Shading roots onto blonde hair. Shatush for dark hair is a hit and trend for all time! On dark hair

Shatush is a popular coloring technique that allows you to create very fashionable look. Most women believe that it can only be done in good salons. This is far from true! Find out how to make shatush at home and change yourself!

Features of coloring

Many girls are happy to make shatush with their own hands, because this technique has many advantages:

  • It is considered delicate - it does not affect the roots and colors only a few individual strands;
  • Allows you to change your look without radically changing the shade of your hair;
  • Hides gray hair if there is not a lot of it;
  • Looks very natural and incredibly stylish;
  • Creates volume and splendor due to smooth transitions;
  • Suitable for all hair - any length and shade;
  • Does not require frequent corrections - it is enough to refresh the tone once every 3 months.

In this fashion season Several coloring options in the shatush style are popular. You can change the shade of only the lower part of the hair, make the ends lighter or lighten the roots. Everything looks creative, lively and very beautiful. The transition boundary can also be anything – smooth or very clear.

How to choose the right tone?

Having decided to make the shatush yourself, select the desired tone and purchase paint. To do this, you need to take into account the structure and color of your hair. So, blondes or fair-haired women should use a gentle dye without ammonia, which can lighten the strands by only 2-3 tones. For brown-haired women and brunettes, ammonia-free products are absolutely not suitable. You will have to use a special brightener.

In order for the painting result to be as natural as possible, the shade you choose should differ from the base by no more than 3 tones. But too obvious a contrast does not look so beautiful.

Shades for dark hair

Shatush on dark hair It looks great, and the palette of shades is quite wide. You can safely use titian, hazelnut, coffee with milk, honey, bronze, dark beige, amber. Girls with perfect color For faces, we advise you to opt for red or copper.

Shades for brown hair

For fair-haired women, the best choice would be an ash, golden, wheat or medium brown tone. They create the effect of burnt strands and give the hair additional volume.

Shades for blondes

For those with fair hair, either a pearl shade or a platinum blonde would be ideal. In this case, the effect will be only slightly noticeable. But these colors can enliven your hair and give it a slight shine.

To evaluate the result, look at these photos.

Advice! If you are not confident in your abilities, use the services of a professional colorist. The specialist will be able to choose exactly the shade that suits you.

Basic rules for DIY coloring

Dyeing your hair in the shatush style is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. This technique is available to most ordinary women. The main thing is to adhere to the basic rules of coloring.

  • Rule 1. Dye can only be applied to dry strands.
  • Rule 2. Do not mix the composition in advance - do this only after preparing the strands.
  • Rule 3. It is better to backcomb the hair not from the top of the head, but from the back of the head.
  • Rule 4. To achieve the most natural effect with soft transitions, select strands of different thicknesses for backcombing.
  • Rule 5. Do not paint the roots - when shatush, they recede up to 10 cm (it all depends on the length).
  • Rule 6. Before the procedure, you should cut off the dead ends.
  • Rule 7. Prepare your hair - during the week before the coloring session, make different masks (regenerating, moisturizing, nourishing).
  • Rule 8. It is better to wash your hair 3 days before the procedure. Firstly, on clean strands the bleach is reluctant to display its properties. Secondly, it is dangerous for the health of your hair, because by washing off the layer of sebum, you leave your strands without natural protection.
  • Rule 9. After washing, do not use styling products - they block access and do not allow the dye to penetrate deep into the hair. This will make painting simply impossible.
  • Rule 10. If the base shade needs correction, update it earlier - at least 2-3 days in advance.

Advice! To make your life easier and not waste time, buy a ready-made kit for highlighting at home. Particularly popular are the products of the company “L’Oreal Paris”, “Palette Deluxe”, “Estel De Luxe Ultra Blond”, “Garnier” and “Wella Safira”, which produce a lot beautiful shades. With their help, you will achieve natural transitions and can easily refresh your usual look.

