New Year family children. Why New Year is a family holiday? New Year brings together people of different religions

Irina Stepanova
Abstract of the GCD “New Year - family celebration»

Target: expand the idea of ​​family, about New Year's traditions families.


Educational: to arouse children's interest in their ancestry.

teach to talk about your ancestors, about the traditions of your family.

Developmental: develop attention, Creative skills, memory, thinking,

Educational: cultivate love for parents, respect for elders, family traditions .

Today we are talking about family and relationships in it, about family holidays and family traditions.

If you feel bad, if it’s difficult, if you’ve been offended, who will caress you, who will caress you, understand and console you? Of course, your mothers, grandmothers, fathers, relatives and people close to you are family. Family is the most important thing in life for a person.

Do you think all families are the same? (Children's answers) .

I'll read you a poem "My family" Family - in this word, dad, mom, and me.

I really want dad and mom to always be together, always be close.

I walk with them, play, live.

I protect them with my love!

May dad and mom live a long, long time,

After all, I really, really want this!

I teach lessons at school and at home.

I want to be like my mother.

She can do everything: both sewing and knitting,

And it’s delicious to cook and wipe off the dust.

A holiday our family will come too

Cooking a big goose in the kitchen.


Previously, families in Rus' were large, friendly, hard-working. There were 10, 20 or more people in the family. Such a house was a real fortress. Home and family were spoken of with great respect. Since ancient times, it was believed that a child should not just grow like a tree or grass. He was brought up through the word, movement, introduced into the world of rules and traditions.

From infancy, the child fell asleep to a lullaby, which not only put him to sleep - it told him something about the world, about its kindness. Without understanding the meaning of the songs, the child caught her mood and felt peace and protection.

Educator. Families are all different. How are they different? Of course, with your habits, customs, atmosphere, traditions.


There is such folk wisdom: “Tradition is the basis of the family”.

What are traditions?

Let's clarify the meaning of this word in Ozhegov's dictionary.

Traditions are something that has been passed on from one generation to another, inherited from ancestors (fathers, mothers, grandfathers, grandmothers.)

Traditions are play, joy, creativity, and the ability to communicate with each other. Each family has its own traditions. Good traditions strengthen the family and give life to the family. Each family has its own way of involving little ones in common family traditions. It could be family watching your favorite movie, spending five minutes in the morning at breakfast, reading a book out loud, watching family photos and much more.

What traditions exist in your families?

Story about holiday New Year :

Who was the first to come up with celebrate the New Year? Nobody knows for sure! After all, this day celebrate all peoples since ancient times. True, to every nation New the year comes in due time. In addition, there are many different traditions and customs.

New Year. This holiday, when you are not forced to go to bed early, but are seated at the table with the adults. This holiday when you are looking forward to the end of the chimes so you can throw yourself under the tree and see what surprise Santa Claus has prepared for you. New year is my favorite holiday in our country. Both adults and children love him. New Year is a holiday with fluffy white snow outside the window, the smell spruce branches, sparkling colorful toys and tinsel, obligatory fireworks, gifts, as well as with an elegant Santa Claus and the beautiful Snow Maiden

3. Game "Snowflakes and the Breeze"

Children are divided into two teams "snowflakes" And "breeze". Snowflakes are spinning, running on their toes; "breeze" at this time he is resting. After the words "the wind has woken up", children say as they exhale "sh-sh-sh" and the snowflakes hide from the wind and settle. The game continues 4-5 times; after which the children in the teams change roles3. tell children about New Year traditions:

4. Tradition celebrations There is quite a lot of New Year's in Russia. From the times of Slavic paganism we inherited mummers, buffoons and jesters. And of course Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. In your home, most likely, about New Year's table Mom or grandma will take care of it. And participate in the decoration Christmas tree and the rooms are a great pleasure. When decorating a Christmas tree, the first thing to do is hang an electric garland with light bulbs, then - toys: first large, then small. Lastly, put a spire on the top of the tree and spread a shiny "rain".

Physical education minute "Jack Frost"

Oh, Red Nose Frost,

We all know you.

(Clap their hands.)

And you, Santa Claus,

We welcome you with joy.

(Hands on the belt, body tilted forward.)

Oh, Red Nose Frost,

Let's sing a song.

(Clap their hands.)

And you in a round dance

We invite children.


