How to make a fasting day on milk tea? Euphorbia for a fasting day - the ideal combination of benefits and effectiveness

Fasting days, if spent wisely, are beneficial for the body. They give him time to rest and recover, help cleanse him of toxins and speed up his metabolism. Which, of course, cannot but have a positive effect on the figure. And most importantly, it is not harmful at all, unlike long-term low-calorie diets.

But what option fasting day choose from dozens of existing ones? We suggest you unload with milk tea - it’s easy, healthy and even, in general, tasty. Plus, if you believe the reviews of those who have lost weight, milk tea helps you lose up to one or two kilograms per day. Tempting? Then let's go!

So that you can immediately decide whether such a “diet” is right for you, let’s talk about how a fasting day on milk tea is useful, and in which cases it is better not to use it.

So, according to research and reviews, the Molokochai diet:

  • tones;
  • helps remove harmful substances from the body - toxins and waste;
  • helps calm nerves;
  • effectively fights swelling;
  • has a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • lowers the temperature.

The secret of milkweed's success is successful combination products. Thanks to tea, milk is better absorbed and “ferments” less in the body. And tea, in turn, thanks to milk becomes more harmless - the impact of caffeine and alkaloids that are part of tea is reduced.

If you believe the reviews, the milk tea diet is quite filling, and there are practically no calories in such “food”. Therefore, milk tea is ideal for weight loss - you will practically not feel the pangs of hunger.

Now – about the cons. The first is that milk contains everything beneficial properties teas are fading away. In addition, if you overdo it with milk tea, there is a risk of disrupting the gastrointestinal tract.

Contraindications for use: low blood pressure (milk milk drops it even lower), pregnancy and breastfeeding, kidney disease, and lactose intolerance.

How to properly spend the fasting day “Molokochai”?

For everything to go smoothly, without problems with the gastrointestinal tract and with the necessary plumb lines, the main thing is to organize the process correctly and follow a few simple but important rules:

  • Do not eat any foods other than milk milk itself.
  • You need to choose the right raw materials: good, expensive green, black or herbal tea (for example, lemon balm or mint), as well as low-fat milk - no more than 2.5%. The most ideal option is green tea and skim milk.
  • Physical activity is advisable - this will help you lose weight more quickly.

According to reviews, the results of weight loss with milk tea are minus 1-2 kilograms per day. It depends on your starting weight - the higher it is, the larger the plumb line will be.

Euphorbia for weight loss: a recipe for beauty and slimness

So, we moved on to the main question - how to prepare milk tea for weight loss? There are several ways to do this, and we'll share with you all the ones we know about.

Milkweed: recipe No. 1

Take one and a half liters of milk - it’s better than low-fat homemade milk, but packaged milk will do, as long as the spoon doesn’t stand in it :). We will also need two tablespoons of good loose leaf green tea. The milk must be brought to a boil (but under no circumstances boil!), then add tea to it, turn off the gas and let the drink sit for 10 minutes. No sugar or honey should be added - otherwise after such a “fasting day” there will be no minus on the scales , and a plus. Strain the finished drink and place it in a thermos, or even better, in the refrigerator to ensure it doesn’t go sour.

How to drink milk tea? Throughout the day - every couple of hours, one mug. You simply won’t have time to get hungry enough!

Milkweed: recipe No. 2

In this case, large leaf green tea (or mint, lemon balm or other herbs) needs to be brewed traditional way– for a glass of boiling water, two teaspoons of dry product. We leave this whole thing for five minutes, after which we combine it with boiled milk in a one-to-one ratio. Use it the same way.

AND last option How to make milk tea for weight loss - don’t cook it at all. Is that really possible? Yes - in the light version of the Milkweed diet. You just need to drink a mug of strong green tea every couple of hours, and in between - low-fat cow's milk. In just a day you will need up to eight mugs of tea and one and a half liters of milk.

We taught you how to make milk tea. And what will come of such weight loss - you must tell! We are waiting for your feedback!

Such a problem as excess weight will probably remain relevant for all times. Those losing weight do not always want to experience the dubious effect of numerous syrups, tablets and other miracle remedies on their own body. Everyone thinks about the safest way to achieve what they want.