Tips to help you dye your hair in the Shatush style yourself:

How to make shatush yourself - description of the process

Dyeing shatush at home is easy and does not require any special knowledge from women. The procedure takes a little more than 1 hour. In addition, it is carried out without the use of films, foil and a special cap.

You will need:

  • Dye;
  • Clarifier;
  • Brush;
  • Container for mixing the composition;
  • Fine-toothed comb to create backcomb;
  • Towel;
  • Shampoo;
  • Balm;
  • Gloves;
  • Cape.

The further coloring technique looks something like this:

  1. Comb yourself thoroughly.
  2. Throw all your hair forward.
  3. Separate a small section of hair near your neck.
  4. Comb it with a comb from about the middle.
  5. Now lower another thin layer on top - backcomb it again.
  6. Continue the procedure by combing the entire mass of hair.

Advice! In this way you can comb short hair. For those with medium or long hair, it can be tied into a ponytail.

7. Dilute the lightener (for brown-haired women and brunettes!) and coat the bouffant with it. Wait right time(10-15 minutes) and rinse the strands with water. Dry your hair and comb thoroughly.

8. Mix the coloring composition.

9. Using a special brush, apply this dye to the combed strands, starting from the crown and moving to the back of the head, as well as the temporal lobes - this is a method for blondes. If you bleached your hair, simply apply the dye to the prepared part of your hair. Apply the composition from above - it should not penetrate inside our comb. The movements should be soft and stretching so that the bulk of the paint falls on the tips.

10. Wait for the required time - from 15 to 45 minutes (more precise periods are indicated in the instructions for the product).

11. Rinse off the dye by washing your hair with shampoo. Rinse well, otherwise the painting process will continue.

12. Apply balm/mask.

This is a classic way of making shatush, but in salons it is often done without backcombing. This technique is less traumatic and, moreover, allows you to achieve smooth boundaries without noticeable transitions. True, it is unlikely that you will be able to make such a shatush yourself - only masters can cope with this task.

Important! Having decided to make a shatush on brown hair, replace the chemical dye with a natural one. A decoction of chamomile, honey, and lemon juice, rhubarb, linden infusion. Thus, regular rinsing of strands with chamomile gives them golden hue. Honey masks They will not only lighten your hair, but also make it stronger. Very good effect Lemon juice has it, but it can only be used in combination with any other component (yogurt or kefir). After preparing this mask, you need to sit in the sun - the result will be excellent!

How to care for colored hair?

Now you know how to perform shatush at home. As you can see, even inexperienced ladies can do this. And in order for the painting result to please you for a long time, you need to remember about care.

Tip 1. Use special shampoos marked accordingly for washing.

Tip 2. Regularly use moisturizing, restorative and nourishing masks- homemade or store-bought.

Tip 3. Once a week, lubricate the ends with oil - castor, burdock, almond, olive, etc. This is one of the most effective means for caring for colored hair.

Tip 4. Try to dry your hair with a hairdryer as little as possible.

Tip 5. For protection, use products with high level UV protection, and wear hats or light headscarves.

Coloring curls is very popular among fashionistas all over the world. Coloring shatush can be ideally done on dark and blonde hair, thin and dense, sparse and thick. Mixing several colors allows you to visually add volume and shine to your hair.


Shatush is a dyeing technique that is done on both light and dark hair, in order to obtain individual strands of a contrasting color. It must be said right away that this technology is a little similar to highlighting, but has fundamental differences. It is not done for the entire length of the hair, but only up to a certain height, which avoids monthly touch-up of the roots.

