Signs of sympathy on the part of a man for a woman: non-verbal gestures, body language, gaze, verbal signs. Nonverbal signs of sympathy from a man Gestures of a woman in love

Characteristic signs can serve as an expression of acceptance of a person: enlarged pupils, a friendly smile.

One of the subtlest signs of sympathy is mirror behavior (synchrony or reflection of poses). When both are on the same wavelength, feel mutual sympathy and are ready to continue communication, their bodies subconsciously repeat each other. Mentally, as if conveying a message to another: “Pay attention to me! We are alike."

Interesting fact: In a study of California dating bars, it was concluded that if you pay attention to the mirroring effect, you can understand who will leave the meeting place with whom. But the cessation of copying behavior indicates that communication will soon cease to exist.

By analyzing the interlocutors, we can talk about the dominant position of one of them. This is determined by who begins to initiate changes in body position in another person before they begin to copy them. Although sometimes the more authoritative person does this intentionally in order to create a comfort zone for the other, for example, during a job interview.


Fencing off your interlocutor and moving a few steps away from him, using eyebrows in facial expressions, building a wall when communicating (this fencing can even be associated with an object stretched out in front of you, thus indicating personal space), scratching your nose, closing your eyes and even shaking off removing specks of dust from oneself - all these are gestures associated with coldness.

Cold specularity is also not uncommon! It can be expressed, for example, in people turning away from each other, thus expressing antipathy.

Group Behavior

Touching on the topic from the point of view of the interaction of several people (three or more), it is worth noting that relationships to each other can be determined by observing how people are in the same space, that is, located in relation to each other.

You can turn around in such a way as to sit in an open position when the body is not crossed with arms or legs, which indicates sympathy. When we cross our limbs, thereby creating a barrier with the interlocutor, this may indicate antipathy.

The toes of the feet when standing are also a significant indicator. They are usually oriented towards where the person would like to go.

In addition, it is easy to determine who likes whom in your social circle. Pay attention to whom the subject's gaze is directed at. A person in a company always looks to the one from whom he expects the greatest support and understanding, to the one to whom the maximum level of warmth is addressed.

Thus, the body is always turned towards the interlocutor, who is pleasant. If there is an internal desire to remove someone from the conversation, then you can observe fencing off with a shoulder or, for example, a hand.

List of gestures expressing likes and dislikes

A detailed list of gestures compiled by scientists at the University of Illinois. In descending order from the most obvious to the least visible.

Behavior during romantic courtship

During the candy-bouquet period, all manifestations of sympathy intensify: people not only glance into each other’s eyes, but their pupils also dilate (this happens when they look at something pleasant); listen to each other sensitively; share personal items; more often show emotionality (since it becomes difficult to control emotions in a state of love) and the effect of imitation in movements; tense their muscles to appear healthier, more attractive and athletic, or raise their head to appear taller.

The couple prefers free, non-tight postures in relation to each other, but at the same time excludes others from the social circle in order to capture and preserve the moment of intimacy.

The partners' movements often become circular, but the position in relation to each other remains frontal, because one follows the other or because both need to cope with active action hormones, such as adrenaline.

Another classic form of behavior in the first, romantic times is preening. Trying to appear more attractive, a person may straighten his clothes or hair, and with gestures he also often focuses attention on his genitals.

Interesting fact: a man, holding his belt, points specifically to his genitals. And a woman, dressing openly and revealing her figure, transmits sexual signals, while not forgetting to demonstrate her advantages.

Tip: You only have 4 minutes to make an impression. The greatest influence on the object of sympathy is played by body language, the sound of the voice and the pace of speech, rather than the meaning of what is voiced.

Lovers usually talk more quietly than usual to each other, thus maintaining intimacy so that strangers cannot hear them. They strengthen their connection and mutual trust, returning to memories of childhood, parental affection and love, sometimes speaking in gentle children's voices. The couple is not afraid to demonstrate their relationship by holding hands, hugging and making loving signs, while they pay little attention to the events around them.

