Speech on the topic “Why are soap bubbles round?” Why are bubbles round? Why balloons and soap bubbles

  • Why are soap bubbles round?
  • Author of the project: Daria Viktorovna Kadachigova, student of grade 4 “B”,
  • MBOU "Secondary school No. 2 named after. A. I. Isaeva"
  • Head: Garbuzova Irina Igorevna, primary school teacher
Object of study:
  • soap bubbles
  • Subject of research:
  • form and composition
  • soap bubbles
  • Research hypothesis:
  • If you use wire frames of different geometric shapes, you can get non-circular soap bubbles.
Purpose of the study:
  • Purpose of the study:
  • identify the properties and shape of soap bubbles.
  • Tasks:
  • collect information about the shape, properties
  • and making soap bubbles;
  • 2) prepare a solution for soap bubbles
  • at home;
  • 3) make soap bubbles;
  • 4) analyze the theoretical and practical results of producing soap bubbles, their properties and shape.
  • Search.
  • Observation.
  • Comparison.
  • Modeling.
  • Analysis and synthesis.
  • Research methods:
Research stages:
  • Organizational (make wire frames of different geometric shapes);
  • Analytical ( collect information about the shape and properties of soap bubbles; ask your parents, read in a book, find it on the Internet; determine which solution for making bubbles is the best);
  • Practical (prepare a solution for soap bubbles and buy a ready-made solution in a store for comparison; try to blow geometric bubbles of different shapes);
  • Final (compare the theoretical and practical results of manufacturing
  • soap bubbles.)
  • “A soap bubble is perhaps the most delightful and most exquisite phenomenon of nature.”
  • Mark Twain
Wire frames
  • BOYCE Charles Vernon
  • The force of surface tension prevents a soap bubble from bursting.
  • Surface tension forces tend to give the soap bubble the shape of a ball.
  • Secrets of making soap bubbles.
  • The water should be soft. The easiest way to soften water is to boil it well and let it sit. To prepare the solution, it is better to take warm water, as the detergent dissolves faster in it.
  • If soap is used as a detergent, then it is better to take domestically produced household soap.
  • The bubble lives as long as it is wet. To prevent the soap film from drying out as long as possible, glycerin is added to the solution. Glycerin can be replaced with an aqueous solution of sugar and gelatin.
  • It is better to blow bubbles in a cool place.
  • The surface of the tools from which bubbles are blown should be rough to reduce the sliding of the soap solution over it.
  • 3rd place
  • 1st place
  • 2nd place
  • When inflated, a soap bubble can only be round in shape, since surface tension forces give the soap bubble the shape of a ball.
  • 2. It is best to use laundry soap to make soap bubbles at home, since it does not contain additives and the solution is the purest, which affects the quality of the soap bubble.

Soap bubbles

In fact, soap bubbles



Why are soap bubbles always round?

Soap bubbles - one of the favorite entertainments of children. Light, airy, smoothly picked up by a light breeze... And probably every child has asked at least once the following questions: “Why are soap bubbles so perfectly round? Is it possible to inflate a square bubble if you inflate it from a square tube?”

In fact, soap bubbles – an excellent object for observing a wide variety of physical phenomena. Surface tension, thermodynamics, optics - just to name a few. And yet, why are soap bubbles round?

The answer is that the most compact shape in nature is a ball, and surface tension forces tend to give a soap bubble the most compact shape possible. With a spherical shape, the air inside the bubble evenly presses on all parts of its inner wall until it bursts. And that is why, no matter what shape the blowing tube is, be it a square, an asterisk or even a zigzag, the bubbles will still turn out round. However, there are exceptions. The English physicist Boys, while studying soap bubbles, noticed that by applying external force, it is possible to make a bubble that is not spherical. If you stretch the soap film between two rings and pull to break, a cylindrical soap bubble is formed. The larger the size of such a cylindrical bubble, the less its strength. In the end, a constriction appears in the middle of such a bubble, one side begins to pull the other and it divides into two ordinary round bubbles.

The most attractive side soap bubbles , perhaps, are the shimmer of light on their surface. Even when you inflate the bubble, the unique vibrant rainbow coloring becomes noticeable, which is difficult not to admire. And where does such beauty come from in such a simple soap ball?