There are the following types of coloring of shatush:

  1. California highlighting is a gentle Hollywood-style painting method. It, like the classic shatush, is performed exclusively in “fresh” air, i.e. without foil. Suitable for blondes and those with light brown, dark brown and light brown hair. The difference here from the traditional technique is that a variety of shades are used to obtain deep color. Separately, you can select any color;
  2. Booking. Mainly used for coloring brunettes. Unlike highlighting, this technique does not use shades of blonde. The strands are lightened by only a few tones, resulting in a color close to natural. This type of coloring helps create the effect of burnt hair. And it will give a more detailed idea of ​​the painting method;

  3. Ombre or balayage. Due to the very similar results, it is quite problematic to immediately understand what the difference is between shatush and ombre. Ombre coloring technology is used on both short and long hair. long hair, because mainly only the tips are colored in it. Depending on your preferences, you can make a straight line, or dye your curls with a backcomb. Another key difference is that dyed locks are wrapped in foil strips for faster dyeing;

  4. Degrade- This is a special shatush technique, with the help of which a straight line is created on the curls with further shading of the hair in a contrasting color. It is rarely used for blondes, since this coloring may visually reduce the volume of the hair.

Shatush hair coloring is a very fashionable trend; it saves time and effort when creating a hairstyle. It looks great on both curly and straight strands, but it does quite a lot of damage to the structure. After coloring, curls become dry and brittle, so experts generally recommend using gentle techniques - without wrapping them in foil.

Women love to experiment with their hair color. One wants a radical transformation from blonde to brunette or vice versa, the other likes poisonous green bangs and orange tips... Transform without changing radically; add liveliness and volume to your hair by abandoning contrast dyes; let sunbeams run through your hair without ruining your strands with classic highlighting... Shatush coloring exists just for such fashionistas.

What is "French highlighting"

The term “shatush” itself has only an indirect relation to fashion. This is the name of the finest goat fluff premium, from which incredibly soft and lightweight cashmere fabrics are made. Ideally, your hair should become the same after coloring - airy, weightless, but at the same time voluminous, stylish and expensive. A real shatush - or French highlighting, as this technology is also called - cannot look cheap or sloppy, which is why it is so important to find a good craftsman to perform it.

The main credo of shatush is bright and natural

The main idea of ​​this sophisticated new product is to color the bulk of the hair with lightened and toned strands, chosen in a chaotic order. To the uninitiated in the subtleties of hairdressing, the viewer should have the impression that you have just arrived straight from a tropical paradise, where your unruly curls have faded under the hot sun.

Shatush, ombre and balayage - what is the difference between the methods

Fashionistas who are familiar with “solar burnout” technologies have probably already remembered similar coloring methods - balayage and ombre. That’s right, they all belong to one friendly family, originating from a single “ancestor,” classical highlighting. Everyone has the same goal of adding color and volume to their curls without sacrificing naturalness. Everything is done using similar technologies, mixed, complementing one another, so that, looking at the final result, you can’t always firmly determine whether it’s balayage or shatush? It gets to the point that some non-professional hairdressers confidently claim that both technologies are the same highlighting and do not differ fundamentally from each other. But this is not entirely true:

  1. Ombre involves uniform “horizontal” coloring of the entire mass of hair. It can have clearly marked or blurred boundaries between color transitions, allows the use of any shades, even the most provocative ones, fits well on long hair, but with the proper skill of the hairdresser, it also looks good on short haircuts.
  2. For hair dyed balayage technique Characterized by the presence of contrasting tips and colorful strands, “scattered” throughout the hair in complete disorder. Natural tones rule the show here - in addition to bright, sometimes even fiery red tips, all shades should be in harmony with the natural hair color - carefully blurred boundaries and slight negligence.
  3. With a slight stretch, shatush can be called a more gentle and delicate version of balayage. When lightening and then tinting randomly taken strands, the master uses one or two, less often three shades that are close in tone, never stretches the color to the very roots and uses only the edge of the brush to avoid rough strokes. To achieve a particularly smooth color transition, the hair is pre-combed, and to add volume, try to work only with superficial strands, without dyeing them in depth. The most “neat” and light shatush can practically get lost in the mass of hair, leaving the feeling of unclear sun glare, slipping here and there among the curls.

Benefits of solar dyeing

Even the stars appreciated the beauty of “sun burnout”!