Who comes to Russian children in New Year with gifts? (Father Frost.) What does he look like? (The teacher shows the illustration, the children answer.) That's right, guys, the Russian Father Frost is a grandfather with a large white beard, a mustache, snow-covered eyebrows, in an elegant red fur coat strewn with snowflakes, in a red hat, with a staff in his hands and a bag of gifts. He comes to us with his granddaughter Snegurochka. Father Frost lives in a beautiful wooden mansion in the city of Veliky Ustyug.

And now you can talk about your family’s traditions. (Children prepared a story about their families in advance) .

“As a family, we really love to meet New Year. We definitely decorate the Christmas tree, mom prepares various salads and sweets, and most importantly, we prepare gifts for our loved ones in advance. To the sound of the chimes we hurry to make a wish cherished wish, we all sit down together festive table . And in the morning we run to the Christmas tree to get our gifts.”

Guys, solve the riddles:

What a beauty

Stands, sparkling brightly,

How magnificently decorated!

Tell me, who is she? (Christmas tree)

He has a gray beard.

Fur coat, staff with a star.

He brought us gifts

Who is this? (Father Frost)

He's racing in a fast troika,

I'm still small.

He's knocking loudly on our doors,

Sweeping snow from felt boots. (New Year)

Physical education minute:

Come on, buddy, be brave, buddy,

Roll your snowball in the snow.

(children walk in a circle one after another, pretending to roll a snowball in front of them)

It will turn into a thick lump

(stop, "draw" with both hands)

And the lump will become a snowman.

("draw" snowman made of three circles of different sizes)

His smile is so bright!

(shows a smile on his face with his hands)

Two eyes, a hat, a nose, a broom.

(show eyes, cover head with palm, show nose, stand up straight, hold imaginary broom)

But the sun will be a little hot -

(squat slowly)

Alas! - and there is no snowman.

(shrugs shoulders, shrugs)

Publications on the topic:

The most desired, most fabulous and most magical holiday has come - New Year! How the children of my group were waiting for him! So many positive ones.

2017–2018 Arouse interest in the upcoming holiday. Create a festive Christmas mood. A wonderful holiday - Magical New Year.

Summary of an integrated lesson in the middle group “Our Family New Year” CONSET OF INTEGRATED EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY “Our Family New Year” ( middle group) Compiled by: Sinevich Olga Vladimirovna.

Summary of educational activities for speech development in the senior group “New Year” Goal: create conditions for activation, clarification vocabulary on the topic, form the grammatical structure of speech, expand the dictionary of antonyms.

Many people associate the New Year with Olivier salad, Irony of Fate, fireworks and a decorated Christmas tree. However, the most beautiful thing about this holiday is that it is at this time that you can get together with the whole family and spend the outgoing year together.

“Letidor” has compiled a list of five reasons why New Year is the best family holiday, and it’s unlikely that anyone will be able to argue with us!

New Year brings together people of different religions

It doesn't matter who you believe in or what your religious preferences are - on New Year's Day it doesn't matter at all. After all, this holiday has no connection to any belief.

People of all religions say goodbye to the past year with joy and welcome the new one with hopes for a bright future.

On New Year's Day the whole family gets together

Family is the most important thing in the world. And when all our loved ones are gathered, sitting at a common table, smiling, joking and laughing, then we are truly happy.

Nothing can replace your mom's concern about what kind of salad you'd like to try. interesting stories sisters, gentle hands of her husband and funny antics of children.

IN New Year's Eve You can get everything at once, you just have to get everyone together and prepare as many delicious treats as possible!

You can also dance, hug and believe in miracles. And also - all together.

On New Year's Day, you can remember all the good things and let go of the bad ones.

When was the last time you sat down and looked through a family album of old photos? A holiday night is a great opportunity for this.

After a fun feast, take out your photos, find old videos and immerse your whole family in memories of the past year.

New Year - new life. It is at this time that we must boldly make plans and set goals for ourselves.

You can even make yourself a list of wishes/goals and follow them for 12 months, each time checking off the completed task. The list will be filled with “checkmarks”, and at the end of December you yourself will be surprised at how much you have managed to do!

There is a magical atmosphere everywhere

Flickering lights, the smell of fresh cookies, snow outside the window and your favorite movies on TV - this is what creates a truly fabulous mood. The house is filled with warmth and comfort, all family members, after household chores, sit down at the large table and raise glasses of champagne.