One of the time-tested options is losing weight with milk tea. We are talking about a drink that contains milk and green (or black) tea. In our article we will look at what milk tea is, its benefits and some recipes for its preparation will be described in the article.

What is milkweed

This is the most common tea (green or black) with the addition of milk. In childhood, almost all children were given this gentle and invigorating drink.

Not everyone knows that this healing composition was discovered by the Hindus. It was they who came up with the idea of ​​brewing tea directly in milk without using water. The origins of the drink are debated. Some theories are based on knowledge of its unusual benefits, others (more realistic) argue about the need to replace ordinary water with milk, which is not very clean in India.

Of course, there was no talk of a milk tea diet at first. The ability of the drink to reduce body weight was among the first to be appreciated by Americans. This can be confirmed by the story of Oprah Winfrey, a famous presenter who, with its help, managed to normalize her weight quickly and without any side effects. This drink can be considered a universal remedy for maintaining beauty and health, accessible to anyone and very easy to prepare.

How does milk tea work? What are its benefits for the body? The explanation is simple - the composition of the drink stimulates the removal of excess bile and fluid from tissues. There is a cleansing of impurities and toxins. Negative influence caffeine is reduced. Fats are digested easier and faster. The condition of the mucous membranes of the stomach and other organs improves. Appetite is noticeably reduced due to a long-term feeling of fullness.

Losing weight with milk tea is not only simple and effective, but also tasty, satisfying and healthy!


Although the composition of the drink implies its complete safety, it still cannot be called suitable for any of us. Use in case of individual intolerance to lactose and milk is strictly prohibited. You should drink it with caution in case of kidney disease, gastrointestinal tract, high blood pressure, during pregnancy and lactation. In addition, it must be remembered that a milk-based fasting day should not fall in the middle of the work week. This especially applies to those whose activities involve serious physical or mental stress.

Milkweed - reviews from doctors

By “getting hooked” on a diet of this drink, you can lose 2-4 kilos during one single fasting day (this depends on total amount excess weight). It is also effective when included in other diets. Even if you just drink it without restricting your diet, your weight will gradually decrease. According to reviews of milkweed for those losing weight, the rate of the process is from 500 g per day.

Don't get carried away

At first glance, everything is simple - we switch exclusively to milk tea, drink liters of it and lose weight, lose weight, lose weight. But no doctor will recommend this tactic to you. Both tea and milk individually are very beneficial for the body. But don't forget that large number drinks leads to dehydration. To avoid this, you should adhere to the menu prescribed for this diet and drink a lot of clean water.

Carrying out a fasting day on milk tea is recommended once a week or once every 10 days - no more often. You should resort to a diet on it once a quarter (at least once a month). For those who are ready to seriously get hooked on this type of weight loss option, we advise you to pay very close attention to your health status. The problem with this diet may be reduced absorption of calcium from milk under the influence of tea. As a result of a lack of intake of this element into the body, increased fragility of blood vessels, joints and bones is possible. Also, such a diet is fraught with the growth of stones in bladder and kidneys, or chronic hypotension may be provoked.

Too frequent use of such a mixture can theoretically lead to the appearance of carcinogens. Thus, caution here, as in any matter, will not hurt.

The main thing is to remember that the destruction of fat under the influence of the drink does not occur by itself. The mechanism of action is based, as already mentioned, on cleansing the body and normalizing metabolism.

And representatives official medicine, And traditional healers We are unanimous in our opinion - with moderate and reasonable consumption, tea with milk will bring nothing but benefits to the body.

Euphorbia for weight loss: recipe

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to limit yourself to the banal mixing of milk with tea. If you are preparing a mixture with the goal of losing weight, you will need to maintain certain proportions and strictly follow the recommendations. So, let’s look at the most popular and effective milk tea recipes for weight loss.

Euphorbia for weight loss - recipe No. 1 (classic). Bring low-fat milk (1 l) to a boil over low heat. When boiling, add a couple of tablespoons of green tea with stirring. Then cover with a lid and let sit for 20 minutes. You can stir the drink periodically during this time. This recipe for milk tea for weight loss is recommended when following a diet and on fasting days. If you are categorically against unsweetened drinks, you can add a little natural honey.

