Vologda lace: features and weaving techniques, history of the creation of whooping lace. Vologda lace: the basics of amazing art The history of the creation of Vologda lace

When the word “Vologda” is uttered, an association with lace most often arises. And this is not an accident at all. For true connoisseurs of luxury, Vologda lace means grace and beauty, and all thanks to the openwork airy pattern that is born in the hands of real needlewomen.

What is Vologda lace

Vologda is a type of Russian lace woven with bobbins. The finished lace can be clearly divided into the main pattern and the background. The main ornament (contour) is made large, making it smooth in shape. The line is kept continuously even in width throughout the entire lace.

Product made from Vologda lace

For production you will need:

  • bolster pillow;
  • bobbins (juniper or birch);
  • pins;
  • chip.

Weaving process

For your information! The origin of the word “lace” is due to the verbs “surround” and “decorate”. The edges of clothes (for example, round collars) or other products were decorated with elegant ornaments. A large number of threads are used for weaving, sometimes up to 100 at a time. Most often it is linen and cotton, but there are also unique products in which silk gold and silver threads are intertwined.

They decorate not only clothes, but also bed and table linen, handbags, as well as scarves, brooches and scarves. Modern fashionistas even decorate their felt boots with them.

History of art

There is a version that the centers of lace art were Italy and Flanders, and it was from there that it came to other countries. Weaving in Rus' has long been practiced by women of all classes: noble ladies and commoners wove openwork patterns. The first mentions of lace making in Russia date back to the 16th and 17th centuries, but only after 1820 did it acquire the character of an artistic craft.

Why was the emergence of this folk craft noted in Vologda? Most likely the reason was the developed flax industry in these places, so local craftswomen did not experience difficulties in the availability of material. In addition, trade routes passed through these areas, thanks to which the craft from Europe gained such fame.

It was near Vologda in 1820 that the first factory producing lace appeared. Thousands of workers - serf girls - worked there. Later, factories began to appear in every district of the province. These factories became the main suppliers of lace to the capital of the country, St. Petersburg and Moscow.

Moreover, each county had its own special patterns and weaving methods. In the middle of the 19th century. A.F. Bryantseva and her daughter Sofia created their own special Vologda lace pattern, unique in its ornament and design. Subsequently, they taught this craft to several hundred people.

Pay attention! The heyday of the fishery coincided with the abolition of serfdom. Lacemakers purchased the necessary tools for their work; it was relatively inexpensive. They earned up to 20 pre-revolutionary rubles. per year, but also worked without raising their heads for up to 16 hours a day. Girls began training at the age of five. Entire dynasties of lacemakers appeared.

Vologda lace received international awards:

  • gold medal at the Paris Exhibition of Decorative Arts in 1925;
  • Grand Prix in Paris in 1937;
  • gold medal in Brussels in 1958

In 1960, the Vologda lace association “Snezhinka” was founded, whose leading artists were awarded the State Prize of the RSFSR in 1968. I. Repin.

In 2010, in the homeland of lace in Vologda, the Lace Museum was founded, which is housed in a historical building of the 19th century. The exposition includes exhibition halls, a lace cafe, and a classroom where they teach the art of lace making. On the second floor there are eight rooms, in which the history of the appearance of the famous lace is presented in chronological order.

Museum in Vologda

Types of pinned lace

To create Vologda lace, you need to develop a splinter - a pattern or stencil of a pattern, which is called a splinter. According to the technology of creation, there are two types:

  • paired is the most difficult. For him, the main pattern and the background are woven simultaneously, in pairs, resulting in long strips of lace, which are then measured and cut. When creating lace of this type, the number of bobbins reaches up to 300 pairs;
  • coupling - the main elements of the pattern are made in the form of a ribbon called a “vilyushka”, and then connected to each other with a crochet hook, forming a lattice. The number of pairs of bobbins ranges on average from 6 to 12.

Hitch lace

Weaving technique

To create a quality product, you need to carefully and responsibly go through all the stages of creating lace. Brief list of stages:

  • The very first stage is the creation of a chip - a drawing of the future product. This is a very responsible process, which is trusted only to proven masters of their craft, professional artists. The design is applied dotted onto cardboard or thick paper with zigzag lines drawn. The paper is secured to a roller. The roller must be tight so that the design fits tightly and the product turns out smooth and beautiful. On the pin, dots mark the places for pinning.
  • Winding threads (linen, cotton) onto bobbins, while they are also connected in pairs.
  • Pins are placed in the places marked on the pin. They are located at characteristic points of the pattern and serve as a frame.
  • When the pins and threads are ready, the craftswoman begins to toss the bobbins with threads in her hands, thereby entwining the pins.
  • As the drawing progresses, the pins are moved to another place.

