Finger game about a hedgehog. Finger gymnastics for children. Puppet theater "Teremok"


"Interesting Games"

(teacher - psychologist Tamara Aleksandrovna Portnova)

Knock-knock"(finger gymnastics).

I have a cam. Children show one fist

I have a palm.

What about you? Children show the other hand with an open palm.

Fist on the palm:

Knock-knock, knock-knock. Repeat the action: knock with your fist.

The fist was knocking, knocking

Repeat actions after adults

He lay down on his palm

And he rested for a long time.

When repeating the game, change hands.

Imitation game “Raise your palms”

Raise your palms higher and place them above your head.

What happened? The roof came out.

And under the roof you and I. (Hands return to knees.)

Raise your palms higher and wave quickly.

What happened? The birds are out.

The birds are very good. (Hands return to knees.)

Raise your palms higher, bend them in an arc.

What happened? The geese came out - here's one, and here's another.

(Hands return to knees.)

Raise your palms higher.

Bend your fingers quickly.

What happened? The bears are out.

Outdoor game "Catch-up"

We'll play with mom

We will jump and gallop

Who is stronger, who is more dexterous?

Who will catch up with everyone faster?

Mothers and children play

They're catching up with the kids!

"Zaykin's House"

(musical directors: Olga Vladislavovna Shvedova,

Ledyaeva Svetlana Semenovna)

Self-massage of legs “Tired legs”(O. Arsenevskaya)

We walked, we ran, our little legs were tired.

Let's sit on the path, stroke our legs,

Let's spank our palms, pinch them a little,

Let's knock with our fingers, knock with our fists,

Let's get up and run again.

Finger game "Snow-snowball"(E. Makshantseva)

Finger game "House"(O. Arsenevskaya)

Breathing exercise "Kitten"(O. Arsenevskaya)

Breathing exercise “Snowflake”(O. Arsenevskaya)

Dance game “Who dances how”(r.n.m. “Oh you, canopy”)

"Hedgehog visiting the bunny"

(teacher - speech therapist Belonogova Elena Mikhailovna)

Playing with a hedgehog

The hedgehog walked, walked, walked.

I found a fungus.

The hedgehog walked, walked, walked

Found the apple

And he went home.

Finger gymnastics"Hedgehog"

Good hedgehog, good hedgehog children twirl their fists in front of them

It looks like a ball.

The hedgehog has spines

Very, very prickly.

Hedgehog, hedgehog, weirdo, children hide their fists behind their backs

Where are you hiding my friend?

Show me the needles children clench and unclench their fingers

Very, very prickly.

Sports exercise “Little hedgehog”

Little hedgehog, four knife

A hedgehog walks through the forest and sings a song.

Fuf-ti, fuf-ti, fuf-ti, fu

I carry a fungus on my back

I'm the strongest in the forest

But I'm only afraid of the fox.

Warm-up exercise with a hedgehog ball

Stroke my palms, hedgehog!

You're prickly, so what!

I want to pet you.

I want to get along with you!

Game "Thorns for a Hedgehog"

Why are you such a prickly hedgehog?

This is me just in case

Do you know who my neighbors are?

Foxes, wolves and bears.

Physical education minute

We take dad (mom) by the hand

And let's go on a long journey...

Big feet walked along the road...

Little legs ran along the path...

They walked, walked, walked, walked and reached the forest.

Finger gymnastics “Building a house”

All day here and there

A loud knock is heard.

The hammers are knocking -

We are building a house for animals.

(children knock fist on fist,

like a hammer)

With a roof like this,

(children fold their hands above their heads

in the form of a roof)

With walls like these,

(palms spread far apart from each other)

With a window like this,

(one hand above your head, the other under your chin)

And with this door.

(palms touch each other)

Play massage on mom's lap

The bear was walking through the forest, the bear was trampling with its paws:

Top-top, top-top, the bear trampled his paws.

(strong pressure with palms on the back. Patting.)

The bunny was walking through the forest, the bunny was jumping through the forest: Skok-skok, skok-skok,

The bunny was jumping through the forest.

(rhythmic forward movements with fingers.)