Euphorbia for weight loss - recipe No. 2. English milkweed. You can still take the same green tea or, preferably, real Earl Gray. First, prepare the tea leaves, cool it, mix it with milk in a ratio of 2 to 1 in a large enamel mug, then heat it in a water bath to an acceptable temperature for consumption. This recipe is also good for fasting days and diets.

Avoid brewing too strongly. Some people infuse milk tea in a thermos. This should absolutely not be done. Its abilities will quickly be lost, but the benefits can turn into harm for the body. To enhance the fat-burning effect, you can combine the drink with certain foods.

Milkweed - recipe (additional options)

An interesting option with ginger. This drink has an original aroma and taste, and also activates all metabolic processes in the body. The ability of ginger to break down fat cells has long been known, as has its positive effect on the protective capabilities of our body.

Another recipe for preparing milk tea with ginger consists of boiling low-fat milk (1-1.5%) and then adding 3 teaspoons of tea (black or green) to the boiled liquid. After which the fire is reduced to a minimum level, the contents are covered with a lid and simmered for a few more minutes. Then everything is cooled and filtered. This composition is drunk 4 hours before any meal or simply when you feel hungry.

Another option is to grind dry ginger (a pinch), a cinnamon stick, a bud or two cloves using a coffee grinder. You can also add a little cardamom (if desired). Pour the resulting mixture in the amount of one teaspoon with half a liter of boiling water and simmer for about 7 minutes. Then mix with low-fat milk (700 ml) and a couple of teaspoons of tea - black or green.

Everything is boiled for two to three minutes, then filtered and drunk three times a day before meals (a quarter of an hour before) or when the feeling of hunger worsens.

You can add a teaspoon (teaspoon) of green and black tea to boiling water (0.5 l) and after a couple of minutes of cooking, pour in low-fat milk (400 ml). After boiling, add grated ginger (a teaspoon). The fire is turned off, the drink is infused under the lid until it cools completely, then after straining it is taken as indicated above.

This drink can be prepared with honey. You may ask, how do honey, a high-calorie product, and weight loss combine? In this case, its role is to stimulate the action of other ingredients and activate metabolic processes.

If we consider milk tea for weight loss, there is more than one recipe with honey. For example, in one of the cups we brew green tea (one teaspoon per 100 ml of boiling water), in the other we mix hot milk with half a teaspoon of honey. After a couple of minutes of infusion, combine the ingredients, pouring them carefully in a thin stream into the third container. This way we achieve their uniform mixing.

You can also add about 3 teaspoons of black tea to boiling milk (1 liter) and turn off the heat after a couple of minutes of cooking. The mixture is cooled and filtered, then bee nectar (a spoon) and a small pinch of ground black pepper are added to it.

There is even a recipe for milk tea for weight loss with garlic! Namely, mix 3 well-chopped cloves with cold milk (1 l), slowly bring to a boil and boil for about 10 minutes. Finally, add a couple of tablespoons of black tea. Served, as in other versions, cooled after straining through several layers of gauze. If the taste seems unusual, you can add a little honey.

It's easy to make milk tea. The cooking recipe will help you.

What is especially important

Each recipe for milk tea for weight loss has its own characteristics. You must remember that there should be no discomfort when taking the drink. Do not under any circumstances allow such phenomena as vomiting, nausea or diarrhea. It will not be superfluous to consult a doctor before going on a milk tea diet.

A lot has been said about the benefits of fasting days for the human body. Each of us should rest not only from work, but also from rich food. The purpose of unloading is to cleanse the digestive system and restore strength.

It is in such cases that milk tea will help. The results of its use are effective due to a long-lasting feeling of satiety. If you are determined to fight overweight more than decisively, try to make do with only the indicated drink during the fasting day, without eating any other food at all. In the absence of calories, the body willy-nilly switches to burning fat deposits. As a rule, the next day after unloading, you are pleasantly surprised by a feeling of lightness and a huge surge of strength.

What rules must be followed?

When unloading on milk tea, you need to drink a day clean water(non-carbonated) with a volume of 2 liters. If you unload too often, you can wash out a large number of useful microelements from the body along with harmful toxins.

You should take milk with a fat content of 1-2%. Drink milk tea in equal portions on a regular basis. The habit of adhering to a schedule in this matter may not arise immediately.

