Shoe size 49, how many cm. Women's shoe sizes. Determining the size of the child's feet

Buying shoes is a responsible matter. The worst thing is to make a mistake with the number 39 on the sole or on the insole when ordering online. To do this, you need to know shoe size 39 in centimeters. You can find out this at home by measuring your foot length yourself. It is worth noting that the measurement should be like this:

    Stand on a flat surface (sheet of paper).

    Make a note at thumb.

    Make a mark near the end of the heel.

    Measure the distance.

This measurement will help you place an order accurately. Important! Knowing the length of the foot, ask the seller to provide the size chart of his products.

Manufacturers' sizing may vary. The difference will not only be in the manufacturer's view of the “right size”. There are other factors that are important to consider when purchasing, whether in person or online.

International differences

Perhaps you want to buy shoes marked 39 abroad, or in a store with shoes from a foreign manufacturer. Please be aware that there are no size 39 shoes in the US. No, this does not mean at all that people there have larger or smaller feet than ours. It's just that the US has a completely different measurement system. There are such measurement systems: Russian, American, European and English. The Russian system displays dimensions in cm or fractions of a centimeter (division by 2\3). England measures in inches, sizes start from 4 - these are newborn shoes. Numbering in England changes every 8.5mm.

Europe prefers to measure in pins; for them, 1 pin is 6.7 mm.

The peculiarity of European shoes is that the difference between the length of the insole and the foot is 10-15mm.

This is the so-called functional tolerance. America determines the size of shoes, just like England. The only difference is the starting number and numbering. Here the numbering is spaced every 1/3 inches. In order not to think and guess how much it will be in centimeters, you can turn to the help of a table.

Other differences

Apart from the fact that there is a difference in measurements different countries. It is worth remembering that the length of women's and men's feet is also different.. If you turn to the Internet for help, then pay attention to the tables that correspond to you: “Women’s shoe size” or “Men’s shoe size.” Each gender has its own foot size 39 in centimeters. Usually the difference in shoes marked 39 is small (0.5 cm).

Also, remember that the number 39 indicated by the manufacturer may differ from your measurements. How many cm in the insole does size 39 have? If you know this, it will already save you time and money. To make a successful purchase, you also need to know the fullness of your legs. You can also find out this parameter yourself at home, using a “centimeter”. The measurement technique will involve calculations. Initially, you need to measure your foot and foot circumference (measured at the widest part). The calculation looks like this: 0.25 x foot length, minus 0.15 x foot circumference and minus the coefficient from the table.

Odds table:

    A child's foot is from 14.5 to 16 centimeters, has a fullness of 1-5 and a coefficient of 16.5.

    School - from 20.5 to 24 cm. Fullness: 1-5, coefficient 13.5.

    Women's - 21 - 27.5 centimeters, foot size, fullness: 1 - 12. Coefficient - 16.

    Men's - 24.5 - 30.5 cm. Fullness: 1 - 12. Coefficient - 17.

This indicator (fullness of the foot) can be seen on the sole. Russia denotes completeness with numbers up to 12, with a distance of 4mm. Europe - 5mm, the USA has the same distance between indicators, but they are designated by letters. It is better to measure how many centimeters a 39 foot size has in the afternoon, as well as the fullness of the foot. This applies not only to measurements, but also to purchasing in person. In the afternoon, the leg is more “flattened” and swollen, which makes it possible to see the real picture. Now you shouldn't have any problems buying size 39 shoes. Happy shopping!

Dimensions women's shoes

Dimensions men's shoes

Due to the emergence of various online stores, many are faced with the problem of how to accurately determine their shoe size. Knowing the length of the foot and using the table for different countries, you can determine which shoes are suitable for you or your child. But you need to take measurements as accurately as possible.

Trace the foot on a piece of paper and measure the specified length

When ordering in an online store, they offer many attractive models at a competitive price to choose from, but the main task is not to make a mistake with the parameters. Often the parcel comes from afar without a courier. For these reasons, returning unsuitable shoes is problematic and involves additional costs. Adults are luckier because they can easily take measurements in several ways.

Method 1

It is necessary to place the foot on a clean sheet of paper and, placing a pencil at an angle of 90° to the plane, outline the foot. Measure the resulting mark with a measuring tape from the middle of the heel to the end of the big toe. Next, the table will help you determine your foot size based on its length. For a summer purchase, the foot must be bare; for a winter purchase, it must be in a sock, with which boots or shoes are supposed to be worn.