And the little fox, these are the miracles,

I walked through the forest and covered my tracks (2 times).

(patting the back.)

Yulia Malnova
Lesson notes on finger games “Hedgehog”

1. Greeting.

Hello, golden sun! (Hands up)

Hello, blue sky! (arms to the sides)

Hello, free breeze! (sway from side to side, arms up)

Hello little friend! (arms forward, palms up)

We live in the same region

I greet you all! (we wave "Hello")

2. Are you guys awake? Are your hands awake? Let's check!

We perform movements in accordance with the text.

The right hand woke up,

I perked up,

I stretched

Rubbed my right ear

And she lay down on her right side.

The left hand woke up.

I perked up.

I stretched

I rubbed my left ear

And she lay down on her left side.

Right leg:

Top, top, top.

Left leg:

Top, top, top.

Oh, we're tired, let's wipe our brow!

3. Look, guys, I have magic bags. I will give them to each of you, but don’t open them, but try to feel what’s inside. Is something tingling? What could it be? Hedgehog? Let's check and get it. (children take out the spiky ball Su-jok)

Now put the bags down and let's ride the hedgehogs to the song. Zheleznova "Hedgehog". Let's put our hedgehogs back in their bags.

4. More hedgehogs came to us! They ask us to help them. Shall we help? They need to be dressed up, they are all going to the autumn festival!

The teacher gives the children a pencil holder in the shape of a hedgehog and asks for each "thorn" put on plastic tubes.

5. While we were decorating our hedgehogs, a firebird flew to us and look what beautiful feathers she left! Let's let's play with them!

Children sit in a semicircle. The teacher gives everyone a feather.

The feather flew and flew and landed on my right ear!

The feather flew and flew and landed on the left leg!

The feather flew and flew and landed on a neighbor!

The feather flew and flew and landed on the palm of your hand! Now let’s take some air and blow off the feather!

6. Finger gymnastics

Hedgehog, prickly hedgehog,

(Fingers two hands intertwined in a lock)

Show me the needles.

(Move your hands left and right)

Here they are. Here they are. Here they are.

(Fingers straighten, brushes are folded into a lock)

Hedgehog, prickly hedgehog,

(Move the hands left and right with straightened fingers)

Hide your needles.

Once, and there are no needles.

(Fingers folded into a lock)

7. Guys, let's make mushrooms for the hedgehogs! The teacher distributes a hemisphere and wooden cones, the children place the hemisphere on the cone and it turns out to be a mushroom.

Guys, let's clap, how great we are today!

Publications on the topic:

It is far from news that the leading type of children's activity in preschool age is play. Only in play does a child develop fully.

MBDOU No. 8 “Squirrel” JOURNEY THROUGH FAIRY-TALE GAMES Ekaterina Vladimirovna Kravtsova, Ust-Ilimsk, 2016 Program content: - Contribute.

Cognitive development. Primary ideas about objects of the surrounding and social world. Topic: “Calendar” O. Purpose: To teach children how to navigate.

Goal: Development creativity through theatrical activities. Objectives: - To introduce children to a new type of theater - finger theater.

Goal: -continue to teach children how to decorate a product; develop attention and memory. Hello guys. Look how many guests we have.

Lesson summary on finger games “Snowman” Goals and objectives: development fine motor skills fingers; activate children's speech, expand.

Summary of a lesson on role-playing games “To Bear for his birthday” Summary of a lesson on role-playing games “To Bear for his birthday” Objectives: - Teaching younger children preschool age elements of plot and role-playing.


Massage spiky balls and brushes.
Toy "Hedgehog".
Hedgehog silhouettes cut out of cardboard.
Mushrooms (large and small), leaves, pine cones, apples.
Audio recordings: “Lullaby” by Mozart, song “Little Hedgehog”.
Salt dough, beans.
Plastic plates, finger paints.
Toothpicks made of hedgehogs from plasticine.
Pictures with the image of a hare, cat, hedgehog.

Progress of the lesson:


Hello guys, it's great that you all came today!
Our smart heads
They will think a lot, cleverly.
Ears will listen
Mouth speak clearly.
Hands will clap
Feet will stomp.
The backs are straightened,
We smile at each other.