Various unloading options

The most popular way is to drink only water, milk tea and a small amount of cottage cheese on a fasting day. All liquid (water and healing drink) is divided into equal portions and, alternating with each other, is drunk throughout the day. This method leads to the most effective cleaning and getting rid of swelling. It is traditional for those who urgently need to lose a couple of extra pounds. You can extend the unloading on milk tea for 3 days.

How effective is it?

The effect of such fasting days is pronounced, but unstable. However, the result obtained from this drink can be preserved for quite a long time. One of the most popular options today involves losing weight up to 15 kilograms. Of course, this work is hard and long.

The consumption of the drink must be accompanied by adequate physical activity, proper reasonable nutrition and compliance with all inherent healthy image life habits. On a fasting day, you should have breakfast with milk tea: oatmeal with water or steamed buckwheat. Then you can have a snack of fresh vegetables or hard cheese with grain bread. For lunch, prepare yourself soup without potatoes in it, and also boil some vegetables. They are also recommended for afternoon tea in any form.

For dinner you can afford eggs or an omelet, a little chicken meat. At night, as a second dinner, you can drink a little kefir or a portion of yogurt. At the same time, drink milk tea, distributing it in an amount of one and a half liters into equal doses.

Don't focus solely on losing weight. Don’t forget about an active lifestyle and don’t try to weigh yourself every day, then the arrow on the scale can soon make you seriously happy.

Fasting days are very beneficial for the body. They give him time to rest and recover. During them, it is purified from toxic substances that have a poisonous effect on the body and. At the same time, active weight loss is observed, which, of course, cannot please the fair sex. The most popular today is a fasting day with milk tea. According to many women, it is not only healthy, but also very tasty!

Fasting days for weight loss using mokocha have one main rule - you cannot eat any food throughout the day. You are only allowed to drink tea with milk prepared according to a special recipe (we will look at it below).

If you believe the reviews that are available about this option for losing weight, then we can say that with the help of a fasting day on milk tea you can! At the same time, the process of getting rid of excess weight depends on several factors:

  • initial weight - the greater it is, the more kilograms will be lost with the help of a fasting day;
  • physical activity - if you just lie on the couch during unloading, then, naturally, you won’t be able to lose many kilograms;
  • the presence of other foods in the diet - despite the fact that milk tea helps, many still cannot resist their hunger and begin to eat a little of other foods, which is simply unacceptable during fasting days.

Good results during fasting days can only be achieved by following all the rules. That is, no additional food and moderate physical activity!

The benefits and harms of a fasting day on milk tea

There is a lot of debate about the benefits and harms of fasting days on milk tea. Some argue that this drink negatively affects the functioning of the digestive tract. Therefore, it is better to carry out a procedure that helps normalize the gastrointestinal tract and actively cleanse the body.

Others, on the contrary, believe that a fasting day on milk tea is more effective than on kefir and does not provoke the appearance of diarrhea. Here's what the doctors think. In their opinion, fasting days are dangerous to health. The body needs energy, it gets it from nutrition. And when regular food is completely absent from a person’s diet, the body does not receive energy in the required quantity and not only does it suffer from appearance losing weight, but also him internal organs– their work is disrupted.

Fasting days have a beneficial effect only if they are carried out for no more than 1 day. However, the next day you should not immediately return to your usual diet, as this will put a strong strain on the digestive tract. It is necessary to provide for yours.

Well, speaking in general, doctors believe that such daily fasting is useful only for those who have chronic diseases of the digestive system. They are of no use to a healthy person.

To get rid of extra pounds, you can periodically carry out classical unloading. The drink can be prepared immediately for the whole day by brewing it in a thermos.

So, to prepare milk tea you need one and a half liters of milk and a couple of tablespoons of good green tea. The milk needs to be brought to a boil (but not boiled!), and then add tea to it and let the drink brew for about 10 minutes. You should not add sugar or honey to tea.

To prepare this drink, it is best to use homemade milk low-fat, not the packaged variety sold in every store. During the fasting day, you need to drink the prepared drink every 2 hours, 1 mug. If you are overcome by severe hunger, you can muffle it with fresh vegetables and fruits, but in small quantities. Do not drink coffee, alcohol or other drinks between milk drinks. You can only drink water.

There is another option for a fasting day. You need to drink one mug of strong green tea every 2 hours. You can put sugar or honey in it, but not more than ½ tsp. But in between drinking tea you should drink milk. In just a day you should drink 7-8 cups of tea and 1.5 liters of natural cow's milk.