  1. The strands highlighted on the top of the head enliven the hairstyle, and at the temples they give the face a fresh look, thanks to which, by the way, the shatush is popular not only among young people, but also among ladies of “Balzac age.”
  2. and in the lower layers the hair adds visual volume to the curls.
  3. Shatush does a good job of masking gray hair if it is no more than 30%.
  4. Using this technology, you can correct clumsily done highlighting or unsuccessful coloring.
  5. You won’t need to go to a salon for color correction for at least 2-3 months.

One thing is bad: shatush is not as simple as it might seem. To create a masterpiece out of a seeming mess, the master must have real artistic taste and skill in “sunny” coloring, or your curls risk turning into an indistinct pile of randomly lightened strands that have neither appearance nor a general idea.

Who is it suitable for: brunettes, blondes or fair-haired women?

  • Since shatush is primarily about lightening, in the best possible way it looks good on dark hair. Brunettes, brown-haired women, dark blond ladies - this is definitely your style! The most popular tones for dark curls today are nutty, chocolate, coffee with milk... Or those that you like best.
  • If you carefully choose the color, you can very successfully shade light brown hair, although the artist’s efforts will not be so noticeable. Turn to golden, wheat and honey shades, and for very light hair - pearl, ash and bright blonde.
  • But for pure blondes there is no point in wearing makeup - all the changes on their blond heads will simply be lost without a trace.
  • The abundance of gray hair also makes the use of technology pointless. If hairs devoid of pigment occupy more than a third of the total volume of your hair, it will not be possible to disguise them with partial lightening.
  • Shatush looks great on long hair, but loses all its charm when used on short hair. At a minimum, your curls should reach your shoulder blades, or you can forget about naturalness.

French highlighting, as a gentle coloring method, is readily used by those with thin, weakened hair. The hairstyle will gain airiness and splendor without compromising the health of the hair.

Photo gallery: embodiment of shatush technology on hair of different colors and lengths

On blondes' hair, the lightening will be lost. Dark curls will be filled with a natural glow. Highlighted strands near the face will make you look younger. Finding the right shades for red hair is very difficult! First new technology appreciated by the inhabitants of Hollywood. The play of light on the curly hair Bouncy curls or neat curls? Doesn't matter! Coloring short haircut It's better to trust a professional The right choice Colors are everything!

Preparing for the painting procedure

Well, without hesitation, name the main condition for successful coloring! The right color? Are the master's hands straight? High quality dye? Everything is true, and everything is secondary. The primary task in any case is to carry out the procedure in such a way as not to harm the hair. And for this you will need some preparation.

  • A week or two before going to the hairdresser, start making yourself moisturizing and nourishing masks from the mixture vegetable oils: almond, burdock, castor and any others. If your hair is oily, it will be enough to apply the oil to the scalp 2-3 times, leave for half an hour and rinse. For dry and tired hair, try repeating the procedure every three days before bed, then put a warm cap on your head, cover the pillow with an old towel and leave the oil on your hair until the morning. After two weeks, the curls will be ready for coloring.
  • Give yourself a haircut in advance - cutting off colored strands will be both a pity and unwise, as this can bring disharmony to the image created by the master. All types of “solar coloring” look great on cascades, ladders, thinning, as well as elongated and steeply curled curls.
  • Choose your own colors. If you are new to coloring, it is better to seek help from a specialist who will tell you which shades will allow your curls to truly shine.

Methods used in salons

Depending on your experience and habits, the master will offer you one of two coloring methods. The first and most common looks like this:

Only the top layer of the strand is lightened

  1. First, combed hair is divided into strands 2-3 cm wide using a comb with a sharp tooth and tied into ponytails.
  2. Each individual strand will be combed well. This is what makes it possible to achieve the most blurred, smooth transition of color, for which, in fact, shatush is valued.
  3. Then the application of lightening paint will begin, which the master will stretch along the length of the strand with chaotic strokes that do not have a certain order or symmetry. They are done with the side of the brush, with short, but not too sharp movements, exclusively on the top layer of hair.
  4. Processing begins with the lower beams, while the upper ones remain raised and pinned. As you move towards the top of the head, the strands will be released and overlapped with the already colored ones. Since neither foil nor film is usually used in shatush technology, treated hair will come into contact with clean hair, enhancing the effect of “accidental” burnout.
  5. The dye will be left to work for 10-40 minutes, depending on the desired level of lightening, and then rinsed off thoroughly.
  6. In rare cases, this is where the matter ends. But to achieve maximum color depth, it would be better to tint the lightened curls with 2-3 shades close to natural color hair.