Surprise moment "Riddle"

Guess the riddle and find out who came to visit us today.

Instead of a fur coat there are only needles.
Wolves are not afraid of him either.
A sharp ball, no legs visible,
Of course his name is...

Game massage “A hedgehog walks”

A hedgehog walks without paths through the forest, through the forest
And with its thorns it pricks and pricks.
(We roll a massage prickly ball over the legs, arms, and torso)

And I’ll show the hedgehog that path,
Where mice roll little cones.
(Same thing with a cone)

Breathing exercise “Blow on a leaf”

A hedgehog was running through the forest, stopped and listened. Suddenly an autumn leaf fell from a tree and landed right on the hedgehog. Place the leaf on top of the hedgehog. The wind blew and blew away the leaf. A leaf fell off the hedgehog. Like this.

Let's make a bed for the hedgehog. Place the piece of paper on the floor and place the hedgehog on top of the piece of paper. Cover the hedgehog with a blanket on top. Sleep hedgehog, and we will sing you a song. A lullaby song.

Listening to the music "Mozart's Lullaby"

The teacher turns on the audio recording.

Finger painting “Decorate a plate for a hedgehog”

Children decorate the plate with spots, placing them along the edge round shape without entering the inner circle. This is what a beautiful plate the hedgehog now has.

Dynamic pause “The hedgehog went for a walk in the forest”

The hedgehog walked, walked, walked,

And I found a fungus.
(Each child takes a fungus)

The hedgehog walked, walked, walked,

He found the lump.
(Each child takes a cone)

The hedgehog walked, walked, walked,

He found the leaf.
(Each child takes a leaf)

Game “Collect big and small mushrooms”

Look how many mushrooms grew in the forest after the rain. There are big mushrooms, and there are small ones. Let's collect a lot of mushrooms, but put them in different baskets: large mushrooms - in a large basket, and small mushrooms - in a small basket.

Dima walked, walked, walked.
And I found a fungus.
One is a big fungus,
Two is a small mushroom,
Put them in the box.

Pencil drawing “Needles for a hedgehog”

On the outline image of a hedgehog, children draw needles - short lines with a pencil.

Dynamic pause “Hedgehog”

The hedgehog stomped along the path
And he carried a mushroom on his back.
The hedgehog stomped slowly.
Quiet leaves rustling.
Here the hedgehog is curled up into a ball,
Because he was cold.
The hedgehog's ray touched
The hedgehog stretched sweetly.

Finger gymnastics “Prickly hedgehog”

Hedgehog, prickly hedgehog,
(The fingers of both hands are clasped together)

Show me the needles.
(Move your hands left and right)

Here they are. Here they are. Here they are.
(Fingers straighten, hands clasped)

Hedgehog, prickly hedgehog,
(Move your hands left and right with your fingers straight)

Hide your needles.
Once, and there are no needles.
(Fingers form a lock)

Breathing and simulation exercise “Hedgehog”

Show how the hedgehog looks for food, wrinkles its nose, and snorts.
(Children, imitating the teacher, wrinkle their nose and bite their lower lip, pronounce the sound “f-f-f”)

Show how the hedgehog is angry and puffs.
(Children frown and pronounce the sound combinations “puff-puff-puff”)

The hedgehog puffs and deflates his cheeks.
(Children puff out their cheeks and then exhale with a “pu-oo-oo” sound)

When the hedgehog gets tired...
(Exhale through the throat with the sound “ha-a-a”)

The tongue sticks out...

(The wide tongue is placed on the lower lip and held in this position for 5 seconds)

The hedgehog suddenly began to yawn...
(Imitate yawning)

Isn't it time to play with him?

Exercise “Needles for a hedgehog”

The teacher shows the children a brush and invites them to touch it.

How does the brush feel? Prickly. The hedgehog's needles are just as sharp.

Children stick toothpicks into the plasticine hedgehog.

Didactic game “Find the hedgehog in the picture”

Among the pictures of a hare and a cat, children choose a picture of a hedgehog.