Reading time: 3 min

A man's sympathy for a woman is a combination of interest in a person with intimate interest as a potential partner. Women tend to look for hidden signs of men's sympathy for them, thus trying to avoid disappointment, looking for confirmation of interest and hoping that these signals will protect them from further disappointment. This often turns out to be a trap. A person tends to confirm his point of view by finding facts that are objectively not there, interpreting them according to dominant desires and, other things being equal, giving preference to that part of the information received that will help to obtain the desired conclusion. This is due to the reluctance to be frustrated and not get what you want. People love positive emotions and the fulfillment of desires, clear and banal understanding, rather than negativity and disappointment.

Relationships between people, especially romantic ones, are the source from which joy and satisfaction are expected. No one dreams of indifference, rejection and pain. I want reciprocity, love and joy. Therefore, when choosing how to interpret this or that signal (especially fleeting, unclear and non-specific) - as an accident or as a promise of love, unconsciously (and sometimes consciously, ignoring contradictory signals), priority will be towards desired result.

It should be remembered that communication and romantic relationships between a man and a woman are dynamic, not static processes. IN at the moment there may be sympathy, but in the next few minutes it will fade away, because something is wrong or attention has switched to another object, or the signals being read were exaggerated and the interest was initially small and temporary.

Therefore, when communicating, you should not focus solely on the first signs and be surprised or upset if everything did not go as expected. By showing active attention to the interlocutor and communication throughout the entire time, you can see how the level of a man’s sympathy for a woman changes, increasing or decreasing. If you focus on one sign and then build communication from the position of “a look as a promise of love,” then the result, most likely, will not be pleasing.

A man's sympathy for a woman, how is it expressed?

When talking about liking in romantic relationships, non-verbal and verbal signs are usually mentioned. Expressions of sympathy are considered to be various features of facial expressions, behavior, and actions that may indicate a special interest on the part of a man in a woman.

In relationships, as in many areas, the most reliable indicator is action. Everything that is not said and done, as it were, does not exist and it is impossible to be confident in implicit, weak and conventional signs. An additional difficulty is that if a woman herself is interested in a man whose signs she is trying to read, then she is subjective, like an interested person, and would rather look for signals confirming sympathy than vice versa, in order to avoid disappointment and frustration. The assessment of girlfriends is subjective for the same reason, because there is no desire to upset, but there is a desire to support.

By and large, there are no restraining factors that could explain the lack of action. Culturally, male activity is encouraged, moreover, for a long time(and at the moment to a greater extent) the initiative was, in principle, considered exclusively on the part of the man. Social situation in the form of a professional relationship may restrain obvious manifestations at work, but then there will be a desire to meet in an informal setting.

A direct expression of attitude, a declaration of sympathy, is the most obvious verbal sign of a man’s sympathy for a woman. Since this is not expressed immediately, but after some communication, it is more reliable, since the representative of the stronger sex already clearly defines interest for himself. Here you can pay attention to clarity and consistency. The notorious slips of the tongue, when, while speaking, a person accidentally uses other words, can be a sign of uncertainty in his words or a certain hypocrisy. If non-verbal signs can be a way of screening counter attention or have absolutely no personal connection, then here the process is already more conscious.

The downside is that words may also not be reliable, therefore, as a result, the conclusion can be assigned that the best sign is behavior, attitudes and actions. If all possible non-verbal signs are supposedly given, words are spoken, but there is no activity and no progression in the relationship occurs, then it is better not to draw optimistic conclusions.

If communication continues for some time or the situation involves contact (shared company, work), then expressions of a man’s sympathy for a woman will be signs of attention associated with the provision of assistance and services. There will be a pronounced desire to be directly present and take an active part in the life of the young lady with whom they sympathize. Coffee, with the right amount of sugar and milk (which is remembered from the conversation about tastes), brought during an emergency, is a more reliable sign of a man’s sympathy for a woman than many smiles and a straightened tie.

How to understand that a man likes you? These questions are asked by women at any age. In fact, it is enough just to closely observe the behavior of the stronger sex to understand whether they have sympathy for you or not.

