New Year tree history traditions. The centuries-old history of the New Year tree (11 photos). The Legend of Saint Boniface and the Christmas Tree

We decorate, dress up, dance in circles, but do we know where the Christmas beauty came from and what is the history of the New Year tree? Barely on the streets, in in public places Christmas trees appear in houses, people's faces brighten. It’s as if everyone immediately remembers that miracles happen in life.

The soul opens up to a fairy tale, beauty, change. In the middle of winter, when daylight is short, everyone really needs these bright feelings. And the smells of pine needles and tangerines, colorful Christmas tree decorations and toys awaken them in us.

Everyone is waiting for this holiday with the faith that everything will be fine in this New Year. And how much joy the appearance and decoration of a New Year tree brings to children and adults!

Ancient rites and Christian Christmas

IN New Year's Eve many people who don’t know each other gather around decorated Christmas trees. They hold hands and spin around in a round dance, singing songs and lighting colorful lights and candles. It never occurs to anyone that they are performing a ritual that comes from very, very long ago.

You can try to trace its roots, and it turns out that even decorating a Christmas tree is a kind of sacred ritual of appeasing spirits.

In Rus', they decorated:

  • birch tree if you asked for women's happiness, motherhood, love, beauty and health.
  • aspen if you wanted to get rid of diseases and misfortunes.
  • oak, if masculine strength and worldly wisdom were required.

Every tree could give something to people. And our ancestors saw in each a source of vitality.

In ancient times, trees symbolized the connection between the earthly and other worlds among many peoples. The roots come from Mother Earth, and the trunk and branches reach out to Father Sun. It is difficult to think of something more symbolic to express the mystery of life.

A person stands firmly on the earth, but reaches out to the light and pure, believes in higher powers and seeks support in the heavenly heights.

For example, the Celts revered the spruce tree. For them it is a sacred tree, the tree of eternal life. After all, it is always green and does not shed its leaves.

Among the ancient Slavs, spruces were inseparable from the world of the dead, which is inextricably linked with the world of the living. They were considered a tree that takes away bad energy and returns strength and health to a weakened, sick person.

The Slavs did not have a cult of veneration of fir trees. Unlike the birch tree, which was considered a tree that gives life and joy.

Spruce forests were a mysterious and gloomy place, where forest and swamp spirits lived in abundance. But sorcerers and wise elders often came out to people precisely from under the spruce paws. It was as if they were emerging from a mysterious other world.

In medieval Europe, sacred spruce branches appeared as a replacement for the palm branches with which the first Christians greeted the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.

At the same time, the Germans arose a legend that Saint Binifatius cut down the tree of the god Odin. And he predicted that a spruce tree would grow on the stump as a symbol of victory over death.

Moreover, it is not said what kind of tree it was and whether a spruce seed was stuck into the stump. Well, what else could replace the palm tree? Each country has its own trees.

The appearance of the Christmas tree in Russia

Let's return to the history of the Christmas tree in Russia. The modern custom of bringing a Christmas tree into the house and decorating it came to Russia in the 17th century. Then Peter the Great issued a decree on decorating houses and streets with decorated Christmas trees, following the example of European cities.

In rich houses, in noble assemblies, and palaces, Christmas trees began to be erected. Fortunately, there was no shortage of them in our forest regions. Round dances were held near the Christmas trees decorated with gingerbread, sweets and toys, apparently forgetting that this was a legacy of Slavic beliefs. The church did not interfere with this.

Thus, two traditions of different religions harmoniously came together to the delight of people.

The forest beauty was decorated with fruits, sweets, figurines of animals and fairy tale characters. Thus, depicted tree of paradise from Christianity And custom of appeasing spirits from paganism.

Another proof of the persistence of ancient beliefs. In one form or another, they end up in new religions and merge with rituals in the most natural way.

A modern version of fruit is multi-colored balls. Instead of the current toys, figurines of deities were hung on the Christmas tree to ask for their favor. There were always figures of the stern Slavic god who rules over Winter. True, he did not look as handsome and kind as he does now. This was a formidable deity to be cajoled and feared.

  1. According to legends, the appearance of the ancestor's spirit was accompanied by flickering lights. That is why garlands of flickering lights have become another symbol of the New Year. It was believed that the New Year is a time of renewal and rebirth, and only at this time the souls of the dead can communicate with their descendants.
  2. Not a single Christmas tree is complete without shiny tinsel as if flowing from the branches. This is a symbol of flowing water and the frailty of life. Thus, the great-grandfathers asked for rain and a rich harvest.
  3. Star on top- this is the top of the axis of the world, where the guiding North Star lives. It was along it that ancient sailors and travelers found their way.
  4. When children in the form of bunnies, bears, foxes, snowflakes, spinning around the Christmas tree, we don’t think that these are echoes of an ancient ritual round dance. The ancient Slavs wore animal skins and danced around a fire at the winter equinox. Each nation has its own rituals, and they are similar in many ways.

The custom of decorating a Christmas tree (or other tree) is embedded in the subconscious. And we inherited it from our distant ancestors, who annually held sacred rite of Creation of the World.

Respect for trees was manifested in their decoration with various objects. They were used for sacred fires and to light hearths. Some peoples endowed power with cypress trees, others with pine and ash trees, still others with eucalyptus trees, and still others with birch trees.

Since ancient times, people have had no doubt that trees growing in the forest live the same life as a person: they love, are friends or are at enmity. It was believed that they contained healing and life-giving power.

Incomprehensibly, the legend about the birth of the Sun God (when the night begins to decrease and the day arrives) and the decision to celebrate the Nativity of Christ came together, almost on the same days of the winter solstice.

