Beautiful DIY paper Christmas balls. Simple New Year's toys for the Christmas tree made of paper - ideas for DIY crafts with children. Making a ball of corrugated paper

This voluminous and bright ball is suitable for creating a festive ambiance for any festive event. For example, it can be a New Year's decoration, decorating a Christmas tree; several of these balls look beautiful in the form. The craft is not at all complicated, especially since the paper ball is presented step by step, with a detailed explanation and visual photographs.

What do you need for a voluminous paper ball?

  • Colored paper. I took three colors - green, yellow and red. But you can, for brightness, take more, for example, 5, according to the number of segments on the side of the ball. Or vice versa, be original and take only 2 colors: black and white, white and blue, red and white. Consider the interior color when choosing.
  • Scissors, glue stick, thread, compass, pencil.

Instead of a compass, I used a glass, and if you have a special composter, then that’s great; you can make an unlimited number of balls and decorate the entire room with a garland.

How to make a ball out of paper?

To make one paper ball you will need 20 circles. Their size depends on how big the ball is needed. I traced the top of the glass and ended up with a cute ball that can be hung on the Christmas tree.

Trace or draw several circles on colored paper with a compass, fold the paper several times and cut out 20 circles.

Each circle needs to be folded so that it forms an inner triangle and three sides, which we will subsequently glue to each other. To do this, first fold two sides of the circle.

Then fold the third one. You should try to make them the same, but if there are small errors, it’s okay.

Thus you need to make 20 triangles. But, to make it convenient to take and glue them, after all the sides have already been determined, straighten the triangle.

Take two folded circles and glue any sides together.

Continuing around the circle, glue all 5 and glue the first and last to complete the circle. You will get a paper piece like this, like a lid.

Make 2 of these caps. It will take 10 circles to create them.

And then we continue to glue the remaining 10 circles, but not in a circle, but straight. That is, each subsequent circle is glued not to the extreme side, completing the circle, but to each other, forming a straight paper part. This is what 5 multi-colored circles look like.

And here all 10 circles are already glued.

We wrap the long piece with the sticking sides outward and glue the ends together. To make a ring.

Now we have all the components of the paper ball, all that remains is to put them together.

Glue one cap to the paper ring. You still need to glue in the area of ​​the curved sides of the circles.

And thread the thread into the second cap. If the thread is thick enough, for example, twine, it is enough to make a knot at its tip. But if, like mine, it’s very thin, decorative, in addition to the knot, I also used tape, for reliability. Naturally, all these manipulations must be done in the inner part of the lid; only the thread should remain on the outer part.

Now all that remains is to glue this lid to the almost finished work and the bright paper ball is ready step by step. If you need a garland of such balls, the thread or string must pass through the ball, that is, through both lids.

Using balls to decorate a Christmas tree is an old tradition. But glass decorations have to be constantly updated if there are small children and beloved pets at home. And plastic is no longer so interesting and festive. Therefore, it is worth remembering Japan. Origami masters can tell you many ways to make Christmas balls out of paper with your own hands.

There are complex ways, but with incredibly beautiful results. Some decorations can be made in literally 5 minutes if you try a little and involve the whole family in preparing for the New Year 2018.

For 2018, it is recommended to use pastel-colored paper for making. It is best to use shades of beige, yellow and brown. To make the simplest decorations, you only need 16 strips of paper and a thread and a needle.

  1. A stack of long rectangles is stacked together.
  2. A hole must be made at both ends. It is desirable that it be in the middle, and there should be a space of about 5 mm from the edge of the paper. This way there is less chance that the ball will break. You can further strengthen this part by placing a cardboard circle on top and bottom.
  3. A stack of sheets is bent in an arc and a thread is threaded through the holes. Knots are tied on both sides, or the edges of the rope are glued to the paper.
  4. You can add charm to the decoration if you string beads behind the knots as an additional element.
  5. The strips are pulled apart until a ball is formed.

Made from plain white paper, such a decorative element may look unsightly. But if you experiment with different colors or try to make kinks on the stripes, you can get a unique and inimitable New Year's decoration.

Ball of 12 circles

One of the easiest ways to make beautiful DIY paper Christmas balls requires only a dozen round pieces, double-sided multi-colored paper of the same size and glue.