What can we say about the expression of joy and happiness on the face when unpacking gifts and warm hugs!

New Year is a wonderful holiday for everyone, because when it’s snowy and cold outside, it’s so nice to bask in the warmth of family happiness!

Many people associate the New Year with Olivier salad, Irony of Fate, fireworks and a decorated Christmas tree. However, the most beautiful thing about this holiday is that it is at this time that you can get together with the whole family and spend the outgoing year together.

“Letidor” has compiled a list of five reasons why New Year is the best family holiday, and it’s unlikely that anyone will be able to argue with us!

New Year brings together people of different religions

It doesn't matter who you believe in or what your religious preferences are - on New Year's Day it doesn't matter at all. After all, this holiday has no connection to any belief.

People of all religions say goodbye to the past year with joy and welcome the new one with hopes for a bright future.

On New Year's Day the whole family gets together

Family is the most important thing in the world. And when all our loved ones are gathered, sitting at a common table, smiling, joking and laughing, then we are truly happy.

Nothing can replace your mother's concern about what kind of salad you would like to try, your sister's interesting stories, your husband's gentle hands and the children's funny antics.

On New Year's Eve you can get everything at once, you just have to get everyone together and prepare as many delicious treats as possible!

You can also dance, hug and believe in miracles. And also - all together.

On New Year's Day, you can remember all the good things and let go of the bad ones.

When was the last time you sat down and looked through a family album of old photos? A holiday night is a great opportunity for this.

After a fun feast, take out your photos, find old videos and immerse your whole family in memories of the past year.

We are sure that you will have something to remember and laugh at!

This is a holiday when you can make plans for the future

New Year new life . It is at this time that we must boldly make plans and set goals for ourselves.

Have you ever dreamed of going to an exotic country? Interested in taking cooking classes or dance classes? New Year is the time for big resolutions.

You can even make yourself a list of wishes/goals and follow them for 12 months, each time checking off the completed task. The list will be filled with “checkmarks”, and at the end of December you yourself will be surprised at how much you have managed to do!

There is a magical atmosphere everywhere

Flickering lights, the smell of fresh cookies, snow outside the window and your favorite movies on TV - this is what creates a truly fabulous mood. The house is filled with warmth and comfort, all family members, after household chores, sit down at the large table and raise glasses of champagne.

New Year is a good reason to add something new to your life. And it doesn’t matter whether your family is young or not - it’s never too late to resume old traditions or come up with new ones!

Perhaps it is these bright and joyful moments that your child will remember, will remember them with warmth after many years and will keep them in his family.

Here are ideas for traditions, rituals and just pleasant everyday little things that you can take note of.

- Celebrate the New Year with your family.

Make an advent calendar or countdown to the New Year.

Craft Christmas decorations and make a figurine of an animal symbolizing
the coming year.

On the eve of the holiday, hide small gifts or notes from Santa Claus under the child’s pillow.

Place holiday harbingers around the apartment.

A week before the New Year, give up everything tasty so that holiday treats bring real joy not only to children, but also to adults!

- Collect unnecessary things and take them to charitable organizations.

Send homemade greeting cards.

Go to the library before the New Year and choose a thematic book there that you will read every evening.

Put books about Christmas, New Year and just on the shelf winter themes. Read them on the eve of the holiday and throughout the winter, and then put them away again. Every year we find new books that are age-appropriate for children.

- Make a photo album with pictures of the most interesting and significant events of this year
of the year. Before the holiday, look at albums from previous years.

Write down on paper the saddest, most offensive and unpleasant moments of the past year, especially if they bother your child (or you), and burn the list.

Write a list of promises and wishes for the next year. Read it next year and note what you managed to implement. You can also cut and paste pictures from magazines if your child cannot write.

Before the New Year, change something in the interior of the house: rearrange the furniture or replace the covers and upholstery on it, change the curtains, tablecloth, towels or shower curtain.

For the holiday, take out the New Year's service and tablecloth. For example, made by yourself.

Do Christmas costumes to all family members and pets.

- Every year, arrange a photo shoot for the whole family, including grandparents and other close relatives. Or just take a photo every year in front of the Christmas tree. Over time, there will be more and more such photographs, and it will be very interesting to watch how family members change.