The second method does not require backcombing, but not every master can do it. You need to master a truly filigree technique of applying dye to achieve the desired effect on smooth hair! However, it may turn out that you will fall into the hands of just such a professional who will lighten and tone your curls without tedious combing.

Video: Italian technique on light brown hair

In some cases, when working with light hair, the roots are first darkened. This method allows you to make the shatush more expressive, but requires constant updating of the color.

Coloring at home

Correct combing is half the battle

Think carefully before deciding to “create” a shatush with your own hands. The work you have to do is, without exaggeration, titanic: do a good comb, including on the back of the head, “blindly” dye the strands in the right places, meet the time specified in the instructions so as not to dry out and spoil the curls... But if you have already decided, proceed according to the following scheme :

  1. Comb the sectioned hair thoroughly. For convenience, you can secure them with elastic bands or hairpins, or you can simply throw them forward over your shoulders, separating them one curl at a time just before dyeing. Remember that the final result largely depends on how well the combing is done! But there is no need to try to make all the strands the same; let them be of different thicknesses - this will add naturalness to the hairstyle.
  2. Thin the paint.
  3. Using random strokes, apply it to your curls, starting from the back of your head. Don’t try to cover your entire head or saturate every strand with dye! The easier, more chaotic and freer your movements are, the better.
  4. Wait for the time specified in the instructions.
  5. Wash your hair.
  6. This and the following steps should only be performed by those who have been familiar with home coloring for a long time; beginners should skip it. Dilute the dye chosen for tinting and “paint” the bleached hair, trying to apply darker shades closer to the roots, and lighter shades to the ends. Wait again for the paint to set.
  7. Wash your hair.
  8. Let your hair dry naturally.

Some young ladies use ready-made highlighting kits as a clarifier, and some tint their hair natural henna and Basma.

Video: Shatush option for dark hair

A few short tips:

  • The easiest way to do shatush is on long dark hair. If your hair reaches the lower back, try to leave 5-6 cm of hair free from dye in the root part. This will make it easier for you to use the brush, you will be able to control the entire process even when dyeing the back strands, and the color stretch will be as natural as possible.
  • Don't resort to home coloring if your hair barely reaches your shoulders. Without the help of a professional, you will hardly be able to create anything intelligible with them. And at a length of less than 5 cm, the technology simply does not apply.
  • Very dark curls require careful selection of lightener. Asian brunettes with thick, coarse hair should look for bottles marked 12%; light brown-haired and dark blond women should look for bottles marked 12%.
  • Shades of gold and copper will suit tanned fashionistas. Blonde women with pale skin should give preference to cool ash and pearl tones.
  • For those who find it difficult to dye “in the air,” you can use foil, cling film or sheets of white paper to lay out the dyed strands.
  • Bright blondes don't need shatush. Your hair will benefit from California highlights like no other.

If your goal is to cover your gray hair, it's a good idea to have an extra pair of hands and eyes nearby. Invite a friend to a “coloring session” who will help with combing and applying paint.


  • Lighting is lightening. It is strictly contraindicated for damaged hair, and treating split ends with dyes in literally two or three procedures will turn them into straw, which can only be cut off. Do not plan to color shatush if your hair needs treatment.
  • Two days before the procedure, stop washing your hair. The strands will not have time to get properly dirty, but they will be covered with sebum, which will soften the effect of the bleach.
  • Never skimp on paint or craftsman! It's not a pity to pay for quality work and pay properly - it's your hair!

If the coloring does not affect the roots, as is usually the case with French highlighting, the next visit to the hairdresser will take place no earlier than in 2-3 months. However, young ladies who have darkened the root area will have to visit the salon as their hair grows.