Interesting fact

Thus, we celebrate Christmas and the birth of the deity who gives life to all things at the same time.

In Russia - a little later, since Christmas in Russia has been moved to January 7 instead of December 25, as in Europe.

About the Yule Tree

Yule is the holiday of the ancient Germans, when the Solar King is born, giving warmth to the Earth and people.

Earlier than others, such a transformation happened in medieval Germany, where the ancient solstice holiday was called Yule, and the Christmas tree is still called Yule.

On this night the birth of the Oak King (Sun King) took place, and the desired warmth came to the frozen earth. They rejoiced, lit bonfires, asked for prosperity and a rich harvest.

Children went from house to house, giving gifts to neighbors and friends. Baskets of spruce branches and ears of wheat filled with apples in flour.

  • Ears of wheat were associated with the future harvest.
  • Apples - with the Sun.
  • Flour - with abundance.
  • Evergreen branches - with immortality.

All this was accompanied by songs, dancing, burning of the Yule log, as well as putting on a festive outfit on the Yule tree.

The Yule tree served, of course, to preserve green color throughout the year, Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree. During the ceremony, she was decorated right in the forest. Then they cut it down and brought it into the house. They placed it on the table, hanging it with sweets, apples and candles.

When the population of Germany adopted Christianity, there was a place in the Christmas celebrations for the forest beauty, the Yule tree.

Where did the first Christmas tree appear?

Until now, scientists do not have exact information about where the first official installation of the Christmas tree took place. A documented fact is a ceremony held in Riga in 1510, but there are no details about this event.

There are other contenders seeking to become the first Christmas Tree City. In 2010, several cities actively fought for this status, including Vilnius. Official recognition would ensure an influx of money from tourism into the treasury, so the war broke out in earnest.

And although the debate about the Christmas tree priority still continues, in the 20th century a memorial plaque was installed on Riga Town Hall Square with the inscription that it was in this place that the first Christmas Tree stood.

In 2011, Estonians provided evidence that Tallinn was the place where such a Christmas tree was first installed. True, this allegedly happened in 1154, when there was no mention of the city itself.

All this became the basis for the outbreak of the “Christmas tree war”, which did not receive further development in the Baltic countries. Tourists still flock to Riga, considering it the city of the First Christmas Tree. Well, Tallinn can only envy how its neighbors collect tourist money into the city treasury.

Russian New Year tree - features

In our country, the Christmas tree is put up on the eve of the New Year, and not on Christmas. And it stays in houses until the Old New Year. We have such special traditions. We surprise Europeans that we have not only the New Year, but also the Old New Year. This whole series of holidays arose by itself, in connection with changes in calendars in the 20th century.

The dates were moved, we began to live in the same time slot as Europe. And we have more holidays. happened:

  • from January 1 (New Year's Eve),
  • January 7 (Orthodox Christmas),
  • January 14 (New Year according to the old style) and
  • They also grabbed Epiphany (January 19).

In Russia we have no connection with Christmas. Historically, we dress up and decorate the Christmas tree to celebrate the New Year and see off the Old Year. We thank the past and hope for the fulfillment of wishes in the coming one.

In fact, why not organize holiday festivities if the guest of all January holidays decorates our streets and houses for the whole month.


And now even longer, since artificial, non-falling fir trees and spruce trees are used. Festive illumination will be removed from city streets and squares only in February.

May the Dreams and Hopes come true in the New Year 2019 for everyone who believes in miracles and certainly for those who do not believe in them at all. Do without frills, relax with your children, arrange trips to the winter forest so that long holidays will give you energy and strength. And the Christmas tree is supposed to bring good luck, it’s not for nothing that you decorated and decorated it, appeasing the ancient spirits.

It is difficult to imagine the most anticipated holiday of the year, loved by children and adults, without such a classic attribute as the New Year tree. The history of the tradition that commands us to decorate this tree for the holiday goes back centuries. When did people start decorating evergreen trees in Russia and other countries, what made them do it?

What does the Christmas tree symbolize?

The inhabitants of the ancient world sincerely believed in the magical powers that trees possessed. It was believed that spirits, evil and good, were hiding in their branches, which should be pacified. It is not surprising that trees became objects of various cults. they worshiped them, addressed prayers to them, asked for mercy and protection. So that the spirits would not remain indifferent, they were presented with treats (fruits, sweets), which were hung on the branches or laid out nearby.

Why were not the pines, eucalyptus, oaks and other species decorated, but the Christmas tree? The New Year's story contains many beautiful legends on this topic. The most truthful version is that the coniferous beauty was chosen due to its ability to remain green, no matter what time of year it came. This made the inhabitants of the ancient world consider it a symbol of immortality.

History of the Christmas tree: Europe

The custom as the inhabitants know it modern world, developed in medieval Europe. There are different assumptions about when exactly the history of the New Year tree began. Initially, people limited themselves to small branches of pine or spruce that were hung in the house. However, gradually the branches were replaced by entire trees.

If you believe the legend, the history of the New Year tree is closely connected with the famous reformer from Germany. While walking in the evening on Christmas Eve, the theologian admired the beauty of the stars shining in the sky. Arriving home, he placed a small Christmas tree on the table and decorated it using candles. To decorate the top of the tree, Martin chose a star that symbolized the one that helped the wise men find the Baby Jesus.