General signs of sympathy

  • Sympathy often grows out of friendship. Men who are passionate about a girl try to find out as much as possible about her and become loyal and reliable friends with her.
  • Constant chance encounters are a sign of obvious attention. For example, a male colleague who has a crush on a lady may have the idea of ​​bumping into a girl not only at work, but also on the street, in a cafe, or with mutual friends. When there are more than three such meetings in a short period of time, we can talk about feelings.
  • If a young man sees in a girl those character traits and spiritual qualities that are invisible to others, then other advice is unnecessary, because sympathy is obvious.
  • When the stronger sex is not indifferent to a woman, common interests are always needed to establish contact. If a man suddenly fell in love with books and films similar to a lady’s taste, this indicates hope for a relationship;
  • Signs of attention may not always be public and romantic. Some men, on the contrary, turn on the mode of aggression and ignoring, avoiding the girl they like.


Sometimes one glance at a guy's appearance is enough to determine that he has a strong crush on the girl he's talking to.

  • When meeting a lady of his heart, a man will always be well-groomed and perfectly dressed. He will constantly smooth and correct something to look even more beautiful.
  • When the face suddenly turns pale or red when a woman appears, we can talk about the man’s caring attitude towards her.
  • If a girl praises some item of clothing or a guy’s perfume, he will definitely use these things more often, especially when meeting his beloved.
  • A man's style and appearance may change after meeting a girl he likes. Romantic feelings push you to something new.

Gestures and postures (NLP)

Nonverbal sources of information, according to psychologists, can tell much more truth than words. Watch how a man meets you or walks you home.

  • If a guy constantly adjusts his clothes, it means he definitely wants to look prettier in the eyes of his date.
  • When sympathy is truly sincere, then you want to touch the person. Therefore, multiple touches of a girl’s hand or hair indicate real interest.
  • Facial expressions of a lover young man often repeats the habits of the object of sympathy. Men unconsciously adopt the gestures and movements of those women who are not indifferent to them.
  • To show self-confidence and strength, men can often place their hands on their belts.
  • The object of sympathy always causes embarrassment and timidity, so the stronger sex often scratches its head when talking to women.
  • To appear more respectable and taller next to a beautiful lady, men straighten and slightly raise their shoulders, and also draw in their stomach.
  • If a guy looks at a girl with his mouth slightly open, he is definitely delighted with her appearance.
  • To attract their sympathy, men try to position themselves as openly as possible, so their chest, shoulders, and toes will always be unconsciously turned towards an interesting woman.
  • The palms of the hands, like the whole body, express sympathy for the caring lady. Therefore, as a rule, even if your hands are on your knees, your palms are always open.
  • In romantic excitement, men feel insecure and are constantly looking for support. A sign of this condition is a leg put forward when meeting a girl.
  • In addition, men always subconsciously want to be closer to the object of their affection. Therefore, they will reduce the distance between themselves and the lady of their heart during the conversation.
  • Not knowing how to behave and what to say leads to constant unconscious fidgeting.
  • To appear more attractive, men often smooth their hair and casually rub their chin or cheeks.
  • A sign of sympathy for your interlocutor in a dialogue is slightly raised eyebrows.

Glances (game with eyes)

Since the eyes are the mirror of the soul, sometimes it is enough to take a closer look at the direction of your male friend’s gaze.

  • A brave young man will always cast interested glances at you for a long time.
  • You can also like a stranger. Usually, guys cast meek, timid glances at pretty strangers, and immediately look away when their eyes meet.
  • Dilated pupils when looking at a girl - sure sign sincere sympathy from the guy.
  • If a man’s gaze is focused on a woman’s forehead or bridge of her nose, then most likely we are simply talking about a business relationship.
  • But a wandering gaze, sliding from eyes to lips and back, speaks of an offer of friendship.
  • When a man looks sideways, his gaze is filled with tenderness, and he smiles, we can talk about great sympathy.
  • Even in the company of friends or in a crowd, a guy will not lose sight of the girl he likes.


The behavior of a man in love always changes, regardless of his age. He gives the woman maximum attention and will always be there in difficult times.

If you listen to a dialogue between two people, you can always determine by the intonation and content of the conversation who likes whom more.