You can use one tone or several at once to create a more festive atmosphere. A stapler will also be useful to fasten the parts of the workpiece together and a beautiful thread on which the ball will hang.

  1. Using a compass, 12 identical circles are drawn. Then they are cut out with scissors and folded into a neat stack. When using several colors, it is better to lay the workpiece parts one by one, using 2 circles of the same color at a time.
  2. The entire stack along the axis is fastened with a stapler. One staple at the top and one at the bottom to securely hold the paper in place. Then along this line the workpiece is bent in half.
  3. A thread is glued into the middle of the resulting book, from which you can hang a New Year's ball. You can also secure it by making a loop and carefully tightening it around a stack of circles.
  4. The last stage is gluing the layers. To do this, the semicircle is divided into approximately 3 equal parts. First, glue is applied to the upper third and the “page” is turned over. Then the lower part is glued and the layer is transferred again. So, observing the order, the operation is repeated until all the circles are glued together.

To prevent the layers from coming apart, they can be secured with ordinary paper clips.

After the ball is ready, all that remains is to hang it on the Christmas tree and start preparing other interesting decorations.

Puzzle ball

Some decorations don't even require glue and are a fun puzzle you can make at home.

The easiest way to do this is to use ready-made diagrams and templates that are printed on thick paper, so that you can then prepare New Year’s balls in literally 5 minutes with your own hands.

But you can draw the base yourself. To do this you will need a compass and a pencil with a ruler:

  1. A circle is drawn.
  2. An equilateral triangle fits inside.
  3. The circle is cut out. Cuts are made along the sides of the triangle for half the length.
  4. Prepare 8 circles according to the same pattern.

By connecting the parts with puzzles, you need to make a single structure from 2 pyramids of 4 triangles each.

The square bottom remains empty so that it can later be attached to a second similar structure. The first attempt to assemble such a puzzle can take quite a lot of time. But later you can create jewelry without thinking.

The basis of the decoration, if you look closely, is a geometric figure - an octahedron. By analogy, you can make more complex decorations if you use not a triangle, but a square or pentagon at the base.

But it will be more difficult to make the blank:

  • The required polygon is drawn.

  • Each side is the diameter of a circle. The compass needle is placed exactly in the middle and a semicircle is drawn connecting the vertices of the polygon.

  • The resulting figure is cut out.

  • A cut is made on each side of the polygon to the middle, marked by a dot from the needle.

  • All that remains is to assemble a three-dimensional figure from the received parts. A cube is made from squares. This will require 6 blanks. The pentagons make a dodecahedron.

To make it you will need 12 parts, but the result will look much more interesting.


To make some New Year's paper balls with your own hands, you don't even need special step-by-step instructions. They are made phenomenally simply and quickly.

Decorating from cones is very convenient and easy to do together with children, without worrying that everything around will be smeared with glue, and unevenly cut parts will spoil the appearance of the finished Christmas ball.

To make it you will need:

  • 10 circles of paper;
  • needle and thread;
  • scissors;
  • 2-sided tape.

An incision is made in each circle exactly to the middle. If they were drawn using a compass, then this place will be marked with a puncture. The edges are folded towards the middle into two cones and glued with tape.

The resulting double parts remain to be strung on a thread. To do this, a puncture is made with a needle in the place where the tips of the cones connect. All that remains is to carefully pull the thread so as not to tear the paper and tie a loop at the end.

Flower kusudama

In the Japanese tradition of origami, paper balls are called “kusudama” and are not used to celebrate the New Year. They are believed to accumulate positive energy, so they are often given to hospital patients with wishes for a speedy recovery.

On New Year's holidays, instead of glass balls and toys, you can use these “energy lanterns” made from paper yourself to decorate your home. But this may require the patience of a real samurai.

One of the most beautiful traditional kusudama is made from 60 parts. Accordingly, all you need is 6 dozen identical small squares and glue. The easiest way is to buy origami paper in a specialized store so that you don’t have to worry about cutting it out.

There is a cheaper option - office notes. Their quality may be worse, but the price will be significantly lower. If you look in office supply stores, you may even find many interesting colors.