Make a photo album with pictures of significant events of the past year. Remember and discuss the happiest moments.

Decorate the Christmas tree, prepare salads and decorate the apartment while listening to good New Year's songs. These could be soulful retro hits of Ella Fitzgerald, Frank Sinatra, Louis Armstrong or old Soviet songs.

Bake gingerbread or cookies. Collect all kinds of baking molds and decorations and make as many different gingerbread cookies as possible. Put them all in one bag and invite your guests to pull out one gingerbread at a time: what falls out is what awaits them in the coming year. You'll have to use a lot of imagination to figure out what a squirrel, clown, star or house means. You can also hang gingerbread cookies on the tree and, starting from January 1st, eat one piece at a time, and when there is not a single gingerbread left, remove the tree.

- The very first person starts decorating the Christmas tree. junior member families. You can hang first homemade toy, for example, with the symbol of the coming year. Or start decorating the Christmas tree with a new toy every year.

When the Christmas tree is decorated, gather with the whole family and say in unison: “Christmas tree, light up!” and turn on the garland.

Figure out how to give gifts on New Year's Eve: discreetly place gifts under the tree so that the child opens them the night before or on New Year's Eve, put gifts in one large bag and then distribute them to everyone gathered, gifts are given by Santa Claus, the child finds gifts under the tree the next day morning.

Give your grandparents photo gifts every year.

Give gifts to all pets, be it a dog, a hamster or an aquarium fish.

Watch the same movie with the whole family every year, for example “Home Alone”, “Frost”, “Carnival Night”, “Miracle on 34th Street”.

- Leave a special gift under the Christmas tree for the apartment in which you live. This could be a new painting, a carpet, or even a “certificate” for installing windows or a new kitchen. And also smaller items to replace those that may have become unusable over the years: a toothbrush cup, cutting boards, a trash can or a door mat.

Make peace with friends and relatives before the New Year, ask for forgiveness, so as not to bear resentment in the coming year.

Thank each of those gathered at the table for some specific spiritual qualities or actions. Or just take turns giving compliments and good words each other.

Place almonds in a cake or salad. Whoever gets it will have a happy event in the New Year.

Place small gifts in slippers every day until the Old New Year, if the child did not forget to put the slippers under the Christmas tree. Also, gifts (for example, just candy) can be placed under the pillow or in a Christmas stocking.

- Every year, make a gnome from the trunk of a used Christmas tree.

On Christmas Eve (the evening before Christmas) put twelve different dishes or at least twelve different products on the table.

Fortune telling at Christmas, for example with wax. Pour the melted wax into a bowl of water, and when it hardens, place it on a contrasting background and try to guess what kind of figure it is and what it reminds you of.

I already know...

I know how difficult it is to organize a holiday when people gather around the same table several generations. Some people want to watch New Year's programs, others just want to eat delicious food and listen to jokes. Children run between the table and the Christmas tree, the hostess with salads - from the kitchen to the living room.

That's all! There is nothing to remember. After the chimes start to yawn and crawl?

No! The festive mood is the work of the most talented, mischievous and cheerful people. Us with you..

Celebrating the Year of the Rat 2020

Look interesting competitions and in other scenarios: , (this is my favorite selection),
Here's the script!

Prize selections

Every year I update a selection of cute little things that are suitable as an incentive for participating in competitions with links to the store.

Sequence of competitions- your choice. I’m just reminding you that you can use it when creating your own script for a New Year’s home party.

Ceremonial part (comic reward for successes in the past year)

I host an awards show every year. From the Internet (look for “Certificates” in the pictures), I print out blank Certificates of Honor and Diplomas, and enter my own text there for each family member.

For example, I have a one-year-old niece. He received the following certificate: “Artem Evgenievich is awarded for masterfully mastering the technique of upright walking and using the word “Give” instead of all other words of the Russian language.”

My husband’s mother filled out documents for several months in a row, so she was awarded a large chocolate medal “For following certificates.”

My daughter has made progress in developing flexibility and received an “A” in physical education, so she has a diploma “For building a strategic bridge (okay... a bridge) between the legs and arms.”

I awarded my son for the most sonorous pronunciation of the sound “Rrrrrrr” (learned in December)

Myself, of course, for my blogging successes along with maternal concerns. It’s difficult, why don’t I deserve a medal?