  • A man will never allow rudeness or disrespect on his part towards a girl he likes.
  • Guys try to avoid controversial situations and demonstrate compliance in conversation with their crush.
  • There will always be jokes in the conversation to maintain positivity and a good mood.
  • Compliments are constantly heard from the lips of a guy in the direction of his sympathy.
  • When the topic of conversation concerns the future, a man in love will talk not only about himself, but also about his companion.
  • Guys listen to the stories of their beloved girl very carefully and remember all the little details.
  • The men themselves are also frank in their dialogue with the object of their adoration. They share stories from the past and are not afraid to appear sentimental or worried.
  • The guys calmly discuss family and children issues with a pretty girl.
  • When separated from their loved one, young people always talk about how bored they are.
  • No man will discuss other girls in the presence of his crush.

The sympathy of a captive man

How to determine what you like married man? Some tips will help you in observing him:

  • at first, the attitude of a married guy may be completely indifferent or vague, because he will try to suppress these feelings;
  • he will spend all his free time with you, trying to come up with reasons for being away from home;
  • he will not talk in your presence about his wife and children, if he has any;
  • he will hint or decisively tell you that he is ready for divorce for the sake of a new relationship.

Sympathy of an adult man

It is easy for an adult man to like you if you are young and beautiful, but it is much more difficult to understand the seriousness of his intentions:

  • older guys are usually decisive. Therefore, they will take the first step and ask you out on a date;
  • they will not disappear after the start of the relationship, they will definitely get in touch by phone or on the Internet;
  • adult men always remember the need to buy flowers for a meeting and the importance of unexpected gifts;
  • if an adult and serious guy does reckless things for your sake, he is definitely not indifferent to you;
  • also know that a career and work are important to any adult man. If he is willing to put you above this, most likely he is truly in love.

Likes of the zodiac signs

How to understand that a man likes a girl? If you know who the young man you are interested in is according to the horoscope, then you can easily identify signs of his increased interest in you.


  • Capricorn men are equally polite and gallant with all ladies.
  • However, they always keep true sympathy in their field of vision, maintain a conversation with her, comment on jokes and accept her position in any dispute.
  • You can't expect any unusual dates from Capricorn. Conservatives in love, representatives of this zodiac sign express their interest through ordinary everyday actions.
  • First, Capricorns try to get to know the girl better, and then ask her out on dates and give her gifts.
  • If a lady is not indifferent, such men will always prepare to introduce her to their family.
  • Career is very important for Capricorns, so if a man shares all the news from work with just one girl, sympathy is obvious.


  • The creative nature of this zodiac quickly loses interest in everything. Therefore, if after a couple of dates a man does not disappear, he definitely has sympathy for the woman. Also, Aquarius lovers more often call and send SMS to the girl they are interested in.
  • When attracted to people, Aquarius men are very shy. They often look away and smile confusedly. When this zodiac is in love, he ceases to be the center of attention when the object of his adoration appears.
  • Representatives of this sign are not very punctual, so they only arrive on time for meetings with those people who are really dear to them.
  • Aquarians are ready to make any surprises and do the most unexpected things for the people they like.
  • The falling in love of such men resembles the behavior of a child. They are always in a cheerful mood, humming something and smiling for no reason.
  • Aquarians who suffer from absent-mindedness always remember the stories of a person they are interested in down to the smallest detail.


  • The sympathy of this sign is expressed in timidity and tenderness. Confident and courageous Pisces men become affectionate and soft.
  • Pisces always share their emotional experiences with those they care about. Sincerity in conversations is very important to them.
  • Men actively gesticulate and move sharply in the presence of an interesting lady.
  • Pisces are very jealous of their object of adoration.
  • This zodiac sign loves to look after. Compliments and gifts will be very romantic.


  • Aries men are very straightforward. They begin to win the girl and express their feelings immediately.
  • This sign loves classic courtship with flowers and dates in a secluded setting.
  • This zodiac will not confess love. But he will prove his sympathy with loyalty and decency.
  • Aries are very understanding and gallant. They will not behave persistently if they see that circumstances require the woman to be alone.