  1. The square is bent in half. It is important to ensure that you get a neat double triangle.
  2. The edges of the triangle are applied to the vertex. The layers should not move, and it is advisable to iron out the folds with a fingernail.
  3. The triangles bent to the top are again bent in half in the opposite direction. You will get a schematic flower. A pocket will form on the outside.
  4. A layer of paper is taken out of the pocket and folded in the opposite direction along the fold. You will get 2 irregular rhombuses on both sides of the square.
  5. The short vertices of the diamond are folded inward so that the vertex is on the fold line.
  6. The resulting triangles are folded in half towards the center of the figure.
  7. The edges of the folded triangles are glued and joined. The result is a petal with stamens inside.
  8. The petals are connected and glued together in groups of 5 to form flowers.

Roll ball

Some New Year's balls are easy to make from paper with your own hands just by looking at the photo with instructions, without going back to it step by step.

Unlike other New Year's balls, this one will be quite dense and will require a lot of materials to make:

  1. 9 five-meter paper strips. Each should increase in width from 2 centimeters to 6, in increments of 5 mm.
  2. 15-20 cm of tape for making a loop.
  3. A roll of mounting tape and a piece of 2-sided tape.
  4. PVA glue.

The ball is made quite simply. First, the widest paper strip is selected and mounting tape is glued along its middle. A loop is glued to one edge and the future New Year's ball begins to roll tightly around it.

After the first strip of paper has been rolled into a tight roll, a second layer is wound on top of it, gradually moving to narrower pieces.

The last strip is not completely glued with mounting tape. Apply 2-sided tape to the last 3 cm so that the outer side of the ball is nice and smooth without sticking out. On top, you can additionally decorate the ball using quilling techniques or use decorative ribbons with patterns.

Paper cones

To decorate the Christmas tree with your own hands with New Year's paper balls so that in the video from the holiday it seems that expensive toys were used, you just need to use a wide hole punch.

You will need:

  • foam ball for the base of the future cone;
  • twine for a loop or a beautiful narrow ribbon;
  • glue;
  • a lot of thick paper circles 1-2 cm wide, depending on the diameter of the ball.

The easiest way to make circles is to use a special hole punch. At the same time, this will help get rid of the stress that has accumulated before the holidays.

A hole is made in the first circle, where a loop of thread is fastened, and then it is glued to the ball. The edges of the “scales” should remain unglued.

The result is a very elegant decoration that is not embarrassing to hang on the Christmas tree.

Master class on New Year's paper crafts "New Year's balls"

New Year's interior decorations and paper Christmas trees

Author: Pogozheva Valentina Petrovna, teacher, MBDOU “Ust-Sertinsky kindergarten “Teremok””, p. Ust-Serta, Kemerovo region, Chebulinsky district.

The master class is designed for children of senior preschool age, school age, teachers and parents.
Purpose: The craft is a decoration for the interior of the New Year's room, a New Year's toy for decorating the Christmas tree, and can also serve as a gift for the New Year.
Target. Teach children to create a paper ball using different types of paper to reflect the New Year theme.
- Creating conditions for children’s creative manifestations, inducing feelings of joy and cultivating emotional and aesthetic feelings;
- develop children's creative abilities and imagination;
- show the need to create beautiful things and decorate their home, kindergarten, and give them to loved ones;
- cultivate accuracy in work;
- learn to make three-dimensional balls.
Materials. Colored cardboard, old postcards or glossy magazine covers, scissors, pencil, glue, circle and triangle stencil, or compass.

Pleasant New Year's chores are one of the most wonderful components of the winter holiday. Among these chores, there is always decoration of the house and the New Year tree. Toys, garlands and other decorations can be bought at the store. Well, if you have the desire and a small amount of time, then you can start making original and amazing jewelry yourself. For example, make Christmas balls out of colored paper.
Such a multi-colored volumetric ball will decorate not only the Christmas tree, but also walls, doors and windows.
New Year - it's time to play,
There's room for imagination here.
What a wonderful decoration
New Year's balls!
You say, balls are familiar,
Timeless Christmas tree outfit?
This is true, but in a normal way,
Not exactly a deep look.
And the cherished fantasy
Change your view:
These are small planets
From another galaxy
We ended up here by chance
To work you need to prepare:
Colored cardboard, old postcards, scissors, pencil, glue, circle and triangle stencil.