Of course, this is just a legend. However, there are also official mentions of the Christmas tree, falling approximately on the same time period. For example, it was written about in French chronicles for the year 1600. The first New Year's trees were miniature in size; they were placed on tables or hung from walls and ceilings. However, in the 17th century, houses already had big Christmas trees. Deciduous trees, which were previously also used to decorate homes before the holidays, were completely forgotten.

Christmas trees in Russia: ancient times

It is believed that the first who tried to make this tree a symbol of the change of year was Peter the Great. In fact, even the ancient Slavic tribes treated coniferous vegetation with special trepidation; they already had a kind of “Christmas tree”. The story goes that our ancestors, in the depths of winter, held dances and sang songs near this tree. The goal for which all this was done was the awakening of the spring goddess Zhiva. She was required to interrupt the reign of Santa Claus and rid the earth of its icy shackles.

Christmas trees in Russia: Middle Ages

Peter the Great really tried to consolidate in our country such a wonderful custom as the New Year tree. The story tells that the emperor first saw the decorated tree in the house of German friends with whom he celebrated Christmas. The idea made a huge impression on him: a spruce tree decorated with candies and fruits instead of ordinary cones. Peter the Great ordered to meet in accordance with Germanic traditions. However, his heirs forgot about this decree for many years.

In this case, the question arises: where did the New Year tree come from in Russia? This would not have happened for a long time if Catherine the Second had not ordered to put up trees during the holidays. However, conifers were not decorated until the mid-19th century. It was then that the Germans, who missed this cheerful tradition in Russia, installed the first decorated Christmas tree in St. Petersburg.

Unfortunately, it made a lovely family tradition illegal for almost two decades. The Soviet government declared the decoration of coniferous trees a “bourgeois whim.” In addition, at this time there was an active struggle with the church, and the spruce was considered one of the Christmas symbols. However, many inhabitants of Russia at that time did not abandon this beautiful custom. It got to the point that the tree began to be installed secretly by the rebels.

What events does the history of the New Year tree in Russia consist of? Briefly speaking, already in 1935 the tradition became legal again. This happened thanks to Pavel Postyshev, who “allowed” the holiday. However, people were categorically forbidden to call the trees “Christmas”, only “New Year’s”. But the first day of January was returned to its status as a day off.

First Christmas trees for children

A year after the forest beauty returned to the homes of people celebrating main holiday year, a large-scale celebration was organized, held in the House of Unions. This officially began the history of the New Year tree in Russia for children, for whom this celebration was organized. Since then, similar events have traditionally been held in children's institutions with the obligatory distribution of gifts and the calling of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.

Kremlin Christmas tree

Kremlin Square has been one of the favorite places to celebrate the New Year for Moscow residents for many years. All other Russians do not forget to turn on the TV to admire the majestic Christmas tree, decorated in honor of the arrival of the New Year. The first installation of a coniferous tree, symbolizing eternal life, on Kremlin Square took place back in 1954.

Where did the tinsel come from?

Having understood the history of the appearance of the main thing, one cannot help but become interested in its decorations. For example, such a wonderful tradition as the use of tinsel also came to us from Germany, where it appeared in the 17th century. In those days, it was made from real silver, which was cut thinly, becoming a silvery “rain”, thanks to which the Christmas tree shone. The history of the appearance of modern products made of foil and polyvinyl chloride in Russia is not precisely known.

Interestingly, there is a beautiful legend associated with Christmas tree tinsel. In ancient times, there lived a woman who was the mother of many children. The family was chronically short of money, so the woman was unable to properly decorate the New Year’s symbol; the tree was left practically without decorations. When the family fell asleep, the spiders created a web on the tree. The gods, to reward the mother for her kindness to others, allowed the web to become shining silver.

Back in the middle of the last century, tinsel was only silver. IN currently You can purchase this decoration in almost any color. The characteristics of the materials used for manufacturing make the products extremely durable.

A few words about lighting

As already mentioned, coniferous trees brought into the house on New Year, it was customary not only to decorate, but also to illuminate. For a long time, only candles were used for these purposes, which were securely attached to the branches. The debate about who exactly came up with the idea of ​​using garlands is still not over. What does history say about how the New Year tree with modern lighting appeared?

The most common theory says that the idea of ​​lighting the evergreen beauty with electricity was first expressed by the American Johnson. This proposal was successfully implemented by his compatriot Maurice, an engineer by profession. It was he who first created a garland, assembling this convenient structure from a large number of small light bulbs. Humanity first saw a holiday tree illuminated in this way in Washington.

The evolution of Christmas tree decorations

It’s hard to imagine a modern New Year tree without garland and tinsel. However, it is even more difficult to refuse fancy toys that easily create festive atmosphere. Interestingly, the first Christmas tree decorations in Russia were edible. To decorate the symbol of the New Year, dough figures wrapped in foil were created. The foil could be golden, silver, painted in bright colors. Fruits and nuts were also hung on the branches. Gradually, other available materials began to be used to create decor.

Some time later they began to import into the country glass products, mainly produced in Germany. But local glassblowers quickly mastered the manufacturing technology, as a result of which bright toys began to be created in Russia. In addition to glass, materials such as cotton wool and cardboard were actively used. The first ones were distinguished by their significant weight; by the beginning of the 20th century, craftsmen began to produce thin glass.

Around the beginning of the 70s, people had to forget about unique jewelry designs. “Balls”, “icicles”, “bells” were stamped on conveyors by factories that used the same technologies. Interesting specimens came across less and less often; the same toys hung in different houses. Fortunately, these days, finding truly original Christmas tree decorations is no longer a difficult task.