  • Taurus men do not show their affection right away. They need time to decide on their feelings.
  • This sign has few emotions. However, he gives gifts with attention and flowers. But if the coldness disappears, we are talking about great sympathy and trust.
  • Taurus like to make an impression, so they are prone to unusual actions and surprises. In addition, they surround the object of their adoration with great care.
  • Representatives of this zodiac take all the initiative in relationships and are immediately positioned as leaders.
  • Declarations of love and conversations about one's own feelings are also not characteristic feature closed Taurus. But they are happy to discuss their family future and exchange interests with those they care about.


  • Gemini men are not very constant, so if they have been interested in a woman for a long time, it is worth talking about serious intentions.
  • Geminis sincerely love to give compliments and surprises.
  • Also, representatives of this sign are ready to show themselves in at its best, therefore they amaze women with their gallantry and unpredictability.
  • Young people with the Gemini zodiac are changeable in their moods. However, if, despite a gloomy mood, a man goes on a date, the woman is very dear to him.


  • Cancer men hide their feelings due to their strong emotionality and subtle mental organization.
  • Being in love, this zodiac withdraws, begins to be embarrassed and shy in the presence of his crush.
  • Cancers are terrible jealous people. They can express it openly or screw themselves up without visible signs.
  • This sign loves maximalism. Therefore, he is ready to fulfill any whims of the chosen one.
  • Such men will never show their weaknesses. They try to remain strong and courageous when communicating with a lady.
  • For the sake of the object of sympathy, Cancers are ready to change, give up old habits and open up to new things.


  • Leo men completely dissolve in their feelings. When they see their beloved, their eyes light up and shine, although their gaze may be darting or lowered to the floor.
  • Representatives of this zodiac are ready to express their sympathy through creativity. They will write poems and songs to their beloved with complete sincerity.
  • Leos will definitely try to share all the interests of the girl they like. Men will imitate the object of their admiration in behavior, hobbies and points of view on various issues.
  • This sign will definitely impress a woman. Leos sometimes compliment themselves more often than their partner. They love surprises and unpredictability in behavior.
  • An integral sign of Leo's sympathy is very strong jealousy.


  • Virgo men will not show signs of attention and invite you on a date right away. Romance is not their thing.
  • The main indicator of Virgo's sympathy is frequent heart-to-heart conversations.
  • Representatives of this zodiac show their interest in quite an unusual way. They may begin to criticize, point out, and give advice.
  • When Virgos decide on their feelings, they do not skimp on gifts. But they will always be very useful and practical.
  • Men of this sign are also distinguished by extraordinary loyalty and devotion to their beloved.


  • The desire to be ideal for a pretty companion leads to the fact that Libra men carefully monitor their appearance and are very fussy if they notice some kind of flaw in themselves.
  • Libra loves to talk beautiful words and compliments to those who really deserve them, in their opinion.
  • In the presence of the object of his affection, this zodiac often hides his eyes and tries not to make eye contact.
  • Among gifts, this sign will always choose the most unusual one. Such men always try to be original.


  • Scorpio men hide their feelings. But if they want, they can very quickly open up to an interesting person.
  • Scorpios are ready to do the most unexpected and risky things to win a girl.
  • This zodiac sign will change for the sake of love. He will be happy to adapt to the object of his sympathy.
  • Complex in character, such men immediately become gentle and caring.
  • Scorpios also do not skimp on gifts, and do not pay attention to money.


  • Sagittarius men do not reveal their feelings right away; they need time to evaluate their chosen one.
  • Sagittarians always try to be close to their crush and be understanding themselves.
  • The candy-bouquet period for this zodiac is unpredictable. They arrange extraordinary dates and give many gifts.
  • In everyday matters, the attitude of Sagittarius is almost not manifested. They are not particularly practical, but they are ready to cancel any important meeting for the sake of a date.
  • Sagittarians are very jealous. They will never forgive betrayal and will not agree that attention should be paid to someone else besides them.

Sometimes we desperately want to know if the man we like is interested in us. Alas, the myth that representatives of the stronger sex literally “take things unceremoniously” is greatly exaggerated. We are all different, regardless of gender, and where one directly expresses his sympathy, the second will fall into a stupor at the sight of the object of his adoration.