Lace pin

Important! The craftsman’s qualifications should be such that when looking at the drawing (split) as a plan for future work, she immediately understands how many bobbins are needed, what weaving techniques need to be used, and whether there will be local thickening of the thread. This is the engineering approach needed to create a unique pattern.

Lace weaving

Pattern elements

The most important pattern of Vologda lace is the snowflake. It is possible that it was these symbols of the Vologda winter that formed the basis for the lace painting that the craftsmen reproduce.

Natural, plant patterns are often used in work. When lace was made to order, the lacemaker tried to make a piece with meaning, using the appropriate pattern.

Napkin with a pattern of oak leaves

The pattern with oak leaves meant protection and improved health. The pattern in the form of a spikelet attracted wealth and success to the owner of the lace.

Lace Swan Princess

The plumage of birds also serves as an excellent model for decoration: the swan means chastity, purity; the phoenix bird brings good luck; the peacock often appeared on lace commissioned by noble people.

Lace cat

Geometric patterns, sacred temples, figures of horsemen and girls in kokoshniks, animals (cats, dogs, deer) - everything that surrounds a person becomes a pattern.

Lacy tractor

In Soviet times, airplanes, tractors, and spacecraft appeared on lace. Even such elegant things were used to promote the Soviet system. A very good decision, since Vologda lace was popular all over the world.

How to draw a chip yourself

Lace can not only be woven, but also drawn. Even a child can draw a simple pattern for pinning, the main thing is to explain the basic principles.

For independent work, it is better to start with a simple product, for example, making a pin for a square napkin. For the drawing you need to take cardboard, preferably white, not very thick. For a beginner, it is better to draw with a simple pencil, then outline with a black helium pen or ink. The chip is made to the full size of the future product. For beginner lacemakers, it would be a good idea to use graph paper; the pattern can be drawn on it in more detail.

First, you should draw a line on the sheet that forms a continuous pattern without intersections. Then a second line is applied, which repeats all the curves of the original one. Broken lines are drawn between them, repeating the movement of the bobbins, and the points at which the pins will be stuck.

DIY butterfly shard

Lace is called frozen song. Graceful weaves of threads form lyrical and gentle images that reflect the soul of the creators. Creating a unique pattern requires skill and many years of experience, and it’s never too late to start weaving!

Several years ago, approaching Vologda one clear winter day, I noticed the lace-like branches of roadside trees, dusted with frost. It was then that I thought that this was the secret of Vologda lace - nature itself inspired the craftswomen, suggesting to them exquisite patterns and images.

- one of the attractions of Vologda. It is located on Kremlin Square, in the building of the former State Bank, an architectural monument of the late 18th century. In 2010, the Lace Museum opened here. Let's go here to learn the secrets of creating Vologda lace.

The exhibition of the Lace Museum includes the following sections:

  • Lace in cult objects of the 17th-19th centuries,
  • Lace in peasant costume and ethnographic textiles,
  • Lace products 1920-1940s,
  • Lace centers of Europe and Russia,
  • Original works by artists from the Snezhinka association.

The art of lace making came to Russia from Europe in the 16th-17th centuries. It soon spread to many parts of the country. Lace was used to decorate not only the exquisite outfits of the nobility, but also folk costumes.

Samples of foreign lace (France, Austria, England, Belgium, Slovakia, Spain), XIX-XXI centuries

The Russian word “lace” comes from the verb “to surround.” The fact is that initially the edges of the dress were decorated with lace. In the 19th century, Vologda lace became a trade. In most landowner estates, lace factories appeared, where serf craftswomen worked. Products made from them were supplied to St. Petersburg, Moscow and other cities. By 1912, the number of women workers involved in the lace industry reached 40 thousand people.

Hall of the lace museum dedicated to the history of Vologda lace

In the past, mainly linen threads were used to weave lace, and since the end of the 19th century, cotton threads have also been used. Traditional Vologda lace was white, sometimes with gold and silver threads woven into it. There was also lace of other colors.