A few words about the star

Decorating a tree for the holiday is fun with your child, who will love the story of where the Christmas tree came from. The story of its appearance in Russia will become even more interesting for children if you don’t forget to tell them about the star. In the USSR, it was decided to abandon the classical one that showed the way to the baby Jesus. Its alternative was a red ruby ​​item, reminiscent of those placed on the Kremlin towers. Sometimes such stars were produced along with light bulbs.

Interestingly, there is no analogue of the Soviet star in the whole world. Of course, modern products for decorating the top of a Christmas tree look much more attractive and interesting.

This is a brief summary of the life of the New Year tree, the history of its appearance in Russia as a classic attribute of the holiday.

Live Christmas treemain symbol New Year and Christmas. Many producers around the world cultivate New Year's trees so that in December you can buy Christmas tree for New Year. These are Danish spruce, Russian spruce, Norwegian spruce (they are sometimes called Udmurt spruce), Serbian spruce, blue spruce (American), Russian pine, Canadian pine, Siberian pine, Austrian pine, Crimean pine, Siberian fir, single-color fir, Nordmann fir , Fraser fir, Concolor fir, White fir, Nobilis fir, Lasiocarpa fir.

Some of them do not grow in our country, but with the development of technological progress, transport and information awareness, the opportunity has become available to us to order them from foreign nurseries and decorate our home or office for the New Year and Christmas. Now it is not only spruce and pine, but also other, not quite ordinary trees. IN last years we can see them for free sale in our market or buy spruce in.

We will tell you about the main types of Christmas trees, their similarities and differences. Which one should you choose for your family celebration? If you are a gourmet, we recommend that you try everything. Each tree will surprise you and will not leave you indifferent. Each of them has its own character and its own characteristics. Well, if you don’t have a botanical love for Christmas trees, then we will try to help you decide so that when you come to Christmas tree market or when searching Christmas tree in online stores, you could choose the one that suits you.

What you should pay attention to when choosing a New Year's tree

Before you think about where to buy christmas tree, first we will try to understand what is important to us from a holiday tree, what characteristics and features are most important to us.

  • It is probably important to know whether there is smell Christmas tree or strong smells you don't like? Introduced? If you prefer a plastic smell, then you are on the wrong site, and it is better to leave us or read the article

  • What needle color- bright green, or grayish green, or perhaps noble blue?

  • For some it is important how alive the spruce is fluffy or does she have enough thick needles. If it is thick, then it becomes possible to save on toys. Some people like it more loose structure so that toys can be hung not only outside, but also inside the crown.

  • And for some it matters most crown shape, she may be wide-conical to effectively occupy a large space in your home or narrow-conical so that you have the opportunity to carefully place the tree in a corner and leave room for gifts and household members.

  • It is equally important to take into account the interests the youngest and most beloved family members, so it’s worth asking Do the needles prick? at the Christmas tree... some species, for example, the Danish tree, are surprisingly soft.

  • I would also like to know - how long does it take for needles to fall off? live Christmas tree or pine?

  • How much available a New Year's beauty for you, otherwise it may not be found in our area, or the price may not be affordable.
Well, let's start analyzing the trees, as they say, “by the bones,” or rather, by the needles.

The most familiar living Christmas tree for us: Russian Christmas tree (ordinary)

Regular Russian spruce- the most affordable and popular New Year tree in our country. Its fresh forest aroma and greenish-dark color of pine needles cannot be confused with anything and, it seems, cannot be replaced by anything. She meets us in all old films and is familiar to everyone from early childhood. Its main advantage is its accessibility and, of course, the smell of pine needles, which is quite strong compared to fir trees. But it quickly crumbles, like all Christmas trees, it does not stand in a warm room for more than 10 days, and the needles are quite prickly.

You ask: “But what about Danish Christmas tree? - but, as such, it is not a spruce - in fact, it is Caucasian fir or Nordmann fir, which in Russia began to be called Danish spruce by the name of the main exporting country.

Important! Christmas trees should not be installed in a warm room in advance.

The purchased Christmas tree can be stored in a cool place, for example, on a balcony, for up to two months, we can reliably assure you. Some of our employees had the experience of installing a live New Year tree as a surprise on the Eighth of March (don't think that he forgot to install it for the New Year)!
Storage in the cool place of the cut Christmas tree almost duringthree months did not affect its quality in any way. Thus, we recommend installing and decorating the New Year tree - Russian spruce, ordinary spruce - 2-4 days before the holidays.
You can get to know this Russian beauty in more detail in our catalog:

Norway spruce (European)

Norway spruce (or European Christmas tree) by origin - the same ordinary one, with all the same characteristics, but much more regular with thick and “stuffed” crown. This look is achieved with regular haircuts and special nutrition. When grown in nurseries, these Christmas trees are often trimmed, as a result of which they become overgrown with many lateral branches, become lush and look much more impressive.

If you see this Christmas tree, you will immediately understand why it costs much more than an ordinary one. Otherwise, they are similar to Russian Christmas trees - they smell just as great, but they don’t last long in the heat.
More details about the common European spruce, as well as the Norwegian or Udmurt spruce:

Serbian spruce

Serbian spruce its characteristics are similar to Russian spruce, but has a narrower crown shape. The most interesting thing that distinguishes it from the Russian Christmas tree is the color of the needles, which appears greenish-gray due to the fact that the green needles below have white stripes along the needles. This Christmas tree looks more noble than the Russian Christmas tree. The needles of this type of cut tree do not stay warm for long. The smell is weaker than that of a Russian Christmas tree.