Therefore, it is impossible to equate the actions of each man with the only correct and “supposed” ones.

How to identify a man in love?

Needless to say that many of them simply cannot express their sympathy verbally, due to certain circumstances?

However, there are also non-verbal manifestations of sympathy and interest on the part of a person, which are easy to “count”, knowing what exactly they mean. Gestures of sympathy from men to women are diverse, and if you want to know everything about them, we will be happy to tell you how to identify a “male” in love in a company!

It is generally known that the manifestations of a woman’s love are quite colorful - a beautiful lady literally “blooms”, a light blush appears on her cheeks, and her eyes shine with happiness. Some women even lose a lot of weight during the period of falling in love and infatuation with a certain man! But what is male sympathy based on external “symptoms”?

It turns out that a man’s passion can also manifest itself externally, and quite clearly and specifically, which cannot be ignored with due attention. If you have a suspicion that someone has fallen in love with you, or you want to recognize this on the part of a certain person, we will be happy to tell you about non-verbal signs of a man's sympathy for a woman!

Gestures, glances, facial expressions

A person in love has quite a hard time hiding his sympathies, and this is no secret to anyone. When we feel that we really like someone, we experience something like euphoria, elation, inner harmony. Of course, all this is difficult to “mask” from prying eyes. Men behave almost the same way as we do. Therefore, there are many signs of sympathy on the part of a man that are easily recognized "with the naked eye".

What can give away a person interested in your attention?

1. Look

A man in love always looks at his new passion in a special way. If there was a whole crowd of pretty girls among him, he would single out her. Often his gaze becomes especially intent, even, if I may say so, “obsessed.” When you respond in kind, a man usually looks away.

When a man in love looks at you, his eyes seem to “shine”; you can see in them the very “sparks” that they write about in women's magazines. Thanks to her innate intuition, a woman simply cannot lose sight of this;

2. Gait

Another change occurs in gait. She becomes light, as if flying, or even dancing. Often a man begins to hum tunes and whistle. Which, you see, is completely uncharacteristic for typical representatives of the stronger sex in everyday life;

3. Attitude and worldview

A guy in love changes radically before the eyes of others. He becomes more cheerful, active, "easy going".

He is in high spirits and in a cheerful mood. They say that in this state he is able to “move mountains,” and this statement is completely justified.

By the way, it is during the period of falling in love that men often commit adventurous and reckless acts that are completely unexpected for them. They can perform specific feats, causing great surprise and bewilderment on the part of the people around them;

4. Gestures

Still in children's "encyclopedias for girls" it was said that an interested young man always points his toe towards the object of desire. And this is true - a man always turns his foot to where his beloved is standing. Moreover, it is important not to make a mistake here - if you witness other signs hidden sympathy men to women, but his sock is not directed in your direction, accordingly, he does not send them to you at all.

When he encounters you, he tries to prettify himself - he touches his hair, straightens his tie, shakes off "invisible dust" from clothes. Another important “symptom” of strong interest is laying thumbs hands on the front of the trouser belt, as if the man was about to expose her. Moreover, this gesture is purely instinctive and uncontrollable, because in nature the male always tries to demonstrate his genitals to the female in order to indicate his obvious superiority over his rivals.

Another similar “natural” gesture is putting your hands in your trouser pockets. thumbs up. Thus, a man tries to show his determination, will, strength of character;

5. Posture

If a man is in love, he tries to show the object of his sympathy all his “power” and “strength” that is given to him by nature. He stands straight, straightens his shoulders, as if trying to demonstrate the width of his back. Often holds his hands on his hips and spreads his legs wide, as if showing off his physical characteristics. When talking, he turns his whole body to his beloved and listens very carefully to what she says.

In contrast to female signs of sympathy for a man, the second expresses his disposition more “cautiously.” If a woman in the presence of her new hero often begins to stammer, speak out of place and simply talk outright nonsense, the man tries to seem more balanced, strong and smart to her. After all, by nature he is a male, which means he does not have such weaknesses!

Colleague: how to recognize signs of his affection for you?

