Proper cleansing of facial skin. How to properly cleanse your face of makeup? How to remove makeup from skin

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Decorative makeup must be removed at night, otherwise even perfect skin will very quickly take on an unsightly appearance. Even if you are planning a party after work, before applying evening makeup you need to cleanse your face and make a restorative mask.

Any products used to give the epidermis a basic tone gradually mix with the natural secretions of the skin - sweat, sebaceous secretions of the glands, etc., clog pores, disrupt gas exchange and cellular nutrition. Under the layer of makeup, pathogenic microorganisms begin to multiply, foci of inflammation, acne, comedones, etc. may occur.

The choice of makeup removers (so-called makeup removers) must be approached very seriously, since currently there is a huge variety of such compositions intended for different types skin. In addition, age should be taken into account individual characteristics epidermis, tendency to allergies and some other parameters. For example, for oily skin Light milk, cleansing gel or foam will do; dry skin, on the contrary, needs additional nutrition.

When using branded cosmetics, it is advisable to purchase a remover of the same brand - a specially selected combination of cleansing and softening components will avoid unwanted complications and ensure quick removal paints from skin. Waterproof cosmetics are removed with special emulsions.

Traditional use of soap (baby or toilet soap) as a remover decorative cosmetics undesirable: previously, when most face paints were made from natural ingredients, such a procedure did not raise concerns, but now almost all makeup components are made using artificial preservatives, emulsifiers, stabilizers, etc. Soap cannot cope with complex chemical compounds, so the required degree of cleansing of the epidermis cannot be achieved. In addition, the fatty acids that make up soap suds dry the skin and make it flabby and wrinkled.

All movements when removing decorative cosmetics from the skin should be directed strictly along the natural lines to prevent stretching of some areas and prevent the appearance of premature wrinkles.

When removing eye makeup, special care must be taken to ensure that paint particles from eyelashes and eyelids do not fall on the eyeball and injure it. In addition, there is no layer of subcutaneous fat (fiber) on the eyelids; the epidermis has relatively low elasticity, which increases the likelihood of early wrinkles. Due to the incorrect selection of makeup remover, allergic irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye often occurs.

Removal of decorative cosmetics begins from the lip area. The skin in the corners of the mouth is supported with the fingers of the left hand, pressing lightly. Apply a small amount of a pre-selected makeup remover to a soft cotton pad or swab, then carefully remove the lipstick, directing movements from the corners of the lips to the middle. Several swabs may be needed to completely remove the paint (especially if you have used bright shades cosmetics). Stubborn lipstick is removed with a specially designed product or oil composition.

Before removing mascara, a moistened piece of cotton wool is placed on the lower eyelid under the eyelashes, then using a soft applicator dipped in cosmetic milk or emulsion (for waterproof paint), I carefully remove the makeup, directing movements from roots to ends. Under no circumstances should the remover get into your eyes.

Regular mascara can be removed as follows: by soaking a cotton swab or pad in small quantity refined corn oil, wipe first the upper and then the lower eyelid in the direction from the inside of the eye to the outside, then vice versa. After this, the swab is washed with warm boiled water, lightly wrung out and the eyelids are wiped again in the indicated way. This method is recommended for dry, irritated skin prone to allergic reactions.

Eye shadow is removed with cosmetic cream or a special eye remover. Particular care should be taken when removing glitter paint - pieces of metal should not get on the mucous membrane of the eye.

After cleaning the lips and eyes, they begin to remove the basic tone from the facial skin. Thick foundation or cream powder, especially if several successive layers have been applied, are removed using fatty product(cream, special oil, etc.), lighter primers are dissolved in emulsions and gels.

Washing with a special foam or gel can be recommended only for young skin without visible defects and only in the warm season. In winter all used cosmetics should contain as much fat as possible and not have moisturizing properties.

So that imperfections do not have to be hidden under a thick layer of cosmetics, you need to properly cleanse your skin. It is on the quality of this procedure, which must be performed both in the morning and in the evening, that its external beauty and internal “well-being” actually depend. Evening cleansing will always be key - because by the end of the day, makeup loses its freshness, pores become clogged, and dust particles and other impurities “settle” on the skin.

Max Mara © fotoimedia/imaxtree

First of all, you need to make sure that you have all the necessary cleaning products. The main thing is that they should suit your skin type. Sometimes they don’t pay attention to this at all - thereby making a huge mistake!

Remember: girls with oily skin should avoid products with oils, while those with dry skin should not have alcohol-containing lotions on the bathroom shelf. For the skin around the eyes - it is sensitive - you need a special product with a softer composition. One more detail: different products are needed for makeup removal and directly for washing.