I really love blowing soap bubbles. I like to admire their round shape and the surface shimmering with different colors. In my grandmother’s village, I blew bubbles from a straw and watched round rainbow balls fly from the porch.

I always wanted to make a bubble that didn’t look like a ball, so that its shape resembled the shape of a cube or the head of some animal. But, unfortunately, I always got only round soap bubbles.

Why do soap bubbles have a round shape, like balls? Perhaps if you use a wire frame in the shape of a cube or triangle to inflate a bubble, you will get a bubble of a different shape? Let's consider the problem of obtaining round soap bubbles.

So, object my research : soap bubbles.

Subject of research: shape and composition of soap bubbles.

I put forward the next one hypothesis: Using wire frames of different geometric shapes, you can prepare non-circular soap bubbles.

The purpose of my research: identify the properties and shape of soap bubbles. I will achieve my goal by deciding adachi:

  • collect information about the preparation, properties and shape of soap bubbles;
  • prepare a solution of soap bubbles at home;
  • make soap bubbles;
  • analyze the theoretical and practical results of producing soap bubbles, their properties and shape.

Research stages:

  • make wire frames of different geometric shapes;
  • prepare a solution for soap bubbles and buy a ready-made solution in a store for comparison;
  • try to blow geometric bubbles of different shapes;
  • collect information about the shape and properties of soap bubbles (ask your parents, read in a book, find on the Internet);
  • determine which solution for making bubbles is the best;
  • compare the theoretical and practical results of making soap bubbles;
  • develop recommendations for making soap bubbles at home.

Methods and techniques: observation, experiment, analysis.

Progress of the study

To make soap bubbles of different geometric shapes, my dad and I made frames in the form of a spiral, cube and triangle from copper wire. I dipped each frame in soapy water and tried to blow a bubble out of it.

But for some reason the soap bubbles did not fly out. The wire blank was enveloped in a beautiful rainbow film, but the round bubble did not want to fly out. I blew harder and a soap bubble flew out of the triangular frame. The bubble turned out to be round again.

Together with my mother, we took the book “Simple Experiments in Physics” from the library and studied articles about soap bubbles on the Internet. I learned that the English physicist Boys was interested in the problem of soap bubbles. He wrote the book "Soap Bubbles".

Boyes wrote that there is a force of surface tension that prevents a soap bubble from bursting. I would dip the tube into the soapy water and then take it out and blow on it and a bubble would bulge out of the tube. It turns out that the soap film stretches like an elastic shell.

If you blow into the tube again, the soap film will close around the air, and the bubble will go on an independent journey, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow. I learned that the shell of a soap bubble has elastic properties, so the air inside the bubble is under pressure, like the air inside a football.

But why, after all, is the bubble round? The answer is that surface tension forces tend to give the soap bubble the most convenient shape, which is a ball (not a cube, for example). With a spherical shape, the air inside the bubble presses on its inner walls (until the bubble bursts).

So my hypothesis that using wire frames of different geometric shapes, you can prepare non-circular soap bubbles not confirmed.

I was wondering what the most durable and beautiful soap bubbles can be made from? To answer this question I conducted the following experiment. I bought a ready-made solution of soap bubbles at the store.

Together with my mother, we prepared three more types of soap solution: from baby shampoo, laundry soap and washing powder, and poured each solution into separate soap dishes. I took a plastic tube and started blowing bubbles from each solution.

The best bubbles came from a store-bought solution. They were strong, iridescent and did not burst for a long time.

Second place went to bubbles made from laundry soap. They were also quite strong. In third place were shampoo bubbles. These bubbles were smaller in size. They were thinner and burst much faster.

But the washing powder did not produce bubbles. A beautiful bubble inflated at the end of the tube, but immediately burst and did not want to fly out.

During my research I did conclusions:

1. When inflated, a soap bubble can only be round in shape, since surface tension forces tend to give the soap bubble the shape of a ball.

2. It is best to use laundry soap to make soap bubbles at home, since it does not contain various additives and the solution is the purest, which affects the quality of the soap bubble.

Marina Azanova
Collaborative activity: “Are soap bubbles always round?”

Collaborative activity: “Are soap bubbles always round?”