Making a ball:
1. Take cardboard (or postcards) and use a stencil to draw 20 circles.

2. Cut out our circles. In each circle we write an equilateral triangle, which can be drawn by hand using a ruler and pencil in each circle, or we cut out a triangle template from thick cardboard and draw it.

3. Using a ruler, carefully bend the sides of the previously drawn triangles.

4. Take five circles and glue them together so that the top of the triangles is at one point. We have the top of the ball that looks like a flower. We make a hole at the very top, thread a ribbon and secure it with a knot.
Similarly, we glue 5 fragments. This will be the bottom of the ball.

5. Now we make the middle of our ball. We glue the individual fragments into a strip and close it into a ring.

6. Now we collect all three parts of our ball into one whole: top, bottom and middle.


7. Well, our ball is ready, you can decorate the Christmas tree or New Year's hall.

You can make a New Year's ball not so big, but smaller using eight circles.
1. Draw and cut out eight circles.
2. Draw equilateral triangles in each circle, then bend the flaps.
3. Then we glue the first four blanks together, then the next four blanks.

4. We combine two blanks into one, we get this small ball.

From the same blanks you can make another ball like this:

Step-by-step work process:

1. Using a stencil, cut out 8 circles from colored paper. And you also need to cut out two smaller circles.

2. Take a large circle, fold it in half, then in half again.

3. We do this with all large circles.
4. Then take a small circle and glue folded large circles onto it.

5.So glue all four circles onto the small circle. We do the second half in the same way. We got two halves.

6.Glue the two halves together and carefully straighten the folded “pockets” of the circles.

7.This is also how we got the New Year’s ball.

These are the paper balls you can make for your Christmas tree with your own hands.

Factory-made Christmas tree decorations are found in almost every home. They are certainly very beautiful and, when combined well with other decorations in the house, can cause a decent aesthetic effect. But just buying New Year's balls is boring. Uniqueness can only be achieved by decorating New Year's balls with your own hands.

Christmas balls made of threads

The method of making balls from threads has long been used. The products are spectacular and lend themselves to additional decoration. It is possible to vary the size.

To make it you will need: threads (with a large percentage of natural fibers in the composition for good impregnation with glue), PVA glue, a disposable glass, round balloons.
Manufacturing stages:

  • Prepare glue for work. Dilute very thick mixture to the consistency of sour cream.
  • Inflate the balloon to the desired size of the toy.
  • Soak 1 meter pieces of thread in glue.
  • Wrap using the “gossamer” method so that the free holes do not exceed a diameter of 1 cm.
  • Allow the glue to dry (12 to 24 hours).
  • Remove the ball from the product by carefully bursting it and removing it through the hole of the ball.
  • Decorate the product. For this they use: glitter, paper cuttings of various shapes, sequins, beads, semi-beads, etc. Products made from threads can also be painted with paint from a can or acrylic. Watercolor and gouache are not suitable, as they can soak the product and lead to its spoiled appearance.

By making New Year's balls of different diameters, you can decorate any corner of the house with them: a Christmas tree, candlesticks, compositions in a vase, on a windowsill, etc. Balloon decor can be done like this: place a light garland on a tray and place items of different sizes but the same color on top. When the garland is turned on, they will be illuminated and create an interesting effect.

From beads

Balls made of beads will look very beautiful and impressive on the Christmas tree. In this case, the foam spheres of the blanks will be decorated. In addition to the foam blank, you will need beads, pins (sewing needles with heads like those on nails), and ribbon.

The manufacturing method is very simple:

  • Thread one bead onto one pin.
  • Attach a pin to the foam base.
  • Repeat until there is no free space left on the base.
  • At the end, attach a ribbon loop for hanging the decoration.

It is advisable to take beads of the same size to avoid empty spaces on the base. The color scheme is chosen both in one tone and in different ones. It all depends on individual preferences and the overall style of decorating the room.
Instead of a foam base, you can use plastic factory balls. Only in this case the beads will be attached not with pins, but with hot-melt glue.