When the entire set is assembled, you can begin the procedure. How to properly cleanse your facial skin at home? The sequence of actions should be like this:

Makeup removal

  • Start with eye and lip make-up remover - it is best done with the help of, which dissolves even long-lasting makeup well. Remember not to rub the skin too much - especially in the area around the eyes (it is believed that the skin here is 10 times thinner than in other areas). Look for other worthy cleansing agents in ours.
  • However, in general, an aggressive effect on the skin of the entire face is undesirable - do not rub or stretch it, otherwise you will provoke the premature appearance of wrinkles and folds. Also, take your time: if the mascara does not remain on the cotton pad immediately, then you need to wait until the composition of the makeup remover softens it and helps remove it from the eyelashes carefully, without injuring either them or the skin.
  • When your eyes and lips are no longer wearing makeup, wipe your face with a fresh cotton pad soaked in micellar water. Having completely removed the remnants of makeup and dirt, you can wash your face further.

Two-phase eye makeup remover lotion Lancôme Bi-Facil © lancome


Next, foams, gels and other products that have a more intense effect on the skin should be used. Give preference to products containing not only cleansing, but also moisturizing components - for example, a gel from the “Endless Freshness” series from L'Oréal Paris with rose and lotus extracts is suitable.

Cleansing gel L "Oréal Paris "Endless freshness" © rivegauche

Toning and moisturizing

To restore the skin's hydrolipidic barrier, which is affected not only by cleansers, but also by water, you need a tonic - choose one that will meet the needs of your skin type. Good option– tonic “Absolute tenderness” for sensitive skin from L'Oréal Paris. And don't forget about moisturizing cream - you can complete your skin cleansing procedure by applying it.

Tonic for sensitive skin L’Oréal Paris “Absolute tenderness” © rivegauche

Additionally – peeling and cleansing masks

  • The skin also needs deeper cleansing, but it should not be done often: once or twice a week will be enough. Use scrubs in the summer (pay attention to the “Endless Freshness” double scrub for normal skin from L"Oréal Paris) or peeling with fruit acids– in winter, to stimulate skin renewal, provide it with freshness and a healthy glow. Cleansing masks (for example, with clay) are also useful - use them if inflammation appears on the skin.

L’Oréal Paris Double Scrub “Endless Freshness” © rivegauche

  • Remember the importance of cleansing, but do not overuse this procedure - so as not to harm the skin: do not dry it out or injure it (microdamages eventually “lead” into early appearance signs of aging).

Important: even if you don’t have any strength left to wash your face in the evening, you should definitely remove your makeup before going to bed! Keep cleansing wipes on a shelf near your bed for emergencies.

Monique Lhuillier © fotoimedia/imaxtree

Other rules for cleansing facial skin

  • Dermatologists do not recommend using soap to cleanse your face - it dries the skin and can lead to dehydration.
  • Do not rub the skin, especially in the areas around the eyes: this can lead to irritation - these areas are especially delicate and sensitive.
  • If you use a product with a gel texture to cleanse, apply it with massage circular movements, avoiding the area around the eyes. Don't forget to treat the skin of your neck.
  • If you suddenly run out of cleanser, you will come to the rescue olive oil– it will cope “excellently” with removing makeup from the face.
  • After cleansing, do not rub wet skin with a towel - lightly blot it or walk with a dry, clean cotton pad.

Facial cleansing for different skin types

Dermatologists advise choosing a method of cleansing the skin depending on its characteristics. For combination, dry, oily and other types, different methods and products are suitable.

Cleansing combination skin

If you have combination skin, use gels and scrubs with caution: they often dry out the skin. The best choice for cleansing is tonic or milk, which will also moisturize it.

Giorgio Armani Cleansing Milk © armanibeauty

Cleansing dry facial skin

How do you know if a product is not right for you? If after using it you feel like your skin is tight, then the formula does not contain enough moisturizing ingredients. Put away scrubs and soaps, and always read the ingredients: it should not contain alcohol.

Lancôme Galatée Confort © lancome cleansing milk for dry skin

Cleansing sensitive skin

This skin type is the most capricious, since most products can cause an allergic reaction. Look for the “hypoallergenic” mark on the packaging: this is a “green light” for those who often experience inflammation on their skin.

Cleanser for sensitive skin Kiehl's Centella Skin-Calming Facial Cleanser © kiehl's

Cleansing oily skin

This is a universal cleanser that everyone should have. The micelles included in its composition effectively remove makeup and impurities. Another plus: micellar water can be used to remove eye makeup (it does not contain alcohol).