Data for men and women on foot size in centimeters are the same. However, you need to discuss with the seller what parameters a particular product has. You can tell him your exact measured data and ask him what would be preferable to order. In addition to the length size itself, you can find out whether the model fits in width, as this is often a problem.

Method 2

For a clearer result, it is advisable to determine the length of each foot. In adults, normal feet differ slightly in length, by about 5-7 mm. The choice should be made on the larger side. It is recommended to take measurements in the evening - at this time the feet swell slightly and their length increases, so the purchased new thing will not press.

Method 3

You can easily determine your size by the length of the insole of the shoe that fits you well. To correlate the data with the information of a seller from another country, just look at the correspondence diagram between Russian models and foreign ones. Many countries have their own measurement systems. This can be visualized using a table:

American and European shoe sizes and their correspondence to Russian

Listening to these practical advice, it is easy to determine your exact parameters, and the purchase will bring joy instead of disappointment.

How to find out the size of children's shoes

Parents often have to buy this item of clothing for their child without trying it on. The baby still cannot clearly say about his feelings. Besides, going to the store with children is a challenging task. Many people quickly run out of patience. Will help solve the problem original way, with which you can easily determine the length and size of your child’s shoes in advance:

  1. Take a regular baby sock. For summer shoes you will need thin ones, for demi-season shoes, and warm ones for winter ones.
  2. Wet the sock under the tap and wring it out well.
  3. Put it on the baby.
  4. Place a sheet of white paper on the floor and place the baby's foot in the center.
  5. Immediately try to trace the mark with a pencil before the water has time to dry.
  6. Using a ruler, draw a line from the middle of the heel to where the big toe ends.
  7. It is not difficult to understand how to measure the parameter being determined: transfer the obtained data in centimeters to the correspondence table.

If the length of the foot has an intermediate value, for example, 10 cm, choose a larger value, since the child’s foot grows quickly. When purchasing in an online store for the upcoming season during a sale, you should consider how approximately the parameters will change:

  • In a child under 3 years of age, the foot gains one point every 3 months.
  • For children 3-6 years old - after 4 months.
  • For primary schoolchildren and teenagers – within a six-month period.

If the order takes a long time or the new item is not needed immediately, it is better to purchase a size with a reserve.

How to choose the right shoes for a child

To ensure that the baby is comfortable and the growing foot is not subject to deformation due to low-quality shoes, shoes or boots, it is not enough to correctly determine the size of children's shoes. Orthopedists advise parents to choose products that meet the following requirements:

  • The product is made from genuine leather, suede, textiles. Then the sweat evaporates quickly, the foot does not sweat or chafe.
  • Shoes, sandals and other items are equipped with arch supports to support the arch of the foot.
  • There is a small heel under the heel, which is necessary to prevent the formation of flat feet. This also applies to boys.
  • The sole is ribbed with an anti-slip coating, made of elastic but plastic material.

It is also important to consider the type of fastener: younger children should have Velcro; from about 5-6 years old they learn to tie their shoelaces. Thanks to a simple way of determining the parameters, you can go shopping and sales without a child who does not tolerate such walks well.

Before buying shoes for an adult or a child, you should determine the parameters in advance using simple manipulations. Then all that remains is to look at the correspondence table to determine the exact data. Then the new wardrobe item will fit, and you won’t have to waste time exchanging or returning it.

Today, many people buy shoes from online stores, as they have an excellent selection. modern models and reasonable prices. The only stumbling block when buying shoes online is the difficulty in determining the size, because in Europe, America and China different markings. A table of men's shoe sizes will help you make the right choice, which will allow you to avoid making mistakes with the markings and eliminate the need to give sneakers and shoes to friends and acquaintances.

Your size
feet (cm)
England USA
35 21,1 22,8 36 2,5 4
35,5 22,4 23,1 36,5 3 4,5
36 22,9 23,5 37 3,5 5
36,5 23,3 23,8 37,5 4 5,5
37 23,7 24,1 38 4,5 6
37,5 24,1 24,5 38,5 5 6,5
38 24,6 24,8 39 5,5 7
38,5 24,9 25,1 39,5 6 7,5
39 25,2 25,4 40 6,5 8
39,5 25,7 25,9 40,5 7 8,5
40 25,8 26,3 41 7,5 9
40,5 26,4 26,7 41,5 8 9,5
41 27,1 27,6 42 8,5 10
41,5 27,5 27,9 42,5 9 10,5
42 27,9 28,3 43 9,5 11
42,5 28,3 28,9 43,5 10 11,5
43 28,7 29,2 44 10,5 12
43,5 29,1 29,4 44 11 12,5
44 29,5 29,8 44,5 11,5 13
44,5 29,9 30,2 45 12 13,5
45 30,3 36,6 45 12,5 14
45,5 30,7 31 45,5 13 14,5
46 31,1 31,4 46 13,5 15
46,5 31,5 31,8 46 14 15,5
47 31,9 32,2 46,5 14,5 16