American or prickly spruce (blue)

An unusual-ordinary tree native to North America that can be used as a New Year's tree is Prickly spruce (blue). You have probably seen examples of these trees growing near the Kremlin wall. This tree has more thick and strong trunk, strong branches, unlike European Christmas trees, the needles are larger and may have different shades– from gray to bright blue.

Unlike the above-mentioned European spruce trees, the needles of this tree do not fall off longer, but they are the most prickly. The American Christmas tree has strong pine aroma, so it is better to purchase it for those who like strong odors or are tolerant of them. In our Russian market, prickly spruce is not so widely represented as a New Year's tree; the price is 2-4 times higher than that of a Russian Christmas tree.

Danish spruce (Nordmann fir, Caucasian fir)

(aka Nordmann fir, Caucasian fir) is deservedly popular as the most beloved New Year tree in the whole world. This is real symbol of the Christmas holidays, family warmth and comfort. Unlike the fir trees the needles are very soft and fluffy, for which small children adore Danish fir. Like all fir trees, it practically does not shed its needles, but only gradually dries out. But when good care and a sufficient amount of water in the stand does not lose its decorative properties for about 2-3 weeks.

The peculiarities of this tree include the fact that it almost no smell. In terms of cost, Nordmann fir, due to the fact that it is grown in Europe, is more expensive than Russian or Norwegian spruce. It should be noted that the price of this tree greatly depends on the quality of the crown shape. In our company you can buy fir only highest quality Premium.

A live Danish spruce is so fluffy, neat and beautiful, needle to needle, that more than once at Christmas tree markets we heard from some clients that they came to buy a Danish tree, but “we don’t need artificial ones,” we had to convince them that they were live. Of course, upon closer acquaintance it is no longer possible to confuse them; a live Christmas tree creates a special atmosphere in the house that cannot be replaced by a plastic imitation. Read more about how Caucasian fir became Danish spruce in our catalog:

Fraser fir

Another tree that we consider the exclusive choice of the most demanding customers is Fraser fir. It combines several advantages and has almost no disadvantages. This fir very beautiful– its short, pointed branches perfect shape, strewn with dark green needles, grow so densely that sometimes they have to be moved apart to find a place for decorations. Just like all firs, it stands for a long time without crumbling. The branches are very strong and can be loaded with toys without fear of them bending or breaking.

Fraser fir It has a pine scent with a special citrus undertone. High-quality, ideal Fraser fir is imported to us in Russia, as well as to other European countries and countries of Southeast Asia from the USA; its sea voyage lasts about one and a half months. Just like all firs, Fraser fir stands for a very long time without falling off. It can be installed in the house 7-10 days before the New Year, after which it will quietly stand all holidays.

For more information about Fraser Fir, see our catalog:

In our store you can buy, which not only smells great, but is also an indispensable material for many New Year's crafts and ways to decorate your home.

Lasiocarpa fir (subalpine)

Lasiocarpa fir- a rather interesting choice of New Year's tree, which is cultivated in Europe. This option is for real gourmets and connoisseurs of everything unusual in the interior. Fir has a noble dark green shade of soft needles with a blue tint. Possesses pleasant pine smell. The crown shape is perfectly conical. Unfortunately, it is practically unavailable on the Russian market, since Lasiocarpa fir is grown in small quantities and its price is quite high.

If you order Lasiocarpa fir 2-3 months before the New Year, then we can bring it especially for you.

Fir Concolor (one color)

This Christmas fir also comes mainly from Europe and is practically unavailable on our market as a New Year's tree, but it can be purchased in a container and subsequently planted in the ground. It has needles of an amazing bluish hue, the needles are larger than those of other fir trees. The needles have the same color both above and below, unlike other types of fir, in which the upper side of the needles is dark green and the lower side has white stripes, which is why it got its name.

- a beautiful, very fluffy tree with gray-blue needles. In many countries it is dressed up for Christmas, but here it is not very popular yet, although in 2016 it was used on the streets of Moscow in the decoration of some buildings along the route "Journey to Christmas", where you probably saw her. This live fir thanks to its fluffy dense branches it is ideal for making Christmas wreaths and street decorations. But even dressed up at home, this fir is an unforgettable sight.

The only thing worth noting is its rather weak, but not quite “coniferous”, rather plant-like smell. So, if the smell of pine needles is an important New Year's companion for you, it is better for you to choose another tree. It is quite difficult to buy this fir in Moscow, but at the request of our clients we can order it in advance from Europe.

Russian pine

Many who have at least once installed for the New Year live pine, subsequently return to this choice again. Pine trees have strong pine resinous odor. In addition, their large needles are very easy to remove. Pines have strong branches and if the tree is securely fastened in a stand, then many decorations can be placed on it. The crown of Russian pine is relatively loose, openwork, since this pine has a large annual growth, so the pine has pronounced individual whorls with a large distance between them. Scots pineRussian quite accessible both on the Internet and at Christmas tree markets. The price of Russian pine is comparable to Russian Christmas tree, it will cost you only a little more.

Just like spruces, cut pine trees don't last very long. In order to extend the life of pine or Christmas trees in your home, you can use special ones in effervescent tablets or in a concentrated solution. Buy New Year's pine does not present any difficulties, many Russian nurseries grow it for sale, and you can order it in our online store now:

Austrian pine, Crimean pine, black pine

Austrian pine and its analogues have darker needles compared to Russian pine, the trunk is not orange, like that of an ordinary Russian pine, but very dark, dark gray, the tree looks more fluffy, since the distance between the whorls of the Austrian pine is smaller than that of the Russian pine, and the needles are larger. As a New Year's tree, it is quite popular in the south of Russia, since it grows there (the mountainous terrain of the Crimea and the Caucasus).