Micellar water YSL Top Secrets © yslbeauty

It not only carefully removes all impurities, but also moisturizes the skin.

Makeup remover wipes

They are easy to use and fit into any cosmetic bag. But they may not cope with long-lasting and waterproof makeup.

What skin cleansing rules do you follow daily? Write a comment and test your knowledge by taking our test.

1. You just sleep in makeup

They say this happens! If you have declared war on your skin and dream of noticing wrinkles 10 years earlier than they should appear, sleep with makeup on! This is perhaps the most unforgivable laziness that girls are capable of.

2. You remove your makeup with a special product before washing your face.

There are a lot of products (wipes, lotions and milk) that are designed for dry makeup removal from the face. That is, you simply apply the product to a cotton pad and wash it off. So - you don’t have to do that! First, wash your face with remover, and only then remove any remaining makeup with a cotton pad. Only this way and no other way!


3. You use the same wipe to cleanse your entire face.

Using the same napkin or cotton pad to cleanse the entire surface of your face is a serious mistake. Firstly, you will smear all the makeup on your face, clogging your pores. Secondly, the delicate area around the eyes may get foundation or, for example, the remains of blush, and this, as you understand, is not good.

4. You don't wash off your mascara completely.

The most insidious part of our daily cleansing ritual is removing mascara. It tends to remain almost invisible under the eyes, and you might just mistake it for bruises. Meanwhile, the composition of the mascara is not in the best possible way affects the skin under the eyes and can cause wrinkles. How to remove makeup correctly? Always clean the area with a two-phase solution.

5. You're using the wrong makeup remover.

In other words, each type of cosmetic, depending on its composition, must be washed off with a certain product. For example, concealer, foundation or BB cream should be washed off with a water-based product - micellar water, cleansing toner or lotion will do. If heavy makeup is applied to the face using primer, tone, mascara, lipstick, etc., then you can remove it with an oil-based product - be it milk or hydrophilic oil. And remember that after using such products you need to wash your face with water again.

6. Incorrect water temperature

The water you use to wash your face should be neither hot nor cold. The optimal temperature for this purpose is 23−25 degrees.

7. You are using cosmetics that are not suitable for your skin type.

Before choosing a washing system, you need to decide what kind of skin you have. Normal, dry, oily or combination? Believe me, it’s not for nothing that they write about this on the labels - this information cannot be ignored.

8. Your cosmetics have the wrong pH balance

For example, the acid balance of healthy skin is from 4.0 to 5.5. It should be such that the skin can resist bacteria and maintain its internal immunity. A product for normal skin should have a pH of 3.0-3.5 to maintain it in the same ideal condition - you can easily find this indicator on the packaging.

How to remove makeup correctly? To be completely sure of the correct care, contact a dermatologist and ask for help choosing cosmetics for washing with optimal pH.

9. Your regular scrub is too harsh for your skin.

Scrubbing and cleansing is great, but your facial scrub needs to be very gentle! If you feel any discomfort while using the scrub, change it to a more gentle one.

10. You rub your skin with a towel after washing your face.

The final stage of washing is, of course, drying with a towel. Oops, there could be a mistake lurking here! The skin should not be rubbed so as not to stretch it: just blot your face with a terry towel without making any circular movements.

Good afternoon With you is Marina Kiseleva. Not every girl, before using cosmetics, thinks about how to properly prepare her face for it. But this is a very important step. It affects not only how the makeup will look, but also the health of your skin. Preparing your face for makeup is usually not difficult. It is very easy to make at home. However, there are nuances that you need to be aware of.

Why is preparation needed?

Firstly, when proper preparation skin to use cosmetics, makeup will look much more impressive. Secondly, it is good for yourself. This is especially true for older women. Many, applying copious layers foundation on the face, they don’t even think about its negative consequences. Preparation is the most important stage. The final result will depend 50% on it.

How to prepare your face to applying makeup? Step by step management

Step 1: Facial cleansing

Cosmetics should only be applied to clean face. So first of all, wash yourself well. You can use regular soap, foam or milk for washing. Choose a product based on your skin type. You should not buy so-called “station wagons” that are suitable for all types. As a rule, they are of no use. If you are in doubt what skin type you have, consult a cosmetologist. He will also help you choose the right skincare products for your face. About how to hide acne - .