From buttons

Balls made of buttons will look no less original and unique on the Christmas tree. Old unnecessary buttons do not have to be selected in the same color scheme. After all, you can always repaint them and achieve the desired shade. They look impressive in gold, bronze, silver shades, as well as all metallic colors.

To make this decor for New Year's balls, you will need: buttons (can be with through fastening or hidden), hot melt adhesive, foam or plastic blank, ribbon.

  • Apply a small amount of hot glue to the inside of the button.
  • Attach the button to the base.
  • Carry out the steps in step 2 until the entire surface is covered with buttons.
  • Attach a ribbon so that the ball can be hung.

When placing them on the tree, you need to make sure that there are not too many of them concentrated in one place. It is better to dilute such decorations with others.

From paper

Original New Year's balls can be made simply from paper, without using any base.

Ball of colored paper

To do this you will need thick (approximately 120 g/m2) paper, scissors, pins, and tape. Making the blank yourself is very simple.

  • Cut 12 strips of paper measuring 15 mm x 100 mm
  • Fasten all the strips on one side and the other with pins, retreating from the edge by 5-10 mm.
  • Spread the strips in a circle, forming a sphere.
  • Attach the ribbon to the base of the ball.

The strips can be cut not straight, but with other uneven lines. You can use curly scissors.

Corrugated paper

Corrugated paper will also come in handy. Pom-pom balls are created from it. For this you will need: corrugated paper, glue, scissors, tape.

  • If the paper is new and packaged, then measure 5 cm from the edge and cut it off. Then measure 5 cm again and cut off.
  • Cut two pieces into a “scallop” with an interval of strips of 1 cm without cutting to the base 1.5 cm.
  • Unravel one piece and begin to twist it into a “flower” in a circle, gradually gluing it together. You will get a fluffy pompom. Repeat the same steps with the second workpiece.
  • Connect two pompom blanks with glue at the gluing site. You will get a fluffy ball. Attach a loop tape to the gluing area. Fluff the resulting pompom.

Made from double-sided colored paper

You can also make a ball from double-sided colored paper. To do this you need: colored paper, scissors, glue, a round object (a cup, for example), tape.

  • Trace the cup on paper 8 times. You will get 8 equal circles. Cut them out.
  • Fold each circle into quarters.
  • Cut an additional circle with a smaller diameter.
  • Glue the blanks to it with the corners to the center on one side (4 pieces will fit), and on the other side the same.
  • Open each fold and glue it together at the joint. You will get a ball with “petals”.
  • Attach the ribbon.

Paper balls, as a rule, do not last long and are used for one season. You shouldn’t place them in large numbers on the tree; it’s better to “dilute” them with other decorations.

Made from fabric

If you have an old blouse in your closet that you hate to throw away, then not recycling it was the right decision. You can make a cute Christmas tree toy from it. For production you need: knitted fabric, scissors, sewing needle and thread, cardboard, tape.

  • Cut the longest strips of fabric 1 cm wide. Stretch each strip so that it curls the edges.
  • Cut cardboard measuring 10 cm x 20 cm.
  • Wind the resulting strips onto the cardboard along the width.
  • In the center on one side and the other, connect the strips with a needle and thread. Pull out the cardboard.
  • Cut the resulting loops along the edges.
  • Fluff and attach the ribbon.

There is another method that involves decorating a foam or plastic blank with fabric. You need any fabric (can be of different colors), hot glue, scissors.

  • Cut the fabric into rectangular pieces measuring 3 cm x 4 cm.
  • Fold them like this: fold the two top corners towards the center of the bottom.
  • Glue to the workpiece in rows, with curves inward, starting from the bottom.
  • Cover the entire ball. Attach the ribbon.

Fabric appliqués can be made in a variety of ways, using additional improvised means - beads, braid, rhinestones, ribbon.

With embroidery

Decorating New Year's balls with your own hands is also possible in this way. Decorating Christmas tree decorations with embroidery has become a new trend. To do this, use a pre-embroidered image. You also need fabric, a piece of foam or plastic, and hot glue.

  • Attach the embroidered image using glue.
  • Decorate the remaining area of ​​the ball with a fabric appliqué.