Siberian pine, cedar pine (Siberian cedar)

A noble taiga tree with beautiful dark needles, an even trunk and cones containing edible nuts. It has longer needles than regular pine and looks fluffier. By the way, Siberian cedar is not a cedar botanically, it was so named by Peter I for “marketing reasons” in order to increase sales of cedar pine wood. It is of industrial importance as a source of wood and pine nuts. It is not cultivated as a New Year's tree in the central regions of Russia. Can be planted in the ground as an ornamental tree.

Canadian New Year's pine deservedly gained popularity in many countries around the world. This is a real beauty luxurious, fluffy. Bright green needles, so thick that sometimes it seems that decorations on it will only be superfluous. The trunk of such a tree may be bent, but this is not a problem, since it is not visible at all through the dense coniferous cone. It doesn't smell as strong as Russian pine, long needles are easy to clean. If we compare it with our compatriot, Russian pine, then it looks much more solid and expensive. Therefore, their costs vary significantly.

Things to remember:

None cut spruce, fir or pine will not stand in your home for more than three weeks, so it is advisable to install the Christmas tree and pine no earlier than 3-5 days, and fir 7-10 days before the desired date. Read more about the lifespan of cut trees in the article:. But you can order the tree in advance and store it in a cool place, for example, on the balcony. The most important question where to buy spruce? On our website you can order a live New Year tree at any time, even in summer, and it will be delivered to you by the specified day. Christmas tree delivery is not yet a completely familiar service, but every year more and more people start using it!

We hope that this article has clarified the issue a little for you. Which Christmas tree is better to choose?. We wish you pleasant holidays, and we will try to ensure that in ours you can choose the best Christmas trees, pines, and firs!

Now it is difficult to imagine celebrating the New Year without its symbol - the fluffy evergreen beauty of spruce. On the eve of this wonderful holiday, it is installed in every home, decorated with toys, tinsel and garlands. The fragrant smell of fresh pine needles and the taste of tangerines - this is what most Russian children associate with the New Year holiday. The children find their gifts under the Christmas tree. At matinees, round dances are performed around her and songs are sung. But this was not always the case. Where did the New Year tree come from in Rus'? The history of the tradition of decorating it for the New Year is described in this material.

Pagan Totem Tree

Our ancestors believed that all trees are alive and spirits live in them. In pre-Christian times, the Celtic Druidic calendar included a day of worship of the fir tree. For them, it was a symbol of courage, strength, and the pyramidal shape of the tree resembled heavenly fire. Fir cones also symbolized health and strength of spirit. The ancient Germans considered this tree sacred and worshiped it. They identified it with the World Tree - the source of eternal life and immortality. There was a custom: at the end of December, people went into the forest, chose the fluffiest and tallest tree, decorated it with multi-colored ribbons and made various offerings. Then they danced around the tree and sang ritual songs. All this symbolized the cyclical nature of life, its revival, the beginning of a new thing, the arrival of spring. Among the pagan Slavs, on the contrary, spruce was associated with the world of the dead and was often used in funeral rites. Although it was believed that if you place spruce paws in the corners of a house or barn, this will protect the home from storms and thunderstorms, and its inhabitants from illnesses and evil spirits.

New Year tree: the history of its appearance in Europe after the Nativity of Christ

The Germans were the first to decorate the Christmas tree in their homes back in the Middle Ages. It is no coincidence that this tradition appeared in medieval Germany. There is a legend that the holy Apostle Boniface, an ardent missionary and preacher of the word of God, cut down an oak tree dedicated to the thunder god Thor. He did this in order to show the pagans the powerlessness of their gods. The felled tree felled several more trees, but the spruce survived. St. Boniface declared the spruce a sacred tree, Christbaum (tree of Christ).

There is also a legend about a poor lumberjack who, on the eve of Christmas, sheltered a little boy who was lost in the forest. He warmed, fed and left the lost child to spend the night. The next morning the boy disappeared, and in his place he left a small coniferous tree at the door. In fact, under the guise of an unfortunate child, Christ himself came to the woodcutter and thus thanked him for the warm welcome. Since then, spruces have become the main Christmas attribute not only in Germany, but also in other European countries.

The story of the appearance of the star on the top of the Christmas tree

At first, people decorated their houses only with branches and large spruce paws, but later they began to bring whole trees. But much later, the custom of decorating the New Year tree appeared.

The story of the appearance of a star on the Christmas tree is associated with the name of the founder of Protestantism - the German Martin Luther, the head of the burgher Reformation. One day, while walking down the street on Christmas Eve, Luther looked at the bright stars of the night sky. There were so many of them in the night sky that it seemed as if they, like small lights, were stuck in the treetops. Arriving home, he decorated the small fir tree with apples and burning candles. And he placed an asterisk on the top of the tree, as a symbol of the Star of Bethlehem, which announced to the Magi about the birth of the infant Christ. Subsequently, this tradition spread among followers of the ideas of Protestantism, and subsequently throughout the country. Beginning in the 17th century, this fragrant conifer became the main symbol of Christmas Eve in medieval Germany. IN German There was even such a definition as Weihnachtsbaum - Christmas tree, pine.

The appearance of the Christmas tree in Rus'

The history of the appearance of the New Year tree in Russia began in 1699. The custom of erecting a Christmas tree appeared in the country during the reign of Peter I, at the beginning of the 18th century. The Russian Tsar issued a decree on the transition to a new account of time, the chronology began from the date of the Nativity of Christ.