Step 2: Moisturize

After you have cleansed your face, moisturize it with a special cream. It should also be selected taking into account its type. Do not rush to immediately switch to using cosmetics. Wait until the cream is well absorbed. Usually this is no more than 5 minutes. Only after this can you proceed to applying the makeup base. It is recommended to apply the cream along massage lines. The photo will tell you how to do a massage correctly. If you massage your face every day, it will prevent the appearance of early wrinkles. It will be great if such an easy procedure becomes a habit for you.

By the way, the moisturizer itself can be used as a base coat. Again, it all depends on the makeup you want to do. If it is everyday use, then it is better to abandon the base.

Step 3. Shaping the eyebrows.

Of course, many will say that you should not pluck your eyebrows before applying makeup. But making a small correction will even be useful. If you notice a few extra hairs that spoil, as they say, the whole picture, you can easily remove them with tweezers. Only the instrument needs to be disinfected first. Otherwise, there is a risk of infection. After the procedure, also disinfect the area under the eyebrow with an antiseptic.

Step 4. Area under the eyes.

The skin in this area is very thin and delicate, so before using cosmetics it must be moisturized with a special cream or gel.

Step 5: Lips

To ensure that your lips are always in order and that lipstick or gloss goes on smoothly, do not forget to use a hygiene product immediately before using cosmetics.

How to do it right apply makeup base?

Before you start applying foundation, use a primer. How to distribute it correctly depends primarily on the brand of product you are using. Some products need to be applied all over the face, while others are applied to specific imperfections. For the eyes, it is best to purchase a special base that will not weigh them down. The base should be distributed in an even layer. Otherwise, further cosmetic products will look sloppy on the face. The technique for applying the base may vary. It's best to do this with your fingers, but some people use a brush or beauty blender. You can use what is convenient for you.

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· 02/24/2011

What is the secret to perfect makeup? Successful makeup is, first of all, an impeccable foundation, or rather the illusion of its absence, a magnificent illusion of naturalness. But cosmetics cannot create the illusion of healthy skin if the pores are enlarged and clogged, the face is pale, there are circles under the eyes, and after a while a treacherous appearance appears on the face. greasy shine. Preparation for applying makeup - the final result will depend on it.

Cleansing, toning, moisturizing - three stages of preparation on the way to perfect makeup.

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Stage 1: Cleaning

In order for makeup to look natural, apply smoothly, be long-lasting, and not be spoiled by skin unevenness and noticeable large pores, the face must be thoroughly cleansed. In addition, decorative cosmetics themselves clog pores, thereby worsening the condition and appearance skin.

Let's start by cleansing the eyes. Apply your favorite cosmetic makeup remover milk or cleansing gel or foam to a cotton pad - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that they suit your skin type, and with light circular movements, without stretching the skin, remove skin secretions and remnants of eye makeup. Next, apply the cleanser to your face along the lines of least stretch of the skin, then remove the residue with a cotton pad.

For oily and combination skin, gels and mousses are suitable to regulate the oil level of the skin. For dry, sensitive and dry skin - soft, gentle skin cleansing cream or milk. Regular soap leaves a feeling of tightness and disrupts the normal balance of skin microflora.

But most importantly, warm water and soap, freeing the face from the natural lipid film, allow decorative cosmetics to penetrate into the pores. After washing with water, try to apply makeup no earlier than half an hour to an hour later.

If your skin requires deep cleansing, use a soft scrub or cleansing face mask beforehand. Use as much as possible so as not to cause irritation. After exfoliation or applying a mask, refrain from applying decorative cosmetics for a while. Enlarged pores will immediately absorb it, which can lead to irritation and clogged pores. In addition, makeup may lie unevenly and will not be long-lasting.

2. Toning

Use a toner to remove any remaining milk and close the pores. This stage should not be neglected: the tonic solves three problems, each of which preserves the youth and health of the skin: restores the acid-base balance, maintaining the integrity of the lipid mantle, removes remnants of impurities and cleansers, closes pores and maintains skin tone, making it smooth and fresh .

3. Hydration

Let's start by moisturizing the skin around the eyes. Apply eye cream or gel strictly along the massage lines, tapping lightly with your fingertips. To relieve swelling and smooth the skin, a soothing gel or eye gel with a cooling effect will be useful.

Do not apply greasy cream to your eyelids before makeup - this will greatly shorten the life of the makeup: the shadows will be absorbed into the skin and roll off. The best quality makeup base, primer, special eyelid concealer or foundation.

Afterwards, apply a sufficient amount of moisturizer to the skin of the face. The skin should not be tight, but it should not be overloaded, otherwise the makeup will “float”. Remove excess cream using a paper napkin.

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