Valance "Leopards and Trees", early 20th century. Canvas, counted cross stitch, lace, numerical technique, 46 x 210, Solvychegorsk district

We wove lace on a bolster pillow called kuftyr. This is a drum filled with straw, mounted on a special stand - uneven. They put it on him chip- drawing on smooth paper with a lace pattern. Pins were stuck into the intersection points of the lines.

The threads were wound on bobbins, which were made from birch or juniper. The bobbins had thickenings and indentations. Depending on the complexity of the pattern, the number of bobbins varied and could reach several hundred.

Weaving complex lace. Photo from Wikipedia

The craftswoman deftly wielded bobbins, twisting threads around pins. This is how the lace pattern was born. During operation, the bobbins produced a melodic chime.

Soon Vologda lace gained popularity among all segments of the population. The folk costume used traditional patterns - geometric shapes, images of fantastic animals and birds, floral patterns, and amulets.

After the October Revolution, lace craft in the Vologda region reached a new level. In 1928, a vocational school for lacemakers was opened in Vologda, and in 1930, the Vologda Lace Union opened. In 1935, an art laboratory was opened at the Vologda Lace Union. Nowadays, Vologda lacemakers are mostly united in the Vologda Lace Firm “Snezhinka” LLC, which occupies one of the leading places among the traditional crafts of Russia.

Until the 1940s, they wove mainly measured lace intended for finishing linen. Later, various products began to be woven from lace: from napkins and tablecloths, to such complex ones as collars, gloves, hats, blouses, etc. One lace product could take a year or more of the craftswoman’s work.

In the 1930s, new motifs appeared in lace designs, reflecting Soviet reality. At the museum stands dedicated to this period, we will see lace portraits of the leaders of the revolution, lace paintings of new architecture and other images.

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Lace depicting Soviet reality and fairy tale motifs

A distinctive feature of Vologda lace is a clear division into background and pattern. This lace is called doubles. Thanks to this, you can create entire pictures.

Moving from room to room, we admire more and more new lace products. What's missing here! And lace paintings, and exquisite outfits of fashionistas. A lace wedding dress looks elegant.

If in the 1930s the lace products of Vologda craftswomen reflected, first of all, Soviet reality, then later a greater variety of designs and forms appeared. Products are becoming more and more complex in terms of execution techniques. And one can only marvel at the art of lace making and admire the openwork products.

The Lace Museum annually hosts festivals dedicated to Vologda lace.

Vologda lace is one of the most recognizable Russian brands. How to distinguish it from the rest, what is happening to the once popular craft and who wears lace these days - we will tell you in five points.

1. How did fishing originate in Russia?

It is not known exactly where and when exactly the fishery came to Vologda. In museums you can find ancient samples from the 17th century. These products were very expensive: they were made from linen threads, which were previously entwined with hair-thin threads made of gold or silver - kanitel (this is where the modern word “gimp” comes from, reflecting the laboriousness of the process).

At the end of the 18th century, Vologda lacemakers became acquainted with foreign lace, which was made from simple linen, cotton and silk threads and was more affordable. It was then that the popularity and production of lace began to grow.

The first small factory was founded by landowner V.A. Zasetskaya in the village of Kovyrino near Vologda in 1820. Serf girls wove lace trims for dresses, shirts and chemises. Gradually, lace making spread throughout the Vologda province. And 50 years later, in 1876, Vologda lace was already highly appreciated at the international exhibition in Philadelphia.

2. How does Vologda lace differ from others?

Initially, Vologda lace was woven according to foreign samples, but over time they completely ceased to be similar to European products of that time. A special weaving technique with a smoothly curving design line - the “Vologda manner” - was developed by lacemaker Anfiya Bryantseva in the 1840s.

Any bobbin lace, be it Vologda, Vyatka or Yelets, is made from the same elements: braids, warps, nets, and plains. The difference is in their combination and design, in the preference for a certain material, threads and colors. Vologda lace is distinguished by its density, clear division into background and pattern, large expressive shapes, and sinuous contour. The pattern is formed by a continuous and non-crossing smooth line of woven braid (wilyushka) against the background of a thin openwork lattice.

During the birth of the craft, Vologda lace featured ornaments more typical of embroidery, for example, stylized images of birds and the tree of life. Later, floral motifs and geometric shapes appeared in the patterns. In Soviet times, craftswomen even used technological advances in their creativity: on the lace of that time you can see tower cranes, airplanes, and spacecraft.

3. Who is currently engaged in this fishery?

After the revolution, cooperative lace artels began to appear in the Vologda province. In 1920, all local lacemakers, and there were already about 70 thousand of them, were united into artels. In 1960, by merging all lace artels in the region, five factories were created, on the basis of which four years later the Vologda lace association “Snezhinka” appeared.