Modeling salt dough “Pie with beans”

Children make a flat cake from a spherical piece of dough (pressing it with their palm on top). Then the beans are pressed into the flatbread on top.

Sayana Irgit
Forest journey. Integrated lesson for middle group children


Promote children's interest to physical education in a playful way to develop basic physical qualities;

Nurture Resilient interest to the process of performing non-traditional exercises;

Build skills and abilities healthy image life;

Develop expressiveness of speech, gestures and facial expressions;

Bring up interest in nature, to all living things that surround us, understanding the behavior and habits of animals.

Progress of the lesson

Children go to group accompanied by musical accompaniment and sit on chairs.

Educator: Hello guys! Today we will do something unusual trip to the forest where we will meet many forest animals, with whom we can play different games, and learn a lot from them.

But in the forest, guys, you need to be very attentive and careful, since there are many difficulties and dangers there that you and I will need to overcome.

An outdoor game is played "Glue Rain".

Educator: So that during our journey no one lags behind or gets lost, we will stand, one after another and very tightly hold on to the shoulders of the comrade in front.

Is everyone ready? Then, go ahead!

Look! In front of us is a narrow path, along which we need to walk very, very carefully, since there is a deep ravine around (walking on a limited surface). Oh, be careful, there is a ditch that you need to jump over! (children jump forward from their seats). See how our path winds through the trees (walking in a zigzag). And here the trees are very dense, their branches hang very low above the ground, and so that we don’t get scratched by them, we have to bend down, (children walk slightly crouching).

Well, guys, we came to the forest. What soft moss, let's walk on it carefully, quietly, like feathers, no matter what crushes it (children walk on tiptoes).

But what is it? Here, after a strong wind, a tree fell and we will have to climb over it, (children perform a step with a high knee lift). But guys, we have come to a wonderful forest clearing. Let's sit down to rest (children sit on the carpet in a circle). Oh, guys, it’s so nice to be in the forest, what a clean, fresh air.

Breathing exercise "In the Forest"

Imagine that you are lost in the forest. Let's take a deep breath through our nose and scream as we exhale "Awwwwwwww" (repeat 3 – 4 times).

Educator: Well done guys, you hear, somewhere out there a woodpecker is pecking at the bark of a tree, looking for bugs. Knock-knock-knock. Let's imagine that you and I have become woodpeckers.

Speech exercise "Woodpecker"

Woodpecker hammering a tree

The beak d-d-d-d knocks

He is looking for bugs in the oak tree

The most harmful worms.

(children, using the index finger of their right hand, tap on their left palm, beating out a clear rhythm of the text, repeating the exercises 2 times, changing hands)

Educator: Well done guys, you did very well. How beautiful it is all around, what beautiful flowers (the teacher runs his hand along the carpet, imitating a prick on a hedgehog)

Educator: Oh, I pricked myself on something. will you help me to know:


Lying under the fir trees

Pillow with needles.

Lying - lying

Yes, she ran.

Children: Hedgehog.

Educator: That's right guys. Hedgehog. (The teacher shows the children a hedgehog toy) Look how clean, neat and tidy it is. Our hedgehog is very neat, he even goes to the bathhouse. Let's show our hedgehog guest that we also love to wash ourselves. And to make him happy, you and I will become little hedgehogs.

Self-massage "Hedgehog"

The hedgehog washed his ears in the bathhouse

I rubbed my forehead and washed my nose

Neck, belly skin

And the hedgehog said to the raccoon:

Won't you rub my back?

Educator: Guys, which of us turned out to be good hedgehogs, let's play with you.

Outdoor game "Hedgehog" (use a counting table to choose a hedgehog)

Hedgehog, weird hedgehog

Sewed a prickly jacket

Wants to play with us

Children walk in circles and sentenced:

Hedgehog, hedgehog, show me

We have our own needles,

They say that you are hedgehogs

Very, very sharp.

Show me, show me

We have our own needles,

They say that you are hedgehogs

Very, very sharp.

The hedgehog inside the circle pronounces its words, after which it catches the guys.

I'll curl up in a ball

I'll ride along the path,

Who will cross the path?

It will get on the needles.

Educator: I see you’re all out of breath, let’s catch your breath.