Election of Father Frost and Snow Maiden

I propose not to hold a vote, but simply write and add up in one hat the names of all the men, and in another hat- the names of all the ladies. The Snow Maiden is 60, and Santa Claus is 1 month old? Great! We put a hat and cap on the chosen ones, take a photo as a souvenir.

You can come up with roles for all the other guests. Only now write these roles on pieces of paper and hide them in Kinder capsules, and the guests will pull it themselves. For example, I have only 10 guests. I wrote down the roles like this:

  • Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden (whoever happens to dance together)
  • The sheep is the symbol of the year (show this animal and “bleat” happiness for everyone in the new year)
  • Snow Baba and The Snow Queen(even if it falls to male representatives, we put on crowns and ask them to sing the duet “Oh, Frost-Frost”)
  • “I’m just the most important one here.” The one who gets this should say a toast and congratulate everyone on the upcoming New Year.
  • Snowflakes (all others). They also have crowns! Now we put them next to each other and ask them to perform the “Dance of the Little Snowflakes.” Naturally, we borrow music from little swans :-). It will be fun, I promise!

Comic fortune telling

After my sister came across a rattle, and I got the car keys, I believe in this fortune-telling.))) At the end of December I graduate from driving school and for a month now I have been bearing the title AUNT IRA.

What can you wrap in a napkin or wrapping paper? All, what can be deciphered as a prediction. A screwdriver? There will be repairs. Coin- to good earnings, jar of vitamins- excellent health all year round, theater ticket- bohemian life, tassel- to the opening hidden talents, globe- will interesting travels, folded thin handbag- for successful shopping, mirror- someone will become very prettier in the new year, etc.

More options:

  • A book - you will learn new things
  • Letter - good news
  • Watch - interesting events await
  • Ring - you will receive an unexpected offer (even if it’s for work)

Or so. Let's pull out "Fortune of Fortune", I assure you, everyone will be pleased! For adult company the list can be supplemented with predictions of changes in your personal life.

  • You will be the most successful in work and business in the new year
  • You will study the most in 2013
  • You will travel the most
  • You will discover new talents
  • The most pleasant and unexpected surprise awaits you!
  • You will become the pride of our entire family
  • You will show your greatest sporting achievements
  • You will get the most best gifts for the New Year
  • Your most cherished dream will come true
  • You will have many good changes in your life

Let's remember our childhood

The competition can be held immediately after the presentation of photographs of your relatives “I am at the Christmas tree” is shown. Offer to read a short New Year's poem “like then, at 3 years old.” Prepare the quatrains in advance.

Another option is to read poetry, imitating a cartoon character. And once I suggested to someone born in the year of the Rat to read like a rat, in the year of the dog - like a dog, a dragon talked about snowflakes, a tiger growled about an elegant Christmas tree.

Or so (we have 2018 - the year of the Dog). Poems are read by a Sleepy Dog, a Kind Dog, a tired, cunning, greedy, cocky, etc...


There is no need to invent anything special here. We launch proven “Dance of the Ducklings”, “Gypsy Girl”, “Polka”, “Lezginka”, “Ledka-Enka”, Oriental melodies for belly dancing, and so on.

Couples "grandmother-grandson", "grandfather and granddaughter" always win, don't forget to reward.

A story without adjectives

Old timeless fun. Write a story about your family "Unusual adventures in the Far Far Away Kingdom" no adjectives. Let your guests name innocuous but bright words (“glossy”, “pompous”, “abstruse”, “super-duper-savvy”, Lumpy”, “loud”, “slippery”). Then insert the words into the prepared text instead of ellipses in the order in which they were named. It always turns out funny.

Here it comes... New Year. The whole ... family is assembled: ... dad, ... mom, ... Aunt Nina and ... Masha. How beautifully decorated... is the Christmas tree! There are... toys and... garlands hanging on it. There’s just so much that’s not on… the table! This is... herring under a fur coat,... Olivier,... meat. When we eat all this, we will become very...!

And we will also have... dancing! Grandfather will with...grandmother, and mother in...dress will dance to the!

Now about the gifts! The most... gift will be from Vova, and the most... from Masha.

What else does this site have for family fun?

If there are many teenagers among the guests - . There’s everything there for a birthday, but if you change the description of the competitions a little, it’s quite suitable for the New Year.

A MUST watch for our holiday!

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