Perestroika caused much more damage to the traditional Vologda fishery than the revolution. In the 1990s, Snezhinka lost almost 80% of its employees. However, the company managed to survive difficult times and maintain production. Now the company employs about 100 people and the same number work freelance. Workers are engaged in sewing and lace production, and lace is made by hand and by machine.

In addition, there are hundreds of craftsmen working in the country, preserving the traditions of the craft and passing on knowledge to their students. Since 2006, in Vologda, with the support of Valentin Yudashkin, the all-Russian competition for masters “Silver bobbin” has been held. The International Lace Festival "Vita Lace" is also held there every three years.

4. How is Vologda lace made?

For 300 years, the equipment of lacemakers has hardly changed. The product is woven on a tightly stuffed cylindrical pillow. It is placed on a hoop - a wooden stand. A chip is pinned to the pillow - a drawing of a pattern on cardboard. The dots on it indicate the places where the pins are inserted when the threads intersect.

Lace is woven using bobbins - wood-turned sticks that have a recess for winding threads. A lacemaker can simultaneously use up to 300 pairs of bobbins, interlacing them or weaving them together in a certain sequence, repeating the pattern along the bobbins.

According to the technique of execution, modern Vologda lace is classified as “coupling”. The main elements of the pattern are woven with a long braid, and then connected to each other with special “hitches” and “lattices” using a crochet hook. They also make “paired” or “measured” lace, in which the pattern is woven simultaneously with the background. This produces long lace strips for finishing garments.

5. Who wears them nowadays?

Now Vologda lace is not as popular as before the revolution, but it still remains one of the main brands in Russia, known abroad. Large government orders are carried out by the Snezhinka company. Thus, the company’s craftsmen created linen tablecloths with lace inserts for receptions in the Kremlin and as a gift to Michelle Obama.

Russian designers such as Valentin Yudashkin and Ulyana Sergeenko also love this material. Singer Beyoncé, supermodel Natalya Vodianova, actresses Kate Hudson, Kerry Washington and Emilia Clarke appeared in dresses from the Ulyana Sergeenko Couture brand made from Yelets and Vologda lace.

Nowadays, the ancient craft is developing, preserving traditions. Now you can find items of clothing that have already become a thing of the past, such as lace mantles and capes, made of synthetic materials or decorated with Svarovsky crystals. The only inconsistency of the material with modern times is that it is very expensive and labor-intensive. But real lace guarantees that your item is one of a kind.

Anna Bryzgalova

Buy Vologda lace You can visit our online store ArgNord, we present the widest range of lace products: tablecloths and napkins, stylish clothes, additional accessories, and much more.

The Vologda lace company “Snezhinka” is engaged in the production of lace in Vologda. The range they present is very wide and there are over 300 items: tablecloths and napkins, various capes, panels with various types, gloves, vests, scarves and scarves, bedspreads, measured lace, curtains and much more.

Buy Vologda lace In our online store it will not be difficult for you; to do this, you need to call the indicated numbers or place your order on the website.

Vologda lace

Vologda lace known throughout the world for its grace, beauty and sophistication, the complexity of weaving and the originality of the depicted design. Vologda lace makes one resemble the original patterns formed on glass in severe frosts, which disappear at the first rays of the spring sun. Or a thin cobweb that will break in the slightest breeze. Vologda lace symbolize something unusually pure and momentary.

Vologda lace are described as softly curved smooth lines of a pattern, graphically clear, rhythmic, consisting of a variety of geometric figures, or forms of a plant motif with a predominance of flexible branches with loop-shaped leaves, elongated or round petaled palmate flowers.

Beautiful patterns depicted on Vologda lace products are often located around the circumference with rather wide borders with a filled or free middle with an ornament; they are distributed along the perimeter of the lace product, then collected into strips of various lengths, and can also be located throughout the openwork background. Ready-made compositions of Vologda lace are often made from mirror-symmetrical motifs, giving Vologda lace sophistication, severity and originality, and most importantly, a special static quality.

Vologda lace became famous for its good quality, quickly became popular around the world and won top awards at various events many times.


Vologda (the same age as Moscow) was founded in 1147, 450 km north of the Russian capital and is located on both banks of the Vologda River, which gave its name to the future city. “Vologda” can be translated from Finno-Ugric as “white (clean, transparent) water.”