And most safe method Fasting days include drinking milk tea instead of dinner for several weeks. This should be followed during the day or any other day. The main thing is that the daily caloric content of the diet does not exceed 1400 kcal.

If your body cannot digest dairy products, then you should avoid drinking milk tea for weight loss, as it may cause severe harm to your health.

Video about milkweed for weight loss

A person who wants to lose weight and/or keep his weight under control, without resorting to extreme measures, should try to arrange fasting days. One of optimal options- fasting day on milk tea. This is a very tasty drink that perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger, but has beneficial effects in several directions at once.

What is milkweed?

The name “milk tea” is a healing drink made from milk and tea. This combination is very effective - with proper organization of unloading on such a mixture, you can get rid of up to one and a half kilograms of excess weight. In addition, milk tea can also help stimulate metabolism and cleanse the excretory and digestive systems of the body. The drink also cleanses the skin well.

Milkweed is recommended for almost all people, except for those who suffer from lactose intolerance, such people should refrain from this method or replace regular milk with soy milk. But soy milk has a different composition, so the effect may not be as good.

How the drink works

The positive effect of the drink is achieved by several factors at once.

  • Firstly, tea makes it easier to digest milk fats, so the drink is allowed for consumption even by people who suffer from various diseases of the digestive tract.
  • Secondly, tannin, which is contained in tea, helps protect the gastric mucosa from fermentation products, therefore the positive properties of milk affect the body, and the negative ones are partially blocked.
  • Thirdly, milk allows you to soften the effects of caffeine and alkaloids, which are contained in any tea, on the human body.
  • Fourthly, thanks to calcium, which is found in large quantities in milk, the process of fat burning is activated.
  • Fifth, caffeine is also great for burning fat, so the effect of milk is complemented by the effect of tea.
  • Sixth, when the fasting day on milk tea comes to an end, then, thanks to the diuretic and choleretic properties of the drink, withdrawal occurs excess liquid from the body.

In addition, the drink contains a large number of microelements and vitamins that are important for the body. Therefore, it is recommended to use milk tea not only for weight loss, but also to fully improve health and restore the condition of the kidneys, heart and nervous system.

Cooking methods

Milkweed is not a strict recipe for a drink; there are a number of its variations that may be suitable for different tasks and situations.

  1. The first method is to boil one and a half liters of milk in a convenient container, after which about three tablespoons of tea are added there. The drink is infused for half an hour, after which it is filtered. Optionally you can add small quantity natural honey, but no more than two tablespoons.
  2. The second method is that you first brew regular tea, that is, put a couple of tablespoons of it in a glass of water. After this, you need to mix all this with a glass of milk. It is recommended to use green loose leaf tea, but there will be no problem if you take lemon balm, mint or others instead medicinal herbs. Regular black tea will not be as effective. There is an alternative opinion - some nutritionists advise taking only a third of the milk, that is, making classic English tea.

There is also an option when you do not make milk tea as a separate drink, but simply drink tea (necessarily strong, the stronger the better) and milk at short intervals on the same day.

Fasting day options

When the most suitable tea has been chosen, it is necessary to understand in what quantities it should be consumed. It all depends on how it was prepared.

  • If the tea was directly brewed in milk, then you just need to drink it a day in convenient portions.
  • If brewed tea is mixed with milk, then you need to drink a mug of this mixture approximately every day.
  • If you just drink milk separately and strong tea separately, then you need to drink a cup of the latter every two hours (do not add more than a spoonful of sugar, otherwise the effect will go away), and during breaks you need to drink about 1.5 liters of milk in arbitrary quantities.

Nuances of a fasting day

A fasting day on milk tea can be made much more effective if you take into account several important nuances.

On the eve of spring, beautiful ladies face the issue of losing weight. Fasting days on milk tea will help you achieve your goal. This method is relevant for people who want to lose a few extra pounds with all their might, but at the same time do not want to suffer from a lack of food. After all, this delicious drink perfectly satisfies hunger.

What kind of animal is this?

Now let's look at this issue in detail. So, milk tea is a healing drink made from tea and milk. The effectiveness of this technique is very high. If you organize it correctly, which we will describe below, then you can reduce body weight by one and a half kilograms per day.