Breathing exercise "Angry Hedgehog".

I. p.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, take a deep breath through the nose; exhale through the mouth, while bending forward, wrapping ourselves in our arms, lowering our head, making the sound of an angry hedgehog (pfft, then ffr) 3 – 4 times.

Educator: Oh, guys, look, someone is running towards us, guess who?

In summer - gray,

In winter – white (bunny)

Educator: That's right, bunny. Here he is, so small and weak, and he has many enemies. In order to have time to escape from his enemies, he needs keen vision, and eye gymnastics helps him with this.

So that our eyes can see well and not get tired, let's become little bunnies and train our eyes.

Gymnastics for the eyes "Zainka".

Raise the carrot up

Look at her.

Put the carrot down

Just look with your eyes.

Up and down and right and left.

Oh yes, bunny, skillful,

Closes his eyes,

Opens his eyes.

The bunnies took the carrots

They danced merrily with them.

Children follow the movements of the teacher with their eyes.

Educator: Well done, you did very well.

Oh, little bunny, what’s wrong with you, why are you shaking all over, are you scared of someone? Bunny, where are you going, you didn’t even say goodbye to us.

Look, guys, someone is running between the trees.

The tail is fluffy,

The fur is golden.

Lives in the forest

He steals chickens from the village.

Educator: That's right, fox. This is who our little bunny was afraid of. Let's become foxes too.

Physical education minute "Fox".

In the morning the little fox woke up,

She stretched her paw to the right,

She stretched her paw to the left,

She smiled tenderly at the sun.

I clenched all my fingers into a fist,

Arms, legs and sides,

What a beauty!

And then with your palm

Spanked a little.

She began to stroke her arms, legs,

And just a little side.

Well, beautiful fox,

How good it is!

Educator: What a cunning fox, let’s guys play with the fox too!

An outdoor game is played "Sly Fox"

Children stand in a circle and close their eyes. The teacher walks behind them in a circle, the one whom the teacher pats on the head becomes a sly fox. The children open their eyes and all together, at first quietly, and then louder, ask “Sly fox, where are you?” 3 times. After the third time "fox" jumps into the center of the circle and speaks: "I'm here", after which the children run away, and the fox catches them.

Educator: Now, let's restore our breathing again.

Breathing exercise "Hugger"

I.P. standing. Children spread their arms to the sides, take a deep breath through their nose, then hug themselves with their arms and exhale through their mouth. Repeat 2 – 3 times.

So you guys and I took a walk in the forest, met a lot of animals and learned a lot from them. But the time has come for you and me to return back. And a funny train will help us with this.

An outdoor game with elements of self-massage "Locomotive"

The locomotive screams "doo-doo-doo" children stand one after another shaking their fists

I'm walking, walking, walking behind the one in front of me

And the trailers are knocking: children pat the back with the edge of their palm

So - so - so ahead

And the carriages say: children stroke their back with their palms

So - so - so the one ahead.

Children play and go to group.

Nellya Serdyuk
Games with children

Outdoor game "Hedgehog with Hedgehogs"

Movements are performed in accordance with the text.

“Under a tall pine tree, in a clearing in the forest. A pile of leaves where it lies. A hedgehog runs with its hedgehogs. Fir-fir-fir-fir-fir! We’ll sit on the stumps and look around everything. And then we’ll all dance together and show everyone the thorns. They showed us, circled around and hurried home.

Outdoor game "Hedgehog" (use a counting table to choose a hedgehog)

Hedgehog, weird hedgehog

Sewed a prickly jacket

Wants to play with us

Children walk in circles and sentenced:

Hedgehog, hedgehog, show me

We have our own needles,

They say that you are hedgehogs

Very, very sharp.

Show me, show me

We have our own needles,

They say that you are hedgehogs

Very, very sharp.

The hedgehog inside the circle says

his words, after which he catches the guys.

I'll curl up in a ball

I'll ride along the path,

Who will cross the path?

It will get on the needles.

Finger game “Hedgehog”.

Invite the children to make

hedgehog fingers (folded

palms, fingers straight).