The route to Vologda from Moscow lies through Sergiev Posad, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Rostov-Veliky, Yaroslavl and Danilov. Moving further north, you can reach the famous Kirillo-Belozersky and Ferapontov monasteries.

More than two hundred historical, architectural and cultural monuments are known in Vologda. It's funny that surviving wooden houses are often decorated with carvings and decorative elements reminiscent of wooden lace.

In the photo: Wooden building of the Vologda library. Photo from 2013.


The main distinctive feature of Vologda lace is a well-recognized large pattern, woven with a thickened thread (filigree) in the form of a smoothly bending (“wagging”) plain ribbon. Wide ribbons alternate with areas of transparent patterned weaving.

Ornaments of plant origin are often used. Filigree is usually white, less often the color of unbleached linen or black. To create a picture, images of fans, scallops, flowers, trees, and birds are used.

There are two types of Vologda lace. In the first case, the elements of a large main pattern of “canvas” are adjacent to each other. Minor voids between them are filled with oblique diagonal grids.

In the second, more common version, transparent areas with lattices of “spiders”, nets and braids play no less important role than the main pattern, shading and emphasizing its dynamic curves.


To weave Vologda lace, you will need a tightly stuffed cylindrical cushion ("kuftyr") filled with hay, straw, sawdust, etc., a technical drawing of lace on thick paper ("skolok"), bobbins (elongated wooden "reels" of a special shape with thread) and a set of pins.

First, the chip pattern is fixed on the roller. Pins are stuck into the elements of the design on paper. The lacemaker transfers bobbins with taut threads from hand to hand, wrapping around pins fixed at the points of the design. As the lace element is completed, the pins are moved to the next points of the pattern.

Based on the weaving technique, there are numbered, paired and chain laces.

Number lace is the simplest. It is performed even without using a pattern with a small number of bobbins.

Paired - the most complex Vologda lace is woven together with a large number of pairs of bobbins - up to several hundred pairs! How one can avoid getting confused in them is completely incomprehensible to the uninitiated viewer... When making it, the background and the pattern are woven simultaneously.

Coupling Vologda lace requires no more than 6...12 pairs of bobbins (which makes the life of the craftswoman very much easier). The finished elements are woven (“linked”) together using, for example, a crochet hook. In this way, huge tablecloths or panels are created, on which dozens of craftswomen work simultaneously.


It is believed that the word “lace” is derived from the word “surround”, i.e. decorate the edges of textile products with decorative trim in a circle.

The technique of lace making appeared in the Vologda region no later than the 17th century and was borrowed from lacemakers in Italy and Flanders (the territory of modern Netherlands, Belgium and Northern France).

As an independent craft, the emergence of Vologda lace dates back to the beginning of the 19th century. Around this time, in a number of landowner estates in the Vologda region, local craftswomen began to weave openwork decorations for clothing, imitating European lacemakers.

In large estates, entire “lace factories” were created, producing products for delivery to Moscow, St. Petersburg and other large cities.

Gradually, the lace-making technique was transferred to peasant families, turning into a folk art craft.

Before the revolution, there were about 40,000 lacemakers in the Vologda province.


In 2010, the Lace Museum was opened in the Sorokin-Brianchaninov mansion (XVIII century) with access to Kremlin Square.

The museum's exposition clearly presents all stages of the origin and development of lace making in the Vologda region and global trends in the development of this craft from the end of the 19th to the beginning of the 21st century.

In August 2013, on the way to Ferapontovo, we stopped in Vologda for several days. We were one of the first to visit the Lace Museum with its rich collection of the famous Vologda lace and the finest European lace products with gold and silver threads.

It was forbidden to take photographs at the Lace Museum, so we were lucky enough to take memorable photos and get acquainted with the work of lacemakers only in the salon-shop of the Snezhinka lace company.

In 2015, the Vologda Lace Museum, according to reviews from visitors to the exhibition, entered the top ten best museums in Russia.

You can get acquainted with the works of Vologda lacemakers in Moscow, at the All-Russian Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Arts,


Vologda lace products have repeatedly received first places at international exhibitions in Paris and Brussels.

An invaluable contribution to the preservation of traditional and the creation of new patterns for lace was made by the hereditary lacemaker Vera Dmitrievna Veselova (1919-2006), who worked for a long time as the chief artist of the lace association “Snezhinka”, as well as her daughter, Nadezhda Valerievna.