How to use the size chart

The simplest, but not the most reliable way to use the table is to compare Russian and foreign sizes. Everyone knows their Russian markings, this is where the “dancing with a tambourine” begins, for example, size 40 corresponds to the American marking 7, English 6 and Chinese 25. The disadvantage of this simple way is that old shoes may be worn out. It is not a fact that 100% of manufacturers comply with dimensional parameters to the nearest mm.

Designation of American markings US, English UK, European EU and Chinese CN. Be sure to look at the marking letters, otherwise you are not far from making an erroneous determination of the size! Also note that Russian and European markings are similar, but not 100% the same everywhere.

It is more reliable to select the sizes of men's shoes by first knowing the length of your foot. It's harder to make a mistake this way. In the table you see the length of the foot in centimeters and can compare it with foreign or Russian markings of sneakers or other shoes. How to measure your foot correctly? We have an answer to this question as well.

Measuring the length of the foot

To measure your foot, you need to stand barefoot on a white sheet of paper and outline the outline of your foot with a pen or pencil. The pen should be held perpendicular to the paper or at a slight slope towards the foot. After sketching, all that remains is to measure the distance between the extreme points along the length, and you will get the main thing - the length of the foot. Then everything is simple: look at the table and select American, English or Chinese markings based on the length of your foot.

Are there any pitfalls here? Eat. One of them is different lengths stop. Yes, yes, this happens quite often, feet can differ in length by 2-5 mm, so it is advisable to outline the right and left foot and select the shoe markings according to the larger size.

The matching table for men's shoes will help you to ensure that you choose your brand when purchasing in a foreign store, so keep this page in your bookmarks. Using the table, you can select any kind of shoes, winter or summer. For yourself, you can determine the marking with perfect accuracy, and if you want to give a gift to a friend, you will have to find out his Russian size and compare it with the markings of foreign shoe manufacturers.

It always captivates not only our compatriots, but also people living throughout the post-Soviet space. Historically, the light industry in our mighty country received a very meager inheritance from its ancestor, the USSR, in the form of the production of slippers, galoshes, slates and felt boots. What about shoes, ballet flats, sandals, sneakers, shoes and boots?

Today the situation has changed dramatically for the better. Shoe boutiques and shopping centers are replete with a variety of products from foreign and domestic shoe brands. Of course, among lovers of exclusive shoes, Italian designers hold the lead - Martegani, Santoni, Gravati, Testoni, Frtioli and other European manufacturers. Russian “hipsters” are also partial to well-proven English, German, Danish, and Spanish manufacturers. When it comes to sports shoes, the Americans have no equal, but the Germans and British also compete quite successfully with them.

In general, shoes for every taste and budget. There is a huge selection in store windows, but sometimes the problem is the price. European shoes, which cost about $100 in their homeland, in our country can easily exceed the mark of 500 “American presidents.” But sometimes another problem arises - fakes, no one is safe from them. Although our smart and enterprising fellow citizens found a way out of the situation and began to order shoes “directly”, thanks to online shopping. But, as with any distance purchase, there are certain risks: the wrong shade, the wrong material, and most importantly, a “failure” with the size. It is not surprising that due to the current situation, a single table of European shoe sizes was compiled for buyers from Russia and the CIS countries, available on our website (and, often, on the website of European shoe manufacturers).

European shoe sizes: how to determine yours?

To buy a pair of shoes online and not be mistaken with the size, many manufacturers provide necessary information in the Help section. Be sure to check on the manufacturer’s website to see if they use their own special corporate sizing chart! If the manufacturer’s size chart corresponds to standard European sizes, then the table of correspondence between European and Russian shoe sizes looks like this:

  • foot length in centimeters along the insole,
  • your Russian size,
  • Corresponding European size.

English manufacturers have their own measurement scale, so on British websites, as a rule, such tables of European shoe sizes are presented.