Integration of educational areas: NGO “Cognition”, NGO “Socialization”, NGO “Communication”.

Pedagogical goal: Formation of skills for conducting experiments.

Children's goal: Identify the shape of soap bubbles.


Educational: Teach children to do “research”

Developmental: To develop in children the ability to analyze the information received and draw informed conclusions.

Educational: Encourage cooperation in mini-groups.

Educator: Hello, I am glad to see you in our laboratory. There are specialists in the laboratory with us who can provide assistance if necessary.

P I'll give you a toy

Not a typewriter, not a firecracker.

Just a tube. And inside

Bubbles lurked.

We are a spatula with a “window”

Let's dip it into the solution a little.

Let's blow once, and twice, and three,

Bubbles will fly away.

Do you remember the game "Bubble"? Get up to play. This is the size of our bubble.

And the luckiest “blooper” publicly blew out a 4.5 m bubble (slide)

A soap bubble is a thin film of soapy water that forms a ball with an iridescent surface.

Educator: I really like blowing soap bubbles. I like to admire their round shape and the surface shimmering with different colors. I always wanted to make a bubble that didn’t look like a ball, so that its shape resembled the shape of a cube or the head of some animal. But, unfortunately, I always got only round soap bubbles.

Children, have you blown soap bubbles?

Children's answers:(Yes)

Educator: What shape did you blow them in?

Children's answers: (round).

Educator: Why do soap bubbles have a round shape, like balls?

Children's answers:)

Educator: What did you use to blow bubbles?

Children's answers:)

Educator: Do you think that if you use a wire frame in the shape of a square or a triangle, or other devices to inflate a bubble, you might get a bubble of a different shape?

Children's answers:)

Educator (summarizes children's answers) You and I suggested that using wire frames of different geometric shapes or other devices, you can blow non-circular soap bubbles.

What is the purpose of our research?

Children's answers: The purpose of our research: to identify the shape of soap bubbles.

Educator: What will we do for this?

Children's answers:)

Educator (summarizes children's answers): Research stages:

Try to blow bubbles of different geometric shapes;

Collect information about the shape of soap bubbles (ask an adult, look in a book, find on the Internet);

Compare the theoretical and practical results of making soap bubbles;

Unite into groups based on the same pictures on the badges, choose the leader of your group and take your places in the laboratory. The results of the experiments will be noted in the table.

Dip the loop into the mixture. What do we see when we take out the loop? Slowly we blow into the loop.

Educator: What's happening?

Children's answers:(We blow air into the loop and get a bubble in the shape of a ball.)

2 experience. Soap bubble in a rectangular tray.

Pour enough soap solution into the tray to cover the bottom, place an object in the middle and cover with a funnel. Then, slowly raising the funnel, blow into its narrow tube - a soap bubble will form; when this bubble reaches sufficient size, tilt the funnel to the side, releasing the bubble from under it.

Educator: What shape is the bubble?

Children's answers:(it turned out to be a bubble - half a ball)

Experiment 3. bubble from a flat bottle.

Pour 1 liter of water into a cup. Dip one cut of the bottle into the soap solution so that a soap film forms. Then lower the bottle with the other cut into the water.

Educator: What shape is the bubble?

Children's answers:(it turned out to be a round bubble)

Educator: Groups come to the stand and fill out the table; the group leaders tell you about the results obtained.

Children report their results.

Conclusion:Thus, our assumption that using wire frames of different geometric shapes and other devices can prepare non-circular soap bubbles was not confirmed.

Educator: Maybe we can find information about bubbles of different shapes in other sources (search for information by subgroups).

Educator: I propose to summarize the information received (children’s messages). Conclusion: The practical and theoretical results of our research showed that soap bubbles can only be round in shape.


Educator: What did we learn in class today?

Children's answers: we learned that soap bubbles can only be round.

Educator: Were you interested in conducting experiments?

Children's answers: (.)

Educator: All the bubbles you blew have already burst, but would you like to keep them as a souvenir?

Children's answers: (.)

Educator: I suggest you draw them. Drawing with soap bubbles.

Dip a tube into the mixture and blow to create soap bubbles. Take a sheet of paper and gently touch the bubbles with it, as if transferring them to the paper. The results are amazing. Take them and show them to your family and friends.

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