It happens that a lonely, young, promising, and also very attractive employee appears in the team, who immediately becomes a “target” for women. Things often end « office romance» , if a certain girl recognizes his signals of sympathy towards her in time.

Male colleague: what are his signs of sympathy for you?

Signs of sympathy are multifaceted and varied, and in your case it is important to evaluate them in combination. You cannot rely on only one signal, considering it the only correct one. And then, do not forget that the guy theoretically may have other objects of attention, interest in which he involuntarily has to express in your company.

Be wise and weigh everything nonverbal cues sympathy is right!

If you are in love with a person and want to reciprocate, there are many things you can do to attract his attention. To start, try to become his friend by supporting him and learning about his interests and hobbies. Show him all your amazing qualities, like your sense of style, self-confidence, and ability to have fun. If you show your crush affection through small gestures, such as smiling at him and making eye contact, he may fall in love with you too.


Part 1

Flirt with your crush

    Show him your playful and fun side. If your crush sees that you know how to have fun, he will likely want to be around you so he can have a good time too. Try telling him funny stories about yourself or just being funny and casual around him to show off your fun side.

    To manifest playfulness and coquetry Gently nudge or pinch your loved one. You can also show your wit or joke in the presence of the chosen one or during correspondence with him.

    Give your crush compliments based on what you like about him. Perhaps he is a talented basketball player, or gets excellent grades in math, or makes funny jokes. Let him know what exactly you like about him - this will increase his self-confidence, in addition, this way you will hint about your sympathy.

    • For example, you can say: “You have a great sense of humor!” or: “I saw you play football yesterday - you were great!”
    • You can also say that you like his smile, outfit, or personality.
  1. Keep it mysterious. Instead of revealing everything about yourself, take your time and let the person gradually learn interesting details about you. If you constantly talk about yourself, you will bore him. It’s better to stretch out the information, causing a desire to get to know you better.

    If your crush is interested in your life, for example, asks: “What do you like to do in your free time?”, you can answer, and then ask a counter question so that the conversation flows in a natural manner.

    Smile as often as possible. A smile will immediately light you up, what will happen in a simple way attract attention. Try to smile more often when you are around your crush, even if you are not communicating directly. This will make you look and feel happier naturally!

    • Smile at the person when you see them in the hallway or discuss your weekend plans.
    • If you text him or use social media, try sending him a smiley or emoji.


    Dating coach

    John Keegan is a dating coach and motivational speaker based in New York City. She runs The Awakened Lifestyle, a consulting company, where she uses her knowledge of dating, social dynamics and the mechanics of attraction to help people find love. Teaches people and conducts dating workshops all over the world, from Los Angeles to London and from Rio de Janeiro to Prague. His work has been written about in The New York Times, Humans of New York and Men's Health.

    Dating coach

    Our specialist agrees: An easy way to please the person you have a crush on is to smile and greet them with your eyes. Try winking at him and acting playful and carefree around him. It is enough to smile, look at a person or wave your hand to instantly feel lightness and interest.

    Don't act unnaturally to impress your crush and stay confident. Try not to pretend to be interested in things you don't care about just to get someone to like you. If you are yourself, you will exude more self-confidence than if you fake it. This will increase your chances of being liked by your chosen one.

    • Share your passions to show what you're passionate about and see if you have common interests.
    • Remember that your crush is an ordinary person, so don't get overly nervous when you're around him.

    Part 2

    Make Friendship
    1. Share your interests with your crush so he can get to know you better. Tell him what you like to do, whether it's sports, learning new languages, or hanging out fresh air. By talking about your favorite and least favorite things, you will help a person learn more information about you so that he can understand if you have anything in common.

      For example, invite your crush to a basketball game if you love basketball, or Tell us about the food distribution you spearheaded. to support your favorite non-profit organization.

      Find out what he is interested in. This includes things like music, sports, books and hobbies. This will give you something to talk about and you might even find common interests.