Little hedgehog is frozen

(press your fingers - hedgehog

removed the needles)

And curled up into a ball.

The sun warmed the hedgehog

(straighten your fingers -

the hedgehog showed his spines)

The hedgehog turned around.

Self-massage "Hedgehog"

Hedgehog washed his ears in the bathhouse

I rubbed my forehead and washed my nose

Neck, belly skin

And the hedgehog said to the raccoon:

Won't you rub my back?

Pure speech

GI-GI-GI - take care of the hedgehog's leg.

DI-DI-DI – don’t walk too much.

RE-RE-RE - sit in the hole for now.

GE-GE-GE - let your sore leg heal.

YAT-YAT-YAT – ​​it will heal –

you'll go for a walk.

Finger gymnastics "Prickly hedgehog"

Hedgehog, prickly hedgehog,

(The fingers of both hands are clasped together.)

Show me the needles.

(Move your hands left and right.)

Here they are. Here they are. Here they are.

(Fingers straighten, hands

folded into a lock.)

Hedgehog, prickly hedgehog,

(Move your hands left and right

with straightened fingers.)

Hide your needles. One and no needles

. (Fingers form a lock.)

Hedgehog-Hedgehog is prickly, show me your needles.

We put our hands in a lock and swing

"hedgehog" up and down to the beat.

Here they are, here they are, here they are!

We spread our fingers, hide them again, do this 3 times.

Hedgehog-Hedgehog is prickly, remove the needles. Download

revealed "hedgehog" up and down to the beat. AP!

Put your fingers back into the lock, pressing the hedgehog to your chest.

(the baby has a rubber prickly hedgehog in his hands)

Hedgehog, prickly hedgehog, where are your needles?

(the baby rolls the hedgehog with his palms)

I need to sew a vest for the little squirrel

(baby rolls hedgehog on his tummy)

Fix the naughty bunny

panties (roll on the legs)

The hedgehog snorted - move away and don’t

cry, don't ask (rolling on the floor)

If I give you needles, they will eat me

wolves! (the hedgehog runs into the house,

place in a box or on a shelf)

Along a dry forest path -

Top - top - top - feet are stomping.

Walks and wanders along the roads

A gray hedgehog covered in needles.

(Arms bent in front of the chest, hands

hands down. Legs slightly

bent at the knees, makes small

frequent steps)

Looking for berries, mushroom

For a son or daughter.

Dynamic pause “We’re taking a hedgehog through the forest”

Children stand up, stretch their arms forward and shift from foot to foot.

(cart being driven). In the corners of the group room there are pictures with

depicting an apple tree, a walnut bush, a strawberry meadow and Doctor Aibolit. According to the text, children look for these pictures with their eyes and turn in their direction and imitate the actions (picking apples, nuts, strawberries).

We're taking the hedgehog to the doctor on a cart,

We will walk past a wild apple tree along a path.

But first, let’s pick ripe apples from the branches.

It is very important for those who are sick to eat nuts. Well, let's get it!

But it’s time for us to hit the road, guys, because we are taking a sick person.

Here you can see wild strawberries in a clearing.

This berry is healthy, aromatic and tasty.

Let's put it in a basket - there are a lot of vitamins in it.

The hedgehog will eat a little of it and get better soon.

And here is Doctor Aibolit.

"Hello", - he tells us.

And the hedgehog was happy:

"The good doctor will help me".

He will heal everyone, he will heal everyone

Good Doctor Aibolit.

Dynamic pause

The hedgehogs lived in the thicket

They turned their heads

Like this, like this...

They turned their heads

I. p. feet width apart, hands on the belt

1-4 head turns to the sides, 3 in each direction

They turned their heads

Looking for mushroom

Together they moved the branches apart

Like this, like this...

Together they moved the branches apart

I. p. feet width apart, hands below, 1-2 - raise your hands up, wave them. 5-6 times

Come on, hedgehog, turn around

Come on, show yourself hedgehog

Like this, like this...

Come on, show yourself hedgehog

I. p. kneeling, hands on belt

1- turn the torso to the right side, arms to the sides

3- turn the body to the left side, arms to the sides 4-i. p. 3 in each direction

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