problems.

  1. The content of lactic acid mushrooms in the product has a beneficial effect on improving blood circulation and normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Thanks to this, hair growth accelerates and oiliness disappears.
  2. The fight against dandruff is more effective with the use of kefir. Oily hair is also restored to normal condition. They become light and fluffy.
  3. The protein component serves to restore curls and cell regeneration. Due to this, fragility and split ends disappear.
  4. The product has great protective capabilities. It forms an invisible film around the hairs and prevents destructive processes.
  5. By constantly washing your curls with kefir, the roots receive maximum nutrition and hydration.
  6. The presence of calcium allows you to strengthen hair during pregnancy and with the onset of wilting.
  7. Homemade kefir for hair is most effective if it is properly prepared and has a sufficient degree of fermentation.

Caring for hair with kefir implies the presence of a certain kind of problem. Many products are universal and comprehensively treat curls. Most often they are used:

  • when growth stops and falls out;
  • for brittleness and split ends;
  • with increased secretion of sebum;
  • the presence of dandruff and itching;
  • fading and loss of color;
  • for lightening and lamination purposes;
  • for protection and prevention of exposure to chemicals and electrical devices.


The peculiarity of kefir-based products is that they are suitable for almost everyone and do not cause allergic reactions. The only contraindication may be personal intolerance to the product. It contains lactic acid, which may also not be perceived by the body. You should use kefir with caution on dry hair, as it eliminates oiliness and can aggravate the drying process.

Methods of using kefir for hair

Hair treatment with kefir products can be carried out in several main ways. Most often they are used for one-time procedures or when there is no time for long-term masks. With the help of fermented milk products you can lighten your curls, laminate and even dye them. Hair after kefir becomes more manageable and soft, acquires a natural shine and grows quickly and does not fall out.

There is no need to bet that the procedure will allow you to lighten your hair if it is naturally dark in color. This method only works for blondes and brown-haired women. Kefir lightening will give your curls a golden hue and change the tone. To prepare the product you will need simple ingredients that will save you on expensive procedures.


  • kefir in the amount of half a glass;
  • juice of half;
  • yolk.

The components must be mixed well and treated with the mixture along the entire length of the curls. The half-hour procedure takes place while creating a thermal effect. Then you need to rinse your hair well, but shampoo is not required. It is advisable to repeat the masks at least twice a week. If you carry out the procedures for a month, you can see that the curls have become healthier and stronger. The brightening mask also has a healing and protective effect.

Dry and damaged hair with split ends and porous areas needs strengthening. To do this, it is advisable to laminate the strands, giving them greater elasticity, volume and shine. The product contains simple, accessible components.


  • castor oil;
  • egg;
  • gelatin.

Proportions are taken depending on the length of the strands. Gelatin must first be dissolved and then combined with the rest of the ingredients. The product is applied to the entire length of the hair, then the head is covered with polyethylene and left for forty minutes. The composition is washed off with plenty of warm water without using shampoo. It is not recommended to use detergents during the next 24 hours.


Changing color using chemical compounds gives results, but does not protect the structure of the curls. If you use natural ingredients, you can achieve a wonderful effect and help your hair gain health and shine. To prepare the product, you will need two glasses of kefir and two tablespoons of henna powder. The mixture should stand, and then it should be slightly heated using a microwave or steam bath. After applying to the hair, wait forty minutes and then rinse. This procedure makes the curls soft and silky.

Recipes for kefir hair masks

After a hot summer or cold winter, hair is the first to suffer. They lose their naturalness, fade and begin to fall out. This is due to exposure to ultraviolet radiation or lack of sufficient vitamins. Kefir-based masks allow you to solve all pressing problems at once. They nourish and moisturize, enhance growth and give natural shine. Making a homemade mask is easy and economical. Additional components must be selected depending on the hair type and desired results.

For growth

Kefir for hair growth must be used with other nutritional ingredients. This will give your curls extra strength and provide nutrition to weakened roots.


  • one hundred grams of kefir;
  • spoon of honey;
  • ten grams of yeast.

To accelerate the growth of curls, it is necessary to carry out at least ten procedures. For greater effectiveness, the product must be prepared in advance. First mix all the ingredients, then heat slightly and let sit for about half an hour. The resulting mixture is applied for forty minutes. By creating a thermal effect, you can achieve a better result.

From falling out

A simple remedy against hair loss can have a stunning effect. It contains only two components.


  • one piece of black bread;
  • 80 ml kefir.