Shatush is a special technique for selective hair lightening and highlighting, which allows you to create subtle and extremely natural nuances of color and achieve various effects, including the effect of sun-bleached hair.

Backcombing, brushing, spontaneity, open air - these are the fundamental principles of the newest technique called “shatush”. Shatush serves sacred cow Today's fashion is naturalness, and allows you to achieve an incredible play of light and color in the hair. This technique is used by selected masters; shatush is included in the list of services of a very limited range of salons.

You will find many versions of the origin of this technique. Some call it New York, others - Milan, others - Paris. Sometimes shatush is called French highlighting, but this term also refers to other methods of coloring, most often balayage.

More often than not, they agree that it was invented by Aldo Coppola (this is a world-famous chain of beauty salons, beloved by models). We will not look for the truth here, but the fact remains: the best hairdressers around the world work tirelessly to make young girls, young women and mature ladies feel beautiful and well-groomed, creating new and new technologies in accordance with fashion trends, according to as the beauty industry develops and global lifestyle changes. Their innovations are instantly grasped by leading specialists around the world, and now shatush are offered by the best salons in both London and Moscow.

When dyeing using the shatush technology, the hair is combed at the roots. This is done so that the roots remain darker, and the lightened strands look as if they have been bleached by the sun.

There is another practical meaning in combing hair at the roots, which protects it from dyeing: hair dyed using the shatush technology at some distance from the roots does not require correction for a long time, since the highlights created work along the entire length of the hair and as it grows, the highlights are simply transferred closer to the ends.

After the hair is divided into strands and combed, a lightening composition is applied to them with a brush in random order. This disorderliness and chaotic application of color also contains a deep meaning. This is how that inimitable naturalness and ease that modern fashionistas value so much is created. But this apparent carelessness is akin to high art.

The master's hand must repeat the work of the sun, which brightens the strands and remains on the hair, creating intricate shimmers. Therefore, masters who know how to echo the sun are worth their weight in gold. When shatush, as a rule, the most modern, soft, special, organic paints are used. And for each client a special mixture of a special composition and tone is prepared for a certain hair, style, and facial skin.

You can watch a video of the coloring technique below:

With shatush, the hair is dyed using the so-called open method, that is, it is not wrapped in foil, as with classic highlighting, or in film, as with some other methods. modern types staining. The result is shinier, brighter, extremely natural and radiant hair.

After lightening the hair, the master can resort to toning. As a rule, the hair at the roots is slightly darkened, and a lighter composition is applied to the rest of the length - also, as a rule, in a special way, strand by strand. In this case, only gold, honey, walnut and any other subtle natural tones are used.

Tinting should also be as gentle as possible on the hair and not disturb, but only emphasize, the naturalness of the color. Therefore, the tone can be applied for a very short time at the very last stage of coloring - during washing.

Dyeing technique

So, the shatush technique involves the following steps:

  1. Dividing hair into strands and combing them at the roots
  2. Partial lightening of uncombed parts of hair using a free brush in an open way
  3. If necessary or desired, hair coloring: a darker tone at the roots, a lighter tone closer to the ends.

Shatush provides many possibilities, including creating the effect of sun-bleached hair. Now, at any time of the year, you can look like you just returned from the sea. After all, you know that, in addition to the solarium, shatush will help you.

But if you just want a fresher, more glamorous, more... fashionable look, use it even without the intention of deceiving anyone. At the same time, shatush is a lightening with minimal damage to the hair. Keep this in mind when planning a color change.

And remember: shatush is only for you every time and only once. Starting from individual selection colors to the chosen brush pattern you will be unique, unique and incredibly attractive.

Stop destroying your hair with harmful shampoos!