      • For example, perhaps he is interested in volunteering at a nursing home, sailing and carpentry.
      • To find out about a person's hobbies, ask them or one of their friends, or look up their profiles on social networks.
    2. Ask questions about his interests and life. This is one of the best ways Show a person your sympathy while establishing a strong connection. Ask him about his family, pets, hobbies, or any other topic that will help you get to know him better. This will show that you are interested in his life.

      • For example, you could ask what he plans to study at university, the names of his pets, or how he learned to play the guitar.
      • By asking questions, you'll likely make him want to ask about your life in return - this will help you get to know each other better on a deeper level.
    3. Spend a lot of time with him. The more time you spend with a person, the more likely it is that they will like you. Try to communicate with the subject of your adoration as often as possible, be it in a large group of people, among several friends, or one on one.

      Try to do different things when you're together, for example, go to the movies, walk in the park with friends, or just sit together at lunch.

    4. Be a shoulder someone can lean on by actively listening to them. This means that you must show the signs of a good listener: look the other person in the eyes while he speaks and do not interrupt him. Try to remember what he tells you to show that you really listened to him and want to hear more.

      • Let him tell you all about his bad day, an exciting achievement, or whatever is on his mind.
      • If you communicate with him via text or social media, try to respond quickly to messages and give thoughtful responses.
      • For example, if a person tells you that they love a certain musician, you can let them know when that musician will be performing in your city. This will show that you are paying attention to his interests.
    5. Make friends with his friends. If his friends think you're fun to hang out with, chances are your crush will think so too. Invite everyone to go to a movie together, attend a sports match, or just spend time at a friend's house. In the company of friends, you and your crush will feel more comfortable.

      • Ask friends about his interests to get to know him better and find something in common.
      • If you become friends with your crush's friends, they may put in a good word for you with him.
      • Be careful not to flirt with this person's friends, as this will send mixed signals.

    Part 3

    Show your interest
    1. Maintain eye contact to show that you like the person. If your crush looks at you, hold your gaze for a few seconds before turning away. This will hint at your attraction, and perhaps also stir up feelings inside him.

      • When communicating with the object of your adoration, look into his eyes when you speak.
      • If he notices you looking at him, hold your gaze for a few seconds and smile.
    2. Lean in when you talk to him. This will show that you are interested in what he says or does. Whether you're sitting across from him at the table or standing a few feet away from each other, try to lean a couple of inches towards him to show that you're interested.

      • For example, if you are sitting at separate desks in a classroom, lean your body toward him while asking a question or telling him how your day is going.
      • When we point our body towards a person, we send a signal that we are attracted to him.
    3. Text your crush outside of school. Even if the person doesn't value your interactions during class, get their phone number and text them after class to show that you're interested. Ask about things like homework, extracurricular activities or plans for the weekend.

      • If he has accounts on VK or Instagram, try sending messages on these platforms as well.
      • Try not to overwhelm the person with messages or SMS, so as not to overload him.
        • If possible, talk about it in person, away from other people, so that the two of you can talk without pretense.
        • If you're too nervous to confess your love in person, you can send a message. The main thing is to be firmly confident in every word, since the message or SMS can be saved.
    • Try not to be on your phone in the presence of your crush.
    • If you feel nervous being alone with him, spend time with him in the company of friends.
    • Compliment the person to show your interest in them.
    • Try to communicate your feelings directly. Who knows, maybe the person will reciprocate your feelings!
    • Pay attention to your posture when sitting or standing. Keep your back straight, shoulders relaxed, and don't slouch.
    • Wear clothes that show off your sense of style.
    • Try not to press too hard. If you overwork a person, they will most likely lose interest in you.
    • Smile and/or wave to your crush when you meet him. This will show your courtesy and allow you to take the next step depending on the circumstances. If he smiles back, you can approach and say something, however, if he ignores you or responds rudely, he may not best option for you.
    • Don't act weird when you meet your crush, stay calm and be yourself. Don't worry about whether he wants to date you or not.
    • Try to look smart (but don't overdo it) if you know you'll see your crush that day. If you encounter him, try to remain calm, relax and be yourself. If you act confident, the person you have a crush on will be more likely to show interest in you. Don't stare at him all the time so he doesn't think you're weird. Always be yourself, no matter what!

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