It is gratifying to note that at the Exhibition-Fair of Russian Folk Art Crafts “Ladya-2017. Winter's Tale” at the Moscow Expo Center on Krasnaya Presnya in December 2017, Vologda residents again rose to the occasion.

According to the results of the competition within the exhibition, a lace umbrella made by Vologda resident Nina Sumarokova, a student at the Governor’s College of Folk Crafts, took an honorable third place.


Do you want to give an unusual handmade gift, professionally made in the best traditions of folk arts and crafts? Not the discredited “hand made” one, crudely manufactured by inept hands and sold in crowded tourist areas around the world.

Give a real product made from Vologda lace, woven by the hands of lacemakers on gently tapping wooden bobbins, exactly the way their grandmothers and great-grandmothers did it...

In the online store of the Vologda lace company Snezhinka LLC, the price range of lace gifts is very wide: you can buy a lace collar for 2,640 rubles, or you can buy a handmade Tulip bolero jacket for 170,000 rubles.

Moreover, you can use your imagination and order a product with your wishes and receive, for example, a unique lace panel with your company logo.

In souvenir shops at museums you can sometimes find small but very expressive fragments or finished products from handmade Vologda lace, placed against a contrasting background in a frame under glass.

Choose, order and give the real thing to your dear people!



Application number: 93042565

Date of state registration: 05/25/1994

Product specification:
Lace, curtains, bedspreads, napkins, tablecloths, runners, towels, collars, inserts, vests, blouses, shirtfronts, headscarves, cuffs, coats, capes, scarves, ties, stoles, capes, gloves, aprons, shawls, suits, frill, lace bookmarks. Vologda lace has high artistry, expressiveness of forms, strict rhythm, decorative richness and perfection of execution technique. Linen, silk, metal, and cotton threads are used to make lace. Vologda lace uses two types of weaving techniques: paired and chained. The most characteristic patterns of Vologda paired lace are built from clear, simple geometric shapes repeated in a calm rhythm. Lace patterns consist of transparent spiders inscribed in rhombic shapes, various lattices, nets, which are combined with triangles or zigzag motifs of denser weaving. There are also round, less often oval shapes filled with stars, rosettes, and flower corollas. The ornament of Vologda coupling laces features ancient characteristic motifs: flowers with five and seven petals, large multi-petal flowers similar to sunflowers, and flowers enclosed in a circle or oval, leaves of various shapes - sometimes modest trefoils, sometimes large ones reminiscent of a fern. Vologda lace is also characterized by the theme of winter, winter forest, snowflakes. The lace pattern is made with dense linen with or without filigree; often the linen turns into a mesh, which gives the design a lightness and delicacy. Vologda lace patterns have smooth, softly curved lines, symmetrically located motifs or repeating elements. Floral, floral compositions or plot scenes stand out clearly against the light openwork background of wicker lattices, twisted loops give the lace airiness, and dense laces and spiders create a decorative effect. The richest ornamental traditions of the northern region contributed to the formation of a unique visual language of Vologda lace. Vologda lace is distinguished by its special elegance, poetic imagery, amazing plasticity of ornaments and their melodiousness.


Registration number of the appellation of origin of the goods: 3

Certificate number for the right to use: 3/2

Application number: 200672522

Registration date: 07/02/2007

Certificate expiration date: 09/01/2016

Name of place of origin of the goods:

Certificate holder:
Closed joint stock company Vologda lace company "SNOWFLAKE", 160012, Vologda, st. Kozlenskaya, 119-a (RU)

Product specification:


Extension of the validity period of the certificate of exclusive right to the appellation of origin of goods

Certificate holder(s):
Limited Liability Company Vologda Lace Firm "Snezhinka", 160012, Vologda region, Vologda, st. Kozlenskaya, 119, building A (RU)

Date until which the validity of the certificate is extended: 09/01/2026

Date of entry into the State Register: 02/17/2017


State registration number: 3

Certificate number: 3/3

Application number: 2012743898

Date of state registration: 02/14/2014

Certificate expiration date: 12/06/2022

Name of place of origin of the goods:

Certificate holder(s):
Limited Liability Company "Vologda Lacemaker", 160012, Vologda Region, Vologda, Sovetsky Prospekt, 135B (RU)

Product specification:
Lace, lace products

Indication of the place of origin (production) of the goods (borders of the geographical object):
Vologda city

For questions regarding registration of NMPT, please contact
to the patent attorney of the Russian Federation, reg. No. 498

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