Recent research into hair care products has revealed a horrifying figure - 97% of well-known shampoo brands damage our hair. Check the composition of your shampoo for the presence of: sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate, PEG. These aggressive components destroy the hair structure, deprive the curls of color and elasticity, making them lifeless. But that's not the worst thing! These chemicals enter the blood through the pores and are carried throughout internal organs, which can cause infections or even cancer. We strongly recommend that you avoid such shampoos. Use only natural cosmetics. Our experts conducted a series of analyzes sulfate-free shampoos, among which the leader was identified - the Mulsan Cosmetic company. Products comply with all norms and standards safe cosmetics. This is the only manufacturer completely natural shampoos and balms. We recommend visiting the official website We remind you that natural cosmetics The shelf life should not exceed one year of storage.


However, like any coloring and the use of selective lightening, shatush shares the following advantages:

  • the face becomes fresher and more expressive
  • eyes sparkle
  • gray hair is masked: you simply distract attention from it
  • hair looks more voluminous and thick
  • you emphasize your impeccable style

Good news. Shatush can be done on any hair. Blondes will add white, brown-haired women will add copper, and fair-haired women will add golden shine to their hair. However, as we said, the choice of color options is limitless and the result obtained is the result of the masterly work of the master and your preferences.

The news is not very good. Shatush is a rare and unique service. Therefore, it cannot be cheap, and you will have to try to find a master, since not everyone knows this technique. But know that the result is worth it. Plays of color, glare of the sun, depth and volume - all this will be about your hair!

By the way, a few words about the title. "Shatush" is a Persian word meaning "king of wool." They were called a special type of shawls, very thin and difficult to make. Only Kashmiri craftsmen mastered the art of weaving them, and the material for them was the down of the Tibetan antelope chiru, from which they made extremely thin, light, but very fragile fiber with a diameter of 7 to 10 microns.

Shatush shawls are now prohibited for possession and sale, since the chiru is a specially protected species, their population is protected by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. However, the illegal shatush trade is thriving due to the incredible demand for shatush shawls from Western buyers. The market price of one shawl ranges from 5 to 6 thousand dollars.


Fine work, incomparable results - all this applies to the coloring technique. It’s not for nothing that world stars love shatush so much. One of his most famous fans is Gisele Bündchen. Are you jealous of her hair? They will imitate you too!

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Features of dyeing shatush for dark hair

Naturalness and naturalness are still at the peak of popularity. This applies to everything - makeup, manicure and hair.

Shatush dyeing on dark hair is very popular, allowing you to achieve the effect of sun-bleached strands. Thanks to the special method of applying paint, it is possible to create a fashionable and current look that gives a woman a touch of natural charm.

Features of the shatush technique

Shatush is a method of applying dye to hair that is close in shade to natural color. The main difference between the technique and others is the backcombing at the roots to obtain maximum color flow.


  • Since the hair is not processed along its entire length, this reduces the negative impact of the dye.
  • Dyeing is done outdoors, which also reduces the harm of the dye.
  • With the help of shatush you can achieve the natural effect of burnt strands.
  • Due to the lack of a clear border (like ombre), it turns out very smooth transition colors.
  • There is no need to touch up growing roots every month.
  • Light strands visually give the hair more volume.
  • Shatush helps hide gray hair (if its amount does not exceed 20%).
  • An ideal solution for women who are not ready for radical changes, but want to add a touch of novelty to their image.
  • Allows you to visually correct the shape of your face, highlighting the shade of your skin and eyes.


  • It is not recommended to do shatush on damaged hair. perm or frequent staining.
  • On thin and sparse hair, the coloring will look less voluminous.
  • The procedure is expensive.
  • Difficult to do on your own.
  • Shatush is not done on short hair.

Difference from other techniques

Distinctive features of the shatush technique from ombre, sombre, bronzing, balayage and Californian highlighting:

  • Ombre has a clear border on the hair.
  • When performing balayage, the dye is applied randomly along the entire length. Shatush has the same technology, but only from the middle to the bottom of the hair.
  • Shatush is performed on combed strands, while ombre, sombre and balayage are performed on smooth strands.
  • In the ombre and sombre techniques, foil is used.
  • Bronzing is mainly done on light brown hair and is used large number shades.
  • For California highlighting, use at least 5 shades. In this case, not only the top layer of hair is lightened, but also the deeper layers. California highlights are more suitable for blondes.