The kefir base must be slightly heated and the bread should be immersed in it, and then kneaded well. The product is applied exclusively to the roots and left for forty minutes. It is recommended to repeat the procedure weekly, maybe twice. The duration of treatment is one and a half to two months. After the course, you must take a break of at least thirty days.

For dry hair

Thin and overdried curls require nutrition. To get it in the required quantity, you need to periodically make masks. Nutrients will restore natural shine and normalize water balance.


  • 50 ml yogurt;
  • 5 ml castor oil;
  • One yolk.

This kefir hair recipe requires making your own fermented milk product. All components are thoroughly mixed, and then the resulting mass is applied to the curls from the tips to the roots. When exposed to heat, nutrients should be absorbed for at least an hour. Then the product must be washed off with plenty of water.

For oily hair

Oily, as well as dry, curls need a moisturizing mask that gives the hair strength and energy. They become shiny and voluminous.


  • half a lemon;
  • 100 ml yogurt;
  • oatmeal in the amount of two spoons.

Hercules must first be ground. Then it is mixed with kefir and lemon juice until smooth. The resulting mass is applied to the head and along the entire length of the curls. The active components last for at least an hour. They are more efficient at creating heat. The product is washed off with plenty of water. It is recommended to use it twice a week for a month.

To strengthen

In the off-season, strengthening your hair is the main task. The required amount of vitamins and microelements must regularly reach the roots.


  • 100 ml yogurt;
  • ten drops of vitamin A and E;
  • two tablespoons of bran;
  • colorless henna one spoon.

Henna must be steamed in advance, just like kefir and yeast. Then all components are mixed. The consistency should be quite thick. The product is applied to the entire length, and then the curls are wrapped in polyethylene for an hour. You need to wash your hair with plenty of water. It is recommended to repeat the procedures within a month to achieve the expected effect.

For lightening hair

The curls of blondes under the influence of an acidic environment acquire a golden hue; it is also possible to wash off the dye from the hair with kefir.


  • 100 ml yogurt;
  • lemon juice;
  • 20 ml honey.

To start the procedure, you need to mix all the ingredients. If the honey is thick, then it needs to be warmed up a little. The resulting mixture is applied to the curls along the entire length. Then the head must be wrapped in polyethylene. The procedure takes two hours. Periodically, you need to warm your head with a hairdryer. It is recommended to rinse your hair with plenty of water. The procedure provides complete hydration and nutrition.

For split ends

Kefir effectively moisturizes hair and also prevents breakage. To get rid of the section, you need to use gelatin. It restores the hair structure and prevents its splitting.


  • 10 gr. gelatin;
  • 50 ml yogurt;
  • burdock;
  • nettle.

One spoonful of herbs should be poured into one hundred milliliters of boiling water and left to infuse. Gelatin is soaked in this decoction. After cooling and swelling, the herbal mixture is mixed with kefir. The product is applied to the ends and then to the entire length. The procedure lasts from forty to fifty minutes. Everything is washed off with plenty of warm water.

For hair thickness

Kefir and oil, especially burdock, are an excellent combination for giving curls thickness, volume and fluffiness.


  • 100 ml yogurt;
  • burdock oil 10 ml;
  • one yolk.

All components are thoroughly mixed and applied to the entire length of the strands. How long to keep the product depends on the depth of the problem. On average, the procedure lasts an hour. After this, you need to rinse everything off with plenty of water. For medicinal purposes, it requires frequency every two to three days for a month.

With castor oil

A simple oil-kefir complex will help give your curls softness and volume. It must be applied to your hair at least once a week. The product can also be left overnight.


  • half a glass of kefir;
  • four tablespoons of castor oil.

The base of the product must be slightly heated and then combined with the oil component. After leaving for an hour, the hair should be rinsed with plenty of water and shampoo.

With burdock oil

A complex composition with a large number of vitamin components will help against dandruff. The product will also promote effective nutrition and hydration of curls.


  • egg;
  • cocoa 50 gr.;
  • 50 ml yogurt;
  • 20 ml burdock oil.

First, the egg and cocoa are mixed, and then the remaining ingredients. The product is applied to the hair for an hour, after which it should be washed off well with shampoo. The mask will help give your curls shine and volume, strengthen and make them silky. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with other masks with burdock oil.

With egg

The nutritional benefits of eggs have been known since ancient times. They are useful for nourishing the roots and improving the structure of the hair shafts.


  • egg;
  • one hundred gr. kefir

If you warm the base a little and add yolk to it, the effectiveness of the product will increase. The mask is applied to the hair with light massage movements. The head should be kept warm for fifty minutes, and then it should be rinsed with warm water. The product is suitable for normal hair and adding thickness to it.