The start date of the next year began to be considered the first of January, and not the first of September, as was previously the case. The decree also mentioned that the nobility should decorate their houses with pine and juniper trees and branches in the European style before Christmas. On January 1, it was also ordered to launch rockets, arrange fireworks and decorate the capital's buildings with pine branches. After the death of Peter the Great, this tradition was forgotten, except that drinking establishments were decorated with fir branches on Christmas Eve. By these branches (tied to a stake stuck at the entrance), visitors could easily recognize the taverns located inside the buildings.

Revival of Peter's customs in the first half of the 19th century

The history of the New Year tree and the tradition of decorating it for the holy holiday did not end there. The custom of placing lighted candles on the Christmas tree and giving each other gifts for Christmas became widespread in Russia during the reign of Nicholas I. This fashion was introduced among the courtiers by his wife, Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna, a German by birth. Later, all the noble families of St. Petersburg followed her example, and then the rest of society. In the early 40s, the Northern Bee newspaper noted that “it is becoming our custom to celebrate Christmas Eve” by decorating the cherished Christmas tree with sweets and toys. In the capital, on the square near Gostiny Dvor, grandiose Christmas tree markets are held. If poor people could not buy even a small tree, then noble people competed with each other in this: who had a taller, more magnificent, or more elegant spruce. Sometimes precious stones were used to decorate the green beauty, expensive fabrics, beads, gimp (thin silver or gold thread). The celebration itself, organized in honor of the main Christian event - the Birth of Christ, began to be called the Christmas tree.

History of the Christmas tree in the USSR

With the Bolsheviks coming to power, all religious holidays, including Christmas, were cancelled. The Christmas tree was considered to be a bourgeois attribute, a relic of the imperial past. For several years this wonderful family tradition became illegal. But in some families it was still preserved, despite the government ban. Only in 1935, thanks to a note by party leader Pavel Postyshev in the main communist publication of those years - the Pravda newspaper, this evergreen tree regained its undeservedly forgotten recognition as a symbol of the coming year.

The wheel of history turned back, and Christmas trees for children began to be held again. Instead of the Star of Bethlehem, its top is decorated with a red five-pointed star - the official symbol of Soviet Russia. Since then, trees began to be called “New Year’s” and not “Christmas”, and the trees and holidays themselves were called not Christmas, but New Year’s. For the first time in the history of Russia, an official document about non-workers appears holidays: The first of January officially becomes a holiday.

Kremlin Christmas trees

But this is not the end of the story of the New Year tree in Russia. For children in 1938 in Moscow, in the Hall of Columns of the House of Unions, a huge multi-meter Christmas tree with tens of thousands of glass balls and toys was installed. Since then, every year in this hall there is a giant New Year's tree and children's parties are held. Every Soviet child dreams of going to the New Year tree in the Kremlin. And until now, Muscovites’ favorite meeting place for next year is Kremlin Square with a huge, elegantly decorated forest beauty installed on it.

Christmas tree decorations: then and now

In tsarist times, Christmas tree decorations could be eaten. These were shaped gingerbread cookies, wrapped in multi-colored metallic paper. Candied fruits, apples, marmalade, gilded nuts, paper flowers, ribbons, and cardboard figurines of angels were also hung on the branches. But the main element of the Christmas tree decor were lit candles. Glass inflatable balls were brought mainly from Germany, and they were quite expensive. Figurines with porcelain heads were highly valued. In Russia, only at the end of the 19th century did artels for the production of New Year's products. They also make cotton, cardboard toys and papier-mâché figurines. In Soviet times, starting in the 60s, mass production of factory-made Christmas tree decorations began. These products did not differ in variety: the same “cones”, “icicles”, “pyramids”. Fortunately, now on store shelves you can find many interesting Christmas tree decorations, including hand-painted ones.

Where did the tinsel and garlands come from?

No less interesting is the history of the appearance of other New Year's paraphernalia: tinsel and garlands. Previously, tinsel was made from real silver. These were thin threads, like “silver rain”. There is a beautiful myth about the origin of silver tinsel. One very poor woman, who had many children, decided to decorate the tree before Christmas, but since there was no money for rich decorations, the decoration of the tree turned out to be very unattractive. Per night fir branches spiders entwined with their web. Knowing the woman’s kindness, God decided to reward her and turned the web into silver.

Nowadays, tinsel is made from colored foil or PVC. Initially, garlands were long stripes, intertwined with flowers or branches. In the 19th century, the first electric garland with many bulbs appeared. The idea of ​​its creation was put forward by the American inventor Johnson, and brought to life by the Englishman Ralph Morris.

Stories about a small Christmas tree for children and their parents

Many fairy tales, short stories, and funny stories about the New Year tree have been written for small and large children. Here are some of them:

  1. “The Tale of a Little Christmas Tree”, M. Aromstam. A touching and kind story for kids about a little tree that was rewarded for its desire to bring joy to others.
  2. Comics from the Snegirev couple “Keshka in pursuit of a Christmas tree.” Short, funny stories about the cat Keshka and his owner.
  3. Collection of poems " Christmas tree" Author - Ag Jatkowska.
  4. A. Smirnov “Christmas tree. Ancient Fun" is an old edition of the 1911 Christmas Lotto reprinted in a modern way.

Older children would be interested in reading “The History of the New Year Tree” in the book by Alexander Tkachenko.


The history of decorating trees for the holiday goes back to the reign of the pharaohs. In those days, palm trees were decorated in ancient Egypt. Already in our era in Europe, they began to decorate the Christmas tree for Christmas: with apples, cookies, and lit candles.