In addition to the fact that the drink helps to get rid of annoying excess weight, it also has a positive effect on the entire body, cleanses the organs of the excretory and digestive systems, as well as the skin.

Let us note that almost everyone can afford fasting days on milk tea, of course, except for those who experience such a drink having only a positive effect on the entire body. Why? Let's explain now. This drink contains tea, which facilitates the digestion of milk fats. Thanks to this, milk tea can be consumed by people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases. It contains a substance such as tannin. It protects the gastric mucosa from the end products of fermentation. Another benefit is that green tea lowers blood sugar. The effect of caffeine and alkaloids on our body softens milk. And also as part of this dairy product calcium is present, which activates active fat burning.


Fasting days on milk tea - good way losing weight in a short time. In addition, this drink helps remove excess water from the body. In addition, milk tea is characterized by a choleretic effect.

Nutritionists advise using it not only to combat excess weight, but also to restore the activity of the heart, nervous system and kidneys. And - on top of that - this drink has tonic properties.

The effectiveness of such a fasting day depends on the correct preparation of milk tea. The first thing you need to do is select the raw materials on the basis of which you will make this wonderful drink. You can use either black tea or herbal tea (melissa, mint, etc.), or, for example, green tea. Interesting option- a mixture of several varieties. You will also need low-fat milk (no more than 2.5% fat). The drink must be stored either in a thermos or in the refrigerator.

Cooking methods

There are several cooking options. The first one is the following:

Pour one and a half liters of milk into a container, bring to a boil, then add 3 tbsp. spoons of tea (any kind). Then let the drink brew (about half an hour), then strain it. If you want, you can add natural honey. For this amount of drink - no more than 2 tbsp. spoons

Second method: brew tea according to the usual recipe, that is, add 2 teaspoons of tea to one glass of hot water. Let it brew for five minutes, then combine with boiled milk (1:1). For this drink you can take mint, lemon balm and other medicinal herbs. But the most effective is loose leaf green tea.

Proper organization of unloading at milkweed

Now let's build a diagram of our diet. Remember, only one fasting day is allowed per week. The greatest effect is observed in the first 24 hours of drinking this wonderful drink. After which the body gets used to it and no longer reacts so effectively to its cleansing actions.

The most important thing in such unloading is the careful organization of entry and exit. The dinner before a significant day should be light, and the first meal after a fasting day should be exactly the same. By the way, experts advise drinking a cup of freshly squeezed apple and carrot juice on an empty stomach in the morning after a day of milk tea. By consuming this nectar, you will enhance the effect after unloading.

During the fasting day, you can drink a diluted drink: the same amount of hot water for half a glass of milk tea. During this diet, in addition to the main drink, you should drink a lot of liquid (about 2 liters).

Try to drink milk tea regularly (for example, every few hours). Then you will not feel hungry. You can drink this product both cold and hot.

Fasting day on milk tea: reviews, features and results

A survey was conducted of losing weight girls who used this technique. We found out that in one day you can lose up to one and a half kilograms on milk tea. The result depends on several factors:

The amount of excess fluid in the body. As you understand, for people who have a lot of extra pounds, the plumb line will be more noticeable.

Diet. Some people ignore the rule and begin to consume some foods during the fasting day.

Physical activity. If you drink milk tea and do exercises, you can achieve greater results.

Note that some people lost weight not 1, but 3 whole days on milk tea. Feedback from respondents in this case is good. The girls note that they liked this method of losing weight, especially if you use greens with peach or mango to prepare the drink. According to the respondents, after such unloading they felt light; significant changes in volumes were noticed for three days.

However, not everyone sings the praises of the drink in question. As you understand, there are also negative reviews among them. So, some girls claim that milk tea provokes an upset stomach, which, by the way, does not go away so quickly. This is explained by the fact that an important component of the drink is milk - a product that is not tolerated by many adults, as a result of which a similar reaction of the body manifests itself. Therefore, before starting such a diet, be sure to ask your doctor if you are lactose intolerant. It would be a good idea to discuss the use of this method with him: despite the fact that such unloading is easily tolerated, it is a great stress for the body.


Now you know what fasting days on milk tea are, and how to properly maintain such a mini-diet. Lose weight for your health!

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