With cocoa

Kefir and cocoa in combination give a brightening effect if you add additional components to the mask.


  • 100 ml kefir;
  • 40 ml lemon juice;
  • 20 ml;
  • 2 gr. cinnamon.

Collect all the ingredients and mix thoroughly, and then cover the curls with the resulting mixture. The head should be kept warm for up to fifty minutes. It is necessary to wash off the product with plenty of warm water, without shampoo. The mask must be used comprehensively: twice a week and up to two months. The break between periods must be at least a month.

With yeast

A two-month course of masks, carried out periodically, every three days, will help strengthen your curls and stop hair loss. Between courses you need to take a month's break.


  • kefir in the amount of 200 ml;
  • yeast – 10 g;
  • honey – 10 gr.

The kefir component must be heated and mixed with the other ingredients, let them brew for a quarter of an hour. The product is applied to all curls from the root zone. By creating a high temperature for forty minutes, the active components work effectively. Then the hair is washed off using shampoo. The course of treatment is one and a half months.

With rye bread

To make the product more effective, you need to make your own kefir. Natural product nutritious and fortified.


  • a glass of curdled milk;
  • black bread;
  • lemon juice or olive oil.

The mask must be prepared in advance so that the bread has time to release its nutrients to the liquid. It is soaked and left for an hour. Next, you can strain the kefir or pass everything through a blender. A mask for oily curls is prepared with lemon juice, and for dry curls - with olive oil. The product is applied to the entire length of the strands, and the scalp is massaged. The procedure time is one hour. You can wash off the substance without using shampoo. To give your curls strength and elasticity, you need to apply masks weekly. For treatment purposes, hair loss and growth cessation, every three days.

With lemon

Products with lemon can reduce the oiliness of curls and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. To make the process more effective, it is necessary to use herbal decoctions.


  • chamomile decoction;
  • lemon juice.

In a mixture of kefir and broth taken in equal proportions, add the juice of half a lemon. The product is rubbed into the roots and spreads along the entire length. The duration of action is fifty minutes. After which it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the curls. The product is used to clean curls and reduce oiliness. If the hair is heterogeneous, the ends may not be processed.

With cinnamon

To give your hair shine and a healthy appearance, you need to use kefir products with cinnamon or cocoa.


  • yolk;
  • cinnamon.

For this remedy, you can use plain or sour kefir. All components are mixed and applied to the curls. The product can be rubbed into the roots and distributed throughout all strands. The contents of the mask should be washed off after an hour. Cinnamon helps awaken follicles, prevent hair loss and enhance growth. For treatment purposes, the procedure is repeated twice a week, for prevention – once.

With honey

The fortified composition of honey allows you to give your curls complete nutrition, which in combination with kefir gives excellent results.


  • 50 ml yogurt;
  • egg;

It is not difficult to prepare the product. You just need to mix everything and treat the curls with the resulting composition. In warmth, the components open up better. After an hour, the curls are thoroughly washed; shampoo may not be used. The procedure should be done weekly.

With mustard

The complex composition of the product activates growth and provides nutrition to curls. This mask is suitable for oily hair that is prone to rapid contamination.


  • mustard 15 gr.;
  • honey 15 ml;
  • almond oil 15 ml;
  • rosemary oil a few drops.

Before the procedure, you must first dilute the mustard in heated kefir, and then add the remaining ingredients. When the mass is ready, it is applied to the curls from the root zone with a light massage of the skin. After forty minutes, the product can be removed with plenty of water and shampoo. Onions can replace mustard in this recipe; it also affects the awakening of the follicles. Weekly procedures can speed up the growth of curls and make them voluminous.

With henna

To restore damaged strands, you need to add colorless henna to kefir.


  • kefir 50 ml;
  • henna 15 g;
  • egg.

The kefir mass is first prepared, which must be slightly heated and mixed with henna. When the mixture has infused a little, combine it with the egg. The product is applied to the scalp and strands. When creating a thermal effect, the procedure lasts up to two hours. Then everything is washed off; using shampoo is not necessary.

With clay

Clay mixtures will help strengthen the structure and degrease the curls.


  • mayonnaise;
  • lavender ether;
  • blue clay.

The product is prepared in two steps. First, a mayonnaise-kefir mixture is made, then a clay mixture with water. Both components are combined and brought to homogeneity. Two drops of ether are added before use. The mass is applied to the curls in an even layer. The head must be insulated for an hour and then rinsed well. The procedure should be repeated no more than once a week so as not to dry out the curls. The product helps strengthen the cuticle and prevent breakage.

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