Instead of appliques, you can use the same fabric on which the embroidery was made. Alternatively, you can make a pattern from fabric, where one of the parts will be embroidery. You can also decorate each part of the pattern with separate embroidered images and secure them. After these steps, you can additionally add beads, rhinestones, sparkles, and sequins as decoration.

With filling

Such specimens will look spectacular both on the Christmas tree and as part of balloon compositions. To make unusual balls, you need to stock up on transparent plastic blanks.

By opening the holder hat, you can create various compositions inside:

  • Pour acrylic paint of different colors inside, shake the ball so that all the inner walls are painted, and let dry. The pigment will color the inside of the workpiece and it will acquire a unique color.
  • Fill the inside with small colored feathers and beads.
  • You can also pour confetti of different colors inside.
  • Pieces of old tinsel are used for filling.
  • Favorite photos are also placed inside. To do this, you need to twist a small photo into a tube (look at the diameter of the ball) and straighten it inside. Add confetti or sequins.
  • The interior is filled with colored cotton wool and complemented with beads. You can choose different colors. It is better to paint with acrylic paint. Fill after the cotton wool has completely dried.
  • Multi-colored sisal can be placed inside and enjoy the color and originality of the decoration.

Fantasies about filling a transparent ball can be different. They all relate to personal preferences and mood during needlework.

To make the interior of your home stylish and original, it is not necessary to decorate it with purchased items. You can make decorations with your own hands - this will not only provide a pleasant and interesting pastime, but will also help create a festive atmosphere in the house with the right mood. At the same time, the color scheme of the holiday is thought out and exactly the decor that suits this significant day is created. In addition, purchased jewelry is monotonous, but homemade jewelry is one of a kind.

One of the simplest solutions is paper balls. The technique for making these crafts is simple, it doesn’t take much time, and the cost of materials is low. And the paper balls look grandiose - they fill the entire space, amaze the imagination - it seems that it is impossible to do this by hand, the balls look so unhandicraft.

From the history of the appearance of paper balls

China is considered the birthplace of paper balls. Flying paper lanterns have been made there for a long time; they are still very popular today - they are launched into the air by placing oil lamps inside. Glowing lanterns flying into the night sky and disappearing among the stars somewhere in the clouds illuminated by the moon are a fascinating sight. Chinese paper lanterns later inspired the idea of ​​making paper balls. They began to decorate festive events in America and Europe.

Today, all over the world, it is a trend to create interiors for celebrations with decor from paper garlands, flowers and balloons. Products made from multi-colored and shiny paper look elegant, fragile and weightless. It’s easy to decorate a room, because paper balls weigh almost nothing. In addition, paper is an environmentally friendly material that does not pollute the environment; it is recyclable, that is, the use of paper decorations helps to save nature. In general, paper balls are one of the trends in modern fashion in the design of festive and ceremonial interiors.

Types of paper balls

Paper balls are used to decorate rooms; they can be selected thematically according to the manufacturing method and colors. For example, multi-colored balloons are suitable for a children's birthday, and a wedding hall can be decorated with balloons in pastel colors. It is considered stylish to hang balloons of the same color but different sizes in a room. You can decorate a Christmas tree with small paper balls. The technique for making paper balls is different, and they all look interesting in different ways.

Balls are made from:

  • long strips of paper;
  • paper circles;
  • geometric shapes made of paper;
  • from curled and folded paper;
  • made of paper pyramids sewn together at the ends (in Japanese - “kusudama”).

You can also make a paper accordion ball and an “origami ball.” But first, you should master the two simplest techniques on small balls - a ball made of paper circles and a ball made of paper strips.

Preparing for work

In order for the work to immediately begin to progress, you first need to stock up on everything necessary for needlework. You will need the following materials and tools:

  • a pack of colored paper;
  • double-sided tape or adhesive stick;
  • satin ribbon;
  • a sheet of thick cardboard;
  • spool of sewing thread;
  • scissors;
  • sewing needle;
  • stapler;
  • compass (can be replaced with a cup or saucer and simply draw circles around them);
  • for decoration - shiny sequins.