There is a version that the first New Year tree was placed in the square of the city of Celeste in Alsace in 1521. First Christmas tree decoration- glass ball - appeared in Saxony in the 16th century.

The custom of celebrating the New Year was brought to Russia from Germany by Peter I; The first New Year holidays in Russia were organized, according to the royal decree, in 1700. The custom of celebrating Christmas with a Christmas tree was finally established in the middle of the 19th century.

In 1927, during the anti-religious campaign that began, Christmas ceases to be official holiday, and the Christmas tree was declared a “religious relic.” However, before the onset of 1936, the tree was allowed again, but as a New Year's tree.

New Year tree in the light of Russian and Christian traditions

IN THE BEGINNING of the 1830s... [the fashion for the Christmas tree] was still spoken of as a “nice German idea,” and at the end of this decade the tree was already “coming into habit” in the houses of the St. Petersburg nobility... Only in the houses of the clergy and in the peasant hut is the tree it never took root in the 19th century. […]

Previously, this tree... did not enjoy much sympathy. The symbolism of death and the connection with the “lower world”, which were attributed to spruce in the Russian tradition, as well as the custom of placing Christmas trees on the roofs of taverns, did not at all foreshadow the changes in attitude towards it that occurred in the middle of the 19th century. […] In the process of assimilating foreign customs, the meaning that was attributed to the Christmas tree in the West was also assimilated - its connection with the theme of Christmas. […]

The process of “Christianization” of the Christmas tree did not go so smoothly in Russia. He met resistance from the Orthodox Church. The clergy saw in the new holiday a “demonic act,” a pagan custom that in no way resembled the birth of the Savior, and, in addition, a custom of Western origin."

Features of the celebration

The largest capitals of Europe (Madrid, London, Paris, Rome, Moscow, Warsaw, Kyiv) and ordinary cities are installed in the largest squares or in tourist places main New Year trees. Leading experts and representatives of the fashion world participate in the process of developing the design for decorating such trees. Installing, decorating and lighting the main (central) New Year trees is a tradition in many cities that attracts tourists and citizens on New Year's Eve.

Christmas ball

Christmas tree (events)

The New Year tree also signifies a festive event - a concert (most often for children) at which the New Year is celebrated. For the first time, holidays for children in the Kremlin with this name began to be held during the reign of Stalin on the New Year, when (in the form of a secular New Year's holiday) a custom previously persecuted by the Soviet authorities as “religious” was officially restored. For some period of time this tradition was interrupted for ideological reasons, but at the moment the main New Year tree is held.

Initially, the state organized New Year trees for a small (selected) circle of children. But over time, throughout Russia on the eve of the New Year holiday and some time after (during the winter school holidays) began to conduct many holiday concerts for children with the constant Father Frost and Snow Maiden, as well as a performance, a round dance around the tree and gifts (in Soviet times, sweets were in short supply). These performances are traditionally called the New Year Tree.

In Soviet times, New Year trees were organized by the state, party organizations, trade unions, and enterprises. Depending on the wealth and influence of the organizations sponsoring the holiday, the event varied in size and in the value of the holiday packages (which was extremely important in times of scarcity) that were given away at the event.

Nowadays, the New Year tree is organized everywhere by both commercial and government agencies, including for commercial purposes.

With the entry into the era of television, the New Year tree began to be called some holiday television programs broadcast during the New Year celebration.

Children's Christmas tree plan

Usually the Christmas tree is arranged in concert halls for children. First, positive heroes appear, who, as a rule, are waiting for the arrival of Santa Claus. But then negative ones appear, and because of them there is a danger that the New Year will not take place, because the garland on the Christmas tree will not light up, there will be no snow, or Santa Claus will not come, etc. In the end, the positive heroes defeat the negative ones ( which, as a rule, are corrected), Santa Claus arrives. After the performance, you can usually receive gifts with tickets - sets of chocolates in gift wrapping.

Christmas toys and decorations

The Christmas tree is usually decorated with balls made of thin glass and gold leaf, tinsel, decorative figures and garlands. In light of Christmas traditions, the main colors of decorations are red (the color of Santa's or Father Frost's costume), gold, silver and white (the color of snow).

New Year tree and ecology

To celebrate the New Year, hundreds of millions of Christmas trees are being cut down around the world, and this inherent fun has begun to threaten the ecology of the planet. Therefore, various states are trying to strictly regulate the cutting down of fir trees for the New Year, and are also taking the following steps to protect the ecology of forests:

  • Stimulating the production and sales of artificial trees - currently, artificial New Year trees are offered in a very realistic appearance and the buyer does not lose anything by buying such a New Year tree;
  • Organization of Christmas tree forestry farms, in which spruce trees are grown specifically for the New Year (Christmas) holidays;
  • Restrictions or a complete ban on visiting forests during the New Year and Christmas holidays and the imposition of serious fines for violations (including imprisonment);
  • Restrictions or prohibitions on the free transportation of fir trees (in particular, without special documents);
  • Stimulating the sales of live Christmas trees (in special containers - pots, tubs) with the organization of subsequent delivery of Christmas trees to forestry enterprises for planting trees in forests;
  • A complete or partial ban on the installation of live fir trees on streets and squares (this is especially important, since there are very few large beautiful fir trees left in the world that are needed for installation in open spaces) and subsidizing the installation of artificial fir trees big size, as well as New Year's compositions.


  • E. V. Dushechkina Russian Christmas tree: History, mythology, literature. - St. Petersburg: Norint, 2002. - ISBN 5-7711-0126-5



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