Who is suitable for dark hair?

Coloring is suitable for brunettes and brown-haired women. And so that it emphasizes the features of your appearance, soberly assess the structure and condition of your hair.


  • The ideal option is long hair and medium length. They allow you to maximize highlights and color transitions. Shatush looks very beautiful on shoulder-length hair, for example, on bob or bob haircuts with extension.
  • Short hair does not go well with shatush, so owners of a sessun, pixie or garçon will have to look for another coloring option.
  • Shatush is suitable for both haircuts with and without bangs. If the bangs are short or reach the eyebrows, then they usually do not dye them.


Shatush looks best on curly hair, as wavy hair focuses attention on the strands. Therefore, if you have straight hair, you can curl it with a curling iron. And the owners curly hair can straighten them slightly with a hairdryer.


It doesn’t matter what kind of hair you have - thick, thin or medium: shatush goes with everyone. Due to the use of similar shades, even the most sparse hair will look more voluminous and thick.

Previously colored hair

Shatush looks great on natural dark hair. To achieve the desired effect, you just need to apply paint of the desired shade to them. But if you are planning to do shatush on previously colored hair, you need to take into account some nuances:

  • The technique is not suitable for strands previously dyed with henna or basma. Natural dyes do not always react adequately with artificial ones, so after dyeing the hair may acquire a blue or green tint.
  • If your hair has been dyed black, dark blond or dark brown, you first need to apply lightening dye to it and then tint it to the desired color.

How to choose a shade

To choose the optimal color for shatush, you need to take into account your color type of appearance and the original shade of your hair.

There are four color types:

  • Spring. Those with spring appearance have fair skin, grey, blue or green eyes and blond hair. Warm colors will suit you: wheat, honey, golden and cappuccino.

  • Summer. The hair color of summer beauties is light blond or blond, the eye shade is cool gray, blue and light brown, the skin is light, slightly pale. Shades of a cold palette will suit you - pearl, nut or ash.

  • Autumn. Autumn women have a warm skin tone with a slight blush, brown, red or dark brown hair, brown, green or amber eyes. Warm colors will suit you - caramel, copper, amber, golden, chocolate, cinnamon.
  • Winter. The winter color type can be of two types - contrasting and non-contrasting. In the first case, winter women have porcelain-pale skin, cold gray, blue or Blue eyes, blue-black or dark brown hair. In the second case, the skin has an olive tint, the eyes can be brown or black, the hair can be rich chestnut or light brown. Shades that suit you: coffee, dark chestnut, pearl or ash.

What paint is best to use?

Since coloring is carried out in a shade close to the original hair color, there is no need for aggressive lightening. This means that soft dyes can be used for shatush.

Coloring at home

The shatush technique is not easy and to perform it you need to follow the rules described below.


Before painting, you should not wash your hair for 2-3 days. The presence of a layer of natural fat on the hair will protect it from negative impact coloring composition.

Execution technique

  • Mix the paint with the reagent in a ceramic container, mix well with a plastic spatula or brush.
  • Separate a strand about 2 cm wide and pin up the rest of the hair using a hairdresser's clip.
  • Pull the strand at a right angle to the head and comb. Then treat all your hair in the same way.
  • Apply the dye to the top layer of hair in a derivative manner. At the same time, leave the dark roots of your hair undyed.
  • Leave the coloring composition on your hair for the time specified in the instructions.
  • Rinse the dye from your hair, dry it and style it.

For a softer transition, you can pull your hair into a ponytail and comb it:

Hair care after coloring

  • Be sure to trim the ends of your hair once a month.
  • Use shampoo, conditioner and conditioner labeled “for colored hair.”
  • Use softening nourishing masks.
  • Do not rub your hair with a towel after washing. Instead, blot them gently.
  • Use thermal appliances as little as possible.

Expert opinion

Shatush for black, brown and light brown hair is a great opportunity to get the effect of sun-bleached strands. If you want to be on trend and look as natural as possible, this technique is for you!

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