When choosing materials you need to pay attention to some things. When buying colored paper, you should look at the density of the sheets - they should be of medium density. If the paper is too thin, the ball may wrinkle or tear at the folds. Sheets that are too dense are difficult to bend neatly along the lines.

Regular colored paper can be replaced with corrugated paper - the ball will seem openwork and even more airy. Interesting crafts are made from colored paper “in silence” - this kind of paper is used to make cigarettes, it is very thin and transparent, for each element of the ball you will need to take it in several layers. But the balls made from silence look very gentle.

Thick cardboard is needed to make a circle template (stencil). Having decided on the size of the balls, draw a circle of the required diameter on cardboard using a compass or saucer and cut it out. Using this blank, draw circles on colored paper.

A satin ribbon in making balloons is not a small thing at all, but an important accessory that gives the craft a complete look. For small balls you will need a narrow ribbon. The color of the ribbon should be in harmony with the color scheme of the ball.

Step-by-step instructions for making a ball from paper circles

  1. Take a few pieces of colored paper. It is important that they are colored on both sides, then the ball will look beautiful from all angles.
  2. Draw circles on paper using a pre-prepared stencil of the required diameter. Carefully cut out circles.
  3. There should be 48 circles - 12 circles of four different colors.
  4. Bend each circle in half along its diameter and stack them on top of each other.
  5. Using a needle and thread, sew the ball blank along the joint line with a tight stitch (you can simply fasten the circles with a stapler).
  6. The final stage is the most painstaking: all adjacent semicircles must be carefully glued together with an adhesive pencil (easier and faster - with pieces of double-sided tape). That is, to make it clear, if only two circles bent in half were glued together, then they would have to be glued to each other only in halves so that when you straighten them, you get a base of a circle with a vertical partition in the middle of a semicircle. And when gluing a ball of 48 circles, all circles must be glued with both halves and the neighboring halves. When the last two circles remain, the workpiece will look like a fan on a round base. When gluing the halves of these last two circles, the craft will automatically straighten into a ball.
  7. For a satin ribbon of the required length (there will be a loop from it - you can make any length, depending on where the craft will be hung), cut the edges with a sharp hot knife so that they do not unravel. The knife can be heated over the gas burner of a kitchen stove, in the fire of a candle or lighter.

Now all that remains is to straighten the workpiece so that the “petals” are spaced at an equal distance from each other. Make a hole in one of the “petals”, thread a ribbon into it and tie it with a bow or a neat knot. The paper ball is ready.

Step-by-step instructions for making a ball from paper strips

  1. Take several sheets of colored paper and cut them into strips 1.0-1.5 cm wide (if the ball is small, like a Christmas tree decoration) along the length of the sheet.
  2. You can use paper of the same color, or you can take different colors - then the ball will turn out bright, cheerful and elegant.
  3. Take one strip and connect its ends to make a ring. Where the ends meet, you need to make an allowance and fasten them with a stapler or glue them with an adhesive pencil (you can use a piece of double-sided tape). It's easier to work with double-sided tape, but a glue stick is cheaper. It’s even easier to use a stapler, but in a small craft, the staples will be very noticeable and the ball will look sloppy.
  4. Take the second strip of paper, turn it into a ring in the same way as in the previous step, and pass it at a right angle into the first ring. Fasten both rings together with glue, tape or a stapler.
  5. Add ring after ring in the same way to form a ball.
  6. Glue sequins onto the paper strips so that the ball swinging on the ribbon shimmers. As an option, you can cover the ball with appliqués, for example, if it is a children’s party, and the large ball with figures of cartoon characters.
  7. Thread a ribbon through one of the strips so that the ball can be hung.

Having mastered these two simple manufacturing techniques on small paper balls, you can move on to real creative work - how to make a ball larger sizes, try more complex techniques and decorate the interior of the house.

In addition to the fact that making paper balls with your own hands is an aesthetic pleasure, it also has practical benefits. Having taught your child how to make balls, you can leave him alone at this activity for two hours and do chores around the house. In addition, the activity develops fine motor skills and children's imagination. And if you make balloons with your children in preparation for the holiday, they will also feel their importance - after all, along with adults, they took part in preparing the general fun.

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