European sizes of men's shoes(sandals, shoes, low shoes, shoes, boots)

Centimeters22.5 23 23.5 24 24.5 25 25.5 26 26.5 27 27.5 28 28.5 29
Russia35 36 36.5 37 37.5 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
Europe36 37 37.5 38 38.5 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47

European sizes of women's shoes(shoes, sandals, boots)

Centimeters22 22.5 23 23.5 24 24.5 25 25.5 26 26.5 27 27.5 28 29.5
Russia34 34.5 35 36 36.5 37 37.5 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
Europe35 35.5 36 37 37.5 38 38.5 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

European sizes of children's shoes(for schoolchildren, boys, girls)

Centimeters19 19.5 20 20.5 21 21.5 22 22.5 23 23.5 24 24.5
Russia32 33 33.5 34 34.5 35 36 36.5 37 37.5 38 39
Europe33 34 34.5 35 35.5 36 37 37.5 38 38.5 39 40

Thanks to this size chart, each customer can easily choose the right shoe size. To do this, you just need to measure your foot along the insole, mark the extreme points of the foot and compare the data with the table. It should be remembered that not every table will help you correctly convert European shoe sizes to Russian. Some European brands have an individual sizing chart, it is provided on the manufacturer’s website. By the way, many not particularly qualified intermediaries disseminate information that European and Russian shoe sizes are identical. This is absolutely false! In most cases, EU shoe sizes differ from ours by an average size. Carefully study the information provided, especially on forums with reviews about this or that European brand, and then you will definitely become the owner of high-quality European shoes of the right size.

When purchasing shoes online, it is difficult to choose the right model. The situation is complicated by the fact that you cannot try on anything in advance. Did you know that in order to determine which shoe size to choose with a foot length of 28 cm, it is not enough to know only the dimensions of the insole?

Size is a letter or number variable that is typically calculated based on the length of the insole.

But, nevertheless, buying shoes in exact accordance with the standards can make a big mistake. This applies not only to children's shoes, but also to adults. In addition to the length of the insole, you should also consider the fullness of the leg, the width of the foot, and the shape.

Today, most manufacturers make shoes according to the average foot width in order to save money. Therefore, even if you have a foot size of 28 cm, you should not buy anything without trying it on.

Generally accepted standards

Today there are 62 numberings:

  • 1-23 - intended for dwarfs;
  • 18-38 – for children;
  • 36-46 – for adults;
  • 47-62 – for giants or people with a special leg structure.

There are also several international systems for calculating shoe standards. One of the most popular is the European mesh.

International standard

Numbering in the international system is determined by the length of the insole. The ISO 3355-77 system is used to determine the values. All values ​​are indicated in millimeters; when converted to cm, the result obtained is rounded to a larger number. Start from the heel and end on the most protruding toe. The system does not take into account the shape of the leg and its fullness, so it is one of the simplest.

European parameters

All numbers are determined by the length of the insole. Parameters are measured in strokes, which are 2/3 centimeters or equal to 6.7 mm. As a rule, the length of the insole is slightly longer than the foot itself by a few cm. This functional omission makes European size abbreviations an order of magnitude larger than the standards used in the international system. Thus, it can be determined that a 28 cm insole in euro size will be equal to the parameters of the 43 standard.

English settlement system

All measurements are calculated in inches. According to the standard, all sizes are calculated depending on the original value. In the English system, a zero number is 4 inches. This is the size of a newborn baby's foot. All subsequent numbering is carried out every 1/3 inch, which is equal to 8.5 mm.

American calculations

As in the previous system, all calculations are carried out in inches. The only difference in the calculations is that the American grid uses a much smaller size as a basis. The numbering changes every 1/3 inch. Besides, female standards allocated in a separate table.

For a foot length of 28 cm, men's shoes can be selected according to the following values ​​​​given in our table of correspondence to several international standards:



American men's

French Europe

Thus, if you live in Russia and your language is Russian men's size shoes with a foot of 28 cm (along the length of the insole), then you can safely buy via the Internet: boots, shoes or sneakers of the following standards:

  • Russian – 42;
  • Ukrainian – 9;
  • American -9.5;
  • French -42 (euro).

Shoe size conversion charts

The table for matching men's shoe sizes in different numbering grids looks like this:


If your insole length is 28 cm, then you can buy shoes without any problems (even without measuring them first), simply using this table as a guide. As for women's sizes, you can make the following table:


You can buy children's shoes from different manufacturers using the following table:


Buying things without trying them on online is profitable and easy. If you are well versed in your parameters, no matter what country you live in, you can easily order trendy clothes without unnecessary overpayments, without running around the shops in endless fittings.

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